A Gentlemen's Club with a difference

By Mat W

Published on Feb 19, 2024


I thought I'd try something a bit different for a change. This is, sadly, complete fantasy... Chapter 2 tells you a bit more about Anstey's and the Unders and Overs

I hope you enjoy it Ð I have plans for more chapters but am always up for ideas and suggestions. If you like it, or have ideas, do let me know - mattspank74@gmail.com.

And please do support Nifty if you can (https://donate.nifty.org/). What would we do without it?

"So, now you're finally visiting Anstey's, I suppose I'd better tell you a bit more about how this all works," your friend says, "especially if you might be thinking of applying for membership at some point.

"Come on, I'll give you the tour and tell you about the place as we go."

The two of you put your cups back onto the tray held by the Over kneeling between you, get up and head out of the lounge. As you walk through the room you see two more Overs on their knees in front of relaxing Unders, worshipping their bare feet with their mouths and tongues. One of them, a tall man who looks to be in his late twenties, is kneeling down and bent forward to serve, so that his bare arse is sticking up in the air. The way he has his knees apart means that his crack is spread open, and his anus clearly visible. His buttocks are bright red, he's clearly been pretty thoroughly spanked very recently.

"That's the Lounge," your friend says as you wander back through to the main lobby, "no sex, no spanking, no touching of the Overs in here. As you can see, you can get foot service while you relax or work, but that's as far as it goes. Some of our members, like Gerald, the old chap by the fire, rarely use any other part of the club. It's the only part of the club, other than the Den, which is relatively busy most of the day.

"If you stay overnight in the club, then you'll see the Lounge in use as the breakfast room. We don't bother using the Dining Room for breakfast as there's usually so few people, if any, about."

You walk across the Lobby to the door of the Dining Room, and, for the first time, you realise that the plinths in each of niches between the doors of the oval lobby don't have marble statues on them. Instead, there is an Over standing on each of the five plinths. You wonder aloud how the Club can afford to have Overs just posing as statues Ð how does it ensure that there are enough to meet the needs of the Unders?

Your friend gestures around the Lobby at the Overs posing on the plinths,

"The Club runs on a shift system. Each day has six shifts, three overlapping 4 hour long day shifts between 10 and 2, 1 and 5 and 4 and 8, and three longer night shifts between 7 and 1am, midnight and 6 and 5am and 11. This way there are always Overs on duty in all roles and when it is quieter during the night, fewer are needed and they can get on with the cleaning and laundry and other behind the scenes things.

Unlike us Unders, who can come and go as we please, the Town Overs are all required to serve a certain number of shifts in the Club each month and have, in effect, a timetable of service. It's different if they're country or overseas members. It's obvious what overseas members are, but the Club defines country members are those who live more than an hour's travel from the Club. They're expected to serve a certain number of shifts across the year and overseas members have no set times but are expected to serve a certain number of shifts whenever they're within commuting distance of the Club.

"It was one of our founders' key tenets that one way in which the Overs' place in the club was to be emphasised was that not only would they be stripped naked and made to serve those whom they might otherwise consider their inferiors, but they'd also have to give up time from their busy and important schedules to do so. And they don't get to choose what hours they serve Ð on the first of each month, every Over gets his schedule for the following month (so on the first of February he'll get his schedule for March), and he's expected to arrange his other schedules to fit around his Club service.

"If an Over wants to be away on holiday, or goes on a business trip, then they have a month's notice to ask permission to rearrange their service and they're required to make up their hours within the next month. If they don't, then they'll find themselves on a plinth when they finally do manage to fulfil the obligations of their membership. It's up to the Committee to decide if any other form of discipline is necessary, particularly for repeat offenders who don't meet the requirements of the rules.

"Our brilliant general manager, Andy, works out the schedules based on the London Overs and which country members are about Ð they are expected to give at least six weeks' notice of availability. I'll introduce you Andy if we bump into him. Overseas Overs don't need to give as much notice, but often do. To be honest, the vast majority of Overs want to serve and be used, so Andy rarely has any trouble filling the rotas.

