A Girl's Debut 1/??

By ...Mercury.....

Published on Oct 9, 1995



From agate!tcsi.tcs.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Tue Oct 10 08:10:04 1995 Message-ID: 174423Z09101995@anon.penet.fi Path: agate!tcsi.tcs.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an395341@anon.penet.fi Lines: 372

o o Oh Wise Master, I wonder who rules Alt.Sex.Stories ? o Why that is easy, young Grasshopper. It is... o o ... M e r c u r y ... o o For listen to the Wind. Does it not whisper in your ear, o "Mercury rulez A.S.S.!" And listen to the babbling brook. o Does it not babble, "Mercury has the biggest dick of all!" o You see, Grasshopper. All of Nature is in harmony with o Mercury, for he is one with the Universe! o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o Anon. (Trans. Andrew Sinclair) o o The dust of Libya counted grain by grain, o The oceans drained; these tasks are small, o when love of boys can still command o Men's souls, and Gods'. Look at me, all - o My sweat is water on the sand. o oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o Notes : o o 1. I did not write this story and do not know who did. o 2. If you're a biW/A m/f 18-24 looking for friends, write. o

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 16:14:56 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury

Hi, Merc! Here's the first story, starting from the beginning. Please let me know if you post them and if possible the area (URL) or whatever it's called. All the stories will have an alpha character starting with "A" at the right hand corner to denote the sequence of events. I really hope you enjoy them. The stories over 48K will be split in half with a part 1 and 2, okay?

Please write back and talk to me. You know ask questions or whatever.

Later, Boof.

A Girl's Debut (Part 1) (Story A)

Well, where do I begin? Maybe I should begin when it all started and sort of try to piece it together the best way I can remember. I am of Hispanic descent. Consequently, due to my father's fervent enthusiasm to pursue and maintain his macho image pitted against my mother's obstinate demeanor to fight for her dignity and her family's, at eleven years old, I again became part of a broken family. As was the usual drill, my father packed up and moved out, leaving my mother behind with us to try and keep our heads above water. In an effort to make things easy for all us and since I was the only male offspring (with three older sisters), I was sent for the summer to live with an aunt (my mother's sister) and uncle in Oceanside, California. My sisters remained with my mother and our maternal grandmother.

My aunt was a demure wisp of a woman who unlike my mother was inclined to look the other way when my uncle wandered. She was a nurse by trade and quite content to attend to the needs of others. From Wednesday night to Sunday night, my aunt worked at a hospital from about three in the afternoon to twelve mid-night. What she did during the day is beyond me. I saw her only for about five minutes before she went to work. After that, who knows?

On the other hand, my uncle was a United States Marine Corps drill instructor stationed at Camp Pendleton who had a booming authoritative voice and told excellent war stories. He worked a semi-normal shift during the day going to work for additional time only when a telephone call required his presence. I remember that all the children in the family feared him for no particular reason other than for his robust voice. What I feared most was his constant tirade of teasing any of the children whenever he could. I wasn't the only object of his denunciations since the family was large and there were many kids. For reasons unknown to me, this particular aunt and uncle had no kids of their own.

I arrived in California for what was to be a three month summer visit since my mother was sure that either things would get better or she was going to get us back as a family if she had to work two or three jobs to do it. As expected, my aunt was the only one there to greet me with my uncle supposedly at work. She asked all kinds of questions about the family and tried as hard as she could to extract some sort of scandal from me. But as a kid, I wasn't privy to any of my parents' problems so I could not very well provide any juicy gossip. Eventually, she gave up and provided the rules and regulations that were part of her (?) household. Actually, if I remember correctly, they resembled a military type regimen including chore/task start and end times in military time (i.e. - 0600), so I'm pretty sure my uncle was the author. The rules weren't strict and I suppose this was due to their inexperience with children since they centered mostly on rise time, go to bed time, eat time, play time. One would not have to be a mental giant to follow these rules.

On my very first day, I rose early with anticipation to see/meet my uncle. Though I sometimes feared his voice, I think I was actually impressed with the prestige of his uniform and what it stood for. I ran into the bathroom and having bathed the night before, I only had to wash my face and brush my teeth. I was rigorously brushing my teeth when I looked up into the mirror and saw my uncle's reflection. On his face was a wide shit-eating grin.

Instinctively, I said, "Hi!", in a voice as cheerful as I could spit out. With the thoughts in the back of my mind centering on his funny sneer and what it meant.

His response was a booming and laughing, "Who or what in the hell are you all decked out to be, son?"

I noticed that he was laughing while looking at my attire. I looked down and noticed nothing funny. As far as I was concerned, I was properly clothed. I mean everything that was supposed to be covered up, was covered and nothing was hanging out, so what was so funny.

During my earlier years, my mother and father went through many "trial" separations. Most of these trials were instigated by my father in an attempt to really fuck around. It was during those times that my mother had to desperately try to make ends meet. Being the only boy, I suspect she tried to save money by making me "share" my sisters' underwear. I really didn't care since I didn't know the difference. She never explained that they were girls' panties and/or camisoles and since no one else ever saw me with my outer clothes off or said anything, I never questioned her actions. Accordingly, I presume my uncle's response was appropriate.

There I stood wearing girls' panties with a lace trimmed camisole as an undershirt. Hell, they served the purpose. How was I to know there was a difference (boy's briefs versus girl's panties). Anyway, he walked off smirking with no actual comment.

Breakfast, however, was a different affair. With my aunt, heaven knows where, my uncle would point and laugh heartily at my top and ask me if my little panties kept my pussy warm. Pussy??? What is he talking about, I wondered? I had led a very sheltered life. My mother's older sister was a nun that taught school at a nearby Catholic church and of course, I, including my sisters, had to attend that school. The real lessons of life other fortunate street-wise kids my age were learning at public schools were never part of my early upbringing. My mother sometimes treated me like she treated my sisters, like a "GIRL" with my father never having any input.

My uncle would reach over and act as if he was going to tickle me but he would instead pull the panties' elastic waist band, let it pop and burst out laughing or he would pinch my nipples and say, "Where's your bra? Marica". (Marica is short for Maricon or queer). He continued ranting all through breakfast and though still hungry, I actually got up said I was finished to avoid prolonging this ugly scene. From then on he would only smirk and sneer, sometimes reaching and pinching my nipples or goosing me, asking me if I liked it. I would shudder thinking how disgusting he was.

With this one exception, things were going quite well for me. I had never in my life gotten an allowance, but now my aunt provided me with a generous one and I kept myself pretty busy. During the week, it was the pool, movies, rec hall, bike riding or whatever caught my fancy. During the week-ends, it was Saturday cartoons on TV and early morning Sunday church with my aunt. The rest of my Sundays, I worked on writing letters to my sisters and my mom - I sure did miss them. I never really talked or socialized with my uncle since he was usually out with friends or passed out on a couch real early in the afternoon.

On one Sunday afternoon, about three weeks after arriving, I was feeling very depressed and homesick after writing some letters to my family and I really hated being alone. I decided to try to talk to my uncle and I walked downstairs and opened the door leading from the kitchen to his garage.

On Sunday afternoons, he would "Pump Iron". A pastime he really enjoyed and proved it by continuously gloating about his muscles. He'd suddenly turn to you and say, "Feel this". Flexing his forearm and waiting for your admiration. His muscles weren't huge by any stretch of the imagination but they were really hard and very taut.

Anyway, I flung open the door and at first glance I couldn't figure out what I was seeing. Right in front of me was a young 22 or 24 year old man who I had never seen before, kneeling in front of my uncle. He actually had my uncle's cock in his mouth. His head was furiously bobbing up and down with saliva dripping from his chin. I stood there staring. I was young, naive and completely inexperienced in the ways of the world and sex, any kind - homosexual or straight, was something I knew nothing about. Fascinated with the sight before me, my gaze was transfixed on the pair. I was oblivious of their consciousness when all of a sudden my uncle turned his face and saw me. He shouted in a booming voice, "Fuck!!"

His voice jolted me and fear shot through me making my legs tremble. He pushed the young man away, walked over to the door, looked at me with arrogance on his face, and slammed the door. I stood there shaking and wondering how pissed off he was and if I was going to catch hell for barging in. Additionally, I remember feeling kind of felt embarrassed for them. I really can't explain the sensation but it seemed unnatural and deep inside me I knew what I had just seen was not normal. It was weird to have seen my uncle completely naked with his hard cock standing straight out just before he closed the door. I was profoundly enthralled with his image deeply imprinted in my mind.

To my surprise, at breakfast the next morning, the usual teasing abruptly ceased. In fact, my uncle just about avoided me completely for about three or four days. I figured he was either very embarrassed or very pissed off. At that age, I was not a very good judge of character or facial expressions and I was not sure what he thought. Within a couple of days things kind of changed and I noticed him acting normal again with the exception that the teasing had stopped.

The very next Friday night, after I had gone to bed, he walked into my bedroom and sat at the edge of the bed. He asked me to get up and I just sort of propped myself up in bed.

"NO, GET UP! - GET UP AND GET COMPLETELY OUT OF BED. NOW!!, he boomed and I scrambled out of the bed not sure where to go or what to do.

I kind of stood at arms length from him not sure of what was going on. He just sat there and said nothing else. Finally, he softly said, "Come here."

I walked over to him and stood in front of him. He reached with both arms and rested his hands on my shoulders, took a deep breathe and in a soft almost inaudible voice asked, "Is something wrong? Do you have a problem or something?"

I kind of shrugged and said, "No, why?"

He just said, "I was just thinking that maybe you had a problem or something was bothering you and you needed to talk."

"Nope, no problem here, everything's going great. I'm having a great time," I responded as cheerful as I could.

He sat there for a long time without saying anything. He moved his body as though he wanted to say something but nothing came out. He sort of shrugged and took deep sighs. Finally after what seemed like an eternity, he said, "Remember that guy you saw in the garage Sunday?

"Yeah." I said, thinking that maybe I should've played stupid and said that I couldn't remember or something else instead. I wasn't sure if he was mad or what.

"Do you remember exactly what he was doing to me?" he asked in a cold deliberate calculated manner.

That's when I thought, Oooh, he is pissed! I'm in trouble. I didn't exactly know why I was in trouble but this didn't sound good at all. I figured I was going to be send home earlier than anticipated with my having to explain to my Mom why. Not only that but, SHIT!, I thought, there goes my allowance. I finally said, "I think so."

He exploded and shouted, "YOU THINK SO??? SHIT, YOU EITHER KNOW OR YOU DON'T!! WHAT IS IT? DO YOU REMEMBER OR NOT?" He sort of shook me from the shoulders in an apparent effort to shake my memory.

"YEAH, YEAH, SURE, I REMEMBER", I suddenly blurted out trembling. Boy, did he scared the shit out of me with that fog horn voice.

He waited for a good while and then in a real toned down, yet firm voice, he softly said, "Kneel down." and with his hands, he softly applied pressure on my shoulders, forcing me to bend my knees and lower myself to a kneeling position in front of him between his legs.

At that precise moment, as I knelt in front of him, I noticed his huge cock protruding straight out from his shorts and the image I saw that Sunday afternoon flashed in my mind. My only meter to gauge his dimensions was my own miserable little weenie and that comparison made his dick look enormous, ominous, throbbing and mean.

In a deep raspy voice, he said, "Open your mouth" and with one hand grabbed my head and a handful of hair. I knelt there unsure of what to do. Tightening his grasp, he pulled my head towards his crotch and again repeated his command in a more forceful tone, "OPEN YOUR MOUTH! NOW!!"

As I felt my head guided towards his stiff member, I closed my eyes and opened my mouth. I felt his cock-head graze my lips and I opened my mouth wider to accept it. To my surprise, he was very gentle and delicately applied pressure to my head, pushing me further into his crotch, guiding his cock deeper into my mouth. He stopped and held this position for what appeared to be four or five seconds. Suddenly, after that short period of time, his cock started to throb in my mouth, flooding it with a warm slimy thick fluid. I gagged and panicked trying to pull away but he held me firmly. I swallowed some of it and held the rest in my mouth. He waited three or four more seconds and finally let me go. I fell back on my butt and just sat there on my heels, nauseated, wanting to spit out the slimy gob of cum still in my mouth. Snickering, he handed me a towel, and said, "Spit on this." I spit into the towel, folded it and wiped my mouth. Meanwhile, he stood up, smiled and walked to the door saying, "Go to bed. It's late."

I crawled into bed and turned only to hear his faded footsteps as he walked away. I lay back thinking, Boy!, that was weird and at the same time, I noticed that the slimy-like flavor of his sperm still coated my mouth. I tasted it, licking my lips. It didn't have a distinctive taste and I wasn't appalled by the affair either. So, I shrugged my shoulders, turned over on my stomach and fell asleep.

The rest of the week was uneventful. I pursued my desires doing whatever it took to have fun. Actually, I am apt to recall that I considered that first cock-sucking episode as rather insignificant either because it was or I was trying to put it out of my mind. I really do not recall any feelings of remorse or embarrassment on my part after taking his cock in my mouth. In fact, my uncle appeared to be more regretful by appearing to avoid me more often or sometimes completely. However, remember I was young and not really able to read or translate body language. The only good thing to come out of that episode was that my uncle, for no apparent reason, gave me another allowance. What a life!!!

Around Thursday, he again came into my room, woke me up and stood in front of me completely naked with his hard-on protruding out from his body. He told me to get up and sitting on the side of the bed, I once more took his cock into my mouth. This time he was more subdued and gentle. It appeared that he had more control and slowly and surely pumped his cock in and out of my mouth. In a slow, methodical rhythm, he would push it in almost to the point of my gagging, then he would withdraw. Again, as usual, he would cum in my mouth, withdraw and hand me a towel to spit in. Whereupon he would smile and leave the room telling me to go to bed.

These events started to occur approximately every third day with him graduating into caressing my body in areas that were making me feel kind of funny but good. Due to his expert coaching, I soon learned to actually suck his cock and graduated into swallowing his cum.

On one memorable occasion, while I knelt in from of him with his cock in my mouth, he had spit on his fingers and moistened my ass-hole with it. He tried to stick his finger in my ass but it felt funny and I guess, I squirmed around too much because he eventually stopped. Of course, for the next visit, he brought along a jar of Vaseline and finally triumphed. There I was, kneeling in front of my uncle with his cock in my mouth while he sawed his forefinger in and out of my ass-hole. I vividly remember that it was quite pleasurable and sort of exciting. Eventually, our episodes ended up in our laying in bed together in a sort of a sixty-nine position with me sucking his cock while he fingered and probed my ass-hole. By this time, it was really beginning to feel good and I was actually starting to take pleasure from it. I kind of enjoyed his cock in my mouth and the inevitable gush of hot, milky cum which I swallowed greedily, but most of all, I thoroughly enjoyed his finger, deeply inserted in my rectum.

Finally around two or three weeks later, my uncle approached me as I lay in front of the TV and told me to follow him, leading me into their bathroom. As I went in, I noticed a large enema bag hanging from the shower rod. It was bloated with water and the syringe dangled ominously from it, dripping small drops of water. To the poor Hispanic community, colon irrigations or "enemas" were Godsend and were used repeatedly for any type of ailment from fever to colds. I suppose they figured that internal cleansing would wash out all the bad germs. Who Knows? Unfortunately, I had been the recipient of it's contents many times before and I hated it. However, my uncle explained that my aunt as a nurse had directed him to do this to assure that I remained healthy and clean. Hey! who am I to argue with an adult, especially a nurse. I was instructed to remove all my clothes and bend over the tub. Very experienced with this maneuver, I did as instructed. With all my clothes off and me bend over the tub, my uncle applied some Vaseline to my butt-hole, greased the syringe and slowly inserted it in my rectum. He released the clasp and I could feel the warm water gush into my bowels, slowly distending my stomach to unnatural proportions. He allowed as much water as I could stand to fill me up. Then he told me to sit on the commode and expel it, calling him when I thought I was through. He did this approximately three or four times until I was almost on the verge of tears, complaining that my stomach hurt and I couldn't take anymore. He told me to take a bath and call him when I was through. After I finished my bath, he instructed me to go to bed. Bed!!! It's only seven-thirty, I thought. It's too early for bed!! However, I wasn't going to argue with him and went to bed.

After I was in bed for about an hour, I drifted off to sleep. Later that night, I was gently shaken by my uncle who instructed me to get up. I groggily got up and stumbled around the room. He roughly pulled me over to the bed and started applying some sort of lotion all over my body, telling me to rub it on myself. After the lotion, he started patting powder on me with a powder puff from a container I had seen on my aunt's dresser. He rubbed the excess off with a towel and handed me some sort of panties of a type I had never quite seen before. They were actually some type of real small bikini-type underwear. I put them on and then he handed me a short camisole that was a little bit too big but I put it on. He got real close to me and said, "I want you to meet someone." It was then that I smelled the odor of beer on his breathe. I froze! Why I froze, I really don't know, but something didn't quite seem right. He grabbed my hand and dragged me into the living-room where two of his friends were sitting drinking beer. As I walked in they both turned around smiled and greeted me with a hearty, "HI!!", as though I was some sort of friend they already knew. I was embarrassed and didn't know what to say, so I meekly said, "Hello".

Finally one of the men said laughing, "So this is the little cock-sucker, Huh?", adding a, "Nice girlie, come to pappa!"

Up to this point, I had no idea what was really going to transpire and I just stood there like an idiot not knowing whether to go to him or wait for instructions from my uncle. My wait for an answer was short-lived as my uncle shoved me towards the man. He grabbed me in his arms and rubbed my body saying, "MMMMM, this is going to be nice! Come on show me what you can do." He stood up, unbuckled his pants, letting them fall to his ankles and then dropped his shorts. His cock sprung out from his body like a soldier at attention. I stood there frozen. Thinking, what is going on? I heard my uncle say as he pushed me down, "Go ahead, Baby, suck his dick!"

Kneeling in front of him and trembling, I closed my eyes and took his cock in my mouth and started to gently suck and bob my head on it. After awhile, I relaxed and thought, Hmmm? This isn't too bad. As I knelt there sucking, I felt someone's hands caressing my body, tugging at the panties until they were down around my thighs. I also felt the probing of his fingers as he applied some Vaseline to my ass-hole. Finally, the caressing stopped and I felt a finger slowly slide into my ass-hole. Whoever it was, was doing a good job. The man in front of me pushed me back, stripped completely out of his clothes and lay down on the floor. I turned and looked around and noticed that it was the other man already naked with his finger in my ass while my uncle sat in a chair, watching as he drank a beer.

After the man lay down on the floor, I got between his legs on all fours and sucked on his cock while his friend pumped his finger in and out of my ass. I squirmed and pushed back on it when he pulled it out, relishing in how good it felt. All of a sudden, I felt his other hand on my dick and he started to jack me off. Pulling and stroking my cock, he would momentarily caress my ball sack. My uncle never touched my dick and this was definitely a knew adventure. WOW!!! I soared to heights I had never known before. I got so hot and horny that I can't adequately describe those first sensations. Since I had never jacked off before, I had never experienced an orgasm. This was by far the greatest feeling I had ever experienced in my relatively short life.


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From agate!biosci!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Wed Oct 11 17:44:05 1995 Message-ID: 192444Z10101995@anon.penet.fi Path: agate!biosci!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!spool.mu.edu!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!tank.news.pipex.net!pipex!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories From: an395341@anon.penet.fi (...Mercury.....) X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an395341@anon.penet.fi Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 19:13:03 UTC Subject: A Girl's Debut 5/?? (M/m, M/M, TV) Lines: 495

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 17:26:05 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury

The Barrio Queen (Story C)

As I swept the dry rustling leaves around me, a slight autumn wind scattered them in all directions, making my assigned chore more depressing. I had been home for almost two months and all I did was day-dream. This leaf raking little chore was my punishment for drifting off to memory lane instead of keeping my eyes on the beans, baking on the stove as my grandmother had instructed me while she went to early morning mass. As usual I had risen early, and as I sat in the kitchen in front of a plate of hot bacon and eggs, warm soft tortillas and a glass of cold milk, my mind took a nostalgic trip to California to visit my uncle and his friends. While my eggs and bacon got cold and my tortillas got hard, my milk turned luke-warm as smoke from the charred burning bean pot swirled around my head. The sharp acrid smell of the burning beans never affected my senses. However, the sharp stinging blow delivered by a open hand on the back of my head sure as hell, affected everything else. I jumped up wide-eyed and scared as I head the shrill screaming voice of my grandmother's sister, my beloved great-aunt, Mama Julia. She waved her ever present apron in the air and opened the windows to allow the smoke a way out.

Yelling wildly she screamed, "QUE TE PASA, CRIATURA?? POR QUE TODO EL TIEMPO TE QUEDAS DORMIDO!! MIRA NOMAS ESTE DESMADRE Y DANIO!!", the following translation is actually what she really meant while the next one translates into what I heard. What she actually meant was: "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO YOU CHILD? WHY DO YOU ALWAYS FALL ASLEEP? JUST LOOK AT THIS DISORDER AND DAMAGE!!" What I heard was: "WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM, BOY??? YOU'RE CONSTANTLY FUCKING UP, LOOK AT ALL THE FUCKING DAMAGE YOU'VE DONE HERE, YOU SHIT-HEAD!" Of course, my poor aunt was distraught and had never and would never raise a hand at me. I was her pride and joy. Her little boy-child that she insisted on spoiling. Hey! who am I to contradict adults - right? If you make somebody happy by allowing them to spoil you, then I say - by all means, make them happy. She did, however, have a very abnormal deadly fear of fire and the slap on my head was just her paranoia making her act irrational. No sooner had Mr. Cantu, our ice delivery-man, removed the burning, smoking pot to a safe location outside the house, when she held me tight in her arms and smothering to her bosom, she cried huge tears of joy and relief that I was safe and sound, her ample body racked with deep heartfelt sobs as she stroked my long tousled hair away from my face. I have no idea why but, my long hair was something she admired alot, taking long periods to brush it and comb it every evening. The only reason I always figured that my hair was kept long was because my mother in her ever losing battle against our poverty didn't want to pay a barber. My hair was actually cropped at my shoulders but the top and sides were approximately ten inches long.

This screw-up on my part was the reason I had been out here since mid-morning raking the leaves. Now here it was past five o-clock in the afternoon and I take off again, traveling through the roadways of my mind. This time junior high school was my main concern. Having always attended a catholic school, public school attendance was a completely different story. I, for one. was completely out of my element and didn't have the foggiest idea that I was.

In another month or so, I would be twelve years old. I was now in the seventh grade in a public junior high school. I actually had a class called P.E. - Physical Education. It was wild, We actually played basketball, baseball, volleyball, track, etc. and got graded for it. The funny part was taking showers with a bunch of stupid silly, goofy kids. Most of the kids my age or in my grade were still in their childhood periods with no clue what adolescence was all about or the changes it would bring. The older ninth graders however, had different frames of mind. I remember hearing them talk in the showers as they soaped themselves about seeing Rosita or Juanita in their gym outfits running or doing calisthenics. They marveled at how the girls' titties bounced up and down or commented on how big they were and how well they had developed over the summer vacation. I don't recall or can remember my having or desiring any contact with any of the boys. They just seemed so immature, so child-like with their whooping, hollering and snapping at each other butts with wet towels - what a bunch of dorks!! Additionally, I had trouble coping with their constant teasing about my long hair. I hated to be teased. The Beatles were a rage at the time and many kids had long hair. I just couldn't see why mine was so different. Now, of course, I can understand why. I can look back and remember that the style I wore was similar to my sisters'. We had the same barber, my mother. The style of cut was sort of feminine.

I did however, think of Juanita. I recalled sitting alone on the gym steps early one school day and watched her as she walked by, her pony-tail bouncing in the air. She did have big boobs. I couldn't help but notice how her bust stood out and then narrowed to her slim waist which in turn spread out to her hips giving her a waspish hourglass figure. I remember watching her boobs bounce up and down as she hurriedly walked by a bunch of screaming kids playing tops. Remember the Tops? They were actually milk bottle cardboard caps that many kids collected and played with. I don't remember the rules but apparently the game was fun because it has been resurrected again but now they are calling them, POGS. However, they don't come free with milk bottles. You have to buy them and they start at about three to four dollars each - what a rip off!

I remembered Juanita because the rustling leaves sounded like the rustling of her ankle-length full skirt as she walked by. However, the main thing that I remember from that day was the sight of her panty covered ass as a strong gust of wind blew her skirt up. She desperately tired to push it down but with her arms laden with books, her attempts were no match for the strong draft. All the kids started laughing and hollering, chortling and pointing at her. In her vain attempts to remain modest and hide her bared ass, she turned and faced the crowd, pushing the front of her skirt down while broadly exposing her smooth panty covered ass to my full advantage. I remember thinking, I sure wish my ass was that big and round. A twinge of jealousy ran through me as I yearned to have a body like hers. Well, maybe not the big tits but a nice round ass like hers would be nice.

The majority of the Hispanic women have big tits and small slender waists which spread to well proportioned hips sitting on top of long, large legs when they are young. As age overtakes them, their hourglass shapes deteriorate to large pear-like forms that waddle around in households across America. Conversely, Hispanic men lose their lanky slim looks and grow large beer-bellies and putter around the neighborhoods wearing dirty khaki pants with dingy beer-stained undershirts. Their once neatly trimmed mustaches evolve into large walrus looking gray speckled hairy mops, that collect foam when they take big swigs of their daily beer.

It was while I was in deep thought, pondering my dire sad-looking future, trying to imagine what I would look like when I got old, that I heard a familiar click-clack click-clack sound which rapidly brought me back to reality. The sound, I knew, was associated with high four or five inch stiletto high-heels as they traveled on concrete sidewalks. I strained my ears for more sounds as the click-clack noise echoed in the dimming shadows. Finally, I heard the familiar giggle that always accompanied the shoe related reverberations. These sounds were associated with 'Elvira', our next door neighbor who lived in a small two or three room house that bordered our larger yard. Her house was built on a normal-sized city lot along with five or six other small houses somebody had built and crammed together. They weren't big and definitely not fancy, but Elvira and the other tenants called them home.

Elvira was the most voluptuous, sensuous and by far the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen. She was about twenty-two years old, five feet, four to six inches tall. Her head was crowned with a mass of shiny, thick black curls that dangled loosely all over her and cropped her beautiful face. She had large dark brown eyes and thick pouty lips which were always covered with bright red lipstick. Her frame was slim and lean. Her breast though small were tipped with one of her best assets, large taut nipples that seem to jut out at you, forcing you to stare at them when she stood in front of you. Her waist was slim and her hips flared nicely and rounded out to long slim powerful looking legs which always seemed to be shod in enormously elevated high-heeled shoes. She had a deep husky voice that exuded sex whenever she spoke. Up to now, I have never seen any other woman, period, that compares to the type of sensuality, eroticism or beauty that Elvira possessed. When I entered the world of transvestitism and became a drag queen, Elvira was the woman I wanted to be. I tried to mimic her and patterned my clothes, my mannerisms, and my life-style after hers. She was, however, the barrio tramp. She was also the kind of woman that could make a hypocrite out of my religious grandmother. For instance, if we were walking to the store and Elvira was headed our way, my grandmother would say, while making the sign of the cross over herself, "Ave, Maria Purrisima!, Hay biene esta puta desgraciada.". which means, Holy Mother of God! here comes that disgraceful slut! However, as soon as we got near her, Elvira would flash a brilliant smile flashing her sparkling white teeth, and my grandmother would say, "Buenos dias, Criatura, Como haz estado. Te miras muy bien." which means, Good morning, child. How have you been? You're looking so well.

Actually, I wouldn't say Elvira looked well. Elvira was a tramp, a whore, a slut and she dressed the part. She always said advertising pays off. She wore high four to five inch stiletto heels. She had a hundreds of them and was always able to coordinate her outfits in the same color. Her skirts were always extremely short. They were also either very tight almost to the bottom edge of her skimpy panties or flouncy so a person could see flashes of her panties as she walked or moved, but I must emphasize, they were always short - very short. Her blouses or tops were usually very sheer and see-through or they were extremely low cut sometimes revealing her nipples if she moved a little too much and lets face it Elvira was always moving. This attire was what she wore during her "working" hours. While at home, things weren't very different. She usually paraded around her house and neighborhood in some old and ragged blue jean cut-offs. These too were extremely short. The backs were cut in an arched radius so half of her ass cheeks were always exposed. With these shorts, she wore cropped T-shirts that were also cut a little bit too short and sometimes her tits would peek out from under the bottom. I can remember a barefooted Elvira, running to the store in the hot summer sun. Prancing on her toes to minimize contact with the hot blazing asphalt. Her exposed ass-cheeks bouncing as she ran from shade tree to shade tree, standing under each one of them for a few seconds, searching down the street for the next area of respite. She would stretch her neck, and her nipples would push against her sweat soaked T-shirt creating the illusion that she was topless. Many men offered rides and when declined, drove around that neighborhood like maniacs trying to get second looks. Yes, Elvira's vocabulary included the word NO. She could actually decline. I guess that's why many men came back to the neighborhood stores to get their necessities and hopefully see her again and maybe get another shot at being turned down.

Elvira's loud giggles brought me back to earth. I slowly and quietly crept to the decrepit privacy fence and peered between the boards. A squatting Elvira on her long statuesque nylon-clad legs, wearing high four or five inch red high- heels, was the first thing that greeted my eyes. I looked at the bright high-heeled red pumps and trailed her legs, to the knees slowly past her thighs, even slower past the bare skin above the thigh-high nylon hose and stopped at the flaming red lace, panty-covered ass-cheeks. She was wearing a short - very short - red and white polka-dotted flouncy skirt with a loose bib-type front that was tied in a knot behind her neck. Her back was completely bare. She had her hand on a man's crotch and her other hand was between her legs, slowly rubbing and pressing her crotch so hard that it looked like it hurt.

The older man, an Anglo, swayed back and forth due to apparent extreme drunkenness. I wondered what's this Gringo doing in this Chicano neighborhood. I was about to find out. Elvira had her hand on his belt and was in the middle of tugging at his pant's zipper when she said, "For ten dollars, I spit. For twenty, I swallow, okay?"

"Naw, all I got ish twenty dollarsh, Hic! and I want shome more beer, okay? Sho take ten and swallow." said the drunk swaying back and forth.

Elvira let go of his pants, stood up, put her hands on her hips and moved back a little. She stood there defiantly on her long shapely legs. Her panty-clad butt was clearly visible from my position and I could see the elastic of her panty bite deep into her upper thigh. It looked painful but apparently it never bothered her cause she always appeared to wear them that tight. At least the ones she wore when I had been able to spy in the past whenever the familiar high-heeled sound alerted me of her arrival.

With fire in her eyes, shouted, "Get your fucking Mama to swallow, you sorry mother-fucker." and pushed him so hard he hit the concrete sidewalk like a bag of cement.

Startled by her sudden shouts, I looked around to see if anybody else heard her and had come outside. I didn't want to get caught peeking into Elvira's yard. Though I had never seen her, my aunts were always talking about how Elvira did all kinds of "things" on her little porch on the side of her house. I always asked, what kind of "things", but was always ignored. Tonight, I might find out.

Elvira's loud laughter brought me back to the fence partition. I presumed that the drunk's clumsiness appeared comical to her because she laughed hysterically, saying, "Viejo pendejo! No te puedes ni parar y esperas que se te pare le verga. Baboso!!!" which means, You foolish old man. You can't even stand up and you expect your cock to stand-up, you slobbering idiot/fool. I could hear the man moaning in his struggles to get up. I guess she felt sorry because she stopped laughing and said, "Poor baby. Here, let mama pick you up." She started to tug on his arm and eventually he was vertical again but still swaying.

"Did I fall? he asked and looking around he added, "Who pushed me?'

"Nobody pushed you, baby, you tripped. Maybe you've had too much to drink?

Tell you what. Let me suck your cock, give me the twenty dollars and I will buy you a beer later, okay?' she cooed softly.

"Okay, shounds good to me." he responded still swaying. as he dug into his pocket and handed over his last twenty.

Elvira dropped to her knees and started digging into his open fly, she fumbled around the inside, pulling apart his pants and his shirttails. Looking towards the street, Elvira muttered, "Esta cosita no me haze ni cosquillas." Meaning: This little thing won't even tickle me. The drunk said, "What ja say?"

"I said your cock sure is hard," she replied snickering.

Actually, she was right on all accounts. From what I could see, his little weenie was no more than three inches long and excuse the play on words, that's stretching it. However, it proudly stood at attention. For a drunk in his state of inebriation, his erection was actually not an erection but a miracle.

Since he was leaning on a porch post, I had a clear view of her as she applied her cherry red lips to the little miniature dick. Her hand went back to her crotch and roughly and hard, started pressing and rubbing the area again. I heard him say, "Damn, Elvie, you got me so horny that I'm going to come real fast."

I guess, I, too, was caught up in their excitement because as he said that, she pulled back her head and both of us, at the same time, said, "Shit!"

When she heard my voice, she turned her head towards my direction and a stream of white milky cum hit her on the side of the head, dripping all over her hair. Instead of screaming in anger, she let go of a loud peal of laughter that appear to echo throughout the neighborhood.

No more than a few second went by when I heard my grandmother calling my name. Shit, I panicked and ran towards the house as fast as I could.

For the next couple of days I avoided the side of our house Elvira's house was on. I didn't really know if she knew who I was since she never paid any attention to me but if she was mad, I didn't want to be on the receiving end of her fury.

One morning during the next week, my grandmother unexpectedly said, " Here, take this hammer to Elvira next door and help her with the clothesline."

I took the hammer and asked, "Why me?" She answered, "because I said so, now go, and stay out of trouble." she yelled, as I walked out the backdoor, thinking shit, I hope Elvira forget what happened last week.

I walked towards the street and turned at the fence and walked slowly towards Elvira's house. As I got to the door, I could hear strains of Mexican love songs coming from the interior of the modest dwelling. I knocked on the screen door and yelled, "Anybody home?"

"Yeah, come on in, Boof, the door's open." I heard Elvira yell from somewhere inside. I remember thinking, she knows my name. Actually, it was a nickname everybody called me. How I got it, I've never found out.

Opening the door, I walked in. She was in the small kitchen bent over the sink, washing some kind of clothing. She said, "Hi, Boof, I can't believe your gramma actually let you come over." As she said this, she wiped her sweaty brow with the back of her hand. It was stifling hot in there. I noticed her ass-cheeks peeking from underneath her short shorts, glistening with perspiration in the diffused light.

"Well, here I am." I said, waving the hammer so she could see that I had been sent over to help her with some type of clothes line chore.

"Oh, yeah, the clothesline." She said, as she noticed the waving hammer, "It's outside. Come on, I'll show you."

As she lugged a small tub of wet clothes with her, I followed her outside, where she instructed me to hang and pull on the clothesline wire to make it taut while she hammered a nail into a bent position, anchoring the wire on a post. It seemed like a simple chore but the sweltering hot autumn sun made my hands sweaty and the wire kept slipping. Not to mention the fact that she could never hit the nail more than twice in a row. I tugged and pulled and hung on that stupid wire but every time we thought it was tight, it sagged about three feet off the ground. I was drenched in sweat. I took off my T-shirt and holding it my hand wrapped it around the wire for a better grip. Finally, after I don't know how many attempts, we managed to get the wire taut. Not real taut, but enough to keep the clothes off the ground. We were both drenched in sweat.

I walked next to the house and tried to shelter myself underneath the eave from the rays of the hot sun. She said, "Go inside and grab a Coke from the icebox. I still have to wring out these wet clothes and hang them up."

I needed no further instructions and darted inside to the relatively cooler comfort. I opened the icebox, grabbed a Coke, and took a long refreshing drink. Looking around, I started to get nosy. I looked out the window and noticed that she was at the end of the small yard by the fence, talking to a man while all the clothes were still in the tub. I started to wander around the house and ended up in her bedroom where I noticed a diverse assortment of cosmetics on her dresser. It looked like the cosmetics counter of J. C. Penney's. I had never seen such a myriad of different bottles. I picked up some of them and inhaled the exotic smelling aromas. None of my sister's were not allowed to wear make-up or even have perfume. Hispanic ladies weren't allowed to wear make-up. Only after they married and only with their husbands' full consent. Macho chicanos stuck to the old adage: "No vistas el mono para que otro huege con el" in other words: "Don't dress up the doll so someone else can play with it".

