A Great Place to Live

By moc.loa@rshcgny4buhcbuS

Published on Feb 18, 2009


This story is pure fiction though I wish it were true. Any similarities to a real situation are purely coincidental. You should be of legal age in your area to read this. All feedback is appreciated. You can email me or message me at subchub4yngchsr@aol.com. For those of you who have read my other story - Young Master From DC, I will at some point continue that and have a conclusion to that story but this is the story I am interested in writing right now and I hope you all enjoy it.

Hello everyone, I hope you will enjoy my story about where I grew up and currently still reside as a slave to Master Richie. I am now 37 years old and have been a slave for the last 22 years of my life. The last year of school for me was 8th grade and that's also the last time I saw my birth family. I say birth family because Master Richie, his wife and son are my family now and have been for the last 22 years. As far as I know no one has ever written about life in this planned community and Master Richie has tasked me with writing about it over the next few months. So it's not like I had any choice in the matter, Master Richie said to do it, so it's going to be done. I am to spend time everyday writing down my experiences plus talking to other slaves, Masters, domestic workers, public servants and all the residents of our city. Some of the chapters will be their stories, I might even get access to some of the families on the other side of the city, however they will not know they are talking to a slave as they are unaware of the future that awaits some of them when their sons graduate 8th grade.

This first chapter will be about how my birth family came to live in this planned community (I am not sure yet if we are going to divulge the name of the city. I am will come up with a fictitious name to use soon). I have gotten this information second hand from others who knew my parents. Personally I barely even remember what they look like. I think I have run into my father a couple of times on main st. but he is a public servant and I am a slave so we are forbidden from ever speaking, plus I had instructions from Master Richie to carry out and could not do anything that would cause a delay in completing them. So without further ado let's begin the story.

A Great Place to Live - Chapter 1

My parents were living in the big city (aka NYC) and my dad worked for a big bank that was worldwide. The year was 2009 and as everyone can remember the economy was not doing well especially the banking industry. My father was in the loan department and when the credit market started to dry up and banks stopped loaning money to most customers, there was no need for my fathers position, so in January of 2009 he was laid off. My mother did not work at the time or was employed as a receptionist somewhere. Bottom line was they were not going to be able to afford to live in the city much longer, especially with a child on the way. My father was unsuccessful in finding a new job in his field, as there were way too many people out of work and no new jobs to be had. One day in March my mother was having lunch with one of her friends and told her of the trouble they were having. My mom's friend told her about this planned community in Florida called Utopia. No one was sure even if this town existed but it was rumored to be a planned community in Florida that is totally self sufficient and provides jobs and housing to the residents. So that intrigued my mother.

That night she got on the computer and figured she better look up Utopia before the power is turned off in the next couple of days for lack of payment. A search of Utopia and Florida brought up a few results of interest. As far as anyone knew, Utopia was a planned community in Florida that accepted 100 families every year. You had to be pregnant at the time of requesting residence and you must not have any other children at the time. She found the home page for the community. Apparently it was two subdivisions and totally a gated community. There was only one way in and out and it was guarded at all times. If accepted for residence, which looked amazing on the site, you move into Utopia phase 1 for the first 15 years of living there. There are always exactly 1500 families living in Utopia phase 1, and Phase 2 was always growing as families moved to the bigger and better Phase 2 after living 15 years in phase 1 and your child moves onto High School. There is also a retirement community in Mexico that you can move to after your time in Phase 2 is up.

Wow this sounded way too good to be true to my mother. She wanted to know who arranged this whole setup. Apparently the community was planned by a group of billionaire businessman from the US, Mexico and Russia. They provided the setup money and continue to support the community setup. There is a Utopia in the United States, one in Mexico and one in Russia. Everything seemed on the up and up. There was an online application to fill out. My mother completed the application sent a photo of her and my father and was now waiting for a reply. Mom showed everything to dad and he was excited about the possibility of a move and starting a new life in Florida. With the way the economy was going however Utopia was getting over 5,000 applicants to fill 100 spots a year. A few days later an email arrived saying a representative of the Utopia Corporation would be visiting tomorrow at 5pm and that both husband and wife must be there or their application would be automatically denied.

