A Gentlemen's Club with a difference

By Mat W

Published on Mar 14, 2024


I thought I'd try something a bit different for a change. This is, sadly, complete fantasy... Chapter 3 relates the files of three Overs and you meet another interesting pair

I hope you enjoy it -- I have plans for more chapters but am always up for ideas and suggestions. If you like it, or have ideas, do let me know - mattspank74@gmail.com.

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Your friend walks round the table, asks the older gentleman if he minds, and clocks the number of the Over hard at work on his cock. As the Over moves to allow your friend to see the number on his band, you see that his cock is fully erect as he pleasures the old man.

"He's Over 23010, so let's look him and the Over I spanked up, and see what we know about them," your friend says, flicking through the pages of the ledger.

"Actually," your friend says, "let's get comfortable while we read."

He leads you over to a pair of chairs not far from the table, sits and then uses the pad beside his chair. He asks you if you'd like your feet looked after, but explains that you can't use an Over orally since you're not yet a member. Of course you'd like your feet looked after. Your friend presses some more buttons.

"We're being a bit greedy now," he says, "but it's pretty quiet at the moment."

One of the Overs who had been kneeling against the wall when you came into the Library comes over. Your friend tells him to fetch the folders for the two Overs, 20006 whom he had spanked in the Dining Room, and 23010 who is still bobbing up and down on the cock of the older gent opposite while he completely ignores him and concentrates on his book.

The Over from the wall is not caged. He's the first non-white Over you've noticed, clearly mixed race with light brown skin. He's probably mid-thirties, very tall, about 6' 5" you reckon, and completely hairless apart from close cropped black hair and well-shaped, fashionably trimmed facial hair of around the same length. He has a gold ring through one nipple and a silver bar pierced through the other, as well as several rings in his ears, a septum ring and a bar through one eyebrow. As he brings the files over (both of which only appear to have a couple of sheets of paper in them), you notice he has a large gauge steel Prince Albert as well. He has several black tattoos -- a tribal style ring around one bicep, an abstract swirling design above his cock and a thick black line just above his buttocks.

Your friend notices you looking at the Overs piercings and tattoos.

"We have no problem with Overs being decorated here. In fact, some of our members are very keen on the adorned Overs. I know this one well, he's one of our most dedicated members and is very popular. He's a very talented cocksucker and is one of the few who is pleased when he is allocated urinal duty. Isn't that right, 09003?"

"Yes, Sir," the Over replies quietly in a marked southern US accent.

"You can fetch your file as well, 09003, my friend will be interested in it, I am sure."

As the tall Over goes back to the shelves of files, you ask your friend what the rules are about Overs speaking. The urinals thanked you and the other chap for using them and the Over with the hardon spoke to your friend in the dining room before and after he was spanked, but generally they have been silent. Your friend tells you that Overs must reply when spoken to directly and must respond truthfully if asked a question. But that they are not to speak otherwise and, as you've seen, are expected to perform service silently.

"The exceptions are personal services, when they are expected to thank the Under for using them. So, urinal use, oral use, foot worship, and, in the Den or a private space, rimming and anal use. Also, as you saw in the Dining Room, they should thank an Under for disciplining them as well."

Over 09003 has returned with his file and is again kneeling in front of the two of you. While you've been talking, two more Overs have walked briskly across to your chairs. One is a handsome man whom you guess must be early 50s. A daddy' type, close-cropped dark hair, hairy, bearded, stocky. The other is younger, probably late 20s and has what is often called a swimmer's build'; lithe, slim and toned with floppy blond hair. Both have cut willies, the older one's is relatively short and thick and surrounded by a thick bush of salt and pepper pubes with a large pair of low-hanging balls. The younger Over has neatly trimmed dark blond pubes above a longer but thinner willy and smaller, more tightly held, shaved balls.

