A float trip- gay camping high school

By Michael Tull

Published on Jun 9, 2010



This is a story inspired by true events but is mostly fictional. Names have been changed but not locations. The boys in this story know who they are. This story depects sex between two young men. If that is offensive or not legal in your area you shouldn't be reading this.

Stephen and I were best friends.

We met in 1985 when He was a Junior and I was a Senior in the wealthy suburban high school we attended. We shared interest in literature, theater, movies, and music. We were both bookish guys, arty you might say. We were in AP English together. He was a poet and wrote profound lyrics. I was an actor and often gave voice to his verse. He was obsessed with Annie Lennox, and Cats.

From graduation night till the day I left for college we were inseparable. We went to movies and sat through performances both good and bad by the local Shakespeare company. We shared books and discussed them at length at the diner near his house. We played games and visited members of his family in various towns around the state. Looking back we were courting, I guess, but neither of us saw it that way then. We were just friends.

Toward the end of the school year in the spring of '86 he invited me to go with him, and the rest of his AP class, to attend a book signing of one of our English teacher's friends. It was in a small tourist town, Eureka Springs, Arkansas. The town was called "romantic" by travel agents and most of it's older Victorian homes had been converted into Bed and Breakfasts catering to honeymooners and couples celebrating anniversary's.

The class opted to caravan together rather than rent a large van so Stephen volunteered to drive the two of us the 3 hour drive to the resort town. Stephen's truck was great. It was an early 50's pickup with manual transmission in the steering column; which, though I tried, I could never quite get a hang of driving. The drive up was simple, we sang along with the radio and joked about the sights along the old state highways we choose to travel.

The book signing was uneventful, the author, a very old man, read a page or two of his book and we clapped politely. We all purchased a copy of his book which he signed. After it was over we had nothing scheduled to do so we were on our own. Several of us decided to walk around town to find some weird little cafe or something. As we walked I noticed something pinned to a wooden telephone pole a cartoonish picture of a man with his oversized cock in his hand advertising a club. It looked like the cartoons that I had seen in some of the "Adult Comics" that I had seen before. My heart skipped a beat, I tore it from the wall to share it with my gang of friends.

"Hey, Maybe we should go here for dinner" I said passing the handbill around my friends. In retrospect I think I wanted to see what Stephen would say.

"I don't think all of us would like the entertainment," Robert said. Stephen said nothing although he did look at it for a bit longer than some of the other guys in the group. After the picture came back to me I folded it and tucked it in to my newly signed book.

"I just don't want to litter." I told my friends.

"Sure," Robert said, "you just want it for masturbation fodder later."

The small town held little appeal for a group of teenagers and we slowly dispersed and most of our friends went home.

"My parents brought my brothers and I up here last year. It's not a bad little town, really." Stephen said.

"It seems pretty cool really, not much to do right now though." I said.

"True, I don't really want to drive all the way back, what do you think about camping?"

"That sounds great." I said excitedly. I was excited too, this was starting to sound like one of those Penthouse letters or something.

We joked around about stuff as we drove to the campsite. It was at the base of a hydroelectric dam. There was a slight hum from the generators and the water in the river was warm making the river basin white with a thick blanket of heavy fog. It looked exactly like a fog machine we used for the school play.

"This park is cool" he said. "The river comes off the lake and then travels north about a mile before switching back on itself. My dad says this is one of the only places you could do a float trip for a couple of hours where you can end up where you started."

"That's cool," I said. I had only done one float trip down a river and that wasn't much fun, but then this float trip might be different. "You wanna go down the river?"

"It's a little late tonight, its getting dark but I have a couple of tubes we could go tomorrow before we drive home." Stephen said. was that a twinkle in his eye? Was he thinking what I was thinking?

We found a campsite and parked next to a grill and a picnic bench. We had some sandwich stuff so we ate a cold dinner and watched the stars come out. It was fully dark when I realized that we never pitched a tent.