I wandered aimlessly around the room, picking up and examining various articles. I noticed a half open drawer and my curiosity got the best of me. I opened it and marveled at the sight I beheld. It was jammed packed with all types of panties in an assorted array of colors. Trembling, I reached in and picked one up. It was small and made of a flimsy piece of satiny type material. I dropped it and reached in again pulling out a large handful. I turned and spread them out on the bed behind me, picking them up one by one, slowly examining them. I cannot explain why I was mesmerized with these collection but I took a pair of flaming red lace ones and held them up to my nose. Inhaling deeply, I noticed a lingering smell similar to the aromas wafting from the bottles on the dresser. I felt this overwhelming urge to put them on. I rubbed them over my chest and my skin erupted in bumps making me look like a plucked chicken. Without thinking, I pulled down my shorts and sister's cotton panties which I usually wore. I picked up a another pair of shiny black satiny bikinis and slipped them on. I rubbed my hands over my panty clad ass and my mind drifted back to California to the sexual rendezvous I had experienced with my uncle and his friends. I stood in front of a mirror on the closet door and stared at my reflection.

As I stared, I notice a black bra hanging on the door knob. I reached over, picked it up and slipped my arms into it, struggling with it as I tried desperately to snap the clasps behind my back. It was an almost impossible task. I struggled with it in front of the mirror, straining my neck until it hurt. I plopped down on a small bench in front of the dresser and exhausted took deep breathes while continuing my wrestling marathon with this stubborn bra. Finally, I managed to hook a clasp and I relaxed, slumping on the bench looking down. The bra just dangled loosely from my chest but I spread the material out and marveled at how it felt.

That was when I noticed the shiny black patent leather pumps peeking out from under the bed. I softly nudged them with my toe and one fell over. Poking at it with my toe, I hooked it and it swung on my toes, swinging, it hit the ball of my foot. I pulled back my leg and applied pressure slipping my whole foot into the high-heeled shoe. I bent over picked the other shoe and slipped it on.

Since I was the only boy in a family of three girls, I had played house with them many times before. When you played house, there was usually a father, a mother and assorted kids. Since the father always ruled the household, my older sisters took that part and I was demoted to a kid and that kid was usually a girl. Since they were older and bossier, I was always dressed as a girl and had walked around in my mother heels many times before. However, my mother shoes were clumpy and matronly with small heels that were no comparison to these stilts I had on now.

I stood up and teetered over to the mirror. I felt powerful and tall. Now really, who wouldn't, these shoes had at least five inch heels. I stared at my reflection in the mirror and was amazed at what I saw. Actually, though I did look feminine, I resembled a skinny titless young girl. I shook my fingers through my hair trying to give it body and fullness in an attempt to make it look like a girls' but it was still sweaty and wet from the infernal heat.

I reached over and opened the closet door. It was a giant mess of all kinds of articles of clothing, some dangling from one strap or two or three articles on one hanger but most of them were in a large pile on the floor. I picked up a glossy piece of dark emerald green clothing and held it up by the straps. It was a sort of a slinky type sheath with two thin spaghetti straps that wasn't more than a two feet long including the straps. I clutched it to my chest and rubbed it on me feeling the smooth silky texture on my body. Again, the bumps returned. It was a dress I had seen Elvira wear before. ELVIRA!! SHIT!! I panicked. I forgot completely about her.

I moved back, slowly closed the door and was startled as I heard Elvira's husky voice, say, "Want to try it on, Sugar?"

I noticed her reflection in the mirror as she sat on the bed behind me, looking at me with a broad grin baring her bright white teeth. I was standing there in her black panties, her black bra and her black high-heeled shoes. I was so embarrassed, completely mortified, humiliated beyond description. I was so ashamed, I thought I was going to start crying. In fact, I did cry. I had no idea how long she had been there. I guess I was so involved with my own actions that I never heard her come in. Tears were welling in my eyes , as I tried to speak but nothing came out.

Immediately her smiled vanished, and I saw a look of compassion and concern in her eyes as she got up and walked over to where I stood trembling and sniffling like a big baby. She put her arm around my shoulder and softly said, "Hey, don't cry. I wasn't trying to be mean or anything. I was just kidding! Come on, don't cry. Please?"

Smiling, her perfect teeth flashing, she said, "Come on, big girls don't cry!" and started giggling.

I tried not to laugh but it did sound funny. And I smiled as she coaxed me towards the bench. "Here, sit down and I'll fix your face and make you look real pretty. Wipe those tears away, your mascara might run." she laughed huskily, as she handed me a tissue.

I took the tissue and wiped my nose. Balling it up, I wiped away the tears, and said, "No, I think I better go. I'm sorry. Don't be mad, okay? Please don't tell my mom or my grandmother, okay. They'll get real mad. I can't explain this to them. They'll never understand. Please don't say nothing." I pleaded as I started to tremble and cry again.

Trying her best to calm me down, she said in a real concerned tone, "Of course, I won't say nothing, relax. I, believe me, understand perfectly. There's no need to tell them. Tell you what, I can keep a secret if you can keep a secret, okay? Is it a deal?"

"Yeah, I can keep a secret," I sniffled, "but please don't tell them, please?" I continued.

"Hey!!" she snapped, grabbing me firmly from the shoulders, "I promise - I won't tell a soul. Cross my heart and hope you die." she continued making a sign of a cross on her heart with one hand.

We both started laughing when we both realized that the little ditty actually says, "Cross my heart and hope "I" die."

We laughed hysterically for a few minutes and then I sat down on the bench. She stood up straight and said smiling, "Ready for my secret? Now remember you have to promise not to tell anyone, okay? Remember you tell anybody and I'll tell your mamma about this," she threatened in a somber tone.

"I promise. My lips are sealed. Now you promise." I added trying to feel more secure.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I promise," she said tossing her head from side to side as she said the yeahs.

She moved back and grabbed her cropped T-shirt from the bottom and in one swift motion pulled it over her head. She then stood there for a minute or so on her long legs with just her skimpy little shorts on. I looked at her hard little titties and couldn't keep my eyes off her strange taut nipples. I had never seen a woman half-naked before. In fact, I had never seen a woman's breast before. Even with a house full of women, my sisters, my aunts and my mother were extremely modest and I was never allowed in their rooms or for that matter, anywhere, they might have to disrobe.

Elvira turned around and facing away from me, unbuttoned her shorts and bending over, pulled them off, down to her ankles. She stood there in some extremely tight white panties she was wearing underneath. The elastic seemed to bite deeply into her flesh. She hooked her thumbs on the elastic and tugged then down, struggling with the tightness of the little white panties. I couldn't figure out why she always wore them so tight. The ones I wore, were loose and comfortable that I sometimes forgot I had them on. Then I noticed how tight these black ones, I was wearing now were. These too, belonged to her. She finally pulled them down past her thighs and they slid to the floor. She stood up straight and took a forward step out of them.

In my fearful haste, I had left the closet door ajar and was not able to see her reflection of the front part of her body in the mirror. However, I stared at her slim back and let my eyes drift down her ass to her long statuesque legs and back to her butt. Her ass was a round heap of soft smooth flesh. I felt a twinge on envy. I felt funny because wanted to look like her. I wanted to be her.

In a slow twirling fashion with her arms outstretched, she slowly started to turn around. "Ta! Da! she proclaimed proudly.

I was shocked beyond description. My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened as I saw that Elvira had a COCK. Not a huge, throbbing monster that could rip your ass apart but a cock nonetheless. It was small, uncut and puny and just hung there looking completely out of place between her long graceful feminine looking long legs. It hung their looking timid and helpless. It appeared to be all shriveled up. I thought, Shit! my dick's bigger than that but I didn't say a word.

"Well, no comment? she waited.......Aren't you going to say something? she asked.

"You're a man! I gasped, "A real man!" I couldn't believe this shit. I thought, all this time, fucking Elvira is a man. Holy shit!! but Damn!!, she or is it he, sure looks like a woman, I continued thinking.

"That's right - live and in color. Remember this is our secret. Nobody is ever going to know, right?" she said in a stern voice.

"Now," she continued in her usual husky tone, "Which dress do you want to try on first. Do you like that little green one or how about something in red or do you want a little mini skirt or maybe I should I do you face first?" she rambled as she walked to the closet and started throwing out all kinds on clothing.

I spent all afternoon with "Elvira" trying on alot of her trampy outfits. I tried on her hose, garter belts, panties, her bras stuffed with tissues, of course, her tight mini skirts, and her short sultry dresses I had seen her wear whenever she went out and a big majority of her shoes. She applied make-up to my face, complete with false eyelashes. She teased and combed my hair into a slutty looking bouffant. At one point, as I looked in the mirror, I froze and was actually scared at the reflection looking back. It was the face of a young woman wanting desperately to go into a completely different life that she really knew nothing about.

After that afternoon with Elvira passed, I continued my visits with her. Learning all kinds of things and asking all kinds of questions. She was a good teacher and took the time to explain all the answers to my questions and I must admit, I had a lot of them.

Without my asking, one day, she volunteered an incident about her past that scared me and remained with me forever. It involved her family. She talked about how they discovered her homosexuality and abandoned her. Apparently, one afternoon, she fell asleep while wearing her mother's bra and panties. She said she put them on because she was extremely curious and they felt so sensuous. The material against her skin plus, the idea in her head that she was part woman by wearing these garments, excited beyond her wildest dreams. She became so excited, she said, that she experienced a massive orgasm and completely drained and exhausted, fell asleep. Her father's loud ranting and raving, as he stood next to the bed, is what woke her up. Supposedly, he beat her up and tearing the bra and panties off her body, threw her outside - naked. She went no further and seeing the tears in her eyes plus the pain and sorrow, visibly on her face, I asked no questions. I always wondered what she did afterwards, running around outside, naked. What happened? Who helped her? Did anybody care? I would shudder at the possibilities of that happening to me. It was then that I knew why she understood my own needs.

One question that I always wondered about, though I never asked, maybe because I didn't really want to know, was - why she had chosen her lifestyle. Actually, it really wasn't none of my business and I'm glad I never asked since we became and remained friends for many years to come.

You know it's true - a little make-up does wonders for a girl!!!

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From agate!usenet.kornet.nm.kr!news.kreonet.re.kr!news.dacom.co.kr!news.netins.net!solaris.cc.vt.edu!homer.alpha.net!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Wed Oct 11 17:44:06 1995 Message-ID: 191329Z10101995@anon.penet.fi Path: agate!usenet.kornet.nm.kr!news.kreonet.re.kr!news.dacom.co.kr!news.netins.net!solaris.cc.vt.edu!homer.alpha.net!uwm.edu!math.ohio-state.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories From: an395341@anon.penet.fi (...Mercury.....) X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an395341@anon.penet.fi Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 19:11:52 UTC Subject: A Girl's Debut (6/??) M/m M/M TV Lines: 262

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 17:32:07 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury

Young Entrepreneur (Story D)

Always having attended a catholic school, I was never aware of all the extras public school attendance had to offer. Now, being in the public school system, I read all the bulletin boards which were always full of baseball league, scout, swimming, etc. announcements. Catholics did all that stuff but not in poor parishes like ours. I made up my mind that I was going to play baseball. But first I needed a glove. With my aunt's allowance a thing of the past, I figured I could make a couple of dollars collecting empty bottles for the deposit. Only problem was the glove, I had fallen in love with, cost over $45.00 and all the other kids in the neighborhood had the same bottle collection idea. I could get a penny a bottle. After scouring through all the neighborhood, in trash cans, behind buildings and every other place I could think off, I wasted two whole days and found ten of them. At this rate I figured, I might as well play something else, like jacks or dolls, hell!, my sisters had plenty of those.

Through a stroke of luck, I was sent to an icehouse within four city blocks of our house. I was told to get a big bag of ice for my father's sprained ankle. By this time, my mother and father were back together again after on one of their countless trial separations. When I got to the icehouse, I noticed that they also sold beer to a pretty large clientele and leaving the premises, I noticed hundreds of empty bottles along the building just lying there waiting for somebody to pick them up. I returned with the ice and watched as my father threw it in a bucket with water and stuck his foot in. I grimaced at the idea of sticking my foot in the cold icy water. He looked at me and yelled, "What do you want? Go somewhere and do something. I'm not in the mood for any of you!" I walked out the backdoor without a comment and thought - Piss on him! I'm glad he hurt his foot. Actually, I had no idea how he did and didn't care but I laughed til I cried when I found out later that he had tried to show off in front of Elvira by jumping a fence to go help her with some packages and his foot didn't quite make it over with the rest of his body.

The image of all the strewn bottles at the icehouse came back into my mind and I thought, HEEEY! I've got an idea!! and I ran back to the icehouse. When I got there, I walked inside and asked for the owner. Some guy said he wasn't there but asked me what I wanted. I simply said, " Can I have all those bottles lying outside?" Looking at me sneering, he yelled, "Are you crazy!! They belong to us." Don't be stealing no fucking bottle, you little beaner!"

"I wasn't going to steal them!!" I yelled back, " I just thought nobody wanted them since they're lying out there and anybody can pick them up after you leave."

Again he reminded me, "Don't fuck with those bottles, you little fucking thief." He turned around muttering, "These fucking Mexicans will steal you blind."

A older man, a gentleman, I might add, sitting at the counter drinking a beer said, "Hey, Jack, give the kid a break. Don't be a horse's ass. He's just trying to make a buck. Shit! What are they worth - two, three cents? Hell, half them are broken by the time you pick them up any way. Probably how I got that flat last time I was here. Listen, why don't you give the kid a penny for each one he picks up for you and them you don't have to fuck with?" and he winked his eye at me.

Jack turned around looked at him and then at me. He frowned and then said, "Okay, kid, I'll give you a penny for each one, okay? But remember they belong to us so don't go trying and take them someplace else for the two pennies or I'll bust your ass, understand?"

"Yeah, I understand. Where do you want me to put them? There all over the place." I said, beaming with visions of dollars signs bouncing around in my mind. I was instructed to get some empty beer boxes from the back, put them a dolly and push the dolly around as I collected them, going back for more boxes as they filled up. By the time I had cleared the lot and all the surrounding areas, I had filled ten and a half cases. That was 252 bottles for a total of two dollars and fifty-two cents. I thought, Boy! I could have sworn there was over a thousand bottles. However, that's all there was. I continued my daily forays to the icehouse and after clearing the first initial load which apparently Jack hadn't been doing on a daily basis, I was making about 15 cents a day. At this rate, I was getting nowhere and already into early spring, baseball season was starting in a couple of weeks.

One late Saturday evening, the icehouse was packed and I was in the back field among the tall weeds, looking for bottles that guys would throw when finished with their beer drinking while leaning on their parked cars or trucks. I guess they figured, better out there, then in the parking lot. Balancing and carrying about eight bottles against my chest and trying to make my way in the dark, I headed for the dolly at the edge of the parking lot . Right when I got to the clearing, I notice two men standing behind some pickups taking a leak. I continued my trek when I heard one puffing, "Yes! Yes! Like that! It feels good! OOH! Yes! Faster! Yes!" I slowed down and as I got closer, I noticed that they were not taking a leak. One guy was facing towards the field while the other guy with his back to me was craning his neck trying to look over the trucks while he gave the other guy a HAND-JOB. Apparently, he was trying to make sure no one was headed their way.

"OOOH, Yes! It feels good," the man kept saying.

"Tell me when your ready. I want you to come all over my hand. I like the way it feels, nice and hot." panted the other guy, as he stroked the other guy's cock.

On his hand? He wants him to come on his hand? I thought, that's stupid!!! Just then a bottle slipped from my clutch and hit the graveled parking lot in a loud THUNK. I looked down and, hoping to quiet the sound, tried to step on it.

When I looked back up, the guy that was giving the hand-job was half way to the building at an extremely fast pace, never looking back. The other guy was frantically trying to bend his hard-on and stick it back into his pants. For some reason or other, he appeared comical and I giggled. He snarled, "What the fuck's so funny? Get the fuck out of here!" Still fumbling with his cock and pants.

"Nothing," I said smiling, "I guess he didn't finish, Huh?" Without waiting for an answer, I added, "Need some help?"

He had already turned and had started walking away when he heard me and slowed down and looked over his shoulder. He stopped completely, slowly turned around and then nervously glanced behind him. He walked over to me and said, "What do you mean, help?"

"I just figured you might want to finish. You know - cum?" I boldly said still smiling as I remembered how funny he looked.

"And what can you do? My little friend." he said getting closer.

"Oh, I don't know, a hand-job? Maybe even a blow-job, if you want? a said still remembering and smiling.

"A blow-job? You'll suck my cock?" he said as he massaged his groin, and shot another nervous glance behind him.

I walked over to the pick-up and placed the bottles one by one on its steel square bumper. I turned to him and said, "Yeah, I'll suck your cock. Why not? I can suck cock real good."

By that time he had fumbled his cock out of his pants and reached over and putting his hand on the back of my head, guided me towards his crotch, and said, "Come on then, suck on it a little."

I hated to be pushed and manhandled that way and I pulled my head back violently, stating, "DON'T! Don't push! I know where it is".

Taking his hand off my head as though he had been burned and picking up his folded arms, he said, "Okay, Okay, no need to get upset." and thrusting his crotch forward added, "Come on suck it good".

I knelt in front of him and as I reached for his cock, I remembered Elvira's comment that autumn night almost six months ago, "For ten dollars, I spit. For twenty, I swallow, okay?" I figured, Shit, if Elvira can do it, why can't I?

However, instead of repeating it word for word, exactly as she did, I looked up at him and blurted, "For five dollars, I'll swallow."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small wad of money and handed me a five dollar bill without saying a single word. I thought, Damn! He didn't even think about it. And it wasn't five - it was ten, or was it twenty? I was trying to sort things out and figuring a way to re-negotiate when I saw the five dollar bill in front of eyes. I took it, stuck it in my shorts pocket and lowered my head with an open mouth to accept his cock. It was a small slim cock. Fully erect, maybe - four inches long, but it was hard as nails.

I took his cock-head in my mouth and swirled my tongue around it slurping and salivating all over it. Then I sank my lips all the way down the shaft as far as I could go until I gagged. I repeated this about five or six times until I heard him start to moan, "OOH, that feels so good. Your mouth is so hot!"

I stopped, pulled it out of my mouth, looked up at him and said, "Am I good?"

"Yeah, Yeah, you're good. Don't stop, it feels real good," he breathed.

"Am I really good? I persisted, "Cause I'm even better when I'm getting butt-fucked." and with that comment, took his cock in my mouth again.

No more than about three or four seconds passed when he reached down and rapidly pulled me up by my shoulders. As I stood up, his cock sprung out of my mouth like a rubber spring or something, trailing long stands of saliva all over my chin.

As if somebody could hear him, he whispered, "You mean, I can fuck you. You'll take it up your ass?"

Thinking about the arrangement I had screwed up earlier, I said, "Yeah, I'll let you fuck me in my ass....... for ten dollars." I was actually going to say twenty but ten came out.

He pushed his little hard-on back in his pants, arranged his clothes, dug into his pocket and pulled out the small wad of money. Peeling off a ten dollar bill he offered it to me. I looked at it, took it and was trying to shove it in my pocket when he grabbed my hand and said, "Let's go." and he half-dragged, half-pulled me towards a large dark car at the far end of the parking lot. We got to the car where he instructed me to go around while he fumbled with the keys. As I stood by the passenger door, I saw the bottles I had collected sitting on the truck bumper and figured, oh, well.

He finally opened the door, got in and reached over to open my side, motioning me to get in, he shot a last suspicious glance towards the parking lot. He started the car and we took off in a cloud of dust scattering gravel all over the lot.

"Where are we going?" I asked a little worried, looking around at the huge interior and noticing how new it smelled.

"Oh, just around the corner here. To a place where we won't get bothered or something. It's not far. Don't worry. It's right around here." he said, driving a few of blocks. Then turning the corner, he put out his lights as he drove into a deserted undeveloped area that was covered in high weeds.

This area's real estate resources were intentionally left untapped to provide for the future influx of business aimed at making the poor Hispanic community more prosperous. However, the businesses never came. There was no need for anybody to travel these areas since at that time there were no businesses or housing for approximately six or eight city blocks in both directions. As we plunged into darkness, I noticed that if anybody did come our way we would be alerted by their oncoming headlights.

Turning off the car he looked over to me and said, "You really like to get fucked, huh? I mean, you're not gonna cry and yell or something like that are you?"

"No, why should I cry? I've done it before and I didn't cry." I said looking out into the darkness not really concerned.

Upon hearing my comment, he released the seat mechanism and the huge leather seat slipped back about five or six inches. In what appeared to be less than ten seconds, he pulled his shirt-tails out, unbuttoned the shirt, undid his belt, lowered his zipper and arching his butt, pulled his pants and underwear down to his ankles and turned and looked at me waiting. In turn, I slowly took off my shorts and panties (I was still wearing them) completely off and pulled my T-shirt over my head and dropped everything in a small pile on the floorboard. I turned around, knelt on the seat and put one leg over his legs facing him with the steering wheel about three or four inches from my back. Still kneeling, I spit on my fingers and moistened my ass-hole, driving the spittle in and out and all around. "Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm ready." he replied hoarsely putting his hand on my hips and pushing me down on his cock.

I told him to scrunch down on the seat so I could reach behind me and guide it in. After he moved down sufficiently, I reached behind me and felt for his little cock. Finding it, I positioned it at my ass-hole entrance and said, "Go slow, Okay?" and I let my body slip down on it.

His cock-head slowly entered my rectum and I inhaled deeply as the exquisite pain radiated through me. I held my position and tried to relax and slow down his penetration. After a few seconds, I again lowered myself. This time - all the way down.

"OOOOH! That's tight and hot!! he whispered. and gradually started to pump up and down.

As I moved forward, his hands went to my buttocks, opening up my ass-cheeks to gain more access for his cock.

His head was buried on my chest and he started licking and kissing my little nipples. My mind flashed a mental image of the big hard taut nipples that Elvira had on her hard looking little tits and momentarily I hated the bitch.

We swayed back and forth for a few minutes. Opening his mouth wide, he covered a large portion of my breast area and applied suction whereupon he tensed. He then threw back his head and emitted a long low - UUUUUUUH. I could then feel the little cock pulse in my ass as he pumped his cum deep inside. Frantically, I bucked back and forth trying to get all the cock I could get in me. In a matter of seconds after he finished moaning his flaccid dick popped out of my ass. I reached behind me and tried desperately to put it back in but it was shriveling up at a very fast pace.

"Damn. That was good! I can't believe I came so fast. Shit! Where'd you learn how to do all that?" he said breathing erratically.

I climbed off his legs and never answered. I reached for my clothes and got dressed in silence. He arranged his clothes, started the car and we drove back in absolute quiet. When we arrived at the icehouse, he drove around the back and parked. As I rubbed my hand over the door trying to figure how to open it, he finally said, "Are you going to be around next week? I can pick you up and we can go to my house or something. You know, spend all day. Whatta do think?"

I finally found the correct lever, pulled it and opened the door. I got off and right before I closed it, I said, "All day? Sure, I'll be here but for all day, it's gonna cost ya. If your interested, I'll be here. So, see ya next week - on Saturday morning, right?" He just nodded in agreement.

Of course, I saw him the next Saturday morning, and as he had suggested, we went to his house and spend all day. He seemed to have no problem parting with fifty dollars. In fact I visited his house many times after that. At times , it was me and him alone and at other times, it was him, a friend and me. I enjoyed what they did with me but I enjoyed the money more, so I continued with him and met various other men interested in the same thing. I was under the impression that I was good at what I was doing but I actuality, they were just perverts, looking for a young victim or maybe it was the exceptionally low price. What a deal!

By now, I knew for sure that I was queer. I had certainly sucked enough cocks and had just as many shoved up my ass to make that determination official. What I was not aware of, was that I had just broken the law in the state of Texas and probably in all the other fifty states since unknowingly, I had practiced and joined as a full fledged member - the world's oldest profession.

My trips to that icehouse lasted all the way to late summer. Of course, I never picked up another bottle and succeeded in getting my glove in a couple of weeks, plus I also managed to get a lot of other things along the way.

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Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 19:12:06 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury

Meeting the Gang (Part 1) (Story E)

My little scheme of "working" only on Friday and Saturday nights, at the corner ice-house paid off big dividends and after a very short while I had saved quite a bit of money. Nobody knew I had it or how I got it. So I proceeded to try to spend it. Of course, when you have extra money, it's natural to have more desires. However, when money and desires are combined, trouble is sure to follow and true to the old adage, "Money is the root of all evil", trouble found me walking the street.

My strongest desire at the time was to join the scouts. Having heard from alot of the guys in school about all the fun they had making arts and craft and going camping and fishing, I figured that's for me. Our church parish could not support a scout troop and a little friend of mine and I ventured into another neighborhood barrio to check out their scout troop.

I had amassed a good sum of money but mama didn't raise no fool. I tried to get as many things as I could for free. Depending on the situation, if I couldn't get it free, I made real sure that I needed and wanted something before I paid for it. Mother had passed a real strong miser gene to me.

After attending our first scout meeting, we walked home completely disappointed because we had just found out that you not only had to pay when you joined but you had to pay weekly dues and pay for all the arts and crafts and the trips. Nothing was free - nothing!! I was really upset. I thought, Shit! I'm willing to pay for something not everything. Nothing is free! And anyway, why pay here when you can pay at a store and work it at home. You don't pay dues at home. The scouting concept just didn't make any sense. As we walked, we noticed a group of about eight boys about seventeen to twenty years old, walking in the opposite direction, staring at us. With a twinge of fear in his voice, my friend immediately said, "Don't look at them! Just keep walking."

I had heard stories of the fights and beatings barrio gangs inflicted on outsiders but it was always second-hand information and it sounded too exaggerated. However, I didn't think this was the time to try to find the truth or prove any point and I kept on walking with my head down. They finally passed us and I thought, WHEW!! We're home safe, when I heard them shout, "Hey, fuck-heads! Where are you going? - Ass-holes!" We kept on walking with my friend repeating, "Don't look back!! Don't look back!!" I wasn't looking anywhere but down and with a rapidly thumping heart, walking foreword.

The shouting increased with all kinds of name-calling and vicious remarks about the validity of our parents' marriage.

All of a sudden, fear overtook my friend and he took off running. I heard the sound of stomping of feet behind me as I figured they were running too. I turned around and they were less than five feet away from me. I froze. They met up to me, passed me and continued on after my friend. They caught him within fifteen or twenty yards from me, knocked him down and proceeded to administer one of the most vicious and fear-inspiring beatings I was ever to witness. I stood there wide-eyed and terrified as they delivered kicks to all parts of his body and head. All I could hear was the loud bone-crunching thuds being delivered.

After what seemed like an eternity, they stopped. All I could hear was their heavy breathing with not a sound from my friend, lying in a bloody heap. Instinctively, I took off running the opposite direction. I figured they were too tired to catch me and I ran until I could run no more. I traveled for approximately four or five city blocks ending up at a street corner with no idea where I was. I was bend over with my hands on my knees taking big gulps of air gazing back towards the direction I had come from and I couldn't see anybody. Relief coursed through me and since I figured I had gotten away, I took deep sighs of satisfaction. I stood up and looked in all four directions trying to figure out which way to go. I chose the street to my right and took off walking at a rather fast pace looking over my shoulder as I did. I got half way down the block when I realized I had chosen the wrong road. Emerging out of an alley they saw me. I was within ten feet of them. In my desperation, I kept looking back and never looked to the sides, walking right into them.

"There he is. " They shouted in unison. I was too tried to run and too terrified to move so I just stood there as they encircled me.

"Hey, Puto (slang for queer punk), where are you going so fast? Got a date or what? I hope it's not with one of the senoritas in our barrio cause we don't take too kindly to putos coming in and stealing our women, right, Vatos (guys)?" asked what appeared to be the leader in the usual Pachuco (Hispanic gang member) sing-song style.

As customary, the machismo trait, common in most Hispanic males ruled. They believe it is the Machos' bound duty and honor to protect his barrio, his women, his whatever against anybody or anything that infiltrates their domain for whatever reasons. Unless you live in that barrio or have family living there, you are considered fair game to whoever catches you. I was now fair game.

"Hey, Puto! We're asking you a question, Ese (male slang for dude)? Whatsa matter, you forgot why you're here? You want us to kick some answers out of your ass, Vato? or what?" kept asking the leader.

I stood there horrified with the vision of my friend laying in a bloody crumpled heap. My legs shaking in terror. I thought, I was going to cry, but my fear overtook me and the thought became a reality, as my eyes started to water. I tried to talk but I couldn't. I didn't know what to say and if I had known, it wouldn't have helped because I couldn't even open my mouth.

"HEY, MOTHER-FUCKER! TALK TO ME, YOU SORRY SON-OF A ...... Hey, Vatos, check it out. This little putito is starting to cry. Look at the big alligator tears running down his cheeks. Are you a sissy-boy, Ese? You miss your mamma? You gonna pee in your pants?" giggled the leader, mockingly.

"I bet the vato is a hoto (queer), Man! A little cock-sucking queer. Look at him, he don't want to fight. He's shaking and crying. I bet he's shitting in his pants right now. Right Ese?" said another of the group pushing me into another member who pushed me right back almost knocking me down.

"Hey, come on, Vatos! Let the little dude talk. He's not running away or anything, is he?" said a tall husky guy.

"I know he's not running, Bobby, but he's not talking either, said the leader glaring at me.

Out of nowhere, I blubbered, "Please don't hurt me! I don't want to fight. I'm not doing anything. I'm just want to go home."

'Hey, Vatos, did you here that. He just wants to go home. Aaaaw, he misses his mamma. Why you don't want to fight, Ese? Aren't you a man? Men fight - queers suck cocks and since you don't want to fight, I guess you want to suck my dick, right? said another one of the bullies chuckling and they all laughed.

Another crony chimed, "I bet this Vato is queer, man. Check it out. He's already crying and we haven't even touched him. He's a queer, man. I bet he wears his sisters panties. Look at his long faggot hair, I bet at night he wears his sister's rollers, too. FUCKING FAGGOT!! We ought a kick his ass anyway."

We all turned around when we heard this lady yelling as she came out of the house we were standing in front of, "Leave that muchacho alone. Can't you boys behave yourselves and act descent. Go on! Go home, all of you, before I call the cops!"

I sighed a breathe of relief as I thought she had rescued me from a savage beating. For a minute I considered running to her but I acted too slow. The leader grabbed my hair and started dragging me towards the alley with his counterparts right behind. We walked half-way down the alley and stopped behind a large garage type building. One of them moved away part of the galvanized tin wall, three ducked under and went in. The leader pushed me towards the entrance and I fell on the ground. As I tried to get up, he kicked my behind saying, "Get your ass in there, Puto! The husky guy picked me up and helped me crawl in behind them and I stood up with the last three piling in after me. I looked around. We were inside an old garage that smelled of oil and gas and stale beer.

The leader stood in front of me and looked slowly at his buddies. A sneer came over his face and they all started laughing. I failed to see the humor. He stood there for awhile, put his hand on his crotch and started massaging his groin. He put his hand on top of his pants and started pulling down his zipper. Inserting his hand inside his pants, he pulled out his cock. He stood there looking at me, grinning as he stroked it. It grew from a flaccid little appendage to a semi-hard medium sized cock. He then said, "Awright, Esa (chick), since you're not really an Ese. What's it gonna be? You gonna fight or suck cock?"

"I say we kick his ass now and then make him suck cock anyway, Henry. Like the last guy. We got to teach these putos a lesson, right?" said one of the flunkies standing next to me massaging his groin area.

"Yeah, right. Kick his ass. Then what. The last guy couldn't even open his mouth. You guys almost killed him," said the husky guy.

"Naw, Bobby, this little maricon (slang for drag-queen) is sucking my dick or else, we kick his ass." said, Henry, clarifying the situation at hand.

It took awhile to figure out that the leader's name was Henry and that our little discussion and resultant actions were not a new endeavor on their part. I also figured out that the husky guy, was named Bobby, and that he was not making any headway either to help me get out of this ugly mess. However, it took no time whatsoever for me to figure out what I was going to do. First and foremost, sucking a cock isn't that bad and I sucked cocks not because I was forced but because I kind of liked it and second but most important of all, a beating was definitely a very poor and repulsive alternative.

In a low embarrassed voice, I whispered, "I'll suck your cock."

"WHAT? I didn't hear you, Esa. You'll have to talk louder. See when I was a little boy, I had this problem with my ear and since then, I just don't hear too good." beamed Henry.

Still apprehensive, I said louder with a cracking voice, "I'll suck your cock."

"You don't get it, Esa. I bet the other guys didn't hear you. Did you guys hear him? He didn't say anything about sucking your cocks, just mine. What about them? You don't like them, maybe?" asked Henry.

"I'll suck their cocks too, okay," a said in a louder voice, irritated at the humiliation he was generating.

"Awright!! Now get on you knees and be my cock-sucking queen. I can't stand here and jack-off all day. I've got things to do and people see. Start sucking," ordered Henry.

I got on my knees and looked at his cock. It was a medium sized cock with a small pointed cock-head. I reached for it and grabbed it. I stroked it two or three times and he thrust out his hips. I closed my eyes, licked my lips and opened my mouth, took it in and started sucking. I figured if I could make them all cum real fast maybe I could that out of there that much faster. I started bobbing my head on it and rapidly increased the tempo hoping this would accelerate his ejaculation. As my head bobbed up and down on his cock, I tried to minimize its depth into my mouth, I didn't want to gag and piss him off. He, of course, had other ideas and grabbed my hair and started to fuck my face at a furious pace driving his cock deep into my throat. I put my hands on his pelvis and pushed back but not enough to get him mad. After a few seconds of his frenzied movements, he let go of my head, put his hand on his hips and said, "Now you work it baby. Suck my cock good." and waited for me to do the movements.

With my eyes tightly shut, I frantically started bobbing on his cock, sucking in full earnest, not wanting to see them standing around me. Suddenly, one of the guys yelled, "Check it out! This little queer can suck good. I'm getting a big hard-on just watching."

Another one chimed in, "Yeah, he looks like one of my grandmother calves when their sucking on a bottle or their mother teat. Suck on that cock!!! Little cow!!!"

I heard someone say, "I bet he takes it up the ass just as good, too." and I felt somebody yanking at my shorts trying to pull them off. Henry pushed me down and got on his knees and I wound up in a hands/knees position on the dirty greasy floor, sucking his cock.

Instead of things getting better, they appeared to be getting worse. Underneath, my shorts I was wearing a pair of panties. Not my sister's usual cotton variety that I always wore but a pair of flaming red-lace bikini panties, I had gotten from Elvira because every time I would visit her and try on her clothes, I would choose these. Elvira told me that since I wore them more than she did, I might as well keep them.

When they pulled off my shorts, I heard the group roar in unison, laughing. Someone yelled, "Check it out!! l was right, he is wearing his sister's panties!!" and they all joined in another chorus of laughter. Instead of pulling them off, someone got behind me and started rubbing my panty clad ass, saying, "OOOH, Man, this ass feels good." Rubbing his hands all over, he continued, "I'm gonna fuck him good."

Someone else yelled, "It's HER, Vato, not him. Your gonna fuck HER good. Remember, she's our queen for a day." and again the chorus of laughter. By this time my jaws are starting to ache as my head bobbed up and down on Henry's cock. Henry just knelt there, hands on his hips and his stiff cock in my mouth. I'm thinking, what's wrong with this guy?

Nobody bothered to remove my panties, instead, the guy behind me took the middle of the lace panties and tore them apart, ripping a large opening right down the middle that exposed the crack of my ass. I immediately felt his stiff cock poking at my dry hole. He just poked and prodded, painfully hurting me and he finally said, "Shit, this hurts."

I heard someone say, "Spit on it, Pendejo (stupid), and it will slip in like it was greased with butter."

Suddenly, Henry pulled his dick out of my mouth and tugged at my T-shirt pulling it off over my head. He then stood up and walking around behind me, loudly proclaimed, "I FUCK HER FIRST! I'M GONNA POP HER CHERRY! SHE'S MY BITCH! You all saw how much she loved to suck my cock. Now back off. Bobby, you're next, let her suck your dick then you fuck her." and he rattled off names in order of succession. Looking over my shoulder at what was going on, I remained on my arms and legs,. As Henry knelt behind me and started to zero in on me with his cock, I spit a copious amount spit on my fingers and smeared it all over my ass-hole rapidly working it in the right places.

