A Hearts Legacy

By Daniel Running-water

Published on Mar 6, 2023


A Heart's Legacy

Sequel to Captured Heart


Daniel Running Water

Chapter Three

Previously in chapter two:

He watched as they rode away and then stepped into the store, moving through it until he found George and Emily.

"Can I offer you a hand with your pa, ma'am?" he asked, and as much as she found Shawn disgusting to be around, she did need help getting her father into the wagon.

Along with Sam's help, Shawn got George into the back of the wagon and climbed up into the seat.

"What do you think you are doing?" she asked sharply.

"If'n I know your father, he wouldn't want you driving alone back to the ranch," he said, knowing that he just needed to get her out of town and then he'd snatch her away.

Shawn wanted Emily, and this was the perfect chance for him to snatch her, while her father was out for the count. She knew that she would need help with her father once she got home, so reluctantly she climbed up into the wagon, her handkerchief now covering her mouth and nose, she nearly fell backwards when Shawn urged the horses on.

He watched as they rode away and then stepped into the store, moving through it until he found George and Emily.

"Can I offer you a hand with your pa, ma'am?" he asked, and as much as she found Shawn disgusting to be around, she did need help getting her father into the wagon.

Along with Sam's help, Shawn got George into the back of the wagon and climbed up into the seat.

"What do you think you are doing?" she asked sharply.

"If'n I know your father, he wouldn't want you driving alone back to the ranch," he said, knowing that he just needed to get her out of town and then he'd snatch her away.

Shawn wanted Emily, and this was the perfect chance for him to snatch her, while her father was out for the count. She knew that she would need help with her father once she got home, so reluctantly she climbed up into the wagon, her handkerchief now covering her mouth and nose, and she nearly fell backwards when Shawn urged the horses on.

Now chapter three:

Emily sat nervously beside Shawn as they rode along towards her father's ranch. To occupy her mind and to also help her forget who was beside her, she took in the beauty of the country she passed.

The meadows were washed in colors that were vibrant with nature's glory. The yellows of the brown-eyed Susan's and goldenrods, mixed with reds of the berries that covered the thick bushes, simply took her breath away. The sky was a deep rich blue with not a cloud in sight.

"Why are we stopping," Emily asked when she felt the wagon slowing.

"The horses need watering," Shawn said as he pulled the wagon off the road and down towards the river bank, causing alarm to grab Emily's senses.

Once Shawn had the wagon stopped, he got down and unhitched the horses.

"My father never stopped to water the horses whenever we rode back to the ranch," Emily stated and when her fears began to deepen, she reached for the derringer that she kept in her handbag.

She carefully slipped her hand around the handle of the gun and was prepared to use it if she needed to against him. Once Shawn had the horses unhitched from the wagon, Emily watched him suspiciously as he led the horses down to the shore, letting them freely drink.

A soft moan came from her father in the back of the wagon and she turned quickly, hoping that he was coming to.

"Father...oh please wake up," she whispered but all that George did was moan.

"He's down for the count missy," Shawn said as he came suddenly up behind her, surprising her. "Now how about you get down from there and we take us a walk to get better acquainted," Shawn said and then grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down to the ground.

During the commotion of being snatched from the wagon, Emily dropped her handbag on the ground. As she stooped to retrieve it, Shawn grabbed her by the arm, pulling her away and into the bushes.

"You ain't going to need no handbag for what we are going to do," he remarked as he strengthened his hold on her.

"Unhand me you...you beast," she screamed and ran her free hand's nails down the front of his face.

"Well aren't you the feisty one," Shawn said and slapped her hard across the face and sending her falling to the ground. "Just like me sister, Jenny, she was a feisty one too, but I broke her spirit just like I'm gonna break yours," he chuckled as he rubbed the blood from his face with the back of his hand.

"You won't get away with this...my father will shoot you dead," she said, praying that someone...anyone would happen along.

"Your father my ass, he's unconscious in the back of the wagon," he said and laughed sadistically when he saw the fear on her face. "That's right missy, you and me are gonna get better acquainted, so just relax and let it happen," he said and began removing his clothes as he stared down lustfully at her. "You don't know this, but I knew that you heard what your pa and I was talking about last night. I saw your skirt sticking out from that there closet that you was a-hiding in."