"He'll then allocate duties as randomly as possible, but he tries to ensure that all the Overs serve in all the different areas of the Club and don't get the easier jobs all the time. An Over won't know until he clocks on for each of his shifts just what he will be required to do, so he has to be just as prepared to spend a shift on urinal duty as to be serving in the Lounge."

You're now in the Dining Room, which is another large, airy room with a bay window looking out onto the garden. Three Overs are in the room, getting it ready for dinner service Ð laying tables, polishing glasses and cutlery.

"As you can see, everything is done here by Overs," your friend continues, "they do all the mundane duties like cleaning and laundry as well as the more personal ones."

Your friend stops talking to you and looks at the Over who is standing by the sideboard polishing a glass. He'd been facing the door when you'd entered but has now turned his back to you. Your friend walks across to him,

"Turn and face me," he says, in a very abrupt tone.

The Over turns around. He is a man of about 50, you guess, about 5'9" tall, with a very hairy body, not toned but not fat. A `regular' shape, really.

"What is this?" your friend has just flicked the erect penis which the Over has revealed as he turned around Ð a stubby thick penis sticking straight out from his body surrounded by a full bush of pubic hair.

"It is my erect willy, Sir" the Over mutters.

"I beg your pardon?" your friend says, more abruptly.

"It is my erect willy, Sir," the Over says much more loudly. The other two Overs in the room are bustling about, distancing themselves from this exchange.

"What do the rules say about erect penises on Overs?" Your friend asks, turning to you as he speaks and gesturing you to join him by the sideboard.

"'Overs may not display signs of arousal when working, unless in the Lounge or performing a personal service', Sir" the Over says, glumly.

"And are you in the Lounge or performing a personal service?" Your friend now has a firm hold at the base of the Over's genitals.

"No, Sir, sorry, Sir"

"What do we do with Overs who break the rules?"

"They get disciplined, Sir".

"They get disciplined," your friend repeats, as he pulls the Over by his still hard cock and balls to a nearby table with one hand and pulls a chair out from under it with the other. Your friend sits and the Over drapes himself over his knee there and then without hesitation but looking increasingly unhappy.

"It's the duty of any Under member who sees an Over breaking the Rules to discipline him immediately whenever possible. If you can't deal with an infraction immediately, or you're in the Lounge, you should call an Over to fetch the Punishment Book from its place in the Lobby, just outside the door to the Lounge and write the infraction down. You can then call the Over for discipline when you have time or, if you don't get chance to do it, any other member can check the book and call the Over for Punishment as he sees fit. Once appropriate discipline has been administered, you complete the entry. If, as now, you are able to deliver discipline on the spot, you still need to add it to the Book."

You ask how you would know which Over it is that needs discipline? Do you just get to know them all?

"No," your friend says, "All Overs have an electronic tag with their number on it, see?"

You notice for the first time that all the Overs wear a device that looks like a FitBit, and you see the blue plastic strap around the Over's wrist as he lies across your friend's lap. You squat down and see that attached to the band is a small metal tag which says `20006'.

"The first two numbers are the year that the Over was accepted for membership, so the year 2000 in this case, and the last three just tell us that he was the sixth Over admitted in that year."

Your friend calls one of the other Overs to him and tells him to go fetch the Punishment Book and put it on the table and go back to his work.

With that, he raises his hand and begins to spank the Over's bare bottom as he lay over his knee.

In the high-ceilinged room, which was otherwise so still and quiet, the spanking echoes like gunshots. The Over your friend sent out has returned with a large red book, placed it open on the table next to where his fellow Over is being spanked and returned to his work. He and the other Over carry on working but cast occasional glances at their colleague as he begins to squirm and yelp as your friend makes an impression on his behind. He carries on spanking the Over as he explains more to you,

"If you become a member, you can look up any Over in the Unders' Overs' Membership Book which I'll show you when we go into the Library. The Committee enters each new Over in there when he is admitted. You'll find his first name, age at admittance and reason for admittance. Usually that will be his job, but occasionally it might be that an Over has been admitted because he is a member of an upper-class family, or because of his looks.

