A Friday Night to Remember

By bokjay / John

Published on Dec 21, 2017


A Friday Night to Remember 3

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By John -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

That first week was a blur of excitement. Prasad came around on the Saturday night before my folks went out. Dad did a double take went I brought him in the lounge and I wondered if he was going to be funny about it. Mom was taking her time to get ready and I had the TV on Match of the Day. Turns out it was Liverpool who were playing, not my favourite team but it was Dad's and it was also Prasad's. Within ten minutes they were buddies and of course I was the outsider for a while! When my Mom came downstairs I introduced them. She said a few words while I went to make some coffee for us. When she came in the kitchen she said.

"Seems like a nice boy. Very polite, much nicer than some of your other friends you hang around with. Where did you meet him?"

I told her he was on the football team with me.

"Well I wish all your friends were as nice as he seems to be," she summed up.

I don't know how she did it, but after just a few words she had him all sorted. Lucky for me!

After they had gone out, I went back into the lounge and threw a cushion at him for being so jammy. We wrestled a while till he began kissing. I told him what my Mom had said and that meant that it would be alright him staying over whenever he could manage.

"I brought you a gift," he announced and threw me a little plastic bag.

It had "Boots" printed on the outside. Wondering what the hell it could be, I peered inside to see a toothpaste like box.

"What's this?" I said pulling it out. I hadn't a clue.

"KY, that's what they use," he replied.

"What who use?"

"You know, for suppositories, for when doctors examine you, for when you have a big cock and your girlfriend is as tight as a Gnats cunt."

He paused for a moment.

"For when you get horny and I don't want killing." He looked me straight in the eyes till I got the picture and we laughed.

"When can we try?" I asked hopefully.

He replied by slinging the cushion back with some curses about being a sex maniac.

For the rest of the evening, we watched TV and talked. Talked so much in fact that the time flew by and we didn't even think about having any sex. Maybe that was better because I really enjoyed and I knew my own cock had had enough exercise lately. He asked me to keep the KY, it being safer with me than left at his place.

In the coming weeks, we really got to know a lot about each other. The boyfriend thing kind of went into the background; instead Prasad became the best mate I had ever had. Maybe that is what it was all about. However, we were not able to have another night like Friday for quite a while. He worked alternate Saturdays so getting together proved difficult. Plus when we did, there was no dropping down the "Shepherd's" either. What we could do was go to as many so-called football practice nights as possible. We put our face in at the club and even did some of the practice sessions, but afterwards, we were off. If any of our friends happened to be around, well that kind of cramped our style a bit but we got rid of them by any excuse we could find so that we had some time together.

Trying to re-create our close encounters became fraught with frustration. The way home from the club was nearby our old high school. Making a detour we would climb through the fence to the playing field and go far enough towards the middle so as not be seen. There we kissed and got our hands inside each other's pants. I usually went first down on my knees to suck his delectable cock and then he would do the same back. One time we wanted more. I ended up on my hands and knees to start with, then on my back, pants down to my ankles while Prasad fucked me into the middle of next week. I obliged doing the same for him. Only later when I walked in the house did the grass stains on my clothes tell of what happened. We didn't try that again! If you add together the few times we were able to meet, then subtract the windy nights, the rainy nights and the full moons making the playing fields out of bounds, then we weren't getting much excitement.

What made it worse was just about every time I clapped eyes on Prasad all my mind's eye saw was him naked. His clothes just disappeared from sight. When that occurred at inappropriate times, I was sporting a hard-on in my jeans. To get around any embarrassment at the club, we agreed to use different aisles of the changing room and not go to shower at the same time. It worked but was a real mental torture for us.

For Prasad's home situation, he thought his father might relax over him going out if he met me. Show him I was not some kind of skinhead junky paid up National Front member. He explained that one thing his father would appreciate would be for his son having a "nice" friend, like me. That was a blatant lie of course; his father would kill a friend like me if he only knew! But I dressed up smart and went around for tea on Sunday. His mother sat in one chair and his father another with Prasad and me on the sofa. One of his sisters acted as waitress. She looked at me and smiled when she was out of sight of both parents. It was almost an interview, and I was asked about my family and what I did for a job. Letting them know I was an engineering draughtsman with one of the local machine tool companies appeared to get a lot of approval. I left after half an hour that by my reckoning lasted at least two. As I took my leave there was an intense exchange of Urdu between them all, then Prasad came out and we went back to my place so I could dump the shirt and tie for something more normal. From what he said I had impressed them as much as he had my parents. We looked forward hopefully for a little more freedom in the evenings and weekends.