"Don't have one," Stephen said, "I have an insect net for the bed of my truck that we can use." The netting popped up in a few minutes and then we blew up an air mattress to lay on the bed of the truck. We went under the netting soon after putting everything up because the bugs started attacking, but once under the fabric I was amazed to discover that I didn't even notice it. I looked up in to the dark rural sky and found it resplendent with stars. It wasn't until that night that I realized why the milky way was called that. We were quiet as we both studied the sky above us, lost in our own thoughts. I wanted to talk but I didn't want to break the spell that the night sky had cast. In the distance I could hear music, some guy trying to impress his girlfriend playing the guitar. He was good. It was a nice complement to the night.

"Do you know the constellations?" I asked to no reply. Stephen had fallen asleep. The newly risen full moon bathed him in soft white. I studied him. The slope of his nose and the way it attached to his brow. His slack mouth slightly open framed by slightly chapped lips. I had never noticed his Adams apple before, but as I looked it was prominent and powerful. As the moon rose, more of Stephen was revealed. The stubble on his cheeks, the fine lines in his brow and around his nose sweeping like lazy rivers. Poems exulted the curves of a woman but they could have easily been about the sweeping vista of this mans nostril. I watched his chest raise with his breath. My breath quickened when I noticed that his t-shirt had shifted and exposed a dark haired treasure trail under his belly button. His shorts rode low on his hips, just exposing the cradle of his hip bones exposing the tantalizing cavern between his skin and the fabric of his shorts. I lamented that I didn't suggest that we undress a little before going to sleep. His legs and feet were exposed. we had always joked that his feet were huge and what that might mean. Perhaps i would know soon. Anyway I admired the ligaments drawing lines from his toes to his ankle. I liked his strong man hands and feet. Veins rose like mountain ranges over the tendons and they looked like they could act as vice grips. It felt like hours that I stared at my friend with the stars, moon and neighboring guitarist filling the ambiance. I was not hard, but I was wet with pre-cum and very much in lust. I carefully left the safety of the bed of his truck and released my tension onto the ground below the truck.

As I crawled back into the truck he said, "Where did you go?"

"I had to pee." i said. I noticed that in my absence he had unbuttoned his shorts and while they were still on, they were fully open showing his white BVD's underneath. 'What did I miss' I mused to myself. I lay down and closed my eyes. Sleep came quickly.

When you are sleeping in the back of a pickup truck it is hard to sleep much past dawn, even so Stephen was awake before me. He was just returning with a arm full of junk food from a vending machine as I opened my eyes and stretched into life.

"No coffee this morning, have a Coke though." he said brightly.

"Coke is better anyway." I said "Mmm Twinkies and Coke, breakfast of champions huh."

"well that is what happens when you don't really plan anything."

"I suppose."

"You still wanna do the river?" Stephen asked.

"You?" I said, he just raised his eyebrows so I continued. "Sure, sounds like fun."

"Ok, I've only got one inner-tube but it is a really big one. Both my brothers and I used it together last time. After you are done eating, take the insect netting and tie the corners like a do-rag. " Easy enough I thought. He blew up the inner-tube with an air compressor he kept in his truck in case one of his tires went flat.

"Geeze that is huge." I said as I looked at the 6 foot diameter inner-tube.

"It was for a tractor my grandparents used to have." Stephen said. The "do-rag insect net" fit perfectly and our Huck Finn craft was ready to sail.

"We don't have a change of clothes," I said. "It's going to be a long trip home if we are all wet."

"No worries mate," he quipped "there isn't many people here and I don't mind just wearing my underwear for the river."

"Ok we can dress 'Commando' when we get back to the car." I said.

We giggled as we undressed, once in our tighty-whities we ran to the waters edge like children. Stephen held the inner-tube and I had the bag of sodas and the rest of the junk food Stephen scored for breakfast. We waded out to the center of the river and crawled up into our raft still giggling about running across the river in our skives. We laughed louder when we realized that white underwear is much like white t-shirts when wet. That is to say that they were fully transparent.

"well if we had secrets before..." I said. and we both laughed again. We sat across from each other my feet next to his head and vice versa. "you wanna soda?" I asked. I looked into his eyes and they sparkled. I had looked into his eyes before but this was the first time I noticed that they were such a brilliant hazel, sparkling light brown like one of those 'fools gold' rocks they sell at truck stops.

