A Gay Lad's Arse

By Namab Mas

Published on Nov 17, 2019


This is a story involving light to moderate scat play between adult males. All characters are eighteen years old or over. If this isn't your sort of thing or it is illegal for you to view it wherever you are, please leave now. This story is entirely fictitious, and any resemblance to actual individuals is coincidental.

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A Gay Lad's Arse

Chapter One

I never had much luck seeking out guys on the internet for kinky sex, but one evening I was drunk and horny and I put up an ad on a gay dating website that a lot of young guys used. I didn't have much luck for a while, but then Tom got in touch.

Tom was 20 and a student; a bright, outspoken sort of lad who was head of the LGBT group at the university. He was quite tall – a shade under six foot – and averagely built, with a boyish, curvy body that could easily start to get chubby if he wasn't careful, but for now was taut and sexy, and I loved his cutely hairy chest. He had the most beautiful oval face, quite pale-complexioned, with dark-brown hair and deep green eyes, and the cutest smile. He liked men a bit older than him, hairier and rougher, who'd bend him over, fuck him hard so that it hurt, then pull out at the last moment and spurt all over his bottom. He liked guys musky and smelly – armpits and socks and farts – and he hadn't been freaked out when one guy he'd been with had asked Tom to piss on him. He'd never really been into scat, but he was curious all the same. He was very open-minded and he didn't mind giving it a try, so long as he could trust my discretion. I didn't really expect him to go through with it: he'd chat about it for a bit and then go silent, like most others. But he didn't, and as we exchanged more messages I started to believe it might happen after all.

I met him in town one afternoon a few days later. My heart thumped a bit as I saw him. He was standing outside a couple of shops, fidgeting and looking around him even though he was trying to look casual. He started a little as he saw me coming towards him, and for a moment he looked as if he might even turn on his heel and walk quickly away. Then he smiled nervously.

'Tom?' I asked, holding out a hand. 'Hi. Do you ... er, do you wanna get a drink or something, before...?'

His palm was sweaty and he hesitated, looking me quickly up and down.

'Erm,' he said, looking awkward again. He was well spoken, with just the trace of a northern accent. 'No, best not. I'm gonna have to ... you know ... quite soon.'

'Need a shit?'


'Cool. My place is only a few minutes from here. Have you ... um, when did you last go?'


He looked nervous, as if he was still working out whether he could trust me, but as we walked the half-mile or so back to my place he relaxed and started to say a bit more. Yet he still looked a bit uncomfortable. It was partly nerves, of course, but I guessed that he also needed the toilet more than he was letting on. A couple of times I noticed him wince a little, as if he was really having to hold it in. I realised I was breathing a bit harder, and my dick had started to get hard in my pants. It really did look as if he was about to fulfil one of my horniest, most taboo fantasies. It had happened only a couple of times before, and even though I hadn't fancied the guys involved the memories still got me hard. Doing it with this clean-cut gay lad would be unforgettable! As we got inside the house and I shut the front door behind us he looked around him warily again, but then shrugged and bent down to untie his shoelaces, giving me a good look at his rounded, sturdy bottom. He winced again as he straightened up.

'Er...' he said. 'Look, I ... I really need to go!'

'Can't hold it for a bit...?'

'No. Sorry, I can't wait. You wanna watch me sit on the loo, yeah?'

'Yeah. Will you sit well forward, though, and let me see it drop?'

'Yeah if you want to. But ... come on, let's do it.'

We went through to the bathroom. His face was red and intense and he was breathing hard, even trembling a little, I noticed as his hands went to his belt. He didn't meet my eyes as he stood in front of the toilet, steeling himself to do his most private thing right in front of me, and he looked so cutely embarrassed as he pulled down his pants. His cock was quite stubby in its flaccid state, lolling out from a forest of dark pubes. I could see his bottom in the mirror as well. His cheeks were rounded and smooth and lickable, and as he sat slowly down I caught a glimpse of his hairy little crack. He looked up at me, biting his lip nervously, then raised an eyebrow as he saw how hard I was. My cock was pressing hard against my jeans, pushing the front of them out into a tent.

'Er ... I don't mind if you wanna wank,' he said quietly. 'But quick...'

I needed no second bidding. Quickly I came round next to him and pulled down my pants so that my cock sprang free. He shuffled forward on the toilet seat, bent over a bit further and hitched the back of his T-shirt well up clear of the action. I stared down in awe at his smooth back and gorgeous bottom, and down into the toilet below him.

'Go on,' I breathed. 'Take a shit now...'

