A Fairy Tale?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Jul 18, 2006


A FAIRY TALE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 7th of March, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Vicent


"A FAIRY TALE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 2 - A special dream

One night, Martino had a dream. In his dream, he was asleep in his room, stark naked. Suddenly he heard his name called and he awoke. He switched on the light and looked around, but there was no one in the room. He was about to switch off the light, when he again heard his name. The voice was coming from his desk. He looked with amazement and saw that the little statue on his desk had changed its posture. David now had his hands on his hips, his legs were spread, and he had a hard-on!

He looked more closely. The little statue moved and said, "Hello, Martino!"

"Hi, David", he answered as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

"Martino, I know that you are looking for a man you can make love to."

"Yes, that's true."

"Good. I want to make a bargain with you. I want to help."

"Help? How can you help me?"

"I can give you the power to make many of your dreams come true."

"Are you serious? If I want a man, you can make him become my lover?"

The little statue laughed and said, "No, not that. I can make your dreams come true only if they don't involve the emotions or the will of other people."

"In that case, what good is your help?"

"I can still make your wishes come true if they involve objects."

"You mean that if I want a new car, you can get it for me?"

"No, not that either..."

"Are you making fun of me?"

"Absolutely not, Martino. But wishing for objects to appear or disappear? That's not part of the deal, I'm sorry."

"So, what if I want to become invisible?"

"No, I can't do that either, because that would mean changing other people's ability to see. Now if it only involved your own abilities, I could help you."

"I don't understand..."

"Martino, when you see a beautiful man, what do you really want?"

"I want to make love with him, of course."

"Yes, but isn't there anything else you want? What if you meet such a man on the street, or at the university?"

"Well... uh, yes, I'd like to be able to see them naked..."

"Good, now that is the kind of wish I can make come true."

"Really? And what do I have to do to get this power?"

"All you have to do is to touch me and imagine the thing you want."

"Right, can you see me walking around with you in my hand?"

"Well, maybe you could keep me in your pocket."

"Yes, I suppose I could. Okay, give me this power!"

"I'll give it to you, but... I talked about making a deal. There is a price."

"A price?"

"Of course."

"And what is the price?"

"Each time one of your wishes comes true, you will lose one day of your life."

"Just one? Well, that's not so much."

"Do you know how much life you have left?"

"No, that's true, but I am still young and I have many years of life ahead of me. And anyway, for me to lose just one year of life, you would have to fulfill three hundred and sixty-five of my wishes."

"But what if you only had a few months left to live?"

"Well, at least I can have the power for as long as I do live. I'm game..."

"So let's do the contract."

"A contract? How do we do that?"

"You'll enter into it by giving me your semen. And I'll sign on by becoming smaller, just pocket size. Tomorrow morning if you wake up damp with your own semen, you'll find me just three inches tall. Then you will know for sure that the contract is signed. So, do you really accept it? Have you thought it through completely?"

"Of course I accept. Consider it done."

The alarm clock rang and Martino opened his eyes. Remembering his dream he smiled in amusement. But when he got out of bed, he saw that the front of his pajama pants was damp. He had had a wet dream. He shook his head, smiling again at the strange coincidence. He turned towards his night table to pick up his watch and stopped, his eyes going wide with surprise. The little statue of David was no longer on the desk where he had left it. It was on his night table, but more than that, it had shrunk to a third of its earlier height! He stared at it dumbfounded, looked at the empty desk, then looked again at his David, now the height of a chess king.

He felt his heart start to beat harder and faster. Slowly he stretched his arm towards the David, brushed it, grasped it. It really was smaller. Then he held it tight, and feeling rather silly, he thought: "I want to see into Roberto's bedroom..."

The wall in front of him faded like a lap dissolve in a movie, gradually revealing a room he had never seen before. Lying on a bed was a man he recognized as Roberto, the neighbor he had so often wanted to see naked. He was sleeping, covered only by a bed sheet.

"I want to see under the sheet", Martino thought.

At the thought, the sheet began to dissolve and the handsome body of the youth appeared, wearing only his underpants. Martino was starting to feel aroused.

He held his breath and thought, almost convulsively clenching his mini-David: "I want to see under his underpants!" Immediately he could see Roberto's member. It was half erect, sprouting from a thicket of curly brown hair. It was circumcised. It was beautiful! It was as if Roberto, sleeping unaware in the room adjoining his own, his bed against the wall and parallel to Martino's own, was sleeping completely naked, exposed to his admiring eyes, in a bed next to his, close enough to touch! Martino was now completely aroused.

"I want it to become erect and hard!" he thought, but nothing happened. Then he remembered what David had said. He could not interfere with people, only with objects. For a while he contemplated the naked body of his youthful neighbor, then he let the little statue fall onto the bed. At once the image disappeared, and Martino again saw only the wall that separated his room from his neighbor's house.

Martino sat on his bed and looked at the statue. Then he stood up and went to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw the usual image. He took a cold shower, his mind in turmoil.

He went back to his bedroom and once more took the tiny David in his hand. "I want to see Roberto naked", he thought and on the wall he saw again the youth, lying less than one meter from him, completely naked.

