A Friday Night to Remember

By bokjay / John

Published on Dec 17, 2017


Friday Night to Remember 1 of 3 parts

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By John -- bokjay123@hotmail.com

We had a game of football on Friday night instead of our usual Sunday afternoon. The fixture of our local league had been moved so as to fit in the quarter-final, and we had won the match. The mood in the changing room afterwards was euphoric to say the least. Instead of a quick shower and out, we all dawdled and joked around, reliving the best and worst moments of the game.

I had finally stripped off and was about to go for my shower when Prasad walked down the isle, naked. He stopped behind and roughed up my shoulder.

"I reckon you set up the winning goal, great stuff!" he congratulated.

"Naw, it was all down to Mike," I replied, uncomfortable with receiving any kind of praise.

"If you hadn't have made that pass, he would never have been able to boot it home," he continued. "Don't kid yourself; I reckon it was down to you."

It had not been by any kind of skill that I made the move. Faced with three defenders I slipped on the grass and somehow, God only knows because I don't, was able to send it off to my right, straight to Mike. On any other occasion, the other team would have had me.

Tony pushed pass with his holdall, trying to hurry out. Prasad overbalanced and gave me an electric shock! His dick ground into my thigh as Tony jostled through and all I could feel was this super high voltage charge travelling into my leg.

I was so surprised that my train of thought was lost, leaving me speechless. Luckily Prasad turned around to good-naturedly slag off Tony and then continued down to the shower stall.

Some funny thoughts had been at the back of my mind with Prasad. I didn't like to think about it or in fact, couldn't make head or tail of them but the guy intrigued me no end.

He was an English-born Indian, as English as they come in fact. He had a great personality and was welcomed by everyone, no exceptions at all. Here in the changing room, he must have had the best looking body in the team. Like me, he was 18, but his body said something else. Wide shoulders, curves in all the right places like he worked out, which I knew he didn't. Then there was his dick. You could see when we changed; most of us had a soft two, three or maybe four inches. But not Prasad. He was five inches or more, and fat too. He was not cut like some, but on the other hand, it was not one of those foreskins that had lots of skin and covered the end. Instead, it finished flush with the end of his dick, kind of half-half I suppose. He was so well shaped, and with that golden tan to go with his good looks, I found the combination was kind of daunting in some respects.

In all the joking around the changing room, I never heard anyone comment on how much more physically developed he was compared with the rest of us. It made me wonder if I was the only one who saw it, or perhaps it was my imagination. Then again, nobody was going to point out he had a better body and was more endowed than they were.

After my shower, Prasad stopped again as he walked to his clothes. I found it difficult not eye him up and down.

"You doing anything later? Like a beer?" he asked.

"Yeah, I was going down to the `Shepherd's Rest' after, it is Friday night remember." I joked.

"Mind if I come along? I fancy a drink and I reckon we got something to celebrate tonight."

"Sure, great!" I said, "About time we saw you out more often. Hurry up and get dressed then."

Although Prasad was really popular, he rarely came out after a game. In fact, you hardly ever saw him out, period. That was the Indian part. Not him exactly, but his family. They were still ultra conservative and unless it was some kind of special thing, he always went home straight away. He said his father would have a fit if he knew he went out to a pub or to a party.

Outside the club, we found a telephone box. Prasad told me to be quiet while he talked with his Dad. Man, it took forever! I had to empty my pocket for coins as he went on and on, mostly in Urdu, but some in English. I heard him talk about his Mom, his brothers and sisters, the whole clan. He kept miming for me to be quiet and not make a noise. It took almost ten minutes before he cracked a smile and put down the receiver.

"Phew! Almost didn't make it" he sighed. "That took everything I have to persuade him and that we were all going for a dinner. You got that did you, a dinner!"

"They do serve food at the `Shepherd's'" I said, "So it's not a complete lie. As long as you eat a Pork Pie in amongst your beers, you should be alright."

"There is just one catch." He had a worried look on his face.

"What's that?" I wondered if he was going to chicken out somehow.

"I can't go home after drinking, so I said I was staying with a friend tonight. I hope it's okay at your place?" he asked a bit apprehensively.

"Is that it? Course it's okay. Shit, if that's all it takes to get you out, you can stay anytime you like."