"Yes, thanks" he said leaning forward to take the soda. I wish I had a pair of sunglasses, I wanted to check him out. He looked away from me as if to give me permission. He wasn't a body builder, just a normal fit kid. He had very little hair on his chest, just a light dusting above his nipples and a clump in between with a well defined trail from his chest to his belly and below. His soaked underwear obscured a view of his dick. It was bright white compared to the dark bush below it. My dick stirred as I looked at him and I looked away in an effort to somehow control the erection that was already on its way.

"don't worry about it." he said. "It just means your healthy, when my brothers and I raft the river together like this we all get boners." I looked into his face and was immediately confused. Was he just being a platonic brother figure or was there a glint of something else? As if to answer my thoughts he said, "Last time Jimmy and I used this tube in Grandma's pool we took care of it together." Jimmy was Stephen's 14 year old brother, the image of what he just said completed my erection. while I watched him his hand reached his wet briefs and fondled his nut sack, he sighed and moved slightly and our hips touched electrically.

I didn't feel an urge to touch my dick, I knew what it felt like, what I wanted was to touch him and have him touch me. What I wanted was to move our legs so we could grind our ball sacks together and make our dicks one tingling pleasure pole. what I wanted was to flip around and engulf his hot cock and have it explode down my throat. I wanted him so much at that moment. I wanted to be inside him and for him to be inside me. I wanted to become a single organism with him.

While my mind raced my right hand touched his and began followed his movement feeling his nuts and the base of his cock. At the time I had very little to reference but his cock felt huge. In my hand it felt like a glass coke bottle, flared in the middle and tapered to the end. I wasn't satisfied with feeling his cock through the translucent fabric of his briefs, I wanted to touch his skin, I needed to touch his skin. I fished my hand through the leg of his briefs and felt the scratchy moss of his pubic hair. My fingertips touched the warmth of his dick and I could feel the loose skin move as I pushed my hand further into his briefs. I lost myself in this unexpected experience. I felt his hand suddenly grip my dick and a shock of erotic pleasure shot through me. It was as if it had never been touched before this day. I opened my eyes and saw that Stephens eyes were closed and a look of intense pleasurable concentration. As if he could feel my stare he opened his eyes and my blue eyes connected to his hazel eyes in a way that I never considered before. it was as if an electric bond occurred at that moment. I felt electrically alive and contentedly safe at that moment.

"Do this," he said. He moved his leg so it straddled mine and I did the same. His left leg was over my right and my left leg crossed over his right. Our balls were pressed against each other, our cocks felt as if they came from the same root. I could feel his heart beating on my taint. We were still wearing our underwear but we had both stretched out the fabric of one leg that fishing our poles out was no problem. for the first time in my life my sex touched someonelse. It was magic.

His hand reached down and wrapped around both of us, barely. I reached down and followed his lead and grabbed us both. Our right hands were clasped as if in a sexual handshake. The head of my cut cock glistened with an unusual amount of precum, with each pump of our clasped hands more of my juice lubricated our joint effort. His cock too began to ooze and soon our joint pre-spunk coated our palms and shafts. the feeling was incredible. I began to involuntarily grind my hips and pelvis into his, as if on cue he started at the same time. we were in auto pilot and would not have been able to stop if we wanted to. I felt his hand grip us tighter and my body slammed his a bit harder. Our breathing synced. I felt my orgasm begin in my toes and knees and I could feel my body tighten. Stephens did the same and as his hand gripped our dicks harder just as I began to shoot. I could feel my prostate collapsing. I opened my eyes and saw jets of white cum splashing down on me and Stephen at the same time. Our juice intermingled as our legs and balls. We stopped moving. We were breathing fully, to the very edge of our capacity. We both relaxed our grip and we drifted to that place that is like a conscious sleep. He moved first. He rolled away and slipped into the water of the river. I didn't move, I didn't want to have the moment we had to end. but it was inevitable and obvious that it had. Stephen reappeared over the side of the tube and said, "Go wash up." It was neither a command or a request, just a statement of what the obvious next step was. I rolled over into the river and allowed the river water to erase the spunk from my belly hair, and I tucked my penis away into my briefs I reappeared near the tube, Stephen had waited for me to come back before attempting to get into the tube. We pulled up into the tube together as we did before and were again facing each other. I looked around at the trees that overhung the river. The banks of the river were choked with trees and bushes. I wondered if anyone saw us from the banks of the river. As if to answer my thoughts Stephen said, "It's all just farmland around here and outside of the start and finish point very few people come to the river." I didn't know if I was relieved or disappointed. Our solitude meant that we had deniability.