The older one kneels in front of you without a word, nods his head in acknowledgement, unties your shoelaces and slips off your shoes and socks, folding the socks, putting them into the shoes and then placing these neatly under your chair. The younger one has done the same in front of your friend, who takes the file for the Over he spanked from the table where he had put it. He holds it out and 19003 holds it open in front of him, acting as a human lectern.

The Over is gently massaging one of your feet. The younger one is already working your friend's toes with his tongue. As his head is down near the floor, his bare bottom is pointing directly up at you and, because of the way he has his knees apart but his toes together, his cheeks are spread so that you can see his hole, which is surrounded by quite a thick growth of pale blond hairs. His bottom is also lightly covered with the same hair, as are his legs. He is not tanned, but his pale bottom is a bright, flaming crimson. Someone has given this lad a really thorough spanking, and pretty recently too, by the colour in his cheeks. You peer down the back of the older Over who has his bottom similarly skyward, and that too is very bright red and glowing. Your cock has been hard since you saw the older Under getting sucked off, and it stiffens even more now.

Your friend puts his reading glasses on, and peers at the folder, and reads quietly aloud.

"So, Over 20006. Admitted in 2020 -- I think I said 2000 before, but 20 means 2020, so he's been a member for around four years now. He was 48 when admitted so is 52 now. That's relatively old for first admittance - he either only moved into an appropriate role at that age, or he has moved to a firm where we already have senior staff admitted as Overs. Name is Giles -- why am I not surprised? He looks like a Giles"

You wonder how old the oldest Over is and how much use he gets!

"Reason for admittance? Senior partner at a City Law firm -- I wonder which one? Married with two grown up kids. I wonder what Mrs City Lawyer would think if she could've seen me reddening Giles' bare arse just now, and how he explains any marks to her when he gets home?

"Not much else here, obviously he's settled in his job and not planning on moving until he retires at 55, I would bet."

The Over working on your feet has finished massaging both and is now working on your left foot with his tongue, licking around each toe and sucking on them one by one, interspersed with long strokes up the whole length of the sole. You look across the room and Over 23010 is still bobbing up and down on the older man's erect cock. As you watch, the Under doesn't take his gaze from his book, but puts his free hand onto the young man's head and gently pushes him right down. The Over gags slightly as he is forced to take the whole length of the older man's erection into his throat. He is held there for some time until the older man allows him up to take a breath and then pushes him back down. After repeating this a few more times, leaving the Over gasping slightly and gagging quietly when fully impaled, the older man removes his hand and the Over goes back to his gentle, insistent, bobbing motion.

"I see that 20006 is excused from urinal, rimming and anal service. He can't be that important in his firm after all," your friend says, looking at you, "because only the less important Overs are allowed any limits. He's been allowed all three -- all Overs are expected to perform domestic tasks and at least foot worship and oral. They can make an application either on admittance or annually thereafter to be allowed a limit. He'll be paying a surcharge on his membership for each limit applied. All applied on admittance. Hmmm"

Your friend takes a pen from his pocket and makes a note in the file, closes it and puts it back on the table. He tells you he has put a note in that 20006's limits and surcharges should be reviewed at his next review.

Taking the file for the cocksucker opposite, he gives it to 09003 who opens and holds it like the previous one.

"This is Over 23010's file. Only been a full member for six months. Age at admittance was only 22, so a very young member. Reason for admittance was two-fold, first class degree in PPE from Oxford and walked straight into a SPAD role with one of our great and glorious Tory ministers. Clearly has never had a proper job, but that hasn't stopped him. We don't get that many Overs joining so young, but the file says that the Assistant Under-Secretary of his Department is Over 93002, so I would imagine our younger member may well have been `groomed' by the older one. I bet 23010 is called Tarquin or Phineas or something equally poncey. Oh, I am surprised, the rather more prosaic Simon. Gosh, he's married too! And after he was admitted as a member -- he's only been married for six weeks. A nice new wifie at home and he's on his knees sucking an old man's cock -- what better demonstration of the need for Anstey's to exist could we have? And no limits applied, I see."

He smiles wickedly at you,

"I might make a call for 23010 in the Den later."