Kneeling behind me, Henry spread his arms out and then pointed to my ass as I smeared the spittle on me and said, "SEE!!" he said, grabbing my hand as I applied spit, "I told you vatos. Look, she's even getting her ass ready for me. She wants me bad, right, little cock-sucker? You want my cock up your ass bad." A few seconds of silence passed and I applied more spit without saying anything. I hadn't realized he was talking to me and I was more concerned about them possibly attempting an agonizing dry-fuck. He reached over and grabbed a handful of my long hair and yanked it back, angrily saying, "I can't hear you, BITCH! I thought you wanted my cock up your ass?

"OW! YES! I WANT YOUR COCK" I screamed from the unexpected pain in my scalp.

"You want it where, Bitch? WHERE? and say it loud so we can all hear," ranted Henry bending my head back as he pulled on my hair harder.

"OW, YES! UP MY ASS! I WANT YOUR COCK UP MY ASS REAL BAD! PLEASE FUCK ME!" I cried feeling slightly embarrassed but saying anything that would make him release my hair.

Letting go of my hair, Henry said, "Bobby, wait a minute. Let me show you guys how to get your queens to perform all your wants and needs, okay? Now watch. YOU, BITCH!" (Apparently talking to me) Stick your finger up your ass so I can see that you're ready." and waiting a few seconds, spanked me hard on my butt, sternly saying, DO IT NOW, BITCH!!" I spit on my fingers and worked my finger into my ass as instructed. "NOW USE TWO, BITCH!!" and as the level of embarrassment increased, I pulled out my finger and replaced it with two. "PUSH THEM IN AND OUT, BITCH! I DON'T THINK YOU'RE READY!' he yelled. The little crowd was hooting and hollering.

Feeling extremely humiliated as I knelt on that dirty garage floor, completely naked except for a pair of torn panties, I pushed my fingers up my ass and pulled them in and out a couple of times. "AW RIGHT!! See you guys. Works every time. Now open your ass wide with both hands, Mamma, cause here comes Daddy." Obeying him, I reached behind me and pulled apart my ass-cheeks. He pulled up to my ass-hole and forced the cock-head in and stopped. Pain shocked me as his cock penetrated me and a long deep moan escaped my throat. "That's it, Bitch. Moan like you like it. In a little while you're gonna scream for more." he boasted, and then continued with, "Okay, Bitch, Now fuck yourself on my cock. Work it good. Show me you want it."

I pushed back on his cock and as it widened my ass-hole, the exquisite pain that had always made me want more cock, intensified. As I speared my ass with his cock, a long MMMMMM escaped my throat. I opened my eyes and saw a stiff fair sized cock about six inches long in front of my face. This must be Bobby, I thought. I kept pushing back, driving the cock up my ass deeper but I also reached for Bobby's cock, grabbed it and opening my mouth wide pulled it towards me. Wanting my lips around the hard shaft, Bobby, or whoever it was, happily obliged and pushed it deep into my throat, gagging me. I wanted all I could get in both ends and I rocked myself back and forth on my two bodily invaders, elevating myself to heated passionate heights. As I pushed myself hard on the one cock, lancing my ass, I sucked hard on the one, boring my mouth. I was in seventh heaven.

(CONTINUED in: Meeting the Gang (Part 2) (Story E)

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From agate!nntp-ucb.barrnet.net!autodesk.com!toad.com!amdahl.com!news.fujitsu.com!nntp-sc.barrnet.net!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Wed Oct 11 17:44:07 1995 Message-ID: 191351Z10101995@anon.penet.fi Path: agate!nntp-ucb.barrnet.net!autodesk.com!toad.com!amdahl.com!news.fujitsu.com!nntp-sc.barrnet.net!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories From: an395341@anon.penet.fi (...Mercury.....) X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an395341@anon.penet.fi Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 19:12:48 UTC Subject: A Girl's Debut 8/?? (M/m M/M TV) Lines: 376

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 20:24:06 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury

Meeting the Gang (Part 2) (Story E)

It didn't take too long for Henry or Bobby to unleash their hot sperm into my willing orifices and I sucked and swallowed greedily on Bobby's pulsing cock as Henry's stiff member throbbed in my ass. In a flash they crumpled away from me and two other individuals took their place. I was the object of all kinds of names and epitaphs as they each took their turns with me. But I was uncaring as I would momentarily open my eyes to see a cock standing straight up next to me and I would let go of the one in my mouth and attack the new one. I reached at the waving cocks and stroked them while I sucked on another. All this time, I kept my ass swaying high in the air, perversely inviting any cock to enter. I was out of control. The process was repeated until I, still kneeling, looked around and saw Bobby, sitting on a stool. Only him and I remained. Everybody else had satisfied their own personal wants and needs and I guess went on to better things in the barrio. I stood up and wavered on my wobbling legs. My hands and knees were black with oil and dirt and rivulets of sperm trickled down the back of my legs. My ass-hole appeared to be tingling and throbbing from the lingering pain. I have no idea how long we were in that garage but I know for sure that I swallowed at least eight loads of cum and had my ass fucked twelve times - I counted.

I looked over at Bobby, he bowed his head and looking down said, "Come on, I'll walk with you awhile. You don't want to run into any other vatos do you? And wipe your chin, it's got something on it." I touched my lower face and feeling thick cold cum smeared all over my chin, the side of my cheek and down my neck, I wiped it hastily with the front of my T-shirt.

We walked in silence and after a few blocks he said, "What's your name? I'm Bobby."

"Yeah, I know. Mine's Boof." I replied.

"Boof!! What does that mean?" he asked.

"I don't know. Somebody started calling me that one time and it stuck." I replied.

We walked further without anymore questions or words. Exhaling a big sigh, he finally said, "Doesn't it bother you to suck a cock? I mean only women do that. Of course, only the whores. I, mean not that you're a whore. A whore gets paid for doing that and you......Ah, I mean... Well, you know. Like I've heard stories about queers liking it but I really wasn't sure. Like I've never really known one, you know, except you. You are a queer, right?

"Yeah," I said in indignation.

Continuing, he said, "Boy, taking it up the ass must really hurt, right? I mean, I've never had anything up my ass but I can just imagine the pain. Boy, you sure looked like you enjoyed it. Did you, really?

"Yeah, I like it and it does hurt but I don't know - it hurts.....good. I mean, it's kind of hard to explain. All I know is that I like to have a hard cock up my ass. What can I say? It just feels good." I said slightly embarrassed.

Turning around and walking backwards, while facing me, he said, "Hey, tell you what. I'll walk you almost to your barrio and make sure you get home safe if you come back tomorrow and let me fool around with you, okay?" I thought, to myself sarcastically, OH! How nice! But didn't say a word. I remembered his stiff cock and considered accepting the novel proposition. As he spoke, we approached a little corner neighborhood grocery store and I noticed another bunch of hoodlums milling around outside drinking beer, out of quart sized bottles and they waved at him. He waved back sort of ignoring them and said, "See, I live right there." pointing to a small forlorn looking little house almost across the street. "My mom's never home and we'll have the house all to ourselves." he said stopping, "What do you think?"

I kept walking a few steps, looking at his house until I noticed he wasn't next to me and I stopped and turned around, asking, "What's wrong?"

"Well, you want me to walk with you or not. I live here, remember?" he answered.

"Oh, yeah." I said. Taking time to think about a possible run-in with another group of hoodlums tonight, versus a good fuck tomorrow, I glanced at the group on the corner and easily concurred, "Sure, come on, walk with me."

"What about tomorrow? Can I see you about two o'clock?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll come by." I answered. He still didn't move and then after awhile, he said sheepishly, "Got another pair of those panties, you could wear tomorrow? I'm sorry about the ones I tore but I got carried away." I thought, so he's the one that tore them as I nodded my head in assent.

As promised, he walked with me not only into the barrio but all the way home. Walking with me all the way to Elvira's fence, he stood there as I unlocked the door and went inside. When I looked out the window, he was gone. I wondered, I hope he doesn't run into a gang. I laughed, shit, this barrio doesn't have any gangs. And I laughed louder as I thought, if we do, I hope they fuck him and went to bed giggling.

The following afternoon, I walked to his house at a rapid pace praying I didn't run into any of the small gangs that roamed the neighborhoods in search of trouble to get into. As I neared his house, I saw him from a distance sitting on the porch steps. His wet hair was plastered back as though he'd just bathed or showered. Waving, he got up as I approached and said, "It's a little past two. I was getting ready to go look for you. You okay?"

"I'm fine." I answered.

He opened the screen and we walked in. He had taken just three steps inside the house when he turned around and asked, "What color panties are you wearing? You are wearing some, right?

"Yeah, they're white, why? I asked a little confused.

"Good, Come in here and put this on," he said, walking into what appeared to be a bedroom. After glancing around the room, I followed him and he was standing by the bed holding what seemed to be a woman's full slip. The kind modest women always wear under their clothes.

I took it and looking at it wondered, why this - it was extremely large? He immediately urged, "Come on, take off you clothes and put it on, I thought you might like it. Something wrong with it?

"No, it's okay." I said, thinking wild thoughts about the potential that he might want me to wear some other feminine clothes and I thought of the perfect source - Elvira's closet.

I stripped and pulled on the slip. After I arranged it properly, I faced him and he frowned saying, "Shit, it's too big. I guess my mom's kind of fat." I tried to control my reactions and not laugh but I almost lost it, when all of a sudden, we both burst laughing. Sitting on the bed, he said, "Come over here, baby." and I walked around to him and stood in between his legs. Putting his arms around me, he massaged my butt through the satiny slip material, gathering it with his fingers and bunching it up until he was touching me panty sheathed ass. Rubbing his hands all over my ass, he stood up and bending slightly, searched for my lips and kissed me. I froze, backing away a little. I wasn't expecting this type of tenderness. I expected a more of a - "Wham, bam, thank you, mam" - type thing. He opened his mouth and stuck his tongue in. I tasted the slight tinge of toothpaste on it. I softly sucked on his wet hot tongue and he shoved it further into my mouth, drawing it in and out and around. As he withdrew his tongue, I gently sucked in as much of his breathe as I could inhale. After I had sucked in as much air as I possibly could, he moved back with a stunned look on his face and said deeply inhaling, "OOOOH, Baby, you sure can kiss. Damn, I'm super hot. Check out my big boner."

Looking down, I notice his khaki pants, bulging with the outline of his cock. I reached down and massaged it through the material. I delicately pushed on his chest and he sat down, leaning back on his elbows. I took the top of his pants with one hand and with the other slowly lowered his zipper. He wasn't wearing any underwear and I easily reached in and took out his stiff hot cock. I knelt between his legs, looked up at him, lowered my head. I opened my mouth, started to go down on him. He reached over, put his hand on my shoulder and said, "No, stop! I don't really want that. I want your ass instead. Come on, lie down on the bed." he continued as he got up and helped me off my knees carefully pushing me on the bed. I lay down with the slip bunched around my waist and he lay next to me and took it off. We embraced and passionately kissed. I could feel his hot sweaty hand, rubbing my upper thigh, creeping under the panty's elastic band, headed to my ass-hole. He found it and probed forcefully into the still sensitive orifice with his dry finger. I winced and said, "OW! That hurts."

"Shit! I'm sorry. I just got carried away." he said as he started to get up, "Wait don't move. I'll be right back. Don't do anything. Just stay still." he yelled running into the other room. In a spilt second, he returned with a large bottle of some sort of body lotion and said, "Here, turn over, we'll try this." I turned over on my stomach and he peeled my panties completely off. He squirted some lotion on his fingers and applied it to my sore puckered hole. It felt cold and oily, but intensely pleasurable as he slid his finger easily in and out. Very quickly, the passion inside me started to heat up. I slightly raised my butt to meet his probing finger. "MMMMM. that feels good." I breathed out. He continued his probing movements. The fire went a little higher and my heated passion started to simmer.

"OOOOH, yes! Do it! It feels good." I panted, curving my ass up into his finger. He continued relentlessly, not stopping his continued digital sawing action into my ass. The fire went up another notch and my passion started to boil. I was now thrashing up and down on the bed, thrusting my ass up to meet his finger's downward motion. Wanting more, I shrieked, "OOOH, YES! YES! DO IT! YES, DO IT! OOOH! IT FEELS SO GOOD! FUCK ME, BOBBY! PLEASE, FUCK ME, NOW!" Heeding my appeals, he with drew his finger and hopped on the bed. Opening my legs wide as he could, he positioned himself between them and lowered himself, simultaneously entering my ass-hole in one sudden motion. The intense pain rippled through my body and I screamed, burying my face in the pillow trying to muffle my sounds. He never stopped and buried his cock deep within my ass, holding it in until he started moaning and then I felt his cock throbbing deep inside, flooding my bowels with cum. I clenched and released my ass muscles around his throbbing cock, milking it empty as I battered myself violently against his body. He had been supporting his weight off me on his arms but moments after his ejaculation, I felt his full body weight as he collapsed fully on top of me. I lay there suffocating with all his dead weight on top of me. I tried to move and finally tried to push him off, saying, "Get off!! you're too heavy. I can't breathe." Without a word he rolled over and lay next to me heavily panting.

We lay there on the bed for a while, he on his back gasping and me on my stomach panting. The only sound that could be heard was our mixed heavy breathing and a clock ticking loudly from the dresser. Occasionally, I could hear a car horn sound far in the distance. I stirred and lazily turned and looked at the clock. It was exactly two-thirty. I thought, Shit! I've been here only thirty minutes and its over. I couldn't believe it. I spent more time in my bathroom accomplishing the preliminaries (enema/bath/body lotion/powder) for this encounter and after less than thirty minutes its over. I couldn't believe it. What happened? I turned and looked at Bobby and he just lay there softly breathing. If I didn't know any better, I would've sworn he was snoring lightly. I looked down at his cock and it looked small, weak and puny. It was all shriveled up, drooped over on its side with its little head lying in a little pool of drying cum. I thought, I wonder if he can do it again later. What if he doesn't want to? What if I leave and he wanted to? I turned and looked at Bobby's face again. His mouth was hanging open as he had fallen into a deep slumber. I considered getting dressed and leaving but I didn't know what to. I got up and looked out the window. As I peered out the window, I noticed the same group of hoodlums from last night standing around the little store. Instantaneously, I figured, Naw, I'll just stay here awhile or maybe I'll wake up Bobby.

I saw my panties on the floor and wondering how they got there, picked them up and put them on. I thought, I'm glad I wore them, Bobby seemed real pleased. I crawled back on the bed with Bobby as he lay in the middle of the bed and snuggled up close against him, draping my arm across his chest and my leg over his legs. He slowly stirred and then violently pushed me away from him knocking me completely off the bed, slamming my head on the wall next to us.

At first, I sat there, stunned. Realizing what had just happened, I felt overwhelmed by surprise and astonishment and finally felt deeply offended by the vicious rejection. To my amazement, my shock and resentment turned to seething anger in less than a couple of seconds. From zero-to-bitch in less the six seconds. I was furious! I jumped up and stared at him. He had turned over and was curled up in a fetal position still breathing deeply. I raged in anger as I stomped around the room. Looking at him as I paced, I boiled in an uncontrollable frenzied madness. OOOOOH!!!, I thought, you miserable, sorry, son-of-a-bitch!! Just who the fuck do you think you are, my thoughts screamed in my head. After you fuck me and kiss me, you push me away like a piece of trash? OOOOOH! You sorry mother-fucker, I screamed in my mind. My fists, trembling at my sides, were clenched in tight balls with my fingernails digging into my palms.

Finally, I lost it completely and acted. Yelling, "BOBBY! WAKE UP!!" I did something I never thought I would ever do to anyone. I slapped him hard on his naked butt that the slap left a stinging sensation on my hand and a bright red angry hand imprint at the sight of impact. I really didn't know I could generate that level of anger and I didn't know how he would react, but his reactions were the last thing on my mind. I didn't give a shit. No one was going to treat me like that. He jumped up and out of bed in one split-second motion, rubbing the sight of the impression and looking at me in bewilderment with his mouth gaping.

I didn't wait for him to speak. I shouted at the top of my lungs, "WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WOULD TREAT ME LIKE THAT. WHY DON'T YOU JUST TELL ME TO LEAVE AND I'LL GO. YOU DON"T HAVE TO PUSH ME AWAY. I DIDN'T COME OVER HERE FOR A NAP, YOU KNOW! My voice cracked as I yelled. I guess because of the rage, my eyes started to water and tears streamed down my face. I angrily wiped them away and got even angrier cause I couldn't control the flow of tears. I looked around for my shirt, pants and shoes but my eyes were blurred from the tears. I could make out the objects on the floor but blurry-eyed, I couldn't distinguish distance. My anger increased as I groped at them but couldn't feel them. I dropped on my knees and felt for them eventually grabbing everything in a bundle. I stood up and threw it on a chair picking up the shirt, trying to put it on. It was twisted and half inside-out. The more I struggle with it, the more tangled it got.

Suddenly, Bobby grabbed my hands and held them tightly. I guess he thought I would start swinging. I turned and stared at him. "Hey!! he said calmly, "What's wrong. Don't cry! Tell me why you're mad. What happened? I don't want you to be mad at me! What happened?"

"WHAT HAPPENED?" I yelled. "YOU........ he pressed a finger up to my lips and said, "SSSHHH! There's no need to yell. I'm right here in front of you." I noticed a calm deadly-sounding tone of his voice and I quieted down. "Well, " I sniffed, continuing at a subdued level, "I.....I tried to hug you and you just pushed me away, knocking me off the bed," and fully aware that I was pushing my luck but still very aggravated, I pushed him as hard as I could, and said, "Like this!" He tumbled back tripping and falling, hitting a bedpost, bouncing off it and onto the floor, rolling over. He appeared comical, flailing his arms trying to get support and/or control of his balance, but it appeared that the more he tried, the clumsier he got. Unknowingly, he had comically maximized a balancing act in his attempt not to fall. As he hit the floor and rolled over, he came to a sudden stop and wound up, staring at me. He lay there propped on his elbows as though his gymnastics had been a well choreographed dance recital and he was waiting for applause. My eyes widened and I stood there, paralyzed. Though it seemed comical, I felt sort of sad but at the same time, I wanted to laugh, too. My feelings were a mixture of exhilaration, hostility, and compassion. I didn't know which emotion to let overtake me. I wondered if he was mad or maybe hurt. I didn't think I had pushed him that hard. Actually, I had never pushed anybody in any manner or fashion. Human contact in any form of physical combat was something that I had never been part of, I hated brutality and had a deadly fear of pain as the result of fighting. I had never been in any kind of brawl.

We stared at each other, maintaining eye contact. He broke out in a smile and at the same, both of us burst out laughing. "Damn! Boof, you don't have to get physical," he said, struggling to get up. Feeling bad and regretting my actions, I hurried to him and tried to help him up. I grabbed his arm and lifted, he was heavy and he stood up huffing and puffing. "Are you okay?" I asked nervously.

"Yeah, I'm fine" he said still laughing, "Boy, remind me never to really piss you off. I could get hurt real bad." turning to face me, he said in a serious tone, "Look, I'm real sorry if I pushed you. Really, I am. I'm just not used to having anyone in bed with me. I guess I must have been asleep cause I sure as hell don't remember, but if you say I did, I must have, cause you were really pissed. But, I'm sorry, okay. I really am."

I shrugged and said, "Sure, I'll get over it."

"What do you mean? Are you still mad? I mean, I said I was sorry. I didn't mean it. Hey, I'm sorry, okay?", he whined in a high pitched voice.

"ALRIGHT, ALREADY!" I said surprised at his apparent concern. "I'm not mad or upset and YOU'RE SORRY, okay?" I said, smiling at the way the sentence came out. He grinned broadly in agreement.

Later on as we sat on the porch, him on the steps and me on an old chair, we talked for awhile about trivial things. He had explained earlier that his lack of control during our sexual romp was only because of the anticipation of waiting for me and that he would was sure he could restrain himself next time. I thought, next time? Whoever said anything about a next time? He had apparently already made up his mind and without even asking had established the time and date - next week, same time, same place by injecting the dates into our conversation. He had also manipulated into the conversation the color of my panties and had decided on black. He figured I could provide something feminine to wear by borrowing it from my from my sisters since they were smaller than his mom. I agreed on the condition that I had the prerogative to change or cancel the date if something came up at home, I had already explained how strict my family was. Of course I failed to provide little details of who they were strict with. My sisters could not date until they were eighteen years old and could only on go out Saturday having to be home by eleven o'clock. This ruled applied to all of them even though they were in their late teens. I, on the other hand, was alot younger but could stay out late. This double standard applied to the majority of the Hispanic families. I believe my parents felt I couldn't possibly get in trouble since I couldn't pregnant. What a concept!

I finally told him had I had to leave and he asked me to come inside for one minute. "What for?" I asked and he said, "Please? just one minute." Nodding my head, he opened the door and we walked inside. As soon as we entered, he turned around and grabbed me, passionately kissing me and squeezing me hard against his body. WOW! I thought, this dude full of surprises. We stopped kissing and holding me tightly against him, he said, "I know you have to leave and I'll see you next week but I had to kiss before you left, okay?

Smiling and kidding, I said, "Sure but you could've kissed me outside, I don't mind.", fully aware of his hoodlum friends milling around the corner store.

"Hey, we can't do that outside." he said in a surprised tone.

"Why not?" I asked brazenly, "You think your friends will see you and think you're queer of something? You know, kissing another guy? Hell, you already fucked me, the least you can do is kiss me." and I laughed still teasing.

His warm facial expression changed into a dark somber evil-looking mask. He turned me around in one sudden motion and slammed me hard against the wall with my head thumping loudly against it. I fluttered my eyes trying to focus them as I saw bright lights flashing before them. He pressed his forehead on mine with such intense pressure that I thought my head would burst. I closed my eyes and rolled my head to the side. With my eyes closed, I could still see the flashing lights. I could also feel his hot heavy breathing on my ear. Whispering in a harsh deep angry tone, he slowly said, "I'm not a queer, damn it! If I ever, ever hear you say anything like that, I'll..... At the sound of the threat, I generated and felt such a streak of anger and rage that surprised me but I turned and faced him, snarling and spitting in his face, I said, "You'll what? Beat the shit out of me? Get your buddies to kick my ass and make me suck their cocks? Bobby, if you ever touch me in anger, you'll never see me again. Not only will you never see me again but I'll tell all those guys outside that you brought me over here and fucked and kissed me. Yes, Bobby, KISSED ME! What do you suppose they'll think, Bobby." I waited for an answer breathing heavily into his face. I felt the tightness of his grip slowly loosen. "ANSWER ME, BOBBY," I sternly demanded, "NOW!" without waiting for an answer, I said, "FUCK YOU, BOBBY!" and pushing him away, moved towards the door. He tenderly grabbed my arm and said, "Wait, Boof, please!!"

"YEAH, WAIT - WAIT ON MY ASS, BOBBY! I'M HISTORY" and I shook off his hand and flung the screen-door open. I sped out the door, jumping the porch steps and hit the sidewalk running. I heard him faintly call one more time, pleading to stop, but I knew he wouldn't follow - his type crowd that was milling across the street might see him. They looked my way and waved at me as I run out. Making sure they all saw me, I waved back.

As this point, to clarify some possible misconceptions about male Hispanic behavior and traditional roles, allow me to identify and explain some of our more taken for granted social ethics related to homosexuality. Hispanic men, actually I believe it applies to most self-professed heterosexual men regardless of racial background, try to make themselves believe that since they are not the recipients (i.e. - passive/cock-suckers/drag queens) during homosexual acts that they are not homosexual. They adhere to the precept that it is okay in some instances, to indulge in homosexual activities as long as they remain the active participant (i.e. - active, assumes male role) and keep their homosexual desires covert. Though not above their capacity, queer bashing, does occurs, however homosexual activity by a supposedly heterosexual male with a willing homosexual partner, as a sexual outlet or as a recreational pastime only, is usually accepted by his peers. Joint or group sexual activities usually occur since at that time, the group can urge each other on providing the approval required - Hey, if you're doing it I guess it's alright. It is considered more acceptable by the peers for the passive partner to appear feminine, dress feminine or to be a full drag queen since it promotes the excuse - Hey, he really looks like a woman.

Still inexperienced and lacking full understanding of this type of lifestyle, I ran all the way home thinking, you must not think you're queer, Bobby, and maybe you aren't but if I ever get horny and I come looking for you, I know you'll be there waiting. I just know it.

Comments and/or remarks are more than welcome. Write to me at: an361967@anon.penet.fi (Boof)

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From agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!news.scruz.net!news.redshift.com!news.alt.net!news.oz.net!news.sprintlink.net!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Wed Oct 11 17:44:08 1995 Message-ID: 192311Z10101995@anon.penet.fi Path: agate!darkstar.UCSC.EDU!news.scruz.net!news.redshift.com!news.alt.net!news.oz.net!news.sprintlink.net!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories From: an395341@anon.penet.fi (...Mercury.....) X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an395341@anon.penet.fi Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 19:14:09 UTC Subject: A Girl's Debut 9/?? (M/m, M/M TV) Lines: 361

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 19:24:26 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury

Bobby's Girl (Story F)

Time passes when you're having fun. At least that's what they say. I, for one, was having a good time. I spent countless hours at Elvira's trying on and modeling her clothes, playing with her make-up, combing my hair and her's and the most difficult part - walking around in her shoes. During the week-ends, I would happily trudge off to the ice-house, all powdered up and squeaky-clean. I made sure that I didn't leave the security of the barrio but occasionally forgot and ventured into downtown to a park near the YMCA. Life was good to me and I relished in what I was doing.

One or two months went by, maybe three, I really don't remember, I but continued to "work" the icehouse at a profitable return, that is until Elvira saw me getting off a car one late Saturday night.

I heard her husky voice yelling in a deep roar, "BOOF, YOU LITTLE FUCKER!!" GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE!" She was standing at the corner of the building next to a tall guy wearing a big cowboy. I waved and smiling ran to meet her, saying, "Hi! Elvie, what are you doing here?" Without a warning she grabbed my arm and dragged me behind the building with the cowboy walking behind us smiling. "You little slut," she hissed and in one long breathe said, "You've been sucking cocks and getting it up the ass for money haven't you? I knew someone was taking my tricks but I never thought it was you. When I heard it was a boy that looked like a girl I considered you but I thought, Naw not him. What the fuck is wrong with you? Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you can get into? I immediately started to lie saying, "No, Elvie, I was only..... and she shook me yelling, "Don't lie, Boof, or else our secret promise is history and I'll talk to your mom." she said shaking me. I panicked and my lower lip started to tremble. "Tell me the truth!" she said shaking me again. I said, "Okay! Okay! So I sucked a guy's cock, big deal? You do it, I've seen you!" The cowboy asked, "Who's the kid? Elvie?" She answered without looking at him, "My little brother. Got lost! I'll see you tomorrow." As the cowboy turned and walked away, he muttered, "Must run in the family."

Elvira half-pulled half-dragged me to her house reading me the riot act. Telling me the horrors of prison and how after cops know you're queer, they pick on you and haul your ass in just so you can service the inmates and keep them happy and content, and of course, all the shame I would go through with my family if I got caught.

When we got to her house, we went inside and she continued ranting and wanting to all the details. She was pissed. I told her about running into some guys in the other barrio, about how they beat my friend. She knew about that cause I saw her at the hospital where he spent two months or so. I told her they were going to kill me if I didn't suck their cocks. I guess due to the condition my friend was left in, she sort of believed me. However, I changed the facts a little and told her that Bobby had saved my life and I felt obligated to show him some sort of appreciation though I didn't say exactly what type and ended up saying that I gave him a hand-job and it was so "nice", I sucked his dick later. Then I related the story about the guys taking a "leak" and that I only gave them hand-jobs, and blow-jobs. She bought it - hook, line, and sinker. She appeared concerned and though apparently satisfied she remained visibly upset about what I had done.

For weeks afterwards, we had many question and answer sessions. I don't recall the exact content but she pieced together the clues I maneuvered into my questions and accepted the fact that I was queer.

One day as I turned the cornered the fence coming from her house, I was startled by a loud PSSSSST. I looked around and didn't see anything. PSSSST it went again. I looked towards the back of the fence and I saw Bobby standing by alley entrance. He started walking towards me and as he approached me said, "Hey , Boof what's the scoop?" "Hi, Bobby" I said as casually as I could.

Looking furtively around he said, "Say, Babe, why don't you go visit me. I sure would like to see you. I haven't seen you in almost three months. I passed by here a bunch of times but I haven't been able to catch you. I heard your friend is okay, sorry about that."

"I'm okay," I said, getting pissed off just thinking about my friend. He had suffered quite a bit from all types of injuries. "What do you want? Anybody sees you here and they might jump you." I said angrily, and exactly as I said it, four neighborhood punks turned the corner of the alley.

They never acknowledged or talked to me but I was part of this barrio and by birth, one of their home boys, a "homie or homes" as they called each other. Immediately Bobby straightened up, they neared us, they slowed down and walked by real slow, eyeing Bobby suspiciously. "Hey, Boof, how's it hanging, homie?" asked one of them, named Roger and they all stopped. I was getting ready to say something real cool, I think, when not waiting for my answer and looking at Bobby, Juan, a real bully, said, "Hey Ese, who are you? I've never seen you in this barrio," I turned to look at Bobby, who had assumed a pose of arrogance and defiance. Thrusting his chest out with his head held high and thrown back, he said, "What the fuck's it to you, cabron? You can't stop me from passing through." I thought, holy shit!! What the hell is wrong with him. There's four of them and one of him. They'll kick his ass. Before I knew it, Juan had a long shiny knife in his hand and he said, "Maybe not mother-fucker, but I can make it hard for you to get to the other side."

I have no idea where he got it or when he took it out but Bobby moved his arm up slowly and a shiny six or seven inch blade appeared in his hand. I thought, this shit-heads are crazy. Bobby will never get out alive. "Well then come on, Ese, let's see how tough you can make it." Bobby stated fearlessly.

Thinking fast, I blurted, "Wait a minute, Juan. This is Bobby, a friend of my cousin, Margie. You know, Tony's little sister. They live over by (and I placed them in the vicinity of Bobby's house) the junior high. What's wrong with you, man? Boy, if Tony ever finds out, he's gonna be pissed." Actually there was no way they could corroborate my story. Tony was gone for the next four years to serve Uncle Sam and Margie had gotten pregnant at the age of fourteen and had moved to Wisconsin or Chicago, somewhere up north but she was definitely not around.

"Weeell, why didn't you say so sooner, Boof," said Juan sounding real relieved. "Hey, Ese, no hard feelings?" he continued, extending his hand to Bobby in a gesture of friendship. Bobby reached over and firmly shook it, saying, "It's cool, Vato. You got to watch over your barrio cause if you don't, no one will."

"That's right, Ese, be cool," and flashing a V sign of peace with his fingers, they turned and walked away. Looking over his shoulder, Juan added, "You oughta take Boof somewhere and teach his ass a lesson, Vato, for not speaking up sooner. Somebody could have gotten hurt." He was trying to insinuate that Bobby would be the victim but I think he had his wires crossed. Bobby was getting ready to yell back a retort, when I said, "Shut up, Bobby!" He smiled sweetly and said, "Okay".

We stood there for awhile watching them disappear around the corner when Bobby finally said, "Well, am I gonna be able to give your ass a lesson."

Looking straight at him I said without blinking an eye, "Fuck you, Bobby. You're a real ass-hole." His eyes widened and I continued, "Look at the way you acted. Hell, fuck you, I could've gotten hurt or something." His eyes got even wider and he said, "YOU! wait a minute, what about."

"SHUT UP!, I'm not through yet." I interrupted bravely. "I'm still not over the way you treated me the last time," and unable to think of what I really wanted, I said, "I don't know. Let me think about it."

"Okay, that's pretty fair. Think about it." Handing me a piece of paper, he said, "This is my phone number at home and the one for work. Call me tomorrow, okay? And let me know when you're coming over."

"I said I would think about it, Bobby, not make up my mind overnight." I said annoyed that he had the gall to assume that I was going over. I probably was but he was going to wait, maybe even beg for it - I thought, I was worth it. Shit, I'd just saved his life. And anyway, my sisters always said that a man will follow you like a little puppy if you give him a treat and them make him sit up and beg for some more. At least for now, Bobby was learning how to sit up.

Bobby at last accepted my offer and left for work. As I watched him saunter down the street, I heard Elvira say, "You can come inside now, he's too far away for you to see him anyway." I started laughing and ran into her house. We spend hours trying to scheme up a way to get Bobby really interested. By the time we decided what it was gonna be, I was sure that if Bobby wasn't queer now, it wouldn't make any difference later because after I put into effect what Elvira had planned for me, I was sure he would never go back to a real girl's pussy.

I called him almost three weeks later but made it clear that I just wanted to talk to him and let him know I was still thinking. I also casually remarked how hot it was and how my panties were stuck to my ass. He grabbed the bait and asked, "What color are they?" - "Black, of course," I answered, remembering that he had insisted that the next time I saw him, I would wear black panties. I played the game for about three more weeks, constantly teasing him about all the different color panties I would wear.

Eventually, one night, after I called him from Elvira's house, and the panty subject came up, he said, "Come on, Boof, Please, I really do want to see you. Please come over, okay, Baby?" BOBBY HAD LEARNED TO BEG!!!!

I waited for a good while then shyly asked, "Are you horny, Bobby? Cause I am. I want your cock so bad I can taste it." I listened intently and all I could hear was heavy breathing. I finally said, "Can I come over tomorrow, I miss you." He shouted into the phone, "YES! YES! tomorrow, what time? I said, "About six." and hung up. Elvira was standing next to me, eavesdropping and let out a boisterous peal of laughter.

Over the time I had visited Elvira I had learned alot of things from this little drag queen friend. She expertly taught me the art of illusion. Simple things like applying the right amount of make-up, use too much and you went from a demure lady to a whorish bitch and sometimes all the way to a clown. Ideas about hairstyles like bringing your hair into you face to make your face look smaller and feminine instead of wildly-teased and crazy-looking, hair-spray stiff monstrosities.

The night finally arrived and I took off to Bobby's carrying a small gym bag full of surprises. I arrived fifteen minutes early and he was sitting on the porch steps looking in my direction. As I got there, he got up and motioned me in and I followed him inside. Once inside, he delicately embraced me and gave me a kiss. I pushed away and said, "Do me a favor? Can you go somewhere for about forty-five minutes? I had practiced what I needed to do and had it down to thirty minutes but I wanted him to wait longer. Appearing a little bit surprised and annoyed, he said, "What for? Do you have any idea how long I've been waiting? I said, "Trust me, it will be worth it."

"Well, I don't know, he said uncertain, "Why forty-five minutes? What do you have to do?" and looking down at the bag asked, "What's in the bag?"

"Look," I said, I'm not asking for money or anything like that, just little time. Come on be nice! I promise you won't regret it, Trust me, okay?"

"Well, okay." he said still sounding a bit apprehensive, "But you better not leave. Do I have to go far? or can I wait across the street?"

"Yeah, that's good, wait across the street and I'll turn on the outside light when I want you to come back, okay? I said, pushing him towards the door.

As soon as he closed the door behind him, I attacked the bag. Twenty-nine minutes later, I was ready and peering out the window from inside the dark house. The only light inside was reflecting from the bedroom casting a beam of light into the darkened living-room. The rest of the room was total blackness. I turned the light on and I saw him running towards the house. I then turned it off and stepped past the beam of light into the shadows. I turned as he was stepping into the house.

"Hi!!" I called out from the darkness. "Where are you?" he said and, "Why is it so dark in here?"

From the darkened spot where I stood, I said, "Don't turn the light on, I'm right here." and I took two steps into the light cascading from the bedroom into the living-room. Thanks to Elvira, I was wearing some black hose and black panties under a short tight black mini skirt with a billowy gauzy blouse with big puffy long sleeves. The blousey affect of the top provided an illusion for the missing breasts. I had air-blown my hair and teased it a little to provide fullness, brushing the shorter strands into wisps and bangs that almost covered my face. I had applied a some light makeup over a base foundation and accented my cheek bones making them appear to look higher by lightly darkening my upper cheeks with a darker shade of rouge. I wore some false eyelashes and mascara giving my eyes a wider effect. Finally, I had applied of coat or two of Elvira's bright red lipstick. I always wanted to look like her and the lipstick was my idea. I stood five inches taller on the tall stiletto black spikes on my feet. Around me swirled the aroma of one of Elvira's most expensive cologne.

"Well, aren't you happy to see me, again? I asked as coquettish as I could sound.

I could clearly see the look of surprise and astonishment on Bobby's face. I knew I looked feminine to a certain degree but I wasn't sure to what degree. My meter for gauging femininity had always been Elvira who was sexier then my sisters and Juanita and Rosita, two school girls all the guys went ga-ga over but I didn't feel confident about mirroring Elvira. I believed that I looked like a young skinny titless girl.