Again he laughed and nearly fell over with laughter; Emily just sat there in shock when she realized that she was about to be raped. Once Shawn was fully naked, he knelt down in front of Emily and literally tore her dress open, exposing her voluptuous breasts.

"I am so gonna enjoy taking your virginity missy," he lowered his mouth to her breast and sucked hard on her nipples while holding her hands to her side.

"You just wait until Abraham finds your sorry ass, he'll kill you for touching his woman," she warned.

"His woman...now that's a laugh missy, just you wait until he realizes that he's in love with his sister," he said, shocking Emily beyond words with the revelation.

Emily lay there almost comatose, too stunned by Shawn's words to move or talk. She looked off into space as he hurriedly tore the rest of her dress off.

"Abraham is my brother...oh God father what have you done, or worse, what have I done," she thought as she remembered the kisses that Abe and her had shared. but she was quickly brought back to the present when Shawn's body covered hers, his manhood pressing hard against her thigh.

"Get off me damn it," she screamed and flailed her arms about, hoping to get him off of her.

Shawn sat up straddling her and slapped her several times across the face. With tears in her eyes she laid there helpless as Shawn lowered his mouth to hers in a wet, raunchy kiss and forcing her legs apart with his knee.

"Damn missy, those are right fine breasts you have," Shawn said kneading them with his grimy hands before he lowered his mouth down to one of her taut, pink nipples.

Emily's mind was numb as Shawn assaulted first one breast and then the other, holding her hands to her side with his until he grew tired of suckling her breasts. Smiling down at her lustfully, she quickly knew that he was about to take her sexually.

"Please don't do this Shawn," she begged as he lowered his mouth to hers and forced his rancid tasting tongue into her mouth, his cock probing anxiously at her folds.

With tears rolling down her face and all hope of being rescued fading, Emily resigned herself to the fact that Shawn was going to rape her. She closed her eyes and silently prayed that someone would find her and she gasped when she felt Shawn pulled from her and saw Abe standing there.

Appalled by what he was seeing, Abe nearly beat Shawn to death. He had the man by the throat and was hitting him with his free hand. Shawn's eyes were bulging by the time that Emily had finally managed to get to her feet and stop him.

"Abraham don't, he's not worth going to prison for," Emily said and Abe glanced over at her and let Shawn fall to the ground unconscious.

Unaware that she stood there naked, Abe drank in her beauty with his eyes. Feeling the heat of his stare upon her, Emily quickly grabbed for her torn dress and pressed it to her body, covering from his eyes, her nakedness

"Are you alright sweetheart," Abe said as he placed his arms around her, and not bothering to let her talk, he brought his mouth down to hers and tenderly kissed her.

Pushing away from Abe, slapping his face and spitting as if she'd just kissed a frog, she stepped further back from him, clutching her torn dress to her.

"What's wrong Em, what did I do?" he asked, shocked by her behavior and rubbing the sting from his face. "I save you from being raped by that...that foul man and this is how you repay me by treating me like I was the one that done it to you?" he asked, his eyes angered and his voice thick, he threw his hands into the air and walked off, leaving her standing there in tears.

"You really don't know why, do you?" she shouted as she turned towards him.

"You know Em, you aren't all that much different than your old man," he said and mounted his horse.

He gave her a long look and then turned his horse around and rode off, leaving her crying.

"My God Emily...whatever happened to you," George said after he sat up and looked around, finding her standing there crying and clutching her ruined dress to her body and seeing Abe riding away.

George looked at Abe as he rode away and his anger grew to a point that he reached for his rifle, aimed and fired, knocking Abe from his horse.

"Father no," she cried out and fainted.

Abe laid there dazed, blood trickling from the flesh wound to his shoulder. He struggled to get up, stumbled, and then grabbing the reins of his horse, he managed to get up and back into the saddle, riding away as fast as he could.

