A Fairy Tale?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 26, 2006


A FAIRY TALE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 7th of March, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Vicent


"A FAIRY TALE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 6 - Brief illusion

Several more days elapsed and Martino became more and more dejected. His little games continued, not so much for real pleasure as for lack of anything better to do. Besides, this was the only way he could carry on his "hunt for the male"!

One day, while sitting at a cafe, as usual looking around for some handsome male to "look" at, he noticed a young carabiniere in uniform standing at the streetcar stop. He liked him at once. Using his power to "look" under his clothing, Martino saw that he was really beautiful there also. So he began to "caress" him and gradually was able to arouse him - he had become very skilled at that.

After a while he saw the young man slip his hand into his trouser pocket, not to touch his own member as someone might do, perhaps to settle it better, and not to conceal his growing hard-on, that was hidden by his uniform in any case. No, the young man's hand moved as if it were brushing something. Martino focused his "view" on the hand, hoping to see what he was touching, and "saw" a small cardboard rectangle - no, not cardboard, it was a black and white, half-length picture of a boy about seventeen or eighteen years old, handsome, smiling. On the picture there was a dedication - "To my sweet lover, Lino."

Martino felt his heart leap for joy, and immediately decided he had to hook the young officer before he could get on the streetcar. He stood up and approached him with a smile, continuing to "look" at him. He greeted him.

The other answered somewhat hesitantly, "Do we know each other?"

"Aren't you Lino's lover?" Martino asked.

The carabiniere blushed to the tip of his ears, and Martino thought it made him look delicious. The young man asked in a low voice, "Do you know Lino? Did he tell you about me?"

"No, I don't know Lino, but I know about you two."

"How? Who told you? Did you see us together?"


"I don't understand..."

"It would be too complex to explain. I just know about you two."

"But... what do you want?"

"Nothing. Just to talk. Become friends, perhaps."


"Because I like you."

"But...you don't know anything about me... or I about you?"

"Nothing. But I know you have a scar that long under your right nipple..."

"Did you see me at the pool?"

"And that you are circumcised... And that you also have a small black mole on your penis, up near its root."

The carabiniere looked at him astounded. The streetcar arrived, but the young man still stood there. The streetcar left without him.

"Do you want me to tell you more?" Martino asked.

"No... I don't know... you just guessed..."

"And I also know that in the right pocket of your trousers you are holding Lino's picture, with his dedication written on it. It's a black and white Polaroid. Am I right?"

The carabiniere nodded, more and more puzzled, then hesitantly asked, "What are you, some kind of a fortune-teller?

"In a way. Does that bother you?"

"No, but... I still can't see what you want from me."

"Like I said, just a chat. Who knows, we might become friends."

"Why me?"

"Well, you are a handsome guy, and you seem likeable enough. Besides that, you are with Lino... I mean... this means that you like men the way I do."

The carabiniere's eyes widened slightly. "Do you mean that... you're gay?"


"But Lino and I... I don't feel like cheating on him."

Martino smiled. What an irony. He seemed to meet only married and faithful men.

"I am not asking you to fuck, just to become friends. I don't have gay friends... you would be the first... And I need someone to talk to, to compare notes with - a gay friend, in other words."

The carabiniere nodded. "Yes, I can understand that. I was going to the movies by myself just to kill time. Lino can't go out tonight. If you want we can go for a walk instead, and chat for a while. You are an odd boy, I must say, but I like you."

After that first evening Martino often met the carabiniere, whose name was Vincenzo. Vincenzo introduced him to Lino, and several days later to another gay friend, Marco. At their first encounter Martino "looked" at him and what he saw under his clothes pleased him very much. Moreover Marco was a likeable person. They started to see each other. Martino longed to ask him to make love, but he could not find the courage.

At their third encounter alone, Martino noticed that the young man became aroused even when he did not use his "caresses". After they had chatted a while Marco leaned forward and said in a low and sexy voice, "Martino... I would like... to make love with you."

At once excited, Martino answered, "I'd like that too. I like you."

"Are you coming to my place, then?"

"What about your family? Or do you live alone?"

"No, but they won't be back until Thursday. We won't have to worry."

They rode their bikes to Marco's house and went upstairs. His friend took him at once into his bedroom, and they began to remove their clothing. Martino had already "seen" him naked, of course, but having him right there, naked for him, brought him to new heights of arousal. He brushed Marco's body with a long, sensual caress, and felt something like a light electric shock.

"Do you like what you see?" Marco asked somewhat conceitedly.

"Man, do I! You are beautiful... And do you like me?"

