A Hater's Conversation

By cajuncock / John Skehan / jaskejr

Published on Jan 26, 2017



If any writers need an editor, I taught creative writing for years.

A Hater's Conversion

The following is a work of gay fiction containing sex between males of indeterminant ages. If this offends you or violates your religious beliefs, please leave the site now. If you are not of legal age or it is illegal where you live, leave now. Ok, still here? This story is the property of the author and my not be used without his written consent. If you enjoy this type of literature please consider a contribution to nifty at donate.nifty.org. It was no too long ago when stories of this kind were forbidden and even burned. Our gay brothers passed them from one to another on mimeographed sheets, in secret. Today, thanks to the net and freedom we have access to them. Nifty is a vital part of that so keep it going.

A Hater's conversion


My name is Frank and I was brought up to be a hater. My parents were very religious catholics. For them life was all about doing everything to get to heaven. Each Sunday for as long as I can remember we attended mass. I listened to the priest talk of God's hatred of sinners. Sinners of all kinds- a homosexual, a jew, and most importantly anyone different than our rural white congregation. Then he'd ask for money to fight sin. My parents each night would re-enforce that with bible lessons. We were brought up to hate "city folks" who we thought all lived sinful lives. There were only 2 kinds of people- the saved and the damned.

Throughout high school I would look around me in disgust at the other teens, deploring their sinful, pagan ways. When I graduated high in my class my parents thought that I'd be he obediant son who would return to the farm to help raise my siblings. Later I would find a wife, marry,and raise a family of my own. But fate intervened in the form of a legacy from an uncle I'd never knew existed. In his will he left me with a large sum of money and property on the condition that I attend college, fully paid for, the same one he'd graduated from years ago. When I graduated I would receive my inheritance of over one million dollars. He also left me his house on the West coast to be mine upon graduation.

At first my parents were reluctant to let me accept the will and money. But the lawyer pointed out that the decision was mine since I was 18 and legally an adult. He told us that he would need an answer within two days or the entire thing would go to a designated charity in the will.

We drove home in silence. I wanted to tell the attorney that I'd accept but knew that we'd have a family meeting first. Once home we had dinner as usual. Then after my younger siblings had been sent to bed we sat in the living room, ready to discuss the situation. I knew that I would succeed in college. My grades were excellent and my teachers often told me that I'd do well in college. I began by asking about my uncle and why I'd never heard of him. In his normal gruff manner my father said "He was a sinner of the worst kind and damned to hell for his sins." My mother interrupted "He was my older brother and left home when he was your age to live in San Francisco. He called it seeking his own truth. He'd rejected the faith of our fathers." My father continued "We'd heard about the faithless, pagan ways of that place and instantly knew that he'd joined in with those pagans. For a while he'd call and send gifts at Christmas. He'd become a successful property developer out there. At his parents funeral he brought a man he called "his lover". It was disgusting and we let him know it. The calls and gifts stopped after that. Over the years we decided that he no longer existed to us. Now he's done this in revenge." I was shocked at both the story and their reaction. Family was family I'd always been taught. That night I thought long and hard about the inheritance. Without telling my parents I called the lawyer the next morning to accept it. He warned me that my parents seemed to be against such a choice. But I was legally an adult and the decision was mine. I'd need to go to the West coast within a few weeks to sign all of the required papers. The lawyer told me that he'd make arrangements and if I called him the next day he'd tell me all the details.

The whole situation was not spoken of by my parents the next day. They did not know of my decision. I quietly began packing the few things I cherished. The next morning I called the lawyer and he told me that arrangements had been made for me to fly to San Francisco - plane tickets would be at the airport and I'd be met at the airport, taken to a hotel, and then to his office. That night after dinner I told my parents of my decision. My father sat in stone silence and my mother softly cried. I told them that all the arrangements had been made and that I'd already asked a neighbor to drive me to the airport. That night I packed a bag before going to sleep, praying that everything would go well.

