A Fairy Tale?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 22, 2006


A FAIRY TALE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 7th of March, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Vicent


"A FAIRY TALE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 4 - Another failure

Martino was unable to put them from his mind, those two young lovers he had spied in the shack at the river. Often, using his "memory", he would visualize them again and become aroused as if he were watching a porno, and he would masturbate to the sight. But he needed a man, had to find him. He again began to "look" at men, but he still didn't know how to do to hook one. He had tried with those two at the river, but had failed.

Coming back in the evenings from the gym when he crossed through the park, he always looked around full of hope, but never again did he see anyone waiting under the street lamps. He had no way of knowing that it was only a coincidence that the boy hustler had gone to the park earlier than usual, and that a client had come along early as well. He didn't know that the hustlers normally didn't appear at the edge of the park before 10 pm, and that from then on the park was busy with couples or even threesomes who fucked for money, or for pleasure, or both. To tell the truth, Martino didn't even know what a hustler was.

So his only amusement was "looking" at men, and sometimes making them get an erection with his "caress". It was cold comfort. He could always make his neighbor have an erection, but he didn't often masturbate to that. Besides, he wasn't that turned on by Roberto's body.

One evening in the gym he noticed that Carlo, a boy he liked who trained in his same time slot, was leaving earlier than usual. Intrigued, he peeked into the corridor, and saw him going into the tanning room. It had a wall adjoining the toilets, so Martino locked himself in one of the cubicles and used his "vision". Carlo was alone in the room. He had switched on the lights but did not undress. This intrigued Martino even more. Soon there was a knock on the door. Carlo opened it and the judo instructor entered, smiling and saying something. He locked the door behind him and spread a wide cloth on the floor. The two undressed and lay on the cloth, and Carlo began to caress and to kiss the instructor's body.

Martino would never have suspected this of either of them, and was amazed and enthralled as he watched them. The instructor had a cock of remarkable size that quickly stood up and hardened under the youth's caresses. Carlo bent down onto the firm column of flesh and started to lick it skillfully. He lapped the purple glans with big strokes, then licked up and down on the turgid rod. He teased the swollen sack of testicles with the tip of his tongue, then returned to the quivering rod, lapping it like a lollipop. He lingered on the glans, then greedily swallowed it all, making it slip down, down into his throat. He had to keep his mouth wide open to take it, and still could only take in half of the length of that powerful pole.

The man was lying still with a pleased expression, letting the boy do the work. With one hand he fingered Carlo's firm member, while with the other hand he pushed a finger between his small buttocks, teasing the hidden hole. The couple continued this way for some time, until Carlo parted from the man and crouched astride his waist, lowering his body while the man used his hand to keep his majestic phallus pointing straight up. Carlo got into position, brushing his furrow over the cock head until he felt it was on the right spot, then suddenly dropped onto that gloriously erect stake, impaling himself.

Martino watched the scene with wide eyes, scarcely believing that the young man could take such a huge tool into his body with no apparent effort. When Carlo's buttocks were well pressed against the man's groin, the boy used his arms and legs like springs to move up and down, fucking himself on that column. Carlo would push himself up, slowly lifting his pelvis until he almost lost contact, then would let himself go down suddenly, impaling himself again.

From Martino's vantage point, Carlo's back was turned so he could not see the boy's expression nor that of the instructor, and he was disappointed, but he did have a good view of the instructor's powerful cock as it appeared and disappeared between his companion's spread buttocks. The raw scene was stimulating and Martino began to masturbate, without looking away. Now the man seized the youth by his waist, as if to control and regulate his movements. Each time Carlo lowered his body the man gave a powerful stroke of his loins upward to impale him better, more deeply. Even though he could not see their expressions, Martino could guess their pleasure by the energy of their fuck. Martino was not attracted to the instructor, even though he admired his huge dick and his handsome body, but he wanted to make love with Carlo, whom he liked for his body, for his face, and for his personality.

Suddenly they seemed to become still, and the man held the youth pressed against his groin and began to tremble. He had reached his orgasm. They remained this way, tense but still, until Carlo slowly stood up an turned around. Now Martino got a profile view of Carlo's erect penis, normal-sized and beautiful. The man got to his knees, crouched in front of the youth, cupped his buttocks with his hands and pulled Carlo to himself, opening his lips and forcing the whole member into his mouth. Then Carlo started to move his pelvis rapidly back and forth, fucking the willing mouth that was sucking him.

Martino knew that the youth had reached his orgasm when he saw him jolt and push his dick deep into the welcoming mouth of the instructor. He was amazed to see that he was swallowing it all, and seemed delighted to do so. When Carlo finished giving the man all his seed, and his tremors subsided, the man parted with satisfied air, licking his lips like a gourmet who had just tasted a delicious dish. He stood in front of the youth, took his face in his hands and they French-kissed for a long time. At this moment Martino unloaded his cum into the toilet bowl, fantasizing that he was in the instructor's place.