Spotted Wolf sat beside the fire in Hawk's lodge, his eyes fixated on the flames and his mind thinking about Jonas and their relationship. Although the night before had been exciting, he woke up still feeling the pains of rejection and guilt in his heart.

"Are you alright Spotted Wolf," Seth asked, resting his hand on the man's shoulder as he knelt down beside him.

"Gah-ween my friend, my heart still searches for Jonas," he said as he placed his hand over Seth's.

"I'm sorry about last night; I never should have let it happen. I knew how much you were hurting, and even still I let it happen."

"Gah-ween Red Sun, I enjoyed it as much as you and Hawk did. I was the one that was wrong in allowing it to happen, I wanted to make Jonas hurt as much as he had hurt me. Would you forgive me Red Sun for using you and Hawk to get back at Jonas?" he asked with teared filled eyes.

"Listen to me Spotted Wolf, there is nothing to forgive," Seth said. "It happened and it was great, but now we must put it behind us. You have a wonderful future ahead of you as our people's Shaman. Besides, you may even meet someone that you can love and he loves you as equally," Seth told him, but it did not seem to matter to him.

"I shall never love again," he promised. "I gave my heart to Jonas and that is where is shall remain. I knew that it was over even when he said that his son was coming to live with him."

"He said him and not us, Spotted Wolf?" he asked.

"Ay-uh...him and not us," he said affirmatively. "I saw little things that he would do as if hoping that I would be the one to leave, and as much as I refused to see it, it was I that walked away."

Spotted Wolf broke down crying, resting his face against Seth's shoulder as his tears flowed. Hawk entered the lodge and found them embracing, and his heart broke for his friend.

"Do not cry over this man, Spotted Wolf, for he is not worthy of your love," Hawk told him as he knelt beside him, he too embracing his friend. "Come my friend, it is time that you became our Shaman and moved into your new lodge."

Spotted Wolf wiped his face of tears with the back of his hand and looked at Hawk, wondering if he had what it took to be a good Shaman.

"Are you sure that I am right to do this for our people?" he asked looking into Hawk's eyes.

"Ay-uh my friend because your heart is right and filled with compassion," Hawk assured him. "Come, let us go and get you settled in."

"Later Hawk, but first I need to go into town and retrieve my belongings."

"Ay-uh then later," Hawk said and watched as Spotted Wolf left.

"I am willing to say that he and Jonas make up," Seth said as he stepped into Hawk's warm embrace. "Now my chief, how about you and I make some love before he comes back?"

"Mmmm ay-uh...Hawk likes your idea," he said huskily, pulling Seth to him and kissing him.

Jonas stood staring out of his window, his heart yearning for Spotted Wolf. He knew that what he had done to his lover was wrong, but his fear over losing his son, was greater.

"Father what is wrong, for you have not been yourself since Spotted Wolf left yesterday? Even at dinner when we should have been rejoicing over me being back in your life, you seemed saddened."

Even Caleb could see how strange his father was acting and he suspected that it had much to do with Spotted Wolf.

"What...did you say something son," Jonas asked, turning away from the window to look at Caleb.

"I was saying father..." but Frank's coughing interrupted him as Jonas hurried over to see what was wrong.

Jonas felt Frank's forehead and he could feel the fever that was raging in the man's body. Soaking a cloth in some water, Jonas wrung it out and applied it to his forehead.

"I feel like shit doc," Frank said with a weak voice and began coughing uncontrollably.

Jonas removed the bandage and found the source of the fever, the wound was badly infected. Even though Spotted Wolf had done everything possible to cleanse the wound, infection still set in.

"Your wound is infected Frank," he told the man.

"Mr. Bennett knew that damn injun didn't know what he was doing," he muttered and flinched when Jonas began cleaning away the infection without the benefit of anesthesia.

"Spotted Wolf did everything that he should have; he couldn't help it if it got infected, no more than I can prevent it now. So just lie there and keep quiet while I cleanse your wound and hopefully prevent gangrene from setting in."

After several long minutes of working on the wound, Jonas felt confident that he had cleaned it sufficiently and re-bandaged the wound. He gave Frank several spoons full of medicine and once Frank fell asleep, he left the room.

