A Fairy Tale?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 5, 2006


A FAIRY TALE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 7th of March, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Vicent


"A FAIRY TALE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 11 - The warm rite of love

Sitting on the spread-out sleeping bag, Martino was watching David. When his friend turned towards him, he offered his hand in a silent invitation to sit near him. Their fingers intertwined and he gently pulled David down to him. They embraced, and their bodies moved, leaned together and gently intertwined. Their thirsty mouths dropped down between each other's legs, to the glorious members that were again erect and shining under the sun, and they united in a wonderful sixty-nine. Each was greedy for the other, each ready to lead the other to the highest plane of pleasure. Their hands searched each other, then tightly intertwined once more. Their hot members, firm as rock, hard, strong, large, experienced the delight of an eager and welcoming mouth, almost as if it was their first time.

They lay on their sides, each with one leg stretched out on the soft carpet and the other flexed with the foot behind the knee of the other leg, the knee raised to better offer to the friend his own member. They were firmly united now, each inside the other, their hips waving in soft back and forth motion, together creating a unique single plastic being of wonderful harmony.

Past the impetus of their first longed-for intimacy, of their first fusion, their bodies turned again, now parallel. Their mouths united in a deep kiss. Their chests and bellies pressed against each other, their erections searching, brushing in a sweet, amiable duel, their hands passing again and again over their wide, smooth backs, their strong limbs, their firm butts, rummaging between their sinewy thighs and tense buttocks, until they found the other's most tender, warm and yielding spot. Their holes were beckoning - come, I want you! And their fingers answered - be ready, the one you desire is coming.

Each of the two young men competed to offer himself to the other.

"Take me..." David whispered.

"You first..." Martino murmured.

"Make me yours!" Martin insisted.

"Take me..." David repeated.

Waiting for each other, they calmed down a little. They looked in each other's eyes, and found eyes full of happiness. Now sitting one in front of the other, they were brushing their chests, sides, bellies, were caressing their strong, hard and protruding members, with infinite desire.

"It's a pity we can't take each other at the same time", David whispered, admiring hit companion's shapely form.

"A real shame", echoed Martino. If it were possible they were feeling more and more attracted to the other.

"One of us has to be first, but which one?" David softly asked.

"You. You are fifteen days older. And you noticed me ten days earlier, so your desire has been burning for a longer time", Martino said, tenderly smiling at him. Without giving his friend the time to reply, he lay down on his back and flexed his legs against his chest, completely offering himself to David. His friend caressed the small, firm, stretched buttocks, then slid along the carpet, drawing closer to the proffered pelvis, to his friend's sweet ass. His perfect member brushed against the palpitating hole and pressed against it, like a vibrating hummingbird, like a bee wanting to suckle the nectar of the sweetest flower. Martino shuddered in an anticipatory pleasure, and his castle gates waited to be battered apart by the longed-for invasion. At last the powerful ram swung forward and the gates yielded.

As David moved his pelvis forward and pushed, he felt himself sweetly sliding into the hot embrace of the palpitating, shuddering hole. He pushed, pushed again, and penetrated more and more deeply inside, and Martino was welcoming it with shivers of joy. He could feel his cock entering, majestic and proud, like a sovereign taking possession of his lands.

Once he was completely inside, David changed his position. He raised Martino's hips and pulled himself to a keeling position so he could give more energy and precision to his strokes. They smiled at each other with loving joy as David started to slowly but steadily move back and forth inside his companion, methodically, without haste, to prolong their intense pleasure. He could see that Martino was enjoying it too. From time to time they kissed, caressed, while David untiringly continued his firm back and forth motion. Gradually David's movements became more determined, more resolute, more energetic, and yet they were more and more filled with virile tenderness. Martino felt in a rush of joy that his friend was not just taking him, he was giving himself to him.

At length David, his voice broken with emotion, murmured, "Here I am, Martino... here I am, oh... oh, love... I'm... cumming..." and he pushed himself deeper, emptying himself inside his boy with long, strong contractions, holding him tight against himself with vigor, until the flood wave passed over.

Relaxing little by little, David looked into Martino's eyes, and lost himself in them. "Love", he whispered, "Oh my love... Love..."

Martino enjoyed these words as much as the embrace of little earlier. He waited for David to totally relax, caressing him in happiness.

When David had gently withdrawn from him, he lay back and in his turn offered himself to Martino. "Now you take me, please", he said.

Martino prepared to satisfy his friend. Moving his body between David's legs, he caressed them as he brought them up against his own chest, then lifted David's lower legs up over his shoulders. David seized his member and guided it to his hole. Martino lightly leaned against it, and could feel it twitching against the tip of his cock. "You called me love, earlier, when you were inside me", he whispered to his friend as he began to sink inside him.

"Yes", David answered, "because I feel I'm loving you as I could never love anyone else in the world", and he gratefully welcomed him inside himself.

"I love you too, David!" Martino joyfully said, inserting himself more deeply.

"Yes, I know... I can feel it", David answered, happily pulling his friend towards him so he would penetrate even deeper.

"And I want to tell you that with my whole body, as long as we live", Martino whispered, starting to shift his pelvis back and forth, instinctively rocking his hips to give his friend greater pleasure.

"Yes... tell me... tell me this way..."

"Yes, I love you. I am all yours, do you feel it?"

"Yes, and it's wonderful. I'm yours, too."

"My David!"

His friend was now enjoying all of him inside himself. He loved the way his hands could feel the muscles in Martino's loins tensing for each thrust. He loved feeling that vigorous rod massaging his insides with strokes that were both strong and gentle at the same time. The sun gave a golden glow to Martino's skin and made his body shine at each thrust.

