A Few Good Men

By Billy Bob

Published on Aug 19, 2000


A Few Good Men 9: Sergeant Armando Contreras: Compromised

Note: The following, along with A Few Good Men 1 through 8, is an accounting of my stint in the USMC. Another story, Nailed Part 1, precedes the series. It's in Nifty's Athletic section. They all contain sex between men. Duh. If don't want to read graphic details of sex between consenting adult men or if you're underage or if this is not allowed/illegal where you live, then don't read it. You've been warned.

I've had a few recurring questions about this series, so I'll try to clear up what most guys have asked about. As I said, the A Few Good Men series is largely true. Yah, so most of the names have been changed to protect the innocent and/or closeted. These stories are the best memories I have of being one of Uncle Sam's finest. They took place in the very early 80s when I was in the USMC. Back then we really didn't practice safe sex because it was the very beginning of the health crisis and safe sex with condoms didn't really come into play until like the mid 80s. I guess I'm lucky. I fucked around with lots of mostly military guys back then and, luckily, am still negative all these years later.

I hope you enjoy the series. There's lots more memories to write about. I just need the time to do it. I'd love to hear from you with your comments. Please don't copy any part of this. I reserve all rights to this and all the chapters in the A Few Good Men series.

Armando and I tried to be together as much as possible. It was easy to actually hang out together, because we'd become best buds before anything had happened sexually. The hard part was finding good quality time together in private. About the only time we had for sex was when Kozinski and Smyth were out on a pussy hunting expedition. The only problem with that was that we were never sure if and when they'd come home. So we were always very, very careful when we got it on at their place. It was really our only choice. Spending money on a motel room every time we wanted to fuck was just not affordable. Besides, the roommates were out often so, with a little precaution, we could do what we wanted to.

Things between us grew better and better as the weeks went by. It was cool that we'd gotten to know one another before hopping in the sack. It made the whole sexual exploration of our relationship all that much hotter. It didn't take long to figure out that the two of us were totally suited for one another. I mean, Mando absolutely did it for me. And it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that I did the same for him.

I remember one week especially well. The two of us hadn't been able to get together very often over the 10 days prior and were horny as hell. Kozinski and Smyth announced on Wednesday that were on their way to Hollywood again and wanted us to go. We made up some bullshit excuse of why we couldn't go and they bought it hook, line and sinker. For the next two days neither one of us slept very much because of the anticipation of having the place to ourselves all weekend long. When Friday night rolled around we headed for their apartment and found the place deserted of roommates.

That weekend was amazing. Armando and I hardly left the apartment. Shit, we hardly dressed either. All night Friday night we made love. That spilled over into an awesome Saturday afternoon session and nap. After a quick dinner out, we spent Saturday night playing hide the chorizo again. Sleeping in on Sunday was great, but we got up and straightened the place up early, never really knowing what time those guys would be home. As it was, when we got horny in the late afternoon on Sunday, we couldn't do anything about it because we were so nervous that they'd return early and catch us in the act. Not that we'd suffered any lack of sex the previous 36 hours!

The same opportunity to have the apartment to our selves came up again two weeks after that. Once again, the two pussy hounds announced midweek that they were going to Hollywood again. Seems they'd met some ladies up there and were looking forward to getting their weenies wet. Though they never officially invited us to go, Armando thought quickly on his feet and told them we had plans. I could hardly believe our great fortune.

Friday night came finally and the two of us loaded up with groceries and beer at the supermarket and made tracks to his digs. The two roommates were long gone and so we settled into a comfortable life together readily, if only for the weekend.

After dinner, one thing led to another and before I knew it we were in the sack tearing up the sheets. Earlier we'd had a great 69 session. I'd started sucking Mando's cock even before we'd put the groceries away. He'd tried to fight me off, but he wasn't very convincing that he didn't want a blow-job just then. What started with me on my knees in the kitchen capitulated into a suck-fest in the bedroom.

