A Ghost Finds a Body

By Fang Saito

Published on Sep 28, 2022


This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any real people or places is purely coincidental. This story is the property of the author and is protected under copyright laws. The author retains all rights. No reproduction is allowed without the author's consent.

Conversations and feedback are appreciated to Greyson B. via email at hokkaidohotel86it@gmail.com. The emails I have received thus far are greatly appreciated. I apologize that it has been so long since I have been able to post a chapter. Life has been happening, but hopefully I will be able to go back to posting more regularly.

If you enjoy this story, please support the Nifty archives today with a thoughtful donation by visiting https://donate.nifty.org/.

This story will contain graphic depictions of sex between male teens (m/m). If this is an issue for you or the laws where you live, you are obviously in the wrong place. Also, this is a story with plot, not merely wank material. There will be potentially triggering subjects, including language, violence, and bullying. You have been warned.

You can also check out my other story, Cadence, in the Gay / adult-youth section.

A Ghost Finds a Body

Chapter 5

"You ready?" Marcus asked as he approached.

Kyle nodded and smiled. He repositioned his backpack strap on his shoulder and stood up straighter from where he had been slouching against the wall. They both headed out of the school and started cutting across the side lot and into the residential street.

"Much homework this weekend?" asked Kyle.

"Not really," responded Marcus. "Have to try to memorize a poem to recite in English Lit, and some math and chemistry."

"Too bad it's not biology," joked Kyle.

Taking the bait, Marcus shot back, "Oh, I'm always free to study biology." He looked over at his smaller friend and added, "Care to help me with my homework?"

Kyle twirled a bit as he walked, stepping ahead of Marcus to act a bit campy, popping his hips to show off his ass. "We both know you only want me for my body!" he joked.

They both laughed as Kyle slowed for a step so that they could go back to walking side by side. They walked quietly for a few minutes as they each came to terms with the reality behind the joke.

After a few minutes of mild awkwardness, Kyle broke the silence, asking, "So who's home today?"

"My sister, Dee, will be home a little after we get there, but she won't bother us. The parental units won't be home until after 5:30. So we have a couple of hours to hang out," Marcus responded.

"Too bad you don't have a tv in your room," said Kyle.

"Why? We can watch anything we want on the computer, right?"


"Why? Something you want to watch in particular?" asked Marcus.

"You keep going on about The Expanse," said Kyle. "You have me curious about the hype."

"Oh my god," Marcus gushed. "That show is so awesome. They spent so much time doing such an amazing job of keeping the physics real. And the storyline is so deep and fascinating." Kyle loved how fast Marcus could go so overboard in expressing his passion to so many of his favorite shows as he continued, "And the Martian military! So on point with how they train. And the politics! Just as pointlessly, realistically, backstabbing as the real thing!" I can't wait to show you!"

The rest of their short walk was filled with Marcus describing all the characters from the first few episodes, trying to give Kyle backstory to understand what they were about to watch. Kyle of course, having no frame of reference, was quickly lost. He patiently resolved to just watch the show, ask questions, and hope he could catch up. He was fascinated by his older friend's level of enthusiasm, and tried to remember the last time he had been that much "into" anything.

When the got to the house, Marcus unlocked the door, leading Kyle inside, and quickly took him upstairs. Kyle was a bit surprised when the bedroom door was opened. The floor was empty of clothes, showing the same pale blue carpet as the hallway. Additional effort had been made to make neater stacks of the mountains of possessions lining the surfaces of the room. The computer desk was mostly cleared off, the chair was empty, and the bed looked to have been recently made.

"I'm impressed," Kyle said, as he set his backpack down just inside the door. "Was all of this for me?"

He looked back at Marcus in time to catch him blush, and then try to hide it. "Here, let me pull up the first episode," Marcus said, dropping his own backpack in a rush and moving to the computer desk. Not quite knowing what to do, Kyle kicked off his shoes and sat down cross legged on the bed, facing Marcus' turned back. It was only three or four minutes before the older boy had the computer booted up and the video file ready to play.

After starting the video, Marcus moved to join Kyle sitting on the bed. It seemed that they were both kind of awkward, trying to figure out how much space to give the other, and how much attention to give to each other versus to the show. They watched for about 20 minutes, with Kyle trying to follow along and get into it. It was rough, especially when Marcus seemed to spend half his attention watching Kyle's reactions to the show. Finally Marcus said he was going to go grab some drinks and left.

Kyle gave a bit of a sigh of relief when the door closed. He was feeling really uncomfortable. The tv show seemed to be nothing but a deadbeat cop wandering around an overcrowded city - was it a space station? - while everyone seemed to be racist toward Earth. It wasn't making much sense, and didn't help that Marcus really seemed to be paying attention to Kyle's reactions. He felt like he was insulting Marcus with his boredom. He was starting to regret coming over.