A renewed choking noise from 23010 causes both you and your friend to look over. The Under reading is again holding the Over's head down at the root of his cock but this time, even though he seems just as intent on his book, it's clear he has finally reached orgasm as his hips buck slightly and his buttocks have clearly tensed. You can see 23010's Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows and the Under holds him in place for a little longer before he finally allows the lad to come up for air. For the first time since you clocked the two of them, the Under's cock is out of 23010's mouth. You can see that it is not the longest dick you've ever seen, but it is pretty girthy -- no wonder the Over was gagging a bit when deep throating it. The Over gently licks it clean until the Under, without taking his eyes from the book, pushes the young man away and tucks himself back into his fly The Over buttons them and quietly, but audibly, thanks the Under for allowing him to suck his cock, for feeding him his cum and for allowing him to clean him up. With a flick of the hand which had held 23010 in place, the Under dismisses him without a word, and the Over scuttles away, the sound of his bare feet on the wooden floor audible in the quiet of the Library. As he passes you see his fully engorged cut willy swinging above a pair of low hanging balls, surrounded by a thick bush and his bright red face which can't just be attributable to having just choked on an old man's cock, he must have heard most of what your friend was reading from his file, which has just been closed and put on the table.

Your friend hands 09003 his own file to hold and reads from it.

"Now, I know 09003 well. He was admitted the year after I joined and has been a member for coming up to fifteen years. He was a young'un when he was admitted too, only 24, so you must be 39 now, 09003?"

"Thirty-nine next month, Sir"

"Reason for admittance. 09003 is an interesting case, and a reason why we require all the Overs to keep their files up to date. He was admitted at 24 as an overseas member, he was a basketball player in what was then the NBA Development League. Who did you play for, lad?"

"The Texas Legends, Sir"

"And how did you find out about Anstey's?"

"We had a Professor at my College who was a member and we stumbled upon each other on one of the apps and he told me about it, Sir"

Your friend explains that Unders have a duty to try to recruit new Unders, but have clear rules to ensure that the discretion of the Club is not breached.

You are momentarily distracted, as the Over working on your feet moves to the other foot and begins slobbering and sucking on that. You'd got so used to the sound of the two naked men licking yours and your friend's feet that the change in foot had made you aware all of a sudden of them at work. You realise how quickly you'd just become accustomed to the ways of Anstey's!

Your friend looks down at the two Overs working on your feet.

"I hope you're enjoying the service of these two lads! I'll let you into a secret, well, something that members would only know if they looked at the files. I clocked they were both here at the same time on the shift board. These two are the father and son members that I told you about earlier. Serving at Anstey's is a family tradition -- my boy's great-great-grandfather was one of the inaugural Overs admitted to Anstey's, and each eldest son has been admitted on his 21st birthday ever since!"

You look down again at the two Overs who haven't interrupted their worship of your feet, but must have heard what your friend just said.

"It's not just the family fortune, the London townhouse and the pile in the country which passes down to the eldest son with this lot. Daddy brings his son to `his club' on his twentieth birthday and if he wants the rest of the inheritance, then he is expected to apply for membership. If he doesn't, then everything goes to the next in line. Oh, he's not cut off with a shilling, he'll get enough to live a decent, middle-class life. But he won't get the rest. And in four generations since the first Over was admitted in 1910, no eldest son has said no. Has he, 17003?"

"No, Sir, every eldest son has gratefully accepted admittance to Anstey's as an Over, Sir," the younger Over replies, breaking off from his sucking of your friend's big toes both of which had been in his mouth at the same time and immediately resuming his service.

"Is your father still a member, 93005?"

The Over working on your feet looks up at your friend and replies,

"He is still in good standing, Sir, but is no longer required to report for regular service, hasn't been for the last four years and next year will be able to apply to convert to Honorary Under membership, Sir."