Bobby finally commented saying, "OOOH, Boof! Damn you look hot! Shit, Boof, you look good. Damn. I can't get over it. You don't look nothing like you, I mean, like you normally look. You look...like....I mean, Shit! You look hot, Man you look like a chick! Man, I can't believe it, WOW! Here let me look at you. Turn around. Wow! Check it out!" he ended by touching me here and there, running his hands over my nylon-encased thighs and lightly brushing my panty clad ass-cheeks that would sometimes peek from under the short tight skirt when I walked.

I reached for him and put my arms around him and pulled him towards me. Standing on the high heels, I could easily reach to kiss him and I did. A long passionate kiss, probing with my tongue into his mouth and sucking on his tongue, trying to coax it into my mouth. He responded as planned and stuck his tongue in my mouth while kneading my ass with both hands. We kissed for a long time rubbing our bodies hard against each other. He rubbed his hand all over me. Finally, after rubbing for so long against his rock-hard cock, I could stand it any longer and I whispered in his ear as I held his head gently in my hands, "Pull down my panties from the back only." He did as instructed but went a step further by trying to insert his finger in my ass.

I grabbed his hand and said, "No, wait! Slow down! and I placed his hands on my bare ass-cheeks, "Just squeeze them, hard. Harder!" I ordered.

I reached down, pulled down his zipper and pulled out his rigid rock-hard cock, stroking softly along its full length. "Want to fuck me? I whispered.

"Yes! he panted, "Yes!, come on", and he tried to move and head towards the bedroom but I grabbed him and said, "Wait!! Damn it! Slow down!" He got back in my arms and waited. I still softly stroked his raging hard-on. Finally I whispered into his ear, "Okay, I'm gonna turn around and all I want you to do it stand there, okay? Take your time, and do it slow. If you come too fast, I'm gonna get pissed, okay? I want you to fuck me standing up!" I turned slowly still stroking his hot poker. I knew he wouldn't last three seconds, may be four but he wasn't going to forget this night.

Completely turned around, I bend over slightly and still holding and stroking his cock, I place it at the crack of my ass. I had already liberally greased my ass-hole with Vaseline for easy penetration. I guided the stiff cock to the orifice and slowly pushed back. He immediately placed his hands on my hips and thrust his pelvis forward. I pulled away, saying angrily, "Don't move, Bobby, I mean it! You screw this up and I'm out of here."

"Okay, Okay, I won't move," he sighed deeply. I was still gripping his cock tightly.

Again, I directed his cock towards my hole and slowly pushed my hips on it. It slowly entered my rectum and I could feel his hands shaking on my hips as he apparently tried to steady himself. I pushed backwards and could feel his hot stiff cock, open my ass-hole and slide in, radiating piercing enjoyable pain though me. I had my hand around the bottom of the shaft, denying further access and I started clenching and tightening my ass muscles on the part inside. A manipulation Elvira had described, guaranteed to get results. He started to moan. I sternly said, "Don't come, Bobby! Take your time."

"I'm not doing anything." he cried and I could feel his whole body shaking. I let go of his cock, put both hands on my ass-cheeks, pulled them apart and pushed myself back on his cock in one single motion. He was buried deep in my ass as I went into action again, milking his cock with the tightening and releasing action of my ass muscles. I started to wildly pump my hips, back and forth on his cock as it sawed in and out of my slippery greasy ass-hole. Wanting more, I fucked myself harder as I tried to increase the tempo. The pain, though intense was deliciously enjoyable. Finally, I heard him shriek, "OH, FUCK! FUCK! I'M GONNA CUM! FUCK, I'M CUMMIN!!!

"No! Bobby wait!" I scolded. I had planned to pull away and not let him cum inside me to teach him a lesson but instead I reached back behind me and grabbed as far back as I could onto his thighs and I pulled him towards me, bucking and thrashing against him. I tensed and since only the back of my panties were pulled down, my cock spewed cum inside the front of them. I trembled and swayed as the shock waves of the over-powering climax drained me. My legs were shaking as I tottered on the high heels and Bobby draining inside me just squeezed me and hung on tight.

Finally, I had to sit down. Still shaking and out of breathe, as if I had just participated in a grueling race, I ached all over and I pushed away from him. I turned and wobbled to the sofa dropping like a sack of wet cement. Bobby stood there gasping and panting, followed my lead and dropped in the same manner. Panting heavily, I turned to look at him. He smiled weakly. I smiled back and said, "You go to sleep and you'll really regret it."

Bobby didn't go to sleep this time. We sat on the couch for about twenty or thirty minutes. Without a word, I got up and went into the small bathroom. I quickly pulled off the wet panties, wiped and cleaned myself and put on another black pair that had the back cut out. Elvira had purposely fixed them like that. I opened a jar of Vaseline and applied some more to my ass-hole. I looked in the mirror and put on another coat of lipstick, looked again and shrugged my shoulders. Feeling satisfied with what I saw, I walked back out to the living-room.

Bobby was sitting on the sofa with his legs spread open, straightening up when he saw me. I sat down and crossed my legs letting the short skirt ride up, leaving little to the imagination. A real lady would have never worn it, to begin with, but if she had, she would have modestly tugged it down before sitting, that is if she sat down at all.

Bobby casually moved over, putting one arm around over the sofa, draping it on my shoulder. Simultaneously, we turned our heads. looked at each and started kissing passionately. He took my hand, placing it on his cock which unbelievably, was semi-hard and I stroked gently, trying to coax another hard-on. He placed his hand on my knee and started rubbing, moving slowly towards my crotch. When he got to my upper thighs, his cock was rock-hard. He had rubbed and massaged the bare skin above the thigh-high nylon hose for a good while. His breathing had intensified dramatically and one finger was stroking and awakening my sleepy little cock. I whispered in his ear, "That feels like your jacking me off." and his hand flew off like it had been burned. I giggled.

He continued rubbing and massaging my legs, my stomach, my chest, going as far as opening the blouse and pinching and sucking my nipples which was sheer delight. I continued to stroke his cock diligently which was now rigid and very stiff, increasing the tempo and tightening my grip. Without his true knowledge, I was jacking him off. This was planned so that even though I would sacrifice I cock up my ass now, he would to beg me for some ass later.

Within minutes his breathing had increased to panting. I tirelessly kept on stroking. Then I took his hand from my nipple and directed it between my legs, whispering, "Push your hand towards the bottom." and, I slumped down on the sofa and opened my legs slightly. I directed his finger towards my ass-hole, very clearly accessible through the removed back panel. He twirled his finger around appearing confused about the location of the entrance. When he got to the right place, I said, "There! Push your finger in, yes there, right there." and his finger slid into the Vaseline greased orifice. I moaned at the slight pain the intrusion generated. He panted, "Damn! That feels good. It's nice."

And stroking harder, I moved my ass back and forth on his finger, jammed all the way up my ass. "Deeper, Bobby. I want it deeper!" I ordered.

He pushed deeper and I stroked harder and he started moaning, "It feels.... it feels like.....Oh man! that feels good. Oh Baby! It feels like......Oh damn!"

"Like what, Bobby?," I gasped, stroking his cock furiously, "Like what?" still pumping my ass on his finger.

"Oh, Man. It's so good! It feels..........like I'm finger-fucking you." he panted and puffed, jamming in his finger in deeper and faster.

I breathed back heavily, "You are, Bobby. You are." as I stroked him viciously, still gyrating on his finger.

"No, What I meant is....Oh, Fuck, it feels like I'm finger-fucking a girl. Oh FUCK! I'M CUMMING" and his cum spurted all over my legs, dripping on his and I continued to stroke fast.

Bobby came that night and so did I, seconds after he did. After cleaning up and changing my clothes, he kissed me passionately and asked to see me again. I said, "Maybe, it's possible. I'll call you." and walked out the door.

As I ran home, still a bit concerned about the hoodlums even though Bobby had assured me that I all I had to say was that I knew him, I felt smug in knowing that Bobby was already having trouble distinguishing between a queen's pussy and the real thing. I laughed out loud.

Comments and/or remarks are more than welcome. Write to me at: an361967@anon.penet.fi (Boof)

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Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 20:36:30 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury

Time to Grow Up (Part 1) (Story G)

As youngsters, when passing from puberty to adolescence, we all experience various moments in our lives when we had to make decisions that ultimately affect our daily lives and sometimes affected us into the future. When the point can be reached, where a wise choice is made, then we can safely assume that we are on the road to maturity.

Time alone does not make us mature - all it does is make us old. I'm sure many of us agree that many older adults, though well into their thirties and forties, have no concept of what being mature is. Conversely, many of us felt when we were young that we are old enough to make our own decisions. People seem to equate time in years to maturity and jump into action without weighing the aftermath. Consequently, we learned many of our experiences as graduates from the school of hard knocks by usually succumbing to our emotions first and considering the issues later. I'm sure many of you can remember insisting on doing or having something just for the reason that you felt you needed it. This type of immaturity is what brought me to this eventful period in my life.

I was well into my ninth grade in junior high school and having the greatest time of my life. By some sort of miracle, my parents had not reunited after an almost two and a-half years separation. Previous years had seen an average of at least a one to two month trial separations, as they called them, with the inevitable reunion to follow. Now my mother was working as a government civil servant and meeting many new people, very interested in her, especially the men. My father, of course, was infuriated and swore to get the marriage working again. This was naturally, an attempt to soothe his bruised ego since now the shoe was on the other foot and my mother not only insisted on a separation - she filed for divorce. My father courted her and acted like an immature teen-ager trying to win her back. They went on long trips and dated like young lovers. My older sisters' were putting their own lives in order by opting to marry or live with another aunt. During this, I was left unattended quite often and left alone to my own resources for long periods of time.

It was during these times that I was able and had the opportunity to pursue my own wants and desires. So at the tender years of thirteen years old, I became, and practiced quite successfully into my fourteenth year the deception of transvestitism, - a drag queen.

I had been visiting my friend Elvira for quite some time and only for the sole purpose of trying on her clothes. I have never been able to explain my obsession with this passion for wearing women's clothing.

With her help, assistance and experience as a practicing drag queen, I dressed in drag and was able to capture, hold and secure the attention of a young man for my purposes. I loved to get fucked in the ass.

This young man, a nineteen year old named Bobby who I dressed up for in the privacy of his home, was captivated by my feminine looks while dressed in drag.

As time went by, I was more and more enthralled with the idea of going out in public while in drag but never had the nerve. I don't mean coming of the closet since I was scared of the outcome it would have with my family, but rather to see what and how other men would react.

As I explained earlier, all my sexual encounters with Bobby were at his home. His mother was always working or something and never came home until after two A.M.. I always suspected that it was only because the bars closed at that time.

One afternoon, after arriving and changing into my feminine attire, I was on my back in the middle of his bed. My legs were up in the air with Bobby between them and his hard cock firmly rooted in my ass, as he pumped it into me in a frenzied state. Since the feminine clothes were what turned us both on, I never took them off. I was completely clothed while getting fucked, comparable to a prostitute that specializes in quickies. I was wearing some black thigh-high hose, black bikini panties, under a tight short red mini skirt with a matching little red blouse that knotted in the front. I had on some bright red clip-on dangling earrings and a matching red beaded necklace. On my feet, and high in the air were some red glossy high heeled shoes. As Elvira had taught me. I had done my long hair in a pixie-ish hairstyle and had applied a minimal amount of make-up, some false eye-lashes and lipstick. The only thing that came close to coming off were my panties, but they were always either pulled aside or pulled down from behind just enough for him to gain access to my ass-hole.

After almost two years of being together and fucking me on a weekly basis, Bobby had managed to minimize his premature ejaculations and had been pumping his cock into me for about twenty to thirty minutes. I was delirious with delight, as the familiar pain a hard cock produces as it invades your ass-hole, turned into pleasure and permeated my very being.

As I turned my head from side to side, moaning with sensuality, I demanded, "Deeper, Bobby, Deeper! Drive it into me harder! Yes! It feels so good! Ooooh! Yes! Fuck my ass!" I thrust my hips up to meet his driving cock, pushing against him in an effort to get as much of his cock in my ass. I clawed at his back with desire but never really scratched him since the bright red enamel-coated nails were only stubby little things that I constantly bit.

Bobby was holding my legs wide open and ramming his cock into me when without any warning, we heard the front door slam. At that very instant, as he was holding my legs apart, Bobby froze, his cock slowly withering inside me. We heard a feminine voice holler, "Bobby?, You home?" I had no idea who it was but found out soon enough.

"SHIT! It's my mom! Bobby exclaimed in a scared voice, tightening his grip on my ankles.

Bobby jumped away from me and out of the bed in one swift motion. My legs plopped on the bed and bounced. I sat up frightened out of my mind. I remember my only thoughts were that I was going to be discovered - a boy in women's clothes, getting fucked in the ass. What if she called my parents? What if she threw me outside naked? I had no time to take off my clothes and change, what would I do? I rolled over and stood up pulling my panties up. As I frantically pulled, the skirt bunched up inside them and I had to tug at the tight material to pull it out. I was so nervous that whenever I pulled the skirt, the panties came down.

"Oh! I see you have a little friend over." said the same feminine voice, laughing.

I looked up and saw a woman, his mother I presumed, standing at the open bedroom door, with one arm on the door jamb, glaring at me. Bobby was jumping up and down trying to put his pants on.

This woman, his mother, was short, fat, and up in years, many of them. She had bright, stiff-looking, platinum colored hair that contrasted sharply against her dark skin tones. She was stuffed in a tight short black dress, two sizes too small. Her garishly applied make-up made her look like one of the old drag queens that frequently visited Elvira. Her eye-brows, painted on in large arches made her eyes look as though she was in a constant state of fright. She stared at me eerily. She was one ugly bitch!

"HI!" was the only sound that escaped my lips. I was terrified and my heart was thumping so loud, I was sure both of them could hear it. As I looked at her, I smoothed my skirt around me and felt comfortable that my panties were at least half way up. She casually observed me, rolled her eyes and turning around, walked away saying, "Come in here, Bobby . I need to talk to you, NOW!"

I looked over at Bobby. Smiling sheepishly, he shrugged his shoulders and followed her. I saw their departure as my chance to fix my panties. I pulled up my skirt and arranged my panties noticing that my dick, due to my fear, had shriveled up to almost nothing. I giggled as I tucked it back under and pulled the tight panties up snug.

I stood there trembling and could only hear my heavy breathing, coming out in pants as a result of the scary ordeal. I could barely hear her speaking so I tip-toed to the door.

As I got nearer, I heard her say, "Yes, I understand Bobby, but she's just a kid. How old is she anyway? Hell! she's so young looking and dresses like a tramp! Which she probably is. You're not going to tell me that you didn't have your dick up her cunt are you? Damn, Bobby! I understand you're growing up and almost a man and have needs and wants but if she gets pregnant, what are you going to do? Marry the little slut?"

"Mom! She won't get pregnant. Trust me. She's eighteen but just looks young, that's all." countered Bobby.

I remember thinking, go on Bobby - Tell her I'm not a slut or tramp. Tell her, Bobby!

Despite my thoughts, Bobby continued differently, "And anyway, Mom, she's nobody, just a chick I know. She's not even my girlfriend. She messes around with all the guys in the neighborhood, you know and I felt,....well, you know, sort of,.... well, you know."

"HORNY! Horny is the word, son.", I heard a man's gruff voice interject and continue, "Hell, Sonia, all boys get horny at his age and there's always a little tramp in the neighborhood with a hot little ass that everybody fucks at one time or other. Shit, give the kid a break! Pussy's always better than beating your meat." and he let out a deep obnoxious laugh. In fact, all three of them laughed.

I didn't. I was humiliated. Pained and hurt in the worst way. I fully understood that I wasn't in love with Bobby or for that matter, him with me. We were in lust. It was pure simple unadulterated lust. He was infatuated with my hot feminine-looking body and my always accommodating ass and I was hot for his constantly hard prick. We both served our own purposes.

However, after fucking me for almost two years, Bobby now thought I was a nobody? What a crock of shit! I felt that a little consideration should have been in order and was not ready for this betrayal on Bobby's part. I had maintained a high level of discretion to assure his friends never suspected or found out that he was not only fucking but kissing a drag queen. The kissing part would automatically have them label him as a queer. Yet he had denied all involvement and association with me, making me out to be the instigator of the whole matter. A typical man.

As I stood there, totally ashamed and angry at myself for the direction this conversation was going, I heard his mother say "Well, okay. Just be careful. For all you know, she's fucking and screwing a bunch of other guys and she won't have the slightest idea who stuck his cock in her and got her pregnant and that would be just great, having to marry a little fucking slut and have a bastard kid that isn't even yours. Do you know what I mean?"

"Yes, Mom. I now what you mean." answered Bobby in a bored disinterested tone.

No, Bobby! I thought, you don't have the slightest idea what she means. First of all, your kind of men never get anywhere in life. You're too absorbed with your macho attitudes and your egos that you can't consider anyone else. You could have lied just a bit and considered my feelings but no, you had to make yourself look good.

Still pondering my fate, I thought, of course, you and I know - I can't get pregnant, Shit-head! Hell! I'm not even a girl. Well, not a real girl - but I had you almost convinced that I was just as good.

Anyway, as Elvira always says, nothing lasts forever and I guess this is the end for us. Oh, well! She also says, Pay backs are mother-fuckers! So - watch out!. Bobby! Hell hath no fury like a queen scorned.

I got all my regular clothes that I had worn over off a chair and stuffed them into my gym bag. I turned to the dresser and looking in the mirror, checked my hair. Surprisingly, it was still in place. Everything appeared to be in order. I applied some more lipstick, smacked my lips and walked towards the door.

As I entered the small living-room, I said, "Excuse me!" and sauntered past them, never looking at them, heading towards the front door. I pushed on the screen door, when I heard Bobby's mom say, "Well, the least you can say is hello or something? What?... You think your too good for us? Just waltzing through here, moving your little ass like a tramp. Who do you think you are - Miss High-and-Mighty, royalty or something?"

I stopped and looked back at them. The man was a bald, medium-sized guy with a big pot belly that stretched his shirt buttons to the point of bursting. He stood there with a big toothless grin under a large, hairy, goofy mustache. Bobby's mother was sitting on a chair, scratching her tit. Bobby just stood there, looking stupid.

"Fuck You!....... Fuck all of you!" was all I could answer. I pushed the screen door open and stopped, turned my head to them and added, "And yeah, I'm a queen, thank you." and walked out into the dark night.

As I slowly stepped off the porch and hit the sidewalk, I could hear Bobby's mother ranting and raving about my remarks. She was one pissed-off bitch.

I stood on the sidewalk and turning my head, saw some of Bobby's friends, not the complete bunch of hoodlums that usually milled in that area drinking beer but three or four of them and they saw me too.

I was hurt, upset and confused, not sure of what I wanted or what I was going to do. I tightened my ass muscles and felt the lingering twinge of pain left by Bobby's cock. Right there and then, I decided what I wanted. I wanted a stiff hard cock up my ass or as many as I could find. Hmmm. I thought, three or four is a good number.

As I walked over towards the group, I could still hear Bobby's mom yelling. In fact, all three of them were yelling and shouting at each other. Fuck them, I thought.

With my shoes echoing the familiar click clack sound I loved to hear on the pavement, I headed towards the little group and smiling, said, "HI GUYS! What's happening?"

"Hey, Chula (cutie), What's all the ruckus at Bobby's house? Did you piss in his momma's wheaties?" said one tall, dark looking Hispanic individual, laughing and continuing, "Shit! sounds like someone started world war three or something over there."

"Hey, Baby! What are you doing out by yourself? You look like you're ready to party. What's a matter Bobby couldn't handle you?" said another tall thin guy who appeared to be in his late thirties. I glanced at their faces and noticed that they were not the young, carefree guys that usually hang around but rather older, more sinister looking Hispanic men. The other two guys sat on the hood of a car and just stared at me.

I had no idea what I was getting into or what I was going to do but I was feeling brave and wanted to get fucked. So I got courageous and said as I stood next to them, "Naw, his momma just freaked out cause she wants his baby to be with good girls only."

"What does she think, you're not a good girl? Shit! you look good to me. What do you think, Joe?" said one of the men on the hood, looking at the first speaker and jumping off. He walked over to me and put his arm around me, pulling me towards the center of the group, saying, "Get your little butt over here. Hell, I think your nice." He stood next to me and I could feel his hand exploring my ass. He smelled of cheap cologne. I made no effort to stop his groping hand.

"So what's the scoop, huh?" said the Joe, "What - you come over to Bobby's looking all hot and sexy for a little loving and his momma throws you out? What a bummer. Didn't that fucker say anything?"

"Naw, he just said I wasn't his girlfriend. Just one of the barrio tramps. You know, the easy-ones." I answered still being brave.

"Well are you?" asked the fourth guy on the hood, "I mean his girlfriend. I mean, we don't like to interfere with another dude's ruca (woman). Right Mike?" he added looking at his counterpart who was still copping a feel of my ass.

"Nope, not even close." I answered and mustering all the courage I could I bring together, I added, smiling at them, "Shit! I'm not even a real girl."

For the next ten to twenty seconds, there was an eerie silence that wailed in the darkness. I could feel and hear my heart pounding at an irregular rate. As I stood there, smiling, the stillness increased to a screaming crescendo.

Suddenly, I was startled as the silence was pierced when one of them said, "What do you mean you're not a real girl?" I wasn't quite sure who spoke since one of them jumped off the hood and surprised me.

I wasn't going to let these guys think I was a girl and possibly take a chance that they would get real upset after finding out that I wasn't, so I decided to tell them up front. I cannot recall when I made this decision but I suppose, I made up my mind as I went along and now it was too late to change it.

"You got to be fucking kidding!" laughed one of them. In my state of anxiety due to anticipation of the unexpected, I was still not able to determine who was speaking. He continued, "Shit! You look good, Esa! Like you don't even belong in this barrio. You could be a fucking princess from somewhere else! Shit, you look like you're hot to trot, baby! Ready for anything. Eh, Roy? Frank?, you guys agree?" It was Mike speaking.

I went for broke, as I blurted out, "It's queen! not princess. I'm a fucking queen. And I am hot and ready - for anything. Whatever you guys want, I'll do. I'll suck your cocks and let you fuck me in the ass."

Again the eerie silence, I was scared but not to the point that I thought I would cry. Yet involuntarily, my bottom lip started to tremble - a signal that always alerted me of impending tears. I couldn't figure that out.

A voice broke the silence, startling me again, as I heard, "Pick up your skirt and let me look." It was Joe, talking in a real low menacing tone.

I swallowed hard. I'm sure my gulp was audible across the street. Staring straight at them, I grabbed the hem of the tight short skirt and not having far to go, tugged at it and lifted it up, exposing my upper thighs and panty covered crotch. I looked at them, glanced down at myself, noticing the slight bulge of my dick and balls and looked back up at them, smiling.

Damn! I thought, there's that silence again. That's what's scaring me, I bet, as I stood there, flashing them my crotch. I waited awhile and then figured, piss on them and lowered my skirt, smoothing it out.

The silence continued for about ten or fifteen more seconds, when Roy blurted out, "Hey, Vatos! Check it out! She's not a chick at all. Shit, I thought it she was some little horny bitch wanting a good fuck but it's just a little maricon that's out looking for the same thing. Well, come over here and get some of this." he added, grabbing his crotch and moving towards me.

"Cool it, Ese! said Joe, the apparent leader, "What are you gonna do? Fuck her face right here under the light or bend her over and butt-fuck her over there by the alley? Remember, all the fucking cops that cruise around here all the time. Just waiting for us to fuck up a little. Shit, we fuck this little queen and get caught and you're talking doing some serious time, Vato." Turning over to me he said, "He's just a fucking kid. How old are you anyway? Shit, you look like your not even fourteen!"

"I'm eighteen," I blurted out, blatantly lying "I just look young, that's all." as I recalled Bobby's words.

"Yeah, right," said Joe, "and I'm only nineteen. In fact, Frank and Mike are eighteen, too and Roy's only seventeen! Shit, we're still teenagers." and they all started laughing.

"I don't know about you guys." interrupted Roy, "but I sure wouldn't mind having those bright red lips wrapped around my cock, anytime. Shit, I bet this little maricon can suck a cock real good. Damn, he looks like a real girl! Come on, guys let's do her. Hell, she's practically begging for it. We can take her over to the benches."

Without any noticeable agreement on their part, Mike suddenly grabbed my hand and putting his arm behind me, pulled me towards the side of the car. Opening the rear door, he motioned me into the back seat. I figured they had made a decision but I wasn't quite sure what it was. I was just hoping that they were willing to fuck me and not beat me up or something. I thought, if they were going to run me off or kick my butt for even approaching them, they would have done it by now, and so far, I was still in one piece. However, I wasn't taking any chances and I yanked my hand back, and defiantly said, "Take your fucking hands off me! Don't push me! What's going on? Where are we going?"

Joe looked me straight in the eyes and calmly said, "I thought you wanted to suck our cocks and get fucked? What's a matter, changed your mind?... or what? Or do you want to bend over and pull a train right here. Either way, your mouth and ass is ours. We either fuck you here or somewhere else more private. What do you want?"

"Oh!..... Nothing, no problem. I was just wondering where we were going, that's all." I answered, a little nervous since his face was scowling and looked real serious and scary.

Joe continued to stare at me as though waiting for something else but I had no idea what he was expecting, so I bravely added, "Well, then great! Let's go. I really want you guys to fuck my ass.

I walked towards the open door and right before I lowered my head to get inside, I looked over the trunk and noticed Bobby standing on the sidewalk in front of his house, staring in my direction. I was going to wave but was pushed in roughly. Roy jumped into the other side and Mike followed me. Piled in front, were Frank and Joe with Joe as the driver. I sat nestled between the two men in the back-seat.

Joe started the car and it rolled backwards. Mike reached behind his shoulder and dug his arm behind the seat. The flat part that rests between the seat and the rear windshield, where rear-speakers are mounted or in this case where most young male Hispanics, glue dancing Hula girls or dogs with bobbing heads, was missing.

Huffing and puffing, due to the contorted position he was in, he finally withdrew his arm and pulled out two quarts of beer, dripping with ice cold water. He passed them to Joe and Frank and dug back into the back, retracting two more, one of which he passed to Roy and kept one for himself. He looked at me and said, "Do you drink beer, too, or just cum?" and started laughing.

Annoyed at his brusque comment, I grabbed the beer bottle from his hand and took a large swig. It was cold but tasted bitter and terrible. I had never tasted any beer or liquor. The only type of alcohol I was familiar with was mixed in cough medicine which I hated.

"Awright, Esa, Check out the little queen here, drinking like a real pro." he said laughing. I handed back the bottle and laid my hand on his thigh, squeezing lightly as he took it. I turned and looked at Roy who had his head tilted back, taking a large drink. I placed my other hand on his thigh closer to his crotch and also squeezed lightly.

Quickly lowering the bottle, Roy drawled, "Hey mama! you can't wait for us to get there, right? Well, get over here and start puffing." and he put his hand on the back of my head, pushing me towards his crotch.

"DON'T!" I snapped, slapping his hand away, "I can find it all by myself. Don't push me." I hated to be man-handled that way. I felt that I was not in control.

I reached over and felt his bulge. It felt big and hard. I started tugging at his belt and lowering his zipper, I reached inside. Wrapping my fingers around his thick stiff cock, I pulled it out. It was harder, longer and thicker and a lot more than I had ever encountered before. The men at the ice-house that I tricked with before, were older men who I guess used me as their last hurrah and their dicks never really got hard or stiff . However, these men were in their prime. I slowly stroked it. It was at least six or seven inches long and real fat. It stood out and up like those swollen links of polish sausage after they're done cooking when barbecued.

I turned on my side and bent over, licking my lips as I lowered my head. With my mouth wide open, I engulfed as much of his cock as I could.

As I closed my lips on his cock-head and allowed it to slip into my mouth, I heard Roy moan sensually and say, "Ooooh, mama. Your mouth is hot."

I lowered my head as far as I could, taking as much of his cock into my mouth as I could without gagging and held it there for a few seconds. I felt the familiar choking sensation building up in me and a spasm shook my body. I convulsed, shaking repeatedly but kept my lips tightly pressed around his cock. Roy was moaning and asking, "Oooh, Baby, You're good. You like sucking my cock?

With his cock deep in my mouth, all I could do was hum an "MMHHMM" sound, indicating a definite - yes.

I could feel Mike behind me, rubbing his hands all over my ass. Probing and searching under the panties' elastic for my ass-hole. I repositioned myself and turned my butt towards him.

I raised my head half-way up and slowly started stroking Roy's cock, pumping on it as though I was jacking him off in my mouth. I felt Mike take my other hand and pull it behind me towards his direction. He wrapped my fingers around his hot thick cock. I stroked that one too and noticed that though it was apparently as thick as Roy's, it wasn't as long. His hand now back on my ass had found his original objective and his finger was now making circles around my ass-hole which was still greasy from the Vaseline, I had used earlier with Bobby.

As I stroked his cock, I heard him say, "Oooh, Yes. Baby, slowly and smooth. That's it slow." and I felt the pressure of his finger and its slow movement as he buried it up my ass. A deep murmur escaped the back of my throat.

I heard Frank's excited voice, say, "Damn, that little queen couldn't wait, Vato. Look, she's already sucking on Roy and jacking off Mike. Check it out, Joe. Mike's finger-fucking her too. Shit, I'm next!"

Roy was still moaning and asking me if I liked sucking his cock. I kept repeating my satisfaction with my humming, MMHHMM, sound.

He asked me if I liked swallowing cum and again, I hummed my MMHHMM, sound of assent, slurping and bobbing my head on his cock.

Suddenly, Roy arched his back slightly and gasped, "Well, swallow this, Bitch!" and grabbing a handful of my hair, held me in place. Simultaneously, his cock exploded in my mouth, bathing the inside with a copious amount his hot thick slimy cum. His cock throbbed and pulsed, and with each throb spewed another large amount of cum into my mouth. My eyes widened as I desperately tried to swallow. I was afraid to choke and inadvertently bite him. I remember thinking, damn, this dude sure can cum. When is he going to stop?

CONTINUED in Time to Grow Up (Part 2) (Story G)

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From agate!biosci!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!panix!news.eecs.umich.edu!caen!spool.mu.edu!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!gatech!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Wed Oct 11 17:44:09 1995 Message-ID: 205306Z10101995@anon.penet.fi Path: agate!biosci!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!panix!news.eecs.umich.edu!caen!spool.mu.edu!usenet.eel.ufl.edu!gatech!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories From: an395341@anon.penet.fi (...Mercury.....) X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an395341@anon.penet.fi Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 20:51:10 UTC Subject: A Girl's Debut 11/?? (M/m, M/M TV) Lines: 429

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 23:45:06 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury

Time to Grow Up (Continuation: Part 2) (Story G)

"What the fuck's wrong with you, Frank? Don't you ever think. Shit, with the lights on, somebody can see us a mile away." said Joe.

I looked out the window and the surroundings seemed familiar. However, it was a moon-less night and pitch black outside and I couldn't determine my location.

"Where are we?" I asked still peering into the darkness, trying to associate the familiar scenery with something I knew. I hadn't noticed how far we had driven and I was under the impression that we had traveled pretty far. It finally dawned on me that we were actually in my junior high school yard next to some tall oaks trees that were surrounded by approximately fifteen or twenty picnic benches. Any kid in school that was punished usually ended up here, picking up discarded quart beer bottles left-over from the somebody's previous nocturnal activities.

"Hey, I know where I am." I stated, "We're in my school yard. Wow!, I always see it during the day but didn't recognize it in the dark. It sure looks different at night. How come we took so long to get here?' I asked.

We were approximately two city blocks from our original departure point and somebody walking could have arrived here sooner. The four men completely ignored me and just sat there in the dark. Again, I asked, "Well, how come it took so long to get here?...... Huh?"

I was completely ignored for a few minutes more. Finally Joe spoke up, looking at me through the rear-view mirror, "Look, if you really must know, we drove around for awhile making sure that no one saw us drive in. Now be quiet for awhile till we know for sure that nobody saw us when dip-shit here, opened the door, okay?"

I sat back in the seat between Mike and Roy. I grabbed Roy's beer and took another swig. I was thirsty and the beer was beginning to taste better.

I noticed Joe fumbling with the overhead light and removing the cover, took out the bulb. He laid them on the dashboard and opened the door. He was smoking a cigarette, lit on the car lighter and only a slight red hue could be seen as he cupped the cigarette in his hand.

He stepped out of the car and scanned the area. He walked to the picnic benches around four feet from the car and climbing on top of one of them, scanned the area slowly.

I moved up on the edge of the seat and rested my chin on my arms which I folded on the front seat backrest. I was looking at Joe when Frank turned around towards me and put a finger on my lips. As he slowly rubbed his finger on my lips, he got real close to me and said, "Damn, Boof, your lips sure look good and inviting. I sure would like to see and feel them wrapped around the head of my cock."

Slightly opening my mouth, I poked my tongue out at his finger and licked it. He rubbed the saliva coated finger slowly over my lips and I flicked my tongue out at it a few more times. He stopped moving his finger and put it right in the middle of my lips, pushing softly. I parted my lips and allowed him to insert his finger into my mouth. I slowly started to suck on it as I stared into his eyes. I sucked hard and rolled my tongue on it. Acting as though I was really getting turned on, I moaned softly so that only he could hear me. His eyes and face were contorted in a mask of lust, craving, and depravity. I thought, this fool is one horny son-of-bitch!!

"Come on get off," said Roy, grabbing my hand and pulling me out the back door. As he pulled me, I clamped my teeth on Frank's finger and he tried to chase me over the front seat, yelling, "OW! LET GO! OW! IT HURTS!" Smiling, I let go of his finger, right before he actually climbed the seat.

Joe was furious at Frank's yelling and scolded him, saying, "Damn it! Frank, What the fuck is wrong with you? You're acting like a fucking kid. Quit making all that ruckus. Shit, this little queen's quieter than you are. Now keep the fucking noise down, damn it!"

"Hey Vato, the little bitch bit my finger. Look, I almost bled. Shit that hurts." retorted Frank, first showing Joe his finger and then rubbing it. I had bit his finger pretty hard but not enough to make the skin break. Shit, I thought, he's a bigger sissy than I am.

I walked over to the bench and picked up Mike's beer bottle and took a long, deep drink. There was a small amount of beer left and it was getting warm. It didn't taste good at all, so I spit most of it out. "PHEW! That shit tastes bad, it's hot." I grimaced.

Joe walked over and took my hand and led me to a bench a little further away from everybody. When we got to the bench, he leaned on it and looking around said, "Well, Babe, what do you want to do? Want to suck my cock or want me to fuck you?"

"Boof! Damn it! Call me Boof, not babe, bitch, queen, maricon or anything else, okay? It's Boof. My name's Boof. Got that? And tell your buddies the same thing, okay? I don't like those names." I said trying not to sound too upset. The matter of the fact was that I was upset. I hated to be called those type of names in any form or fashion. Even though I was a queen, a bitch, or a maricon, I considered those names as a type of teasing which I could not tolerate.

"Okay, Okay. No need to get upset. Boof it is. Whatever you want." said Joe, sounding genuinely sincere.

Getting that off my chest, I looked around, noticing the blackness, and slowly turned around, leaning back against him. I took his arms and wrapped them around me, talking his hand in mine, I put it up to my mouth. I slowly started to rub my ass against his crotch and arching my back pushed back against him. I relaxed my body but kept slight constant pressure on his crotch. I could feel his cock bulging against my ass. I took his hand that was close to my mouth and inserted his middle finger into my mouth, softly sucking on it and creating suction as though I was sucking on a little cock.

I stopped, let go of his hands and pulled up the back of my skirt. I pressed my panty covered ass against him and murmured, "I can suck your cock or you can fuck me or both if you want to, but I'd rather get fucked. Either way, I'll do whatever you want, Okay?

"Suck my cock a little and look at me while you do it. I want to see what your face looks with a cock in your mouth." he answered, sitting down on the bench table. Guiding me around to sit on the bench seat, he spread his legs around me as I sat down. I looked over at his friends and they were just drinking beer, leaning against the car. He pulled down his zipper, stuck his hand in his pants and pulled out his cock. It was just a little bit bigger than Roy's. Without realizing it, I was licking my lips, thinking, Ooooh, Nice! He held it by the bottom of the shaft and stroked it slowly. I reached for it but he said, "Don't! Just get close, open your mouth and look at me."

