A Fairy Tale?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 20, 2006


A FAIRY TALE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 7th of March, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Vicent


"A FAIRY TALE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 3 - A disastrous trial

For some time Martino amused himself with his powers. He looked at the handsome men who crossed his path, made some of them become aroused, listened to their words as long as he pleased. But in spite of his powers, he was unable to find anyone he really liked, and who was at the same time a faggot like himself. Or rather a "gay" man. He had discovered this new term and he liked it better than "faggot". Gay means joyous and lively, happy, merry, lighthearted... If he could only find a partner, he would certainly be "happy".

He also discovered a magazine titled "Gay Italia", peeping out from among the other magazines at the news stand. He never dared to buy one, fearing someone would recognize him making the purchase. Besides, he could not take it home - not that his father rummaged through his belongings, but he did have free access to them. His father often went into his room looking for a book or for the Scotch tape, even when Martino was not at home.

His powers had not helped him single out any gay man, and he felt more and more lonely.

Once he saw a magnificent young man sitting on a bench in the park, his legs slightly apart. Martino sat on a bench in front of him and with his mental "caresses" finally managed to get him hard. Looking at him naked, Martino realized that the youth was really aroused. Even his nipples were engorged and hard.

Eventually the young man stood up and went into the nearby public toilets. Martino followed him and looked at the only closed door. Through it he could "see" the young man leaning against the wall, and as Martino had hoped he was jacking off, his eyes closed. This didn't mean that the handsome man was gay, but Martino became aroused, so he shut himself in the neighboring stall so that he could see the man from the front. Martino began to jack himself off, "looking" through the dividing wall. The young man was stroking his chest as he continued to jack off, and Martino imitated him, imagining that they were in the same stall, that they were jacking off and caressing each other. When the other man came, spurting towards him against the wall, Martino also spattered the invisible wall with his own semen.

On another occasion Martino was leaving a bookshop when two boys passed in front of him, walking side by side. Something caught his attention, something he could not identify. He liked the look of them both, and convinced himself that they had to be more than just friends. Perhaps it was the way they were smiling at each other while talking, or the way they were looking at each other, but he was sure there was an intimacy between the two youths.

Discreetly he followed them and tried to "hear" what they were saying, but he got no hints. It could be a normal chat between friends. The two boys sat at a small table outside a coffee bar, and placed their order. Martino sat where he could see the handsomer of them from the front, and the other in profile. Protected by his mirror glasses, he "watched" them through their clothes. Not bad at all! he thought, pleased. So he started to apply his "caresses" on both of them, alternating between the two, but concentrating on the one directly in front of him. He alternated "vision" with "caresses" and "hearing", and waited to see what would happen. First one of them got a good hard-on, then the other. Finally Martino heard what he had hoped for.

"Gianni... I'd like a good fuck", the handsomer whispered.

His companion smiled slyly. "Me too."

"Now, I need it now."

"Yeah. Let's go to the river shack, shall we? I want it too, and I want it bad."

The friend nodded his pleasure. Martino smiled to himself, satisfied.

The two youths paid and left. Martino quickly did the same and followed them from a distance. He picked up his bike as he passed it and pushed it by hand, continuing to follow them. When they reached a bus stop they took the first bus that came. Martino hopped on his bike and pedaled after the bus, until he saw the boys get off at the third stop on the river bank. They walked for a while, never realizing that they were being shadowed, and finally slipped into an opening in the tall hedge and disappeared. Martino parked his bike near a street lamp and followed them. There was no sign of them when he moved through the hedge, but he had heard them say something about a shack. He searched fruitlessly and was nearly ready to give up when he spotted a wooden cabin hidden by a thicket of bushes. Excitedly he approached until he was near the wooden wall and could use his "vision".

They were inside, already naked. They had made a kind of bed with their clothes and were lying on it. They were embracing, with the one named Gianni on top, and they were dueling with their tongues, rubbing their bodies together with obvious desire. Martino thought it was a wonderful scene and he envied the two lovers, young and handsome. Now that they were making love, they seemed even more beautiful than when he had watched them in the coffee bar.

Gianni caressed his lover's face and said something. The other answered with a smile of pleasure. They resumed their passionate kiss. Then Gianni turned and Martino watched as they began to suck each other's hard cocks, almost greedily. This was the first time Martino had seen anyone perform a sixty-nine, and he found the scene highly arousing. Feeling the sexual urge rising impetuously within himself, Martino didn't let them out of his sight for a single instant as he feverishly opened his fly, freeing his achingly engorged member. He began to jack himself off, never taking his eyes from the two young lovers.

The two boys, unaware their performance was being watched, continued to suck and caress each other with increasing passion. Then Gianni pulled away from his lover's cock, knelt between his legs and pushed them upwards. His companion reached behind his own knees and pulled his legs up against his chest. Gianni dove his face between his friend's buttocks and started to lick them with sheer passion. Martino moved to get a better view of the hot scene, and after a couple of attempts he found the right location and again "looked" at the couple.

In the meantime Gianni, his cock straight and well wetted with saliva, pointed it directly between his partner buttocks, pushed firmly forward and slowly sank into him. Martino at times watched the faces of the two boys, radiating intense pleasure; at other times watched Gianni's strong member moving in and out of his friend's nice small ass; then again he would watch the young friend's rigid cock as it bounced against his belly with each of Gianni's thrusts. It was a wonderful scene, charged with eroticism. Martino wanted to join them and for a moment felt an impulse to burst into the cabin, but he lacked the courage.