Things began to look up with the coming Bank Holiday. This was a long weekend for both of us and we were determined to get together again on all fronts, come what may.

Close to our town is a small area of parkland. It's nothing much, just a steeply wooded valley with a river running down off the high moors. But it's a nice place and one I always enjoyed going to. Unless it poured, we arranged to go on the first day of the holiday, Saturday, and spend some time there.

Friday night I jacked off twice thinking of Prasad and being with him the whole day, and maybe the night too. I was going to eat him!

Saturday morning before I was out of the shower, my Mom called up the stairs,

"Your nice friend Prasad is here to see you dear. Are you coming down?"

"Yeah Mom, I'm in the shower." I gave a quick think. "If he wants to come up to my room and wait, it's okay."

But he didn't, shit!

Getting my gear together I ran down the stairs to be greeted by a shock like a kick in the balls.

There was Prasad sitting on the sofa, and also his brother Suresh. I said Hi! to them and busied myself with stuff I wanted to take. All the time wondering why his brother was there. Once outside and waiting for the bus, I remarked about Suresh being with us. He told me he "had" to take him, but it was no big deal really and it was good to be able to get him out of the house for once.

I could see our together time going down the drain fast. Really, I was so looking forward to this day and having someone on one with Prasad and now we had his kid brother to babysit. I felt a bit hurt and the outward sign was that I didn't talk.

Jowler Rocks were two bus rides away. With Prasad sat by me, and me in a no talking mode he quickly sussed out the problem.

"Cool it," he said. "Suresh is an okay guy. We are really close, so I know he is not going to spoil our day. If you try talking with him you might even find out he's not a moron."

"Yeah, okay. Sorry for being a bit down. Just I was so looking forward to being the two of us."

"No problem," he said and grabbed my hand and squeezed.

I quickly looked around but of course, there was no one opposite and Suresh was in the seat in front. He was listening to his MP3, I could make out the music from where we sat so he couldn't hear us. I began to feel a bit better.

From the village outside the park, we bought a load of water and coke, chocolate, crisps and the rest of the junk. It all went into Suresh's backpack he had volunteered to carry.

By 11 it was hotting up. For once it was a Bank Holiday that had good weather and lots of people had the same idea in coming to this place.

On entering the woods it was a steady climbing gradient taking the path next to the river. Suresh walked with us but a distance apart. He seemed to be interested in everything around him while we talked and larked about. Stopping by a calm area of water, we spent some time skimming stones. Suresh joined in for a while then his interest was caught collecting pine cones.

That bit of exercise had us taking off our T-shirts. It was hot. Thankfully I now had a half-naked Prasad to feast my eyes on and my mood improved no end.

Suresh came back showing what he had found so we loaded his bag with our T-shirts. I took some time to study him as he had the look of Prasad but was not yet as developed. About the same height, he was very slim and had perhaps just a shade darker skin. He had dressed in shorts while we had jeans. Without his T-shirt and just the shorts, it made him look quite tall. I looked to see if he had the trail of hair on his chest like his brother, but he was still completely smooth.

Prasad didn't have a belt with his jeans. While they snugly fit his thighs and bum, the waist hung away from his body some way. I found myself constantly looking to see how far down I could make out. God, he turned me on so much!

As we made our way slowly up the valley, every opportunity was taken to touch each other, brush our arms and hands as we walked side by side, or an arm across a shoulder if not. I didn't do it on purpose; it seemed the most natural thing to do. Moreover, the act of touching was one of the most comforting discoveries I had made since meeting Prasad.

At the head of the valley was an old water mill. We had a look around the buildings and the dam behind for a while. Suresh was interested, musing what it would have been like to work here all that time ago. Even getting to and from must have put a couple of hours on the day if nothing else.