I got close to his cock, opened my mouth and looked up at him. He directed his cock towards my mouth and inside. I closed my lips around it, gently sucking on the cock-head, looking at his face. I was rubbing my crotch. I felt horny as hell, but he grabbed my hair and slowly but surely kept sliding his cock into my mouth without stopping. It felt a whole lot bigger than it looked and my mouth seemed to stretch at the girth. I had my mouth wide open and didn't think I could open wider. His cock was nearing the back of my throat, pushing my tongue down. I started to gag. Involuntarily, I closed my eyes and gagged, a spasm shaking my body. I pushed on him trying to back away.

He tightened his fingers around my hair and calmly said, "Open your eyes, Boof, and look at me." squeezing his fingers and pulling me towards his crotch.

I tried opening my eyes but the reflex action, as a result of wanting to retch, forced them to close. He then shook my head slightly as if trying to wake me up, and again in that same calm voice, said, "Open your eyes and look at me!" I opened my eyes and could only see a blurry image of his face and upper torso. I was shaking from the spasms as I repeatedly gagged.

"See? Now see how pretty you look with you mouth full of cock. Shit, I've got it all the way down your throat, Bitch. Damn, Boof, you make a pretty girl!"

By this time I was gagging, choking and sputtering saliva all over his cock. I was pushing him away but he held me tight. I could feel his pubic hairs on my nose.

"Okay, now that's enough." he said calmly pulling my head back slowly. Through my nose, I inhaled large amounts of air as he withdrew his cock slowly out of my mouth. He stopped when I had only his cock-head inside. Letting go of my hair with one hand, he put it under my chin and pulled up my head in an apparent attempt to get a better look at my face. I could feel my tears streaming down my cheeks and saliva drooling from my chin, as I puffed around his cock.

Looking down at me, he wiped my tears and chin, saying, "Damn, Boof, you're one nasty little bitch but I like you. Now get ready for me to split your ass wide open"

He pulled out his cock and crossed his leg over me. I sat there sputtering and clearing my throat. I felt his arm around my waist and was lifted completely off the seat. He carried me over to the table and draped me on it on my stomach, picking up my skirt and tugging and pulling down my panties. I tried to straighten up but he grabbed a hand full of hair on the back of my head and held his arm straight out. I grabbed his hand with both hands and tried to stifle an, "OUCH! OW!

He pushed my legs open with his body and got between them. I heard him spit and then felt his wet fingers on my ass-hole, moistening the tight orifice with an in-and-out motion. He repeated it about two more times ending up with what felt like two fingers up my ass, sawing in and out.

Instead of fear or concern on my part, I was eagerly awaiting the inevitable penetration. I opened my legs wider, let go of his hand and reaching behind me grabbed my ass-cheeks and pulled them apart, thinking, Yes! Fuck me, now!

I felt his cock-head at the my ass-hole entrance. He leaned forward and I felt the pressure of his cock, increasing as it sank into my rectum. The pain was intense. I squeezed my eyes and grimaced, trying to keep from making any noise. He relentlessly pushed and applied pressure never yielding his forward drive. The thick hard cock caused pain to burn and ravage my ass-hole still sore and tender from the fucking Bobby had given me earlier.

As the pain kept increasing, a moan escaped my lips as I thought, damn it hurts so much when am I going to get used to it. Suddenly, something inside seem to open up and he buried his cock deep within me. I could feel his thighs on my sweaty butt. He held his position, never moving, just breathing heavy.

I tried to clench my ass muscles but could barely move them due to the thickness of his cock.

He released my hair and pushed down his pants and underwear completely. He put his hands on my hips and started to pump my ass.

The pain was immense and incredible but I loved it and curved my ass up to meet his thrusts, thinking, MMMMM, it feels so good, Yes! Fuck me! Fuck me hard. His pumping action was slow and deliberate with no signs of increasing. It felt good - real good. I loved it. All I could do was moan softly.

I let go of my ass-cheeks and tried to steady myself by supporting my weight on my hands. As I pushed up on my hands, he slid one arm across the front of my chest and pulled me up. The second arm went around my waist.

He lifted me completely off the table with my feet dangling off the ground. Holding me tightly against him, he arched backwards and drove his cock deeper into my ass, ferociously pumping my ass. I was impaled on his cock, swinging back and forth like a rag doll. I tried to hold on to his arms but his bucking movements were violent and sadistic. I savagely bounced up and down, forward and backward on his cock. My shoes fell off my feet. I was getting fucked like I never been fucked before. He literally fucked my shoes off.

In what seemed like the longest, he suddenly froze and squeezed me tight, forcing the air out of me. I could feel his cock, throbbing deep in my ass, as he spurted his cum inside me. Gradually, I felt his grip on me relax and he bent over slowly setting me on the ground. As my weight was fully placed on my legs, I realized that they were shaking and trembling uncontrollably. I was completely drained and could hardly stand up. I wobbled over to the bench and plopped down. He was leaning against the table, breathing deeply and very heavy.

I felt like I had experienced a violent orgasm but when I touched my crotch, I was surprised to feel my dick all shriveled up and only felt a minimal amount of what appeared to be pre-cum moisture on the front of my panties and on my hose. I was positive that I had cum too or at least, I felt that way.

I stood up and pulled up my panties. My ass was all wet and slimy from Joe's cum. I pulled down my skirt and started to look for my shoes. I was still shaking slightly. One shoe was near the bench but the other one was about six feet away. As I was putting them on, I noticed Joe heading towards the car. I followed him.

Frank saw us coming and headed our way. He met me halfway and grabbing my hand said, "Come on, Boof! I'm next".

"No wait, I'm tired and I need a rest and a sip of cold beer." I said, yanking away from him. I scurried up to Joe and grabbed his hand.

As we got to the car, Frank changed his tone and said, "Come on Bitch! I've waited long enough. Let's go. I'm bursting and want to fuck you real bad."

I was shocked when Roy spoke out and said, "Come on Frank, give her a break. Let her take a little rest and a sip of beer and then she'll take care of you, right babe?" said Roy. Joe said nothing.

"Okay, but only a few minutes." retorted Frank, sounding like a little kid that had to take a nap or something.

I took the beer bottle, Mike offered me and as I took a drink, I heard Joe tell Roy as he opened the trunk of the car, "Man, this little bitch is one hot, nasty, super fuck! We ought to keep her around for when we're horny. Shit, I could probably fuck her again later. Did you see how I was fucking her? Man, she never made a noise and she fucked me right back. I didn't know who was fucking who. Damn, I'm tired!"

I stood there trying to decide if this was a compliment or a put-down. But I figured, well, I wanted to get fucked in the worst way, so I really shouldn't complain. Looking at Frank, I said, "Come on, your next."

We walked over to a bench and I told him to seat down on the seat. As he sat down, I said, 'What do you want, my mouth or my ass?"

"I already told you. I want to fuck you, okay? Come on let's do it." he sort of whimpered.

"Okay, lower your pants down to your ankles and sit down again." I instructed.

He did as I told him and sat down with a smaller cock about the size of Mike's, standing straight up in the air. I pulled up my skirt and reaching behind me pulled aside the back of my panties, exposing my ass-hole. My panties were all wet with Joe's sperm. Facing him, I straddled his legs and sat down on his cock. I was surprised at the ease and lack of pain in which it slipped inside me. After it was completely buried up my ass, I placed my hands on his shoulders and started to rock back and forth. In less then one minute, he started gasping, "Damn,..... I'm gonna cum!"

I stopped and said, "No, Frank, wait! Don't! Slow down! Don't move! Let it pass. Just relax!"

He grabbed my waist and started rocking and moving me back and forth on his cock. I just held on to his shoulders and went along for the ride.

Later on that night, I repeated the same procedure with Roy and Mike, culminating the night with Frank fucking me from behind as I knelt on the bench seat. Joe didn't fuck me again that night but he did several other times on later nights in the darkness of that school yard.

I met several other of their friends and also allowed them to use me sexually. Hell, I enjoyed it immensely. I loved a cock up my ass.

Bobby? Well, I never saw Bobby again. Actually, I did see him but I was never intimate with him. He became a nuisance and continually pestered me. That is until one night, I asked Joe to tell him something because he wouldn't leave me alone. After that night, I never saw Bobby again.

As required by law and my parents, I continued going to school, but every Friday or Saturday night, dressed as a girl, I would walk out Elvira's backdoor and get into Joe's car, ready for a night of excitement.

It wasn't until the last day of my junior high school year that my escapades caught up with me.

I was the towel boy, a little job I volunteered for so I wouldn't have to pay for towels during P.E. All I had to do was wait until everybody was through showering and pick up all the towels and throw them in a large basket. For this, I got a clean towel everyday without paying for it. Very simple, very easy!

It was the last day of school and everybody had showered, except a small group of about eight boys that were the coaches' pride and joy. They represented the junior varsity football team and had performed exceptionally well during the past year, moving on to greater glory in high school. The coach beamed with pride at their potential and the fact that he had a hand at training them.

I decided I couldn't wait. It was Friday and I already had a date planned with Joe and his friends and just the thought of it made me horny.

I stripped naked and was walking into the shower area when the group of boys came in running and yelling. Shit, I thought, should I wait or get out of here. I thought about my date and figured, fuck the towels, it's the last day of school and I've got something more important to look forward to. So I proceeded with my stroll into the showers.

I was lathering up my body when I was startled by the movement of a person real close to me. With the shower running, and the water splattering on the floor, I had not heard the bare-footed person walk right up to me. I turned and faced a guy named George, a real ass-hole, a rowdy that bullied his way all through junior high since the seventh grade. He stood there, towering over me, grinning at me, wringing his hands on a bar of soap, working up a soapy lather.

Still grinning, he said, "Hi, Girlfriend! How's tricks? Want to meet my friend? and looking down, he grabbed his cock and started stroking it with his soapy hand.

My greatest mistake at that point in time was that I also looked down and was amazed at the size of his cock. For a ninth grader, who I estimated to be fifteen or maybe sixteen years old, he had a rather large cock. Actually, I had already seen all the guys' cocks in the showers but had never seen any of them in this state of excitement. I absent-mindedly licked my lips.

The shock ripped through me when I realized what I had done. So I frowned and said, "What do you want George? I'm in a hurry."

Still grinning he said, "You know what I want. Shit, Bobby was getting it all year until you started giving it to those old farts at the store. Come on, don't act surprised. You know you like cock. You're a queer, a fucking drag queen! Everybody knows it. Come on give me some of that hot ass."

Bobby! That fucking ass-hole, I thought. I felt the heat of embarrassment rise through me and sort of radiate from my face. I heard another voice yell, "Come on George! Leave him alone. He's not bothering anyone." I turned and saw a group of boys watching from the shower entrance."

I jumped, startled, as I felt George's soapy hand on my ass. I slapped his hand away and looking at him, started to panic, as I said in a cracking voice, "Stop it, George! or I'll tell the coach."

Still grinning, he stared back at me and calmly said, "Go ahead, tell him. I don't care. I'll tell him about your little mini skirts and panties and about the nights you spend bend over the benches while different guys stuff your ass full of cock and how you suck cock and swallow cum. Go on, run and tell him. I don't give a shit. He'll just have to call your mom and dad or somebody to see if you have any panties at home. Go ahead - Do it!"

I was in a quandary. Terrified beyond comprehension. My lower lip started to tremble. I thought, Oh Fuck! don't start crying.

He put his hand back on my ass and started to rub in big circles, stopping at the crack of my ass, probing with his middle finger. I closed my eyes. I didn't know what to do. I considered running out of there but where. What if they did tell the coach? What if everybody really knew and I was acting so naive in thinking that I was been so discreet? What if my parents found out? What do I do? - the question screamed in my head?

His soapy finger entered my ass-hole and, at that precise moment and, I don't know why, an "MMMMM" slipped from my throat.

"You like that bitch, don't you? You like guys feeling your ass and finger fucking you, don't you? You're a real fucking bitch, aren't you?" he whispered roughly, as he stuck his finger in and out of my ass.

He was so near, I could feel his hot breath on my ear and his stiff hard cock pressing against my hip. I stood there with my eyes closed, frozen, hoping he would go away and leave me alone.

He got behind me and withdrew his finger. I felt his hard cock-head on my ass-cheeks, his soapy hands on my hips and he started pushing forward and pulling me back.

Whispering in my ear, he rasped, "Come on, be my bitch! Be a good girl, bend over and take it up the ass. You know you like it. You know you want it. You want it so bad, you were licking your lips, right? You want me to fuck you, don't you? Come on, reach behind you and feel my big cock."

He took my hand and like a zombie or something I let him take it and place it behind me, wrapping my fingers around his cock. The cock felt massive and stiff.

I couldn't believe this was happening, but most of all, I couldn't believe, I was allowing it to happen. I didn't really fight back or object. Did I really want him to fuck me? Was my mindset so screwed up that I couldn't or wouldn't protest? Do something! - my mind yelled, but what? - it also answered. I just stood there allowing it to happen.

As I held his cock, I was also guiding it towards my soapy ass hole. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me back, thrusting his hips forward. His lathered cock slipped into my ass-hole in one slow deliberate movement. I inhaled a large gulp of air and gasped as the sharp pain, dispersed from the orifice.

I became unsteady and placed my hand on the shower wall for support. I could feel his muscular thighs, pressed tightly against my ass, his cock deep inside me, as his hot arms wrapped around me held me tight in this position. I felt so embarrassed because it really felt so good.

Slowly, he started to gyrate his hips against me, pumping his cock in and out. I arched my back and thrust out my ass. I moaned sounds of my pleasure, whispering, "Oooh, Oh, Oh, Yes, Yes, Faster, Yes, Fuck me, Oooh, Oh."

I was furiously pumping my ass back to meet his forward thrusts, when he yelled, "See, guys, I told you he was a queer. Check it out, the bitch loves it."

He moved me from the wall and pushed me down on my knees, bending me down until I was on my hands and knees, never taking his cock out of my ass.

After I closed my eyes the last time, I never opened them up and I rather felt than saw a cock brush my lips. I opened my eyes and saw four stiff cocks being stroked in front of me with one no more than an inch away from my mouth. I looked over my shoulder and saw three more guys, standing behind me, stroking their cocks, too.

I turned my head and opened my mouth and somebody inserted his cock in it. I immediately clamped my lips on it and started to suck and bob my head up and down. I sensed George's cock throb in my ass and felt him pull out his limp dick and felt the first guy standing behind me replace George. Just as he entered my ass, the first cock in my mouth spewed forth its cum, flooding my mouth. I tried to swallow but with my head tilted back I had some difficulty.

Immediately, a second cock was placed at my lips and I accepted it, opening my mouth which was still full of cum. It erupted in a matter of seconds before I had a chance to swallow the first load.

A second guy had already replaced the first guy and was furiously pumping my ass with his stiff cock, his fingers clamped and digging into my waist forcefully. I swallowed as much cum as I could and opened my mouth again. A third cock was inserted. All I did was clamp my lips on it and in a few seconds, it throbbed and spent itself too. The forth cock never fully made it inside my mouth but shot its load half on my face and half on my tongue. The third guy behind me was already inside me pumping his cock into my ass brutally.

The incident was over in what appeared to be fifteen to twenty minutes, maybe less. I found myself on my knees, looking around at a deserted shower room. I stood up and got under a shower, rinsing the slimy cum off my face and ass. Listening for the boys chatter from the other side of the wall, I was greeted only with silence. I walked around and peered inside. They were gone. I ran to my locker, dressed without drying and ran out the door. My hair dripping wet.

I ran towards my house, only slowing down when I realized what I had allowed to happen. I was extremely disappointed with myself, realizing that I had no self-control over my emotions or desires.

I wondered if my parents would find out. What would I do? What would I say? How would they react? Would they be disappointed? Had I let them down? Would they be hurt? I was terrified at the potential outcomes.

After considerable thought, I figured there was nothing to do until confronted by my parents. I decided that it wasn't necessary to put myself through this ordeal at this point in time. Worrying about something that hadn't happened, would not change anything, it would just make me miserable. If they found out, I would deal with it then.

I made up my mind that I would never, from this day on, indulge myself in my desires without fully understanding and weighing the consequences of my actions. I swore to give up my drag queen ways and never dress up again. I was determined to change my queer ways and become a straight person. I had to get away from here. I figured, being a queen isn't worth all this shit.

I planned to keep a pretty low profile during the summer months and managed to talk my way into a long three month trip to the Texas Rio Grande valley where my paternal grandmother had a small ranch. I changed my ways and blocked everything out of my mind that summer.

The following school year, I entered high school with a new attitude and different outlook of life. The high school I chose was on the other side of town and I felt comfortably secure that no one knew me. As far as I was concerned, I was no longer a teen-aged drag queen or a queer.

I did pretty good for the first two years, until, excuse the expression, I blew it, the summer before the start of my senior year. I was back in the saddle with a new boyfriend and this girl had nothing to wear.

Comments and remarks are welcome. Please write to me at: an361967@anon.penet.fi (Boof)

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From agate!nntp-ucb.barrnet.net!autodesk.com!toad.com!amdahl.com!news.fujitsu.com!nntp-sc.barrnet.net!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!venus.sun.com!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Wed Oct 11 17:44:10 1995 Message-ID: 192338Z10101995@anon.penet.fi Path: agate!nntp-ucb.barrnet.net!autodesk.com!toad.com!amdahl.com!news.fujitsu.com!nntp-sc.barrnet.net!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!venus.sun.com!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories From: an395341@anon.penet.fi (...Mercury.....) X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an395341@anon.penet.fi Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 19:16:51 UTC Subject: A Girl's Debut 12/?? (M/M, TV) Lines: 490

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 21:55:01 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury

Merc, this is the first story I sent you. However, this one has an ending and has been updated and is of course more complete. Why don't you get rid of the first one and read this one, OKay?


A Day at the Beach (Part 1) (Story H)

Traditionally, Hispanic males have a low tolerance for sissies and sometimes resort to violence when they encounter them but usually resort to harassment or humiliation by forcing anyone suspected of homosexual tendencies to participate in sexual encounters. Many believe that since they are not the receptive participant or as they would put it, the cock-sucker or the "maricon" (loosely translates into a type of Hispanic drag-queen who is the recipient during anal sex), that they have proven their superiority as real macho-men by having their way with other men by diminishing them to performing actions usually associated to loose women or whores. This I believe is based on the upbringing, passed from family to family, which typically condones the macho way of life, an egotistical, arrogant, boastful, selfish, and inconsiderate lifestyle, for the male off-spring. It is possible that it is only a cover-up for their short-comings since many are poor and cannot provide a better way of life for their families. Additionally, many are illiterate and simply do not understand that many of us can see through their facade.

Being Hispanic and part of this culture, I was subjected to many confrontations during my early years by males attempting to prove their manhood. These challenges, which I really didn't see as problems, I was sure existed only for me since I thought there really were no other individuals that shared my gay desires. Considering the events that occurred, the trigger that initiated the action could have very well been attributed to my physical stature. I remember at fifteen years old, standing in front of the mirror and wishing for height, muscle, brawn, maybe even a thick black hairy mustache. However, the only image reflected was the factual one of a small (5 feet 4 inch) boyish/girlish-looking slim (about 110 lbs.) Hispanic male with very little masculine attributes. GOD! I remember, sighing why can't I be taller or fatter or muscular or look more masculine. I was sure that that if I didn't look so feminine nobody could possibly know my real desires. Typically, whoever looked like a sissy, was constantly harassed. A visit to a ballpark, a gym at a community center or simply a visit to an relative in a bordering community, could turn vicious and ugly if one chose to fight to prove your manhood. If you didn't fight, you would be considered a queer and subject to the whims of your vanquishers which usually consisted of a number of males working as a group. As individuals, they would not dream of acting on someone by themselves and I presume felt justified in numbers all acting as one. Having been introduced to "Gay Life" at a rather young age, I had already participated and engaged in countless encounters as a willing, zealous, and eager participant with many males. However, these males which I sought out were all "Anglo" men and as far as I am concerned treated me better and acted considerably different than most Hispanic ass-holes. These type of males I met by hanging around a business in the barrio community which sold ice and beer to a mostly Anglo clientele. I remember many, many fond visits to this establishment which culminated in countless sexual trysts.

However, having had an experience in junior high school that in my mind required complete abstinence and a complete covering up of any and all gay desires, I kept an extremely low profile in regards to any type of gay lifestyle during my senior high school years. I completely embraced this pseudo lifestyle which I thought was sure to change me into my concept of a normal person -- the complete denial of gay desires.

Taking into consideration that my high school years were during the period of the late sixties and reflected upon by many as the Love/Peace/Free Sex Era, it was nevertheless a simple and easy conversion. I entered high school and completely embraced all associated extra curricular activities in my vain attempt to saturate my mind with numerous new ideas and events. Keep busy - this action, I felt, surely would prevent any backsliding on my part into my past lewd behavior. Amazingly, I made new friends and jumped right in with a completely different attitude. Due to my association with a new acquaintance named Ramiro, considered by many students both male and female to be the epitome of a 'Hunk", I also regarded myself as some sort of ladies man and I started acting "macho" by dating, drinking and carousing late at night. Ramiro, I might add, was at the time 21 years old, a full six years older than me. His family had migrated from Mexico and in order to get a job and/or join the military, he had to get a high school diploma or the equivalent. He opted to attend high school and partake of the chance to extend the carefree life of a teenager. His age permitted all the friends in our group access to liquor and beer, a commodity not easily accessible to 15 or 16 year olds. I thought - What a pal!! What a GUY!!

We became fast friends and for two years did all things together from studying, double-dating, partying, drinking, working, and attending all school events. Not once during all this time did I have to suppress any gay desires which at one time were always in my mind or for that matter did any events happen that gave me any inclinations that I really needed to.

All went well and during the time that we went from our junior to our senior year, a bunch of guys (about 20) and three girls jumped into a smattering of junky cars and convoyed to the coast, South Padre Island, the Riviera of the Texas Gulf Coast. This was to be the new start of entering our senior year refreshed and ready to go into adult life after high school. Since we planned to be there for at least three days we rented some small cabanas near the beach, a little far yet close enough to commercial establishments in case we needed to cover some unexpected wants. We got there early in the morning while the sun was still in the horizon and proceeded to go wild in the sand and water. We bought cases of beer and of course, some cold cuts to hold our hunger at bay. All day we drank beer, played volley-ball, drank beer, played football, drank beer, tossed Frisbees, and drank beer. After alot of drinking and seeing the three girls that accompanied us running around in skimpy bikinis, some of the guys began to hit on them. Actually, the girls were only invited because somebody said that they put out. Many of the guys were still virgins and it was a chance to get laid. I, for one, had not really considered it early on but I remember figuring, what the hell - Why not? Up to this point in my life, I had never been with a woman in the biblical sense.

To my surprise, the girls did put out and I recall seeing one on her knees, behind the sand dunes sucking on one guy's dick while jacking-off another guy. Eventually, the other two girls joined in and guys were coming out of the woodwork. Somebody brought or invited two other girls and the 5-girl action went ballistic. All the girls appeared to be trying to outdo each other. A group of four of us were parked at a distance drinking beer and watching the events as spectators not really saying or doing anything. I remember that as I watched, I started feeling weird because instead of wanting to shove my dick in one of the girl's mouth, I began to fantasize about being the cock-sucking girl myself. The rest of the guys stood around stroking their cocks awaiting their turns while the girl just sucked and slurped on the stiff dick in front of her while jacking off another guy at her side. Shit, I wanted to be her. The urges kept getting rapidly stronger and I began to panic because I realized that not only could I not suppress them but I was getting very horny and growing a rather noticeable hard-on. I was sure that the guys around me could read my mind simply by looking at my face. Boy, I wanted so bad to stroke one of the hard cocks and then have it shoved up my ass. To make matters worse, one of the guys in our little group, was sporting a large boner that he didn't even try to conceal. I presume he was joking but I'll never be sure, when he turned to me and said while giggling, "This thing (pointing to his dick) sure is getting big and ready to explode. Since I'm holding my beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other, you think you're able to hold it in your mouth for me?" At that point in time, I was sure he could tell that I was actually not only able but extremely willing and dying to grab it and swallow as much of it as I could. However, by some miracle, I remained composed and under control. Fully aware that if I chose to act out my fantasy and desires at this point in time I would loose big time. Not only would I be discovered and labeled as queer which of course I was but none of the immediate circle of friends knew, but most importantly I was sure my family would eventually find out and my father the biggest self-appointed king of the Macho men would be devastated.

Feeling a sense of dire urgency which I know now was the onslaught of a panic attack, I started looking around. I had to get away. Looking around, I noticed some rest-rooms in the distance. It was already late in the afternoon and since there were so many people running around the immediate vicinity, I decided to walk to the rest-rooms and think this out fast. I got to the building which was empty with the surrounding beach deserted and went inside. I remember thinking, You've got to get those thoughts out of your mind! Think different! Don't be stupid. You can wait and do it with someone else later when you get back home if you really have to but not with these guys. What an idiot! Remember the gym showers in junior high school (another period of time) -- I kept telling myself. All the while, I subconsciously removed the cut-offs I was wearing to shake the sand out of them. Underneath, the cut-offs I was wearing some speedos which were rather small and in my incoherent efforts they bunched into a ball when I removed them to shake out the sand.

I was still half-talking and half-thinking to myself while rubbing the sand off my legs when a man walked in and went up to a urinal. I really paid no attention to him but suddenly felt as though someone was staring at me. Instinctively, I snapped and returned to reality. There I was standing half-naked with a semi-hard erection and this man is staring at me. He turned completely around, casually walked up real close to me and said. "Hi, - How about a blow-job?" He could have very well been saying, Isn't this a gorgeous day? It sounded so normal. Yet, I couldn't talk -- my lips were frozen and nothing came out. I looked straight at him and noticed a rather good looking individual. An Anglo male, about 45 years old, maybe 190 lb. on a six feet four or six inch frame, blue-gray eyes with light reddish-brown hair who was dressed completely out of the element. This man was wearing dress shoes, dark dress slacks, a white shirt and tie loosened at the collar. This is not your normal beach attire. Additionally, he was standing there with a limp cock that hung out of his unzipped pants about six inches -- Wow!

Fearing someone might walk in I finally stuttered, "Do -- do you want me to give you one or do you want to give me one?"

Smiling, he responded, "I was hoping to get one. And maybe get something else, if you know what I mean?"

Already upset with myself for lacking control over my thoughts and irritated with the sand and the heat and since I have always been one to get to the point and don't like or expect to second guess anyone, but primarily because I was extremely horny, I said something like, "NO!, I don't know what you mean! I don't like guys to give me blow-jobs, but I don't mind sucking a cock. But I'd rather get it up my ass." While I was saying this, I reached for his limp cock and gently took it in my hand and milked it softly. It immediately responded by growing in what appeared to be time-lapsed photography into a fairly large organ which started at this base of dark blonde pubic hair as a thick sinewy shaft of rubbery cock-meat growing into an approximate nine and half-inch shaft encircled with what appeared to be pulsing purple veins and culminating with a dark pink bulbous head which I surmised by past experience to be almost two and half inches in diameter. Needless to say I was in ecstasy at the possibilities.

He immediately responded by saying, "That's great. I hate to give blow-jobs and I'd love sticking my dick up your hot little brownie".

Pointing to a stall, he continued, "Quick, come over and bend over. Spit on you hand and smear it on your ass and I'll stick it in.".

I thought - wait a minute. Brownie? Hey, some of us Hispanics are proud of our roots and culture and, well, even though our skin, our eyes, our hair, and alot of other parts of our bodies are brown, it doesn't mean just anybody can poke fun. Just what exactly is this crazy Gringo trying -- Hey, wait a minute, Fool, I told myself, you're going to blow it and your taking everything out of context. Get on another train of thought. Brownie is probably his way of being cute. I kept thinking - First and foremost, consider the fact that it's dirty in here and it stinks. I may be a horny little queer or as the Macho guy would say "a maricon" with a strong desire to get my ass split open by his stiff hard cock but I had to draw a line somewhere. I just couldn't image myself in a public rest-room, bend over a commode while a guy pumped his cock up my ass. It just didn't seem to be a very sanitary or healthy place. Heaven only knows when was the last time somebody has cleaned this place. It really smelled bad. Not only that but my friends were within walking distance from this place and they could walk in on us without being noticed just as easily as he walked in earlier. Good idea? I don't think so. No way, this is not gonna work.

I finally let some common sense overtake my emotions and quickly said. "No, this is not a good place." Using some fast thinking I added, "Besides, this is a public place. I'm still in high school and your not and haven't been in quite awhile. A cop walks in here, catches you pumping your cock up my young ass and you're in deep shit. Don't you have a place where we can go to or maybe we can even get a hotel room somewhere".

It didn't take too much thought on his part and he said as he looked around, "You're right this place is rather dirty and yeah, cops do drive by here quite often. Tell you what. Why don't we drive into the strip together, get a room, fool around and then I'll bring you back to your friends."

"What about my friends?, I stammered. Quickly panicking and thinking that maybe he would want to stick around afterwards.

He soothed my fears by saying, "Oh, nothing, it's just that I noticed you came from the direction where all those kids are raising hell and I figured if that's where you started, and that's where you want to end up. And don't worry, I'm not the kind to kiss and tell."

Figuring things would work out, I slid my cutoffs back on, as I said, "Okay, I tell you what. Give me about an hour and a-half and then pick me up around this area. Maybe in front of this building, way out towards the water in the beach area."

He responded by saying, "What? An hour and a-half. What the hell am I gonna do for that period of time. Hell, I can drive to the strip, get a room, and be back in ten minutes?

I slowly explained. "Look, I've been out here all day since real early this morning. I'm filthy and I need a bath. Not only that but I need to give myself a good cleansing."

With a perplexed look on his face. he said, "A cleansing? Hell, how long does a good bath really take. It's not as if you're doing your hair or putting on your make-up. We're not going out on the town you know!"

I had been taught real early in life that a 'Good Girl' needed to always be prepared for any type of sexual event and naturally, prior to any sexual encounter, a good enema had to be administered. This type of pro-active effort always paid off when being butt-fucked while at the same time sucking on another guy's cock and all of a sudden they want to change positions. I explained what I meant by cleansing in as few words as possible but enough to get the message across. I think he understood cause he at once flashed a big grin and said, "MMMM, sound like it will be good enough to eat. Then by all means, an hour and a-half is okay."

"Great," I said laughing, "I'll meet you later. Remember, I'll be out by the beach. And Oh, yes, I'll be wearing a white cropped tank-top and some clean cut-offs without the sand, okay?"

"Sounds perfect. I can hardly wait. I'll pick you up. I'll be driving a white Chevy Impala," he grinned, "Oh. by the way," he stated as he picked up the balled-up swim suit. "Don't forget your panties."

I smiled and said, "They're not panties. They're Speedos - swimming trunks for swim competitions."

He wrinkled his brow and said, "Oh, I'm sorry. They looked like panties. Too bad, I would have liked to see you in that tight little suit."

Hmmm? I thought - panties and/or other types of feminine apparel were definitely not foreign or unknown to me. I had worn or been given quite a few to wear and I certainly liked how they felt. Maybe, just maybe?? Well, anyway running outside, I noticed some people getting off their cars. Wow! I thought, we didn't even hear them. We could've gotten caught.

Full of anticipation and arousal, I half-ran half-walked back to the area where the guys were congregating thinking of an excuse as I went along to give them to get the hell out of there to the cabana we had previously rented and get ready for a good fuck. Hell, it had been almost two and a-half years since the last time and MMMM, it was soooo....Nope, can't think of that. I might change my mind.

As I got to the parked cars, I noticed my friend, Ramiro running to catch a Frisbee and I quickly asked him for his car keys. He threw them at me asking where I was going? Maybe I could get him something to eat on the way back. Sure, I'll get whatever you want. I'll be right back. I figured once I have the keys, fuck em! I'll do whatever I need to do.

I drove to the strip, found a five-and-dime store and drove into the lot. Parking quickly, I ran inside, grabbed a woman's quart-sized douche bottle, a plastic bottle of Jergen's body lotion, a bottle of Shower-After-Shower powder and a size-small pair of women's white bikini panties. I paid the sales lady who shoved everything into a large Winn's Store bag except to take time to daintily fold the panties putting them in last. She gave me a funny smile, winked and thanked me as I left. I never could figure out what that was all about.

I next drove to the cabana area, found our cabana number, parked the car in front and let myself in, locking the door behind me. As I ran into the bathroom, I pulled off my cut-offs and tank top, dropping them on the floor. I filled the douche bottle with warm water, hung it on the shower rod, inserted the syringe up my butt and let nature and gravity take it's course. After repeating the procedure a few times and ensuring that I was clean, I looked in the mirror and inspected my face for whiskers but nothing had changed, I still had only some very light peach fuzz and I figured, Oh, well. I then took a shower, dried myself off, smeared and rubbed the lotion all over my body, standing in front of the air conditioner which helped to dry it up. This I followed by liberally sprinkling the powder all over my body. I took a dry clean towel and toweled the excess powder off me. My skin was now silky smooth. I then put on the panties that clung to my butt and felt smooth, tight and sexy to the touch. I then took a clean set of old jean cut-offs from my overnight bag and put them on. I noticed that they were about at mid-thigh. Hmmm? Too long? Using my teeth, I ripped a tear about six inches from the bottom allowing me to tear off the upper pants legs exposing quite a bit thigh and my butt cheeks. If I tugged them down, they appeared just like short cut-offs, but if pulled them up snug, I was very exposed. Perfect!!! I then tore the sides of the jeans which left what appeared to be flaps on the back and front. Through experience, I had learned that many guys liked to grope and feel around. Cut-offs shortened in this manner allowed for a guy to get his hands under the flaps and if he really wanted to all the way to your butt hole. Once a guy stuck his finger up my ass-hole, I was his or anybody's for that matter. Guys fondling my ass really got me horny as hell. I pulled on a clean cropped white tank top and slipped on some sandals. Prior to putting the cut-offs back on, I pulled down the panties, laid on the bed on my side and uncapping the lotion bottle, shoved as much of the top of the bottle up my ass as I could. I then squeezed a healthy squirt up my rectum allowing the excess to spill on the outside. I then pulled on the panties, stepped into the cut-offs, and I was ready to go. Remember, I always practiced being a 'Good Girl' which kept me prepared for any type of sexual event or encounter. I had encountered many a horny guy trying to shove his finger up my dry tight ass-hole. Not only is it extremely uncomfortable but very painful. Horny guys are usually very obstinate, determined and extremely hard to stop. Once they've made up their minds, you're taking a finger or two up your ass whether you want it or not. Therefore, a clean, ready, willing and "greasy" butt always helps the situation.

I drove back to the beach at a high rate of speed with my mind doing all kinds of mental somersaults with thoughts of what I was going to let the "stranger" do to me. I also thought, Gee, what a slut. Here I am, thinking of being fucked by this guy and I didn't even know his name. Oh, well, I thought, it wasn't the first stranger I had ever been intimate with and besides, I was sure to think of something to call him.

Arriving on the beach, it was already getting dark and I noticed Ramiro leaning against one of the cars in a sulking mood. I cheerfully waved, acting as if nothing was going on and parked as far as I could from our drunken crowd without being too obvious.

Ramiro walked up to the car, opened the door and angrily shouted, "Where the hell have you been, Boof? We ran out of beer and had to start a collection for a beer run and my wallet was in the glove compartment. Not only that, I had to walk to the closest showers which are like a mile away! You shit-head! "

"Hey, I'm sorry!, I shouted back, "but coming back here I ran into some neighborhood friends way over there by the pier and I started talking to them and lost track of time". Actually, this was just an excuse I had thought up on my way back and a good one to use for my departure. I was ultimately going to say that I was going to walk over to finish my visit with them and hook up with my new "friend". It sounded pretty believable to me.

I got off the car and jumped up and sat on the fender. Meanwhile, Ramiro took a blanket out of the car and spread it out on the sand. I asked, "Where is everybody? Are we out of beer?"

"Not quite," he snarled still upset, walking to the back of the car, opening the trunk to where we had stashed another ice-chest just in case this happened. He withdrew some cold beers throwing me one as he knelt on the blanket. He added, "I told you that we made a beer run so most of the guy jumped in the some of the cars and drove to the strip."

I said, "How are those fools buying beer? None of them are 21 years old yet. They all still look like little boys."

Still a little upset, he retorted, "One of the new guys that joined us is 21 and looking like a boys sure beats looking like a girl."

