A Different Year

By Josh F

Published on Aug 11, 2006


This story involves explicit gay sexual scenes. If you are uncomfortable with this material or are not legally of age to view this material, please do not proceed further. This story is fictitious and any resemblance to real persons is purely coincidental. All rights reserved by the author.

Feedback is most certainly welcome at muguy222001@yahoo.com.

"You can take it man," Alex told himself over and over as he got to work on the impossibly thick and veiny seven-inch cock, dripping pre in front of his face. The cock belonged to a stocky upperclassman with short black hair. The kind of dude so masculine and straight acting you'd swear he would never be caught getting his cock sucked. Much less by some skinny sophomore in an empty men's room on the fifth floor of the library. But Alex had since discovered in his occasional forays into this "tea room" that the guys you least expected to find, often were the first in line to get their cock sucked or better yet, to tap his smooth, tight behind.

Alex was loving it. This guy was aggressive, really face fucking him hard. Alex loved it when guys got rough with him. Nothing too severe but he loved the feeling of a hot frat brother or campus stud really dominating him.

Alex had to stop from choking a few times but was a true champ, giving this guy's cock the sweetest treatment possible. He felt the precum, salty and hot ooze out of his prick, while the dude's hairy balls smacked at the bottom of his chin. Alex pulled the dude's cock out of his mouth and took the fat balls into his hungry mouth, one by one. This sent the other guy over the edge and he smacked Alex hard across the face with his wet, dripping cock.

"Dude, feels so good, you workin' my nuts. Fuck yeah," he moaned.

Alex was surprised the guy was capable of speaking. Not a word had been exchanged since the guy had walked in to find Alex sitting in the stall, jerking his cock off, hoping a hottie would walk through the door. Without saying a word, the dude moved towards Alex, grabbed him from the back of the head and started mashing the boy's face into the tight bulge showing in his own jeans.

Alex loved the sound of the dude's voice, low and deep, and loved even more how good he was able to make him feel. And the sensation of a hard cock, working his pussy mouth over wasn't so bad either. After working his balls for another second or two, Alex got down on the dude's cock again.

"Yeah, lap up my meat dude. Eat it, eat it all man."

Alex didn't have to be told twice and worked to accommodate the dude's fat cock all the way down his throat. Fully relaxed, he was able to reach all the way down, deep throating. As he took the guy's monster cock like a champ, he was going to town on his own cock, jerking away like crazy, his smooth balls just waiting to burst.

The other dude couldn't hold out much longer either. After a few minutes of having his cock taken all the way down Alex's throat, he felt his own balls start to boil. Alex had taken one other guy's load down his throat and wanted it to happen now, more than anything. He eased up on the dude's cock half way and continued to suck on it tightly. A few seconds later, he got his wish. The jock emptied his load, heavy, thick and hot down Alex's willing mouth.

At the same time as he got his pussy throat bred again, Alex unloaded his own load, long and hot all over his chest and upper thigh.

"Thanks bro," the stocky jock sighed, exhausted as he zipped up his pants. No kiss, no numbers exchanged. Alex had barely slipped his briefs back on, before the guy had left. Yet another college student who had used Alex's willing mouth to get off.

Ever since that first time in the library bathroom when a hot jock had fucked his tight ass, Alex knew that he loved sex. He loved the high of using his slender, tone bod to get off another dude. He loved the sweat, the connection, the heat created between two guys. He loved the feeling of sweet relief when he came like crazy after being so completely worked over. Ever since that first time, he had become a regular visitor to this spot and other cruising spots on campus.

He had tapped into a weird, unseen and unheard underworld of guys having sex with other guys on campus. It wasn't huge but Alex was still surprised by the number of guys, seemingly straight and jock-ish on the outside, who loved getting it on with other dudes.

