A Fairy Tale?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 11, 2006


A FAIRY TALE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 7th of March, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Vicent


"A FAIRY TALE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 14 - And they lived together, happy and ever after

Martino introduced to David his two only and real friends, Lino and Vincenzo. David thought that the two youths were a very beautiful couple and soon became their friend. Lino and Vincenzo were happy for their friend's reached happiness.

"We also should try to find a small apartment all for us." Lino said.

"Being I a carabiniere, it would be really difficult to justify the fact that I live together with you, Lino, you know this... The corps are not at all tender about our private life. We are never really free."

"You can take the apartment only at your name and say you live alone... They won't possibly come to check who you bring in it, will they?" David said.

"No, sure, but if Lino lived with me, they would for sure get to know it and..."

"But even now Lino often comes to your home... And at times he spends his nights with you." Martino said.

"It's different. Believe me, I too would like being able to live with you, Lino."

"While we were looking for our apartment, we saw in Svizzera Boulevard some studios, just finished to built. Some were communicating, so that they could be rented separated or united. If each of you takes one of them, bordering the other, nobody can know if the internal door is locked or open, could they?" Martino suggested.

"Yes... it could work, and it would be great... Do you think they still have two free communicating studios?" Vincenzo asked with a hope light in his eyes.

"I think so ­ when we saw them about half were still vacant. You can go and see..."

They were lucky ­ each of them rented one of two bordering studios and moved there.

When David and Martino went to see them in their new place, Lino merrily said, "We have even the double bathroom like in a luxury apartment! About the communicating door, we could not ask for the key, you see, but Vincenzo managed to open it ­ So I discovered that my beautiful carabiniere can also be, luckily, a skilled burglar!" He concluded with humor.

They chatted sitting on Lino's "side" that was furnished as a living ­ Lino sitting on Vincenzo's lap and David on Martin's. At times each couple kissed, exchanged a tender, intimate caress and the fact they could share without worries even such sweet intimacy was a precious gift for both couples. On Vincenzo's "side" they had put a king-size bed and the studio. On Lino's side, besides the living room and the kitchen, a small drawing room. The communication door on Vincenzo's side was hidden behind a big panel to hang cloths and a chest on wheels so that, if Vincenzo had to receive a colleague, nobody could suspect that from there it was possible to pass in the neighboring studio.

The life together involved an adaptation period for Martino and Daniel, but the thousand little problems of daily habits to change were all overcome without real difficulties, thanks to the love and honesty with which they faced them.

For Martino was easy, and also pleasurable, to get used to sleep in the nude and to go around almost undressed. Less easy, but all the same pleasurable, being interrupted from time to time in his studies by the caresses of David, lit with desire for him. Less easy and less pleasurable having to care for the housework that he never did before and that he had now to share with his lover.

For David it was easy and pleasurable getting used to be waken up in the deep of the night by the caresses and kisses of Martino who desired to unite to him. Less easy but all the same pleasurable being interrupted, while he was looking at his preferred programs on the TV, by the vision of a naked and aroused Martino, who placed himself between him and the TV set with a tempting smile on his lips. Not easy and not so pleasurable having to get used to the mania for order of Martino.

Each of them had his own little manias, his dislikes, and they had to overcome those also, adapting themselves to each other, at times with sincere enthusiasm, at times with pain. But both were determined to overcome them.

They also spent part of their time chatting, talking, discussing, Martino became aware that David didn't have a humanistic, scholastic culture, but that he was rich of a different kind of culture, simple, popular, but not for that less fascinating and valuable. Martino had several things to teach David, but also much to learn from him.

Martino grew fond and affectionate with Lorenzo and Matteo and they often met in their home or in that of the two brothers'. He seldom met his father, about once each month, and always alone ­ he couldn't take David with him and this bothered him. They had also little matter to tell each other, as he couldn't talk about David, about his happy life with him.

With the monthly allowance he received from his father and David's salary they managed to have a life without problems. At times they even saved a little money that they used to do short journeys, when David had a few days free from his job. One of the first trips they did was to Florence to see the original of David's statue.

"So then, was Michelangelo skilled?" David asked him, standing near the statue where, in a moment that the wardens were not there, Martino shot him a picture.

"Well, not really good-good. Nearly good, let's say." Martino sweetly answered him.

"Do you still prefer me?"

"The original can never be surpassed by a copy. Did you know that Michelangelo unveiled his David's statue to the public exactly on the day of your birthday, and exactly four hundred and sixty years before your were born?"

"No, really? Four hundred and sixty years, you say? That's funny!"

"Funny? And why?"

"Because... I feel that if we multiply your age when we met by mine... the result must be right 460..." David said thoughtfully.

Martino looked at him and a question that forever ran through his mind and that he always put aside, finally surfaced spontaneous to his lips, "You, David, do you believe my story of the little David's statue, of my dreams, of my powers?"

His lover looked at him stupefied, "Sure! Why would I not?"

"But how do you explain it?"

"I don't even try. So many unexplainable things happen in life. What do we know? For instance, how did it come that we met, right you and I? How did it come that we fell in love at first sight, both of us? How did it come that we are now here, making these speeches?"

"Do you believe in chance?"

"We call `chance' all we are not able to explain, don't you think? Or we call it magic, or miracle, or... But we should, we can do nothing but surrender to the fact that there will always be something unexplainable, can we? What need is there to always know the whys and wherefores about everything? Let's just enjoy the beautiful things that life offers us, and endure the bad ones..."

"But mankind progresses just because it always asks itself the various whys, don't you think?"

