A Friday Night to Remember

By bokjay / John

Published on Dec 19, 2017


A Friday Night to Remember 2

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By John -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

The shrill whistle of the kettle echoed in my ears. I knew it well, it was 7-30 a.m. and Dad was making his cup of tea. My mind's eye followed the morning ritual, Dad sipping at his mug of tea and Mom making him a few sandwiches. Only a few, it was Saturday and he only worked the half day.

I prised my eyes open to look at Prasad sleeping like a baby. No, it hadn't been a dream for he was still here. I watched as his chest rose and fell, his face so peaceful. He was curled up facing me and my eyes played over his body while a million thoughts clamoured for attention.

His skin was probably the colour of the tea my Dad would be drinking downstairs. A light tan, about as much as any English person would get with two weeks on holiday in Cornwall. It was smooth and flawless, except for a trail of soft black hair that began in the cleft of his chest and connected with his pubic hair. My fingers trailed through them, but they were so soft I could hardly feel anything. His thick black head of hair partially covered his face, like a curtain. I liked his hair, the way it hung straight and shiny. Lower down, his soft cock drooped over one leg with the end pressed into the sheets. I wondered about last night, how that thing had actually been inside my body. It didn't seem possible at all.

I couldn't resist touching, tracing my fingers over every part within reach. Eventually, he stirred and slowly opened his eyes. As he got to focus, he smiled and murmured something under his breath. His hand came to the back of my head and pulled me into his chest. His fingers ran through my hair, gently scratching the scalp for a short while till it trailed off as he drifted back to sleep. I listened to his heart beating and tenderly kissed his chest.

My name was being called from the bottom of the stairs. It was the pitch to penetrate every corner of the house and probably into the neighbours too. But it was as familiar a ritual as my Dad's tea making.

"I'm going to town now dear, to do some shopping. If you go out, be sure to lock the door."

I could mime what was to be said after the first word, she shouted it every Saturday morning around 10 o'clock since I was old enough to be left on my own. With a bang of the back door, we had the house to ourselves for at least the next three hours.

Unlike Prasad I couldn't go back to sleep, my mind was so busy trying to sort stuff out. But I knew I was still tired and hadn't really had a good nights rest.

I thought I should wake him and get cleaned up and have something to drink; I knew he would worry about his family if he left it too late.

I licked his chest to see how it tasted. Slightly salty. His nipple was inches away and I had a sudden longing to suck it. I pressed my lips against the protrusion and played my tongue around in circles. Very quickly it began to harden. Prasad began to stir in time with its transformation. His fingers slowly began to scratch my head again, picking up where he left off. As his nipple became really hard, he squeezed my face into his chest and held me tight.

"Mmmmm! Good morning," he slurred slowly as he came around.

I pushed off his chest and attacked the other nipple. He grunted and clamped his hands on my head to stop me.

"Already bright and frisky I see."

I looked up at him.

"You got alarm clocks, you got a kick in the ass, you got any number of things, but I thought this would be a nice way to wake you up. Am I wrong?"

He scooted down the bed a little and put a hand each side of my face and kissed me.

"No, I can't think of a better way."

He hugged me tightly for a few minutes, our bodies touching from head to foot. My cock began to harden with feeling full body contact. As he shook off the last traces of sleep, I could feel his responding.

"You know what I want for breakfast?" he asked, almost laughing.

"No, what?"

"You is what," he giggled.

He broke our hold and lay on his back.

"Sit on my chest," he commanded.

I did as I was told, but it was not where he wanted so he pulled me right up to his face.

"Right, now you have to feed me."

With that, he pulled my cock down and put the end in his mouth and began to tongue it. Now I realised what breakfast was, it got me laughing. He asked me what was wrong, but I assured him nothing and pushed it right back in his mouth. His hands were on my bum and with them, he signalled he wanted me to fuck his mouth, rather than him to suck it. Nice!

Watching my cock go in and out of his beautiful face had me ready to explode far too fast. I told him I was going to cum, but he asked me to hold off if I could. He slid down the bed a little and said he wanted to suck my balls. It was fantastic and relieved the pressure of cumming. As I came off the boil, I moved back a little and put my cock back in his mouth. When I felt like I was going to blow, I moved and let him lick my balls.

With my knees on each side of his head, I was able to move back to shove it in his mouth or hunch forward to let him at my balls. It was wonderful. Then he pushed me a little more over his head and I could feel him tonguing behind my balls. That got me tingling as much as sucking my dick. I wanted to move, but he brought me back and returned his tongue there. His tongue traced along the crack to my asshole. A bit shocked, I pulled back. Firmly he clamped my thighs and moved me where he wanted and stabbed my hole with his tongue. I nearly hit the roof. For a second or so I thought he was disgusting, but thereafter a wave of pleasure drowned out any such thoughts.