From here we could continue up the valley to the road high up on the edge of the moors, or we could cross the river on the old packhorse bridge and work our way back to the village we had started from. We chose the latter.

Prasad crossed by some stepping stones, giving us the opportunity to throw some rocks in the water close by and splash him. Once across, he came after me and I ran like a chicken, much to the amusement of his younger brother. When he caught me, he tackled and I went down into the grass at the path side. He twisted my arm, threatening to break it, while all the time we laughed. His punishment was a quick kiss on my lips. Anytime!

There were so many paths, it didn't matter which one we took as they all went in the same general direction at different levels along the ravine side. Before long, we were climbing steadily giving us a wonderful view of the woods and river meandering through them. Then we came to a signpost indicating that to continue would take us on to another village in the next valley along. Instead, we took a small path that looked like it would keep us within the park and guessed it would eventually drop back to the river. As we strolled along, the crags which gave the place its name rose to one side. These were large rocks which formed a line between the open higher farmland and the wooded ravine of the park.

The path we took was more like an animal track than one of the proper trails. We had gone perhaps a couple of hundred metres when Prasad suggested we rest and have a drink.

Working closer towards the rocks, we found a natural cove which was reasonably level and the grass was short. We collapsed with much noise about how hard the walk had been and how much our legs ached.

Suresh emptied the bag out and we grabbed the snack we fancied, swigging them down with Coke.

"This is the life," mused Prasad. "Looking down on the world below, a beautiful day and a good crowd."

I looked at him, thinking how handsome he was. He caught my gaze and gave a wink.

"Let's take a rest here for a while, no point in rushing off, besides it's too hot."

Here in the rocks, the heat was reflected back so that there was almost an oven glow from them.

"I know," chirped in Prasad, "Throw over my T-shirt."

He undid the jeans and pulled them down. Laying his clothes out neatly on the grass, he laid down on them and gestured towards the sun.

"Come on don't be a wet fart, nobody is going to find this spot in a month of Sundays," he waved for us both to follow.

I was all for it as I could do with some sun on my body, these two made me look anaemic with their natural tans. I dropped my jeans and laid them out next to Prasad. Suresh used his bag to make up for only having shorts, but we all had a reasonable cover on the ground.

We went quiet for a while. I had to keep turning around so as not to get sunburn. One time I faced Prasad who lay on his back, eyes closed. My eyes went to his crotch and the white briefs that were hardly able to contain my favourite food. I got a prickly feeling starting in the pit of my stomach followed by a rapidly filling out dick. To take my mind off him, I turned to face Suresh. In a repeat, my eyes noted his package wasn't stretching the fabric like his brother. Now I gazed at him, as always listening to music and noted he was not so bad looking. My indifference at first had been due to him coming between us, as I thought. He would probably fill out to be a stunner in the next few years.

Since starting this thing with Prasad, I began to take note of a lot of guys, wondering how they would look undressed. I wasn't turned on by anyone before but having this revelation with Prasad my curiosity moved on to other guys a little.

A tickle went down my back. Jumping thinking of an insect, I turned over to find Prasad looking, a wildflower in his hand which he traced over my skin.

"Thought you had gone to sleep," he said quietly. "You know, this is really wonderful, being out here together away from the town. I wish we could do it more often."

That was music to my ears if ever there was.

"I feel totally free here," he continued.

He sat up and looked around.

"You know what?

I shook my head not having any idea what he was thinking.

Lying back down, he pulled off his briefs. I think I coughed. He could always surprise me.

"Now you!"

"I'm not doing that, outside." I nodded towards his brother.

"Look around; there is no one within a mile of us. Besides, there are more people in the club changing room and that doesn't bother you, so why should it in private here?" "Come on you chicken shit," he prodded.

Embarrassed as hell I took them off. But the sun getting to those hidden parts felt really good, in moments I was enjoying the freedom.

Prasad picked up his briefs and threw them at Suresh who as yet didn't know what we had done. They hit him in the face. The look when he opened his eyes and picked up what had hit him, then saw where they had come from was classic.