"I am going over to the mercantile son, keep an eye on things until I return," Jonas said and grabbing his hat he left, leaving Caleb alone.

Caleb busied himself reading and was almost asleep when Spotted Wolf entered, causing Caleb to jump.

"Spotted Wolf...my father is not here," he said looking at him.

"I do not need to see your father, I have come to get the rest of my belongings," he said coldly, walking past Caleb and into the bedroom that he had shared with Jonas.

Jonas knew that what was wrong with his father was also wrong with Spotted Wolf. He gave Spotted Wolf a few minutes and then followed him into his father's bedroom.

"Is everything alright between my dad and you," Caleb asked, causing Spotted Wolf to turn abruptly and gaze at the boy.

"Why would you ask me that," he said rather sharply, causing Caleb to back away at his tone of voice.

"It's not important Spotted Wolf," he responded and turned to leave the room.

But before he left, Caleb turned around, focusing his eyes with those of Spotted Wolf.

"You and my dad are in love with each other, aren't you," he asked, catching Spotted Wolf off guard.

"It is best that you not stick your nose into your father's business," was all that he said and resumed packing a large travel bag.

"I heard the whispers last night at the hotel and I also heard the name that certain men called my dad, when they thought that he would not hear them. I may just sixteen, but I'm not stupid."

Spotted Wolf liked this boy, not because he was Jonas' son, but because he could read people and their emotions. He felt compassion for the boy and decided that he should know, even though Jonas kept their love a secret.

"Ay-uh Caleb, your father and I are lovers," he said and waited for the boy's reaction.

"I could tell that you both were, it showed on your faces whenever you looked at one another."

"Your father is ashamed of our love, so that is why we are done." Spotted Wolf said knowing that it was breaking his heart that it was.

"He's ashamed because of me, isn't he?" Caleb asked, and then Jonas entered the room, surprised to see Spotted Wolf there.

"Why are you here Spotted Wolf, I thought you made it quite clear yesterday that you no longer wanted anything to do with me?" Jonas asked, but his eyes showed that he was happy to see him.

"I came to get my belonging sir, and then I shall leave," Spotted Wolf responded, turning quickly away.

The air was so thick with tension, that one could have cut it with a knife. Caleb looked at his father and then turned his attention to Spotted Wolf, who was acting like he and his dad were invisible.

"Alright you two, you really need to sit and talk this out," he said, surprising both Jonas and Spotted Wolf with his statement. "Yes father I know, now what are you going to do about Spotted Wolf? Are you just going to sit there acting as if his leaving does not bother you, or are you going to tell him not to leave?"

"Son, I..." Caleb walked over to his father and looked him directly into the eyes.

"Don't talk to me father, Spotted Wolf is the man that you love and he should be the one that you are talking to," he reprimanded. "And you Spotted Wolf, stop being so stubborn and tell my dad how he hurt you yesterday," he added before leaving the room.

"Jonas...I..." he started to say and was interrupted when Jonas tenderly placed his mouth to Spotted Wolf's, kissing him tenderly and his hands sought out the pleasures of the flesh.

"No don't speak and just listen sweetheart," Jonas said when he broke their kiss. "I was the one that was wrong; I was afraid of Caleb finding out that we were in love and possibly hate me. But I was wrong to judge him as I did, and more so to wrongly judge his love for me. Can you ever forgive me Spotted Wolf for hurting you so deeply?"

"Ay-uh my beautiful husband, I love you and yes you did hurt me. But there is something that I must tell you before you and I can become as we once were."

Spotted Wolf pulled away from Jonas, for he knew that it would make his man angry once he told him about what he shared with Hawk and Red Sun.

"Now it is your turn to listen and not speak," he began and then drew in a deep breath before he continued. "Yesterday when you shunned me and my love for you, I went to stay with Hawk and Red Sun," he said and Jonas began to interrupt but Spotted Wolf placed a finger to his lips, silencing him. "I shared their bed with them and I also shared their love," Jonas looked long and hard at him, feeling the hurt of betrayal in his heart.