Roberto was waking up. His arms moved as he pulled the invisible sheet away from his body. He went into the bathroom, but the image did not vanish. Instead the bathroom wall became transparent and he could see Roberto pulling down his unseen underpants. As soon as Roberto stepped out of the underpants and got into the shower, the garment became visible again. He watched as Roberto showered, hoping he would get an erection or stroke himself, but neither of these things happened. Taking his time and watching him carefully, Martino noticed that naked, Roberto was less handsome that he had supposed. He was a little too hairy for Martino's taste, and not very well proportioned. He also had a bit of a pot belly, in spite of the fact that he was still so young. Still it was fun to look at a naked male, Martino thought.

When he looked away, the image disappeared. He realized that he had to look directly at the object of his desire in order to see him.

To test this theory, he thought: "I want to see my father." He looked towards the wall separating his room from his father's, and he saw the older man standing there, wearing his uniform. Once again when he looked away, the image vanished.

Martino felt slightly dazed, as if he had drunk a little too much.

Shortly thereafter Martino's father knocked at his door. Hurriedly he covered his lap with the sheet, just in time before his father appeared in the doorway. "Not dressed yet! Hurry up, I'm leaving in ten minutes!"

"Yes, dad..." Martino answered. As soon as his father left, he hurriedly dressed. He combed his hair, took his books and was about to leave the room when he remembered the little statue. He went back, took it and slipped it into his trousers pocket.

"No time to eat your breakfast, you're late", his father said in an annoyed tone as they went down the stairs.

"I'll take my bike..."

"No", his father answered, and took him to the university in his car.

"What's up with you this morning?"

"Nothing, dad."

"You look strange."

"No, it's nothing." Martino insisted.

They didn't speak again until they were in front of the university gate. As he was getting out of the car, his father said, "You'll have to get home on your own."

"No problem, dad."

Martino watched as his father's car departed, then entered the building. He was still a little in shock about his new power. In the corridor he met some classmates and entered the classroom with them. When he sat down, Franco sat nearby.

Martino slipped his hand into his pocket, touched the David and thought: "I want to see Franco naked." Immediately his mate's clothing disappeared. It was an odd effect, seeing Franco sitting stark naked on the bench of the amphitheater-style classroom as if it were the normal thing to do.

"Well, he really is still dressed", Martino thought. "I'm the only one who can see him naked."

He looked around and saw that in fact everything was absolutely normal. He looked again at Franco, but this time he saw him completely dressed, even though he still had the little David in his hand. So, if he moved his eyes away from the object of his desire, his vision returned to normal. He was learning to use his new skill. How many days did he use with his desires? he asked himself, but then he shrugged his shoulders and forgot it.

Later, while he was at the university pub drinking a coffee, he saw a student from another course who was talking with a girl. It seemed that he was chasing her. He was handsome. Martino moved so that he had a better observation point, slipped his hand in his pocket, seized the David, looked at the young man and thought he wanted to see him naked. Pouf! The young man was standing in the center of the room talking with the girl, completely exposed to Martino's gaze. He could see at once that he had a hard on, although his member was pushed tight against his groin, kept still by the briefs Martino could not see. That nice turgid member was throbbing, pushing against the invisible fabric.

Martino watched him in fascination. "I wonder if the girl knows the effect she has on him. What a pity he runs after girls", Martino thought, continuing to enjoy the exciting view of that handsome, aroused young man.

Eventually the young man noticed that Martino was staring at him. With a frown he asked, his voice hard, "What are you staring at?"

Martino looked away, realizing that if he wanted to take his time observing a nice young man, he would have to wear those mirror glasses to hide the direction of his look from others.

For several days Martino dedicated himself to literally undressing with his eyes all the men he met and liked. The mirror glasses prevented any embarrassment. He was surprised to discover that his trainer at the gym was underendowed in spite of the fact that he was a hunk. But he also noticed that the doorman's son, a twenty-five year old chap, with a face neither beautiful nor ugly, had a wonderful body and a totally remarkable cock, even at rest. Soft, it was an appetizing sausage, at least as long as the span of his hand.

One afternoon while he was at home studying, not even thinking about men or his new power, he absent-mindedly fondled his David and thought, "Man, what a bore! I wish this book would just fly out the window!" Suddenly, to his great surprise, the book took a small jump towards the window.

It had moved just an inch, no more, but... No, it was coincidence, he told himself... but a doubt crept into his mind. After all, the David told him that he could give him some power over objects...

So he seized the statue and thought: "Move, book... move... move..." and the book moved again. It was just another inch, but it moved!

The mental effort made him feel tired, and gave him a slight headache, but the book had moved. He had discovered another unexpected possibility, a new power given to him by the David.

"Maybe the book is too heavy", he thought. So he looked at a paper clip and tried to move it with his thoughts. It worked, and it did not tire him. He followed it with his eyes, making it glide across the desk top, until it flew into the wastepaper basket!

"Fucking great!" he thought. "But what can I do with this power?" Then he had an idea. He looked at the zipper on his trousers fly and thought, "Go down!" The zipper moved downward half an inch.

"Fucking hell, so I can undress a person. But so what, since I can already see him naked without undressing him, and without getting tired?"

