A Few Good Men

By Billy Bob

Published on Nov 15, 1999


A Few Good Men 3: Primer and Gunner

After a few trysts with Brian, the ex-Marine I'd met, I'd become a regular fixture at the gay bar where he worked. Even though I was underage, as long as I was discrete he'd let me drink beer there. He said he liked keeping an eye on me and that I was good for business. Whatever! Occasionally Brian and I would still do the nasty. There was never anything but just hot and unbridled sex between us. It was hot, but it wasn't the same as it had been between Kiley and me.

After months and months of searching for a man to replace Kiley I struck gold one Saturday night. I'd had a few beers and was feeling quite relaxed. I hadn't been able to get off base for much action for about 10 days so I was really horny. Thus I was a tad bit more aggressive than usual. I'd been standing at the backside of the bar for a while where I could get a good view of the crowd when I spotted him.

From across the room he caught my eye. Standing about 6' tall and weighing in about 190 lbs of pure muscle was a vision that made my butthole quiver. His dark hair was short and almost military, yet not a Corps cut. His pecs and arms made his otherwise loose fitting tee shirt bulge in all the right places. An olive complexion made his pearly whites look absolutely dazzling. Seemingly unaware of anyone else in the place---especially me--he was chatting and laughing with a taller and bigger man. From the looks of them I guessed that they were former military. The Stud was doing most of the talking while I just stared. The taller man must have noticed because he pointed me out. When the god turned, smiled and tipped his beer at me my dick burped a heady goo of precum. No sooner than that and the taller man disappeared leaving the Stud and I making eyes from across the room.

That didn't last long, however. It wasn't seconds later that he crossed the room in my direction. Damn, but the front view of him was even better than from the side. He had a masculine swagger, a compact waist and a definite heaviness in the right side of his pants that shifted as he walked. I like what I saw! With purpose he closed the distance between us in one fluid motion.

"Evening, Soldier!" he greeted as he reached my side.

"Evening, Sir!" I answered. There was no question that addressing him as an officer was appropriate. Everything about him exuded Sergeant.

"At ease...Private?" he questioned.

"Lance Corporal, Sir" I answered.

"Lance Corporal _________________?" he queried, fishing for my name.

"Sean. Sean McLellan, Sir" I answered crisply, extending my hand.

"Primer" he retorted gripping my hand in earnest.

"Primer, Sir?"

He chuckled and explained as we shook hands. "A nickname I picked up in the service. It's really Tony. Tony Ferrato. Everybody calls me Primer though"

"Pleased to meet you, Primer, Sir"

Rolling his eyes, he admonished me to be less formal. "You can drop the `Sir' part, Sean. It's been a while since I've been in the Corps. How'd you know anyway?"

"It's obvious, Sir" I continued. "So what is it, Corporal Ferrato?"

"Sergeant" he corrected.

"Ahhhhh" I intoned. "Sergeant Anthony Ferrato. Very pleased to meet you, Sir!"

"Please call me Primer, Sean"

"Maybe when I get to know you better and how you got that nickname, Sir"

"Very well" he sighed with a sly smile on his face. "But I've got to warn you, it's a sorted tale"

"I look forward to hearing it, Sir" I beamed, my beer muscles kicking up. Just his mannerisms commanded my respect.

"Oh, I think I can arrange to have the whole story brought forward in due time" he teased.

Our conversation was light and easy. Almost cat and mouse but friendly. His presence reeked of sexiness and, as such, he made me a bit nervous. He, on the other hand, was completely at ease and obviously in full control of the situation. He proceeded to tell me that he'd been in the Corps for 8 years right out of high school. The first four he'd been married then got a divorce and reupped. The last 3 years in the Corps he was a Sergeant. He had gone to work for a civilian contractor off base after being discharged 4 years ago.

Primer also briefly referred to the tall man he'd been talking to earlier as his buddy that he'd met in the service and roomed with now. The way he mentioned it left little question to the fact that they were just friends. It was pretty obvious that I was fast becoming smitten with a 30 year old, masculine, handsome, single Italian gay male. My favorite kind!

After a comfortable period of time the taller man appeared and we were introduced. "Lance Corporal Sean McLellan, this is Sergeant Jerry Kozinski, otherwise known as Gunner"

"It's a pleasure, Sean" he said smiling. I couldn't help but notice how his huge hand wrapped around mine.

"Gunner, Sir?" I questioned, blurting out the first thought that came to my head.

"Yah" he said somewhat sheepishly, "It's a name I picked up in the service and it's stuck"

Their nicknames intrigued me. "Primer and Gunner" I mused. "Sirs?" They both just chuckled in a dismissive sort of way.

"Aw, c'mon, Sean! Cut the `Sir' stuff. It's just us" Gunner insisted.

"I already asked him" Primer informed him, "But he likes it. And I think it fits him"

Shrugging his agreement, Gunner turned to the bar and then back to us. "Want another beer, Guys?" he asked. Primer intoned positively and I nodded.

"Are you even old enough to drink beer, Sean?" Gunner teased.

"Brian thinks so" I answered, pointing out my bartender buddy.

"Knowing what I know about Brian, I'll bet he thinks your old enough to do other things to, huh?" Gunner continued.

"He does and I am" I shot back.

Gunner turned to Primer. "He's just too fucking cute"

"Isn't he?" Primer answered. "Baby Blue Marine"

"With big blue eyes to match" Gunner added.

"And lips that could tempt a Drill Sergeant" Primer continued.

Caught up in the moment, Gunner went on. "And pecs you just wanna tear at with your teeth"

"And a butt that can bring a grown man to his knees" Primer chortled. They both laughed goodheartedly. The compliments were a bit too much. Always a bit shy and never able to hide even the slightest bit of embarrassment, my face turned crimson.

"Ah, now look what you've done, Prime. You've embarrassed the poor boy" Gunner said with humor. Primer immediately reached out and put his arm around my shoulder. Gunner busied himself at the bar with retrieving another round of beers.

"Hey, Baby Blue Marine, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you!" he apologized, pulling me closer. "But it's all the truth"

Standing there with his arm around me I noticed that unique scent of man that tore into the very core of my being. Because it's the most natural thing to do when men are attracted to one another we drew even closer. Primer moved behind me and reached around me with both arms. As if on auto pilot the action slowly and naturally proceeded. His hot breath on my neck caused me to spoon into him, grinding my butt into his crotch. He was warm and it felt good being cuddled by him. I felt safe and secure. I felt like I had a purpose being with him. I know he felt the same. Precum flowed freely from my hardening cock. I felt the fullness in his pants harden against my backside. By the time Gunner turned around with our beers I'm afraid my arousal was obvious and it wasn't lost on him.