I slurped on his jizz bone for at least 10 minutes before I let him in my pants. The whole time I'd been mining under his foreskin with my tongue he'd been pawing at me. I was too fucking hot to let him go down on me so soon. I knew if I did that, I'd cum way too soon. So I proceeded to bob on Sergeant Contreras' manhood for several minutes. The scent of his crotch and balls were an aphrodisiac to me. It spurred me on to new cocksucking heights. Over the course of the past several weeks, I'd learned exactly how to deep throat the man. Fondling his balls, I plunged my throat down onto his bulbous knob, coming up only for air.

Finally, he tore at my shorts and pulled my pants down far enough to free my aching hardon. Pulling me on top of him, he gobbled up my own manhood like the sex starved Stud that he was. It didn't take long for us to get into unison in our mutual skin flute playing. Mirroring one another's moves, we sucked to our heart's delight. I loved the smooth texture of Mando's cock. My tongue slid over it, slicked by saliva. There was nothing like the taste and feel of pulling back his foreskin and licking the super sensitive head like a lollypop. My Sergeant loved it as much as I loved doing it.

Finally we worked ourselves into a fracas that we were unable to stop. Armando was on his back fucking my face for all it was worth while he pulled me down burying my bone in his gullet. All the while we played with one another's balls. Damn, there's nothing like the feel of a man's balls. After that he started fingering my asshole which only served to make me hotter. Thus, I polished his knob with even more gusto. We were in a face fuck frenzy to beat all.

Suddenly, he pulled off my dick. In a flurry of action he pushed me onto my back, spun around himself before he jumped on top of me. Laying there in that ever-famous missionary position, we sucked face like no tomorrow. All the while our hard and slippery cocks dueled between us, I raised my legs to give my man access to what I knew he wanted most. There were no words spoken between us. In a flash, Mando had retrieved the lube, pulled the rounded top open, pushed it gently into my hole and squeezed amounts of the cool goo, slicking my fucktunnel for the heavy action that was to come.

Instinctively, his cock sniffed out my gaping gash and filled my mancunt effortlessly. Once again, my Sergeant was in the saddle of his beloved Lance Corporal. Those first few moments when two men are joined together will never cease to amaze me. It was no different then. As his glorious gigantor gored into me, it seated itself in my flesh. I pulled him deep into me as he situated a pillow under my ass. Slowly and deliberately, he fucked into me with his sword. Almost from the moment he breached my butt, that second sphincter opened deep inside, welcoming his lance into that awesome pleasure pit. It had been so many days since he'd taken me, making the pleasure of it all even more intense. My hole was open and distended within minutes of the start of our fuck. Each time he moved his cock back out of my depths, it dragged

with it the inner flesh that clung so tightly to its turgid shaft. >From time to time, when he'd nearly withdrawn his fuckstick completely, Mando would hesitate for a moment and look into my eyes. My heart would surge and my hole would gape open even more for him. That's when he'd slowly slide it's full length inside of me, sliding effortlessly over my swollen butt-nut, through my fuck flesh, past my second sphincter and into that inner sanctum that gave us both so much pleasure.

That night, our fuck took on a new dimension. Neither one of us could get enough of the other. Sarge lay on me, gripping me tightly as I clawed desperately at his back. While his tongue danced with mine, his howitzer made heat in me. We were so in tuned with one another at that very moment. Both of us needed more penetration. Stepping off the bed, Contreras lifted my ass up and dragged me to the edge. Pushing my legs up to my chest only served to bring my hole up further where he could impale me with perfection. I lay there in awe as his fat chorizo slid in and out of me with amazing precision. Over and over again, he fucked me closer and closer to getting my nut. As hot as it was, we both knew that there was no way either of us could last much longer. We'd been fucking for about 25 minutes already and orgasms were imminent. Mando was a man on a mission. He was fucking my hole furiously, well on his way to getting his gun. I was right behind him. Moments before he got off, I looked up at him to see his face screwed up in a pain/pleasure grimace that told me that he was seconds away from coating my guts with his spew. It was a look I hadn't seen from him before. However, that is not what shocked me at that moment.