After breakfast, our neighbor arrived. My father was no where to be seen and my mother just cried softly when I said good bye. On the ride to the airport I asked my neighbor to look in on them and told him of the situation. He'd known my late uncle and said that he was a good man. He wished me success in this new life.

The flight, my first, was a long, 3 hours. At the airport when I arrived was a tall, disinguished looking man holding a sign with my name on it. I walked up, introduced myself. He told me that his name was James and that he'd been my late uncle's housekeeper. We got my checked bag and headed to the car. The city was new to me and amazing. Some areas had tall, modern buildings. Others were well kept smaller homes scattered among the many steep hills. James explained that rather than stay in a hotel, I'd stay in my late uncle's town condo. "Afterall it and the others will be yours." he said matter of factly. "Others!" I almost shouted. "Yes, your late uncle and his late lover, had 3 homes. Now they will be yours." he explained.

We drove up to a very tall building, entered the garage. I grabbed my bag and followed James to an elevator,another new experience for me. He inserted a card and the doors opened. Once inside he used the card to move the elevator to the condo. The elevator doors opened into a living room. It was vast with windows overlooking the city. I marveled at the size. The room was filled with fine furniture and works of art. James noticed me staring at the portrait over the fireplace. "That was your uncle on the left and the other man was Robert, his lover and lifelong companion." he said almost in a whisper. "They were together for almost 30 years and loved each other deeply. Sadly, not long after Robert died your uncle lost the will to live and took sick. He survived by only a few months." James explained.

The condo took over the entire top floor of the building. There was an expansive terrace that looked back into the hills surrounding the city. The condo was twice as large as my entire old home. My bedroom was furnished in a tastful modern way. The attached bathroom was large. I was used to sharing the facilities with my entire family. To have a bathroom of my own was a true luxury. I unpacked the few things I'd brought as James walked in. He looked at my meager belongings for a while before speaking "I see that we will need to take you shopping after we leave the lawyers. For now perhaps you'd wear that sweater and those your best pants. It'll do for now. But this evening you'll be dining with your lawyers and friends of your late uncle. We'll try to outfit you properly. The restaurant will require coat and tie."

After unpacking I returned to the living room where James had laid out sandwiches and wine for my lunch. I asked him to join me and to tell me about my uncle since I'd never known him. The conversation was very revealing. James knew of the problems between my uncle and my parents. He explained that it had never been my uncle's intention to cut himself off from the family. But they had treated him so badly that rather than endure more hurt he'd decided that it was best to avoid them at all times. Robert had suported him and provided the new family that was needed. Robert's parents accepted both of them and they were his new family. Now all that my uncle had accumulated was now mine. He pointed out the photos and paintings on the walls,all originals. There were also statues, mostly nude males, and Greek vases collected on travels.

After lunch James announced that it was time to go to the lawyers and the bank. He followed me to my bedroom and selected the things I should wear. I expected him to leave while I dressed. But he remained carefully watching me. The ride to the offices was short, a mere 15 minutes. There were mountains of documents to be signed. Then I was escorted to a bank on the ground floor of the same building. More papers were signed and I found myself with my own bank card and an American Express card. It was explained that I need not worry about the purchases because the bank would pay them each month.

Leaving the bank James walked a few blocks, pointing out various famous sights along the way. Soon we arrived at a store. The store had it's own doorman. Inside James talked quietly with a sales person as I stood amazed at all of the things around me. I was quickly ushered into a room where I was told to remove my clothing down to my underwear. Two men immediately began measuring me, everywhere. James looked on approvingly. Cloths were brought out, put on for James' approval. Decisions were made without consulting me. I assumed that these men knew what they were doing.