He hesitated a moment, as if he was still unsure whether he could actually do it, but then he seemed to relax, or perhaps he just gave in as his shyness was overcome by the pressure in his bowels. He bowed his head slightly and let out a little grunt and a sigh. His arse filled out a little as he pushed. Then came a small puff of gas, and his hole slowly opened out. He pushed out a thick brown column that extended slowly down from him. I could hear the soft, crackling hiss as it slid out; and then it pulled slowly apart.

'Plomp! ... Plomp ... ploop, plop! ... Plop!'

Water splashed up on his bottom and onto the seat behind him as his logs dropped, and his smell rose up from him. It was full-bodied and rank, not all that strong but fiercely erotic, and I sniffed eagerly as it thickened around us. I could see his shit in the toilet below him, two big, dark-brown logs and a couple of smaller ones. The water around them rippled and turned faintly yellow as he let out a long stream of piss. He cleared his throat a couple of times and looked part-way round as if he was going to say something, but then seemed to think better of it. He sat up a little and wrinkled his nose self-consciously.


'Er ... yeah,' he said quietly. 'It's just really weird. I can't believe I'm doing it, having a poo in front of you like this. And it smells...'

'Yeah, it does. It's alright ... I like it.'

'No! Seriously?!'

'Mmm, yes, the smell of a lad's shit is ... oh I dunno how to say it, but it's so erotic. Watching you do it really gets me going too. Can I see it?'

'What, you wanna look at my poo?!'


'Jesus! Er ... yeah, I guess so, if you really want to!'

He raised himself up until he was half-standing, so that I could lean in and admire his big manly logs floating in the water, amid the smaller ones he'd done afterwards. Above them I could see a bit of shit around his hole, and a little brown smear on the inside of his right cheek.

'Nice!' I said as he sat back down. Have you finished?'

He shook his head, leaned forward a bit more, and his bottom heaved a little. He sat for a few moments, and I could see his tight, dirty little hole flaring as he strained. Then his arse crackled again as he curled out another sturdy turd, and two more chunky lumps plopped into the toilet. He strained again a few times, and a couple of last little nuggets fell softly on top of the dark mass below him.

'I've finished now,' he said. 'Wanna see it again?'

I nodded eagerly and he half-stood again to show me what he'd done. He'd added a lot more to the jumbled brown pile in the pan. It stuck up out of the water in a few places, and the cracked top of one of his turds floated above the surface, like a log in a pool of water. It was amazing how such a cute young guy could do such a thing!

'Mmm! Phew, that smells really thick,' I said approvingly. 'Can I wipe your bottom for you?'

'What?! You really wanna...?'


'Er ... well, I guess if you've already watched me poo ... Um, yeah, if you want.'

'How d'you normally do it? Sit, or stand?'

'I sit. Doesn't everyone?!'

'Not me. I stand.'

'That's just weird! Er, here you are.'

He handed me the toilet paper and shuffled himself further forward still, giving me a great view down into the toilet. As I folded some paper I stared intently at his shit, marvelling at the size and obscene beauty of it and drinking in his rank smell. Then I reached in, and he leaned well forward to give me space to rub gently at his tight little hole.

'Ooh!' he said suddenly. 'Ooh that feels nice!'

The paper came away with only a light smear across it, and by the time I'd folded it a couple of times and given him another good wipe he was nearly clean. I could tell he was enjoying having his arse played with, though, so I wiped him again, and then again. When he finally stood up I saw he had a semi, and he raised an eyebrow and smiled encouragingly as my hand went to my cock.

'Go on, if you want,' he said. 'Wank off over it.'

I needed no second bidding, and seconds later I shot my cum all over his big smelly shit and used paper, and the toilet in which, when I flushed it, he'd left big streaky skidmarks.

I didn't really expect to see Tom again. I thought he'd be like the other guys I'd talked into shitting for me: he'd do it once, but he'd be freaked out by it and disappear. That would be a shame, I thought: it was awesomely horny watching such a cute lad having a shit. For a while I didn't hear anything, but then he messaged me one afternoon:

Hey, how r u? Just finished a lecture + I need 2 go 4 a poo! U in?