They dressed, again giving each other a long and intimate kiss, then left the tanning room. Martino tidied himself up, put his jockstrap and trousers back in place, and returned to the gym. The judo instructor was talking with another instructor as if nothing had happened, and Carlo was engrossed in his exercises. The judo instructor said goodbye to his colleague and went out, ignoring Carlo who did not even look at the man. Martino watched Carlo and, especially now that he knew he was gay, felt his desire for him mounting. He did not say or do anything that evening, but he had gotten an idea.

On his next trip to the gym, as soon as he saw Carlo entering, he walked up to him and said, "Hi, Carlo. Let me buy you a coffee." Gym patrons often offered each other a drink, so Carlo quietly accepted.

When they were alone in front of the coffee machine, Martino said, "Tell me, Carlo, are you the judo instructor's steady lover, or do you only do it occasionally?"

Carlo gave him a bewildered look and said: "What? What kind of bullshit is that? Are you crazy?"

Martino shook his head and smiled, handing him the paper cup of coffee. Then he slipped another coin into the machine and said, "No, I know you two do it in the tanning room."

"Come on, don't talk crap! We just tan. How can you be so malicious?"

"Malicious, me? No, no! I know he lies down and you sit on his super-cock to be fucked, and afterwards he gives you head and swallows everything." Martino calmly took his cup of coffee and started to sip it.

Carlo, still as a statue, his cup still in his hand, nervously insisted, "Don't talk crap!"

"Come on, Carlo! There is nothing wrong if you both like it, is there?"

"Stop it. You have a sick imagination."

Martino again smiled. "Drink your coffee. No, it's not imagination. Would you like me to describe in detail everything you two did the last time?"

Carlo swallowed his coffee and threw away the paper cup. Then in a mocking, challenging tone he said, "Well, let's pretend you are right. If you know so much detail, tell me. What is Alfredo's cock like? Anything distinctive about it?"

Martino closed his eyes and "saw" that detail again. "It's about this long and this big around", he said, showing the size with his hands, "and it has two hearts tattooed on it, one red and one green. Am I right?"

"When did you see it?"

"Just the last time, while you were licking it. Do you still insist it isn't true?"

"Well... what are you going now, make fools of us in front of everybody?"

"Why should I?"

"I'm asking you."

"He would lose his job, right? And if your family knew..."

"I'm of age."

"And so what? But I don't think I will say anything to anybody, at least not if..."


"If you'll make love with me. I like you a lot, Carlo. I've wanted you for a long time."

"But you... are you gay?"

"Would I ask you to do it otherwise? So what do you think? Are you game?"

"But I... I've been with Alfredo for a year."

"I'm not asking you to leave him. Just do it with me too."

"What if I told you I don't feel like it?"

"Well... somebody could discover you and... you know what would happen, don't you?"

"So you're forcing me to come with you."

"Well, I was hoping you would with me because you would enjoy it, not because it's forced. I'm not so ugly, am I? I think I'm quite handsome, actually."

"When and where."

"We can go to the tanning room now."

"No. He would know we were missing and then find us shut inside there. I don't want him to know about this. It would hurt him too much. I never cheated on him, until now."

"Well, so tell me when and where."

"I don't know."

"When we leave the gym later, come with me to the park. There are hidden places and nobody goes by there at this time of day. I go through almost every evening and it is always deserted."

"But isn't it dangerous?"

"No. Even at night you can clearly see if someone is coming. So then, tonight, agreed? We will go out together, okay?"

"It seems I have no choice."

Martino was already aroused, but they went back to the gym and did all the exercises, ignoring each other. In reality Martino never lost sight of Carlo, and noticed that when the judo instructor, Alfredo, approached him and whispered something, the boy shook his head. Martino saw the man's amazed expression and decided to "listen".

"... today?"

"No, I don't feel like it, forgive me."

"Is there a problem, Carlo?"

"No, no, just... another time, please?"

"All right, as you please", the instructor answered, leaving the youth and going back to the judo gym.

Martino was satisfied.

When they left the gym, Carlo followed him silently. Martino tried to strike up a conversation while they were on their way, but the youth answered in monosyllables.

They went deep into the park and found a secluded spot. Martino asked, "Is this all right?"

"Yes. What do you want to do?"

"Make love with you..."

"Make love? Fuck, you mean", the surly youth replied.

Martino shrugged his shoulders. "Whatever. Come on, Carlo, let's drop our trousers."

Thoroughly aroused, incredibly excited, Martino put his hand on his handsome companion's penis, still hanging soft between his firm thighs. His hand trembled - it was the first time he had touched a man so intimately! He caressed, fondled, teased it until he felt it pleasurably growing in his hand. It was hot, silky, more and more hard.