"Hey Suresh, get your trollies off and have a bit of nude sunbathing. Might be the only chance you get in life."

Obediently he followed his brother and slid them off. I couldn't help but check out what he had. I suddenly remembered Prasad had said he was just as big, but there was no promise of that beneath his briefs and none now he was nude. He was about the same size as me. Disappointed for some reason I turned back to sunbathing.

That little excitement soon died away and being naked was quickly no big deal.

Still doing the turning on the spit routine, I had faced towards Suresh. I felt Prasad roll against me and playfully hump his hips into my bum. I froze. He was up on one elbow, stroking my face with some grass while pushing his groin into me every so often. Actually, I was enjoying it very much but then was worried if Suresh suddenly decided to pay any attention.

His cock hardened and worked its way into my crack. It felt so good, not just what he was doing, but doing it outside in the open. My legs eased apart so that he could touch the magic button. He stayed there making me feel good with the touch of his dick at one end and playing with my face at the other. As always, I felt totally relaxed being with him.

"You know what I fancy?" he asked.

"Let me guess, some overtime at the office? Black Pudding and mushy peas?" I joked.

"You," he answered, digging his cock hard to let me know exactly what he meant if I didn't know.

"But a drink would go down fine instead. Hey, Suresh, pass over the Coke will you." He backed off me a little and sat back on his haunches.

Part 2

Suresh moved slowly getting his wits back after dozing. Grabbing the bottle he crossed the gap between us on his knees to hand it over. Being so close I checked him out real good now. I glanced at his face to see him looking at Prasad's groin. My eyes followed his, knowing what he had been doing a moment or so ago. There it was across his leg half hard. After taking a swig he saw we were both looking at him, Suresh with interest, and me embarrassed at being responsible in some way. He looked down at himself and laughed.

"And so? Can't a guy have a hard-on now? He pulled it up and let it slap down on his leg laughing.

"Anyway, never mind me, you should see Suresh when he's hard," he said trying to throw the attention off himself.

Suresh laughed out loud, the first time I'd heard him.

"He's a horny fuck, always in the bathroom at home. You go in there and you'd think he'd been cleaning with bleach morning noon and night."

Suresh guffawed again.

"Suresh, get it up hard, show how big you are," said Prasad.

He looked a little sheepish but squeezed and gave it a few pulls. Slowly it began to fill out.

"You a bit nervous?"

He nodded his head.

Prasad dug me in the ribs, "You play with his balls, that's guaranteed to make anyone get a hard on."

I thought Suresh would object, but he looked as if he was waiting for me to follow his brother's suggestion so I reached up and ran the loose skin of his sack between my fingers. He shuffled closer to make it easier and I saw his dick begin to grow.

Prasad moved next to me toying with his own. Suresh's balls began to tighten and soon there was no skin to play with so I rubbed gently behind his balls. Moments later he had a hard dick sticking straight out.

"Now it's me who is having trouble," cursed Prasad as he played his own.

"How about blowing air on it like before, that makes me feel good," he asked.

Shit, I thought, now Suresh will know we messed around, he more or less just told him.

I leaned up on my elbow as both brothers got opposite each other on each side. I blew a stream of breath up and down Prasad's dick. He murmured approval.

"You up full, our kid?"

Suresh nodded.

They leaned into each other's shoulders over me and Prasad held their dicks side by side. True, Suresh was equally as big as his elder brother in length, but Prasad must have double the diameter.

"Shit, you are both massive."

Suresh had a grin like a Cheshire Cat, he was so proud.

"Blow on our kid's dick like you do mine, let him feel how good that is."

Seeing these two hard dicks had given me that strange feeling, just as though a different person had jumped into my mind's driving seat.

I blew on both their dicks, backward and forwards. They grunted appreciation.

Suresh's face looked like he was in pain the way he had screwed it up. I could feel him throbbing just stroking his scrotum. As I blew air back and forth his stomach started heaving and he bucked as I passed over the end of his cock. He gasped loudly and cum started blowing out of his dick. Prasad pushed it down like he didn't want it all over his stomach. A load went on my chest. His eye caught mine and in an instant, he pushed over Suresh's dick to my face and lips. Suresh had his eyes tight shut in orgasm, his cum spewing out first across my face then into my mouth as I found myself opening to accept the end of his dick. I closed my eyes and sucked out the remaining juice.