He smiled and clapped me on the back. "Job's a good un', let's go."

The night was great. The Shepherd's has a mobile disco on a Friday and a late licence till midnight. Five of the guys from the team were in plus loads of other friends, so it was the place to be in our neck of the woods.

After time was called, our mates began drifting off. We hung about outside for a while and voted against going to the chip shop, instead walking straight home.

It's about a half mile to my place, but I never noticed the walk. Prasad was really lively and animated with some beer inside him, really fun to be with.

My Mom and Dad were already in bed, but they are heavy sleepers so no problem with watching a bit of TV after coming in late. I made some coffee and we slouched on the sofa, yakking for a while.

I hadn't thought of it before, but when we walked into my bedroom, it hit me that my bed is really only a big-ish single. I stood and scratched my head, a bit embarrassing I didn't say anything about it before.

"Hey Prasad," I whispered, "Sorry but it's the bed or the floor. Never thought about exactly where you were going to sleep."

"Don't worry about me, should see how many we got in our house, must be twenty of us, sleeping head to toe we are."

He looked at me seriously for a few moments, then laughed.

"Just joking mate, bed's fine with me, don't want to put you or your Mom to any trouble. Only glad to be out tonight."

He looked at the stuff I had, things on the wall and some odd freaky stuff I had picked up as ornaments.

"You lucky bugger, you know that? Having your own room and all. I share with two younger brothers and besides them the place is like a train station, open to everyone. You got a place you can call your own even if you are living with your folks. I tell ya mate, you don't know how lucky you are."

I must admit I never gave it any thought till he mentioned it.

"I bet you can sleep in the nude too?"

"Well, yes I usually do." Not thinking that would be anything special either.

"Christ, me Dad would have me guts for garters if he found any of us without underwear even when we are wearing pyjamas! The culture thing, you know?" he shrugged.

"Stop, stop" I joked, "You are making me feel like the privileged class or something, it's only one room in a semi-detached."

"I know, but you wouldn't understand unless you never had it. I envy you." He said seriously.

He was silent for a few moments, then he began undressing, so I followed suit.

Suddenly he was out of his clothes and fully naked. I hadn't foreseen that at least I would have expected him to keep his underwear on.

He stretched out his arms and said. "Freedom, at least for one night," and jumped on the bed.

Having said I slept nude and him being there before me, I had to follow although I would have preferred keeping my briefs on for a visitor.

In bed, it was impossible not to touch given its size. As we talked the feel of his body against mine began to agitate. But it didn't seem to bother him in the least.

At one point, he turned on his side facing me and propped his head up on his arm. I could feel his soft dick against my thigh. The heat of his crotch and cock felt like a branding iron and the hairs tickled, keeping my mind distracted from his conversation even though I tried hard not to.

I could swear I wasn't horny, but my dick hardened and began to throb. Luckily Prasad was the talkative type or I wouldn't have been able to keep up a coherent conversation. I just grunted and said "Yeah" at the appropriate time. Meanwhile, my brain was doing summersaults and I didn't know why. I put it down to the drink, but really that didn't have anything to do with it.

"You get any chicks up here, like when your folks are out?" he asked suddenly.

"A couple of times, especially last Easter when they went to my Uncle's and I stayed alone here."

"You fucking lucky dog!" he exclaimed. "The only time I got any was with that Susan chick from 6T at her place, last year of school."

"I didn't know you went with her; that was kept quiet!" I was surprised, thinking I knew who went with whom and this was a piece of news I had never heard.

"Yeah, well it didn't last too long. Like her dad was not too keen on a "foreigner" in the family."

"Shit, too bad," I said, thinking how tough it was for him. Yet I knew loads of girls liked him a bundle.

"My Mom and Dad never go out much, so fat chance for me of anything at home." He thought for a moment, then humped against my leg. "But see, you can get them up here and Bob's your Uncle, you're away."

"Don't make it sound so easy, it's not. Most of the time I ever got any has been in the park or somewhere, not here in my room. I think you are getting carried away just a little bit. I've only had a couple of girls up here; the only sex this room usually sees is when I'm jerking off."

"There you go again" he cursed. "I can't even do that except in the bathroom and you don't exactly feel like going there every time you feel horny. Can't do anything with my brothers' close by and my eagle-eyed, or nose, mom checking out the laundry. I told you, you've got it made, man!"