"Each Over has a file in the Library which can also be consulted. If an Over changes job or is promoted, they are required to inform the Committee, and that change will go into the Over's file.

"For instance, say an Over is admitted when he is twenty-four years old because he graduated with a First from Oxford after having been at Eton, that would go in the Membership Book. Then he gets a job as a hedge fund manager, that would be added to his file. After a few years, he becomes a special adviser to some Tory MP? In the file. And when he eventually manages to get elected to parliament, that would definitely go in his file. Marriages, divorces, children, grandchildren will all go in the file as well.

"Also, any relationship that an Over has with any other member would go into his file. We have a number of couples who are members. They may both be Overs or one might be an Under and the other an Over. Either way it would go in the Over's file. We would also include any family relationships Ð there is at least one father/son pair of Overs that are members at the moment, and we've had grandfathers and grandsons, cousins and the occasional Great-uncle and Great-nephew.

"Each Over has an Anstey band which has been designed and made for the club by an electronics firm owned by one of our Overs. You've seen the number pads on all the tables and by chairs in the Lounge. Those are also in all the other rooms of the Club and are linked to the Overs' Anstey bands. That's how our coffee was ordered in the Lounge."

All this has been interspersed with the sound of the Over being spanked and his occasional yelps and gasps. His white bottom is now getting pink and your friend is peppering spanks over the whole of his meaty backside, as well as that tender place at the top of his thighs. That really gets the Over to whimper.

Finally, your friend gives a solid volley of hard slaps to the Over's buttocks, then stops. He lets the Over recover briefly over his knee, before getting him up onto his feet. The Over's penis has gone soft and shrunk.

"Next time I catch you displaying a forbidden erection, I will drain it before I spank you," your friend says.

"Is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir, thank you, Sir" the chastened Over replies.

"And if you still can't control yourself, I'll have to make a recommendation to the Committee that you're caged for a month or so."

The Over's face goes bright red. He mumbles another "Thank you, Sir" and scuttles back to his work, bright red bottom now on show.

Your friend turns to the table and takes up the pen which is attached to the Punishment Book by a thin gold chain. After checking his watch and adding the date and time in the book, he completes the rest of the entry.

"Offender? 20006. Rule broken? B3. Offence? Inappropriate sign of arousal. Witnessed by? Me and a guest. Punishment? Hand spanking over knee. When delivered? Immediately. Where delivered? Dining room. Response? Appropriate response during spanking. Sign of arousal disappeared thereafter. Recommendation (if any)? 20006 should be drained directly before spanking for next similar offence. Signed..."

Your friend signs his name in the penultimate space and says that if he had not dealt with the Over straight away, he would have left the rest of the entry blank after the `witnessed by' field and whoever delivered the punishment would complete the rest.

"Let's leave these lads to their work, and I'll show you the Membership Books and the files in the Library."

You leave the Dining Room and go into the Library. This is a very different room to the two you've been in thus far. Its high walls are lined from floor to ceiling with books Ð a mix of old tomes and modern hardbacks. Partway up the wall, a gallery runs around the room so that members can access the higher shelves. There are several standalone sets of shelves around the room, as well as a variety of chairs and tables with reading lights next to each. At the far end of the room is a long table with a bank of state-of-the-art laptops.

The room is not as busy as the Lounge, there are only three or four Unders in the room that you can see. There are three Overs kneeling against the wall by the door. Each is kneeling upright, his hands behind his back, knees apart. You can see that his knees and his nose are against the wall. As your friend closes the Library door behind him, the Over farthest from you gets up and walks smartly across the room and kneels in front of an Under sitting in a bucket chair a little way down the Library. The Under hands him the book he's been using and obviously gives instructions about what he wants next, as the Over scuttles off and climbs the stairs to the gallery, replaces one book and then finds another at the end of the room, scuttles back, kneels and hands it to the Under. Dismissed, he walks back to the wall, but takes his place at the other end of the three waiting Overs, resuming his former position against the wall.