Behind him, almost completely out of vision I saw movement of some kind! Looking up at Mando I could see that his eyes were shut. He had a tight grip on my legs to hold my hole on his rooting rod. He was down to the short strokes and his orgasm had already started when I saw the movement again. I strained my neck to look around Mando. I got the shock of my fucking life. Kozinski standing in the doorway! My first reaction was to get away from Armando. Unfortunately, I couldn't have gotten away from him if I wanted to. He was just starting to jet his jizz into my guts when I opened my mouth to warn him. Recognizing that, Kozinski motioned for me to remain quiet. My Sarge was lost in his world of cumming.

Holding me tightly, he filled my butt with shot after shot of his ball cream. I was fucking scared. The look of horror on my face was unmistakable. I couldn't understand why Kozinski was just standing there after busting us so badly. He looked at me. There was a look of calm in his eyes. But there was another look that I didn't recognize immediately. It didn't take long to figure it out, however. When he moved further into the room, I saw that he was naked and that he had his had wrapped around the biggest fucking cock I'd ever seen in my life. The look I'd seen was lust. The man was staring at us and jacking off at the same time. I was nervous, yet it was apparent he wasn't going to freak out on us.

Armando was blissfully oblivious to what was going on and the unspoken communication flashing between Kozinski and myself. Part of that communication was that neither one of us was going to interrupt what was obviously a ball busting cum for Armando. That all too familiar glow of warmth spread through the inner depths of my butt as my man finished filling me. I relaxed a bit as his grip on me lessened. He fucked me righteously and earned a deserved orgasm. When his eyes opened he looked into mine. Instantly he recognized a look uncharacteristic of a man who'd just been bred. A look of puzzlement came over him.

"We've got company, Mando" I calmly explained. It only took a nanosecond for that to register. Immediately he turned his head and saw Kozinski.

"SKI!" he said in shock and horror. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HOME?" It was clear that the fact that Kozinski was standing there butt-naked hadn't even registered. In a panic, Armando reeled backwards and ripped his still hard manhood out of my butt. His hands were still holding my legs in the air though. Kozinski's eyes zeroed in on my suddenly empty orifice. I could feel it gaping and oozing butt slime and cum.

"Oh, I think I'm the one that needs to know what you guys are doing!" he said with a smart-ass look on his face.

"Fuck, Ski! What's up?" he stuttered. He was ashen. Kozinski laughed.

"Looks like plenty's up, Contreras!" he answered motioning quickly toward three hard in the room. Mine, of course, was rapidly deflating, as was Armando's.

"I---I---I thought you guys went to Hollywood" Armando stammered. "OH, FUCK! Is Smythe home?" he was horrified.

"No, no, no!" Kozinski answered.

"Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck! Oh, fuck!" Mando chanted as he walked in circles. I put my legs down.

"It's ok, Mando" I said calmly. He looked at me strangely. He was really freaking.

"What the fuck is going on?" he demanded of nobody in particular. He was still walking in circles.

"Jesus Christ, Armando, calm down!" Kozinski ordered. He had the floor. I just lay there silently.

"Calm down?" he laughed nervously. "What the fuck are we gonna do?" he asked of me.

"Mando! It's ok!" I shot back.

"Ok? OK? You call this ok?" he said to me, motioning toward Kozinski.

"Ah, yah!" I said, motioning back to Kozinski. Armando turned and looked. I think that's the first time he actually realized that Kozinski was naked. "I think I call that ok" I chuckled nervously.

"It's cool, Armando" Kozinski smiled.

"Yah?" Armando queried, still unsure as to what was going on.

"Yah" `Ski answered.

"What the fuck is going on, Dude? I thought you guys were gone"

"Obviously!" he teased. It was the wrong thing to say. Armando started pacing all over again.