"I understand, for it was I that forced you into their bed," he said but his anger was now directed at Hawk and Red Sun. "I won't ever forgive them for taking advantage of the pain that you were feeling, Spotted Wolf. I can't, I won't, for they were wrong to do so."

"Gah-ween my husband, it was I that was to blame not them. I wanted you to feel hurt as you had caused me and that is why I did this with them. They truly thought that we were through, for I felt that we were. So please don't hold such feelings of anger and hate towards them."

"Listen father," Caleb said from the doorway. "You were both wrong so get on with your lives, don't let bitterness destroy what appears to be true love between you."

"Come here son, when did you grow to be so wise," Jonas asked, embracing his son and holding him close to him.

"Father, I have lived too long with mother, and with her endless stream of men," he said, shocking Jonas with this news about his ex-wife. "Yes father, mother is no more than a whore when it comes to her men, sleeping with a different man each night," he said and remembered the one night that had scared him.

"Are you sure that you are alright with what we share together?" Jonas asked Caleb, and before he could answer, Jonas saw the acceptance in his eyes.

"Yes father, for even at sixteen I can recognize true love when I see it, and what you two have is just that, true love. Now if you will excuse me, I am going into town and look around."

"Just be careful son, for although we have a sheriff, we don't have a law abiding town."

"I'll be careful father, now you two make up and I'll take down the shingle outside so that you won't be disturbed."

He left.

Tired and weak from loss of blood, Abe rode into town, heading towards Jonas' cabin. As the heat of the sun beat down on him, his eyes blurred as he tried to focus as he rode. Noticing a form walking towards him, Abe stopped his horse just before he passed out and fell from his horse.

"Help me please," he moaned when his eyes opened momentarily. "Get the doctor...I've been shot," he passed out once again.

Caleb looked first at Abe and then his blood soaked shirt and instantly fell in love with this stranger. Seeing that his father's cabin was just feet from where Abe laid, he got up and ran back to the house. Bursting through the cabin door, he rushed into his father's bedroom and caught his father and Spotted Wolf naked and kissing.

"Father...come quickly...there is a man outside that's been shot," he gasped out as he struggled to regain normal breathing.

Instantly, Jonas and Spotted Wolf dressed, and grabbing their medical bag followed Caleb to where Abe was lying.

"My God it's Abraham," Jonas gasped out as he knelt down beside the man.

Spotted Wolf was tearing Abe's shirt away while Jonas examined the wound. Jonas pulled his bag closer and then looked inside for the gauze. Pulling out several large pieces of gauze, he placed it over the wound and held it while Spotted Wolf wrapped it, securing the gauze to the wound.

"Son, quickly go and get the buckboard," Jonas instructed and then looked over at Spotted Wolf. "Do you want to ride out to James and Shane's ranch and tell them about their son, or would you rather I did?"

"I'll go Jonas as soon as we get Abe into our office," he said and looked up to see Caleb rushing towards them with the buckboard.

Together they lifted the unconscious Abe into the back of the buckboard, and then with Jonas kneeling beside him, Spotted Wolf climbed up on to the seat and spirited the wagon back to their cabin.

"Why is he bleeding so much when it's only a flesh wound?" Spotted Wolf asked.

"Because it's not a flesh wound as I had first suspected; the bullet penetrated his shoulder and exited the front," Jonas noticed, upon closer examination. "We need to get him into the cabin where we can fix him up before he looses anymore blood," he explained as the wagon pulled to a stop in front of their cabin.

"Do you think that the bullet may have injured an artery," Spotted Wolf asked as he watched the blood spurting from the wound.

"There could be a very good chance that it did," Jonas agreed with Spotted Wolf.

After they carried him into their cabin and placed him on the examining table, Jonas looked solemnly over at Spotted Wolf.

"You'd better ride out fast for James and Shane," he said, his voice showing the fear he had.

Forgetting about Shawn who laid unconscious among the bushes beside the river, George had now taken the reins from Emily, and was heading into town, to see if Abe had ridden there for help.

"I told you already that Abraham was not the one that did this to me, it was that evil man Shawn that came to your house last night," she said.