"Sheez, Guys!" he chuckled, holding a cold one for each of us, "Am I going to have to pour these on you to cool you down or what?"

"Oh, I think we could find a better way of cooling off, Gun" Primer said, taking the brews out of his friend's hand and handing me one.

"Have fun then" Gunner said as he clinked our bottles with his and disappeared across the bar.

"Oh, Baby Blue! You feel just too fucking good" Primer whispered in my ear, grinding his hardness against my butt. "And you do have some fucking butt on you"

I answered with a double entendre. "You're very perceptive, Sir"

The meaning wasn't lost on him. With his free hand he reached up and stroked my nipple through the crisp cotton covering it while his denim covered dick danced between my denim covered cheeks. My hole nipped at the rough denim seam riding across it while yet another copious spurt of goo flowed from my engorged prick. A quick glance down confirmed my suspicions that a sizeable wet spot had formed on my pants.

"Goddamn, but you've got me hot" he rasped, raking his teeth across my neck. My free hand shot out, gripping his leg and pulling him closer to me.

"I'll give you ten fucking years to knock that off, Sir!" I moaned.

"Like that shit, huh?" he asked running his tongue over the back of my neck.

"Oh, fuck yah!" I spat, bucking my butt against his boner.

"Once I get started, Stud, It might take me ten years to finish" he whispered.

"I'm counting on it, Sir"

"Oh, fuck! I'll just bet you mean that too, huh?"

"Cross my heart"

"Oh, Baby Blue, you're no quick ride are you?" he asked as his breathing got heavier. "You've got a deep itch that only a patient man can scratch, right?"

"Fuck! How'd you know, Sir?"

"It's written all over you, Baby Blue"


"Let's just say, we're totally in tune with another, Sean"

"I hope so, Sir!"

He chuckled a bit. "Is there any doubt?"

"None on my part"

He reached down and wrapped his hand around my pulsating hard on. "Yah, your part has no doubts!"

I reached in between us and rubbed what felt like a large column of manflesh. "Nor on yours, Sir"

Primer then ran his fingers up and down the butt seam of my Levis. "We're gonna get along just fucking fine, Baby Blue". My hole gaped as his fingers ran over it.

"Oh, God, I want it" I moaned. Again, the beer and the heat of the moment combined got to me and I verbalized the first thought that came to me.

"And I want you to give it up, Stud"

"Oh, fuck, Sir! It's all yours!" I said as I pushed my hole onto his probing fingers. Suddenly I wished we were naked.

"And I'm going to take it, Sean. Honest to God I hope I can do you fine"

"I'm counting on it, Sir!"

"Semper Fi, Lance Corporal"

"Semper Fi, Sergeant"

"When do you have duty next?"

"08:00 hours Monday, Sir"

"You free until then?"

"Sir, yes, Sir!"

"Whaddya say we go practice maneuvers at my place until then, ok?"

I slipped out of his arms before stiffening into a mock attention posture and saluting him. With my best military duty voice I said, "Lance Corporal McLellan reporting for duty, at the Sergeants pleasure, Sir!"

He laughed and hugged me tight. "Let's get the fuck outta here"

"You're in charge, Sir"

Not ten minutes later we'd rounded up a seemingly bored Gunner and were headed to their place in his truck. The wet spot on the front of my jeans was about 4 inches round and a similar one was prominent on the front of Primer's. We couldn't keep our hands off one another during the 20 minute ride. Gunner took it with humor.

"Damn, Guys! Am I going to have to hose you two down when we get home?"

"Let me worry about the hosing, huh?" Primer shot back, squeezing my leg.

"Whewie, Prime. You've got the fucking horns up tonight, huh?"

"I've hit the fucking jackpot, Buddy!" he crowed as he pulled me closer to him.

"Oh, I think I'm the one who's looking at triple 7s" I interjected.

"Jesus, Guys, the way you two are carrying on I think there's gonna be a nuclear fucking meltdown tonight" Gunner teased.

"Why didn't you scare up a little fission for yourself tonight, Sir?" I asked Gunner.

"The usual, Sean. The only ride I'm gonna get tonight is this one" he said, holding up his right hand.

"Riding the palm pony again, Gun?" Primer mused.

"Guess so" he laughed.

"Geez, Sir, with your looks you shouldn't have any problem finding a ride" I said.

"Thanks, Stud" he answered dismissedly, giving my leg a friendly squeeze.

"I mean it, Sir!"

He acknowledged my comment with a compliment. "Goddamn, Prime, he is just too fucking cute!"

"Isn't he?" Primer answered, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"So, why don't you go out and round up a ride then? The night is young" I challenged.

"Uh, that's seldom possible, Sean"

"Why not? You're a damned good looking guy. Guys should be begging for it". They both laughed uproaringly.

"Well, thanks for the vote of confidence, Sean. There's just more to me than meets the eye I guess" Gunner rambled. They both laughed again.

"Boy that's an understatement!" Primer chortled. Obviously there was more to the story that I was privy to.

"Whatever, Sirs!" I said with bemused humor.

"Tell you what, Sean. I'll take what you said to heart. Who knows. The night is still young. We'll see what happens, ok? Meanwhile, I know you two are going to have a good time!'

"Want the video?" Primer mused, squeezing my leg.

"Shit, that would be a hot one! But just the memory of the sight of the two of you together at the bar could get most guys off!" he shot back.

Primer pulled me close again. "We should probably shoot a video, huh Sean? We'd probably make a fortune!". My face flushed red again and Gunner caught it.

"Goddamn, Primer! You've gone and embarrassed the poor boy again!"

Just then we pulled into their complex. A garage door opened and we slid inside. Walking from the garage, through the kitchen we moved to the inside of their apartment. Within seconds Gunner disappeared, leaving Primer and I to ourselves.

All at once I was in Primer's arms again. We stood in the Living Room staring into each other's eyes. Holding my head in his hands, his full lips closed over mine. Ever so slowly, his tongue moved past my lips. Tenderly, but with the determination of a man, he penetrated my mouth and possessed me. He tasted of beer. He smelled of man musk. That clean yet unmistakably male scent emanating from his underarms filled my nostrils and went straight to that joy button deep in my butt where it exploded at the speed of light throughout my body. Reaching up to hold onto the taller man, my tee shirt pulled out of the waistband of my jeans. Grinding my hardness against him, I could feel wetness surrounding his cockhead on my exposed belly.

