A Fairy Tale?

By Andrej Koymasky

Published on Aug 3, 2006


A FAIRY TALE? by Andrej Koymasky (C) 2006 written the 7th of March, 1993 translated by the author English text kindly revised by Vicent


"A FAIRY TALE?" is a gay story, with some parts containing graphic scenes of sex between males. So, if in your land, religion, family, opinion and so on this is not good for you, it will be better not to read this story. But if you really want, or because YOU don't care, or because you think you really want to read it, please be my welcomed guest.

CHAPTER 10 - Calm rites of desire

Martino was listening and nodding.

David added, "Do you see this T-shirt? It's a present from Claudio, he drew it... Not bad, isn't it?"

"Then I want you to take it off!" Martino said seriously, with a frown.

"Are you... jealous?" David asked, somewhat taken aback.

Martino gave him a saucy smile. "No", he said, "but it's a good excuse to see more of your body."

David smiled in return, then stood up, his legs slightly parted, his arms softly hanging at his sides, his hands open and lying lightly on the front of his thighs. He looked with sly eyes to his friend. One of his hands crept up and his fingers seized the hem of his T-shirt. He slowly raised it until one of his nipples was bared. For a moment it seemed that his other hand was going to caress the faint swelling beneath his fly, but instead it continued up and lifted the other side of the T-shirt, uncovering his other nipple. Then David crossed his arms, grasped the T-shirt again and lifted it. His face slowly disappeared behind the rising fabric. His armpits were revealed, with their soft tufts of hair, then his shoulders, his neck, and at last little by little his smiling face again appeared. The T-shirt dropped behind David's body and softly collapsed onto the grass.

David's hands moved to his belt, as if to unbutton his jeans, but instead he slipped his thumbs into his belt loops and rested his hands on his groin. "Is that better?" he softly asked his friend.

"It's starting to get that way", Martino replied, admiring his broad chest, his finely chiseled abdominal muscles, his small dark pink nipples, his perfect navel.

David continued to regard him with his vaguely sly gaze, "At least these trousers aren't a gift from Claudio", he said.

"Not from me, either. Take them off."

"As you wish", the youth answered and his hands began to move again, deftly opening the fly of his jeans one button at a time. As the fly began to part, Martino caught a glimpse of his boxers, printed with a small, irregular blue and black pattern. When the last button was opened, David's hands grasped his jeans at the side and slipped then down to his hips. He moved his pelvis slightly and the jeans dropped to his knees. Now using his legs he wriggled the jeans down to his ankles, then one foot at a time, he stepped completely out of them.

Finally, he then bent down and pulled off his socks, "These aren't a gift from you, either", David said lightly.

Martino's eyes caressed the long legs, strong and shapely, standing elegantly on the blanket spread on the floor, giving him a sense of lightness.

"Now what?" David asked.

"Everything", Martino said in a passionate murmur.

"If you want me without these boxers, you'll have to earn the privilege."

"How?" Martino answered quickly.

"You have to pull them off."

Martino rose to his knees and reached out, but David, still with that rascally smile on his lips, stopped him with two words: "But first..."

"First?" Martino asked, becoming still and looking in his eyes.

"First you have to undress."

"You already saw me naked."

"Exactly - that's how I know I want to see you that way again."

Martino stood up. He didn't undress with the slow and provocative moves his friend had used. He quickly stripped off his jacket, letting it fall to the ground, then unbuttoned his shirt, pulled it out of his trousers and dropped it on top of the jacket. The zipper was next, and he bent over to pull down his pants, which quickly joined his other clothes on the ground. He pulled off his socks and dropped his white cotton briefs, the swelling pouch deflating at his feet. Proudly he showed his nakedness, his member beautifully erect, to his admiring friend's eyes.

"Now may I?" he asked.

David nodded in assent and in a sweet voice said, "You must."

Martino reached out to David's hips and, crouching in front of him, pulled his boxers down to the ground. Freed from its confinement David's pulsing cock sprang up quickly, with each heartbeat becoming more engorged and large and beautiful, pointing up towards Martino's face. He gazed at it in fascination, then brushed that glorious rod with his hands and slowly approached it with parted lips. But David leaned backward, moving his pelvis away, took Martino by the arms and drew him to his feet.

"We have all day", he said amiably.

"That may not be long enough", his friend sighed.

"Then there will be other days."

Their chests brushed together, and they shivered with pleasure. "We're going to get sunburned", David said. "I have some sunscreen. Let me put some on you, and then you can do it for me."

