A God in Bed

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Mar 24, 2013




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


The little temple was less than ten feet in diameter, perfectly round, consisting of the foundation, some concentric steps up to the central platform which was surrounded by six slender pillars that held up the cap-like roof. On the platform was two things, the statue of the god Apollo and before it, the rectangular altar to permit worshipers to burn small animals in offering to the god. Such as the two pigeons that now burned there, and the man before them with his arms outstretched to the god's image as he prayed passionately. "Ease my pains, oh great god Apollo." he beseeched the god. "Calm my heart and soothe the churning of my soul!"

Thelonious searched the god's face carefully for any shifting of light that could indicate that the god had heard his prayers. But the face remained impassive and unshifting, the beautiful gold leaf giving the cheeks a burnished beauty that made him long to caress the idol with a touch that he didn't quite understand. The gods were known to come among humankind and join them in sexual congress upon occasion...but such chosen of the gods were far and few between. Would that soothe his soul which ate at him with longings that it would not describe for him clearly, it merely caused him to have strange, hungry dreams that he couldn't quite remember upon waking.

Well, the ritual was over, the official one, anyhow. One more thing. Thelonious looked about as he always did, then crept around to the idol. Used to this next step, he did it easily, which was to lift himself on one foot up to the top of the pedestal, and lean in, kiss the god's beautiful, graceful, well-crafted lips, kissing them slowly, longingly...needfully. Oh, if it only could be that....

"Worshiping a little too well, Thelonious?" came a sly voice not far behind him.

Thelonious started guiltily, jumped down from the pedestal before he turned to face his tormentor. "Fair morning to you, Hipodolytus." he returned politely.

"I think the god Apollo would prefer to kiss your sister to you." the brass-skinned, brazen-mannered, broad-shouldered hunter taunted him. "Though perhaps if you were to trim your beard off entirely and wear a woman's garb, you might conceal your sex from him long enough to earn an embrace at least, slender and pretty as you are." This last wasn't fair, Thelonious was not the muscled hulk this hunter was, but he was not feminine in form by any means, either.

"I but performed a personal ritual of my own." Thelonious said, though he could feel his face was flushing from the public acknowledgement of this act. "The gods know our souls and Apollo knows my worship of him is genuine."

"There are tales aplenty of some of the gods taking men for their lovers at times." Hipodolytus went on musingly. "Though I don't think I've ever heard that Apollo favored such a sweetmeat as that. Why don't you ask Zeus if he'll take you up to Olympus to serve him wine along with Ganymede, perhaps?"

There was no talking with this crude, leering man! Thelonious said, "You are forgetting that Apollo consorted with Hyacinthus and Cyparissus. If you have nothing else to discuss with me this morning, I shall take my leave of you."

"I but came to discuss my own matters with the god." Hipdolytus said, showing the young deer he intended to burn as a sacrifice. "But I shall put in a good word with Apollo for you. Don't be surprised if the god decides to pay your bed a visit this night after all, perhaps!" And the mocking laughter chased Thelonious back away from the god's clearing, toward his own lonely home again.

To have the god come to him! The thought tormented Thelonious long after the laughter of Hipdolytus was but a sour memory, danced in his thoughts as he tended his fields, plowing and readying the land for the planting that would come soon. This fair weather was not guaranteed to last, but it was worthwhile to furrow the ground and make it ready, this would speed his planting when the priests of Demeter announced that Persephone had returned to her mother from the dark land of Hades, and they could sow their seeds with some hope that they would be blessed by the Earth goddess and bear rich crops. To lie upon his bed and to look up and see the god, not the form of the god which he had worshiped, but the real deity. Ah, but only a very, very favored few were so honored as to be loved by the gods that had deigned to take human form to come among them...or even other forms, such as when Zeus had taken the form of a swam to make love to Leda, who then laid the three eggs out of which hatched Helen of Troy and her twin brothers, Castor and Pollux. If the god chose to visit him, would it be in the guise of a mortal man, or some other form! Would Apollo mock him by coming in the form of a dog and having bestial commerce with him in that guise?

The thoughts bothered him even when the sun had gone down and his lonely bed summoned him. Weary and distressed, he prayed again to Apollo. "Oh, greatest of gods, if only you would come to me, only for one night even, and take away this loneliness I feel!" he begged the god shamelessly. "One night, and I could live the rest of my life with memories at least, and not with longing! Look upon your servant, oh god, and take pity! Take pity!"