"Yes, yes. Sure. And progress is a good thing, if it helps us to live in a better way. But at the end, what really counts, is the joy, the pain, the love ­ and they exist, outside understanding the whys... I don't think that, after all, we are so different from our prehistoric ancestors ­ also the cave's men have had their Martino and David, wouldn't they? And I don't think that their love was different from ours, was it? They would have probably looked for a cave all for them and... and they loved each other exactly as we do..."

Martino smiled at him nodding in assent and thought that after all, when they were naked in their mountain shelter, immersed in the nature, they were really like a primeval, eternal Martino and David.

He graduated at the university in the regular time and celebrated it with David, Lorenzo, Matteo, Lino and Vincenzo. His father made a last premium transfer in his account then didn't send him any more money, as he had decided.

Martino had to do military service and his father, without him asking for it, did so that he had to do it in their city, as a reserve medical officer in the Army Hospital. Martino was happy with that, as in this way he was not sent far from his David.

When the army service was over, Martino found a job in the General Hospital of their city, and also opened his private surgery. He now earned good money. From time to time he continued to see his father, and they never talked about David, but only about his job.

His father married again. Martino didn't like his father's new wife so much, as she acted the great lady and he found her empty and superficial, even if she was not an evil woman. Thus, gradually, he lessened his visits. They communicated by telephone and sent each other greeting cards for the main holidays.

On the contrary they often met Lorenzo and Matteo. Also Lorenzo married, so Matteo remained alone in their apartment. Matteo graduated at his school and was now working in the best hotel of their city and was satisfied. He got a girlfriend and took her to meet David and Martino. Both Lorenzo's wife and Matteo's girlfriend knew about David and Martino and accepted their relationship without the least problem.

Martino and David were more and more united ­ they fit wonderfully together. And like all the harmonious couples, one day Matteo made them notice with tenderness they were more and more alike. It was true, in fact the strangers often believed they were brothers.

David changed his job. He entered as a partner in a small firm specialized in renovations and interior design. The owner was an elderly gay man, a friend of Lino who introduced them. Sandro, the owner, had lived with Giovanni, his five years younger lover, for thirty-seven years. They met when Giovanni was twenty-six years old and Sandro thirty-one. Sandro at that time was married, but he didn't feel happy with his wife. In the evenings he often went to the tavern to drink and to play pool. He met Giovanni there and they became friends. The freshness and quiet joy of living of the young friend fascinated him and their meetings, their pool games, became for Sandro like an oasis.

Giovanni was gay, and fell in love with Sandro. But knowing he was married, he never made him understand his real sentiment. Sandro was not a gay man, in the sense that he never thought, never desired, or just imagined he could have a sexual relationship with another man, and even less to fall in love with a man. But they were becoming more and more close and intimate friends. One evening, going back home after their usual pool game, possibly a little drunk both of them, at the moment to part under Sandro's house, Giovanni pushed him in the accomplice shadow of the entrance hall, leant against his friend and kissed him. Sandro returned the kiss without a problem. Then they parted, bid goodnight to each other.

Later Giovanni, rethinking about what he did, regretted it ­ he thought that Sandro, when sober again, would get mad at him, would turn him away, therefore he didn't show up any more. But Sandro reflected about that unforeseen kiss all the night long, while lying at the side of his unloved wife. And felt, understood he was feeling desire towards his friend, and accepted this, because he finally understood the love Giovanni had for him. He needed to be loved, and if Giovanni was ready to give him love... why not! Their friendship was deep, and the pleasure to be together was great... Wouldn't it be beautiful to live near his friend rather than his odious wife, who was quarrelsome, selfish, beautiful but as silly as a goose?

As he didn't meet Giovanni at the tavern any more, after a few days of reflection while he matured those thoughts, went to look for him. And so they became lovers, with mutual joy. Sandro divorced from his wife and the two lovers went to live together. But Giovanni had his job and he didn't want to change it. Therefore Sandro carried on his activity alone, just hiring a little team of workers.

But Sandro was thinking to retire from his business and he wanted to leave it in good hands. His workers were skilled but none of them had the needed grit to manage the little enterprise. When, thanks to Lino, he met David, he was fascinated by his personality. Moreover the youth had a very good preparation in his job's field as he was an accomplished mason, plumber and electrician. So at first he proposed him just to go to work for him and studied David more closely. He introduced him to Giovanni and they became friends. And one day Sandro proposed David to become his partner, and to prepare to take his place when he would retire, and also to take over their firm. David accepted happily ­ the perspective to have an independent job fascinated him and also Martino pushed him to accept.

Now that they both earned good money, the two youths were rapidly accumulating good savings. They decided not to change their modest apartment, not to spend for the moment their savings for that ­ they had a more beautiful, urgent project, to buy the ruins of the mountain house. They saved enough money and meanwhile did their cadastral research to find out the owner of the ruins. The ruined house and a wide piece of the forest surrounding it belonged to a religious institution of sisters that got it as a legacy from a benefactor, an old lady, about ten years before. It didn't give them any income, therefore the religious institution was willingly ready to sell it.

When they gathered the needed sum, they bought all the land with the ruins. Then David started to restore all the first floor, obtaining in it a kitchen, a bathroom and a bedroom, but they left the second floor as it was, with its well tended, thick grass and the little David between the stones of the still standing wall.

And often, when the weather was fine, they renewed there the rites of their love, their naked bodies, now mature but not less beautiful, offered to the sun, to the nature and to the immense desire of their lover.


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