James went to get the car as I gathered the bags and boxes around me. Back at the condo and after unloading all of the things, James explained that I'd be able to select my own cloths later but these would be enough for the next week. I was stunned, never having owned so much. After that he took me on a tour of the facilities in the building, the pool, the gym, the roof garden. It was too much to take in. I decided that a nap would be necessary. James demonstrated how to use the various equipment in my bathroom. The spa tub intrigued me and the large, waterfall shower was a new thing. I showered and lay in the king size bed afterwards. It was all so new to me. I woke to find a leather folder next to the bed with my name engraved on it. Inside was a list of possible things that I might want for meals over the next few days. Most were strange to me. There was also a schedule for the evening. I pulled on a robe that had been placed on the bed and went out to find James. He was in the kitchen. He looked up. "I see that you've found the robe and the folder. Have you made any choices for foods you might prefer?" he asked. I guess I looked bewildered. I sat down and he brought me a cup of coffee. I indicated that he should sit. "I don't begin to know half of these things. Please help me?" I stuttered.

For the next hour James explained things to me. I was in charge, more or less, of vast property holdings. Most of it would be run by staff selected by my uncle. For college I'd not have to worry about money. It had been pre-paid once I agreed to the terms of the will. I'd have to decide on my course of study with the help of an advisor. Another decision I'd have to make was if I wanted to live on campus or at home. The college was an hour's drive away and my car would be provided if I needed one. The advisor would visit the next day to explain the various option I had.

At dinner that night I asked James to join me. We were in a private room of a very elegant restaurant. I looked over at James. He smiled and nodded to a seat. He sat next to me. Other men began to arrive shortly. I was introduced to about 8 friends of my uncle's by the lawyer. It was explained that I could count on them for any advice I needed. Most of them were older with silver streaks in their hair. From what I could see they were very successful and had maintained their bodies despite their age.

Introductions over we sat to order our meal. The menu had no prices and as I looked down a waiter approached me. "I'm Carl and it is my pleasure to serve you tonight. Whatever you need, just ask." he announced. The others at the table tittered. Looking down I ordered a steak, medium. James ordered a soup and fish. Carl turned to me and asked "Would you like a soup also, sir?" I nodded that I would. Wine flowed as each course was served with a different wine. At the end of the meal I thanked Carl. He slipped a card into my jacket pocket and said "It was my pleasure to serve you." The other men smiled and nodded.

Returning home, over champagne, James talked "You did well tonight. The others were impressed. By the way, our waiter, Carl, is well known among us. He often provides at home services." I was bewildered, "What does he do?" James laughed at my innocence. "He provides sexaul services to men." he continued. "I can only guess that you do not know of such things. He can open up a vast new world of pleasure to you. If you are willing to accept it." My teen, virgin body with its raging hormones could only imagine what those pleasures were. I looked up and nodded eagerly "Could he visit tonight?" I asked as I pulled out the card and looked at the phone number. James took the card from me, pulled out his cell phone and made a short call. Hanging up he said "He'll be here in an hour. I'll prepare your room with all of the necessary things you'll need."

The time seemed to drag by slowly until there was a call. James answered it and acknowledged it. Soon the elevator doors opened and Carl emerged. Here was a totally different Carl. He'd changed from his more formal waiter's attire and now was in a pair of tight jeans and a tee shirt that showed off his muscled chest. He talked quietly to James as I sat nearby on a leather sofa. Looking directly at me, he spoke softly "I understand that this is your first time. Don't be afraid. I will introduce you to a world of pleasure, of sex beyond your wildest dreams. I promise that by morning you will have experienced some of life's greatest pleasures." I sat stunned and looked into his grey eyes. He leaned forward until his lips were just inches from mine. "Let me guide you?" he whispered before bringing out lips together in a kiss. It was a kiss unlike any other I'd ever experienced. I heard James enter with glasses and another bottle of champagne, "I thought this might help on your journey. he explained.

ok, guys it's taken a while to set this up but as you can imagine the next few days will bring great changes for our boy. comments and suggestions are welcomed: jaskejr@ hotmail.

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