"Fuck!" he spat, looking between Kozinski and myself.

"Mando, its ok!" I emphasized again.

Suddenly he turned to Kozinski. "How long have you been watching us?"

"Oh, since you dragged his hot little ass to the edge of the bed!"

"Goddamn!" Armando fretted, looking at me.

"Jesus, Mando!" I said. "Fuckin' calm down!"

"So what are you doing in here?" Armando asked directly of Kozinski.

"Looks like I'm stroking my dick, doesn't it?" he laughed.

"Well, yah. It does!" Armando answered with a smile. Suddenly the comedy of the situation gripped him. He started to laugh, which made Kozinski and myself laugh too. We all got a good chuckle for a minute or so before Kozinski spoke again.

"I can't believe you guys," he said,

"What?" I asked.

"I can't believe how fucking hot you two are together"

"Yah?" I asked again.

"Yah!" he said. "You can fuckin' take that?" he asked of me. I was a little embarrassed.


"-------You don't have to answer that" he interrupted. He turned to Armando.

"I heard you guys going at it as soon as I walked in the door. Your door was open, so I checked it out. I gotta say that it was a pretty hot scene"

"You think so?"

"Oh, yah! Damn, Dude that's a hot fucking hole you're pluggin' there!" he said, motioning toward me. Armando turned toward me and shrugged his surprise. Kozinski continued, "Even though I've never been into it, it didn't take me long to get a woody watching you two go at it. It's been a long while since I've been laid, so watching a man sink his bone in a tight and wet hole really gets me excited"

"Yah, I guess we're pretty hot together----" Armando started

"-----I'd sure like to sample a little of that" Kozinski blurted out, looking directly into Armando's eyes.

"WHAT?" he asked in shock. I just blinked in surprise. I don't think the words had totally registered yet.

Kozinski turned to me. His cock was still hard. As freaky as the whole scene was, I was mesmerized by it. I hadn't cum yet and since I'd calmed down from the shock of being busted in the act, I realized just how horny I was. "You game, Stud?" he asked directly.

"I dunno" I said lamely. What the fuck was I supposed to say?

He held his cock up and pointed it at me. "You wanna take a ride on this?" he rasped. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. I looked up at Armando. He was frozen in place with a look of disbelief on his face. It wasn't a look of disgust because, had it been, I would have immediately said no. Frankly, neither one of us knew what to say. Kozinski was holding all the cards at that moment. "C'mon, Sean. Give it a go, huh?" Before I could answer, he started moving toward me. I was still laying with my butt at the edge of the bed. My legs were dangling over the side with my feet on the floor. My legs were spread and he walked right up between them. "What does it feel like, Armando?" he asked calmly. He was now standing between the two of us, blocking our vision of one another.

"Uh---um----good" was all Armando could say. He stepped aside and looked at me with this puzzled look.

"Yah, from the looks of it, I'll bet it's damned good. Fuck you guys' action gave me the hornies," he said. "How bout it, Sean? Uncle Ski hasn't had it in a long time. I really need to get off. You gonna help me out?"


"-----You know you want it" he cooed, pulling my left leg up with his free hand. The other was wrapped around that fucking monster meat of his. He was slowly jacking it back and forth. The copper colored fur that covered his body was thick around his balls and shaft, which protruded sharply away from his body in a menacing yet entrancing manner. He turned to Armando for a second "Do I need some of that?" he said, nodding toward the bottle of lube.

"Uh, yah" Armando answered.

"Get some" Kozinski ordered. Turning back to me he said, "It's gonna be so fucking good, Stud. You'll see." Armando handed the lube to Kozinski.

"Make sure he's got enough" I told Armando nervously. I was hot to fuck though. He'd caught me at just the right time. I was horny and aroused and freshly fucked. And I hadn't cum. I sure as hell wanted more. He grabbed the tube back from him and opened it. Kozinski turned sideways and guided his cock to it. Armando squirted plenty of the thick and slippery goop along the incredible length of his roommate's manhood. Kozinski immediately worked it onto his pud.

