A Fairy Tale?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 9, 2006


A FAIRY TALE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 7th of March, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Vicent


"A FAIRY TALE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 13 - Families...

They met again in the days that followed, but they were able to exchange only glances and a few words. There were short strolls in the evening after supper, but they had no place to go where they could share their intimate desires. The one good thing was that this time allowed them to grow closer together. So the week passed, and when Sunday came they could go back to their paradise and give each other all the love and the passion, all the erotic charge that had accumulated in those days. They left Martino's bike near the iron bridge and went up the mountain, both riding on David's, so that Martino could hold himself to his lover and they could feel and enjoy each other's warmth.

Before going back home, David started to show his lover the constellations, naming the principal stars and making Martino repeat them so that he could memorize them. At one point Martino asked, "Which constellation is ours?"

"The Swan."


"You can see it all the year long because it's close to the North star. And as you can see, he flies through the Milky Way."

"And Deneb, which of us is Deneb?"

"We both are, because we can't be separated into two stars."

"I thought it would be only you..."

"Only me? Why?"

"Because Deneb is spelled with the first letters of the words David e nudo e bello'." (which means David is naked and handsome!')

"In that case it has to be you, and only you!"


"Because I couldn't possibly say those words by myself. You would have to think of them."

"Well, then it is both of us!" Martino said.

"Exactly as I said", replied David with a cunning smile.

A second week passed like the first one, filled with yearning for the following Sunday. And the longed-for day devoted to their intimacy finally came.

While they were eating their supper, David sadly announced: "Tomorrow we have to take out the scaffolding."

"Already? Oh my God, so we won't even have that?" Martino answered, feeling a pang in his heart.

"Unhappily, our job there is finished. Tonight I'd like us to go back around nine o'clock."

"So early? Are you leaving me so early?"

"No, I am not leaving you. You'll come with me. I want you to meet my brothers. They are waiting for you."

"Waiting for me?"

"Yes, they want to meet the one who lit the fire of love in me, who is giving me so much happiness, who changed my life. Does that bother you?"

"No, no. I'll just be a bit embarrassed."

"There is no reason for that. They are plain folks, and I am sure you'll like each other. But it's important to me, sort of making our union official. But only if you agree, of course."

"I'll come."

David was right - Martino, Lorenzo and Matteo liked each other at once and there was not the slightest embarrassment. Lorenzo was the unofficial head of the household, the eldest brother and not in age only. At the same time he was lively, simple, and deeply respectful of his brothers, towards whom he showed a loving tenderness. Martino thought that Lorenzo had just the right balance of maternal and paternal attitudes, while still remaining a friend to his brothers. He also was a handsome young man. Not really beautiful, just nice, but he glowed with an inner beauty. Matteo was attractive too, not as beautiful as David, but handsome nonetheless. Martino did not think he was blinded by his love for David, but that the brothers were good looking by an objective standard. Matteo was cheerful and witty, but at the same time quiet and sedate. Affectionate without being mawkish, he showed great admiration towards Lorenzo and an almost protective attitude towards David, in spite of the fact that he was the youngest brother.

Martino was enchanted with the family. He rejoiced in the way they welcomed him, making him part of the family. Matteo had baked a cake for the occasion, one that was both tasty and beautiful. He had decorated it with two interlaced hearts in the center, surrounding two letters written with small sugar flowers - M and D.

It was Lorenzo who that same evening said to the two lovers, "Why don't you look for an apartment together? It can be small, just a start, but a place where you can live together. Every couple needs its own nest, doesn't it?"

So David and Martino started to think about it and to search for a vacant flat. At the same time, Martino began to prepare his father for his decision to leave home.

"Do you have a woman?" his father asked.

"No, I'm looking for the apartment together with a friend."

"A university mate", his father returned.

"No. He is a mason. His name is David, and he is my age."

"A mason? How did you meet him? And why would you go to live with someone so different from you? You already have your home, your own room..."

Martino was torn. On the one hand he didn't want to lie to his father. He had never had to lie and he didn't want to start now. On the other hand, he feared his father's anger if the man found out what was really going on. Even though his father had recently been treating him like an adult, he certainly was not an open-minded and understanding person. Anything that did not fit into his mental categories was by definition wrong, absurd, unacceptable.

His father began again. "What is this all about, this project of yours?"

"It's not just a project, dad, it is my decision."

"Your decision, all right. I still want to know what it means, why you are doing it. If it was a friend from the university, that I could understand. You could study together more easily. And if it was a girl - you kids these days want to try it before you make a commitment. I don't approve of that, but at least I can understand. But a common laborer, a bricklayer? I just can't see why you would..."

His father stopped suddenly. He had guessed the truth. Martino could read it in the man's eyes. They widened in astonishment, then narrowed to harsh slits. He locked eyes with his father and held the gaze for what seemed like an eternity. Martino saw a muscle begin to twitch on his father's stony face. His heart was pounding, but he continued to hold that look, sharp as a bayonet. If his father was waiting for him to lower his eyes, he would have to wait a very long time. Martino was proud of his choice. He was no longer a boy who would obediently say, "Yes, dad", to everything the man decided for him. The silence was growing heavy, as their eyes challenged each other, mirroring the battle of two wills.

At length Martino saw in his father's eyes a kind of resignation filled with pain, and now the man's glance hurt him, but he continued to hold it.

His father emitted a half sigh, broken and low, almost a sob, "You are of age, Martino. I just hope you know what you are doing. I just hope you don't have to bitterly regret it one day."

"Dad, let me explain..."

"No! I don't want to know. It's your private business, you and that... that other person."

Yes, he knew. He didn't approve, but he would not stand in his way. And he really did not want to understand. Poor dad.

"I..." Martino began hesitantly.

Once again his father stopped him. "Keep up on your studies, that's all I ask."

"Of course. I'll take all my books as soon as we find the apartment."

"Take whatever you need. This is a big house, and it's full of furniture and things. There is no sense in spending a lot of money. We really have too much here anyway. If you open a bank account I'll deposit an allowance every month for... for three years, that is until the day you are supposed to graduate if you don't waste time. After that day, you will have to provide for yourself."

"Don't you want to see me any more?"

"Don't talk nonsense! You are still my son..."

"... in spite of everything", Martino concluded for him, sadly.

"Yes, in spite of everything."

"But dad, if you would only try to understand..."

"No. Don't try to involve me in your... in your choices. It would backfire on you. I would have to shut you out of my life for ever. You are all that I have left. Don't say another word. Live your life. But it has to remain yours alone. Don't try to involve me."

His father stood up from the table and went to the drawing room to smoke his pipe and read the newspaper. Martino asked himself if he should follow the man and insist. But he knew his father. As long as he didn't "know", everything would be fine. The ostrich technique, Martino bitterly thought. What a difference with David's brothers! They were open-minded, they were... human, even though they were of humble extraction, even though they weren't important and revered like his father.

Now he felt even more strongly that Lorenzo and Matteo were his true family. His father gave him life, cared for his needs while he was growing up, offered him security, money and food - but not understanding, not tenderness, not affection. Perhaps he was not capable of giving those things. Poor dad...

In the days following their conversation, if it could be called a conversation, his father did not change his attitude towards Martino in the slightest. It was as if they had never said a word, as if nothing at all had changed.

The two lovers finally found a small apartment two blocks away David's brothers' house. It had only a bedroom, a kitchen, a small entrance and a bathroom, but it fit them for a start. It was municipal housing, modest, simple, with no yard at all, but it was their nest. They furnished it, partially with what Martino brought from his home, partially with David's savings and with the help of Lorenzo, and they settled in.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 14

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