He tried to get back into the show, but had apparently missed something, and was confused about what was going on. He didn't want to mess with Marcus' computer to back up the video, and honestly wasn't invested into it enough to try. A few minutes later the bedroom door opened and Marcus came back in. Kyle watched as Marcus looked back and forth between the younger boy and the computer monitor.

He handed Kyle a can of soda, and said, "You don't seem to be into this. Want to watch something else instead?"

"I'm sorry," Kyle said, smiling a bit and hunching back apologetically, but also giving a small sign of relief.

"It's fine," replied Marcus, grinning. "I forgot how weird the first few episodes are to get into. I probably could have warned you better."

Marcus went back to his computer and closed the video file. Still looking at the computer screen, he asked, "Want to watch something else instead?"

Kyle paused, then said, grinning, "How about some of that dirty stuff? Didn't you say there wasn't anything dirty in your bedroom because it was all in your computer?"

Marcus' shoulders perked up a bit. "Porn? Sure, we can do that."

Kyle's heart was hammering in his chest, excited both to watch illicit material, and highly curious as to what kind of porn his older friend was into. Trying to distract himself, Kyle popped the tab on his soda. For some silly reason, it was louder than he expected, causing him to jump a bit in surprise. Marcus quickly had a website pulled up and was quickly browsing through some "recommended selections" that popped up. It was obvious that Marcus had not cleared his cookies in a while.

After only a few moments of browsing, he clicked on one of the videos. It showed a younger guy, maybe late teens, sitting on a couch reading. An older guy came in that looked like a bodybuilder or something. There was some cheesy attempts at acting, where the kid supposedly failed an exam. It quickly devolved into some pretend spanking on his bare ass. It managed to make his cheeks a bit pink, but was pretty obvious that it didn't hurt him. Soon they were both naked with the kid laying on top of the older guy in a hot sixty-nine.

By this point, Kyle was uncomfortably hard and knew he was leaking in his shorts. He wanted to do something about it, but was nervous and hoping that Marcus would make the first move again. However, the older boy was still sitting in the computer chair with his back to Kyle, stiff and unmoving.

'No guts, no glory,' thought Kyle. He leaned forward and placed his slightly trembling hand on Marcus' shoulder and asked with a forced grin, "Should that be us?"

Marcus spun slowly in his chair. "What, you want to sixty-nine?"

"Unless you don't?" said Kyle.

"I would love to do a bit more than last time. A sixty-nine sounds perfect," Marcus said. Then blushing, he added, "I didn't get to taste you last time."

Kyle blushed at that as well. He found himself very conflicted. He definitely wanted to feel good like Marcus had made him feel last week. And he was certainly curious about seeing Marcus' cock and playing with it. However, he was also scared things would be taken too far and he wouldn't be able to stop. Kyle thought he could trust Marcus to stop if asked, be he didn't trust himself not to be too embarrassed to ask. However, his nervousness was quickly losing out to his curiosity.

Unable to get himself to do the work of getting started but wanting to signal his permission, Kyle smiled shyly and leaned back on his elbows on the bed, scooting himself back. He used his toes to tug his shoes off, letting them drop to the floor and raising his knees so his feet were propped up on the bed. Marcus took the hint and climbed up on the bed next to the younger freshman. He moved to lay down beside Kyle, putting his arm across his chest. Kyle felt like his heart was beating a thousand miles and hour, and knew Marcus could feel it.

"Can I take off your shirt?" asked Marcus?

Nodding in agreement, Kyle whispered, "Whatever you want."

Marcus reached to Kyle's waist and began lifting his tshirt, sliding it up his belly. Kyle, for his part, rolled his hips then shoulder blades, then at last arched his back, at each stage aiding Marcus in pulling his shirt up and finally off. The larger boy pushed Kyle's arms to stay up above his head and he took the hint. Marcus then leaned in, bringing his mouth to Kyle's chest. He gasped as he felt first a tongue and then suctioning lips on his left nipple. As Marcus sucked and teased Kyle's nipple, his hand slid flat down Kyle's taut belly, crossing and teasing his belly button before reaching the waist of his pants. When the larger finger began digging under the waistband, Kyle sucked in his stomach, allowing the exploring digits access.

While Marcus' fingers began probing down into his underwear, finding and teasing flesh of his pubic mound, Kyle reached down around Marcus' head, and began undoing his own belt and pants button. Marcus took the hint, sat up, and had Kyle stripped of his pants and underwear in seconds. Kyle was leaking as Marcus took hold of his cock, but he absolutely gasped as the older boy leaned in and he felt his tongue lap at his cock head. Then Kyle melted into the bed as Marcus' lips wrapped around the upper few inches past the head as the older boy began enthusiastically sucking on him. It was such a new sensation, and nearly overwhelming. It did not take long at all before the feeling was too much and Kyle approached the point of no return.

"I'm gonna... gonna... Mar... I'm so close!" Kyle whimpered breathlessly.