"You'll have seen," your friend says in a low voice befitting the quiet of the Library, "that the Over just used is caged."

You had seen that his cock was in a small black Cobra chastity device as he scurried around.

"The fact that he is wearing a plastic cage," your friend continues, "shows that he is caged 24/7. Some Overs can't wear the cage outside the club. If they can convince the Committee that they have to be uncaged in their normal life, then they have to present themselves to the General Manager, or the Manager on duty, for caging in a metal cage at the beginning of each shift and uncaging at the end. Otherwise, a member of the Committee will lock a plastic cage on when it is decided that caging is appropriate, and it will only be removed when the Committee decides. Let's go and look at the Membership Books and files."

You walk down the room to the far end, past the laptop table, to a separate row of shelves under the windows. There are a set of tall, leatherbound ledgers and next to them rows of slim leather folders. Your friend pulls out the last ledger and turns to put it on the reading stand on the table behind you. You look up and see an Under you hadn't previously noticed, sitting in a high-backed wing chair, reading. He is a shortish old chap with a bald head and a slightly scrappy beard and moustache. Kneeling in front of him is a far younger Over, early twenties at the oldest. You can only see his flat and well-shaped back, his shapely buttocks and the slightly dusty soles of his feet. His head is buried in the older Under's lap, and he is clearly sucking the older man's cock.

It's the first time you've seen an Over being used sexually and you ask your friend if an Under gets a choice about which Over they get, or whether it's as random as all the other roles the Overs perform appear to be.

"Sexual service isn't one of the roles that Overs are explicitly allocated to for their shifts," your friend explains, "and technically any Over who isn't serving in the Lounge, on a plinth or undertaking urinal service can be used for oral service at any point. However, if an Under has a particular desire for a type or even an individual Over, the shift board (which you probably didn't notice, it's on the wall in the Lobby) tells you which Overs are allocated to which duties for that shift. The Under can then summon a relevant Over, using the pad where he is sitting, and it will alert the Over via his Anstey band.

"If the Under doesn't care who serves him, then the system will buzz all the Overs who aren't in service, and they must all acknowledge it.

"If an Over is already being used, for instance as a table or footstool in the Lounge, they should have set their band to in service' when they report, together with the type of service and location. If they've forgotten, then it will be logged as a non-response and the Manager on duty will enter it into the Punishment Book. The Overs against the wall here are technically in service' and so won't get a `general call' buzz, but if an Under wants one of them specifically, then they will be buzzed.

"Overs have ninety seconds to acknowledge a call, after which the system will select an Over at random from those who are available, and he will be sent the location code and the reason for the call. Each room has a number as does each chair or location in each room Ð you see the numbers painted on each end of this table, for instance? All Overs are expected to be able to know where each the location code refers to, as well as all the service codes, so that they know where they are going and can immediately obey when they reach the Under who has called. If I were to call an Over for oral service now, he would be expected to come in, kneel and unzip me without further instruction. If there were several of us working at the table, we'd indicate who had called when the Over came in, of course.

"Depending on where he is on the premises, an Under could also summon an Over (either a specific, or the first available) to perform urinal service or foot service as well as oral service. If an Under wants to use an Over anally, then he can only do so in one of the private rooms upstairs or in the Den.

"Overs are expected to be busy at all times. If the job that they've been allocated is quiet, there is a list of general chores which need doing and the Over should consult that and set to work on the first uncompleted chore on the list. Response times to calls and how long Overs take to perform certain tasks are logged, and at the end of the month the Committee decides on appropriate disciplinary measures for those Overs who miss targets.

Your friend walks round the table, asks the older gentleman if he minds, and clocks the number of the Over hard at work on his cock. As the Over moves to allow your friend to see the number on his band, you see that his cock is fully erect as he pleasures the old man.

"He's Over 23010, so let's look him and the Over I spanked up, and see what we know about them," your friend says, flicking through the pages of the ledger.

Next: Chapter 3

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