"You see," your friend says to you as the Over you now know is 93005 goes back to work on your bare feet, "when an Over reaches the age of 75 he is no longer required to report for regular service. He is given the same status as an Overseas Over, in that he can make himself available for service, but there is no requirement for any number of shifts. Many Overs leave before they reach that age, though. Most don't to remain in good standing, i.e. continue to pay their admittance fees, much past 60. But if an Over continues in good standing until he is 80, he is allowed to apply to the Committee to have his membership converted and he will become an Honorary Under and be entitled to all the privileges of full membership, but at an Over's fee rate.

"If an Over doesn't pay his admittance fees on January 1st, he has one month to rectify the situation, or he will be deemed not to be in good standing and be struck from the shift roster. He may reapply for admittance in the December and if he doesn't (or the Committee turn down his reapplication) then his number will be retired, his file archived and he will not be readmitted. Similarly, if a Town Over fails to report as required without permission for three months, or a Country Over for twelve, the same will happen. Overseas Overs who remain in good standing have no regular reporting requirements. Overs can apply to amend their status by submitting proof and the Committee will approve these by default after they've been verified by the General Manager."

You're still getting your head around three generations of fathers and sons potentially being naked servants at Anstey's at the same time. Discovering that the two soundly spanked naked men working on your feet were father and son had slightly shocked you, but turned you on, but finding out that the grandfather was still a member was at all what you had expected. More than that, the fact that father and son were OK with being used side by side.

"How come you both got spanked, 93005?" Your friend asks.

"I was serving in the Bar at lunchtime, Sir, and spilt a drink. The General Manager has decreed that if we are both working the same shift and one of us is to be disciplined, the other is to receive the same alongside, Sir. So 17003 was summoned from washing dishes after the Unders' lunch, Sir, we were taken to the Den and thrashed side by side, Sir."

"What a good idea of Andy's!" Your friend says, "what were you given, 17003, and how?"

"We were initially put over two Unders' knees and spanked my hand, Sir. Then we were bent over a table side by side and a paddle and slipper were applied to our bottoms until the Unders were satisfied. When we were allowed up, I am ashamed to say that I presented an erect willy. The Under ordered it iced soft and then we were given an additional twenty strokes of the slipper, Sir."

You ask your friend what the Over means by having his willy iced.

"Some of the Overs don't seem to be able to control their willies. As I said to 20006, hard willys are accepted in the Lounge or when performing personal services - I know that 09003 generally sports wood when he is on his knees performing urinal service, for instance. Otherwise, they are not allowed and require punishment. Depending on how much effort and time an Under wishes to put in and the circumstances of the arousal, there are various ways to deal with them. It is not fair to an Over to punish him for arousal and not ensure that the offending boner hasn't been dealt with. I was pretty sure that since I was going to be spanking 20006 specifically for displaying arousal he would be soft by the time I was done. If an Under becomes aroused during punishment, though, further CP alone is unlikely to deal with the issue so an Under can do one of three things: despunk the Over manually, have the Over despunk itself or have it iced. As Overs are not allowed to touch their genitals, the Over would instruct them to despunking themselves by begging another Under to manually despunk them, or by humping the floor or by being put to the despunking horse in the Den, which you'll see when we go in there. If an Over is to be iced, he will be sent to the kitchen to fetch an ice bucket filled to the brim with iced water. He will then put this on the floor and adopt a plank position with his genitals submerged in the bucket. He will remain like this until his willy has shrivelled fully"

He looks back down at the younger Over who has, again, gone straight back to work on his feet after responding,

"And then you were both given an additional slippering?"

"Yes, Sir, and the Under has noted in the book that both our willies are to be caged for a month from when we report for our next service. Because of my situation, Sir, I have been allowed only to be caged when I report. My father is to be caged for the whole month, Sir"

Before returning to work on your friend's feet, the younger man blushes from his chest to the roots of his hair and looked guiltily at his father, who also blushes as he continues to worship your feet.

Throughout this conversation, 09003 has still been holding his own file open and your friend reverted to that.

Next: Chapter 4

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