I jumped off my perch, leaned against the car and with my elbows resting on the hood. I sipped my beer. I was thinking, what the hell does he mean by that but I wasn't going to ask since I was really afraid of the answer. I looked around towards the sand dunes and noticed that most of our crowd was dissipating into smaller groups with some of the guys sprawled out on the sand. I presumed either through all the physical exertion of all that running or as the result of the strenuous sexual activity with our friendly ladies. I scanned the horizon for my friend but the white Chevy Impala was nowhere in sight. Damn, I thought, I bet he couldn't wait and probably either jerked off and got out of the mood or picked up some other horny queer - Shit! Should I take off walking anyway or wait to see if he shows up? What's a girl to do?

Ramiro got up from the blanket and leaned against the car next to me. While facing the opposite direction towards the water, he took a drag of his cigarette and said, "Don't tell the guys about our beer stash, cause if we do we'll run out real fast and we've got to conserve our money since we plan to stay a couple of days. Know what I mean?"

Somewhat annoyed, I responded, "Sure, no problem," Not really paying much attention to his concerns, my mind wandered off. My thoughts were centered on my new friend's no-show. His failure to show up, as far as I knew, was more important and at this point in time, the lack of beer was not high on my priority list.

Unexpectedly, Ramiro sort of rolled over and pinned my body up against the car. With him towering over me by about a foot and out-weighing me by about 70 pounds, it was extremely difficult to push him off.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? You fuck-head! Get off of me!" I hissed, desperately trying to push him off. He usually liked to play grab-ass and sort of wrestle when he was trying to be funny. But I, quite frankly, was in no laughing mood.

I grunted, squirmed, and pushed on him with all my might with no results what-so-ever. He just kind of leaned on me and sort of giggled. I was beginning to really get pissed off. Not only did my date stand me up but this shit-head was playing games. "Damn it, Ramiro, get the fuck off of me, you idiot. This isn't funny! I hissed. As a result of all my efforts, I finally realized that I was more tired than upset and I kind of relaxed and pleaded, "Please Ramiro, get off, you're heavy and I'm tired."

It was at that point that I felt his hand on my ass with his fingers probing towards my greased ass-hole. I panicked! What the fuck is going on here? What is HE doing "Hey, man," I quickly blurted, "What are you doing? What's wrong with you? Don't do that - Stop - Let me go! Don't be silly Ramiro, stop that! Right now!"

Talk about determination, there was no way I was going to get him to stop and he wasn't about to release his hold on me. Pulling aside the rear flap on my cut-offs and pushing my panties aside, his fingers finally found their goal, my well-greased puckered ass-hole. He rammed his index finger all the way in. I felt as though someone had shoved a hot poker up my ass. Not having been properly relaxed, the abrupt invasion generated a shot of pain that coursed through me like current of electricity. All the air left my lungs in one big rush and I tried desperately to inhale. My ass had already been the recipient of many different fingers, cocks and assorted foreign objects but I was always very hot, very horny and very ready to accept the intrusion. This was quite different.

As he slowly withdrew his finger, he whispered in my ear in a soothing tone, "Relax, take a deep breathe and try to relax". He slowly pushed his finger back in and started a slow sawing motion in and out of my ass.

I really don't remember when it was but I think it was at this time that I arched my back and pushed my butt against his probing finger allowing for deeper penetration. Without realizing it, my verbal protests had ceased completely and the unaccountable Ooohs and Aaaahs were actually sounds emanating deep from my throat. I was over the edge - I WAS ALL HIS!!

At that very point, I completely forgot about my meeting the stranger from the rest-room or the consequences of yielding my ass to a close friend. What would people say if he talked? What would my family think? How could I live with the shame of knowing that people knew that I had allowed a man to stick his cock up my ass? My exact thoughts at that precise point in time were - WHO GIVES A SHIT! THIS FEELS GOOD. I LOVE IT AND I WANT IT!

With his feet he pushed my legs apart and with his free hand fumbled with the draw strings of his swim-trunks. He had withdrawn his finger from my ass and now I felt the head of his cock on my ass-cheeks gently applying pressure and gradually opening them up. My mind raced with anticipation of the shaft that was to follow and my brain was yelling - YES! YES! GO FOR IT! SHOVE IT IN - HARD!!!

He whispered in my ear, "Do you know what I'm gonna do next?" Without answering him, I tried to reach back with both hands and separate my ass-cheeks but he forcefully grabbed my arms put them back on the hood and said, "Relax! Don't move!"

We held this position for a second or two with him finally moving most of his weight off my body, however the pressure of his cock on my ass remained steady and relentless. Finally my spincter yielded and his cock head popped in. Damn! The pain was intense and excruciating but it hurt so good!! I had already experienced a diverse assortment of different sized cocks up my ass. However, try as I might, I never could relax enough to prevent the initial penetration from causing so much pain regardless of the size, no pun intended, but, I loved it in the end.

He whispered in my ear, "Feels good - doesn't it? Now just relax cause I'm gonna push the rest all the way in."

Without responding, I pushed back on his cock and felt his cock shaft slowly inch its way in, stretching my rectum to what I thought were the limits. I was thrilled at how good it hurt! I just couldn't get enough. My breathing was ragged and I could feel perspiration drip down my forehead. Ultimately, I could feel his thighs on my butt and his hands hot and sweaty on the side of my waist gently rocking me back and forth meeting my backward movements with forward thrusts of his own driving his cock deeper into my ass. I couldn't believe how good it felt. His hands went to the front of my chest pulling up my short cropped tank top and pinched my nipples with his thumb and forefinger as hard as he could. Damn, this all felt so good. I had no idea how much I missed being in this position again. I was unaware and uncaring of all my surroundings and all of a sudden I heard our moaning and heavy breathing mingling into a rather loud sound. This brought me back to reality and it was just in time too cause the other fools were driving back whooping, yelling and creating all kinds of ruckus. Shit! I thought, talk about bad timing. I know he saw them too but he kept on pumping.

"Ramiro? Stop! The guys are here! I breathed out heavily. But he just pinched my nipples harder and drove his cock as deep as he could. Oh! Oh! , I thought, he's not going to stop. As abruptly as he started when he rolled over on me, he pulled out his cock and sat on the blanket on the sand behind us. I stood there with my legs kind of shaking and tried to stand up straight. I turned around and leaned against the car trying to catch my breathe. My ass-hole throbbed and seemed to pulse with the lingering pain. Out of nowhere one of the beer runners showed up and threw us two cold six packs and said, "Wha Zup? Are we having fun yet?" and ran back to the crowd. What a dork!

Ramiro stood up arranged his trunks and walked to the trunk of the car where he put the beer. He then went to the driver's side of the car, stood there for a minute and then opening the door he got in and said, "Well, what are you waiting for - an invitation? Let's go somewhere else and pick up where we left off." I stood there in a daze asking myself, Is this really happening? Am I dreaming? Did Ramiro just fuck me in the ass? Ramiro yelled, "Come on, pick up the blanket and shake off the sand! Let's go! Don't forget the beer on the hood." Without really thinking, I pulled the panties out of the crack of my ass and straightened out my cut-offs. I bend over, picked up the blanket, shook it vigorously and bunching it up threw it in the back seat of the car. I opened the passenger side car door reached over and grabbed the beer on the hood and got in. I handed Ramiro a beer as he started the car and we drove away into the darkness. We drove for about 30 seconds in total silence. I, for one, was afraid to say something and possibly ruin this beautiful moment. I had no idea what Ramiro was thinking but I was about to find out.

CONTINUED in: A Day at the Beach (Part 2) (Story H)

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From agate!howland.reston.ans.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Wed Oct 11 17:44:11 1995 Message-ID: 192358Z10101995@anon.penet.fi Path: agate!howland.reston.ans.net!newsfeed.internetmci.com!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories From: an395341@anon.penet.fi (...Mercury.....) X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an395341@anon.penet.fi Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 19:18:57 UTC Subject: A Girl's Debut 13/?? (M/M TV) Lines: 477

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 21:57:02 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury

A Day at the Beach (Continuation Part 2) (Story H)

He broke the silence by saying, "It sure is dark out here." Looking around, I had noticed that there wasn't a car light or anything other type of light anywhere to be seen. I remarked only with, "Yep, it sure is." Then he said, "That makes it a good time for you to get to know this better." motioning with his head towards his crotch. Unknown to me, he had lowered his trunks while I picked up the blanket and beers, covering his cock with his T-shirt. Now fully exposed, I could hardly make it out in the darkness. He reached over and took my beer, set it on the dashboard, took my hand and put it on his dick. I softly touched it and swirled the pre-cum juice all over the head. It felt spongy and slippery appearing to be getting hard. " Go ahead give it a little kiss." he said.

A kiss!! I thought. Kiss hell! I want that thing deep in my mouth so I can swirl my tongue and rake my teeth all over it. Shit, I can do better than just a kiss. But the only thing I could say was, "Okay."

I started to bend down towards his crotch when I felt his hand on the back of my head, gently pushing me towards the intended target. I snapped back and swatted off his hand. This was one of my pet peeves. I hated for guys to push my head towards their crotches. Not that I hated to suck a cock, it's just that it brought back a lot of bad memories from my past and I wouldn't let anyone do that. If I was going to suck a cock, I was going to do it because I wanted to not because I was pushed into it. Startled he said, "Hey, Boof, what's wrong? Don't back off now. You're not changing your mind are you? I thought you liked it."

"Sure, I like it. I just don't like for anyone to push my head down, Okay? I said trying not to sound too pissed off. Like I said, I didn't want to ruin the moment.

He put his hand on the back of the seat and sort of leaned back. I bend over, widely opened my mouth and greedily took his member into my mouth. It tasted salty and had a smooth texture as I swirled my tongue on the glans. I pushed my face deep into his crotch taking as much of his cock as I could into my mouth without gagging. I slowly withdrew raking my teeth lightly over the shaft stopping on the head. I could hear him moan and thrust his hip up towards my facing, pushing his dick deep again. I repeated the procedure, picking up the tempo to the point where my head was bobbing up and down at a rather fast paced motion. His moaning had graduated to a deep-throated indistinguishable, "AAAGH!" At that point, I straightened up, took my beer off the dashboard and took a big swig. He looked over at me disappointed and said, "Boof, what happened? Damn that felt good! I almost came. Why'd you stop?"

"Because you almost came that's why and I want it to last", I smiled back. I didn't want to admit that I liked his cock up my as a whole lot more.

With that, he suddenly pulled over, stopping the car. He jumped out pulling his trunks up as he went along. Opening the my door, he grabbed my arm and said, "Come on, let's do it." He grabbed the blanket and spread it out on the sand. I stood there leaning on the car sipping on my beer. I tried to light a cigarette but the wind would blow out the lighter. I said, "Come over here and shield the wind I want to light this cigarette." We snuggled together but the wind was too much. He grabbed the cigarette, threw it a way, put his arms around me and gave me a long lingering kiss, probing his tongue, on which I gently sucked, deep into my mouth. I could feel his hard cock pressed against my stomach and I pressed back. We kissed for a good while letting our hands travel all over our bodies. We finally stopped and he said, "Hey, Boof, take off you shorts and top but leave on the panties." Hmmm? He noticed, I thought. Good.

He walked to the blanket and stripped completely naked. His broad shoulders, slim waist, and thick thighs glistened in the darkness. Standing there with his huge cock jutting out of his silhouette, I thought, WOW!! He looks good. He motioned me to his side. But I just stood there in my panties, thinking, darn why am I so skinny. I finally walked over, we embraced and sank into the blanket. With legs entwined, we feverishly resumed kissing and groping at each other in the darkness. He removed my panties and spitting on his fingers, fingered-fucked me. After what seemed like an eternity, he gently turned me over and positioned me on my hands and knees. He spit on his fingers again and applied the moisture to my ass hole, smearing it around with an in and out motion. He gently placed his cock at the opening and said, "Relax".

My ass hole accepted his cock-head like a glove and in one single thrust he drove his shaft deep into my rectum. Now it was my turn to emit a, "AAAGH!!" The pain was wonderful. As I pushed back, I dug my head into the blanket and reached behind me with both hands to pull apart my ass-cheeks hoping to give him more access. I WANTED IT ALL. His movements rose to a crescendo and as he furiously pumped my ass, all I could do was bounce back and forth and try desperately to synchronize my movements with his thrusting lunges. I expected him to blow his load in my ass any minute now but for some strange reason, he abruptly stopped and pulled out of my ass. By this time I was having all kinds of problems trying to compose myself and keep myself in the position I started out in without falling flat on my face. My mouth and throat were dry as sandpaper from all my heavy breathing. I looked over my shoulder and thickly asked, "What's wrong?" He was staring over my head and said, "We've got company."

Damn! I freaked out. My hard-on shriveled up so fast, I probably would've have had trouble finding it if I had to piss. I looked up but I couldn't see anything or anybody - nothing but darkness. Even though my eyes should have been adjusted to the darkness. I couldn't see jack-shit. Out of the same darkness, I heard, "Mind if I watch?"

I thought, who the fuck is that? But Ramiro answered, "Yeah, I mind if you watch. What about you, Boof, got a problem with that.?"

My response was, "Ramiro, we don't even know who that is. Who are you anyway?" I shouted in the direction of the voice.

Out of the darkness and closer to us came the voice. As he got closer, he said, "Look, I'm not dangerous or anything, I'm just a horny guy that drove by and got caught up with your action. Mind if I join in?"

I finally associated the voice with a person. It was the stranger from the bathroom. That shit-head must have followed us down here and crept up on us. What the hell, I didn't mind! I turned around, grabbed Ramiro cock and as I stroked it, I said, "I don't mind."

Ramiro turned and looked at me surprised, said "Are you sure?"

"Positive", I answered, breathing harder not really paying attention since I was stroking his cock a little faster now.

Ramiro quickly blurted out, "Okay, but first things first! What do YOU want to do? and with who? I don't suck dicks and I don't get fucked. Those are my rules."

He softly responded, "Hey, she's your babe. But the way I figure, you've got one end and I can have the other and of course if we get tired, we can always trade ends. For now it's you up his ass and I'll fuck his mouth. Got a problem with that." To which Ramiro quickly said, "Nope."

Ramiro turned to me and said, "What do you think, Boof? You sure it's okay?" All I did was spit on my fingers, smeared it on my ass and got back on my favorite position, my hands and knees and said, "I don't care. Go for it, I'm always ready."

Ramiro quickly assumed his position behind me and guided his cock toward my puckered and sore ass-hole and gently pushed, shoving his shaft all the way in. I arched my head back and let out a sigh of pure enjoyment - Damn, it felt and hurt sooo good!! The stranger had by that time stripped completely naked and knelt in front of me. His cock protruded straight into my face. I opened my mouth and accepted as much of it as I could. He grabbed handfuls of hair on my head and thrust as far into my throat as he could. I momentarily gagged and tried to breathe through my nose. Ramiro's ass pumping action had accelerated to a fever pitch and it appeared that the stranger was trying to match him. Ramiro groaned, arched forward, stiffened and completely stopped. The stranger only muttered, "OH! FUCK!". I felt Ramiro's hard thick cock pulsate in my ass as he released his cum in spurts and at the same time, the stranger exploded in my mouth quickly filling my mouth with gushes of cum. I desperately tried to swallow but he came too fast and too much. Some flowed down my throat and some spilled out on my chin. I could no longer hold back my own pent-up passions and in one quick jolt, I spurted my load all over the blanket. My body pulsed as I climaxed and then slowly floated back to reality. Ramiro limply hung on, slowly withdrew his limp cock and fell back on the sand in a tired heap. I would've joined him but the stranger held me steadfastly in place with his cock still firmly in place in my mouth. I tried to pull back but he moaned and tightened his grip on my hair and said, "Don't move!" I noticed that his cock remained semi-hard not completely stiff but certainly not limp. He slowly began a swaying motion into my mouth and due to its smaller size he was able to push his cock in until my lips were pressed flat on his pubic hair. He would push completely in, hold it there and then pull my head back to the point where his dick was almost out of my mouth. I tried to spit it out but I figured he sensed it because he would immediately pump it back in. A few movements like that and to my astonishment, I felt his cock start to swell up in my mouth. My jaws already ached from holding my mouth open. He released his grip on my hair, pulled out his cock out of my mouth and started pushing me back on my back. "What are you doing?" I asked in a tired daze as I lay on my back. He responded as he lifted my legs up over his shoulders, "I'm gonna fuck you, too."

After I climax, I really don't feel like messing around. I have noticed that most men don't like to be fondled or have their cocks touched right after ejaculation. Some have even complained that it's painful if you keep sucking after they've released all their cum. I know one thing for sure after I climax my body tenses up and I need some time to relax and recover. I have had painful episodes of guys trying to fuck me after I cum. My ass-hole was one part of my body that tenses up and penetration though possible is very difficult and painful.

In this position, my ass was up in the air and the stranger reached down easily and probed with his finger, I suppose for location. He found the spot and tried to shove his finger into my very wet and sore ass-hole. Even though it was very well lubricated and dripping with Ramiro's sperm, it was still not relaxed and penetration was not easy. I said, "Wait a minute! Give me some time to rest. That hurts!" He stopped his probing, lifted my legs higher and leaned forward. I could feel his monstrous cock-head at the opening of my very sore and puckered ass-hole. Earlier in the day as I stroked his shaft, his cock-head had looked so good and desirable. Now it felt so threatening and much more bigger.

As he leaned forward, he grabbed my wrists and pinned them on near the sides of my head, holding them down with his body weight. I could feel the pressure of his cock on my ass-hole increase tremendously forcing my ass-hole open and stretching it as he burrowed as deep as he could. Pain vibrated through me as his cock was buried to the hilt. My legs stiffened straight up in the air as I tried to accommodate his large member. As I tried to catch my breathe , he immediately started pumping, sawing his cock in and out of my ass-hole in a steady and smooth tempo. I noticed that it was starting to feel good and I tried to match my movements with his. He released my wrists and sat back on his heels holding my thighs tightly to his upper chest. I reached under my butt and felt his cock pumping in and out. I tried to reach for his balls but could only barely touch them as they dangled back and forth with his rhythmic thrusts. He grabbed my cock which was by this time jutting straight up and began jacking me off. I can't describe how good it all felt. He suddenly stopped, grabbed my wrists and with my legs up on his shoulders, he laid back on the blanket. I wound up in a sitting position on top of him. I was able to draw my knees up and get comfortable which resulted in my winding up firmly impaled on his cock with no control on how deep it was buried in my ass. It felt as though it was rearranging my intestines or moving something aside. He grabbed my cock again and started to furiously jack me off while he arched his lower body up and down in an apparent attempt to drive his cock deeper into my ass. He started groaning and I started moaning. IT WAS GREAT!!! I was ready to explode. I never noticed Ramiro until he stood in front of me with his legs wide open trying to guide his cock into my mouth as I bounced up and down. With my up and down movements, all Ramiro had to do was just stand there with cock in my mouth and fuck my face.

Everything just seemed to happen so quick, when the stranger emitted a long soft moan and suddenly bucked up and stiffened. Ramiro arched his head back and froze. I immediately rested my feet on the stranger chest, transferring all my weight to my butt and I grabbed the back of Ramiro's thighs, burying my face as deep as I could into his crotch. With this final move on my part, I wound up one cock deeply buried in my ass and one cock deep in my throat. I barely felt the stranger's cock pulsate in my ass but there was no denying when Ramiro came, cause in one fleeting second my mouth was flooded with his sperm. This time instead of swallowing, I swirled it in my mouth, coating my tongue and reveling in the hot tasteless liquid. I slowly swallowed it, allowing it to seep down my throat like some hot thick syrup. The next thing I knew, I was again spurting my load. This time all over the stranger's chest. After I finished cumming, I rolled off of him and crumpled in a completely wasted in a heap on the blanket.

I opened my eyes and tried to focus them. It was pitch black with no moon in sight. The breeze felt a little to cool for comfort. I was on my side and tired to move but couldn't. I felt warmness against my back. I stirred and felt a warm body snuggle behind me and an arm draped over me. I touched my arms and felt gritty sand all over plus a fine layer of moisture. I stretched and my legs throbbed and ached. I felt drained and very sleepy. I realized I must have fallen asleep. I looked groggily around and noticed that it was Ramiro behind me. The stranger had disappeared.

I picked up his arm and rolled way from him and stood up. My legs trembled slightly as I achingly stretched. I was completely naked. Looking around for my top, shorts and panties, I thought, shit! why do I ache so much? I couldn't find my clothes. It was too dark and I hadn't adjusted my eyes yet. I turned and looked towards the car and then to horizon. Not a car in sight - it was dark and the cool breeze made me shiver. I headed to the car and pulled on the trunk and as usual, it was open. I reached inside and opening the ice-chest, took a beer. It was ice-cold. Opening it, I took a little sip and shivered. I walked to the side of the car and reached in and took the pack of cigarettes off the dashboard. The pack was moist and damp. I took one out and tried to light it. The breeze kept blowing out the lighter. Opening the door, I slide onto the seat and felt the grit on my butt sort of sandpaper my ass. I winced in pain. The inside of the car was darker since we had removed the interior light earlier so we wouldn't shine any lights. I want to get out of here, I thought. I finally lit the cigarette and holding the cold beer in my hand sat there and trembled. I was still naked. Looking at the steering wheel, I noticed the keys in the ignition. I reached over and turned the key to the on position. The idiot lights illuminated brightly. I turned the radio knob on and twisted the tuner until I found a station spitting our twangy western music. I didn't really care about the music, I was interested in the time.

As usual, the song ended and the disc jockey talked about everything but the time. I sat there thinking. I can't believe it! Ramiro fucked me. "I", actually let Ramiro fuck me. He fucked me and I sucked his cock. Shit! I can't believe it happened. I didn't even try to stop him. I let him do it. Let him do it, hell! I wanted him to, I pushed myself on him.

I actually felt embarrassed and ashamed. Damn, I wonder what he'll think. Shit! I sucked his cock and swallowed his cum. Oh, shit! He actually fucked me. I looked out the window and noticed that he had rolled himself up in the blanket. I bet he's gonna be a real ass-hole. Not only that, I thought, feeling more embarrassed, what about that stranger! Shit, Ramiro gave me a way out when he asked if I would mind, but No! I had to be a pig about it and say "I don't mind!!!" What a pig! I acted like such as whore, such a pig,.....I mean, the stranger, me letting him.....Hell! I didn't even.....Shit! I'm back to my old tricks. I had sworn more than two and half years ago that I would never indulge in this type of behavior, and up to a now had done pretty good.

Finally the disc jockey caught my attention when he said, "If you have to be at work at thirty-thirty, you better hurry. Your thirty minutes late, it's four A. M.!" and a the sound of an alarm clock intertwined with his load guffaws. I reached over and turned the ignition switch to off. I sat there in the quiet darkness, shivering.

Startled, I shook violently as the driver's side door opened, "Damn! it's cold!! shivered Ramiro, getting in still wrapped in the blanket, "Aren't you cold? I'm freezing!!" He started the car and rolled up his window. Looking at me he said, "Roll up the window, Boof! It's cold!! I'm turning on the heater." He turned a switch on and cool air blew out the bottom. In a matter on seconds, the air warmed and I realized how cold my feet were. Looking at me, Ramiro asked, "Why are you sitting there naked? Aren't you cold?"

"I can't find my clothes." I replied, feeling tired and in a sort of daze.

Opening the door, Ramiro said, "I think I can find them. Let me go get them." and he got off the car. I felt a bang and the car sway as he slammed the trunk. Minutes later, he opened the door, got in and threw me some clothes. A buttonless dark long-sleeved shirt and some baggy trunks. I picked them up and inspected them, and said, "These aren't mine!!"

"I know. They're mine. I think that stranger took your shorts and panties. I couldn't find them anywhere." he said.

Reaching for the door handle, I said, "Shit, let me look."

He grabbed my arm, stopped me, and said, "They're not out there and anyway, look." motioning with his head to a car coming down the beach with his lights off. My eyes had adjusted by now and it was very easy to see. In fact, it was so easy, I quickly noticed the outline of the dark lights on the top, identifying it as some type of police cruiser. Ramiro started the car, put it in drive and as we lurched forward, as he turned on the lights. Glancing over at me he said, "Better get dressed in case he decides to stop us."

We drove towards him and he waved as we passed. I only had enough time to put on the shirt, wrapping it around me due to the lack of front buttons and sat on my bare ass on the gritty sand, feeling very uncomfortable. After we passed him, I moved up, got on my knees on the edge of the seat and brushed the sand from the seat and my ass. Ramiro casually reached up and lightly pinched one of my nipples. I can't explain why but I felt a rush of heat from the embarrassment that run through me. This guy and I had been friends for a little more than two and a-half years. Now like some of the girls, I had seen him fondle, he was doing the same to me. It felt weird. I felt uneasy. I didn't understand my feelings. Not that I had never been touched by a man, in fact I knew my nipples were very sensitive as other men had kissed, licked, chewed and pinched them. I found it pleasurable and very erotic. However, I felt very uneasy as I knelt on the seat and Ramiro pinched and rubbed them. I didn't try to stop him but just knelt there and closed my eyes. I couldn't understand why I was so perplexed. Finally he moved his hand away and I started to sit when he said, "Wait! don't sit down yet!' and his hand traveled to the side of my waist and down towards the back caressing my ass softly. He said, "Damn, Boof, I had no idea you skin was so soft." I believe somewhere along our blood lineage, we intermingled with Indians - real Indians, because I was virtually hairless with only a soft downy fuzz covering my upper body. My lower legs at the ankles and armpits had hair but very sparse and thin. Only my pubic area was covered with a dark mat of thick curly hair.

He moved his hand away and patted the space next to him, saying, "Sit here, I'll keep you warm. I want your soft warm body right here." and he patted the seat again.

I didn't say a word and sat down where he had indicated. I sat there and images of the backs of girls' heads flashed through my mind. I had been many places in this car with Ramiro, such as double-dating and had seen many girls sit in this spot. I felt weird. Not that Ramiro was ugly, far from it. He was a very handsome man. Tall, well-built, light, complexion with dark hair all over his chest. He had dark sparkling eyes and dark black hair that he kept well-styled. He had an air of confidence about him that emitted an aura that made people turn when he passed by or came into the room. All the girls at school were crazy about him and all the guys followed him around trying to act like him. When we became friends, I believe he was interested in the fact that I mastered my classes in English which was his poorest subject and asked for help. I tutored him and we found we had the same sense of humor, interests in cars, clothes and basically liked the same kind of people.

I saw Ramiro as a friend, something akin to a brother. I was the only boy in the family with a smaller brother born ten years. My little brother was cute and funny and I loved him but it wasn't the same as a bigger brother.

Normally, I rattled off a mile a minute, talking about anything that came into my mind. Ramiro was always there to listen and he always laughed at my humor which many people never seem to understand. I liked that in him since I had never really had any friends and was actually quite shy and always alone. Then I met him and he turned into my best friend. Now here I was, sitting next to as he fondled me. He had his hand on my thigh and was rubbing gently. I was deep in thought, starting to considering the consequences of what I had allowed to happen, such as wondering if he too, like those ass-holes during junior high would talk and spread the word that I had allowed him to fuck me in the ass and had sucked him cock. I knew I was queer, but I don't think everybody had to know.

I jumped, startled, as he said, "Hey Boof, what's wrong? You're so quiet. I figured you'd be chattering away. I don't know about you but I feel great. Listen, let's go to the cabana, take a bath and go home. We don't need this shit. What do you think? We can even fool around before we leave, okay? Damn, I can't believe how go your ass felt! Shit!, I'm getting hard thinking about it. Look!" He grabbed ny hand and placed it on his crotch. I felt the hard bulge through the material of his baggy trunks. I didn't pull away but I felt so funny. Embarrassment? Fear? I didn't know. All I know was that it felt weird touching his cock. "Play with it." He said. and I started massaging it.

We arrived at the cabana just as daylight was breaking. Everything looked hazy and a little dim. Only the squawking sounds of the seagulls pierced the stillness. I saw the keys to the room on the dashboard and grabbed them as he turned off the car, opening the door simultaneously. "Hey! he said, "You're still naked." and I remembered that I hadn't pulled on the trunks. "Fuck it." I said. Normally. I'm very modest, but for now I don't know why I apparently didn't care. Anyway, the shirt was down to my thighs.

We entered the room and I grabbed my bag, heading to the bathroom as I scooped it up. First thing I did was bend over the sink, turn on the water and without waiting for it to warm up, I started splashing my face. Never looking up, I started brushing my teeth. I guess I was afraid to look at myself in the mirror. The door flew open and Ramiro walked in, pulling down his trunks, "Damn, I've got to pee bad!" and a torrent of urine hit the commode water as he let loose of his bladder. "AAAAHH!" he sighed.

"Ramiro!!! I'm in here!" I said, actually embarrassed. "So! Big deal" he replied. I had seen him piss many times before, I had seen him throw-up after drinking too much, I saw him cry and even cried with him when his last girlfriend, Gina, a twenty year-old, buxom, red-headed, green-eyed beauty broke up with him because he didn't want to propose. I remember his drunken blubbering as he cussed her out, then said how much he missed her and then cussed her out again saying what a bitch she was, the cycle repeating itself over and over until he passed out. After a couple of days he was his same old self and I thought, Wow!, he got over her fast.

He pissed for a long time so I walked out the bathroom swishing water in my mouth, drying the dripping water off my face. He came out and sat on the edge of the bed. "Boof! Come here." I jumped when he said it. Startled again, I thought, shit, what's the fuck's wrong with me?"

I stuck the toothbrush in my mouth and pulled on side of the shirt to cover my nakedness as I turned sideways. From my stance about ten feet away, I mumbled, brushing my teeth again, "What?"

"Come here!" he smiled. I hesitantly walked over to the bed and was going to sit down when he grabbed my hand and pulling me said, "OVER HERE!!" and stationed me right in front of him between his open legs. My shirt flew open. He put his hands on my bare hips and looked up at me and said, "I think I know what's bothering you."

"Ramiro, there's nothing wrong." I lied as I looked up and continued brushing my teeth, fully aware and conscious of his hot hands on my bare skin. I acted like it was nothing. Actually, I didn't lie. I didn't know what was actually wrong so technically, I was telling the truth.

"Look, I do know there's something wrong, and I know what it is. You're whole body and the way you're acting is screaming it." he started.

"Okay", I interrupted and said sarcastically, "You know everything. Tell me what's wrong. What am I screaming that I can't hear?"

"Look at me," he said and when I looked down at him, he continued with, "You're really upset about last night. You're sorry you let me fuck you, right? and now all you can think about is why you did it and wish you could undo it? Am I right? he asked in his usual matter-of-fact style. "You're worried sick that I'm gonna run and tell everybody -Hey! I fucked Boof, He sucked my dick. Boof's a queer! - Right? Well, it's not like that. I'm not telling anybody anything. What we, and I emphasize "WE", did, is our own private thing and I wouldn't do that to you or myself."

"Yourself?'" I asked, "I'm the one who was bent over with your cock up my ass. Begging for more. I'm the one with your cock in my mouth, sucking and swallowing your cum. What's this "WE" shit!" I had the Machismo ideology of homosexuality deeply ingrained in my mind. I was the one with a cock up my ass and a cock in my mouth that made me - the queer. He was putting his cock in my ass and mouth - He was not a queer.

He smiled and tried to stifle real laughter, bouncing on the bed as the sentiment, uncontrollably tried to erupt from deep inside him.

I looked at him thoroughly confused. I had not been fully understandable of my prior emotions, but I was extremely familiar with the feeling that I felt rising in my chest now. That, I knew was pure anger. "WHAT THE FUCK IS SO FUNNY? RAMIRO!!" I yelled at him.

Still smiling, and tightening his grip on my hips, he said in a big grin, flashing a row of perfect pearly-white teeth, "YOU! YOU! - Boof, are funny. I've always told everybody I know - that fucking Boof is funny. You want to laugh - listen to Boof. He says the craziest and sometimes the wackiest things that can make you laugh." Then his faced turned serious as he stopped smiling, and added, "Sometimes though, not too often, he says some real stupid things. I guess it's just that he doesn't know or understand alot of things in life."

"Looking at him, I said smugly, "And you do. I guess now your gonna tell me the facts of life, right?"

Looking deeply into my eyes, he said still serious, "No, I'm not, Boof. Your father should have done that. By now, you should know the facts of life. What you don't know are "MY" facts - about my life. You see, Boof, I'm queer, too. and breaking into a big smile added, "Bet, you didn't know that?"

I freaked. My mind did somersaults as I thought, this perfect example of a man - a hunk that most women hungered after and most men envied because of his stunning good looks and masculinity - is queer? Something's wrong with this picture. He slowly moved me to the side of the bed and sat me down. I guess I was still in shock. He told me to lie back and relax and he'd tell me a story. A simple story about himself and his past. I sat down and listened to his story. He explained his true feelings about men, not me in particular, his past experiences, some of his failures, some of his victories, and some of his pain. In sharp contrast to what I believed, he explained his homosexuality and made me realize that I was wrong about myself and many other men were wrong about themselves, too.

When he finished, I was lying on my side, propped on my elbow, listening intently. I realized that we were really good true friends and now, if I could help it, were going to be lovers.

We stared at each other without saying a word. He reached over, pulled me to him and tried to kiss me. "UGH!" I frowned, "Go brush your teeth!" He got up laughing and headed to the bathroom. I followed, taking off his shirt. As he brushed his teeth, I stepped into the tub and turned on the water. I shivered as the cold water hit me unexpectedly.

Moments later, he drew back the shower curtain and stepped in. We lathered each other giggling. He took me into his arms and we kissed passionately. As we kissed, I reached down and felt his cock swelling to hardness. I stroked it softly. Kissing my neck and shoulders, he slowly moved down to my erect cold-water affected nipples, sucking and nibbling on them. I reached behind me and lathered my ass-hole, wincing at the initial shock of pain generated from the sore and tender opening, reminding of last night's events. Considering the possibilities of the next few minutes, I threw caution to the wind and vigorously worked up a soapy lather. I clung to him with my other arm, pulled away from our kiss and said, "Fuck me!" and I let go of him, turning around. I placed my arms on the shower wall and thrust out my ass. "Do it! I added. I felt his cock-head at the soapy entrance and pushed back, driving his cock into my ass. The pain was sensational. After deeply embedding his cock inside me, he put his arms around me and held me tight. We stood in the shower with the water cascading on us as we swayed in unison, undulating against each other. His cock driving in and out of my ass was sending wave after wave of pleasurable pain through me. I knew as I rocked back and forth that this was the start of a new and exciting event in my young life. Closing my eyes, I swayed with Ramiro's thrusts, thinking about how great my high school senior year was going to be. Smiling, I thought, I could be the home-coming Queen.

Comments and remarks are welcome. Please write to me at: an361967@anon.penet.fi (Boof)

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From agate!nntp-ucb.barrnet.net!autodesk.com!toad.com!amdahl.com!news.fujitsu.com!nntp-sc.barrnet.net!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!venus.sun.com!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Wed Oct 11 17:44:11 1995 Message-ID: 192328Z10101995@anon.penet.fi Path: agate!nntp-ucb.barrnet.net!autodesk.com!toad.com!amdahl.com!news.fujitsu.com!nntp-sc.barrnet.net!nntp-hub2.barrnet.net!venus.sun.com!cs.utexas.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories From: an395341@anon.penet.fi (...Mercury.....) X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an395341@anon.penet.fi Date: Tue, 10 Oct 1995 19:16:34 UTC Subject: A Girl's Debut 14/?? (M/M TV) Lines: 496

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 22:33:15 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury

The Senior Year (Part 1) (Story I)

I woke up with a start, wide awake and alert. I had the most wonderful feeling as I stretched and jumped out of bed, headed for the shower. As I showered, I thought about what the day had to offer, it was the first day of my last school year, my senior year. I had always liked school and looked forward to attending. I also had no real complaint about the summer hiatuses in between and was usually sad when any summer ended. However, I felt no remorse or sadness associated with the inevitable end of this particular summer. Although this summer had provided a new awakening and big change, I felt that it lacked something. Since I spent most of the week working, long tiresome and demanding hours at my uncle's store, having off only on Sunday, I was depressed most of the time except on Saturday night and those glorious Sundays. It was during those times that I spent them with my best and closest friend, Ramiro, that I felt the best. Ramiro also worked and I never saw him during the week because his hours were the opposite of mine. I worked days and he worked nights. Now with the beginning of school, I would see him on a daily basis since we had purposely planned our school class schedules to be identical.