"Fuck off Prasad, you going to get me crying before long."

He laughed and dug me in the ribs, then rolled on his back. Throwing off the covers he grabbed his dick and waved it from side to side.

"Must have been at least three weeks ago that my mate here got any exercise. Go on, rub it in and tell me you did it this morning." he jibed.

I had but was not going to admit it.

"Fuck, man what you got there?" he said finally spying my hard-on which my hastily descending hand failed to conceal.

"From the beer," I tried to excuse and play down the embarrassment. "Nothing else," I quickly added.

He chuckled, "Don't mind me mate. Don't bother me at all, go for it if you want. It's your place."

"No, it's not like that," I said, but not really able to explain what it was like.

"Shit, if you do then I can. That would be the icing on the cake for tonight. My night of total freedom."

I hadn't thought of it like that, but I was just too shy to start even though my dick throbbed painfully.

Needless to say, as he talked he began to squeeze and pull his dick with one hand and kept his other on the covers so I wouldn't pull them back up. His dick slowly began to grow, and grow and grow. It was soon bigger than my hard on and still a bit floppy.

I couldn't resist. "Shit Prasad, how fucking big does it get?" I said in amazement.

"You'll see, keep your hair on. Give me a minute to get it up."

He closed his eyes whilst idly playing, not jerking it rhythmically, just kind of throwing it about.

Suddenly he sprang up on his knees at my side and began stroking it more purposefully. It was only about two feet from my face so I could see it really close. Still, it got bigger and bigger, now standing out of its own accord. It seemed as fat as a beer can and about a foot long.

"You ever measured it?

"Yeah, about 10 inches I think," he replied slowly.

"Fucking hell," I exclaimed. "That must be the biggest dick I ever heard of."

"You should see Suresh, the next one to me down. He is already bigger than me, the cunt."

I knew Suresh was 16 or 17.

From squatting back on his heels, he quickly knelt upright.

"There she is, that's me full blown."

His big cock arched over my head as he knelt close. I was amazed, no really speechless. Who the fuck could take this? He would likely put some girl in hospital. Not thinking I reached up to touch, kind of not believing what my eyes were telling me. God, it was incredibly hot which I had never noticed that with my own before. Hard as a rock but the skin was like a thick soft layer cloaking a steel hard tube.

"God Prasad, you're hot, it's like it will burn my hand to touch."

We both laughed. I raised my head a little and blew a stream of air like I was cooling it down.

"Shit man, that's really fantastic, do it some more."

It didn't twig what he meant at first, I was just joking around.

"Blow on it like you just did, feels brilliant."

Laughing, I did it again, letting my breath out a bit slower this time to make it last longer. His cock jumped and twitched.

"Man, that's a great feeling. Don't stop, keep doing it," he begged.

I moved up on my elbow a little to be more comfortable and blew a long stream of air at the head and down the length. He was really enjoying, throwing his head back and encouraging me to do more. I enjoyed that he liked it, felt good to know he was having some pleasure for once. He put his hand on my head to steady himself and also to keep me moving so that the air played up and down his dick. I blew onto his big balls, which drew a hiss of air through his teeth.

He had his eyes closed, but continued prodding me to keep it going, saying what a fantastic feeling it was. Like a feather brushing his skin. I could imagine the tingling feeling and knew I would enjoy it if I were him. So I continued.

Once or twice, his hand moved my head and bumped me into his dick. At first, I jumped, but the only surprising thing was the fresh clean aroma he had. Really, I had in mind it would be something quite different. Not exactly sure what, but certainly not the just showered smell.

He looked down.

"You know, that feels awesome, it really does. How about using your tongue?"

"What?" I thought I hadn't heard right. This was just messing around, but using my tongue was a different league and I didn't play there.

"You heard me," he said, "Don't look so surprised. Whatever you do, I will do back so we'll be equal."

He didn't wait for a response but pushed the end of his dick against my lips. I backed off, but his hand pulled my head back. This hot throbbing monster was against my cheek, wiping across my nose and forehead, circling under my chin. He pushed to my lips once more.

"Open and lick it," he said urgently.