When I opened them again, they were both watching me. Suddenly my "right" self came back again and I immediately felt awful.

"Wow, that was really cool," said Prasad appreciatively, taking the edge away from my self-consciousness.

"You ever felt anything that good?" he asked his brother.

"That was way too cool, awesome," assured Suresh.

"We just enjoyed ourselves and this guy hasn't got off yet. How about playing with his balls like he did with you?"

Suresh looked at me. "Sure."

He reached down and began fondling them. Prasad took hold of my dick, which had quickly deflated after finishing sucking.

Prasad continued to his brother. "You want to be sucked again?"

"Yeah, that was great, man I' love to have it done more."

"Well, you shouldn't expect what you are not prepared to give. I know you will get your dick sucked, but you have to do the same. Fairs fair and all that. Not to mention it seals your silence."

He stared first at Prasad and then to me. I could see the wheels turning in his head.

He gave a shrug, "Sure" he said simply, and leaned on my stomach. I could only see the top of his head, but I felt him play with my dick a few moments then felt the warm wetness of his mouth.

I looked at Prasad who had been watching his brother. He looked back at me.

"The only good way out of the situation," he shrugged.

"Now, you got something else to take care off."

He sat on my chest and pushed his dick into my mouth. At long last! I took in as much as possible and sucked and licked to my heart's content.

Suresh was not so good, his teeth at first constantly grazed the end of my cock which had the effect of momentarily deflating it. But as the minutes passed he got the hang and soon some really great feelings were welling up.

Prasad took charge and worked his dick in and out of my mouth in a gentle fuck. I was in heaven looking up at his body over mine. As he came, he mouthed "I love you," before filling my mouth with his nectar.

In the build-up to his coming, I had forgotten what Suresh was doing, but on the first shot of juice into my mouth, a wave of pleasure swept over me and I started shooting into Suresh. I felt him pause as he must have got his first taste, then he went sucking like a madman as my balls emptied.

When I had finished sucking Prasad and he dropped on the ground next to us, Suresh was still on my dick even though it had softened completely. I reached down and tapped him on the head.

"You are going to give the skin wrinkles if you keep it in there too long! And that was terrific by the way. I hope I felt as good to you."

He sat up again, looking sheepish. His dick was hard sticking straight out.

As he licked the last of my juice around his mouth, he asked "Can I have one now?" like a little boy asking for an ice cream.

But he didn't wait for my answer; he just pounced on my chest and stuck his cock in my mouth.

I heard Prasad laugh over to my right.

He was really horny and out of control. His face contorted in ecstasy, his hips humping and spasming without rhythm as he fucked my mouth. Having a thinner dick there was no trouble taking a lot in, especially as he put his weight behind it. Soon I had it down my throat as he thrashed and writhed. My mouth hurt as he stabbed and fucked hard. To be fair, I guess this was his first time and he couldn't control himself. As if to prove the point, he filled my mouth with a second helping within a minute of climbing on my chest.

Once finished, he rolled off to side panting heavily. I didn't exactly like what had just happened, but on the other hand, I got a big kick out of giving someone so much pleasure that they were out of control. I put that to the back of my mind to work out later.

Taking a swig of Coke to remove the taste I laid back thinking. Prasad nuzzled up close no longer caring what his brother saw.

"I've never seen anything so sexy. That was a real turn on to see someone apart from myself having sex in front of my eyes."

"I'm not so sure," I replied.

"Yes, I know what you are thinking. But it's not like you and me, I can tell the difference. We need Suresh actually. My dad doesn't mind us going out together; it's when I go out by myself that he plays up. I've been thinking, we can't have Suresh along and not have him know what we are doing. That would be impossible. At least this way he is part of it, so he has an interest in helping it all work out. We need all the help we can get if we are going to stay together and at least I know with my brother, he trusts me and I can trust him, we always have."

"Whatever" I replied, it sounded far too complicated to think straight.