"Go on, do it to me too", he said, his excitement mounting at what he was experiencing.

Carlo complied. His companion's hand on his rigid member gave Martino a jolt. He shuddered involuntarily. It was a wonderful sensation. Finally he was experiencing what he had always dreamed, what he had desired for months. He was with a man, a beautiful, young, half naked man, and they were about to make love. Masturbation was a pale imitation, a palliative. This was the real thing! That hot hand holding it tight, feeling it, that palpitating member inside his hand, and...

"Do you want to fuck first, or shall I start?" Martino asked, his voice filled with lust.

"You fuck. I don't like being a top."

"But you like getting head, don't you? So first I'll fuck your little nice ass, then I'll give you head, OK?"

"As you like..."

Martino turned him around, spat on his fingers and wet his anus, moved close to him and drove his member, hard as granite, between the firm small buttocks. He found the hidden hole and felt its tender warmth, and began to push. All at once he felt an intense heat wrapping his glans, a tight blazing sheath surrounding his member as he sank inside and Carlo's wet receptacle received him. Martino was deeply stirred. His dream was becoming real, he was at last fucking a man! His hands roamed over Carlo's chest and belly, then one lingered on his genitals and he enjoyed feeling them pulsate. He started to pump into his companion's ass in a good rhythm and felt the pleasure seizing him in stronger and stronger waves. It was delight, bliss, enchantment, it was intoxication, exultation, happiness, it was voluptuousness, merrymaking, festivity!

He felt his whole body tensing, all his muscles contracting with unexpected force, with unknown vigor, with primitive energy. He felt he was close to exploding and his strokes became stronger and more desperate, almost as if he wanted to penetrate him with all his body and not just with his burning member.

Finally it was as if a high-voltage shock ran through him from the nape of his neck to his toes, and he emptied himself inside his companion, wheezing with his pleasure. Then he became still, panting, sated, satisfied. It was really a wonderful thing to enjoy in that way, with a man, inside a man. In that moment Carlo was to him all the men he had dreamed about, the primeval male, the universal Adam. The hot receptacle that received his indescribable orgasm was the Earthly Paradise. When he parted from his companion, Martino felt almost regret.

"That was wonderful, Carlo! Do you know that you are my first man?"

"Ah, really?"

"Yes, and I loved it so much, really a lot. Now I'll suck you so you can get..."

"No, it doesn't matter. I'd rather if you let me go, now that you satisfied your lust."

"But... didn't you enjoy it?"

"Physically yes, but..."


"I'd rather do it with my man."

Martino was taken aback. To him it had been so great that he thought that his companion would agree.

Then, while they were tidying their clothes, he said, "I don't want to take you away from your man, I told you. But I would like to do it again with you some other time."

"You are the one holding the knife by the handle, aren't you? It seems I have no choice."

"Well... I hoped you would like doing it with me and make up your mind to do it again willingly. I told you, you are my first man. I wanted so desperately to try it, and I didn't know with whom, so when I discovered that I like you, and that you are also... I thought I would take advantage of that..."

"Yes, right, take unfair advantage. I love my man. With you... it's just a fuck. How can you force me to want it?"

Martino, afterwards, reflected about what Carlo tried to tell him in the park. So when they met again in the gym, he invited him for a cup of coffee and said, "Carlo... if you want to stop doing it with me... anyway, I won't say anything to anyone about you two, I swear."

"Oh, really? Why?"

"Well... I was wrong to force you... I understand that now. It is just that... I wanted it so much, I never did it before, and..."

"And you imposed on me. You took advantage of what you knew."

"Yes... But I understand now. I was wrong and I apologize."

"After fucking me as you pleased, like a whore, in the park."

"Well, if I wanted to I could force you again, couldn't I? Instead, I'm apologizing."

"Do you expect me to be grateful for that?" Carlo asked sarcastically, looking straight into his eyes.

"No... just forgive me."

"Let's just stop talking about it, okay?"


"I don't know about that. But... well, not enemies, anyway."

"It's better than nothing..." Martino murmured, ashamed.

A few days later, Carlo asked him, "Was that really your first time with me?"

"Yes, why?"

"So I am the only one?"


"Why don't you have a friend? You are handsome. And you are not a bad guy, in spite of... of everything."

"It's just that... I don't know how to find a friend. No one has it written on his forehead that he is gay!"

"Well, I hope you will find a friend, then. And in a more honest way. A friend, and not somebody... not the way you did it with me."

"Right, but how?" Martino though, dejected. "I'm back at square one again. Well, other than the fact that I've had a man now, at least once, even if I did it the wrong way. Fucking hell, it was great!"

And Martino began once more to do his "exercises" using the small David statue.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 5

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