Studying the two lovers' expressions, he could not say which of them was getting the most pleasure from their energetic fuck. Certainly both of them were feeling an intense pleasure. Martino admired Gianni's powerful and passionate thrusts, and the languid, tender abandon with which his lover was welcoming them. Which one of them would he rather be? Perhaps Gianni, perhaps his lover... Yes, perhaps the vigorous and sturdy Gianni, full of energy, and perhaps the sweet and voluptuous companion, receiving his lover into his body with obvious pleasure. He had never tried this himself, and didn't know which of the two roles he would have liked more. Possibly both. Yes, it would have to be both.

Suddenly Gianni reached his orgasm and unloaded inside his lover with a series of powerful thrusts. Every muscle in his body was tensed, and his face displayed his shifting emotions as he experienced an intense, mind-blowing pleasure. With his normal hearing he could hear Gianni moan, in a warm and low voice: "I'm cumming... oh, I'm cumming." At that moment Martino exploded in his own orgasm.

When Gianni had cooled down, he slipped out of his companion, but rather than dressing as Martino expected, he went down on all fours, offering himself to his lover. The other boy knelt at his back, and lapping strongly and deeply with his tongue, lubricated Gianni's hole. Then he leaned against him, applying his hard, straight rod with strong constant pressure, pulling Gianni's pelvis towards his groin. Slowly and relentlessly he sank into Gianni, until his cock was completely engulfed. Then he began to move back and forth, pumping his fiery pestle of flesh inside his lover, first with slow determination, then with increasing speed and vigor. Martino, fascinated by this unforeseen swapping of roles, moved again to better enjoy the scene.

Once more the two boys inside the cabin seemed to really enjoy their respective positions. And again Martino wished that he could be with them, sharing their pleasure. His erection renewed itself and he again began to masturbate, no less fascinated than before by the couple's actions.

The one who earlier was a yielding lover, now was full of virile energy and determination. The manly Gianni was now the docile one, mild and visibly pleased to be receiving into his body the hardness of his friend's rod. Both of them seemed to enjoy their new union immensely.

Martino again envied them, and once more felt tempted to creep in that alcove of love and pleasure. He had the impression that the two youths were enjoying their turnabout union much more than the two guys he had seen fucking in the park. It seemed so because their union was so peaceful, and they were obviously so much in love.

Would he ever find a lover? To tell the truth a stranger might be good enough right now, if only there were someone he could fuck! If only he were a handsome male like one of these two young men...

When Martino saw that the boy was emptying his load inside Gianni, thrusting rapidly and powerfully, passionately holding his lover's body tightly to his own, he came himself, for the second time.

Then the two lovers lay down, intertwining their legs, tenderly caressing and kissing each other. Their beautiful cocks were soft now, but the two seemed to enjoy the tender afterglow, this moment of sweet abandon.

At last Martino found the courage to do what he had wanted before, but had not dared. He went to the front door of the cabin and "looked" to see how it was fastened. A large nail was bent into a U-shape, passing through two small iron rings, one screwed to the door and the other to the frame. With the force of his thought alone, almost without effort, Martino caused the nail to shift until it fell out onto the floor. He pushed on the door, and it opened with a screech.

The two boys looked at him astounded, then frightened, as they hurried to pull on their underpants. But Martino, still in the doorway, smiled at them. The two boys didn't take their eyes off him for a moment, not knowing what to expect. Finally Martino said, "I just wanted... you don't have to be scared of me... I... I'm gay too."

The two youths were still trying to get dressed. Gianni said, "He spied on us."

"Well, yes, I... I did see everything and... I would like doing it with you", Martino said hesitantly, with a mixture of hope and embarrassment.

The two lovers continued to dress, but somewhat more calmly now. "That's impossible", Gianni said. "We are a couple. We aren't interested in anyone else. Leave us alone."

Martino nodded and his cheeks colored slightly as he murmured, "Yes, you're right, but... but I... I'm gay, as I said, but... I've never done it with anyone, and..."

The two boys were now completely dressed and standing up. Martino added: "My name is Martino... You are Gianni, and you?"

"Renato." the other answered, not unkindly.

"How do you know my name?" Gianni asked frowning. "I don't know you."

Then Martino had an idea. He "looked" in Gianni's pocket, trying to see the boy's identity papers. He could read the address. "Don't you live in Verona Boulevard, at number 45?" he asked.

Gianni seemed hesitant, then admitted, "Yes, why?"

"I thought so. I've seen you, you probably don't remember me, but I know where you live", Martino lied.

"If you're thinking of blackmailing me..." Gianni began belligerently.

Martino cut him off, shocked at the idea. "Blackmail? Me? No, I told you... I just... well, I would just like to get to know you and... and perhaps become friends."

"We choose our friends, and we sure wouldn't pick a Peeping Toms like you. You had no right to spy on us!"

"I know, I'm sorry, please forgive me, but..."

"We're leaving now", Gianni said. "You do what you please, but leave us alone, understand?" His tone was angry as the two left, leaving Martino dumbfounded and alone.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 4

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