There came in response a rumbling sound like and yet not like thunder. Then a voice, echoing like no human voice ever could. "Thelonious, I hear you!"

"Apollo?" Thelonious called back. "Is that truly you?"

"It is I, faithful and loyal worshiper. I have smelled your offerings and I have heard your prayers."

"I hear you!" was all Thelonious dared offer. He had already begged, dared he beg when the god was speaking? He could not decide.

"And what form would you choose to have me come to you?" Apollo asked him in that voice-of-thunder. "Shall I be a bull, or a ram or a boar?"

"Nay, please!" Thelonious cringed at the thought of such a violation. "I crave you in your human form such as the statue of you at which I worship. Can you come to me like that?"

"Just after you this morning, there came another man." the god observed.

"I remember."

"Would his form be pleasing to you?"

"That of Hipdolytus? Yes, yes of course." Thelonious babbled eagerly. "He is a well-formed and beautiful man. I would relish you showing in his form."

"Then I shall choose his form for my appearing to you. I shall look and sound like him in all ways, even to my voice. You will see and know it is me by my garment which is woven of sunlight. It will shine even in the darkness and you will know thus that it is I who come to you and not him."

"I understand." Thelonious agreed.

"Then I shall change to his form, then knock at your door." the voice said.

Thelonious sprang to his feet, naked as he was for his bed, but heedless of the fact, for who would try to hide his body from that of a loving and ardent god come to visit? He was at his door and when the knock came, he opened it quickly.

The god Apollo indeed stood at his door. The clothes he wore glowed with a pale, eerie light. But the body they held was that of Hipdolytus. "I have come." he said to Thelonious.

"Enter, my Lord, and be welcomed and more." Thelonious offered. "May I offer you some wine?"

"Afterwards." the god said. "Close now and bar the door again, so that we will not be disturbed."

"Gladly." Thelonious said and pushed the door closed.

When he'd turned, Apollo had shed his tunic by unclasping the broach on one shoulder that had held it up and closed, the glowing cloth now lay in a pool by one foot. The body of Apollo was displayed for him in all its glorious beauty.

The choice of Hipdolytus for his mortal guise had been a good one. Hipdolytus' body was majestically muscled, and it shone in the dim light of his dying fire as if it had been oiled. And the organ that stood erect below that marvelous array of abs beckoned to him of itself, waggling slowly up and down.

"Most graceful and beneficent Lord," Thelonious said as he walked toward that body. "Permit this humble one to worship you in this form by giving my body to yours."

"That would be pleasing to me." Apollo answered as Thelonious knelt trembling before the deity and with quivering fingers lifted the prong to his lips. His mouth of its own accord lavished the musky-scented dong with his saliva, and he drove it into his throat as far as he could make the thick prong fit, this caused his nose to bury itself in the pubic hair and that musky scent grew stronger.

And Apollo groaned lustily at his attentions. "Ahhhh, yes, Thelonious, you please me well."

Thelonious pulled back, holding tight to the skin around that godly shaft, and when he had relinquished well over half its length and the skin was a wrinkled velvety mass upon his tongue, he dove back down again and again the god gave out that wonderfully human moan of joy. "Ahhhh!"

Thelonious, now that his mouth had moistened the entire length of the god's prick thoroughly, began to move quicker, milking rapidly at the shaft, rewarded by the salty tang of hot precome that oozed out of the slit at the tip of the glans and upon his tongue, and each of his strokes caused Apollo to moan the more. "Ah, ah, ah-ah-ah-ah, enough, enough!" he panted after a time, physically pulling Thelonious' lips away from his enraged organ. "You bring me to the brink too soon. If I am to take you, let me take you proper."

Thelonioius' hand was taken in Apollo's to help him rise. "My bed is poor but it awaits us this way." he said, and led the way there.

He made it to the bed, a mattress lying upon the floor, but as he reached it, the god grabbed him from behind. A firm hand pushed his upper body downwards, while the other held his lower body in place. His hands landed on the mattress, but nothing else. And those hands were now at his hip and Thelonious felt the greased up prong stab at his buttocks, finding the crevice and driving between them toward the nether entrance of his body. He didn't fight it, he just held himself tensely, waiting for it to knock at his lower doorway. And it was there.