Having a scientific mind, he wanted to measure the "force" of this new skill. Going into the kitchen, he took out the scales and with his thoughts he tried to lower the pan while he watched the pointer. He moved it first to fifty grams, then to a hundred, with no difficulty, but by the time he got it to five hundred grams, he had a real headache.

He went back to his room and sat down, thinking how he could use this new power for his goals. He was unconsciously caressing his cheek, and this gave him an idea. He tried to look at his hand make it exert pressure on his skin, but nothing happened. He had no power over a body, only over objects. Then he had a new idea. He looked at his shirt at the level of his nipples and exerted the mental pressure... and he felt a light pressure on his nipple. He looked between his legs and gave the mental order, and the fabric of his jeans began to press against his cock, almost as if someone were lightly pushing there. When he moved his eyes up and down the fabric, it was as if a finger was lightly caressing him...

"Shit! This could be interesting. Could be useful."

Besides the power he called "vision" he could also use this "caress", so he might be able to provoke a hard-on. If he could do that, what else might he be able to do with his little statue? Well, for now it would be enough to practice using just this one.

Excited by his new discovery, he left his room with the David in his pocket. He walked for some distance before he noticed a really handsome boy leaning against a tramway stop post. First he looked him naked, and saw that his penis was at rest. Fixing his eyes on the precise spot, he began to use the "caress". He could no longer see the boy's cock, but he knew that the fabric of his underpants was pushing and brushing it with a slight movement like a caress. The boy moved his hand to his fly and made a quick movement, as if he were arranging his trousers. Martino repeated his "caress" and the boy touched himself again. After several of these stimulations he again used his "vision" and noticed with pleasure that the boy was starting to have an erection. He continued to exert his "caress" several more times on the trousers fabric, and when he looked again the erection was obvious. The boy wore boxers, so his penis stretched out downward, pressing against his thigh and throbbing deliciously. Martino smiled, satisfied with his success.

This new game excited him, so he tried it several times with various men, and he often gave them erections. The key to success, he learned, was that his subject should not be moving. He found it was better to alternate pressure on the penis with pressure on the nipples. In a few days he mastered the technique, but by this time he was exhausted and often got severe headaches. So he decided to use the "caress" sparingly, only when the guy was really beautiful.

One evening he tried it on his neighbor. Roberto, lying in his bed, found himself with a nice erection. Martino watched him take it in his hand and start stroking. He began to stroke himself in unison with Roberto until they shot their cum together.

Martino began to wonder if the agreement made with David included any other powers. He tried to express other desires, but with no success. He tried to remember the exact words he had exchanged with the David in that "dream." He knew he could not interfere with people's bodies, or with their thoughts or feelings. He could not make things appear or disappear, but with enough effort he could move them. He could see through things as if they were perfectly transparent, but he could only look straight ahead, and he could move his eyes only inside his field of vision. If he looked away, the "vision" disappeared and his vision returned to normal. He had some possibilities and some limits. But what more? Martino didn't know, but he was determined to find out.

Suddenly he had an idea. He closed his eyes and thought: "I want to see the boy at the tramway stop again, naked and aroused." Immediately the image appeared clear in his mind, as if his eyes were open. What he saw was not like a still picture, but like a short film loop that repeats and repeats.

He opened his eyes, and the vision disappeared. He closed them again. "I want to see Roberto cumming", he thought, and he saw him again. This time he did not cum just once, but over and over, and Martino could watch him for a long while, observing his muscles contracting, his hard penis twitching, his face drawing into a grimace of pleasure, and even his toes curling. He could observe every detail that previously there had not been time to notice.

Then he had a new thought. He could confirm the selectivity of his new "memory". "I want to see page 234 of the pathology book", he thought, and there it was, as if the book were open in front of him! He could read every word, study each picture. He had a photographic memory in the true meaning of the word. Photographic and selective. That gave him the idea for a use. It didn't have much to do with his desire to find a nice partner. The problem was his studies. Lately they had been going slowly, and this could give him more free time for his research and amusement. A few trials convinced him that although his new "memory" didn't eliminate study altogether, it did sharply reduce the amount of study time. To visualize a certain argument he had to read it carefully. He discovered that it was not necessary to remember the page number. It was enough to visualize a certain concept he knew but could not remember perfectly, and then he could immediately read the appropriate section of the book. So his power enabled him to improve his performance, but he could not abandon studying.

He used his new power when exam day came and he got the highest marks in both the written and the oral tests. His father muttered something almost complimentary, and nagged him less about studying and not wasting time.

One day he was watching two boys talking quietly. "I want to hear what they are saying", he thought, and immediately the flow of their words reached his ears as if they were talking only inches away from him, clear and distinct! He checked the distance at which the "hearing" would work and discovered that as long as he could see the person, he could also eavesdrop on his conversation.

He then tried thinking, "I want to hear them", while he was watching the two boys with his "vision", and it worked. If the "vision" disappeared, the "hearing" stopped too. Martin was more and more excited. His imagination went wild and suggested more experiments. He didn't discover any new powers, but he came to a better understanding of the powers he had, and became more proficient at using them.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 3

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