The action intensified as we ground our maleness against one another. With his knees, Primer kicked my legs apart and moved in between them. To keep from falling backward, I tightened my arms around his neck. While his mouth moved from mine to my ears to my neck he reached down and grabbed my butt, pulling me upward. As my feet left the floor the inside of my thighs slid along the outside of his. With tremendous strength he pulled me upward until my legs were wrapped around his waist.

I was completely lost in his arms. He was holding my entire weight in them. I desperately wanted to feel his dick inside of me and he knew it. Staring me in the eyes, he ground his prick against me.

"Show me what you need, Baby Blue" he cooed.

I pulled my legs further up. God, he was so fucking strong! Despite the fact that he was supporting my entire 160 lbs he didn't show a hint of tiring. Lost in the gaze of those big brown eyes, I just wanted to give myself to him completely. Giving my abs a heavy workout I pulled my legs up as far as they'd go and ground my butt against his throbbing tube. With an additional show of strength, Primer moved me up and down against his hardness. Despite the fact that there were two layers of denim and two layers of cotton briefs between us I could feel the length of him nestled against the tender flesh of my distended pucker.

"That's it, Baby!" he rasped. "Come to Daddy"

The pace was set for the night. It was to be a balls-to-the-wall fuck fest and we both knew it. Both of us were in tip top physical condition. Both of us were in a sexual heat that could only be cooled by intense man to man action. Both of us had tremendous stamina. One of us had the potential to out fuck the other. It just wasn't clear which one of us it was.

With my legs wrapped around him and my hole dancing on his boner, he walked us into his room. Laying me down on the bed on my back he slowly and deliberately undressed me. Once done, he stepped back and appraised his prized possession. Flaring nostrils belied his approval.

"Oh, my God!" he groaned, "You're such a fucking Stud!"

My cock leaped and my hole gaped at his approval. I felt incredibly sexy and desired. Never breaking eye contact, I scooted up on the bed and lay my head on the pillows leaning against the headboard. Without saying a word, I communicated my need for him through my eyes. Responding to those needs, he slowly stripped. My pulse quickened when he removed his tee shirt. Dark hair swirled over his hard pecs, hugged his tight belly and, in a wide band, disappeared into the waistband of his jeans.

After kicking off his boots, he unbuttoned the fly of his 501s. Pulling them down over his hips he quickly stepped out of them. My cock surged at the sight before me. Naked, except for the bright white cotton briefs that barely encased his manhood, he was a fucking vision. I say barely encased because the heaviness of it was pulling the waistband away from the man's body. His briefs were soaked with his own natural lube making the dark column of flesh underneath very visible. It seamed that it had a life of it's own as well. I swear I saw it throbbing to his heartbeat. In a flash he shucked his briefs and stood naked before me. Fully eight inches of man meat pointed directly at me, the head just barely peeking out of the long foreskin surrounding it.

Primer crawled on all fours to me and I opened my arms and welcomed him. I'll never forget that first naked embrace between us. In a lip lock, our arms pulled one another close. His hairy chest against my smooth one. The soft pelt covering a hard belly rubbing against my ripped abs. The sensitive inner flesh of my thighs rubbing against the hair covered flesh of his own. And the heat of our engorged cocks pulsating against one another, all the while the male lube flowing freely.

In a fevered pitch of passion, Primer took control of the entire scene. Making it seemingly all about me, the man worked me over something fierce. Like a master lover he was everywhere on me at once. In a short period of time he discovered my hot buttons and damn did he ever push them! Licking and sucking on my neck he discovered just how hard I could tear at his hard and hair covered butt flesh. Nipping and biting my tits he discovered the direct connection between them and my hot hole. Rubbing, caressing and stroking my cock he discovered how he could have anything he wanted. Humping and grinding his cock against mine he discovered how easy it was to get my legs up. Engulfing my entire hardness in his mouth, he probed inside of me until he found my joy button with his middle finger. It was then he discovered just how badly I needed him inside of me. In a matter of minutes he finger fucked my hole into a gaping gash grasping at his digits.

Maneuvering me on my back he gently lifted my legs and pushed them to my chest, further exposing my horny hole. All the while he was gently sliding his fingers inside of me, he slowly kissed and licked down my legs. Stopping to suck on the tender flesh of the back of each knee, he slid another finger in along side the first. Nipping at the backs of my thighs he gradually got closer and closer to my butt until he fed me the full length and width of his digits. By the time his tongue had swirled around my butt cheeks toward his intended target, my hole was sucking on three fingers. Gently prodding, Primer opened my hole until he was able to tongue my ass lips. Holding my legs tightly against my chest, I surrendered my entire being to the man.

Over the next several minutes, with patience and insistence, he proceeded to open my pucker. What started as gentle tonguing and sucking evolved into a heady butt feast where I was pushing my most sensitive flesh down onto his sucking, nipping and probing action. I don't have any idea how long the action lasted but there came a point to where I screamed to be filled. In no time, Primer moved into position and obliged.

Almost imperceptibly he lubricated my hole for the imminent fuck that was to follow. No sooner had he squirted the cool goo inside of me, than his bulbous knob, shucked of it's protective foreskin, was pushing my ass lips aside and sliding past my sphincter. Without even a hint of pain, he filled me with 8 inches of Italian salami. Raking his hardness across my joy button he took me for his own.

What followed was a mind blowing fuck. Clearly, the man was born to fuck butt. Never pulling out of me, he maneuvered me like a rag doll into a variety of positions while he slowly and deeply dicked me. On my back, he pumped slowly and stared into my eyes. On my side he penetrated even further while working my dick with his callused hands. On top of him he pushed and pulled me onto his bone. In that position I pulled my legs up and squatted over him, giving him a clear shot up my ass which he took until my legs cramped. On all fours he fucked me hard like the whore that I am while his balls slammed against mine. Goddamn, but there's nothing like the feel of a man's balls bashing against your own while he's deep dicking you! When I exhausted of that, he pushed me down onto my stomach. There he proceeded to do me deep and hard while tearing at the back of my neck with his teeth. That neck action caused me to thrash and buck my ass back at him so hard he had to hold on like a rodeo rider. Moving high and inside his bone and my butt fast became the best of friends.