"I don't believe you for one minute Emily, because I have seen how you two look at one another, so stop covering up for him," George shouted as he continued onward.

"Please God, let Abraham be alright," she prayed silently, as her anger and hatred rose for her father.

Shawn slowly began to come to and his head was throbbing as he managed to sit up. He looked around and once he saw that he was alone, he hurried to stand, only finding that his legs were still weak and dizziness filled his head. He collapsed to the ground groaning in pain from the beating that he'd taken from Abe.

"You son of a bitch, I'll get you for this," he mumbled as he tried once again to stand.

Wobbling and occasionally stumbling, Shawn finally made it to the road where he waited for someone...anyone to come his way. Hearing the pounding of hooves he stretched out his body across the road, face down, hoping to stop whoever it was that was riding his way.

"Whoa," Jed Williams said, pulling on the reins, causing his horse to stop abruptly.

Dismounting and rushing over to Shawn, he turned him over onto his back. Jed's eyes widened when he found a revolver aimed at his chest.

Bang! Bang!

Shawn fired point blank at Jed, killing him. Shawn hurried to his feet and ran towards the horse that Jed had just arrived on, walked it over to a tree and tied to a branch before going back to Jed. Looking around carefully first, Shawn leaned down and grabbed Jed by the arms and pulled him into the bushes, hiding his body from whoever may pass by.

"I have a pretty good idea where I can find you kid," Shawn said as he rode over to James' ranch.

Mister James and Mister Shane are sitting in their study," Mammy said to Spotted Wolf when Spotted Wolf asked her if they were home.

"What is wrong...you look like you saw a ghost," she asked crossing herself as she led him to the study.

"Spotted Wolf, what are you doing here," a smiling Shane asked when Spotted Wolf walked into the room.

"You must come quickly, Abe has been shot," he gasped out as he tried to catch his breath, noticing the fear and shock on their faces.

"Shot...where and by whom," Shane asked angrily as he and James rushed from their office with Spotted Wolf trailing them.

"Is he alive?" James asked frantically.

"I don't know who shot him, but by the way Jonas looked at me and told me to hurry to get you, I don't think it looks good for him," Spotted Wolf said sadly, wishing that he was wrong.

Within minutes, the three were riding as fast as their horses would take them. Shane led the way as he continuously struck his reins against the horse's flanks.

"Now where are they going in such a rush," Shawn asked, hiding on the side behind a thicket and then he remembered the sound of a gunshot as he was coming to. "I bet their boy got shot by her old man," he chuckled and turned his horse to follow them, making sure that he kept a safe distance so that he wouldn't be seen.

The sounds of gunfire and whooping disturbed the peacefulness of the village as renegades came charging in, shooting anyone that moved. It didn't matter if it were men, women or children; they were out to annihilate all of the Indians.

Hawk exited his lodge firing at the white eyes that had their faces covered, taking down two immediately and Seth took down one as he followed behind Hawk, his rifle aimed and firing.

"Hawk to your left," Seth shouted and Hawk turned and fired, dropping another attacker from his horse.

"Red Sun go...get help from James and Shane," Hawk ordered.

"Gah-ween my husband, I will not leave your side. If you die then so shall I," Seth promised and fired off another shot, dropping another rider from his horse.

Between Hawk, Seth and the warriors, soon most of the riders were either dead or wounded. An eerie quiet overtook the village when those of the attackers that were left, rode away from the village. Suddenly the only sound one heard, was the wailing of the mothers, wives and sisters as they mourned those that had died.

Hawk and Seth walked almost aimlessly through the village as they looked at the dead and wounded. Seth dropped down beside a dead mother who was still clinging to her infant child and beside her was her dead husband. Seth looked up at Hawk and his eyes were asking why, as his tears flowed freely, not caring that it was a sign of weakness to cry, and all the while he held the infant to his chest.

"Tall Cloud is the only one left alive from his family," Seth said, his voice weak and trembling. "Why my chief...what have we done this time to warrant this kind of retaliation?" Seth asked.