He pressed closer and gently bit my ear.

"You are so fucking sexy, you know that?"

I pushed him off. He rolled on his back, then came again pushing me on my side. I felt his dick press into the crack of my arse. I liked it and let him stay.

"I don't know about you, but I always have this feeling that I want to be part of your body someway," he whispered. "I never feel so good as when we are touching or connected in some way."

"Like your dick up my arse you mean," I shot back, half joking.

"Well yes, that too. But don't give me any crap, I'm dead serious. I love being with you. Shit, I fucking love you. You know I do."

"Yes I know, just yanking your chain there. I love you as well and think just the same way."

No sooner than those words were out of my mouth, I distinctly felt his dick throb. He squeezed me tight for a moment and pressed himself hard. His dick traveled to tickle that special place.

I looked at Suresh, seemingly dead lying on his back. I closed my eyes and pushed back into Prasad. He nibbled my ear and pressed ever closer. Absent-mindedly I moved my leg so that he could get to the target. He squeezed me closer and the end of his cock popped into my hole. I bit my lip and pushed back.

I was constantly amazed at how easy his cock went into my body. I had checked myself out thoroughly after our first time together, and I could hardly get my finger end in there. Yet, again and again, he slid up me without much hassle at all. His dick made a lot of juice which helped and maybe when I was in the mood I wet myself like a girl does, I don't know. But each time he did it, I couldn't believe that big cock could actually go inside.

Slowly it pushed up. He didn't rush at all, just happy at first to park it in my garage. It felt so good it was me who wanted some movement. I rocked my hips to and fro just for the pleasure of feeling it move.

"Oh, that's so good," he whispered.

I squeezed my arse a few times. He groaned quietly in my ear and bit on my shoulders.

He pushed a knee between my legs lifting one back over his and pressed our bodies tightly together. His dick slipped what felt like another couple of inches inside. Automatically I pushed back in response, my consciousness of the surroundings slipping away in a mist.

Without being aware, we were soon rutting like animals. One time I opened my eyes to see Suresh, his jaw hanging open in shock, eyes riveted. I couldn't care at that moment if I was on the changing room floor and the whole football team was watching. I really needed this.

Prasad too became passionate, oblivious to being outside or his brother just feet away. A minute late and he was fucking hard and I couldn't get enough. Lifting my leg he twisted between and had both on his shoulders. It was extreme! He went wild and I went wild. It was like another door in our journey opening and we passed through to another place. When I looked into his face, his eyes were fixed on mine. I glanced to my left and Suresh was there at the side on his knees playing with his cock watching intently. I didn't give a damn. I wanted Prasad and I wanted fucking and he was doing that with a vengeance.

Before he reached climax, he pushed my knees back to my chest and straightened himself up for the final strokes. I looked down to watch his dick going in and out of my body as if it was someone else. Only the furnace in my guts told me it was me. He screamed out loud as he filled me up. The whole thing was so overwhelming I shot off so far I hit my own face.

He leaned forward to give me a deep kiss which said all we needed. Then he rolled off to the side. I was stuck there, my body still floating on a cloud and my minds eye seeing a constant stream of fireworks.

Prasad's cock rammed home knocking the wind out of me, bringing me back to the here and now. Only it wasn't Prasad but Suresh who was between my legs and pushing himself inside. I winced at his roughness. Prasad heard and looked at what was happening.

"Suresh, remember only do what you can accept yourself."

The advice seemed moot at this moment.

"I know," he said matter of fact, "You told me before."

He continued copying his brother in fucking my arse. I wasn't so relaxed now and it hurt. I knew he was only half the thickness but in fact, it felt twice as big for some reason. Just as he fucked my face, he fucked my arse with extreme urgency. His body was possessed and so out of rhythm it just lunged and thrashed. The only nice thing was when he came and I felt the hot surge of his juice sooth my insides and knew it was over.

Prasad watched and knew I was not comfortable.

"It's his first time, we are all out of our depth the first time, so give him a break," he said to console me.

Suresh, of course, heard him and I could see the hurt look on his face thinking he had done something really wrong or overstepped the mark.