"This is so weird," Armando said with a grin on his face. He looked at me again. "You okay with this?"

"Yah" I answered sheepishly but my eyes were glazed over with lust.

"Sure he's ok," Kozinski said. "Aren't you, Stud?"

"I think so," I said.

"Lift your legs, man" he ordered. "Show me that hole." I did as he asked. His dirty talk was starting to get to me. "Get up there and hold his legs for me" he said to Armando. Armando hopped up on the bed and grabbed onto my legs, pulling them up towards my chest. "Oh, fuck yah! Look at that wet hole" Kozinski purred as he rubbed his cockhead up and down my slippery asscrack. The head of his cock is smaller than the shaft, making his cock spear-like and less menacing than its size. Unused to fucking men in the ass, he pushed it inside of me it way, way, way to fast. I damn near came off the bed, shrieking in pain.

"Easy, easy, easy `Ski!" Armando cautioned, pushing him away but not completely out of me. My butt burned from the sudden intrusion. My toes clenched in pain. Kozinski stood perfectly still. "Sorry" he said. "What did I do?" he asked as only a man who'd never fucked another in the ass would. He was clueless. Armando took over from here.

"Jesus, Ski! You can't just jam it in! That fuckin' hurts like hell. You're gonna kill him" he emphasized his statement by smacking him on the chest.

"Ok, ok. I'll go slow!" he answered. For a little while he just stood there with about 2 inches of his massive meat in me. From the look on his face I could see he wanted to bury it quickly.

"Just go slow, Ski" I pleaded. "I gotta get used to it"

"Ok, Stud. I didn't know"

Armando was incredulous. "Didn't know, shit!" he said. "You stupid fuckin' Jarhead! In case you haven't heard, getting fucked in the ass hurts"

"Well it didn't seem like that a few minutes ago," he said with a sheepish grin.

"Yah, but he was used to it, Man!" Armando scolded. "Besides, I'm nowhere near as hung as you. How big is that thing anyway"

"Don't tell me!" I said immediately. The last thing I needed to know was exactly how large his cock was. Just the first few inches of it were giving me a hard time as it was.

Slowly but surely we worked at it. Inch by mammoth inch, he was able to sink his cock into me. By the time he was about three-quarters inside of me, he was banging against that second sphincter which had clamped shut tightly. I pushed on his groin, keeping him from going any deeper. He got the message. From that depth he started slowly fucking in and out of me. In a couple minutes we got a nice rhythm going. As we progressed, I relaxed and he started to get the hang of things. Before long I had my hardon back and was well on my way to taking more of that magnificent meat of Ski's. Throughout the fuck he remained largely silent. I on the other hand was not. Just the motion of something so large moving inside of my butt forced odd yet erotic sounds out of me. The look on his face told me that he was in awe of both the sensations and the fact that I could take his huge howitzer.

It wasn't too long before he was pushing his knob through that ring-of-fire deep inside of me. That's when the real action started. I was bone fucking hard and it seemed that with every thrust he was putting more and more of his meat to me. Probably because he was! Ski was never the brightest guy in the world, yet he was a quick buttfuck study. That knob was spearing through my ring with deliberate speed. No man had ever been deeper inside of me. That new sensation coupled with that of his enormous girth stretching me beyond previously known limits was a mind blower.

"Fuckin' BIG dick!" I chanted as he picked up speed. "BIG fuckin' dick!"

"You ok, Sean?" Armando whispered to me with concern.

"FUCK YAH!" I yelled as Ski lay me open with his weapon.