Primer had me so far into a sexual frenzy that I was out of control. Odd but contented sounds emanated from deep within me. Animal-like lust overtook me. When he finally moved me onto my back again, the position that I like the best, I could see just how hard he'd worked out. Covered in sweat and winded, the man was still ready for more. Over the next several minutes he fucked us both closer and closer to cumming. We were on the final stretch and it was obvious the finish was going to be close. Which one of us was going to give it up first was a toss up, but it was clear that the grand finale was near. In a blur, his hips went into overdrive. With tremendous strength he sprinted to the finish line, feeding me 8 hard inches of man meat so hard he was knocking the wind out of me. It felt so fucking good, but that alone was enough to stay my imminent spew. Like a man possessed, Primer pummeled my hole hard and deep until he gave it up. His mouth was gaping open, his chest was heaving, his eyes were closed and he started shaking all over.

"Oh, God, Baby Blue, I can't hold off any more" he cried.

"Give it to me, Stud!" I encouraged. "Pump me full of that Jarhead jizz!"

"Oh, fuck! Here is comes! Take my cum! Take my cum!"

A few more pumps is all it took when he buried his bone to the balls, froze and gripped tightly to my waist while he planted his seed deep within me.

"AHHHHHHH, FUUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!" His breath came hard and heavy, his eyes rolled back in his head and he involuntarily humped deeper and deeper into me as he pumped me full of grade A Stud spunk.

I ground my ass against him, content in the knowledge that he'd made me his. Over the next few minutes while he cooled down I reveled in the warmth his cum spread through the depths of my butt. When he finally came out of the post orgasmic fog, he was just as attentive to my needs as he had been earlier. With his still hard dick he fucked me closer and closer to getting off.

"Yah, that's it, Baby Blue!" he cooed. "Just lie there and take this man's dick. I'll fuck you off. Lay back, close your eyes and Daddy will take care of you!"

"Oh, Daddy! Make your boy cum!" I pleaded, heeding his advice with my eyes closed.

He wrapped his hand around my dick as he forced his cock in and out of me. "That's it, Baby. That's what you need, huh?"

"Oh, Fuck, Daddy. I need it!"

"You do need it" he agreed. "In fact you need a big fucking man's dick right now, don't you?"

"Oh, yah!"

"You need a monster dick, don't you?"

"Oh,Daddy, how'd you know?"

"I know everything, Baby Blue" he soothed. "You just lay back and I'll go get the monster dick and fuck you off". He slowly pulled his nearly hard cock out of me, kissed me and said, "Keep those legs up and your eyes closed, Stud!". I did what he told me. My hole gaped open and his juices flowed freely from it. I heard him stirring at the side of the bed, then felt him move back onto it.

Moving back in between my legs, he kissed me once again. "You ready for that monster dick, Baby Blue?"

"Oh, fuck, yah!"

"Keep those eyes closed". I felt a pushing against my hole. It was hard and insistent. "Open up, Baby Blue. It's real big". Suddenly the vapors of poppers invaded my nostrils. I felt a huge blunt object knocking at my back door. Knowing Primer knew what he was doing, I inhaled the vapors.

When the poppers rush started I pushed down hard and felt the fat knob push between my asslips and into my depths. It was fucking A fat! Despite the fact that I'd been fucked loose and sloppy, it hurt going in. Expecting the coolness of a dildo I was surprised to feel the flesh like warmth. It confused me. I opened my eyes and was shocked at the scene before me.

Leaning over me from the side of the bed was Primer Looking beyond him to between my splayed legs I discovered Gunner! His hand was wrapped around the enormous girth of the base of his cock. The head was barely inside of me and there were several inches beyond the grip of his hand. I was transfixed on the enormity of his cock. The thought of taking it all made my hole gape. He slowly slid an inch or so inside of me. It was so fucking huge that I winced with a bit of pain. Primer put the bottle of poppers under my nose again and I breathed in the vapors. When the rush returned I pulled on Gunner's legs encouraging him to feed me some more.

"Go easy" I begged.

"Oh, fuck, Sean!" Gunner hissed.

"It's fucking huge, Baby Blue" Primer warned needlessly.

Slowly, inch by inch, Gunner slid his bone further inside of me. I pushed back at him with my hands when it suddenly became uncomfortable. He stopped pushing.

"You ok with this?" Gunner asked with a look of lust on his face.

"Yah, I think so" I said with a wry smile. "Just take it easy"

Over the next couple of minutes he slowly and deliberately slid deep into my being. Besides stretching my hole like it had never been before, he penetrated into areas that had never been touched, causing sensations I'd never felt. I felt possessed. I felt impaled. I felt alive. Suddenly I finally felt him hit a barrier deep inside of me. It felt strange and slightly painful so I stopped his advance. Primer fed me more poppers. Gunner started sliding his cock out of me and back inside until he hit that barrier once again. We started getting a rhythm. I felt incredibly full but it felt good.

Primer crawled up on the bed with us. Climbing over me, facing Gunner, Primer held my legs up while his buddy slowly fed me what I'd been born to take. Primer's butt was close to my face and the musky male scent of it was almost as good as the poppers he reached back to feed me every so often. We developed the rhythm further, the three of us working together like a well oiled machine. Gunner's cock head banging against that inner barrier became less and less uncomfortable. Initially it had been a little painful. After a while it was almost pleasurable. Eventually it felt damn right good. There was something on the other side of that barrier that really felt good when he banged against it and I wanted to know what it was. I held onto him tightly and when he probed deep I ground that barrier against his knob. An involuntary groan came from deep inside of me.

"Oh, fuck!" Gunner rasped. "He's all primed and ready for me!"

"That's my job, Buddy!" Primer stated. "Believe me, he's got a full load of cum inside of him!"

"He's so fucking tight. It feels too fucking good in there" Gunner said as he picked up the pace. There was little technique or finesse with Gunner. He had a massive fucking cock and just pumped it in and out of my over stretched hole. In no time he was pretty much at about three quarter speed and it was all I could do to take the pummeling.

"Slow down!" I begged when it became uncomfortable.

"You gotta take it easy, Gun" Primer warned.

"Sorry, Guys" he apologized, slowing down. "It's just that-----well, you know Primer"

Primer looked back and locked eyes with me. "Gunner only knows one way to fuck, Sean. Hard and fast"

As much as I wanted his fuck, I still had to think about him tearing my asshole apart. "Then you guys better let me get a little more used to it before he fucks me hard. I don't think I can take it otherwise"

"No problem, Sean" Gunner said, taking my cock in his hand. He stroked me while he slowly pushed his gargantuan rod in and out of me. Primer gave me another whiff of poppers. The combination worked, and my butt hole flared open. Suddenly his blunt knob was knocking at that inner barrier deep within me and it felt awesome.