"Don't worry bro," assured Prasad, "We are all like this in the beginning. The only thing you got to remember is practice makes perfect."

He gave me a dig in the ribs. "Right?" he asked.

"Seeing as how you bit the bullet, you will get a good lesson next on how to do it right, just take heed."

Shit, I'd never thought of screwing Suresh. But he did say he understood when he got into me. Maybe he expected to get screwed afterward. It hadn't occurred to me till Prasad said it just now.

All my lust had only been for Prasad. In my mind, I still thought of fucking girls like all my mates, only with Prasad was something else going on. Now I had the prospect of trying another male. At first, I didn't want to, but then I thought why not? He must be expecting and Prasad was expecting it. As I played around with the idea it became more appealing, until I actually wanted to see what it would be like to screw someone other than Prasad.

"You got that cream?" Prasad whispered in my ear.

Of course, I had brought it today hoping I might get the chance with him.

I pushed Suresh onto his side and pressed up against his back. The cream was cold as always and made him jump as my fingers massaged his hole. He was completely smooth and I enjoyed the sensation. Gradually I worked a finger right inside without him flinching. Prasad wanted to make sure I was fully coated and took care of gunking up my dick.

I pressed the end to his hole and he tensed. Holding it to the mark, I reached around and took hold of his dick, now all soft and small. As I fondled, he relaxed and got hard again. In time with this, I pressed harder until my dick squeezed through the door and entered his hot arse.

I held it there as he stiffened and got accustomed to the feel. Aware that it was his first time and how much discomfort Prasad had suffered when I did him the first time, I took it nice and slow. I didn't have the urgency to fuck with Suresh as I did his brother, my idol.

As he relaxed my dick slipped further and further inside. I must have finally touched that magic spot for he let slip a sensuous groan. I pushed fully home to get myself seated and he responded by pushing back. Very slowly I began moving in and out. Taking it so slow with him paid off because he was the one who increased the pace. Soon he was pushing back hard till I discarded any softness and let rip to enjoy myself.

Suresh was quite noisy and vocal and not at all embarrassed with his brother present. He moaned and grunted, pushed back hard, held me tight with his hands clasping behind him. Amazing that he was so into it. To finish off, I swung him around and got between his legs, just as Prasad had done with me. Bending his legs back I could watch myself sliding in and out. Like a red rag to a bull, it made me pound his ass as fast as I could. Suresh reached up to try and pull me closer still. I let go a good helping of my juice up him. At that moment he reached down for his own dick, gave a couple of pulls and erupted over his stomach.

"Looks like you enjoyed that," said Prasad to both of us.

"Pretty good," I joked, "You got some competition now."

He nipped my arse.

"Oh man!" sighed Suresh. "Cosmic, whatever, totally out of this world."

He laid there not moving at all for a long time. The cum on his stomach had completely dried before he stirred.

When he did, Prasad suggested we pack up and start off back as the afternoon was all but over.

The walk back was even harder even though it was all downhill. We were totally exhausted.

Back in town, we finished off with a meal at an Indian restaurant. When I picked up the menu, Prasad took it from me.

"Anything you don't like? Beef, Chicken, Seafood?" he asked.

"No everything is fine by me."

"Okay forget the shit on the menu, leave it to me."

When the waiter arrived for the order there was a long conversation between him and the brothers. What arrived were a dozen small dishes of amazing food. I thought I knew the usual Indian stuff but this was completely different.

"This is not on the menu, that's for the foreigners I'm afraid. This is more like we eat at home. Not as good, but it'll do."

So a banquet to end an incredible day, one that started out so badly for me, but ended with everything I could have wished for.

Part 3

As an aside, the following week on Friday afternoon, I was at home by myself. We only do the half day on Friday. A knock at the door brought Suresh.

"Hi man."

"Hey Suresh, what brings you here?"

I could tell he was on his way home from school.

"I wondered if I could download some MP3 files from your computer. Would you mind?"

Prasad must have told him I had one.

"No problem, but I don't know where to find them. If you do, you're welcome."

"Yeah, I know all the sites," he assured me.

I showed him up to my room and switched on the comp. Quickly he set it all up to download what he wanted. After that, he took a quick look around my bedroom.