I didn't know what to do, my mind was exploding with all kinds of thoughts.

"Fuck it, you're a wimp," he joked, and quickly bent down to my cock,

"Like this you numbskull." He licked the head of my dick once and then swallowed it. I just could not believe what was happening. But shit, what a feeling! I never had a girl who would do that before, but I had read enough to know it would be something great. But whatever I had read didn't do justice. My back arched off the bed. Instinctively I tried to hump into his mouth like I was suddenly possessed. I don't know where my old self went, but the new one wanted this and more.

"Shit Prasad, that's incredible." I cried hoarsely.

He pulled off and looked back at me.

"Yeah I know, and I would like some too, so get busy you selfish prig."

He went back on my dick and I looked at his dick close to my face. Without thinking too long, I took it in my hand and tongued the end of his dick.

Wow, the feeling of that hot rod inside my mouth. Prasad was busy sending the lower half of my body to heaven and the top half was having a wonder all of its own. His cock was just too big to get much in my mouth, but I tried. I really did. It became a challenge to see what I could take. He was going down all the way on me and I would have loved to equal him, but I couldn't. But it was fun trying.

He began to help by gently humping, so we both set up a rhythm that wound me up as tight as a clock spring. I knew I would cum, but tried not to think about it. It was all just an incredible explosion of feelings that I couldn't make any sense of.

Suddenly almost without warning, I began to cum. Once I realised, I tried to pull away from Prasad's face, but he held my bum tight and kept sucking. I erupted what felt like the biggest load of my life into his mouth. After about the second spasm, he began to do the same. I had never tasted cum before, not even my own but now I was swallowing it as fast as I could and there was more than I could manage. I know he said he hadn't jacked off in three weeks but this was ridiculous. It ran out the sides of my mouth and down my chin and onto my chest. Even though my orgasm was unbelievable, it was over before his. His cock seemed to continue spewing out juice for ages and ages. Truth be known, I liked it. That explosion into my mouth from his body. Something like a Cowboy and Indian blood brother ritual I had seen as a kid on TV. I don't know exactly, but that's something how it felt.

He pulled off and turned around to lie next to me again.

"Where the fuck you learn that?" I asked him.

"Just now, the first time," he replied. "Course, read about it often enough and seen the blue movie stuff with chicks and all, but that was the first. How about you?"

"Me too," I answered.

"Fan-bloody-tastic! See what we been missing all this time, eh?"

"I wouldn't have believed it if someone tried to tell me. I knew it would feel good, but that was above and beyond description." I echoed.

"Ever taste your juice before?" he asked.

"No never, have you?"

"Yeah, tried it, but yours tasted different somehow. Better that my own I think."

"Yours was great in fact," I said. "Not at all like I imagined it would be. I was thinking it would be piss or something even worse, but it was fine."

"Do you mind?" he asked and sat up. "We do it again, but slower this time. Just play around and enjoy?"

I smiled, it was exactly what I would love to do. He took it as a yes and reversed his body. We both dove into the others crotch, but this time touching gently, taking a bit more time tasting and licking all around dick and balls. It was wonderful!

He had a wonderful fresh smell to him. Mixed with the sharp tang of cum. Even more intoxicating that beer.

Not ten minutes later we had built up a head of steam and were both racing to blow the whistle. We came almost at the same time, me first by one shot then that must have pulled his cord and he filled me up with a second helping. Knowing what was coming, I was ready to swallow it all, which I succeeded, almost!

He reversed back to lie next to me afterwards. For once, he was quiet for a while as we both bathed in the afterglow.

"This is not going any further than the two of us," he stated.

"Shit no!" I said. "I never thought of doing this before and wouldn't want it to get about or we will both have to leave town."

"Yeah, right," he affirmed.

"But you enjoyed? He queried.

"Sure, it was brilliant," I told him honestly.

"Good, coz before my freedom night ends and I go home, I want to do it again."

I laughed. "Okay, no problem. But I'm knackered now, how about some sleep?"

"I tell you, you're a wimp. I don't know why they let you on the team," he cracked. "But maybe you're right, let's get some shuteye."

