A Fairy Tale?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 7, 2006


A FAIRY TALE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 7th of March, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Vicent


"A FAIRY TALE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 12 - Desire and love

Feeling thirsty, Martino leaned towards the carrier to take the bottle. He was on all fours, his head jutting forward so he could drink, when he felt David's hands gripping his hips, and realized he was kneeling at his back. Guessing David's desire he put down the bottle without turning and lightly pushed his pelvis backwards, offering himself to his lover, until he felt his hard pole rummaging in his furrow.

In that position he couldn't see David, but he could feel him and that was enough. He closed his eyes, enjoying the agreeable sensation as his lover's desire searched for him. Finally he felt him breaking into him. He shuddered and savored the rod that was joyously dancing inside him, the hands that were now groping his chest, his belly, his burning genitals.

Martino felt that there was something sacred in their union - he was at once the altar and the idol. David was the priest officiating the rite, presenting his offering. Each of their unions was a solemn moment, unique, unrepeatable, always new and different, like the act of creation. It certainly was a deeply carnal act and therefore deeply human. It was also highly spiritual and therefore participating in the divine. The human and the divine united, permeated each other, melded with the union of their bodies. The catalyst that made this miracle possible, the essential ingredient, was their love.

Martino felt all of this while at the same time enjoying his lover's attentions, and experiencing the other's enjoyment. He felt terribly moved and excited. These unions could not compare with those Martino had experienced before meeting David. He felt grateful to his friend because David was making him his own with such a sweet and virile passion.

Suddenly the two youths came together, a simultaneous orgasm, a symphony of throbs, of thrusts, of intense vibrations. Then they collapsed on the blanket. Martino turned and they lay embracing each other, expressing their mutual gratitude, their intense joy with a long, intimate, tender kiss.

The sun was approaching his setting point and colored the sky deep red. As the two lovers ate their supper the first stars peeped out in the darkening vault of the sky. The air was still warm. The sky was now dark blue velvet, quilted with diamonds. David took a gas camping lamp out of the carrier and lit it. The white light cast deep shadows that set their bodies in sharp relief, showing off each feature, each muscle.

"I have waited for you all my life, David", Martino said at last, caressing him with a dreamy expression. His lover smiled, nodding. The air was starting to cool down a little, but it was still comfortable. They moved closer, nestling against each other. "When you saw me the first time, in the showers, did you think at once you would take me here?"

"No, it didn't even occur to me."

"What did you think, then?"

"I knew I liked you. I was really attracted to you. But I was sure I would never see you again."

"And then?"

"And then, lo and behold, I did see you again. You were in your room, lost in your books. I watched you for a long while, going up and down the scaffolding. And I liked you more and more. Especially when you looked at me and we spoke for the first time."

"Is that when you decided to take me here?"

"No, not yet. Your beauty alone didn't do that, or even the fact that I was more and more attracted to you. Not even the desire I could read in your eyes."

"Did you know right away that I wanted you?"

"Yes. And your desire made me want you even more. But I knew I had to bring you here that time when I asked you if you could read in my mind, and closed my eyes and hoped you would kiss me."

"Who knows why I didn't? I wanted so much to kiss you."

"I saw that in your eyes. The fact that you held back made me see that I was already important to you. You didn't want to let your desire ignite too soon and burn itself out. You didn't pounce on me as if I were prey. You wanted more than a fling to satisfy our bodies, cool off the sexual heat."

"Yes, I wanted much more than that", Martino whispered, caressing him.

"So did I. I wanted all of you, soul as well as body."

"Yes", his lover answered.

David let himself slip against his man's body, brushed his chest with his cheek and lowered his head to seize with his lips his lover's beautiful member, which had again become erect. Grasping the full, firm testicles in his hand, he moved his mouth up and down the powerful rod and with the tip of his tongue rummaged in the tiny slit of his tense glans, and all around it. Martino abandoned himself to those fantastic lips. He lay down but his hands continued to caress the body, the shoulders, the chest of his beloved one.

When David felt that his lover was all afire, he straddled his body and crouched down, searching with his small buttocks for the shuddering and well lubricated rod. Helped by his friend's hands, he found the right point and lowered onto it, sheathing his precious scepter in that velvety sheath. Then, pushing himself against Martino's tense groin and tightening his sphincter, he happily said, "See, now you are mine!"

"Forever?" Martino asked, starting to move his burning rod inside him and taking his young man's hand in his own.

"I would like that", David answered, raising his pelvis a little to allow Martino to move his own up and down, and caressing his chest with desire.

Martino was taking him with short and sharp thrusts, and was looking into David's smiling, happy eyes, sweetly drowning in them. David lay down on Martino's chest and they kissed. Then Martino folded up his knees, pressed his feet down strongly and started moving, rotating his hips so that his erection would slide back and forth inside the welcoming love channel.

"I like the way you are taking me. I like it very much", David whispered between kisses.

"And I like the way you make me take you, and how much you make me feel desired, love."

The light hissing of the gas lamp, and the sound of the night moths beating against it with their wings, were the only noises accompanying their passionate union. The white light made their eyes sparkle as each read blooming pleasure on the face of his lover. The moon rose, smiling, to look down on the two young lovers again united in a tender and moving embrace, forgetful of everything, each conscious only of the other's bursting virility, and the air itself seemed to vibrate, filled with erotic tension.

A tremor rose in the two bodies tensed in giving and receiving pleasure and love. Their breathing became short, fast and intense. Their limbs prepared for the last wonderful explosion of that dreamlike day. David felt his beloved's wild jets flooding his insides, which sent him over the edge and he pored his own liqueur of love between their tense bellies.

"Don't ever desert me, David..."

"Never ever, Martino."

"I want to be yours forever."

"And I yours forever."

They kissed to seal their mutual promise, gently caressing each other, until they slowly surfaced again, returning to the reality surrounding them.

"What time is it, love?" Martino asked.

"Unfortunately, it's time to dress again."

"It's getting chilly."

"Yes. But first... one last kiss."


"For the moment."

They dressed again, reluctantly, each of them looking with nostalgia as the other's body disappeared under layers of clothing. They loaded everything into the carriers.

David picked up the lantern with one hand, took David's hand in the other, and led him to the spot where the little David statue was hidden between the stones of the wall. As the light fell on the statue he said, "You stay here on watch. We'll be back." Silently then went downstairs.

David knew the way even in the dark, and soon they were again at their bikes. He turned out the lantern and set it on the ground. "It has to cool off before I can put it back in the carrier", he said as he fastened the two plastic carriers onto the back of his bike.

When he turned back, Martino pulled him to himself and kissed him, "Let's cool the lamp, then", he said, and kissed him again. David answered with a kiss of his own. They kissed for a long while. At last they mounted their bikes and rode down the hill, back to the national road, and side by side all the way back to town, exchanging glances and smiles as they rode.

"We have to part here", David murmured, then added, "See you tomorrow, from the scaffold."

"Tomorrow is such a long way away."

"Yes, a very long way."

"And then waiting a whole week before we can go back there."

"So very long."

"And sleeping alone..."

"Dreaming of each other..."

"Full of desire and love..."

"Of love and desire..."

Neither of them wanted to leave. Neither one started his bike. They said goodbye again, and then again, caressed each other with their eyes, held each other's hands, still reluctant to part. By the time they headed back to their own lonely beds, the tower clock was already chiming midnight.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 13

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