I had known Ramiro since the summer before starting the tenth grade. I attended a pre-school student workshop for students interested in different extra curricular activities and so did he. His English was atrocious and I noticed a girl make fun of his heavy Spanish accent. I empathized with him, since I too, had known the pain of being teased and humiliated and I hated it. She was a fat Anglo bitch with large massive thighs that looked like tapioca - Ugh!

Purposefully, I started talking to him in Spanish, motioning in her direction, laughing hard and smacking my knee, to emphasize an issue. Looking at her, I would turn my face whenever she looked my way as if I didn't want me to see me, making it appear to be talking about her, but telling Ramiro how nice the girl next to her was. Actually I was talking about the slim pretty girl next to her but I looked the fat one and Ramiro looked and flirted with the pretty one. As I talked in Spanish, the fat girl had no idea what I was saying and I could see the anger in her face. She finally went over to us and said angrily, "If you're gonna talk about me at least do it in English so I can understand and defend myself." I turned, acted surprised and said, "What make's you think we're talking about you? You've got to be kidding." and motioned to the pretty girl who waved back shyly as Ramiro waved to her. The fat bitch's face turned beet red and angrily turned and left. We both burst out laughing.

Ramiro and I started talking and became friends from that day on. We did all kinds of things young men or boys do in high school. He eventually met all my family and I met all of his.

Due to his good looks, he became quite popular and I guess, for the next two years, I just hung on his coat-tails. This year things would be different. Ramiro and I were lovers. During a prior outing to the coast, we had discovered each other.

Afterwards all summer long, on Saturday nights, we would drive out to the country side, the hill-country, it was called, and park in dark secluded areas. We would kiss and make passionate love along deserted roadways. On Sunday's, we would drive out dusty country lanes and choose a deserted spot and trespassing, walk to the farthest tree under which we would lay out a blanket and stripping completely naked, make love. Afterwards, we would just talk about all kinds of things with nothing particular in mind. We would caress our bodies as we lay tightly against each other. It was great.

One day after school started, Ramiro told me that he had gotten an apartment. We went to see it after school. It was a small, furnished room over a garage, they called it a FROG, that was very comfy. He tried to fuck me but, I hadn't bathed or performed any of the preliminaries and I made him wait until Saturday night. We made passionate love that night.

The week before Halloween, we found out a mutual friend was having a costume party and we were invited. My first question to Ramiro was, "Dressed as what?" He had no idea. We were all excited until the whole thing soured when two days before, he found out that he couldn't get the night off. We had ruined our chances by his taking off too many times during the week so we could go to his apartment and fuck. We compromised and decided that if he couldn't get off early about seven or eight he would just meet me there around ten. Of course, he could wear no costume, cause he would only have enough time to get off work, go home, shower and change and go meet me. Of course, he expected me to wear a costume.

"Wait a minute", I said, "I'm the only one dressed as a fool, looking stupid and you'll come in, all spiffied up - I don't think so , Baby!"

"Come on, don't be a party-pooper. Surprise me. I really do want to go cause afterwards I have a surprise." he teased.

"What is it? I begged, "Come on tell me Please!!!" but no matter what I promised and I promised quite a lot. "NO!" was his final answer. "Just be there and I'll meet you."

I had no idea what I was going to wear. The thought of going as a drag-queen never crossed my mind. I presume that I had a subconscious block on my mind of never going in full drag again. Prior experiences in this type of portrayal had back fired on me and I wanted no repeat of this type of hell.

That night I went to Elvira and as usual, she came up with an idea. She said it was going to be a monster she always wanted to create but wouldn't give me specifics. All she said was, "Just be hear tomorrow at six o'clock and I'll have everything ready."

Not being able to wait, I showed up at her house at five. Without knocking, I walked in, calling her name. "I'm in here!" she yelled from her bedroom and as I walked towards it, she flew out pushing me back and said, "Not yet! Let's go in here." and maneuvered me in the bathroom. She knew I was going out with Ramiro and knew the routine. She had prepared a bath and all the necessities for my preparation. Perfumed soap, perfumed body lotion and powder and of course, a large enema bag hung from the shower rod, full of water. "I figured you be early" she said playfully acting angry, "So I decided that I'd get things ready now and give you hand. Take off your clothes and sit there," Motioning to a little bench. I stripped and sat down. She took a can of shaving cream and a wet cloth, and started to wipe my legs. "What are you doing?' I asked, surprised.

"Boof, Please don't be so nosy! Why can't you be like everybody else and not ask so many questions. It's part of the costume." she said as she wiped my legs wet, applied the cream and started shaving the light fuzz on my upper thighs, working down to the darker but sparse hair on my ankles. She was an expert. Pulling my arm, she stood me up and made sure all the areas were smooth, up to and including the light dark fuzz under my arms. Since I didn't have any facial hair, she looked at my cheeks, rubbed them with the back of her hand and said, "Shit - still a baby" and laughed.

She was finally satisfied and turning around left the room, laughing, as she said, "The rest you can do by yourself." I grabbed the enema bag and did the rest.

After bathing, I peeked out the bathroom, looking for her and she streaked to me out of nowhere and pulled me into her bedroom. Standing in front of the mirror was another little drag queen friend of hers that was a hairdresser, examining his face and hair. He turned around, saw me and acting embarrassed, covered his eyes and said, "Ooooh! she's naked!" We all laughed. His name was Ruben but he preferred Ruth. "Hi, Girl!, he greeted me in a loud campy voice. I just smiled. "Sit over here." he said patting the bench. I sat down and he said, "I love your hair!" gently pulling up strands all around. "When I'm through with you, Miss Thing, you're mamma won't recognize you." Turning to at Elvira, he said, "Isn't her hair gorgeous, Girl?" and started blowing my hair.

Without moving my head, I moved my eyes, looking at Elvira and asked, "What are you up to? This does not look like the makings of a monster. "

"AY, GIRL!! said Ruth, "You don't want to be a monster. You want to be a princess - like me." and Elvira burst out laughing saying, "For you it's Prince, Honey, like the dog. Ruth just clicked her tongue and said, "BITCH!"

I was made to turn around from the mirror until she finished because she said she wanted to surprise me. I was a little concerned because I had seen the huge hairy monstrosities she wore herself and then it dawned on me, she was going to make me look hideous - a monster. Okay, I was satisfied.

In the interim, Elvira was cutting up a large green plastic trash bag, holding against my body as if measuring it. She would leave and periodically return and measure again. She also came in and handed Ruth a large pot of slimy green stuff which she said was the green make-up. Green! I thought, what is going on.

After about an hour and a half, I finally asked Ruth what was going on and she said, "I think you're going as the jolly green giantess, I mean giant." and started giggling.

"Ruth, you little bitch, You can't ever hold secret. Okay, now you know, the jolly green giant -it was a surprise.'' said Elvira standing by the door.

"Well then let me look." I said and turned around quickly. Instead of the monster hair, as I expected, Ruth had performed a complete make-over of my face. Looking at the mirror, I saw a young girl staring at me. She looked innocent but yet looked like she could be a real bitch. The hair was not monstrous but styled in a neat shag with long wispy strands all around the face with bangs almost to the eyebrows, high and fluffy on top but close and layered around the sides. But it was the eyes that caught my attention. There was something about her eyes. They looked huge, wide and wild. With the use of mascara and eyeliner, Ruth had created the illusion of making my beady, plain brown eyes look wild and big. The eyeliner followed the bottom and top contour of my eyelids but spread out slightly as it thinned out the outside corners, never meeting, giving them a wider larger look. The false eyelashes were trimmed short at the ends and long in the middle, making my eye look rounder. I couldn't believe my eyes. Turning to Elvira, I opened my mouth to talk, but she started talking first saying, "Damn, Ruben, he wasn't supposed to turn around and see himself yet."

"Elvira!" I cried, it's a costume party, I can't go as a drag-queen," almost on the verge of tears,

"WHY NOT?" asked Ruth, an extremely good professional drag-queen, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH DRAG-QUEENS? THEY'RE PEOPLE TOO, YOU KNOW!"

Feeling upset, I couldn't help but laugh at his remark. I sat on the bench and continued, "Elvie, it's a party given by straight people. My friends are going to be there. What do you think they'll say and think when I show up in this getup? And what about the green junk you kept bringing in here? What was that all about?"

Elvira appeared upset and said, "It was just a joke to throw you off, that's all."

Ruth just shrugged his shoulders and sighed and proceeded to pick and arrange my hair as if she was still not fully satisfied.

"Boof, they'll have no idea who you are. Trust me. It will be fun and Ramiro will go ape-shit. He'll love it." Elvira said smiling.

"Fuck Ramiro! I said now feeling anger and Ruth piped in, "AY! No, he's not my type."

"Shut up, Ruth." I said still angry and upset. Ruth looked at me and said, "You better not cry cause you'll screw up your make-up."

Elvira knelt down and held my hands saying, "Look, it's a costume party, everybody will dress up in all kinds of weird shit, okay. I've been to hundreds of em and many - many, many guys use this time as an excuse to put on panties and women's clothes. Trust me, I know. I've helped a lot of supposedly straight guys get dressed up as women. Shit, many of them got hard-ons as soon as they put on the panties." Ruth piped in, "Oooh, I know I do."

Smiling, Elvira and I both said at the same time, "Shut up Ruth." and burst out laughing.

"Elvie, you now what I've gone through in the past. I just don't want anybody to publicly start announcing that I'm a queer. There's no need to give people room to talk." and Ruth piped in, acting shocked, "Ay! You're a queer?" l smiled, thinking this bitch has to go.

"Boof, Think back, you used to go out and get fucked up the ass and suck anybody's cock for money. You were never discreet or careful. That's why you got what you got. You earned that reputation and paid for it. That's over! That's the past. Forget it, okay? This is now! Today! This is a party and if people can identify you which I'll bet they won't. Shit! I'll even bet you" and she turned and grabbed her purse on the dresser and pulled out a large roll of money, "one-hundred dollars - that they won't have any idea who you are. Look at yourself! Look in the mirror! Do you look the same?"

Ruth gently touched my arm to get my attention and said, "You went out and did all those things and never invited me. What a bitch?"

I had to admit that she was right not that I was a bitch as Ruth pointed out, but that I had been very reckless. At least, I was sure of the improprieties that I had performed in the past, but I still felt very apprehensive about performing tonight.

I was thinking about the consequences when Elvira, said, "Check it out." and pointed to the bed, after removing a sheet, she had spread over it.

On the bed was a display of white clothing. A pair of white hose, a pair of shiny white panties and a short, slinky white dress with little thin straps. A pair of shiny, white, five-inch high-heeled shoes were sitting on top of a box. By the edge of the box was a small bundle wrapped in white china paper.

Up to now, I had only worn panties when Ramiro and I made love. I owned quite a collection. I kept them in a drawer at Ramiro's apartment. The majority, he had bought for me, mostly white, his favorite color, cause he said my brown body contrasted nicely. The rest I got from Elvira. I had never really considered dressing up for him as I had for others since the subject never really came up. I can remember distinctly how much I loved to dress up in Elvira's clothes but for some unexplainable reason, I never brought up the subject with Ramiro. I guess it was because I was still gun-shy from my last attempts for which I paid dearly.

I picked up the little dress, it was light as a feather. Fuck it! I thought, why not? and I sat down to put on the hose. After I put on the hose, I picked up the panties and Ruth said, "Aren't you going to put on your pussy first."

"What? I said smiling, My pussy? - What the fuck is he talking about, I thought, looking over to the bed. I guess I was looking for a pussy or something.

Elvira started laughing and said, "Damn, Ruben, you're so gross! Wait let me explain this." and she picked up the little bundle, wrapped in the white china paper. She opened it and held up a tiny little thing, something that looked like a jockstrap but with real small straps. She went on to explain that it was made to cover up genital bulge. I looked at it and thought, it's too small. Not that I was built like a horse, far from it but it looked like it would be real tight. Actually, it was made specifically to tightly hold you cock and balls in place and literally smash them against and almost inside your body. She jokingly added, "You don't want to get excited and walk around with a large lump bulging out in front of your dress, do you? Here put it on."

I took it from her and examined it. The straps were made of some sort of webbed elastic and it had a semi-soft cup type insert that was soft and spongy on the outside. I pulled it on. It was extremely tight. The thin straps cut into my body and I folded my dick back down, covering it and my balls with the cup as I pulled up the straps. I tried to adjusted it but it felt too tight and uncomfortable .

"Like this." said Ruth and she tugged the straps up hard and the cup nestled backwards between my legs. Though the straps were real tight, the cup insert no longer bothered me. "See, now you have a pussy." said Ruth.

I looked down and where my cock usually created a little bulge, I had a rounded smooth contoured mound. It looked like the women's crotches in the panty and swim suit advertisement in the Sears catalogs. Shit, I thought, it looks like I've got a pussy. I put on the panties and Elvira blind stitched the straps onto to the underlying straps to create a one-piece illusion.

I pulled on the dress and it flowed over me. The front was gathered and tight, fluffed out with darts, slightly bulging like small breasts. It appeared that it wasn't touching my skin, since I couldn't feel the material. When I looked down, I had the appearance of having small breasts. I touched my chest and felt thin padded inserts. Elvira has sewn falsies into it.

"Wait, let me add the finishing touches" said Ruth and put a white, gold-specked beaded necklace around my neck, clasped some long dangling matching earring on my earlobes. He picked up a tube of a pinkish-almost orange lipstick, and applied it to my lips, asking me to smack them together. She turned and picked up some cigarettes and a lighter and putting everything in a little purse, slung on my shoulder. It was a small matching white purse with a gold-chain strap.

"Come on Girl! Put on the shoes!" shrieked Elvira, "and check out the sexy momma! Go ahead look in the mirror.

I stepped into the shoes and walked over to the mirror. I couldn't believe my eyes. Staring back at me was a thin young girl, dressed in a sexy, trampy white outfit. I turned sideways and noticed no protrusion around my crotch except for the small breast-like bulges on my chest. I touched my crotch, rubbing and felt for my dick. All I felt was the soft spongy texture of the cup which surprisingly felt like rubbing and pressing on human flesh. I turned and faced the mirror and lifted up my short dress and saw my smooth white panty covered crotch with no bulge whatsoever. I still couldn't believe it. I checked my ass to make sure the dress wasn't above the bare skin of my thigh-high hose. It barely covered the area. I didn't know who I looked like but it wasn't the Boof I knew. It was someone else. Someone completely different. The wild-looking wide eyes still kept me captivated. I looked so altered, so changed, so bewitched or something. I couldn't describe myself to myself, but I sure as hell didn't look like me.

We said our good-byes and like good queens, pecked each other on the cheeks and I left with Ruben in his car. I remember thinking as I rode in the car while Ruben, in a high falsetto, sang along with the radio, about the noise I made as I walked to the car. It was that familiar sound click-clack, click-clack high-heeled shoes make. A sound that always announced Elvira's arrival.

We arrived at the house and the party was going full strength. "Remember, you're a lady! No fucking around in the bushes and sit down when you pee, okay?" said Ruth as I got off the car. I smiled, as I waved him off. In my excitement, I had never noticed the time.

I walked towards the door with the little purse bouncing against my hip and the click-clack, click-clack sound of my shoes, echoing through the air. I felt like all the neighborhood could hear it.

I got to the door and some tall, muscular Anglo guy that looked like a football player in a pirate costume was coming out. "Come in!" he said, "I was just leaving somewhere but MMM maybe I won't. Come on in." and opened the door wider. I whispered, softly, "Hi!". Attempting to talk feminine only makes it worse. It was standard practice for drag-queens to use there own voice but make it sound different by talking in low whispers. I heard him whisper to himself as I passed him, "Nice!"

I walked inside and as I walked, I felt my legs shaking. I thought, OH! My God! I hope I don't fall down. I looked around and only the guys stared, smiled and said hello. I smiled back. I saw a girl I knew. I had history class with her so I smiled. She glared back and turned her face. Some other girl asked her who I was and what was I supposed to be dressed as. I heard the girl answer, as I walked away, "I guess she's supposed to be a prostitute or something. Damn, her dress is short!" I glanced over my shoulder to see her punch her date in his side as he stared at me blankly. I smiled.

I walked around looking at all the people. Some I knew quite well. Others I had never seen. The ones I knew well, I would stare at and smile and they would just smile back with no expression of recognition. So far, Elvira was right. I was safe still.

I wandered nervously all over the place and saw a lot of people I knew but was afraid to talk to any of them. I stood in the living room and tensely looked around. I realized I had to pee - BAD! I noticed a clock on the wall and was surprised to see that it was ten-thirty already. Shit, Ramiro must have gotten off at ten. I did a real fast calculation in my head and decided that he would be in around eleven - Damn, I shuddered as the pressure in my bladder increased. I walked over to a girl and asked her for the bath room. With a few words, she said with a motion of her head, "Right-girls, left-boys.". I walked to her right towards a hall and saw a long line of about twenty girls. Oh! Great! I turned and walked the other way.

As I entered the hall to her left, I saw two guys in line, leaning against the wall about half-way down. I walked over and stood behind them. One of them turned around and said, "This is for guys!" I whispered softly, "I know. Have you seen the line at the girls' bathroom?" He smiled. The door opened and another pirate, a shorter one, walked out, talking to someone behind him. As he talked, he stopped and kept the door wide open. I could see another tall pirate behind him. It was the muscular doorman. He was looking down, shaking his dick or something very small that could have been a dick. He turned and I saw him, holding between his thumb and forefinger, a small piece of flesh, shaking it vigorously. Still shaking his little thing, and looking up, at the small pirate, he opened his mouth to talk when he saw me. I smiled. His face turned beet-red and he shouted, "CLOSE THE FUCKING DOOR, ASS-HOLE!"

I started giggling as the door was slammed. The two other guys did the same. One turned around, looking at me, said, "His name's Tiny." and we giggled louder. After a few minutes, the door flew open and the two pirates stomped out fast. I was still giggling. The two guys went in and out within seconds. Another two guys stood behind me and as I went in, I said, "Don't let anyone in." I closed the door and checked to make sure the door locked - it did - WHEW! I noticed the seat was all wet, UGH! Guys are such pigs. I wiped it with toilet paper and picking up my skirt, struggling with the tight panties sewn to the gaff, pulled them down and sat down. I giggled as I remembered Ruth's advice.

I was startled as I heard a bang on the door and someone yelling, "HURRY UP!" I finished and slowly taking my time, got everything together and in place. I walked out slowly.

I finally found my way to the back yard and walked unto a large patio, where people were dancing. The music was loud and fast. There were at least one hundred people gyrating to the sounds. I stood at the end of the patio and saw some of the most ridiculous costumes - two or three witches, a couple of cowboys, one sailor, one guy wearing a toga, a bunch of Draculas, the short pirate, a lot of home-made jobs that really resembled nothing and - YES! - three drag-queens. One of the queens looked cute - small and petite, but the other two looked like ogres - huge guys with large hairy arms. They all had their legs shaved but their crotches bulged out obscenely. I wanted to laugh but instead rubbed my hand over my crotch like I was brushing off lint. No bulge - I still had a pussy-like mound - Whew! I sighed a sigh of relief. Some guy walked past me and asked the small drag-queen to dance and they walked out on the floor with nobody paying attention.

As I stood there, I scanned the crowd for Ramiro's face but no such luck. I stood on my tip-toes for a better view and panicked when I felt the cool autumn breeze hit the back of my bare thighs where the white thigh-high hose ended. Embarrassed, I felt a rush of heat through my body cause I could hear some guys talking behind me. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed some guys standing a few yards behind me leaning against a fence. They weren't talking anymore but staring at me. The tall pirate was among them, also staring. I shuddered, thinking, act like a lady, act like a lady, tugging down on the back of my dress.

I considered moving when the tall pirate appeared next to me and said, "I know you!" and I almost pissed in my panties. I was standing on my five inch heels and he was still at least six inches taller. He took off the ridiculous pirate hat he was wearing and said, "Yeah, I know, I know you." I stared at him. I didn't believe my eyes could have gotten wider. I freaked out. I covered my mouth and felt the slick coating on my lips. I forgot I was wearing lipstick. I stared at him and wondered, Shit! - he knows me already but who the hell is he?

"Don't act. You know who I am and I know who you are." he said smiling, "I'm the doorman. Remember? I opened the door for you." A big sigh of relief escaped my lips and I smiled and said, "Oh! Hi! Yeah that's right. You're...... called Tiny?.......Right?" as softly as I could.

Instantly the smile left his lips, and he said, "NO! It's John -- Big John!" and he flexed his arms as though he was posing in a muscleman show. I smiled, and thought, Yeah Right! I saw you -- "Tiny"! - but remained silent.

He glanced around awhile and finally said, "Want a drink or something?" motioning with his head towards a beer keg sitting at the corner of the patio. "No, thank you," I whispered.

"WHAT?" he yelled, "I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Pointing to this ear, "THE MUSIC IS TOO LOUD!." and circling his arm around my waist, pulled and guided me towards the beer keg. Shit! I thought - I just got here and I'm already I trouble.

I allowed him to propel me through the maddening crowd. Trying to recognize faces, I turned my head from side to side,, as we whizzed by them. All the faces were a blur. When we got to a small area by the keg, the tall pirate, Tiny, disappeared.

Looking around, I noticed several couples sitting and/or standing around. As soon as a slow piece was played, they cleared the area, leaving a large deserted space, as they headed towards the dance floor.

Tiny returned with two large cups of beer, foaming over the sides. He hand me one and I took it. Since beer made me pee and I didn't want to go again, I took a small sip and peered over the edge as I drank, noticing the dancing couples as they suggestively swayed together, pressed tightly against each other, leaving no space between the bodies. I remembered Ramiro and resumed my quest of scanning the crowd for his face.

Tiny pulled up two stools and sat down offering me one. Still scanning the crowd, and already slightly conscious of the uncomfortable high-heels, I absent mindedly pulled the stool and hopped on. Actually, I realized that I was higher now and the new height provided a better view. Tiny took off somewhere.

As I slowly sipped the beer, I scanned the crowd, but still no Ramiro. I started feeling nervous and felt like smoking a cigarette. I opened the purse and pulled one out, but I realized I was holding a beer cup in one hand and I couldn't take out the lighter, too. I looked around but there was no place to set down the beer.

Suddenly, a flame burst in my face as someone lit a lighter, I jerked back and looked up. It was some thin, tall, lanky Chicano guy with greasy slicked-back hair and a small pencil-thin mustache. He had a light complexion and beautiful big green eyes. I looked him up and down. He was wearing some dark baggy pants with large pleats in front and a dark shirt with three-quarter length sleeves. He looked kind of cute. I gathered he was costumed to be a Pachuco (gang member) or something, but it was hard to decide because some Chicano guys dressed like that anyway. As I wondered, he removed all doubt, when he opened his mouth and said, "Orale, Chula, una lumbre (which means, Okay, cutie, a light) in the familiar sing-song Pachuco style. I hated it. They all thought they sounded tough and mean but to me they sounded illiterate and stupid. I put the cigarette in my mouth and sucked. After it was lit, I turned my head sideways to release the smoke and said, "Thanks".

"De nada, Bebita, lo que tu quieres." (For nothing, Baby, what ever you want), he intoned in a low voice in the same sing-song manner, I suppose, attempting to sound sexy. OOOH! that style of speaking made me sick.

After I turned my face, I turned my body slightly, hoping that by not facing him, he would get the idea that I wasn't interested. I scanned the crowd, still no Ramiro.

"A quien buscas, Chula? Aqui estoy yo!" (Who are you looking for cutie?, Here I am.), He murmured as he noticed me looking around. I ignored him. He stood there bobbing his head trying to look cool and said something under his breathe. This was a ploy aimed at getting the girl to ask the guy what he said and before she knew it, she's swept away by his charms. In this case, he was shit out of luck. He had no charm.

I continued looking around and as I scanned across the side of the porch, I noticed that there was a little crowd of guys standing where the couples stood before. They were looking at my direction. I panicked thinking that my maybe they could tell I was a male. I heard the guy sniff, attempting to suppress laughter. I turned and looked at him. He was staring at the guys and then turned and looked down at my legs. Those ass-holes were trying to look up my dress. Actually, when I looked down, they didn't have to try. My short skirt was hiked up about level with the tops of the hose and if I leaned forward a little and looked down, I could see my white panties. I jammed the little purse in my crotch and draped my arm over my legs in a vain attempt to cover up. They all started laughing and scattered. The Pachuco looked and me and appeared to be ready to say something, when angrily, I said, "Get lost, shit-head!"

"Orale pues, mama, Te watcho." (Okay then, mamma, watch ya later), said the Pachuco and ambled off. What a shit!, I thought.

As soon as he moved off, Tiny came back and took my beer cup, asking, "Who's the hoodlum? and without waiting for an answer, he replaced my beer cup with another cup that had a dark liquid with ice floating in it, and continued, "Taste that - I made it myself and it's good!"

I looked in the cup and held it up to my nose and sniffed. It was some kind of hard-liquor, whiskey or something, I wasn't sure. I actually preferred hard liquor over beer and mixed with Coke, could drink gallons. If this guy was trying to get me drunk, he was in for a big surprise.

"Go ahead. Taste it." he urged, taking a big swallow out of a large cup with a logo of Texas A&M college on the side. I took a sip and the fluid burned my throat as I swallowed. It was far more liquor than Coke. I coughed and sputtered, swallowing and gulping air, clearing my throat, trying to keep from choking.

The small pirate was standing next to Tiny with a big grin on his face. Tiny turned his head, cupping his mouth, got next to the small pirate's ear and said something. The small pirate looked at him and shouted, "WHAT? I DIDN'T GET THAT!" Again Tiny cupped his mouth, and leaned down to his ear but this time, he shouted and I heard, "This fucking Mexican chicks can't drink. All you have to do is get them drunk and then you can take them home and fuck them. They give good head and I heard they all love it up the ass so they won't get pregnant. Fucking bitches are always pregnant!" The small pirate let out a whoop of laughter and looking at me piped, "Go for it, BIG JOHN - buddy!"

Continued in "The Senior Year" (Part 2) (Story I)

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Date: Thu, 5 Oct 1995 00:36:23 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury Subject: Story I (Part 2)

The Senior Year (Continuation: Part 2) (Story I)

Tiny took another large gulp from his cup and looked at me stupidly and with a big dumb grin on his face, asked, "Want to dance, UH! UH! What's your name anyway? and took another gulp. He was swaying back and forth and I remembered the drunk Anglo guy, Elvira had on her porch so many years ago.

Thinking as fast as I could, I said, "I already told you and I'm not going to tell you again, cause you don't listen."

"Yeah, that's right," he said staggering, "I remember. It was, UM, UM, UM, don't tell me - I remember. You thought I wasn't listening, Right?" and he turned around and cupping his hand again, shouted into the little pirate's ear, "What the fuck is this bitch's name?' The pirate just shrugged his shoulders.

I thought, Bitch! Huh? I was getting ready to retaliate when I saw the back of Ramiro head, as he stood no more than five feet from me looking the other way into the crowd. Tiny was staggering and getting closer to me in an apparent move to say something else. I put my hand on his chest and gave him a little push, saying, "Excuse me!"

I intended to go stand next to Ramiro and surprise him. Unexpectedly, however, Tiny staggered back and started to fall. He tumbled back and fell down, hitting two girls and Ramiro, knocking one girl over. I was stunned. I didn't think I had pushed that hard or maybe, he was drunker than I thought.

Ramiro turned when Tiny landed on his ankles and looking down tried to pick him up. Tiny was furious, pushing everyone away who tried to help him. He scrambled up by himself, and for a drunk, was up in seconds, brushing himself and muttering as he walked away, glaring back at Ramiro.

I started laughing, not giggling, laughing - loud, real loud! Ramiro turned around and looked at me with a funny look on his face. I covered my mouth and tried to stifle the laughter. Ramiro just stared at me. I stopped laughing and just smiled at him. He had no expression on his face, either of surprise, anger, humor, or recognition, or anything I could identify. He just had a blank stare. I was positive that he had recognized me by my laughter. I got off the stool to walk to him but he turned and started walking away, glancing back every now and then until he reached the beer keg. I stood in the same spot after I got off the stool and watched, as he took a cup and poured some beer, glancing at me every now and then. Finally a mutual close friend of ours, Cipriano, nick-named Zippy, walked up to him and they started to talk, laughing about something that was apparently hilarious.

I slowly walked in his direction and Zippy, who was facing towards me, motioned to Ramiro with his head and muttered something. Ramiro turned and we stared at each other as I neared him. As I got closer, I pulled a cigarette out of my purse. In a soft whisper, I asked to no one in particular, it could have been him or Zippy, "Can I have a light?" as I held up the cigarette.

Ramiro looked at me in a straight poker face, said, I don't smoke." which he did. However, Zippy promptly pulled out a lighter and said, "I do." and flicked his BIC. As I took to drag off the cigarette, I kept my eyes directly on Ramiro. He stood there sort of shuffling his feet, looking down.

"Thanks, Zi...." I stopped myself. I almost called him by his name and I was sure he'd recognize me. I kept staring at Ramiro and he never looked at me.

"What do you think of the party?" Zippy asked. I turned to look at him and he was looking at me, so I presumed, he was talking to me. I answered, still whispering softly, "It's okay."

"Well, I think it's great. Check out all the crazy costumes." Zippy stated looking around, then turning to me said, "Why aren't you dressed up or is what you're wearing a costume, I mean, like maybe you're supposed to be somebody famous or something like that. You know, like a ....something, I don't know." and turning to Ramiro, he said, sounding nervous, "Come on, Vato help me out."

Neither he nor Ramiro were dressed in a costume, just normal dress-up clothes. Ramiro turned and looked at me up and down and said, "Well, whatever or whoever you're supposed to be. It's nice." and smiled and then added, "Hey, guys, I gotta go. I'm looking for someone." and took off.

Zippy watched him go and as I started to reach for Ramiro and call him, Zippy turned to me and said, "What did you say you're name was?"

I followed Ramiro answering Zippy with, "I didn't say."

I started out slowly but picked up my pace as I saw him disappearing into the crowd. I didn't want to loose sight of him. He stopped and looked around, took a few more steps and looked some more. I noticed that he was going around the patio and would eventually wind up in the same spot. So I slowed down and turned, walking back, looking over my shoulder to make sure he didn't go elsewhere.

Zippy was gone from the keg and I walked past it, circling around, keeping my eyes on Ramiro and I bumped into Zippy again. I guess he noticed my interest in Ramiro and said, "Hey, you want to meet him."

"YES!" and pushing him away towards Ramiro, I said "Bring him over here. Quick." Zippy started to walk towards Ramiro but stopped, and said, "What's you're name, anyway?" I said, "Just go!"

Zippy pushed his way through the crowd and grabbed Ramiro's arm, pointing towards me, he said something. Ramiro looked at me and shook his head. Zippy insisted and Ramiro just laughed throwing back his head shaking an apparent no.

Zippy looked back at me and shrugged his shoulders in a, "Sorry, I tried", sort of way. He turned to Ramiro and said something else. Finally Ramiro smiled and walked towards me, as Zippy took off on the other direction. A big smile was on is face as he approached, I thought, Damn, he looks cute.

"Hi! What's going on? I hope you didn't think I was being rude but I was really looking for somebody." he said, still looking around.

"Oh, really?" I said, smiling, "Who? Anybody, I know,....... a girlfriend, maybe?"

"Yeah! a girlfriend but you don't know her." still looking around, he added, "What's you're name anyway? I've never seen you around."

Stalling, and avoiding the question, I said, "Where's you're friend, the cute one." Actually, Zippy was not bad looking but he was a real clown always acting stupid and silly and I could never take him serious.

"Who Zippy? Ramiro asked surprised. I nodded my head. "Oh, him. He went inside and out front to see if he could find my friend. I was supposed to be here a long time ago and he doesn't have a ride. He's gonna be pissed."

"I thought you said a girlfriend!" I asked teasing, and added, "This friend sounds very important to you. What's he look like? Maybe I can help you find him."

"Naw, that's okay. He's bound to show up and I'll just wait around. Hey, listen, I really am sorry but I gotta go. Nice meeting you, okay?" and started to back off.

"No! Wait!" I snapped, "I'll go with you." and grabbed his hand tight. He didn't grab back and sort of twisted his hand a little in a feeble attempt to disengage himself from my grip. I gripped tighter.

We walked through the crowd, hand in hand, both of us searching. I could hardly keep myself from laughing. He actually didn't recognize me and I guess, figured, I was some sort of slut after his body. I actually was but he'd find out later.

I was having a good time playing this charade. He stopped all kinds of people, we both knew, asking them if they'd seen Boof, never making an effort to introduce me. I just tagged along enjoying the ride. I was having a wonderful time. Elvira really knew her shit. No one recognized me. Shit, I thought, I owe her one hundred dollars.

After running all over the place, my feet were killing me. I wanted to tell him that I had to sit down but I was afraid to let go of his hand. Finally, after checking the front yard for the second time, he decided that Boof was not there and I noticed a change in his demeanor. He looked upset and getting angry.

As we headed back to the patio, I stopped and leaned on a car, parked in the driveway next to the house. Still playing the game, I said, "Please, wait, I'm tired. Hey, look, it's apparent that your little friend, girlfriend or whatever, didn't show up, so I was thinking. Why don't you and I go just go your place and fool around, okay?"

He took a deep sigh and said, "First of all, it's not...little friend, okay? And don't worry about whether he showed up or not. It's not your problem. It's mine and I'll deal with it. And no! I don't have a place to go anyway to fool around. How old are you anyway? You're just a kid! Shit, I don't even know your name."

We were standing in the driveway between the house and the car I leaned on. I looked around and checked for other people. No one was around. Most of the crowd was either inside or out on the patio dancing. I reached down and grabbed his crotch. His reaction was instantaneous, jumping back and pushing my hand.

Embarrassment, written all over his face, he said, as he held my wrists, "What's the fuck wrong with you, anyway?"

As anxious, as I could sound, I whispered, "I want to suck your cock. I want you to fuck my ass. We've done before, why not tonight?"

"WHAT?" He replied, staring at me real hard, completely confused and bewildered, he looked around and added, "I've never seen you before in my life!"

I just smiled at him. He kept staring, holding my wrists and I turned my hand and gripped his. He kept looking into my eyes. I winked my eye and kept smiling. Then his countenance slowly softened and he asked, "Boof?" not sounding to certain.

I hesitated a while, looked down shyly and said as I looked back into his eyes, "Live and in color!....... Surprised!!"

His eyes widened and he stammered, "Damn! I can't believe it. You're... Damn!.. You're... different! You look so different! I can't get over it." He stretched out my arms and leaned back to look at me. "Damn! Boof! You look so damn different! You look great! Wow! Real sexy!" he continued in a real surprised tone. He let go of my arms and grabbed me, picking me up and squeezing hard, laughing as he did it. I laughed along with him. He finally put me down and just held me and we stood there with our crotches jammed tightly together. He looked so happy and his smile made him look so cute that I started to kiss him. He kissed back and rubbed my ass, squeezing it hard.

We disengaged just as Zippy and two other mutual friends were coming up the drive. "Hey! I see you guys met. So when's the wedding?" greeted Zippy, smiling, a big silly grin, as he stood there as if waiting for an invitation.

I could feel the heat of embarrassment on my face. I believe Ramiro was also embarrassed cause he cleared his throat too many times. We all stood around clearing our throats and finally, Ramiro said, "Hey. we gotta go. I.... I have to work tomorrow."

"On Sunday? Nobody works on Sunday, Vato!" crowed Zippy, adding, "Hell, just call in sick. It's Saturday! Shit, the party just started!" and he grabbed me around the waist and spun around me as if we were dancing. I couldn't breathe. He was holding me too tight.

Finally he let me go and I grabbed Ramiro and hugged him, hoping he wouldn't do it again. Again Ramiro said, pulling me along towards the front of the house, "Naw, Vato, we gotta go, later".

Zippy called out as we walked away, "Hey! What's her name?" Ramiro and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.

The details of our conversation as we walked to his car are not too clear. I really don't remember much, other than the fact that we were laughing all the way. He kept saying stuff like how surprised he was, how different and good I looked, and how much him and everybody else was fooled. He especially talked about him thinking that I was some horny bitch trying to come onto him. Our laughter intermingled with the click-clack sound of my shoes as we walked on the sidewalk towards his car.

Due to the success of the party and the mass of vehicles, I guess he couldn't park closer and parked on a side street about three blocks away. The neighborhood was deathly quiet and the strains of the music coming from the party were barely audible. Of course, our laughter helped in drowning out the sounds.