The sex was hot and engaging and it seemed subversive and cool at the same time to Alex. But he also felt a growing sense of emptiness every time a new, unnamed guy dropped his load and left. Most of the guys weren't even into kissing all that much during sex. It was fast, intense and very hot, but not affectionate. Just as much as Alex craved getting fucked, he also craved a more meaningful connection. Someone to hang out with, get to know. And as crazy as it sounds, to stick around after nutting.

"Anonymous sex isn't exactly the best place to find boyfriend material," Alex thought to himself as he walked back to the student union. "But it is fuckin' hot," he chuckled to himself.

No time to debate sex vs. relationships, though. He had a huge calculus test the next day. It was 11pm and he stopped to pick up a huge cup of coffee at the union. As he stopped to stir in some sugar, he spotted a guy who he'd recently fooled around with, in the locker room at the athletic complex, no less, fulfilling one of Alex's oldest jerk off fantasies. "What was his name? Brad? Brendan? Shit, this is bad," Alex wondered.

He did remember that the guy had one of the widest cocks he'd ever seen. And he'd cum all over Alex's face which had been extra hot. Not surprisingly Brad/Brendan/Whatever his name was surrounded by a group of jocks. Alex recognized some players from the lacrosse team who had huge reputations as pussy chasers on campus.

"Whatever," Alex thought, rolling his eyes as he walked out.

On the way out he passed his RA, Jason, the object of countless jo sessions for Alex. He worshipped the guy, wanted to be like him. Not only was he hot with a taut athletic body and gorgeous hairy legs, he was also a nice guy. Rare for a popular jock around campus. His girlfriend was quite the lucky gal.

"Hey bro, what's up?" Jason asked.

"Hey Jason, not much, just getting some coffee. I'm gonna have to pull an all nighter. Have a calculus exam tomorrow."

"That sucks. You have Peterson right? His tests are killer. Good luck. I'm sure you'll do fine man," he winked.

"Well, I'm glad someone thinks so," Alex laughed.

"Hey, your roomie is having a guest this weekend, right?" Jason asked.

Alex had completely forgotten. His roommate Daniel was being visited that weekend by his best friend, Matt. Alex made a quick mental note to hide his small stash of porn mags. While Daniel was as non chalant as any straight boy could be about these things, who knew if his guest would be.

"Yeah, I'd forgotten. I think he gets here tomorrow."

"Well let me know if you guys need anything. And try to keep the partying to a minimum," Jason teased, playfully jabbing a finger into Alex's chest.

"I'm sure you're quite the wild man after a six pack," he laughed.

"Wouldn't you like to know?" Alex shot backed, hoping that it didn't sound too gay.

"Ha ha, very funny dude. I'm gonna go grab something to eat. Catch you later,"

"See ya," Alex said.

He continued to walk out the door but couldn't help looking back to catch the image of his RA walking away. Surprisingly, he saw Jason looking back for just a second. Alex felt a pang in his stomach until he noticed a tall brunette with huge breasts walking out the door in front of him.

"Man, if only Jason wasn't such a ladies man," he thought, walking towards the dorm.

Daniel was wearing a pair of striped boxers, instant messaging someone when Alex walked into the room. For a straight boy and huge ladies man, Daniel sure loved to torture his roommate by walking around constantly in various states of undress. Not that Alex was complaining. After all, what roommate would be completely cool about walking in on you during a morning jo session.

The two chatted for a few minutes as Alex tidied up things in the room, preparing for their weekend guest and trying to pump details from his roommate.

"So, what's Matt like? Does he know that your roommate's gay?"

"Oh, no worries Alex. I mentioned it and he's totally chill. He has a stepbrother that's gay, so it's nothing new," Daniel reassured him. "But don't get any ideas," he joked, "Matt is as straight as they come."

"Is Vanessa gonna be around this weekend?" Alex asked about Daniel's girlfriend, a player on the college's tennis team.

"No, she's leaving tomorrow morning to play upstate. So it's just us boys this weekend. There's supposed to be an awesome party tomorrow at Keppa Epilson. You wanna come with?"