"Oh, fuck! This is just too fuckin' good!" Ski finally said as he rammed it all the way in slowly. Each time he did it forced a big "UNHHH" out of me. "Hold his legs up more" he ordered Armando. Armando climbed over and straddled my torso, facing away from me. All I could see was his furry butt in my face. I lay back and reveled in the sensations of taking that monster fucking cock. Ski's balls were slapping against my ass, heavily laden with weeks of ball beer. Faster and faster he fucked into me, sensing that I could take it. I was as wide open as I've ever been in my life at that moment. My hole opened so big that you could have driven a truck inside. The bigger my hole got, the more pleasurable the fuck became. The looser I became the less my prostate was being mashed by the immensity of his manhood. Soon enough I was ready for whatever Ski had to deliver. And I let him know it.

"Gawd, my hole is so big!" I wailed. "Fuck me harder!" I begged. All hell broke loose as he complied. What started as a painful experience had become a balls-out manfuck of incredible proportions. Ski took control of my hole and reamed it masterfully. He slammed his full length into me as if he were a man of average endowment. Once buried he started rooting it around, churning my guts. "OH, FUCK YAH! Batter my guts!" I wailed.

"Oh, fuck! I'm never gonna last, Stud!"

"Do it, Ski! Get your nut!" Armando said, getting into it. I buried my face in his furry butt and feasted on his sweaty crack. Enhancing my pleasure, my tongue moved through his mancrack and sought out his pucker. When I found it, I pierced through and tasted that forbidden musk that only a man's ass affords. Ski was driving it home with tremendous force, pushing Mando's butt down on my face. The scent of his butt wafted through my nostrils while the taste of him aroused my tastebuds. Ski hadn't missed the action going on between us.

"Oh, you fuckin' slut!" he rasped as he started his sprint for home. "Lookit that. Takin' dick at one end and eatin' ass at the other! You guys are too fuckin' much"

"Like that shit, Ski?" Armando asked.

"Oh, yah! Gonna get off, Dude!"

"Gonna blow you load in his butt?" Armando teased.

"Fuck yah! He's gonna take my cum!"

"Go for it, Ski!" Armando chided. With that he swooped down and sucked the entire length of my cock in his mouth. That's about all it took for me. That action started me down a quick and irreversible path toward getting my nut. The sensation caused my butthole to tighten up.

"Oh, fuck! Gonna cum!" Ski warned.

"UMMMM!" was all Armando could say with his mouth full.

"Take it, you fuckin' slut! Take my cum!" he spewed just before he shot. That was all for me. Locked and loaded, I fired salvos of semen that never seemed to stop coming. While I was in the throes of jetting my jizz, Ski froze in place with his short and curlies rammed against my swollen and tortured asslips. "FUCKIN' SLUT! CREAMIN' IN YOUR FUCKIN' SLUTHOLE!" he wailed as he pumped what seemed like a quart of his nut butter into my entrails. What was probably the most exciting orgasm he'd had in eons sure didn't last long. No sooner had I felt the warmth of his shooting spooge then he unceremoniously pulled out. Inside of two seconds I went from a hole that was larger than it had ever been to one that was gaping open obscenely. With that massive meat of his he nearly turned my entire fuck tunnel inside out.

Armando had stopped sucking on my super sensitive cock and rolled off to one side. Ski was standing with my legs in his hands, his boner at a steep angle toward the floor and his eyes transfixed on the hole he'd just plugged. He fingered it momentarily.

"You little fuckin' slut!" he grinned at me. The tone of his voice made it clear that meant that in a context of awe. "Can't believe you took that!" he continued as he turned and walked away. When he reached the doorway, he turned around again, shaking his head and said, "HOT fuckin' slut!" before walking out.

Armando and I lay side by side looking at one another. "You okay, Mijo?" he asked.

"Yah. The fucker dragged my guts out when he pulled out so quickly" I informed, motioning toward my butt. Armando reached down and felt my sloppy slash.

"Gawd, that feels hot, Sean!" he said as his nostrils flared. I recognized that look. A wave of lust had come over him. He closed the distance between our faces and planted a wet and open-mouthed kiss on me. The man was clearly aroused. And because he was, I became so. We rolled around on the bed until he was on top of me and his unsheathed cobra was sliding up and down my slick crack. I knew he wanted to fuck.