We finally reached the car. Unsteady due to the residual laughter, Ramiro was having trouble sticking the key into the latch and I was leaning on him, laughing just as hard.

All of a sudden, we were both startled, as we heard a voice say. "HEY! MOTHER-FUCKER! I OWE YOU ONE."

Out of nowhere without making a sound, somebody had walked right behind us. I guess that due to our laughter, we never heard a thing. It was Tiny and the small pirate, drunk on their butts.

Ramiro straightened up and I froze. Ramiro spoke first, saying, "Hey! Listen, guys. We don't want no trouble, okay? We're leaving. Just be cool, okay? No need to get ugly or anything, Right?'

"UGLY! shouted Tiny, "Ugly is what you're gonna be when I get through with you, Mother-fucker! Nobody fucks with me and gets away with it. I'm gonna kick your ass."

"What the fuck's your problem? Ass-hole!" said Ramiro in a voice I had never heard before, "Nobody's fucking with you!"

"Naw, Mother-fucker! You did!" cried Tiny, "You're the one who pushed me and tried to knock my ass down. Don't think I didn't see you. Where are you're friends now, Mother-fucker?"

I remembered that I was the one who pushed him and I guess in his drunkenness he assumed it was Ramiro or maybe he didn't want to fight a girl or least someone that looked like a girl.

"Hey, wait a minute! I shouted, "I, pushed you, you Dumb-ass! I'm the one that knocked you down. He had nothing to do with that. Now leave him alone!"

"Or what? You gonna kick my ass, Bitch! You're gonna suck my cock that's what you're gona do, but first I'm gonna kick this beaner's ass." and while talking, he unexpectedly swung at Ramiro, knocking him against me with a devastating blow to his jaw.

I tried to hold him up and almost fell, when I felt his weight lifted off me. The short pirate had grabbed him and started to hold him up. As the short pirate held Ramiro, Tiny reared back landed another blow to his face. Swinging both arms, he landed fist after fist with pin-point accuracy on his face.

I was pissed, really pissed. I pushed the short pirate as hard as I could almost falling with my own momentum. I guess with the extra weight and the unexpected shove, the short pirate couldn't maintain his equilibrium and fell, hitting the asphalt with a loud thud and Ramiro on top of him. I attempted to deliver a kick to the short pirate's side as he lay on the ground struggling but my foot just kicked thin air.

I had missed him completely as I was lifted completely off the ground. Tiny had gotten behind me and putting his arms around dragged me back. I kicked, struggled and jammed my arms and fists into his body but he wouldn't let go. Now I was extremely pissed off and I wasn't about to give up and struggled harder. Turning around, he slammed me on the trunk of the car and dropped on top of me. A big whoosh of air left my lungs as I landed. As I tried to inhale, his body weight squeezed out more air. I lay there suffocating but I was determined to kick his ass one way or another. I could hear his puffing and huffing and feel his hot breathe on my neck. I struggled trying violently to kick him.

"Get off me! You sorry piss of shit! I cursed and spit, thrashing and struggling.

As I struggled, I felt his hot breathe on my ear saying, "That's it, Bitch, fight me! You like it rough! Come on make it hard! Fight me!"

The short pirate was up and I saw him kick Ramiro a few times. I was getting madder by the moment. I puffed and huffed as I struggled, kicked, and shook trying to get loose.

"OOOH! You're miserable mother-fuckers! Let me go! You bastard, son-of-a-bitch! Let me go!" I shouted.

"Come on, John! Let's get out of here!" said the short pirate, huffing and puffing too, "We don't need this shit!" he cried.

"Naw, Man! Check it out. This bitch is gonna get it, as soon as I can turn her around." he puffed and huffed heavily, trying to hold me as I struggled to get loose.

"You fucking, Sorry, no-good bastard! Let me go! You son-of-a-bitch!", I cried, struggling and yelling.

"Fuck! I can't turn her over! Shit! Fucking bitch is strong!" he groaned, as he let go with one arm and applied all his weight on me back. I felt like I was being smashed flat, real slow. I was also starting to tire. I felt his hand on my ass since my dress was hiked all the way up.

"Quick grab her hands and shut her up!" he shouted at the pirate, who jumped on the trunk and almost sat on me. He held me in a sort of head-lock, pressing his hand on my mouth and holding my wrist with the other. My teeth cut into the inside of my gums as he applied intense pressure. I was positive that I was gonna suffocate then.

"MMMFMFFFM" were the only sounds I could make. I was actually cussing them and trying to yell.

I could feel Tiny's hands as he rubbed my ass, pinching the tight panty material, trying to pull off my panties. I panicked. I remember thinking, SHIT! - this sorry mother-fucker is actually going to try to butt-fuck me. If I were a woman, it would be rape. I couldn't believe it. Stuff kept going through my mind like, is it rape if you're a male or does rape apply to women only? I was harshly brought back into reality as he pinched my ass-cheeks when he grabbed the material, trying to tear the panties. I mouthed sounds through the clamped fingers on my mouth and struggled harder.

He grabbed a handful of panty material and yanked. The elastic sewn to the tight bulge retainer didn't give but the rear of panties ripped to shreds. He tore and ripped the rear panel of the panties about two or three times, exposing my ass. He tried to kick my legs open but I held them tight together and as stiff as I could. Giving up, he stuck his hand between my legs and I could feel him pull on the insert holding my dick and balls. I was still moaning and groaning sounds as I tried to kick him.

Still puffing heavily, he said, "I think this bitch is on the rag. so I'm gonna fuck her in the ass." I guess he thought that the insert was part of a menstrual shield used by women when on their periods.

I remember thinking, you are one stupid, sorry, dumb-ass, Mother-fucker, Tiny! He was actually going to try to butt-fuck me. Right there and then. I still couldn't believe it.

He spit on his hand and jammed his wet fingers into my ass-hole, probing forcefully and brutally, trying to moisten the entrance. I was still struggling but not as forceful as before, but still mouthing and humming sounds. As he struggled with his belt, he shifted his weight a little off me.

Surprisingly, I still had one shoe on one foot and picking up that foot, I tried to jam the heel into his foot but I wasn't sure where it was. So I just jammed and missed, making a clack sound as the heel hit the asphalt. I tried again and hit the mark.

"OW! FUCK!" YOU FUCKING BITCH!" he yelled, and I felt hope as some of his weight got off me and I remember thinking, I've got you now you sorry piece of shit.

Simultaneously, lights exploded in my eyes and my face slammed hard on the trunk-lid. He had viciously punched me in the back of the head. A numbing sensation covered my face as my nose and lips smashed into the trunk-lid. With all my strength sapped out immediately, I couldn't hold up my head or focus my eyes. I could taste the copper taste of blood in my mouth. I licked my lips and could taste even more. The bright colors were still flashing before my eyes. Thump! My face smashed into the car trunk-lid again as he punched me on the back of the head one more time. I vaguely remember feeling no more pain and gradully slipping into darkness.

As I lay their stunned, trying to hold up my head and determine what had happened, I was brutally wrenched back into reality as intense pain radiated through me as he rammed his little cock into my ass-hole. I stiffened with pain but couldn't hold up my head. I had almost passed out due to the vicious punches and had been too involved with the blood in my mouth that I forgot his original intentions. I felt him pumping me as his little cock tore into my ass-hole. The short pirate let me go and jumped off the car. I thought he was going to leave or something.

"AW MAN! THIS ASS IS TIGHT! TED, YOU OUGHT TO TRY IT!" huffed Tiny, as he pumped his cock into me and drilled my ass-hole roughly.

"Come on Ted, stick our cock in her mouth!" huffed Tiny as he picked me up with one hand under my waist and grabbed a handful of hair behind my head, moving me around and off the car, forcing me to bend over. The pain on my scalp was excruciating and I grabbed his hand, yelling, "OW! Shit! Let me go you, Ass-hole!" As he bend me over, spit and blood flowed from my mouth and I could hear it splatter on the asphalt like I had spit out a mouthful of water. His hand full of my hair was held straight out, forcing my head backwards.

I guess, Ted was the short pirate's name cause I heard a zipper sound and opening my eyes saw him thrusting his cock towards my face. It was also a miniature replica of Tiny's. I tried to turn my head but he also grabbed my hair and, growled, "Open your mouth Bitch!"

At this point in time, I remember earnestly contemplating, biting his fucking pecker off, if he put it in my mouth. I was one pissed off queen.

I heard a loud - "THUNK! I felt my body slowing being weighted down and falling to one side, as though Tiny was falling and hanging on to me for dear life.

I drifted towards the ground and my head was yanked back up. I was half-way down to the ground when Ted's hands yanked on me as he held on to my hair.

Tiny had completely released me and I was on my knees, holding my hair with both hands grimacing in pain, crying, "OWWWWWWWWW! as Ted hung onto my hair.

I heard another loud - "THUNK!" and the grip on my hair, slowly melted, evaporating completely.

I remained on my knees, rubbing my head, trying to ease the burning sensation on my scalp and attempting to get up but all my senses were somewhere else. My legs shook as I put pressure on them and i couldn't seem to maintain my balance. I couldn't fucking get up. I was also cussing up a storm.

A hand grabbed my arm and pulled me up. Moving me away rapidly, whoever it was, bend over and picked something off the ground, jamming it into my side. I was roughly pushed and half-dragged to the side of the car towards the open door. I looked towards the person but my eyes were all cloudy and watery and I couldn't focus. The person kept shoving whatever it was into my side and roughly pushed me onto the car seat, dumping the objects in my side on my lap and slamming the car door.

I looked down and wiped my eyes with my hands. My face was dripping wet with blood, sweat, and tears. Focusing my eyes, I noticed that the objects on my lap were my shoes and the little white purse.

The door flew open and I cringed back, picking up a shoe to deliver a blow with the sharp thin heel. It was Ramiro. His face was all bloody and swollen. He threw a lead metal pipe on the floor at my feet and started the car.

The car lurched forward and the tires squealed and screeched as we left the area. He drove like a mad-man for about three or four blocks finally stopping at the red light. I looked over at him and moved over to see his face. The street lights did not really illuminate the damage but it appeared extensive.

"God! Ramiro! Look at what they did to you! We've got to take you to a hospital! You're face looks awful! It's all swollen and bloody!" I cried feeling anger and hostility rise in me. I felt so bad for him.

The light changed and Ramiro slowly pulled into the intersection, driving into an all night convenience store. He parked and stopped the car. Turning sideways he pulled me into his arms and squeezed. Moving his head back, he asked almost crying, "Are you all right? Are you hurt? Damn, look at your face!" and he hugged me tightly again his body, heaving as he started crying.

My face? What's wrong with my face? As I squeezed back, I lifted my arm behind him and brought my hand up to my face, touching softly. It felt okay. It didn't feel swollen or anything. It was a little tender but not what I would call painful.

I pulled back and said, "Listen, I'm fine! - but you're not. We have to go to a hospital, Ramiro! You could have a broken jaw or something! Please, I'll drive. Let's go to a hospital, please???" I pleaded almost on the verge of tears. I was terrified at the thought that he could be really hurt.

Looking in the rear-view mirror, he started laughing and said, "Apparently, you've never been in a fight. I've looked worse, much worse! Naw! Nothing's broken." he continued, as he inspected his face, pressing hard and rubbing the swollen areas.

I stared at him and grimaced as I imagined the pain he must be going through. "Please, Ramiro! Let's go to a hospital. You're hurt and this isn't funny!" I cried again, frightened out of my mind He was right I had never been in this type of situation.

Smiling broadly, he flashed a row of sparkling white teeth and said, "Yeah, right! We go to a hospital and walk right in. You look like a girl who just happens to be all bloody with her clothes all torn-up and she's half-way naked. You don't think anybody is going to ask questions? Hell, they'll probably want to examine you. You look like you were savagely beaten up and raped or something! They'll probably call the cops if you refuse. Do you have any idea how you look? Do you have any idea what could happen? You're under-age! They'll call you're parents! Not to mention the fact that they'll find out that you're not really a girl."

My eyes widened as his questions and words penetrated my terrified brain and I grasped his train of thought. I was alarmed and horrified at the thought of what could have happened.

Suddenly, we were both startled and jumped as someone knocked on the window and yelled, "Hey! Are you guys, okay?

We turned and saw a tall skinny cowboy, staring at us. We both laughed and I yelled, "YES! We're fine! We're okay! No problem! We got the truck's number." and shaking his head, he walked off.

Ramiro started the car and looking over his shoulder, backed out of hte parking lot. As he was backing up, asked, "What truck?"

"The one that hit us......You know the truck? It's a joke, Ramiro?..... Get it?..... Never mind." I answered.

We drove to Elvira's house and parked in the alley. We scampered around the side and I tapped on the front door lightly. I didn't want to wake up the whole neighborhood. We could hear faint music and voices coming from inside. I shivered as suddenly felt chilly. I checked my dress which remarkably was still in one piece. As we waited for Elvira to answer the door, I thought, God! please don't let her have someone in there.

The door swung open and Elvira shouted, "No more trick-or-treaters! I'm all out of candy, babies! Sorry, but ........OH! MY GOD!" she gasped, horrified. We tumbled inside. She grabbed me hugging and petting me, started to cry.

Poor Ramiro was completely ignored. I looked over my shoulder to look at him and I heard the shrieks of two drag queens coming out of the bed room. It was Ruth and another small, petite one called, Darla, who really looked like a girl.

"OH My God! What happened? Did you two start fighting?' shouted Ruth at Ramiro. "Did you hit her?" and she pushed him lightly. The bitch actually thought we had gotten into a fight with each other.

I explained what happened starting with the cause of the fight, how the punches were thrown and how Ramiro ended it with a metal pipe. However, I completely excluded all the details involving me, Tiny, Ted and the trunk-lid.

During all this time, the queens flitted around with water and towels, trying to clean Ramiro's face. Elvira pulled me into the bathroom and I saw my face in the mirror for the first time.

I was shocked! I looked like I had been dragged by a truck after it hit me. I was a mess. There were long black streaks of mascara running down my face, punctuated with splotches of dried blood on my chin and around my lips. Nothing a little water couldn't fix. My right eye was slightly swollen at the corner and my lower lip was swollen on one side. My hair was standing up in places, poking tufts into the air. I was wearing one of each - one false eyelash and one earring. The necklace was gone. Other than the slight swelling in the areas described, I decided that I didn't look too bad after all.

I looked at my clothes. The little dress was filthy but intact. It could be washed and salvaged. My white hose weren't white anymore. They were shredded at the knees with runs in all directions. They had what appeared to be black tire track smudges. Tire tracks? I never could explain the tire tracks to myself or anybody else.

As I leaned forward to look closer in the mirror, Elvira yanked up my dress from the back. Pushing on the small of my back with one hand, she kept me in this position as I tried to straighten up and pull the dress back down. Looking up from my ass which was partially covered with shreds of the remains of my white panties, she looked in the mirror and said to my reflection in a real somber voice, "Tomorrow you're telling me everything that really happened. I think those punches to your head made you forget some of the details, Right? Remember, tomorrow you're talking!"

We walked out of the bathroom to find Ramiro and the two queens, sitting in the kitchen, smoking cigarettes and drinking beer. Ramiro was all cleaned up and he looked great. He smiled and his teeth shown perfect. The swelling was still there but not as pronounced as before or maybe, because of my fear, it had been my imagination.

Anyway, we stayed in the kitchen and as I sat on Ramiro's lap with his arm around me, we listened as Ruth and Darla told us about some of their combat experiences. They were hilarious.

Ramiro and I stayed together for the next seven months until May 30th of the next year. We made passionate love constantly and spent most of our time together. We went all over the place such as gay bars and parties. Sometimes, I went in drag but not always. Of course, at his request, I always dressed up for him. However, we restricted it to the privacy of his apartment. He bought and provided a lot of my clothing. Elvira and I were surprised at his good taste.

I had screwed up and joined the Naval Reserve while in the eleventh grade with a requirement to go on active duty exactly one day after my high school graduation. After signing on the dotted line, I had no alternative but to go on active duty for the next three to four years, I had already started my training as a hospital corpsman, a medic, while still in high school.

Ramiro and I said good-bye and he made sure that I understood that he would make no promises that he would wait for me or that he would write. If I came back to him and he was there, we might possibly resume where we left off. If not, then we wouldn't. Simple as that. There were no assurances in life, he said. We apparently had no strings attached.

I was shocked and deeply hurt at his cold indifferent attitude, but I didn't protest. I never said a word. When I left from the airport, he never showed up to say a last good-bye. I was devastated.

On August 30th of the next year, exactly three months later, I was in the U.S. Navy - Yes, the Navy! - stationed at a Military Entrance Examination Station in Los Angeles, California after three months in San Diego, California at Balboa Naval Hospital, where I had already met some flaming drag queens that actually worked with me and I fell right into the groove, finding my place in the group.

I had already written two or three letters to Ramiro and as expected, he never wrote back, so I quit writing.

On that particular day, I was off from work. I primping in front of a mirror getting ready for a night of drag when one of my queen friends threw me a letter she brought home from work for me. As I looked at the envelope, I was shocked to receive mail from home with a different return address other than my mother's.

It was a letter from Elvira. It felt light and thin. I tore it open and read her fancy flaring style on a one page letter which only said, Hi Boof, Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Ramiro is dead. He was in a car accident Thursday night in which a drunk driver ran into his car and killed him instantly. He didn't suffer. What can I say? but I'm sorry. Write me soon, Love, Elvira.

I read the letter one more time and took a deep breathe. I didn't cry. I remember feeling no type of emotion or sentiment. I just sat there motionless.

I was slightly shocked, not by the contents of the letter but by my feelings of apathy. I didn't understand it and I didn't want to.

I threw the letter on the dresser next to a high school picture of Ramiro, stood up and turning to my friend, a drag queen, I pleaded, "Dave, can I borrow your yellow heels? They'll make my outfit with Rudy's yellow dress look fabulous! Please? Just tonight? Please?"

I still hadn't been able to get myself out of the habit of borrowing and wearing women's clothes. Not that I wanted to, my new friends were financially stable and only in the Navy Reserve to avoid the Army and Vietnam. They were also into full drag queen practices. In fact, with their help, I was already experimenting with female hormones and if the pace remained constant, I would probably have to borrow a bra, too. I loved the way my hard nipple were growing - they looked like Elvira's

Comments and remarks are welcome. Please write to me at: an361967@anon.penet.fi (Boof)

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From agate!tcsi.tcs.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Tue Oct 10 08:10:09 1995 Message-ID: 175021Z09101995@anon.penet.fi Path: agate!tcsi.tcs.com!uunet!in2.uu.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories From: an395341@anon.penet.fi (...Mercury.....) X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an395341@anon.penet.fi Date: Mon, 9 Oct 1995 11:57:49 UTC Subject: A Girl's Debut 2/??(boyhood, M/m, TV) Lines: 320

Note from Merc: this is good new erotica I recently received. The author wants you to write him with comments/reactions/suggestions/etc. Today and tomorrow I'll be posting the series, which is fairly long (10-15 parts) on a.s.s. I have to stop with this one for now, because duty calls (ok, moans, whatever) in the next room...

Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 16:22:11 UTC From: Boof an361967@anon.penet.fi To: mercury Subject: Story A - Part 2

Hi, Merc! Here's part 2 first story. Again, please let me know if you post them and if possible the area (URL) or whatever it's called.

And again, Please!! write back and talk to me. Later, Boof

A Girl's Debut (Continuation: Part 2) (Story A)

Everything appeared to be going great. I was going crazy with delight. Slurping and sucking on a cock while rocking back and forth on someone's finger as it bored my ass-hole was definitely giving me a new high. I soared to heights previously unknown. I was in ecstasy.

However, I was also very unfamiliar with this type of explosive situation and I failed to realize that everything was apparently growing into a fever pitch. Unexpectedly, the man on the floor appeared to start having what appeared to be convulsions, bucking up and down, he held my head firmly to his cock. He drove his cock deep into my mouth. Repeatedly gagging, I panicked and terrorized, I tried to pull away. In my vain attempts and unknown to me, I was also pushing back on the other man's finger which was already deeply entrenched in my ass. Finally, the man on the floor emitted a low moan, thrust his cock as deep as he could into my mouth and exploded deep in my throat. As his thick sperm flowed down my throat, I gagged and, I was positive I as going to throw up all over him. Ultimately, he released his grip on my head and let me go. His limp cock plopped out of my mouth and I tried to sit back gulping for air while tears streamed down my cheeks. However, I was being held up by the other man who still had his finger in my ass. He was furiously jacking off. He pulled his finger out, stood up and grabbed handfuls of my hair. He said, "OPEN YOUR MOUTH, BITCH!!! I'M NEXT". I tried to push him away but tightening his grip and said, "OPEN YOUR MOUTH NOW OR I'M GONNA SLAP THE SHIT OUT OF YOU!!".

In my stupidity, I pushed him away. I was determined to make them stop or at least let me catch my breathe. Out of nowhere, the side of my face exploded as the man delivered a stinging slap to my face in his effort to make me cooperate. Afterward, I heard my uncle calmly say, "OPEN YOUR MOUTH -- NOW -- AND SUCK HIS COCK!!".

"NO! I yelled back, "I CAN'T BREATHE!" Again his hand struck me across my cheek leaving a burning sensation. It shocked me into reality and figured this guy is going to really hurt me if I don't do as he wants.

"ONE MORE TIME, BITCH!! OPEN YOUR MOUTH AND SUCK!!", he growled menacingly.

Obeying his demand, I opened my mouth and he pressed his cock in, holding me rigidly in this position. I gagged and frantically tried to pull back pushing on his pelvis with all my might but this just seemed to make him more determined to hold his position. Even breathing through my nose was difficult as he mashed my lips and nose on is public hair. Terrified, I thought I was going to suffocate but just in time he released his grip and pulled me away. He started to slowly pump his cock in and out. Moaning, he increased the tempo of his thrusts and looked down at me. He tightly twisted his fists entwined in my hair forcing me to look up and he said, "LOOK AT ME WHILE YOU SUCK MY COCK, YOU LITTLE COCK-SUCKER. I WANT TO SEE YOUR EYES AS I FUCK YOUR FACE!". I didn't really suck. I just kept my mouth open wide enough to make sure that I didn't bite or scratch him with my teeth. My lips were the only thing that were applying pressure on his cock. I was one-hundred percent positive that I didn't want to get this guy really pissed off. Eventually, he froze, moaned again and spurted his sperm deep in my throat. I rapidly swallowed to keep from choking. He released his grip on my hair and pushed me away where a fell back on my butt, taking big gulps of air, wiping away tears and saliva mixed with cum from my face. I thought what the fuck is going on. My cheeks still burned from the slaps and my jaws ached from holding my mouth open for so long a period. My lips were sore and I touched them cause they felt like they were bloated beyond normal. Actually, I wanted to look in the mirror cause I really thought my face was all swollen.

The next thing I knew, my uncle was kneeling next to me, and speaking in a calm manner, he nonchalantly said, "Next time, and there will a next time, since we just started. Do as your told, UNDERSTAND?"

I nodded and he took me by the arm and helped me up. I stood there with the panties around my knees and he took the bottom of the camisole and lifted it up taking it off. He told me to take off the panties. After I took them off, he directed me to an ottoman and told me to lay over it on my stomach.

Stupidly, I asked, "What for?". He let out a deep sigh and said, "Baby, come on, I thought you said you understood. I asked, "Understood what?" He roughly grabbed me by the arm exerting extreme pressuring. Pulling me close, he growled, "TO DO EXACTLY AS YOUR TOLD. YOU DON'T WANT TO GET ME PISSED! - RIGHT?"

Instinctively, I yelled, "OW! OW! OKAY, OKAY - THAT HURTS!" and he let me go. Without hesitating, I promptly laid down on my stomach over the ottoman. In this position, my mouth was level with their cocks if they chose to kneel down. I was positive I was in line for another round of rigorous cock-sucking. However, the target of their attention was not my mouth. With the exception of their fingers, my ass-hole was virgin territory and it was to be the object of the their concentration. I had no idea that such a small orifice could accommodate a full grown man's cock and here I lay with my ass in a very compromising position. Without my knowledge, I was about to lose my virginity and become for their purposes a "GIRL".

My uncle stood up and removed all his clothes. He reached over on the table and scooped a large portion of Vaseline from a jar which he smeared all over his cock, stroking it up and down. The other men just laid back and took swigs of beer while they tugged at their limp organs. From my vantage point I noticed that after my uncle took a drink of his beer he approached me. I licked my lips for the anticipated oral invasion. However, instead of kneeling in front of me, he knelt behind me and started rubbing and massaging my back with the excess Vaseline on his hands. Needless to say, it really felt good and his tenderness was not at all what I expected. I then felt his cock-head on my ass cheeks. Pushing and probing in search of the entrance. Oddly, I thought, is that his finger? When I realized both his hands were on my back. I thought, that couldn't possibly be his finger. All of a sudden, I felt constant pressure increase on my ass-hole and he tightly gripped my shoulders, pushing me and holding down. His cock started to part my ass-cheeks, opening up my ass-hole, slowly entering my rectum. Instantly, indescribable and excruciating pain radiated through my body.

"OOOOOOOW, THAT HURTS! OW! STOP, YOUR HURTING ME - DON'T!, PLEASE STOP, IT HURTS!!!" OW!! OH STOP, TAKE IT OUT, PLEASE, IT HURTS!!! I yelled. The pressure just remained constant and I felt as though a telephone pole was being rammed up my ass.

As his cock slowly inched its way up my ass-hole, I inhaled large gulps of air and screamed, "PLEASE STOP!!! OW, IT HURTS SO MUCH!! OOOOH, STOP!! PLEASE - OOOH!! DON'T, YOUR HURTING ME!! PLEASE STOP!! TAKE IT OUT. IT HURTS - OOOW!!" I cried with tears streaming down my cheeks. All of a sudden, I felt as though I had been ripped apart as something inside opened up and his cock was driven completely to the limits. Groaning with my eyes tightly shut in a grimace of pain, I didn't see but rather felt a cock on my lips.

"HERE I AM AGAIN, BABY, OPEN YOUR MOUTH FOR DADDY" said one of the two men. I opened my mouth not to receive his cock but rather to scream again when he shoved it in my mouth. All I could utter at that point were incoherent mumbling and groans. For a minute there, I thought I was going to die.

Gradually, my uncle started to pump my ass and his friend just steadied my head on his cock to meet my forward movements my uncle was generating with his thrusts. I moaned and tried desperately to dislodge the invader deeply embedded in my ass. I was getting sodomized orally and anally. My first fuck and it had to be a double. What a way to make your debut as a "GIRL".

As I lay there on my stomach receiving double penetrations, all I could do was groan and whimper. The pain was intense. Time appeared to stand still. It seemed like an eternity. I didn't think they would ever stop. The pain was unbearable. As my uncle slowly fucked my ass, he repeatedly stopped for what I thought was an effort to rest. It was, I found out later during other episodes that he was just trying to keep himself from cumming. His friend's cock was still not completely hard and sucking it was not a problem.

All of a sudden and to my complete surprise, the pain in my ass subsided as fast as it started. Slowly, I started to feel these eerie sensations generating through my body and my groans of pain changed to moans of pleasure. I started to push back on his cock and move by myself while he stopped to compose himself impaling as much of his cock as I could up my ass. I wasn't the only participant that noticed the change in my behavior. The third man noticed it real quick and remarked, "I think he's beginning to like it."

Yes, one could say that I was beginning to like it. In fact, I loved it. His hard cock repeatedly moving in and out of my ass was really starting to feel good. I wanted all I could get and more. It was down right enjoyable and pleasing. I remember I started to push back on his cock to meet his thrusts without releasing the cock in my mouth which by now was starting to expand and grow. Of course, my soft moans and OOOHs and AAAHs kind of gave a complete story of how much I was really enjoying it.

My uncle withdrew his cock and asked the guy in front of me to change positions. It was at that point that I can actually thank him for the "enema". Instead of mounting me in the same position, I was pulled onto the floor. I was laid down on my back and the man I was sucking on took my legs and spread them out in a Vee. He got in between them, lifted my legs up higher and pushed them up towards my shoulders. My ass was off the floor with my ass-hole directly in line with his cock. He let go of one leg and my uncle held it while he guided his cock into my ass-hole. I was in awe at the lack of pain and the ease in which it smoothly slid in. He put his hands on my shoulders and pulled me unto his cock slowly thrusting in and out. My uncle assumed a prone position next to me with his cock next to my head. I turned my face, opened my mouth, and wantonly accepted his hard cock in my mouth. I could feel the third man caress and pinch my nipples. Damn, it all felt so good. I heard the third man say, "Come, guys, give me chance at that tight little ass, too!" They immediately withdrew and the third guy sat on the couch. I was pulled back on top of him winding up in a sitting position on his cock. I was still amazed but very delighted at how easily it slipped into my ass with little or no pain whatsoever. My uncle stood in front of me and guided his cock into my mouth. I felt the second man's hand stroking my chest and suddenly I felt his hot lips on my nipples. He sucked, licked and gently gnawed on them while stroking his cock. As I greedily sucked on the cock in front of me and I bounced up and down on the other stiff cock in my ass, my sodomizer reached around and started to jack me off. I don't think he stroked more than four times when I started to moan and utter unrecognizable sounds through my cock-stuffed mouth. Gradually, I felt this overwhelming crescendo rise up deep inside of me and appear to want to spill over out of my dick. Someone said, "I think he's cummiing!!". I heard someone moan and I felt hot fluid splash on the side of my face and drip down my chest. Opening my eyes, I noticed the third man had ejaculated on me. Instantaneously, I started spewing my load all over my legs. To steady myself, I held on tightly to my uncle's thighs and he thrust his cock deeper into my throat gagging me as he released a gush of cum inside my mouth. So involved in my own feelings, I honestly did not feel the man beneath me ejaculate. Apparently, he did because as I limply fell back on him, he rolled over on his side and we both tumbled on the couch completely exhausted.

This initiating ass-fucking that I had just undergone was gratification to the highest degree. I remember sitting there with a warm glow coursing through my body. I felt so good. I had no idea that it could be done this way, let alone that it could be so enjoyable. I made up my mind right there and then that I was going to indulge in this pastime by getting fucked as many times as I could. Not only was I now a "GIRL" but I had been thrilled beyond my wildest imaginations. OOOH!! I loved a cock up my ass!!!!! Our activities were brought to a screeching halt when my uncle stated that it was late and my aunt would soon be home. Mumbling, and grumbling and laughing, the two men got dressed and departed. My uncle told me to take a bath and go to bed.

As I showered off the sticky dried cum, I slowly let my hands and fingers drift over my body, touching and exploring areas the other men had already experienced. I teased my sore tender nipples, rubbing circles of soap around the dark aureoles. I traced lines of soapy suds down to my ass-cheeks rubbing and kneading them as the men had done. I reached back and gingerly touched my ass-hole with a sudsy finger. Instinctively, I grimaced as my sore and sensitive ass-hole responded with a twinge of pain reminding me of the evening's unforgettable events. Over all, the pain was bearable and in a masochistic fashion, passionately erotic. I was completely fulfilled. I still couldn't believe what had happened but, I was willing and hopeful for it to happen again.

In the short three months time that I remained with my aunt and uncle, I experienced many enjoyable encounters with my uncle and his many friends. Learning new and varied receptive positions plus methods and techniques to please a man, I became quite adept at cock-sucking and of course, my favorite, getting fucked in my ass. I even managed my own encounter when a stranger sat next to me in a dark almost deserted theater and started to rub his knee against mine. He acted as though it was just a random touch. However, I knew different. Since I didn't move or pull away, he inched his hand closer to my leg and eventually rested it on my knee. I looked at his hand and then at him, but he just stared straight towards the screen acting as if nothing was going on. I could feel his anxiety radiate from his trembling hand as it lay on my knee. I wasn't sure if he was cold or scared. Personally, I didn't care one way or the other. I was getting into one of my horny moods real fast.

With no rebuff on my part, he grew bolder and gradually inched his hand up and started to tug at my shorts. With his other hand, he was tugging at the front of his pants. I peered over and noticed that he had pulled his cock out and was stroking it. All kinds of lustful thoughts shamelessly ran through my mind. I looked around and noticed that there were only about two or three other people scattered throughout the theater. I leaned over as close as I could get and brazenly whispered, "Want me to kiss it?"

It was obvious that he was taken entirely by surprise because he jerked his hand from my knee in discernible utter astonishment. With a bewildered and surprised look on his face, he stared at me and stuttered, "Wha, wha, what?"

I smiled and again, unblushingly whispered, "You want me to kiss it? Quickly grasping the significance of my question, he jerked his head and looked around. He then put his hand on my head guiding me towards his cock. I thought, No way!!, this is on my terms. I shook my head pushing his hand away and sternly said, "Don't force me, I've done this many times before and I know where it is".

I stood up and knelt down between his legs on the dirty sticky floor. I quickly lowered my head to his crotch, opened my mouth and in one swift downward motion, attempted to swallow his cock entirely. It immediately rose to the occasion and started swelling in my mouth. It felt hot and spongy and started to gag me. I pulled up enough to minimize the gagging and swirled my tongue around the head, applying slight pressure with my teeth as I dove back down in another choking deep-throated plunge. My body spasmed as I convulsed from the gagging yet I wouldn't or didn't want to stop. While I furiously bobbed my head up and down, I clamped my lips tightly around the cock-shaft. I would tease him by frantically moving up and down on the shaft and then completely stop and lick and kiss the head. As I slurped and sucked on his cock-head, I would stroke and milk the shaft with my hand as though I was jacking him off in my mouth. I could sense his anxiety and excitement increasing parallel with my accelerating cock-sucking action. Then as swiftly as I started my cock sucking activity, I stopped, got up and sat back down again in my original seat. He looked at me bewildered, let out a deep sigh and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing", I casually replied staring at the screen unaware of what was actually showing.

"Well, why'd you stop?" he whispered completely dumbfounded.

I said nothing and just sat there staring at the screen.

"Come on, what happened? That felt good. Didn't you like it?" He asked.

"Yeah,", I replied, "Sure, I like it but I like to get fucked in the ass better."

With that comment, I rose and walked out on the aisle. Having frequented this theater many times before, I knew that hardly anybody went to the balcony. I spent many times up there harassing other patrons by throwing popcorn or ice at them. I slowly walked away and when he noticed that I went up the side stairs instead of towards the exit, he followed me. I skipped up the stairs two at a time and found my spot at a corner where I hid from the ushers when people complained about falling objects.

Eventually he appeared, sat next to me and stupidly asked, "You like to do what better?"

I stood up, completely took off my shorts and panties (by this time I was wearing them all the time), and spit on my fingers. Teasing him, I stood in front of him smearing the spit on my ass-hole and working the lubrication in and out, and said, "Pull out your cock and I'll show you what I really like".

He immediately unfastened his pants and pulled them along with his shorts down to his ankles. I turned around, stuck out my butt, climbed on his knees and lowered myself on his cock. I reached down between my legs and tried to guide the shaft towards my ass-hole. He pushed up and with a little squirming and twisting managed to get the cock-head in. Slowly, he inched his shaft up my ass-hole and I reached back and pulled apart my ass-cheeks allowing for faster and deeper penetration. Finally, I sat there with his cock deeply buried up my ass-hole. I could feel his hot thighs and stomach on my legs and back as he held me tightly with his arms around me. I felt stuffed and completely violated. It felt wonderful!! I could feel his hot breathe on the back of my neck. Pumping his cock up my ass, he softly cooed, "OOOH, Yes, Baby, your ass feels so tight and hot". All I could moan was, "MMMMMMM, Yes, fuck my ass good, Daddy - Fuck me good, Please!". He put his hands on my waist and slowly started to move me up and down. Damn, the sensations were great. His cock felt so good as I bounced up and down on his cock! I was thoroughly enjoying it. It seemed like I couldn't get enough and pushing down I arched my back in an effort to get more in me. Unfortunately, he was also enjoying it alot more than me because at that instant, he tensed and I felt his cock pulsating as he ejaculated deep in my rectum. With his hands on my hips, he pushed me down on his cock as much as he could while I bucked back and forth on his cock, pushing myself down as I tried to maximize the short-lived experience, but he abruptly stopped, pushed me off and rearranged himself.

Sarcastically, I said, That's it?'' but he just got up and walked away. Boy!, I thought, what a shit-head! Not even a little kiss or thank you.

As I peered over the railing, I thought maybe I'll just walk down and sit next to that baldheaded guy and see what happens. I did sit next to the baldheaded guy but left shortly thereafter. He was actually sleeping and his snoring was deafening to the point that I couldn't even hear the movie audio.

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