Marcus didn't pull off or even slow down. Kyle had seen and read enough porn to know that apparently plenty of guys took the load in their mouths. He assumed Marcus knew what he was doing, and do anything more to dissuade his older friend. Moments later he gave a series of grunts, his cock flexed, and he began firing shot after shot into the warm mouth encasing him. Moments later he began squirming as Marcus began using his tongue to milk any remaining drops, an act that caused major over-stimulation to his now sensitive member.

Eventually Marcus let him go and Kyle sunk back into the bed, closing his eyes as he came down from his amazing orgasm. It was even better than the week before. As Kyle recovered, he began to realize that Marcus was lazily running his hand around Kyle's groin and belly, using his fingers to tease and explore all around his sensitive private areas. He just kind of relaxed, letting him explore, as it felt so good to be touched like that.

Finally Kyle came back to himself enough to open his eyes and turned his head to look around. He realized two things. One, Marcus was laying on the bed reverse to him, with the crotch of his jeans about level with Kyle's face. And two, he was now very curious to see what might be inside those jeans. He twisted enough to bring his hands to bear, fumbling with the button on the waistband. As soon as Marcus realized that Kyle was doing, he rearranged himself enough to help the younger teen begin undoing his pants. Unlike the briefs worn by Kyle, Marcus was wearing cotton boxers.

Once he was able to pull out the quite hard and leaking member, Kyle was surprised to find that it was actually thinner than his own cock, and maybe an inch shorter. He was very surprised to find that a guy so much bigger and older than him was actually smaller in that department. Maybe some of what Kyle had read was actually true, that porn lied about cock sizes, and his was actually bigger that many his age. He leaned his face forward a bit and gave it a sniff. It smelled a bit musky, but then again, they had both been in school all day, and he doubted his crotch smelled any better.

Kyle wasn't registering that Marcus was frozen up, anxious to see how the younger teen was going to react to him, being so self conscious of his own body. Kyle stroked Marcus' cock slowly, hesitantly, as if he didn't really know what to do with it. It was really more that he couldn't believe he was doing this. Here he was, holding another penis in his hand for the first time. It was cut, with a flare around the head like a thicker, stunted mushroom cap. It felt so different from holding his own. He was more aware of how it felt to have the skin slide across the meat inside. His fingers were able to slide up and down the organ, covering half the length, without actually sliding on the skin itself.

It felt so different than when he jerked himself off that Kyle actually let go of the cock in front of his face to reach down and stroke his own, trying to see if he could feel the same sensation on his own member. Instead, all of his senses went to how his own excited cock felt, and he couldn't concentrate on what it felt like for his hand. Perplexed but not really disappointed, he went back to exploring Marcus' cock. He went back to lazily stroking it, enjoying the gasps and sighs of his friend. Finally he got up the nerve, looking at the head drizzling a bit of precum from the piss slit, and leaned forward to lick the tip. As with his own, there wasn't a great deal of taste to the pre. Maybe a touch of sweetness, but mostly nothing.

While it was a bit anticlimactic for Kyle, he definitely noticed the older boy's reaction. He gave a bit of a gasp as the tongue swiped across his sensitive head. Kyle smiled at the reaction, and decided he was ready for a bit more. He reached his head forward, ready to take the plunge and take the head into his mouth. His tongue lead the way before his mouth, and then-

A knock pounded on the door. Kyle jerked back, accidentally yanking on the cock in his hand and nearly falling off the side of the bed behind him. Having his dick tugged so harshly gave a bit of a yelp. Kyle scrambled to find his clothes while Marcus struggled to put his crotch in order so that he could zip up.

"Mom called and said you needed to start dinner," said a girl's voice from the hall outside the door.

"I have company," yelled Marcus. "You said you were going to leave me alone!" He sounded angry. Kyle wasn't sure if he was genuinely mad at who Kyle guessed was his sister, or just frustrated at the interruption. Either way, he kept his mouth shut and his head down until he could decode the situation.

"Take it up with mom," came the reply from the hallway.

"God, I'm gonna kill her," grumbled Marcus. Then he looked around for his guest, finding Kyle on the floor behind the bed, presumably hiding his undressed state in case the door was opened.

"Sorry about that, said Marcus. "Let me help you up."

Kyle scrambled to get his underwear and pants on while Marcus was making his way around the bed. The sexy mood from moments before was broken, and now Kyle just felt embarrassed that he was half naked while the older teen was fully dressed. He managed to get his underwear back on and pulled up, and got the legs of his jeans turned back right side out by the time Marcus circled the bed. He managed to get his legs into the appropriate holes of his pants by the time Marcus offered him a hand. Kyle grasped his hand and let himself be pulled to his feet. He quickly and awkwardly managed to get his pants pulled up and fastened, his face quickly blushing.

"I'm really sorry," said Marcus, clearly upset and embarrassed. "Maybe we should just start some dinner."

Kyle just nodded and pulled on his tshirt.

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