I found myself squirming and grinding my ass into his mouth while he sucked and stabbed at it with his tongue. My body began to really shake and quiver, which was a bit frightening but I couldn't stop.

I shouted out "I'm cumming" and started unloading an enormous amount. It was going everywhere, on the pillow, on the headboard and as Prasad pushed me down his chest, across his face. By the time he had his hand free and got hold of my dick, there were only a few drops left, but he sucked on it till I began to soften.

His face had been hit with lots of juice, so I leant over and picked up my briefs off the floor to clean him off. He told me no, and wiped his finger over a glob and licked. I joined him, cleaning up his face and letting him suck it off my fingers.

When we were done, he pulled me down and we kissed. I tasted myself but didn't care. While our tongues duelled, he moved me further back till my ass collided with his hard dick. Then he brought up his knees behind and at the same time pushed my body back so that I was impaled on his enormous shaft.

Literally, I saw stars as he went in. Amazingly after the first discomfort, it didn't hurt at all. Instead, I had this feeling of being well and truly stuffed, so much so that I was going to come apart at the joints. It was wonderful.

"Open your mouth," said Prasad.

I did and he looked in.

"What you doing?" I asked curiously.

"Looking to see if I can see my dick yet."

We both cracked up laughing and he hugged me tightly. When we calmed down a little, he asked me to squeeze him with my arse. He groaned with delight. Then he had me move up and down a little so I was doing the work. Instead of going at it like last night we played around letting him go in and out, then stopping so I could milk him with my arse muscles for a bit. It was fun and made it last for ages.

"I can't hold off any longer, I want to cum."

"Okay, go for it."

His arms folded over my back, pulling me down to kiss. He knees sandwiched me hard at the rear. Then for a minute or so, he whammed it into my arse as fast as he could go. Really if he hadn't have been holding me, I would have been knocked through the wall. Luckily it didn't last long or I'm sure he would have done me some permanent damage. When he came and I could feel him filling me up, it was all worth it. What a beautiful feeling, I couldn't get over how wonderful that hot juice felt as it pumped inside, my wonderful reward.

When we broke apart, I sat up still with his cock inside and looked down to see a sweat covered body. His hair was wet and sweat pooled on his chest and stomach. But he still looked gorgeous. I was mesmerised.

"Moguls 2, Vikings 0," he quipped.

"What you talking about?

"Time to even up the score, I want to feel you inside me now."

"Really?" I asked. After all that.

"Yes really. I feel wonderful right now, must be just the right time."

He pulled out of my arse slowly and then brought his knees back to his chest.

I watched his slick cock slowly deflate. Just looking at it and knowing what he had just done made me really hard. I moved up between his legs and put plenty of spit on my cock and his arse.

Gently I tried to enter, but it wouldn't go in. I played the hole with my fingers making sure there was plenty of spit there and it was all wet. But when I tried with my cock I couldn't get through his door. Prasad's face grimaced as I worked. It was plain he was not relaxing and my pushing was causing pain.

"How come you get that fucking fuck pole up my virgin bum and my half pint can't get in a quarter of an inch," I asked getting frustrated.

"I know, I know, but don't stop trying, I want this."

I was getting exhausted and my dick was losing hardness. I didn't know what to do. I thought if he really wanted me, then he would open up but for some reason, he just couldn't.

"Let's try something else," he said and pulled my face to his.

We began kissing and kissing, teasing each other with our tongues. I got my hardness back as this made me long to get inside him. Our tongues were like dicks, fighting, prodding and slipping in and out. I got really horny and I could feel Prasad getting worked up again.

With one hand I reached down and put the end of my cock to the mark. We didn't stop kissing but with one hand between my legs, I slowly brought my weight down.

Quite suddenly I felt a fire burning at the end of my dick. I didn't take me long to understand I had the head in. I pushed on, this time baited with the heat of his body firing through my dick. Slowly I felt the fire engulf all.

I pulled away from his lips.

"I'm in!" I announced

"I know," he said deliberately. "Just take a rest first, let me get used to it."

We locked lips once more to devour each other.

I am sure the first hump was from him, but whatever before I knew it I was sliding in and out of his arse like no tomorrow. We couldn't keep kissing as our breaths got shorter.

"Oh yes," he cried. "This is just how I imagined it to be."

He began to groan and thrash about, parrying my thrusts by lifting off the bed with his hips.

"Come on, fuck me will you, fuck my arse." He screamed.

I did without any need of his encouragement.

When I told him I was going to cum, he writhed and twisted and shouted out loud. Good job my folks were out or we would be busted.

"I'm cumming," I cried and blasted my load.

He yelled too and shot off another small dollop onto his stomach. Praise indeed for the cook.