Shortly, David's hands were spreading the smooth cream all over Martino's body in a delicious massage. With tender caresses they moved over each millimeter of his skin, delicate, self-assured, skilled. They lingered on his more sensitive spots, evoking quivers of sheer pleasure. His whole body was now covered with the protective cream, except his butts and genitals. David soon took care of that, stroking first his firm buttocks with long circular caresses, then the fold between them, up and down, until his fingers found his pulsating hole. Martino was all a shudder, going slowly and deliciously crazy with pleasure. Never before had he been caressed in such a way. Finally David's wonderful hands began to carefully and gently spread the cream on his friend's cock and balls. By this time Martino was trembling as if with a fever.

David stood up again, still holding his friend's stiff member and his firm testicles, and leaned forward to kiss him. Martino parted his lips, welcoming his tongue, and returned the hot, deep, intimate kiss. Without a word, David handed him the cream and Martino immediately started to anoint him. It was beautiful to finally touch the wonderful body that was being so totally offered to him, to his admiration, to his touch, and soon to his burning desire. How thrilling it was for his fingers, and at times his whole hands, to glide over the silky skin covering iron muscles that softly yielded in sweet abandon to the sensations provoked by his friend's hands. How sweet it was to explore, under the pretext of spreading sunscreen, every slightest fold, every slightest twist and turn, every muscle, every line of that dreamlike body. In the confusion of his thoughts, Martino could not say which was more exciting, touching or being touched in that way.

Far away a cuckoo called, and a gentle breeze answered with a soft gust. The sun, high in the sky, made the two naked bodies shine like those of the ancient Greek athletes who nearly three thousand years before had anointed their bodies before the games in honor of Apollo, the Sun God, in Delphi.

The sky, blue as the stained glass windows in a medieval cathedral, reflected in the eyes of the two boys, intoxicated with each other's beauty. The musk of their shared desire flooded the air and a butterfly brushed them as if drunk, but at once fluttered away so as not to disturb the enchantment that had been created. At last Martino devoted himself in his turn to his friend's member, with infinite care and loving attention.

David's voice resounded, light and melodious. "See, now the sun can admire us, but he can't have us."

Martino set down the bottle and said, like an echo, "Admire and envy us."

Smiling at each other and holding each other's hands, they moved together and kissed once more.

"I never felt desire this intense", Martino murmured.

"Nor I, not really."

They turned, full of joy, to admire the wide panorama that spread its beauty before them. They felt like kings of the whole Earth.

"It would be great to restore this house and live here... forever." Martino sighed.

"It's very cold in the winter up here", David said softly.

"I'll warm you with my body", Martino answered.

"But..." David's voice was suddenly jarring and shrill. Martino looked at him slightly amazed, and saw again the rascally smile.

"But?" he pressed him, now curious.

"We have to feed these bodies of ours too, don't you agree?"

Martino, smiling, nodded. David parted from him and opened the other carrier.

"Well, just for this occasion Matteo has prepared", and he began to name each item as he pulled them out of their various containers.

That accomplished, David spread a small tablecloth out on the grass, near the blanket and set on it everything they needed, and they began to eat.

"Lorenzo knows about us, doesn't he?"


"And Matteo?"

"Of course. That's why he prepared so many tasty things. And they both think it's the right thing if we two try to..." and he stopped, not wanting to be so forward.

"To become a couple, I hope", Martino finished for him.

"Yes. And they wished us both their best."

"But I thought you said neither one of them is gay."

"Neither am I", David said serenely, and then, at his friend's puzzled look, he added, "And you aren't gay either. I am David, and you are Martino. It's just that David likes Martino and Martino likes David. Do you understand?" he asked, then smiled broadly.

"You mean no labels, right?"

"Right. We aren't goods for sale, we are two men."

As they ate their arousal subsided, but not the pleasure they took in admiring one another, in being side by side. They ate slowly, savoring all the food and deciding what to leave for supper. And they talked. They had already told each other their life stories, but only in brief. Now they went into detail, so they could get to know each other better. They asked each other questions, and they answered.

At one point David saw the little statue on the grass. He took it in his hand and held it up to Martino. "Do you still think I resemble him?" he asked.

Martino took the little David in his hand, looked at it, looked at his friend's body, then said, "The resemblance is incredible. But that little statue is only a copy. It's your beauty that Michelangelo was trying to imitate."

"Especially that cock", David answered. "He didn't get that right, did he? Look, even when it's soft, mine is bigger and nicer that the one Michelangelo made, isn't it?"

"You are absolutely right", Martino said. He took the statue and cocked his arm as if to throw it away with the empty bottles.

But David stopped him. "No, give it to me, don't throw it away. Poor little statue! After all it did for you... for us."

"But I have the original now", Martino said smoothly, but he handed the statue to his friend.

David stood up and slipped the statue into a space between two stones of the wall. "There! Stay right there, little David. Tell the stones, and the wind, and the air, and the sun the story of our love - our love, that is being born here, right in front of you."


In my home page I've put some more of my stories. If someone wants to read them, the URL is


If you want to send me feed-back (really appreciated, be it positive or negative), please e-mail at


Next: Chapter 11

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