With that, I turned on my side and Prasad spooned up behind. His arm hooked over and hugged my chest as our legs intertwined. Having his great body pressed against me felt incredible. Like he was keeping me safe and secure, so I totally relaxed wrapped in his arms. My mind began to slow down and drift. Occasionally I came too as we moved a little, making final adjustments to our positions. Prasad had put his cock between my legs; the feeling of that hot stick against the underside of my crotch was luxuriantly beautiful.

The night had been too much of a shock to the system to drop straight off, but little by little I began to slip in and out of dream world. After some time I came awake once more. Prasad breathed slowly into the back of my neck, so I presumed him asleep. As I lay thinking, I began rocking my hips. It's a stupid kid thing I still do, like settling into the sheets, or a comfort habit. I don't know why really, but I find myself doing unconsciously a lot, just a slight rocking to and fro. What brought my attention to it now was an extra feeling of Prasad's cock. It must have gone down in size because it was no longer fully through my legs but further back in my crack. I must have been slippy from all his juice because it gave a nice feeling as my butt moved back and forth.

Intrigued, I shuffled a little and felt that it must be moving across my hole. I had this tickle from there, so that's what I imagined. Hot warm and slippery, mmm! It felt nice. Tonight had been so many new things to experience. I drifted off again dreaming many thoughts, of Prasad's body and of how I looked at a guy's dick and balls close up for the very first time. Even with a mirror, I had never seen my own tackle as good as that!

It must have been in the middle of the night. I could feel Prasad's dick against my asshole. It felt good, being so hot. Purposely I began rocking again, just to feel it wipe across that most sensitive part. I swear I had no other thoughts in this newly found hypnotic pleasure. Suddenly there felt like a pop. It took some moments to think about what it was; in the meantime, I continued moving my bum a little to and fro.

The first sign was the heat radiating from within; the second was pressure inside like when you are going to take a shit. Certainly, it was not uncomfortable and instead quite the opposite. Stupid as I am it seemed an age before I realised the head of his cock had somehow gone into my ass. At first, I discounted the thought knowing how big his cock was, but to make sure I pulled a little away and distinctly felt it move out of my ass like I was dropping a slow turd. Yeah, really disgusting I know!

As soon as I had this revelation, I reversed and felt the head move back inside. If I pushed back any harder then it became an uncomfortable feeling, but having it just inside the entrance was great. Like a new toy, I rocked just to feel his dick head move a little in and out. Another discovery was to squeeze tight with my ass, and the reward was a throb of his dick that I could feel all over my body. A new game to play.

After some time of the squeezing and releasing thing I felt his cock was beginning to grow in size. It had been semi hard before, but now I could make out the extra width and hardness not to mention someone had thrown some more coal on the fire!

Little did I know that he was slowly waking up. When he licked his lips a couple of times and sighed, I stopped playing. He murmured something and stretched a little, moving the position of his legs. Another murmur and his arm and body gave me a squeeze. Suddenly it was like getting a football boot in the guts. In pulling me to his body, his cock must have shoved right up my ass. I froze not knowing whether to cry out, push him off or just keep still as the first movements on my part threatened a lot of pain.

I kept still for a while, hoping he would go soft and in the meantime cursed myself for being such an idiot. In a couple of minutes, I tried moving again and found there was no longer any pain, just a really full feeling. I was going to pull off sharpish, but then wondered what he would say if that woke him up and he discovered himself in this predicament. I thought it better to try and get off his dick slowly so as not to wake him.

Once more I tried to pull away and edged forward carefully. Instead of pain, a delicious wave of pleasure swept over me. It made the squeezing the cock game chicken feed by comparison. Still, I thought better not dwell and I continued to pull away millimetre by millimetre. But every slight movement brought forth a throb and twitch of his cock. I began to appreciate how nice that felt, but at the same time didn't let it stop my plan to disengage. For his part, each movement made his breathing change and become erratic, like he was dreaming.

It felt like hours before I had pulled off all but the cock head. I couldn't actually believe so much had got straight up me in the first place. No wonder it felt like a kick in the guts, that's where the end of his cock must have been embedded.

When I was sure it was just the end of his dick in there, as before I stopped for a moment. I thought this will never happen again and kind of wanted to check it out before I pulled completely off.

I nearly jumped out of my skin when a sleepy voice slurred out.

"What the fuck you doing? I was having a really sexy dream and you woke me up."