"Of course I do. What do you like to do?" the young man asked, placing his hand under Martino's balls and caressing his already erect member with his other hand.

"Everything... everything."

"Well then, let's do everything", the other merrily answered, putting his hand on Martino's shoulders and pushing him down until he was kneeling in front of him. Then he stretched out his half-erect and pulsating tool.

Martino took it in his hands and looked at it - it was beautiful, and soon he would taste his first cock. He started to lick it, and liked that well enough, so he put his lips over the head and began to suck. He was thrilled to feel it hardening, throbbing between his tongue and his palate. It had a peculiar taste and firmness. Marco took Martino's head between his hands and started to fuck his mouth. At times that spear of flesh reached the back of his throat, but this didn't bother him at all. Martino clasped his new friend's buttocks with both hands, then rummaged between them with his fingers, found the warm and soft spot of the flesh rosette and started to tease it, excited at the thought that in a while he could slip his hard mace inside.

Marco drew away from him and pulled him to his feet, then moved him towards the bed. "Martino", he said, "I want to fuck you."

"I've never taken it there before."

"Good, there's always a first time, isn't there? I like the idea of taking your cherry. Lie down on the bed. Go on", Marco said, smiling at him and pushing on his chest.

"All right", Martino consented.

Until that moment his only experience had been watching others, and the time he penetrated Carlo. He had always seen cocks slipping into holes without any problem, so he thought it would be the same way with Marco, and he already was anticipating that sensation. He was not even worried by the fact that Marco had between his legs a tool that was a good two inches in diameter and almost ten inches in length.

Marco made him spread his legs and knelt between them, then pulled the two pillows from under his companion's head and put them under his loins to raise his pelvis to the right level. Then he made him spread his legs wider and wrap them around his waist, so that he could not close them or use them to push him away. Marco was no greenhorn, and knew exactly what he was doing - he was putting Martino in a position where he could not escape the penetration. This was not the first boy Marco had deflowered, so he was preparing everything the right way for him.

Martino, unsuspecting and trusting, left everything to his more expert partner. In fact that calm, methodical, self-assured preparation, was turning him on something fierce. Marco took a small jar of Vaseline and started to lube the boy's virgin hole, massaging around his pucker, then slowly inserting his middle finger and massaging him inside, slowly turning his finger around.

Martino was enjoying those preliminaries. "Oh yeah, that's great", he groaned. "That's the way, Marco, you really know how to do!"

Marco smiled, pleased with himself, and continued his maneuvering calmly and methodically. He could feel that Martino was tight, still virgin, and he could already taste the pleasure he would soon get from that untouched hole. He continued his calm ministrations, giving intense sensations to Martino until he felt the sphincter relaxing under his skilled finger. Then he set himself squarely, parted his knees to achieve a firm position, and placed his blazing peg in front of the awaiting hole. He lubed his prong carefully with the Vaseline, and aimed at the tender and palpitating rosette of flesh. Rather than pushing immediately, he brushed the tip of his stiff rod on his companion's hole, gently, insistently.

Then looking into Martino's his eyes with a smile filled with anticipation, with lusty craving, he asked, "Are you ready?"

"Yeah, go ahead, put it in!" the boy panted. Then Marco bent over Martino's body and intertwined his fingers with Martino's, holding him tightly and pushing him against the mattress.

Martino interpreted this as a desire gesture and squeezed back, unaware that his partner was skillfully immobilizing him. Then with sudden violence, Marco thrust his pelvis forward.

Martino recoiled, every muscle stiffening, and screamed, "Ow! You're hurting me!"

Marco stopped pushing but didn't withdraw. "Relax. If you tighten up that way it will hurt even more. Just relax and everything will be fine."

"No, it hurts too much. Pull out, please..." Martino panted, his eyes pleading.

Marco nodded. "All right, I'll pull out, slowly, but relax or it will hurt. Relax, Martino, relax." With that he withdrew a bit.

Martino emitted a small sigh of relief and trustingly relaxed. Then Marco gave a formidable lunge with his loins and sank half of his spear up unsuspecting Martino's ass. Now Martino could wriggle and squirm as much as he liked, but he could not get away.

Once more Martino shouted, "No! Ouch, no! Please, you're hurting me too much. Pull it out, please! Oooouuuch! Stop it, stop! No, Marco, no..."