He wasn't desperate when he turned up half an hour later, so we sat and talked for a bit. I liked him: he had a lot to say for himself and some strongly held opinions I didn't really agree with, but he was a very well-meaning young guy, and very charming now that he'd relaxed a bit. Then I got him talking about his toilet habits, and the tension slowly started to rise. He normally went for a shit every day, he said, with just a hint of shyness, but he wasn't all that regular and sometimes he skipped a day. He was vegetarian, so he ate quite a high-fibre diet and his shits were always pretty large. He wasn't someone who had a lot of hang-ups about his bowel movements and he didn't mind doing them in public toilets when he had to, but he did prefer to go in private. His room at the university had an en suite bathroom. There he could take his time over it, he grinned, and when he was done he'd open the window to let the smell disperse before any of his friends came around. Not that he was one of the smelliest guys anyway. He'd last been to the toilet the morning before, he said, and he'd eaten a lot since. He'd started to need a shit on his way to the lecture, soon after lunch, but he'd arrived a bit late and decided to wait until afterwards so he didn't have to rush it, and maybe even hang on until he got home later. Then when he was sitting in the lecture the idea of messaging me had come to him. My heart beat faster when he looked up, biting his lip, as I'd noticed he did when he was nervous.

'You wanna do it now?'

'Er ... yeah.'

'Okay. You're gonna squat for me this time, then?'

He nodded quickly, not meeting my eyes, and led the way through to the bathroom. I followed, eyes fixated on his arse as he walked, and then again when he pulled down his pants and showed off those perfect buttocks of his. He peeled his T-shirt off too, kicked his clothes to one side, and then slowly squatted down over a towel and a plastic bag on the floor. I knelt down low behind him, naked and hard, and starting to edge as he gave a soft little grunt,. His pert arse heaved a little, and I heard him start to crackle softly. His hole flared out, and he pushed out a firm, pointed tip, paused, gave another strain, and a thick chocolate-brown turd slowly extended down from him. It jutted out for a moment, then as he gave another little strain it dropped. The thud as it landed seemed to echo in the room. His hole pinched up a little around the broken end that was still poking through. I began to get his smell, just faintly at first but madly erotic all the same, and it grew stronger as he grunted, strained and began to shit again. His bottom heaved, and he exhaled with a sigh as he pushed out a thick log, all dense and solid and smooth, coming in fits and starts as he strained and relaxed. I could see his face in the mirror: it was tense and sexy, his mouth set firmly as he pushed. His log nearly touched down on the ground before it tapered off slightly, then broke and fell backwards towards me with another loud 'thump.' The smell grew thicker and ranker. It was so fucking sexy; that and his manly little grunts and filthy squelching sounds as he began to push out another turd. This one was long and smooth and lump after lump of it curled to the side and then fell, piling up into a big brown heap underneath him. He'd been for a piss as soon as he arrived, but even so his dick twitched as the thick brown flow from his arse ended, and a quick stream of piss splashed onto the towel. I couldn't quite see his hole, but after he'd done pissing I could hear it, squelching softly as he strained. Suddenly he did a squeaky little fart, then a longer, gassier one, followed by a succession of thin, snaky little turds. I leaned back and looked him up and down when he was done, edging madly at the sight of him squatting over his hefty pile, the air thick with his smell.

Squatting was starting to hurt his legs a bit, so he rocked forward onto his knees and pulled his arse apart for me to wipe him. His wrinkled little hole was dirty and sticky, and there were little brown streaks on the insides of his cheeks. I wiped him slowly at first, digging well in to clean away the worst of it, but then rubbing harder when the paper began to come away with just faint brown smears. Like the last time, his little gasps and sighs gave away how much he was enjoying it, and when I'd finished and he turned around I saw he was turned on too. He was a real grower: his cock was pretty small normally, but now it was long and thick, quite square at its tip, and it was growing steadily harder. His hand went to it, but then he drew it away again, looking suddenly self-conscious. As he put his clothes back on I knelt over his shit, staring in awe at the hefty log whose broken tip was still pointing towards me and the big curled pile he'd deposited on top of it, sniffing deep at his smell. He looked at me encouragingly and his hand went to his crotch again as I wanked harder, and began to edge and yelp. He grinned as I shot my cum all over his shit.

After that he started to come round regularly; at least once a week, and often more than that. Sometimes I just watched him on the toilet. He looked so hot sitting there, leaning forward with his T-shirt hitched up and his pants around his ankles, and I loved watching his expressions as he dropped his load and listening to his crackle and plops and grunts. The sound of him having a shit was so horny! I used to get him to wipe for me as well. I love the sight of a lad wiping his bottom, and Tom looked so cute as he performed that most undignified act. He used to lean well forward but put his head up so his back was arched downwards and his bottom stuck right out, and then reach around behind with a little wad of folded paper. More often, though, he stripped naked and did his shit on all fours like an animal, kneeling well up with his bottom sticking out. I knelt next to him and wanked off over his chunky logs as they curled out of his hole and thudded on the floor, sniffed deeply at his smell and then came all over his big pile.