"Prasad told me you have a nice place, really cool having your own room."

"Yes, Prasad did tell me that."

"Sorry," he said, nervous at not knowing how to make conversation.

It was the first time I had seen him since the holiday, so I was surprised he had come around. I had it in my mind that once he had reflected on everything; he wouldn't come within a barge pole of me.

"Look", he said "I'm sorry I was no good last weekend doing everything, you know. I wished I had been good, for you. Sorry."

"No problem," was all I could think to say.

"Like, I know about you and Prasad, he didn't have to tell me. He has never had an English friend before and never stops on about you either. And he is always talking on the phone, so I kind of guessed it all before last weekend. You know everything is okay with me."

Now he had shocked me. Astute kid.

"And like I said, I'm sorry I wasn't good. But I really enjoyed it, honest."

My mind was turning very slowly. When I saw the tent in his pants I knew something was up.

"You mean, you need more practice or what?"

He smiled at last.

"Yeah, something like that, I would love some more practice. But you don't have to if you don't want, it's me that wants and if you don't like then it's still alright by me."

I was not sure exactly what he was meaning there.

"Okay," I said, "Whatever, feel free."

His eyes lit up for a moment before he dropped to his knees. He tore at my flies to undo them and pulled down my jeans and briefs. Before I knew it, he had my dick in his mouth and was sucking me for all he was worth.

I got hard nonetheless.

"Would you like to get more comfortable, like on the bed?" I suggested.

He only nodded and walked across before me. I followed, shaking off the constraints from my ankles and laid down. He jumped into my crotch again liked he was crazed. It was too much, he was too much! I had to stop him, there was not going to be much fun like this.

"You have to slow down," I said. "Take it easy and enjoy playing."

"I know I'm going fast," he admitted, "But I might not get another chance."

"You're right, you might not unless you slow down and make it a good experience. If you do that, you will get as many chances as you want there to be."

"Cool," was all he said and went back to sucking, this time with less gusto and more exploration.

I got hard as it became more pleasurable.

"You want me to help you out?" I asked

"No you don't have to, I like doing this," he said pulling off then diving back.

"How about licking my balls?"

He followed straight away.

"Behind my balls, up to my hole."

I lifted off the bed so he could get in there.

"Now mix it up, do something of everything. If you just suck on my dick I will come quick and it will all be over in a few minutes. Do a bit of everything and make it last a lot longer."

"Cool," he murmured and followed exactly

He began to wind me up, so much so that I offered to do him.

"Naw, it's okay, you don't have to, I like this."

But after a few more minutes, I did want to suck him, I wanted to feel another cock. I pulled him around and undid his pants. He was rock hard. Pushing them down his legs, we came together for mutual sucking.

I thought he was about to blow when he abruptly pulled off.

"You want to fuck?" he asked.

I thought he wanted to fuck me and shook my head no.

"You can fuck me if you want, I liked before you know."

Shit, this kid knew what he wanted.

"Okay if you are sure," I cross-checked.

"Yeah, I'd like you up me again. I like you a lot you. But don't worry, I know you are special for Prasad but I think you're great too. Now, will you fuck me?

I got him on his knees and rubbed some KY on his ass. I only just kissed his ass with my cock and he was pushing back. I slid in, thinking it was a bit quick.

"Oh yes, that's good, do it to me will you," he kind of begged.

I fucked him good and he liked it a lot.

When I rolled to the side on my back, he pounced on my still hard cock and gave it a good examination.

"Incredible that such a small part of the human body can create such intense pleasure," he said to himself.

"You like it?"

"Yes, I like it from you. A small difference." He laughed.

"How about you, you want me to help you out?" I offered. I could see he was still hard.

"Not if you don't want, it's okay."

But I wanted, I wanted to suck him dry. And I did.

Now he comes around every Friday afternoon on his way home, to download music you understand. Prasad knows and he doesn't mind. It's all part of his freedom as far as he is concerned.

I love Prasad and he loves me.

Only his love comes along with a brother too.

The End

I hope you enjoyed this. You can let me have your comments at bokjay123@hotmail.com


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