"Give me some more" I pleaded.

"Atta boy" Gunner cooed as he pushed another inch or so into me, stretching that barrier. It was like a ring that he was opening. Like another sphincter. I ground my butt down on it and all at once he broke through. Suddenly I saw fucking stars and my toes curled.


"You ok, Baby Blue?" Primer asked.

"OHHHHHH, FUCCCK YAH!" I answered. The sensation was incredible. I'd never felt fuller in my life. It was almost overwhelming. I wanted all of him. I wanted to feel him fill me with cock until I felt it in my throat. Gunner picked up on it and slid the rest of his meat deeper inside of me. When I felt his balls caress my ass lips, I shuddered. Gunner pulled back and jabbed back through that second sphincter a couple of times. That sensation was just too much to handle.

"NO! Leave it in!" I pleaded, holding him still and deep inside of me.

"No problem, Baby!" Gunner answered as he ground his knob deeper.

I held him like that while he wrenched his boner around in my butt. I took another hit of poppers and my hole relaxed a bit. The fullness made we want to get fucked.

"Fuck me!" I begged. Gunner complied. Slowly at first he retreated and pumped back inside. Taking longer and longer strokes he dragged my guts out with his down strokes and rearranged them on the upstroke. That second sphincter opened wide, exposing a pleasure pit on the other side that was previously undiscovered. The sensation of him tearing through was like an itch that was scratched immediately by the bulbous knob of the giant prick fucking me. Inside of a couple of minutes later I was his wide open whore and he was plunging what I later discovered to be a true 12" cock all the way in and out of me.

Still holding my legs, Primer periodically reached back and fed me some poppers. Enjoying the ride more than any man had the right to, I pulled his hairy butt down onto my face. Biting and licking my way through the sweat and hair, I followed the heady scent of male musk until I found his pucker which I feasted on like a starved man.

I totally lost all track of time. All of my senses were sated. My nostrils were full of man smells and the millions of nerve endings in the walls of my man cunt were singing. Added to that, my prostate was being worked over big time forcing dick honey out of me into the callused palm wrapped around my rock hard prick. While Gunner fucked me for all I was worth, I was being jerked off in rhythm to his plunges. The pleasure I felt in my cock was tempered by the pressure in my hole, so I wasn't in any danger of cumming any too soon. Still and all I knew that I wasn't going to be able to last nearly as long as Gunner obviously was.

Taking another hit of poppers, I decided to let nature take it's course. I completely surrendered to the men who'd so masterfully taken control of me. When he'd picked up the fuck pace to what I can only describe as balls-to-the-wall I felt a cool drizzle of lube being poured on my hard cock. Suddenly the stroking of my cock took on a whole new dimension and I knew I was going to spew soon. Less than what was probably a couple of minutes later my entire body shuddered with the beginnings of a massive orgasm.

My legs started shaking, my balls snapped tight against my shaft and I couldn't help but yell. "I'M FUCKING GONNA CUM!"

"He's really close, Gunner" Primer warned. "Get your nut, Buddy!"

"OH, GOD! IT'S JUST TOO FUCKING GOOD!" I cried. "I CAN'T STOP IT!". Preparing to fire, my butt clamped down hard on the prick pistoning in and out of me at breakneck speed.

"Oh, Fuck! He's so tight! I'm gonna lose it too!" Gunner rasped.

"FUCCCCCCKKKKKKKK MEEEEE!" I screamed as I snapped. Volley after volley of spooge spewed out of me and onto Primer's chest and belly. My entire hole undulated around the rutting rod filling me so completely. I think that's what did it for Gunner. No sooner had I just about finished firing than he stiffened and stuck me good and deep. Frozen into position, his cock swelled to nearly painful proportions before I felt the heat of his first spurts.


"Give it to me, Gunner!" I screamed.


I felt several strong spurts of scum flood my entrails before he stopped. When it was all over he was in a trance. Every few seconds his hips would jam his jizz bone as deep as it would go. Finally, when he cooled off enough to regain his senses, he gently pulled his mammoth meat out of me. Primer rolled off to my right and Gunner collapsed on his side to my left, with his left arm draped over my heaving chest.

"Infuckingcredible" was all he kept saying between labored breaths.

Completely fucked out, I just lay there in disbelief. Never in my life had I dreamed about taking such a huge cock and there I was, freshly and brutally just fucked. And I felt great! When things cooled down considerably it was me who took control of the situation.

"Ok, Guys, it's time you come clean with it" I said. "Is this tag team thing your normal scene?". They laughed.

"No, not really" Primer explained.

"It's been eons since anything like this has happened" Gunner said.

"So you've done this before?"

"Well, yah. Mostly in our younger days" Gunner informed.

"That's how we got our nicknames in the service" Primer said.

"You see, we're both tops and we're both attracted to the same kind of guys" Gunner continued. "But not many guys can take what I've got"

"Yah, what's up with that? How big is that thing?" I queried.

"Well, if you must know, it's a true twelve inches----"

"-------and five inches around" Primer interjected.

Gunner snorted sheepishly. "It's a curse I've had since I've been 15" he went on.

"A curse?"

"Fuck, yah it's a curse! I was a freak in high school and the talk of the Corps when I enlisted"

"Well, I wouldn't call you a freak, so what's the problem?" I said, wrapping my hand around his half hard cock. Even then it was full and heavy in my hand.

"I appreciate that, Sean. You're a rarity, you really are"

"Oh, I don't know. I don't think I'm so rare"

"Trust me, you are"

"Oh? How so?"

"First of all, Stud, you can take it. Only a handful of men have ever been able to do that"

"Is that really a huge problem?"

"It is when you like to fuck ass as much as he and I do" Primer interrupted.

Gunner nodded. "It was my insatiable urge to fuck butt that brought me out of the closet to begin with. Then I discovered that nobody can take it. I can't tell you how many times I'd get hot and heavy with some hot bottom man who's eyes were bigger than his butt. Then, if I did meet somebody who could take my dick, they couldn't handle the action"

"How's that?"

Primer picked up the story from there. "They butchered him when they circumcised him. Most of the nerves here were whacked off" he explained as he rubbed the trigger ridge on the underside of my cock head. The sensation felt great. My cock surged and my butthole fluttered. "The only way he can get his nut is to fuck hard and fast"

"And I've only met a few guys that can take that action" Gunner informed, pulling me into his arms. "I can't tell you how fucking hot it is to put it to you" he hoarsed as his long and thick fingers played with my gaping gash.

"Ummmmm" I purred.