But the young man moved relentlessly forward, not giving any more strokes, just pressing down with the weight of his body, pushing with his knees, slipping inexorably, a millimeter at a time, into Martino's body. Martino's eyes filled with tears but Marco didn't care. He was not really a sadist, but simply he was thinking back to other boys he deflowered who at first had screamed and begged and cried just like Martino right now, but who later begged him to fuck them again.

"Relax, Martino. I don't want to hurt you."

"But it's too painful!"

"It hurts now, but later you'll enjoy it. The first time is always like this. You'll see, you'll love it, Martino. Relax..."

"No, I can't relax. Let me go, please, pull out..."

But Marco continued to sink into him and Martino realized that his futile attempts to free himself were actually helping the other penetrate him, that the harder he struggled, the deeper the burning ember entered him. He also understood that Marco had no intention of leaving, that he would not stop, and that his current position left him helpless, completely subjugated to the other's will.

He resigned himself and murmured to himself, "I asked for it..."

Marco sensed it when Martino stopped squirming, knew that he had stopped trying to escape, so he slipped his knees farther under his companion's pelvis to get more leverage, then started to hammer inside him with strong, rapid fast strokes, with powerful thrusts of his loins. Martino's body lurched at every thrust, the bed squeaked in rhythm, mixing with the choked moans of the violated young man. Marco knew from experience that if he took Martino more gently he would not reduce the pain, nor would he awaken his pleasure. On the contrary, by using those fast, short, strong thrusts, he would sooner or later arouse some pleasure in Martino.

Marco wanted Martino in his bed again. He liked to deflower virgins, but until this time he had only taken the cherry of kids with still youthful bodies. Martino's strong, athletic, virile body excited him far more than the others. Deflowering such a handsome male, only slightly younger than himself, excited him both psychologically and physically at the same time. Yes, he wanted him again, he wanted to dominate him, to bend him completely to his will, to enjoy him repeatedly.

Martino thought that the strokes would never cease. He saw on Marco's face a kind of wild joy, a determination that was not cold but self-assured, and at last he surrendered completely. He eased back some more, only the pain preventing him from relaxing completely. Each stroke renewed a sharp, strong pain, but the fact that he was now almost completely relaxed, allowed him to become aware that at each thrust, the terrible weapon of flesh pushed against a spot that was beginning to awaken his pleasure. The pain was stronger than the pleasure, but the pleasure was there nonetheless. If it only weren't for the pain...

"You're hurting me", Martino moaned again at half-voice.

Marco, not harshly, but with a kind of concern in his voice, repeated, "You'll see, you'll get used to it, and then you will beg me to take you. The first time is painful for everyone."

Martino felt a kind of splitting within himself. One part of him could only moan in pain and contract under the violence of that intrusion, could only refuse to be at another's mercy. But the other part savored the faint pleasure he was starting to feel inside his rectum, pleasure that reverberated in his cock which was again hard. And he couldn't help but admire Marco's chest, belly and arm muscles as they contracted with each thrust, now covered by a light sheen of tiny sweat pearls, his face colored by an intense, manly expression, absorbed in the pleasure he was undoubtedly feeling. Martino closed his eyes and "remembered" the other scenes of penetration he had previously stolen. This helped him to relax even more. He recalled Carlo, how he had fucked him with gusto in the park, and thought that now he was paying for having taken advantage on his companion. Now it was his turn.

He felt that Marco was overtaken by an intense trembling. He opened his eyes and observed on the other's face the rapid growth of his enjoyment, the inexorable approach of his orgasm, and felt a boiling stream pouring inside him, flooding him. He felt the strong contractions of his mate, and his excitement grew. His arms were blocked so he could not seize his own member that was pulsating strongly, but he didn't need to. As Marco, emptied and exhausted, abandoned himself on top of him, panting, Martino could feel his member being stroked, pressed between their two panting bellies. Martino closed his eyes and felt his seed spurting from his member in a rapid set of contractions. His mind became blank, empty, just like when he masturbated alone, before he understood that he was gay.

Finally Martino could move away, his companion no longer blocking him. But he felt that the terrible stake that broke him was starting to diminish, to withdraw by itself. It was slipping away from him, and he was afraid that if he moved, he would feel the pain again. Marco, now relaxed on top of him, gave a deep sigh. Martino was now free to stretch out his legs.

Marco slipped down to his side and murmured, "It has been great deflowering your nice little ass. I liked it."

"Maybe it was great for you, but you hurt me. It still hurts", Martino protested, somewhat offended, but not really angry.

Marco looked at him: "You wanted it too, didn't you?"

"Yes, but not that way..."

"There isn't another way."

"You knew you were going to hurt me."


"And you did it all the same."