It seemed no time until we were near the end of the river ride.

"Hey man," Stephen said jovially. "We are home." with that he smacked me on the thigh and he rolled over into the water. I followed suit and we dragged the tube out of the water. I suddenly remembered how transparent our breifs were and I giggled as I mentioned it.

"The truck isn't far," Stephen laughed "we can just make a run for it" and we did. He was right the truck was just a few feet away I jumped into the cab as he pushed the tube into the bed of the truck and there we were sitting in wet underwear on a vinyl seat.

"Did we get everything?" Stephen asked.

"Sure, I guess." I said. He started up the old blue truck and we lumbered toward the two lane highway that would take us home. We sat in silence for a while.

"this wet underwear is a little uncomfortable," I said.

"I was thinking the same thing." he said. "Take em off and we can hook them outside the truck to get them dry. we can get dressed after that."

you didn't have to tell me twice to get naked so I hooked the band in my thumbs and slipped my briefs off.

"Hook them over the mirror, they will get dry really quick that way" he said.

I did as he said then asked, "You need help with yours?" It was an innocent question really.

"Sure" he said in a voice equally innocent. I turned in the seat, it was a very open area, the gear shift in the steering column and the dash board held nothing. I had both of my hands on underwear band before I realized the implication of my location. I pulled off his shorts and before me was his coke bottle cock ready to be uncorked again. I didn't look into Stephens face, I simply looked at his cock as I leaned forward. the cab was so big that I was able to kneel on the floor between the seats and take Stephens cock in my mouth almost from the front. I moved his right knee and suggested that he gas with his left foot. I was soon lost in the act of swallowing his 17 year old dick and playing with his balls that I have no idea if we were moving or not. His cock was like velvet on my lips. A vein snaked up the shaft and I felt it slip past my lips as I bobbed my head up and down in his crotch. It didn't take long to be able to coax Stephen into spilling his seed into my throat. I sucked his dick dry savoring the flavor of the first spunk other than my own that I had ever tasted.

When I was done my dick was hard enough to chisel stone and it stuck straight out when I sat back into my seat. The truck was on the side of the highway, Stephen pulled off the road to avoid driving into a tree I assume. He stared at my bright red dick and dove down on me. I had never been inside another person, mouth or anything else before and the feeling of his tongue and the wetness was more than I could handle. It was only minutes before I exploded into his mouth. He sat up and smiled as he wiped his chin. But the smile in his eye was short lived. I looked around thinking someone was behind us but there was no one. I realized that he saw the clock and he knew it was time to get back home. The magic of the last 24 hours was not strong enough to keep the real world at bay. I took his underwear and hung it on the mirror next to mine and we started off down the road. We chatted like friends as each mile seemed to erase some of what had happened. This morning I was in love and would have given him every part of me. By this afternoon we were pledged to a lifetime together. but now we were quickly loosing the glow and returning to friends. We reached the outskirts of town and Stephen pulled off the highway into an unused rest stop. Silently I handed him his underwear as he handed me my clothes and we dressed. We dressed but didn't speak for the remainder of the way home.

I wanted to speak, to say something but somehow I was unable to profess my love for him, and my desire that we not return to the world in which we lived. The intolerance of preachers and the regulations of parents. I couldn't imagine trying to erase this weekend but yet it seemed that I would have to do so.

We rolled up in front of my house and I crawled out of the car, wanting desperately to say something other than. "See you." but those words were all that would come out. It would be six months before I saw Stephen again. He didn't return calls, he didn't answer the door. I had disappeared from his world.

We did get back together after he graduated and spent a year at college. But that is another story for another day.

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