He kissed me long and deep. "You ok?" he asked.

"Yah, but I have no idea how"

"That was some brutal balling to took, Stud" Primer said, nuzzling up behind me. I lay my head on Gunner's chest while Primer rubbed his hairy body against mine. It made me feel glad to be a man.

"So how'd you guys hook up?" I asked.

"We met in the service and fast became buddies" Primer explained. "Because we like the same guys, a few times we ended up in a three way situation. When you've got limited leave time and opportunity for sex, you do those sort of things"

"So, a few times we met guys that wanted to take both of us on. Naturally Primer fucked them first" Gunner continued.

"He always said I primed the pump" Primer added.

"Once in a while one of the guys could actually follow through with his desire to get fucked by my whopper" Gunner went on.

"I always felt sorry for the poor guys" said Primer. "He's just so fucking brutal. Like a fucking machine gun"

"Hence the name Gunner" Gunner completed the thought.

"I see" I said. "Primer and Gunner. It makes sense. Well you sure pulled one over on me. When did you guys decided to double dick me?"

"We didn't really" Primer answered honestly.

Gunner continued, "You guys were obviously too fucking hot for each other for me to get involved, so I just made myself scarce when we got home. But the sound of your romp in the sack was just too fucking tempting for me not to come and watch"

"Id forgotten that I'd left the bedroom door open" Primer said. "Just about the time I was painting your guts with Gyrene jizz, I noticed this pervert standing in the doorway, stroking his monster!"

"I couldn't help it, honest!" Gunner said, feigning innocence.

"Then?" I asked, wondering just how we jumped into a three way.

"Then I came" Primer explained, "and you hadn't. I knew you still wanted dick and I saw Gunner standing there with one I figured you'd probably like"

"What made you think that?" I asked chuckling.

"Fuck an A, Baby Blue! You fucked my socks off. You took everything I could deliver and your butt was begging for more when I got off. It's hard for me to fuck right after I cum. I just felt bad that I hadn't gotten you off first"

"I was almost there just before you gave it up, Primer" I told him.

"I could tell. But your hole was screaming for more action and I just didn't have the stuff to give you. Gunner was there. He was all hot and hard and I figured you'd just might wanna try his monster on for size"

"And, God am I glad you did" Gunner whispered.

"At first I wasn't sure I could do it" I said truthfully.

"Most aren't" he explained. "I've learned that the desire has got to be stronger than the physical limitations. You took it like a champ. I can't believe the bashing you took"

"What the fuck happened to me?" I asked, flashing back on the second sphincter I'd discovered.

"You mean up inside of you?" he asked.


"Well, because of necessity, I've come to know quite a bit about the innermost depths of a man's butt. Without going into too much detail, Stud, you discovered the entrance to your guts. There's another sphincter there that hurts when a really big dick bangs up against it"

"Yah, it sure did hurt"

"Yes, I could tell. But some of the time I can fuck my way through it, like I did tonight"

"Goddamn, but that felt good"

"Oh, yah. There's no question of that. If I do get through it I know I'm in for a hot fucking ride. From your reaction, it obviously feels intense"

"You've got no idea"

Gunner laughed. "Yah, actually I do. You see, that sphincter is a ring that grips and scrapes against my dick head. Feels good against what few nerves I've got there"

"For me, it makes me out of control"

"Ah, yes! The dick dance" Gunner retorted.

"Dick dance?" I asked.

"Yep" he answered. "Once I get through that ring you bottoms become nymphomaniacs. You grunt and groan and dance around on that dick. Must feel pretty intense in there"

"Unfuckingbelievable!" I shot back.

"Enough so that you'd like some more?" Gunner queried with a bit of hope in his voice.

"If you guys are into it, I'd be game to replay this action over and over" I encouraged.

"You really like taking dick don't you?" Primer asked, fingering my butt.

"I was born to ball" I boldly stated.

"Oh, fuck!" Gunner yelled, hugging me closer. "I can't believe my ears"

It wasn't ten minutes later that Primer was pushing a new hard on up against my butt. It sure got me going. Gunner caught on real quick and started kissing me. Not a minute later I had 8 inches of hard Marine cock stuffed up my backside. It felt too damned good. Moving onto my stomach, I gave into Primer's moves. My whorish butt was a wide open, cum filled fuck tunnel that the man mastered like a champ. Not that it's my favorite position to fuck in, but there's something about giving your ass to a man who's laying across your back that makes you glad to be a man. I can't explain it. I just fucking love taking dick.

If our first fuck was gentle and loving in a way, this second fuck between Primer and I was all about him. He fucked hard and deep and way out of control. It's a good thing I'd been done earlier by Gunner's donkey dick, because Primer's 8 inches had become a weapon. For several minutes he dicked me into the mattress. Treating me like the hole that I am, he helped me discover more about the intense pleasures of buttfucking. With his arms wrapped around me he pinned me down and showed me just how powerful a man in heat can be. The scene was so what I've come to know and desire of a man when he takes me. While he rutted around in my rectum my hole flared open, pushing several inches of my tender inner flesh down onto his gun. Fucking flesh previously uncharted by him, he took action to gain more friction.

Almost without missing a stroke, he grabbed a pillow from the headboard, pulled me up and planted it under the middle of me. Immediately we moved onto a new plan of penetration. Hello heaven!

Laying there, pushing my ass up to him for even deeper penetration, I know my hole became loose and sloppy. He'd fucked so many inches of my fuck tunnel open that his cock had started banging against that second sphincter deep inside of me. Suddenly, in his quest for friction Primer made a connection that sent us both into orbit. Shucked naked of it's protective covering, his swollen knob tore through that sphincter, scraping his ultra sensitive trigger ridge against that ring of fire. Our fuck took on a new dimension. His hips immediately went into auto pilot and I froze in position, paralyzed with the pleasure I felt while he rutted around in that deepest pleasure pit.

It was the best of fucks. His 8 fat inches filled me oh-so-fine but wasn't so huge that it hurt. That he did me deep in newly discovered territory was the icing on the cake. All I could do was lay prostate with my arms outstretched, holding my breath. With my mouth gaping and tongue extended I drooled while involuntary moans emanated from deep inside of me. The sensation was just too fucking intense to do anything else. Over the course of the next few minutes I learned just how fit Primer was. Like a man running a marathon he fucked with such determination and intent while biting the fuck out of the back of my neck. It was as if my neck was a remote control for making my butt buck.

"Oh, God, Sean!" he panted. "I never wanna stop fucking you!"