"There is no other way", Marco quietly repeated. Then he added, "We all started that way. Then, little by little, you get used and it stops hurting and becomes really enjoyable. If that wasn't true, do you think anyone would do it? "

In spite of this painful beginning, in spite of the fact that Marco practically raped him, Martino became Marco's lover. They were not able to meet often because Martino's father watched him too closely, but sometimes he skipped some lessons that he could easily make up so they could go to Marco's house and fuck. Sometimes Marco allowed his friend to be the top, but most of the time it was he who did the penetrating. Martino was gradually getting used to it. Each time the pain diminished and the pleasure increased. Marco didn't have to hold him down any more. Even when Martino felt pain, he didn't try to escape him but rather caressed his mate's manly body, giving and getting even more pleasure.

A few days after his first time with Marco, he met Lino and Vincenzo and told them about it, concluding, "The only way to get used to it and to start to enjoy it is to sufferer, so that's it!"

At these words Lino looked at Martino, bewildered. "What are you talking about? That's not true! Vincenzo is the first man who penetrated me, but he did it so gradually, so gently, with such self-control and sweetness that he didn't give me any pain. It wasn't even uncomfortable. There was nothing but pleasure and from the very first time. Immense pleasure."

Martino thought that perhaps Vincenzo's dick was smaller that Marco's, but then remembered when he had "seen" it erect, and decided that was not the reason. In spite of that, he objected, "Well, but a big cock..."

"Your anus can adapt itself to anything. It just needs time, not force. Vincenzo had so much patience with me - he only took me after two months of making love in other ways, and it's been splendid. Isn't that so, love?" the boy said, caressing the hand of his young carabiniere, who blushed but nodded in assent, smiling contentedly.

"Anyway", Martino resumed, "... anyway I'm getting used to it, and I'm starting to like it. Even more so because I am falling in love with Marco, and he's in love with me. At least I finally have a lover! It's a really beautiful thing."

While he was speaking, he noticed a quick glance that passed between Lino and Vincenzo. What could they be thinking? What could that glance mean? He was about to ask when the young carabiniere said, "I'm sorry, Martino, but did Marco actually tell you he is in love with you?"

"No, but... he is so happy when he meets me and we can make love."

"You are a handsome, likeable boy. Of course he is happy meeting you. Besides that, you let him do anything he wants, from what you told us..."

"Well, he lets me take him sometimes too."

"Whenever you ask him?"

"Well, no.... That is, he doesn't exactly refuse. He just likes to be the first, then I cum, so I can't even do it right away anyway. Maybe an hour or so later, but by that time we have to leave because his parents might come back home, so..."

"His parents? But don't you know? Marco's parents are abroad for two weeks and they won't be back for a couple of months at least. Marco is taking advantage of that to take a different boy home almost every night", Lino said.

This came as a shock to poor Martino. "That can't be true. He said that now that he has me, he isn't interested in other boys."

Vincenzo smiled sadly. "Why would we lie to you? Marco is a good boy, but he isn't interested in being part of a couple. He likes having his foot in a lot of shoes, if you take my meaning. That's just the way he is, believe me."

Two days later, as soon as Martino arrived at Marco's home, he asked out of the blue, "Is it true that you take a different boy home almost every night?"

Marco looked at him with surprise, then in an innocent voice answered, "Yes, why?"

"Then why did you tell me that now that you have me, you are aren't interested in others any more?"

"Well, it's true. You are my steady boyfriend. The others don't count, they're just one night stands, just diversions."

"But you made me believe I was your only boyfriend."

"No, I don't believe in monogamy. Besides, this is just between men."

"But I do anything you like. Why do you need anyone else? You don't have any complaints about me, do you?"

"I'm not complaining. But each boy is a new experience. Each one is different and I like to try it in different ways, get it on with different boys. Besides, if I don't take advantage of it now that my parents are..." Marco stopped, knowing that he was about to betray himself.

But it was too late. Martino did already know also this, so he said, "While we're at it, why do you always send me away after we fuck? You always say your parents could come back any moment."

Again Marco's voice took that innocent tone. "If I didn't, you might get aroused again and ask to fuck me. I don't like being a bottom. I can stand it once in a while, but only because I know that then it will be my turn to have fun. Fun."

"Stop! You mean that I'm just FUN to you?"

"What would you be, my sweetheart?" Marco asked with irony.

Martino slapped him in the face and furiously said, "No, but I won't be your whore!" and turned to leave.

Marco tried to hold him back but Martino looked at him with such hatred and contempt that Marco let him go.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 7

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