Again I froze, my heart speed doubling in a second. He dug his bristly chin into my shoulder blades, kneading them.

"Can't sleep? He asked.

He put the palm of his hand against my chest and pulled be back into his body.

"Let me massage your shoulders, that will put you to sleep."

His sleepy voice trailed off into a whisper as his dick slipped back inside a couple of inches as our bodies pulled together.

I groaned in despair at the situation and at the wave of pleasure that swept through me again. Prasad groaned at the same moment.

"What the fuck?" he said to himself.

"Exactly," I answered. "Don't ask how this came about, I couldn't even begin to tell you."

We stayed still and quiet as each of us retreated in thought. I was not happy.

"I can tell you one thing." He whispered eventually. "You feel a lot better than that Susan chick ever did."

He chuckled under his breath and gave a hump. Before I could answer, a surge of electricity zinged through me and I helplessly moaned.

"I feel just the same way," and humped again.

My nerves tingled from my toes to the hairs on my head. I couldn't have imagined such an experience if I'd have pushed two fingers into the electric socket.

I was helpless, each hump made me groan and moan. It was the only response I was capable of. Slowly he built up the frequency until he was gently moving back and forth inside me.

Within minutes, he was moaning as much as I.

"Fuck, you are going to make me cum," he said as if I was responsible.

No sooner were the words out of his mouth than I felt his cock twitch violently inside followed by a surge of hot juices fired deep in my guts.

The unbelievable feeling of his orgasm caught me completely by surprise and I shot off a load into the sheets. I lay there positively shaking from the experience while Prasad cuddled and held me as he came off his high.

"Amazing, fucking amazing," was all he could say.

A few moments later "I can't believe I came so quick, nothing has turned me on so much in my life," he whispered.

"Me too," I admitted. "I just came then without laying a finger on my cock. I never did that before, not even a wet dream."

"And I'm still horny," he said as an afterthought. "Feel that!"

His cock twitched in my insides, making me jump.

"I think you could lift me off the bed with it, it feels so strong."

"We'll see," he said and quickly pulled me up.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"You, to be exact. Let's do it properly this time. Slowly move around onto your back."

He eased himself around, lifting my leg and going between them. All without taking his cock out of my ass. I ended up on my back and Prasad between my legs, holding them up in the air.

He bent forward till his face was next to mine and whispered.

"Let's play again, I want to have us both enjoy this."

Very slowly he began to pull out, and then gently pushed back in. It dawned on me that he had not actually been all inside before as this time my breath was taken away as he pushed fully home. I gasped for air.

"Just take it easy, let me know if I hurt or anything," he said trying to calm me down.

His cock easily slid in and out with all his juice as lubricant. My insides made noises as the suction if his cock and juices squelched alarmingly.

Before I knew it, his cock was going in and out at a fair pace. I could feel his balls against my ass cheeks as he buried himself to the hilt on each stroke. My cock answered by painfully straining to push his body off of mine and stand up straight.

I have never felt anything so fantastic in my whole life before. I think I said the same thing not an hour or two ago when we sucked each other, but this must be the ultimate. I had to tell him I was cumming again. I was trying hard not to before he did, but eventually, there was no way I could stop.

"Hang on just a second," he cried.

With that, he speeded up and really whacked into my ass. The slap of his thighs against my ass cheeks was enough to wake up the whole street. He started to shake, setting me off as his cock swelled ever fuller and reached yet another secret place within. I blew my load as he emptied himself inside a second time.

He dropped on my chest panting away. He made an effort to hold me, but couldn't get himself together. Instead, he rolled to the side, pulling me with him as he did so.

From the light of the streetlights, we looked into each other's eyes trying to read what the other was thinking.

Slowly he closed the few inches between us and gave a kiss to my lips.

"Fuck," he whispered. "You got me hooked on you now."

I smiled as he had spoken my own thoughts.

"Sounds like you have plans to do this again then." I teased.

"This and more," he answered. "And I want to try you in me. In fact, I don't know which I want first."

"Decisions, decisions! We'll decide in the morning," I suggested.

"Damn right," he said giving me his most gorgeous smile.

I moved close and his lips locked onto mine.

End of Part 1

Any comments are welcome to John bokjay123@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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