"Hawk does not know but he knows who these dead men work for," he said pulling off the scarf that covered one of the dead men. "Bennett," he said with much hatred in his heart and then held his rifle high in the air, screaming out a war cry, calling his warriors to him.

Once those of his warriors that were still alive and not wounded had assembled before him, he looked at each and every one of them before talking.

"Go and paint your faces and bodies with war paint, for today we go hunting white eyes," he said bitterly, again thrusting his arm and rifle into the air as he let out another war cry.

"Oh Hawk no...if you go after the whites, the general at Fort Smith will send out the cavalry and they will only finish what these men started," Seth warned.

"I go hunting for only one white and those that serve him," Hawk said, looking over at Seth. "Hawk goes to hunt that evil man Bennett," he said turning and walking back to his lodge to prepare for war.

Still holding the child to him, Seth looked down at his innocent face and tears began to flow, he loved children but felt too old now to raise an infant.

"I see the concern that is in your eyes over this child," Hawk said from where he stood as he applied the war paint. "I shall give Tall Cloud to Strong Bear and White Deer to train to be a great warrior."

"Ay-uh my husband," Seth said and then lowered his lips and kissed the child. "I will ask Sun Blossom to share her milk with the child, for she has plenty for her son Black Crow and for Tall Cloud."

"Ay-uh," he agreed and came to stand in front of Seth, and took the child from him and laid him on the softness of their bed. "It is time to go and avenge my people," he said, pulling Seth into his warm embrace. "Hawk loves you with all his heart," he softly said and then pulled Seth into a passionate kiss.

"Return to me Hawk, for I am nothing without you," Seth said and kissed him back, their arms entwined as they held each other close.

Caleb watched his father as he cut away Abe's shirt, exposing his muscular chest with hard, round nipples that just beckoned to be sucked, standing tall on his hair covered chest.

"Help me remove his jeans," Jonas said to Caleb, causing the boy's heart to begin racing.

The longer that he stared at the unconscious Abe, the more that Caleb was falling in love with him.

"Is he going to live, father?" Caleb asked watching his father as he cleaned out the wound, and ignoring his question.

"Hurry and get those jeans off of him, I need to see if he's shot anywhere else." Jonas shouted, ignoring his son's question.

Caleb ran the scissors up the length of Abe's right pant leg, stopping when he had cut through the waistband of his blood soaked jeans. He then repeated the cutting on the left leg, finally exposing Abe's lower half of his body.

Caleb pulled the jeans away and gasped when he saw the enormity of Abe's manhood as it lay limp against his thigh.

"My God would you look at the size of that thing, I can just imagine how much larger it would get when hard," Caleb thought to himself as he continued to stare at Abe's manhood.

Jonas could see the affect that Abe's naked body was having on his son, and glanced over at him, thinking that the blood which was disturbing him.

"You don't have to stay here if this is too hard on you to watch, because I can handle this by myself, now that I see that his only wound is in his shoulder," Jonas said.

"I want to help you father, I find this very interesting," Caleb replied, but in reality he was admiring Abe's muscular body.

But seeing Abe's nakedness, brought back to his memory a time that was not pleasant to him. He thought back on that night when he was just fourteen and how one of his mother's `friends' had forced himself on Caleb's young body, raping him several times through that night while his mother had sex with another man two rooms down.

Now seeing Abe's nakedness only rekindled Caleb's fears and he ran from the room, no longer able to watch.

"Are you alright son," Jonas called out to Caleb who was standing beside the door to the cabin.

"Yes father...it's just that there is so much blood and I felt sick," he lied, unable to share his secret with his father.

Suddenly the cabin door burst open and in like a hurricane came George Bennett, followed by Emily. Emily gasped as she stood there in shock and watched Jonas completely cover Abe with a sheet.

"Oh no he's dead," she thought and fainted, just as James and Shane entered the room.

James froze when he saw the sheet that covered the body of his son and he too, fainted.

To be continued...

There is the end of chapter three my faithful readers; I do hope that you are enjoying this chapter. I would greatly appreciate your comments and thoughts at danielrunningwater@yahoo.com

Thank you kindly, Daniel

Next: Chapter 4

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