"Gimmee a few minutes, Sarge and you can put it to me" I said. He continued to kiss me and work my neck and suck on my tits for several minutes until he had me hard and willing once again. Without even asking, he slid his hardness into me. What was normally a tight my butt gaped open around his intrusion, taking pleasure from his rooting around for the friction he desired so much. In no time we were at full tilt on the fuck scale. I clung to him as he brutalized my butt.

My hole oozed the two loads of cum from my earlier hosings. His cock sluiced into my like a hot knife into butter. Nearly exhausted, I lay there, holding my legs in the air and let my Sergeant have his way with me. I think he knew I wouldn't take dick at that pace for long, so he sprinted for home without regard to whether I was coming along with him. The last thing I could have done at that moment was get another hardon. I'd been fucked so long and hard that I wondered if and when I'd get it up again. What I did want was the awesome sensation of Mando's dick pushing in and out of me. Reaching down, I pulled my asshole open and pushed down from inside. I have no idea how long the man fucked me, but his fuck was so powerful as to be animalistic. Looking down at our union I could see my distended asslips sucking against his hard shaft, alternately shucking and sheathing his sensitive knob with it's protective foreskin. When he finally came, I looked up at him. His tongue was hanging out of his mouth, his eyes were crossed and his face had the most amazing look of contentment on it.

After that heavy-duty action, I just lay there exhausted. Armando went down on me again but I begged him off. I just wanted to take a shower where I could rinse the fuck off and out of my body. It had been hot but I really needed to be clean once again. Once clean and dry I realized just how thirsty I was. I ran into Kozinski in the Living Room on my way to the refrigerator.

"You ok?" he asked.



"I dunno, Ski" I answered wearily. "I just am." Armando heard us talking and came into the room.

"Hey" he said a little sheepishly.

"Hey" Kozinski answered. We all sat in silence for a moment. "Sorry I broke in on your party, Guys" he said, breaking the ice.

"Yah, what's up with that?" Armando asked.

"An old buddy of mine called today and said he's coming here tomorrow. So I decided not to go to Hollywood. We're gonna go to TJ"

"Tijuana?" I asked with surprise. It's so sleazy.

"He loves it" Armando explained.

"You know, you Guys, you ought to close the door when you're gonna hump each other" Ski teased.

"You asshole!" Armando said, throwing a pillow across the room at him. More than a little tension was released by that action.

"When did you get home," I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"I dunno. But I could hear you guys when I walked in the door. I went to my room to change clothes. I tried to ignore the sounds but you guys were really into it." We looked at one another and smiled. He continued, "Man, I haven't been laid in so fucking long and even though you guys were doing the Rump Ranger thing, it started to get to me. Like I said before, the door was open so I watched. I gotta say it was a pretty hot scene"

"Well we're sorry you had to find out about us that way" Armando apologized.

"Oh, hell. I've known about you two for a long time" he interjected.

"You have?" Armando asked with surprise.

"Yah. It's no big deal, Guys. Really. I've known you were doing the nasty for weeks now"

"How?" I asked.

"Oh, c'mon now, Guys!" he laughed. "Have you seen what's going on between you two?"

"What do you mean?" Armando asked incredulously.

"It doesn't take a fucking genius to figure out that you two have had the hots for one another from the start"

"It shows?" I asked.

"Well, it does to me. I didn't know you before," he first motioned to me then to Armando, "but this guy here's been a totally different person since you've been around"

"Whaddaya mean by that?" Armando asked.

"Geez. You were fucking miserable to be around, Dude. Since this guy's been around you've actually been pleasant"

"Really?" he asked.

"For sure," he said. Turning to me he said, "Thanks, Sean"

"No problem"

"Oh, God! Does Smythe know?" Armando asked.

"Are you kidding? He's so fucking dumb you guys could fuck on the floor in front of the TV and he wouldn't figure it out"

"You think so?" Armando asked.