There was no pause as the contact was made, but the god began to immediately drive the pud into his body, hard! Thelonious gasped and groaned, for his body was virginal in that way, he had taken a few lovers in his younger years but those had all been in the way of any youth with an older man, that of interfemoral contact, his legs held together, oiled and his thighs taking the man's prong between them. That had made the sex pleasant only in the man's attentions he gained before and after, the act itself gathered him no pleasure at all.

That was not the case here. As the hard dong delved into his body, he felt his buttock muscles flex to grant it entrance, for wasn't this a god penetrating him? And as his body gave it entrance, it touched him in a spot that he had never known existed.

A small nub of flesh inside his bowels was touched by the intruder prick, and the touch was that of the celestial gods upon his entire being. He could never have guessed that his body could feel like this at having a cock, however more-than-human, enter him from below. Yet it was so.

"Now I have you, Thelonious." the god behind him guttered. "Now I shall take the love that you have lavished upon that wrought idol and keep it for my own."

"Take me, my Lord!" Thelonious moaned. "Take my body and fill it with your heavenly seed!"

"My heavenly seed, yes. You shall call it so!" Apollo snarled and rammed Thelonious ass with no trace of gentleness. The hefty warrior whose body he had taken for his mortal form was more than able to bruise him with every thrust into him. Thelonious moaned, and found that the pain was akin to pleasure in so many ways, he belonged to this god, his body was Apollo's to use as he would, and could any mortal oppose the will of the gods? Surely not him, who had kissed that golden-covered image of him so many, many times. If the god wanted to fuck his butt hard, then that was his will and he could but obey...

"Take my cock, you beautiful fool, take the cock of a man and love it as a god!" Apollo ranted at him as his passion built up.

"Cock...of...a...man?" Thelonious moaned. His own climax was rising within him but the sense of those words managed to penetrate blurrily through the veil of orgasm.

"Take my cock and love it as you love Apollo!" his godly lover roared and the hot salty spunk of that prong boiled into Thelonious' ass in a hot fury of male love.

And Thelonious was shaken by his own orgasm, he moaned and ejaculated, squirting his load onto his mattress beneath him, the pummeling his buttocks were receiving as Apollo rammed him lustily causing his wads to blow all over the mattress and even the wall beyond it.

"Take that spunk, take it all, take it all!" muttered Apollo as he finished his climax, and held onto Thelonious' thighs with hands that quaked from the aftershocks of his orgasm.

In that enfeebled grip, Thelonious could and did slide out of Apollo's grasp and onto the bed, he laid himself upon it as best he could and shifted onto his back to look up at the strong form above him, the broad chest heaving still from the exertion, the face beaded with sweat.

"And how did you like to be loved by a god?" the figure said when it had caught its breath once again.

Thelonious managed a rather rueful smile for what could have been. "I don't know." he said. "I haven't had that privilege yet?"

The face above him looked down, the handsome face distorted by consternation. "What do you mean, mortal?" he said in a force intended to be thunderous. But wasn't.

"I mean that if you had wanted me, Hipdolytus, you might have tried a less, shall we say, dramatic approach?"

"With you wrapping yourself about the statue of Apollo every blessed morning?" Hipdolytus asked him. "Mind if I lie down next to you for a while? This bout of lovemaking rather wore me out, on top of the morning's hunt."

Thelonious scooted over to the wall, there was just space enough left for the brawny hunter to lie down beside him. "I concede I may not have appeared to welcome any lesser lover than the god himself." he said.

"So I spoke with a friend of mine, who is a priest of Zeus. He gave me the powder that glows in the darkness if you expose it to plentiful light beforehand. I intended to take you and then leave, but that seems no longer needful."

"I was not aware I had aroused such passions within your breast." Thelonious said.

"Now that you know, what is your answer?"

"I thought I would be welcoming a god into my bed." Thelonious said. "But what I have here instead is not so bad as all that. Let us await the dawn and consider this question further in the saner light of day."

"I would be...honored." Hipdolytus agreed.

And Thelonious pulled his covers over the two of them and felt the arms, warm as a god's, wrap about him and join him in approaching slumber.


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