They continued to make love in an enchanted silence, totally engrossed, caressing each other with loving eyes and hands, in a crescendo of emotion. Finally Martino also poured out his tribute to his friend in a dance of blazing jets. He unloaded inside David with a strong and long orgasm. At last they lay together, their chests heaving, their limbs intertwined, kissed by the declining sun, caressed by a light, perfumed breeze. They happily relaxed, still intimately united.

"I love you..." Martino whispered.

"I love you..." David echoed.

They parted. Their members, softly abandoned, now languidly rested between their strong thighs, adding beauty to their bodies. Yet the two were still tied together. A silent faraway jet, high in the sky, traced a long, thin white line that opened into soft, faint, straight cloud. In it the two youths read their names united.

"Do you know how happy I am?" Martino said.

In answer, David lightly squeezed the hand that was still intertwined with his own. Long, sweet moments elapsed. Then David stood up stretched, sinuously and sensually. "Come here, Martino", he said. "I want to show you something."

As his friend drew near him, David was mounting the telescope. Then he noticed David checking his watch.

"What's up?"

"It's 3:28 pm... Wait..."

The telescope was at an angle of about 30 degrees towards the ground, aimed at the river, towards a clutch of houses.

"What do you want to show me?"

David adjusted the telescope, looked again at his watch, "It's 3:30 now. Look. That's the village sports field. Every Sunday afternoon at 3:30 the custodian opens the locker rooms and the athletes go in to get ready for the soccer match. Local teams, amateurs..."

"I was never much interested in soccer", Martino protested.

David continued as if he didn't hear the objection. "The telescope is focused on the shower room windows. They're high windows, so you can't look inside from the ground, but from up here - when the weather is good and the windows are open, like today - well, see for yourself."

Martino closed his left eye and moved his right to the eyepiece. In the circle of vision were the large windows through which the interior was visible. A wall perpendicular to their viewing point divided the shower room into two parts, and on both sides the players of the two teams were getting naked into the showers. They all were boys about their age with athlete's bodies, a most agreeable sight, a festival of nudity.

David whispered at his ear, "See? I have my own special sight..."

"But I've sworn off being a Peeping Tom!" Martino protested, but he continued watching.

"Not me", David answered. "I think nudity is beautify. Everybody should live naked, as long as the climate allows it. Clothing should only be worn to protect us from cold weather, not from the sight of others. No one should be ashamed of their own bodies."

"Well, old people should, and ugly ones."

"No, age has its kind of beauty", his friend replied. "And the one you think is ugly could be handsome in someone else's eyes. No, it would be great if we could live naked, like some tribes in Africa or the Amazon before white men arrived and taught them to be ashamed of nature. They didn't have the problem of the ugly or the old, did they? That's a false problem, and I think we white men created it. Look at those boys. Aren't they all handsome, even the ugly ones?"

"But they are all athletes, their bodies are all in good shape."

"That's true, so we enjoy looking at them. But if we were used to being naked, I think we could just say, I like this one, I don't like that one, rather than, this one is beautiful, that one is ugly. Do you see what I mean?"

"I think so", Martino said, leaving the telescope and looking at his friend. "But I'd rather look at you", and he smiled his sweet and cunning smile.

"Same here, lover. But seeing other naked bodies makes me realize that your beauty goes even further."


"Sure. You are beautiful in the nude, that's an aesthetic fact. But beyond that, your nudity is mine, it's for me. I know it not only with my eyes, but with my whole body. It's like when you look at magazines with pictures of naked men. Lots of them are beautiful, maybe even more so than your lover, but your beloved one has a different beauty because it involves you totally. I would love you even if you were less beautiful than the others, because for me you would still be the most beautiful. Real beauty isn't so much a question of the right measurements and the right curves at the right spots. Real beauty comes from the heart, and from the eyes of people that love each other. It is a spiritual fact."

Martino nodded thoughtfully but objected, "Still, the first thing you see in a man, the first thing that attracts you, is his physical beauty. You saw me naked and felt attracted to me."

"If I had seen a picture of you I would have thought, ^ÌHow beautiful he is!' But I wouldn't have felt any desire to get to know you. What attracted me was a combination of ingredients. The physical aspect was just one of many factors. The way you moved, the way you dried yourself, your lively eyes, the curve of your lips, all those things about you. On top of that there was your voice, your glances, your silences. Besides, you didn't see me naked before you started to feel attracted to me."

"You were beautiful, anyway."

"You say that I have this incredible resemblance to David's statue. Did you fall in love with the statue?"

"Of course not. The statue is beautiful, I mean it represents a beautiful man, but it isn't a real person."

"Exactly. You fell in love with me, with the way I said you ^Ìciao!', with the way I looked at you. My good looks might have attracted your attention, but that could have happened because of the sound of my voice, or the light you saw in my eyes, or the contour of my lips, or the swelling beneath my fly, a hand perhaps, an intelligent thought, a gentle gesture. Anyway, none of those alone would be enough for you to fall in love, would they?"

"No, I suppose not. You have everything you mentioned, and more. Yes, I think you're right. Even the people I think are ugly are loved by someone, someone who can see in them things I was unable to see. Maybe seeing millions of naked bodies would help us to put the importance of physical beauty into perspective."


"Besides that, it's great to be naked this way, near the one you love, out in nature."


"So when you came here alone, did you always stay stark naked?"

"Always, at least when the weather allowed it."

"But what if somebody came?"

"That would be their problem, not mine. If looking at me annoyed him, he could just leave. If not, he could just continue looking at me."

"Wouldn't you feel ashamed being looked at by a stranger?"

"Why? I feel ashamed only if I do something wrong. I'm not hurting anyone just being naked."

They sat side by side, their bodies lightly touching, enjoying that special intimacy that is born between two bodies that united in the warm rite of love. They talked about many things, and scarcely noticed the passing of time.


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 12

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