"Shit. You know him. He's got a one-track mind. If you cut his head open, pussy would ooze out. Don't worry about him. Just keep it under wraps guys"

"You ok with us?" Armando asked. Kozinski laughed and threw the pillow back at him.

"H-E-L-L-O ! I just fucked your boyfriend!" he said. We all laughed.

"Are you------" Armando started to ask.

"----Gay?" Kozinksi completed the question.

"Bi" Armando corrected.

"I never gave it a thought before. Guess I could be"

"And that doesn't bother you" Armando asked. Coming from a man that had a hard time coming out, it was a legitimate question.

"I never worry about those sorts of things. Pussy will always be my main diet. Unfortunately, not being the best looking guy in the world means I don't find much of it. I'm not a fucking Adonis like you, you know!" he teased Armando.

"Yah, but you get your share" Mando said.

"You'd be surprised, Dude. A big percentage of the few women I get a chance with are scared of this," he said, grabbing his crotch.

"That'll do it" I piped in.

"Yah. I still wanna know how you can take it, you little fuckin' slut!" he shot back at me.

"Don't call him that" Armando barked. We all looked at one another. The outburst was a little surprising to Ski and I.

"It's ok." I said. I knew the context in which Ski was using the word.

"No it's not" Armando shot back. "I spent too many years of my life feeling weird or cheap or guilty about my sexual orientation, and I don't wanna hear any negative connotations regarding me or you. Ok?"

"No problem" Ski respectfully said. I just nodded my assent to Armando.

"So, Ski. Whaddya do if you scare women off with that thing?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Oh, every once in a while I find a real hoser that likes it"

"Is it such a curse?" I asked.

"It's pretty fucked up. I've been hung like this since I've been 15. All the guys in school teased me about it"

"That bad, huh?"

"Fuckers called me `Poleski'. Word got all over school and the name stuck. I beat the shit out of more than a few guys for calling me that. They just started calling me that behind my back. Even the girls got into it. It was fucked." He was serious. You could see that it had helped to form part of his personality. It gave great insight into who he was.

"So that's when you started fucking watermelons and farm animals?" Armando asked.

"You're such a fucker" Kozinski laughed. "I never fucked any farm animals. My cousin fucked the farm animals" he corrected.

"WHAT?" I blurted out.

"Well, we lived on a farm and, you know, sometimes guys get a little carried away with their 4H project" he explained with humor.

"Hell, I'm from West Texas, you don't have to tell me that" I chuckled, "I'm talking about the watermelons." Ski looked at Armando and blushed beet-fucking red.

"Yah, I fucked watermelons" he confessed. He was embarrassed.

"How. And why?" I asked.

"Well, no girl was gonna let me fuck her and I got tired of jacking off all the time. So, one day I just cut a hole in a watermelon in the patch and stuck my dick in it. Kinda nice actually."

"Yah, he fucked `em all the time. Says they get real warm just like a pussy. And they're pink inside to boot" Armando teased.

He shot daggers at Armando, "You're gonna pay for this" he warned with a grin on his face.

"Yah" Armando challenged.

"Oh yah! For a man that fucks men in the ass, you gotta lot of nerve teasing me about something I did when I was a kid." He was smiling but you could see that Armando had perhaps gone a little too far. "No offense to you, Sean" Ski clarified.

"None taken, Ski" I laughed. "Although if I'm not incorrect, you might have become a buttfucker yourself tonight!"

"Touche!" he said. "After that hot fuck, I just might have at that." It was real strange to hear a guy like Kozinski say that.

"Yah, right!" Armando said.

"Hey, who knows. If I hear you two going at it again, I might be coaxed into sloppy seconds again"

"Uh, I don't think you were exactly coaxed into anything tonight" I admonished.

"Yah, well, whatever" he answered, closing the subject.

I'm always happy to hear thought on what you think about my stories. Contact me at billybob661@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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