He messaged me one Saturday morning. He'd been out clubbing the night before and ended up going home with someone, so he called at my place while he was doing the walk of shame home. He looked so cutely gay in his tight jeans and white T-shirt, but with his hair a mess and dark circles around his eyes. He hadn't washed or shaved, and he smelled sweetly sweaty as he came in.

'He fucked me really hard this morning,' he grinned as we sat with a cup of coffee. 'I can still feel it!'

'Mm! And you need the toilet now...?'

'Yeah. I started to need a poo an hour ago but I didn't want to do it at his place. I always do a smelly one when I've got a hangover,' he giggled coyly. 'But ... my bum feels a bit loose, like I'm not gonna be able to hold it in for long!'

In the bathroom he got down on all fours, with his arse sticking well out. Kneeling down behind him I ogled his tight little hole, envying the guy whose cock had been in it only a few hours earlier and wondering what it would be like to thrust a finger up it now, or even my cock, right up into his full chute. I was edging already, and then he lowered his bottom down a little, grunted and let out a long, hissing fart. The odour hit me at once, sharper and nastier than usual.

'You ready?' he hissed. 'Ooh ... oh I'm gonna do it!'

He farted again, loud and wet this time, and brown slime bubbled from his hole as it puckered out. His turds came out in a long, chunky flow, all smooth and thick and greasy, and piled up underneath him with a series of squelchy little thuds. When he was done I stared at his big slimy heap, still settling and subsiding slowly.

'Phew, Tom!' I breathed. 'Ooh, that fucking stinks!'

'Yeah ... sorry!' He looked round, grinning cutely. 'Feels real nice having a poo when I've been fucked!'

'Mm, yes, I know! Have you done?'

'No, not yet.'

He began pissing into the old washing-up bowl he was kneeling over. It was really loud and it went on and on. Then as it ended he began to push again, his filthy little hole flared and he farted out a big load of mushy, gassy shit. It oozed loudly from his arse and flopped loudly onto his pile. He was so smelly today; much stronger and nastier than usual, and so fucking erotic.

'That's it,' he breathed, puckering his filthy little hole out. 'I've finished. Wipe my bum for me?'

I started wiping him slowly, digging deep to clean away the thick crust around his hole until the paper came away cleaner. Then as I started to wipe him again he reached around behind him suddenly and pulled my hand away, cocked his arse up a little and farted out another couple of slim, soft turds. That really was the end of it, though, and once I'd wiped him clean for a second time he turned around. His face was very red and his eyes were bright. He wrinkled his nose a little, cast a self-conscious glance down at his cock, then looked at me as I knelt, cock in hand, dribbling pre-cum onto his pile.

'Go on...' I whispered. 'You gonna wank too...?'

He hesitated just a moment, then shuffled forward next to me. Suddenly we were both wanking off together over his big nasty hangover shit, and we came all over it together.

Afterwards he seemed a bit shocked at what he'd just done, but by the time we'd cleaned up and had a shower together he was relaxed and smiling again. I got the impression there was something he wanted to say. Somewhere deep down I suppose I feared that at some point he was going to say that it was all getting too kinky for him and I wouldn't see him again. Yet he wasn't in any hurry to go, so I offered him a cup of coffee. He took a sip of it and raised his eyebrows appreciatively, then put his mug down and looked straight at me, and my heart thumped a bit. When he spoke his voice was very subdued.

He'd found shitting for me a bit of a turn-on right from the start, he admitted, and it was getting stronger. He liked the intimacy of it, sharing something that he was normally so private about, and he loved the sensation of having his bottom wiped for him. When he was having a wank he'd started fantasising about things we might do together. He'd always liked the feeling of having a shit, but now he was starting to find it erotic. The feeling of his turds coming out was sexy, in the same way as having his arse played with was. He'd begun to find doing it in public toilets arousing as well. Whereas before he'd always preferred to shit at home, for the last week or two he'd been doing it at university where other guys could hear him, and smell it when he was done. It felt pleasantly naughty, and that gave him a semi. He'd even started to find the thought of other guys shitting sexy, and just a few days previously he'd got hard as he sat in his own cubicle with two straight students taking noisy shits on either side of him. He'd gone straight home, and for the first time he'd got off whilst watching scat videos online.

'It's still a bit extreme,' he said. 'I'm not interested in playing with it and eating it ... ugh, no! But I do wanna keep doing this, and if you wanna try anything else I might be up for it...'

Enjoyed this? Feedback and ideas are very welcome: namabmas@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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