At 5PM sharp there was a knock on the door. The representative from Utopia informed my parents they have made the final 200 being considered for the 100 open townhouses in Utopia. It was his job to determine if they were going to make the top 100 and be accepted into Utopia. First thing he did was take out this little medical looking device and wanded it over my mother's stomach. It determined that I was going to be a boy. Test 1 complete. All new residents of Utopia are pregnant with boys or just had a baby boy. There are no baby girls in Utopia. Of the 200 finalists 75 were rejected because they were going to have baby girls. Down to the top 125 and still in the running.

Joe the rep from Utopia then started to explain the origins of Utopia. It was started almost 30 years ago in 1980 by a group of wealthy businessmen from the United States, Mexico and Russia. They wanted to create a few planned communities where people could live in harmony. There was no crime in Utopia, no guns, no illegal drugs, no gangs or anything. There are no locks on the doors as they are not needed. The town is self sufficient and everyone works for the betterment of Utopia. You will be assigned a job based on your skills and the current needs of the city. All new residents will be given a 2,000 sq. ft. townhouse to live in. There are three bedrooms. A master bedroom, 1 for your child and 1 for the nanny/maid that comes with every townhouse. You will have two electric golf carts to get around Utopia. There are no motor cars allowed through the gates except for emergency vehicles.

Next he peppered them with questions about family, friends, and ties to the local community. Unknown to my parents if they had too many family ties or friends they would be rejected. The owners of Utopia did not want to risk too many people snooping around. Both of my parents were only children and were not very close with their parents so that was not an issue. Since my dad lost his job, most of their friends have deserted them and they have no formal ties to the local community. Apparently they are prime prospects for Utopia. Joe said next he was going to review the private rules of Utopia, but before he does that both of my parents are required to take a pill that if they decide after reading the rules of Utopia they did not want to accept residence there they would forget everything the read over the next hour. If they accept their spot in Utopia they will receive a second pill that will allow them to keep their memory. My parents agreed to the terms, got a glass of water and took the pill. Five minutes later Joe pulled out two contracts for them to review. One for each and they were exactly the same.

(I have been given a copy by Master Richie to include it in this story. Later tonight Master Richie will use a mind erasing device so I will have no memory of the contract. Plus I have no internet access or time to use the internet so I will never see this contract again)

CONTRACT FOR RESIDENCE IN THE TOWN OF UTOPIA (Incorporated in the state of Florida established 1980)

The following contract or residence in Utopia is binding and enforceable under the laws of the United States of America and the sovereign land of Utopia. If this contract is signed and notarized the penalties for breaking the contract will be enforced to the fullest extent of the law.

  1. All new residents of Utopia will move in between July 1st and July 3rd of the year they are accepted into the community. Each new couple will be provided with a 2,000 sq. ft. 3 bedroom townhouse. All new residents will be in a a section of phase one with other new residents. All 100 new families will live in the same section. Each adult will be provided with an electric golf cart to use around all of phase 1 of Utopia. There are no motor cars allowed through the gates of Utopia and only emergency services uses them in the town.

  2. Each family will be provided with a nanny/housekeeper. She will be free of charge to the family. She will take care of all the housework, laundry, cooking and cleaning around your townhouse. The housekeeper will work seven days a week 365 days a year. You are not allowed to give them a day off. They are required to be given 8 hours at night for sleep and 1 hour off per day for lunch. Otherwise they are your employee the rest of the time. Do not give any tips, provide gifts or give them your food. They are provided with what they need by the town. Any mistreatment of a nanny will be considered a violation of town rules and punishment will be assessed.

  3. You will be provided with transportation to Florida via plane. Once picked up at the airport you will be blindfolded and noise reduction headphones applied to keep the exact location of Utopia secret. The only things you are to bring with you are the clothes on your back, driver's license and passports. Our employees will take care of disposing of the rest of your personal items. Do not try to sneak anything else in with you. Once you are through the gates of Utopia there is no turning back. For the next 15 years you will live in Phase 1 of Utopia and never leave the city. You will have access to doctors, grocery stores, restaurants, and all the other conveniences of living in the outside world, just within the city of Utopia. All internet access is monitored. You will be provided with a list of acceptable web sites to visit. Any attempt to visit other web sites will be recorded and tracked. Excessive attempts to visit unapproved websites will result in strict punishment. You will be given an internal email address and will be able to email other residents of Utopia Phase 1. There is no email allowed to the outside world.

  4. Each family is allowed only 1 child in Utopia. Once the baby boy is born and deemed to be healthy, the parents will be given a mandatory appointment with the city hospital for permanent sterilization. This is not negotiable. After birth, the legal guardianship of the boy will be signed over to the city of Utopia. You will have parental rights of the child until their graduation of 8th grade (more to come later on that).