I dropped on his chest really exhausted and held each other tight. When the sweating stopped I rolled onto my side and looked into his eyes.

"I was a bit afraid when I did that to you it was a one-sided pleasure. But I can't tell you how good that felt to have you inside me."

"Don't worry, it's every bit as good for me. I love it, I've loved every single thing we have done together."

"Me too," he said and kissed me hard.

My eyes noticed the clock by my bed. "Shit its 12 o clock already!"

"Fuck, better be getting home or dad will throw a wobbler," Prasad said worriedly.

I dragged him to the bathroom where we showered together. He insisted on washing me down, which included special attention to the lower regions. Of course, I couldn't miss doing the same. We ended up with hard-ons again.

"You want a last one?" he asked hopefully.

"You make me horny, but my nuts must be empty now, I've already an ache with it being hard for so long."

"I want you, just a quick one and I know what will turn you on. Turn around and lean against the wall."

I did and he dropped down on his knees behind. Pulling apart the cheeks of my arse he buried his face into them. When his tongue slurped over my hole, I jumped upright.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"You like doing that? I said. "Don't you think it's a bit, yakky or anything?"

"Look mate, you never ate a pussy that smelt of fish or anything? You listen to all the lads going on about eating pussy and then think about what comes out of there. The only thing I taste in your pussy is my cum, which I don't mind at all."

I couldn't think of an answer.

"Now turn around and bend forward."

I did as asked. It wasn't that hard, the touch of his tongue in there drove me nuts. He was right too, within a minute my balls had found an unopened can of milk in the recesses and I told him I was about to cum. He whisked me around to face him and clamped his mouth over the end. I came immediately.

My knees went to jelly and I slumped forward. He stood catching me in the same movement.

"Moguls 2, Vikings 2' I reckon," he said and kissed me deeply.

Half an hour later he had drunk a cup of coffee and I was saying goodbye at the door.

"I'll call you later," he waved.

He was gone.

I went back into the house and walked around trying to find something to do. I couldn't so went back to my bedroom and lay down. Sleep didn't come either, instead, my mind began to work overtime trying to make head or tale of what had happened last night and this morning. Very quickly I became depressed.

Stupid as it sounds, it hit me that I had sucked a guy's cock and been screwed in the ass. I was exactly one of those I had heard jokes about for much of my teenage years. Every day I must hear something bad about cock suckers and queers. Now I was one. Honestly, I hadn't thought of it as such when I did it with Prasad but now afterwards it hung on me like a 100 tons of guilt.

My Mom came home and prepared some lunch, but I said I wasn't hungry. Instead, I stayed in my room going through everything a thousand times but not coming up with any answers which made sense. I felt awful.

Around 5 o clock, I heard the phone go downstairs. Then my mother called up the stairs.

"It's for you dear, one of your friends from the football club name of Prasad."

In a second I was down those stairs to the hall table.

"Hi," I almost shouted.

"Hey, how you doing?

It sounded so good to hear his voice.

"Fine, and you?"

"Great, look what you doing tonight?" he asked.

"Nothing, usually I go down the pub with my mates, but not really got anything arranged so far. Why?"

"I told my Dad I had to go to a club meeting, talk about the team and everything for the semi-finals. So I'm free tonight if you are."

Shit, my heart nearly stopped. One of the things I was turning over in my mind was the fact that Prasad rarely went out, I was wondering if I would ever see him again. Now it might even be tonight.

"Fantastic! I was thinking about when I would get to see you again. I know what your dad is like."

"Don't worry?" said Prasad. "You know what they say."

"What's that?"

"Love will find a way," he said quietly.

My heart did stop. Did he just say `love'? Does he love me?

"Hello? Hello?" I heard his voice shouting.

"Sorry Prasad, just had a brainstorm I think."

"So what about tonight, do you want me or not?"

I came back to earth and started thinking fast.

"Yes, of course. I just remembered, my Mom and Dad are going to the amateur operatic tonight, you could come around here unless you want to go to the pub."

"Fuck no, I want to spend the night with you, at your house," he said desperately.

"Okay, around 7 then."

"Great, I'll see you then" He sounded excited now.

"Okay, bye."

"Hey! I love you," he said quietly and put the phone down.

I stood there trembling. I looked at my hand and it was shaking. Shit, he said he loved me. He said `love will find a way'.

I gave a yell and ran back along the hall and took the stairs two at a time.

My Mom came out of the kitchen.

"Whatever is wrong dear?" she asked.

"Nothings wrong Mom, nothing is wrong at all! Everything is right. Everything is WONDERFUL."

"Oh good dear," she said calmly. "Glad to hear you are happy dear!"

I heard her go back in the kitchen and shut the door as I jumped up and down on my bed.

"YES, YES, YES !!!"

End of Part 2

Any comments are welcome to John, bokjay123@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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