"FUCK ME! FUCK ME! FUCK ME!" was all I could say. I was delirious.

"Oh, fuck! I'm gonna loose it, Baby Blue!" he warned. I could no longer feel his balls slapping against my own.

"DO ME DEEP, DEVIL DOG!' I encouraged.

"Gonna fire! Gonna fire!" he rasped as he prepared to spew.

"OH, YAH! GIVE IT TO ME! GIMMEE YOUR CUM!" I yelled. I wanted to feel him fill me with another load of hot ball batter.

"It's coming, Baby! It's coming!" he choked, obviously just seconds away from giving it up.

"YAH! PUMP ME FULL, GYRENE! MAKE ME YOUR BITCH!" I screamed incoherently.

That's all it took. Three or four deep plunges later he jabbed his jizz bone deep and hosed me full of his cock snot. For the third time in about 45 minutes I took a man's load of spunk. A real man's load. A fucking Stud's load. A Marine's load. And it was such a fucking turn on to do so. Because I'm born to be bred.

Primer just couldn't get enough ass. Even though his cock becomes super sensitive after he cums he just couldn't give it up. He lay on my back for several minutes with my white hot guts wrapped around his softening sword. Only Gunner brought him out of it.

"Goddamn, Guys! Can you fuck or what?" he said with lust.

"Too fucking good!" Primer replied, kissing the back of my neck softly. My butt tightened at the sensation. "Oh, Baby Blue! I'll give you ten years to stop that shit!"

"I've been fucked!" I announced.

"You sure have, Stud!" Primer intoned. "You can sure take dick!"

I rolled my butt back and forth, feeling his near hardness. "I need it, Sir! And I need it often!"

"And I'm just about to give you some more!" Gunner announced, fingering around my stuffed hole.

"Oh, Gun! This is one fucking awesome man!"

"I know. Just watching you guys has got me so fucking hard and horny. You better pull out"

"Oh, I can't. I just wanna stay inside of him forever" Primer announced.

Gunner was running his hands all over our union. "Well, let me put it this way, Guys. In about 10 seconds I'm gonna fuck me an ass! You guys pick which one it is"

"Hold on, Cowboy!" Primer chuckled. "I'm sure as hell not gonna take that whopper! You ready for some more?" he whispered in my ear.

I wanted to be dicked all night long. "Give me a hit of popper and let `er rip!" I challenged.

Primer slowly withdrew from my butt and rolled off to the side. Right away Gunner moved into position. My gaping asslips kissed his massive knob. Primer stuck the bottle under my nose and I took a deep whiff of vapors. When the rush hit, I wanted dick like no tomorrow. Pushing my hole onto Gunner's pole I let him know I was ready. With slow and sure determination he filled me with that mammoth organ with a minimum of discomfort.

Inside of a minute or so we were in a fast fuck. Plunging right up into my rectum, he easily slid past that deep and hidden spot. Giving me unspeakable pleasure by doing me deep in that pleasure pit, he took pleasure by fucking that ring of fire hard and fast. At first he fucked the hardon right out of me but inside of a few minutes I was grinding 7 throbbing inches into the pillow below me. After several minutes of working my deepest guts, he spun me around on my back.

The pillow under my butt created a new angle to our fuck. Like an untamed 15 year old fucking for the first time he sawed into me with deep and primitive jabs. Like the experienced man that he was though, he fucked for several minutes without cumming. Finally he showed signs of impending orgasm.

"Oh, fuck, Guys! I'm gonna cum soon!" he announced.

"That's it, Stud!" I cooed. "Do me deep and get your dick off!" I reached for my cock and started stroking it. It was slick with precum but not enough to get off. Turning to Primer I asked, "Please get me the lube, Sir"

His response was to bat my hand away and swoop down on my cock with his mouth. What a fucking sensation that was! Filled to beyond my wildest dreams with a monster cock while one of Uncle Sam's best cocksuckers made magic on my weenie! I thought I had died and gone to heaven. It was only a couple of minutes later that Gunner rocketed off in my hole. When he heard his buddy giving it up, Primer rammed my bone down his throat and brought me off. I spewed my spunk down while the swallowing motion of his throat muscles caressed my sensitive shaft.

The moment I came I was all over the fuck scene. At that very moment I couldn't care less about taking dick from either of those Studs. Gunner got the message when I pushed against his waist and he slowly withdrew his tremendous fuck stick. Once empty I lay there while four loads of Jarhead jizz oozed from my gaping gash. Laying on his back, Primer pulled me to him, his arm wrapped around me. With my head laying on his furry chest, half of my body lay on his side. I wrapped my left leg over his and my arm lay draped across his torso.

"You okay, Baby?" he cooed, kissing me on the top of my head.

"Goddamn, Guys, but I'm just too fucked out!" I informed.

"You should be, Baby Blue" Primer soothed, hugging me.

"I'll see you guys later" Gunner said, climbing out of bed.

"Where are you going?" Primer asked.

"Ah, I thought you two might want to be alone" he replied heading for the door.

"You don't have to go anywhere" I said weakly.

"Yah?" he queried with a note of hope in his voice.

"Yah. You were a big part of tonight" I said sleepily. "I wouldn't mind having you nuzzled up to one side of me"

"You sure it's ok?" he asked Primer.

"No problem" he answered positively.

"Cool!" Gunner said with a grin in his voice. Hopping back in bed on my left, he wrapped his body around my backside.

"Besides if this little guy gets horny in the middle of the night I'm afraid he might be too much for me to handle" Primer teased.

"Sheez, Guys. I don't think I'll be horny again for a long time" I said, yawning.

"I wouldn't make any bets on that, Baby Blue!" Primer said, hugging me.

"Well, I think you guys are safe at least until morning. My ass is kicked"

"Your ass is hot" Primer said.

"And wet" Gunner announced with his fingers lightly grazing over my slick crack and pucker.

"Ahhhhhh!" I purred. Gunner reached up, kissed my cheek.

That's about the last thing I remember until I awoke in the morning. I had no idea what time it was. Primer was fast asleep on my right and the bed was empty on my left. The inviting smell of coffee being brewed enveloped my nostrils. Creeping out of the sack, I searched for something to put on. I found my briefs strewn on the floor and reached for them. Slipping them on I discovered a rather large stiff spot on the front where my precum had dried. It felt rough against my piss hard on. After relieving myself I found Gunner in the kitchen with only a pair of shorts on. His hair was wet from the shower and he was squeezing fresh orange juice.

"Morning, Stud!" he greeted. "How'd you sleep?"