  5. Upon arrival in Phase 1 of Utopia, each family member will go to the welcome center where they will be injected with a GPS tracking device and monitor. If any attempt to escape Utopia is ever considered you will be found via the tracker. It also contains an electric shocker that activates automatically outside the city limits.

  6. Each adult will be assigned a job within the city. We will try to match the job to your skill set but it is not guaranteed. Each job will be for 40 hours per week. There is no pay as there is no need for money in Utopia phase 1. Everyone is equal. You will do the job assigned to you to the best of your ability without complaint. Complaining about your job is a violation of the rules and will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

  7. Each boy will be guaranteed a great education up to the 8th grade. After that it will depend on what track they are put into as to how their education will continue.

  8. After 8th grade graduation each boy will be categorized into three groups. The top 20, the middle 60 and the bottom 20. Depending on where your boy is placed will determine the rest of your time in Utopia. You will never be a free member of phase 2 Utopia. If your boy is in the top 20 you will get early retirement and sent to a Utopia owned beachfront property in Mexico where you can live out the rest of your life in the lap of luxury. If your boy is placed in the middle 60, the men will be placed into the civil service pool and live out the rest of their live as civil servants in Phase 2 Utopia. This could be as a garbage man, street sweeper, sewer worker, power plant employee, dishwashers, landscapers and many other menial jobs. The mothers of the middle sixty will be put into the nanny pool. They will be assigned to anew family entering Utopia and complete as many 15 year cycles as needed or until they can no longer work. Nannies of course live with the family they are assigned to. Civil servants have housing barracks located in Phase 2. The parents of the bottom 20 are not as lucky. The men are shipped off to other Utopia sites and put into the slave labor pool. The woman are sent off to Utopia brothels around the world. Most of them are in third world and poor countries so even though these women are older, men are willing to use them for little amounts of money and they provide a steady cash flow for the Utopia Corporation.

  9. The top 20 boys will be determined by different factors every year. Some times it is based on academics, other times athletic ability. Some times by cock size. You will have no idea what the corporation is looking for in its leaders that year. The top 20 boys will be granted access to phase 2 of Utopia and will live a long life of luxury. Each boy will be given a mansion to live in. A wife will be given to them right away. They will continue with their education. Each boy will pick one of the bottom 20 boys as their full time permanent slave. Short of killing them they have free reign to do whatever they want to and with their slave. The slave will be the property of it's Master for the rest of its live and must serve its Master and any male children the Master and his wife have. You are not to tell the boys about this. If you tell the boys about this you will be punished.

  10. The middle 60 boys will be deemed servants of phase 2 Utopia. They will have no more formal education, though they will be trained in skills as required. They are not free men; however they are not slaves either. If they don't perform to the best of their ability as servants they will be lowered to the slave class. These servants will be housed in dorm style barracks in Phase 2. Each day they will be given an assignment by their task master. It could be something for the city or for an individual Master.

  11. There is no crime in Utopia and breaking or violating any rule or law will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. Breaking any rule or law will result in immediate slavery for you and your spouse. Your boy will be taken into custody of the city. He will have no chance of making the top 20 and best he can hope for is to be in the middle.

  12. The ruling of the judges is final and there is no appeal process.

  13. Signing this document is acceptance of all of the items outlined above. There is no turning back once this is signed and notarized. Your Utopia representative is a notary public.

Joe gave my parents time to read it over a few times. They both were sure they knew what they had to do. With the way the economy was, this was an opportunity they could not pass up. There is a 20% chance they could end up in a bad way but at least the next 15 years would be good. It was a chance they were willing to take and they signed the papers. Joe notarized them and congratulated them on their decision. A welcome packet would be sent to them in June and their plane tickets would be included.

Back to current day 2038. My allotted time is up for today. I will write again soon. The next chapter will be about our time in Phase 1, then after that will be stories of being Master Richie's slave for life. Hope everyone has enjoyed chapter 1.

As always I love feedback on the story. It's good to know people are actually reading it. Always open to new ideas and where you think the story should go. Of course this story is total fiction but would have loved to be one of the bottom 20 boys and made to be lifetime slave to a young Master. If you are a young dom in need of an older sub/slave lets chat.


Next: Chapter 2

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