"Just fine with two of Uncle Sam's finest on either side of me"

He poured me a cup of coffee. "You okay with all of this?" he asked with genuine concern.

"I'm just fine" I replied, rubbing his arm in a friendly way.

"Good. Thanks for everything" he said smiling. He hugged me close to him with one arm. He felt warm and smelled like a man. I started to get hard at his touch.

"No problem. Besides, I should be thanking you" I said, hugging him back.

"Never. If we never fuck again, I'll always remember the hot times we had last night" he informed while rocking us back and forth slightly. My cock was rapidly reaching full hard on stage.

"Oh, I'm not done with you yet, Sir!" I replied, wrapping my hand around his manhood. It was half hard.

"Fuck! Am I glad to hear that!" he hoarsed. We stood there in each other's arms for a minute or so. It felt so good. Too good. I knew that the action was going to pick up where we left off the night before and I was nowhere near ready for it. I knew I needed to clean up.

"Where can I clean up, Sir?"

"I've set everything out for you in the bathroom, Sean" he replied. "And what's with the `Sir' shit"

"I can't help it, Sir. It turns me on"

He wrapped his hand around my bulging boner and squeezed. "Is this what it does for you, Soldier?"

"Yes, Sir"

"Carry on then!" he chuckled. "Go get cleaned up and when you get back we'll head for the firing range again, ok?"

"Sir, yes, Sir!" I said happily.

In the bath I found the toothbrush, razor and etc he'd set out for me.. I did my morning routine and hopped in the shower for a well deserved soaking. Languishing under the hot water I rinsed myself inside and out, preparing for the day. My briefs were gone from the bathroom when I stepped out of the shower so I wrapped my towel around me and returned to the kitchen. Primer was up and he they were sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup of coffee. He stood and greeted me with a hug and a long kiss.

"Morning, Baby Blue" he purred.

"Morning, Sir" I replied. He laughed.

"Still with the `Sir' action, huh?" he queried.

"It suits him. Besides, it turns him on" Gunner announced.

"Suits him, huh? Is that a fact?" Primer teased. He ripped the towel from my waist. "Looks like the only suit he's got is his birthday suite now, huh?"

Standing there naked I started feeling a little self conscious. "What's up with my clothes? You guys trying to keep me naked or what?" I joked.

They laughed. Gunner grabbed the towel from Primer and handed it back to me., "I threw your clothes in the washer, Stud" he answered.

"But the keeping you naked part sounds pretty hot" Primer chuckled.

"It is an interesting side effect" Gunner affirmed.

"Well, I guess I'll just sit around in a towel then ,huh?"

"Come with me" Gunner ordered, "I've got some shorts you can wear"

I followed Gunner into his room while Primer hopped in the shower. That Sunday morning started out lazily enough. We sat around drinking coffee, orange juice and eating a little breakfast while I got to know those two Studs a little better.

After breakfast the action heated up again. In no time I was flat on my back, Primer had his cock firmly up my ass while I tried to swallow as much as Gunner's as I could. After Primer had slicked my man cunt with a load of ball batter, Gunner took his seat in my butt. Again, it was a little dicey getting his gigantor in me, but with the help of some vapors I took it all and was ready for his brutal moves.

Gunner fucked me on my back for a while before spinning me around onto all fours to finish me off. After he'd blown his load up my backside, he moved us into a position with him on his back and I sitting on the full length of his still hard bone. Primer nuzzled up behind me and worked my neck and tits while Gunner slowly stroked my cock. With my hole undulating around 12 inches of man meat they worked in unison to bring me off to an orgasm that exploded all over me and Gunner.

Thoroughly fucked out, I collapsed on the bed where the three of us took a nap. I have no idea how long I was asleep. I just know that I was awakened by what felt like a baseball bat working it's way inside of me. Gunner was up and ready and was determined he was going to have me. I protested in pain and he halted, but didn't stop, his advanced

"Give him some poppers" he commanded. Primer complied.

"You ok, Baby Blue?"

"Let's give it a try" I said reaching for the bottle. I took a big whiff, Gunner pushed and with more than a little discomfort he slid the entire length of him inside of me. Primer got a lip lock on me and explored my mouth with his tongue while his best friend mined my butt depths. The action got hot and heavy real quick.

"Hold on a minute" Primer ordered. Gunner halted. I was in a fuck fog. "Pull him up and let me get under him"

In a flash I was laying on top of Primer while Gunner took me from behind. Being the meat in their sandwich was an awesome feeling. Every time Gunner pounded his pud into me Primer's and mind ground together. In no time we had raging boners and were wrapped in a heavy duty embrace. The super hung man worked me over like jackhammer before diving deep one last time before he hosed my hole with yet another load of grade A cock cream. Once he'd got his nut, he withdrew and left the room.

Wasting no time, Primer took control of the situation. Flipping me on my back, he placed a pillow under my ass and lifted my legs in the air. Kissing my legs from my feet to the back side of my knees he slid his hardness into me and started what was the slowest and gentlest fuck of my young life. Over the next several minutes he pleasured my hole with his 8 inches in the most obscene ways. I was full on hard the entire time. Scared to death that I'd cum before him, I batted his hand away from my cock. Hovered above my belly, my cock jerked with the rapid beats of my heart. Moving slowly and deeply from side to side, Primer scraped every square inch and every raw nerve of my entire fuck tunnel. By the time his `nads had snapped tight against his shaft we had the most awesome fuck motion going. Knowing he was close to giving it up, he wrapped a hand coated with the juices of our fuck around my tortured prick.

All I could do was lay there and revel in the awesome sensations of his moves. This wasn't a fuck. It was making love. Like a master musician he played me like a fine violin all the while plunging his prick deeper and deeper inside of me. As if it was orchestrated, our orgasms happened violently and in unison. The rockets of spunk I spewed across my belly and chest were replenished by those he bathed my bowels with. What a fucking cum! For the first several minutes I lay fabulously fucked with my legs in the air and that man's cock softening inside of me. Finally sliding his spent soldier out of me, he pulled me into his arms where we lay locked together. Not wanting to let each other go an unspoken feeling of lust---not love--- carried us forward. It took us both over a half and hour to come completely out of that fuck fog.

That was some fucking weekend! And it was the first of several that we all spent together. The strongest connection was between Primer and I so I spent most of my time with him. Both in and out of the sack. In fact we became something of an item. We just pretty much settled into an exclusive thing. But, every once in a while I'd get the itch to be manhandled and we'd invite Gunner to join us. But, that's for another chapter!

Next: Chapter 4

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