"Thanks but no thanks," "You know frat parties aren't my cup of tea," he sighed

"Cup of tea," "God, you are so gay bro," Daniel laughed, turning his attention back to the computer.

It was true on both counts. He was gay and although not out to a whole lot of people, not shy about it either. And he hated frat parties. He had been once and that had been enough. He got harassed by one of the frat brothers and then some sorority chick threw up on him. So while he found frat boys hot in a way, frat parties were not his, well, cup of tea.

Friday afternoon, Alex's favorite time of the week. No thoughts of classes for two more days. He'd survived his calculus test and was looking forward to a low key night. On Fridays, Alex always loved to take a long run to relieve all the pent up tension of the week. He usually always followed it with an intense jo session back in the room. Alex totally got off on smells and loved nothing more than taking a whiff of his sweaty briefs while jacking hard core on his cock.

He headed into his dorm room to change clothes for his run. Daniel's friend had already arrived. And he was a total stud. Alex couldn't believe his eyes at how tall the dude was: 6'4, lean and sculpted. He was wearing a baseball cap and had on a pair of jeans that nicely showed off what Alex could tell was an impressive package.

"Hey, you're Alex right," he said with a smile, holding out his huge hand.

"Uhhhh yeah," Alex stammered, taking his hand and glancing down at his crotch to make sure he wasn't already starting to tent.

"Good to meet ya man. I'm Matt. Daniel ran out to his car to get something. Just making myself at home. Sweet pad you've got,"

"Yeah, it's a little small but it works,"

"Hey, it's paradise compared to my dorm at State. The room's a fucking shoebox there."

"Motherfucker!" Daniel yelled, storming into his room.

"What's up?" Alex asked as he dropped his bag and headed to the closet for his running shorts.

"Those fuckers down at the restaurant need me to work some party tonight. They never have me working on Fridays. But goddamn Adam had to call in and now I have to work. Fuckin' aaa."

"Damn, I'm sorry man," Alex replied

"It totally blows cause I won't be off til 1:30 if I'm lucky," Daniel complained.

"Hey, I'm sorry bro, that sucks," Matt replied.

"You wanna come down to the restaurant?" Daniel asked. "The bartender loves me down there so I think I can score you some free drinks."

"Nah, it's cool. I'll just hang around here `til you're off. Saw some hotties out on the quad earlier that looked like they needed a little attention," he said, winking at Daniel.

"Well these fuckers at this party tonight better be damn good tippers," Daniel moaned as he grabbed his uniform and headed out. "See ya later bros."

"So you going out?" Matt turned to ask Alex.

"Yep, going for a run around campus," Alex replied, putting on his gym shirt and changing his shoes.

"Nice, you mind if I go with? Campus looks sweet and it'll give me a chance to check out the coeds dude."

Alex tried to act nonchalant as Matt took off his polo, fishing through his bag to find some shorts and a t-shirt. The dude was ripped, not in an extreme way but sporting a nice set of abs and a sexy treasure trail which Alex got a prime view of as the tall jock changed.

"Let's go bro," Matt said, opening the door and then jogging out to the exit down the hall.

It was a perfect afternoon for a run. The sun was out but it wasn't too hot and Matt was right, there were plenty of hotties out on the quad. Not that Alex was paying too much attention to the same ones as Matt. But that was just a temporary distraction as Matt continued picking up the pace as they ran. Alex normally pushed himself hard but today totally worked himself to the limit in his efforts to keep up and impress Matt. He hurt like hell but in a good way. It felt nice to keep up with a straight jock like Matt, even if he was gonna pay for it in the morning.

The guys arrived back at the room and Alex was spent, dripping with sweat. Matt grabbed a towel off the rack and wiped his face with it.

"Dude, where are the showers?"

"Down the hall, on the right. I'm definitely need one. I reek man." Alex laughed, taking of his shoes and stripping off his shirt.

"Yeah same here bro," Matt replied, stripping off his tank top and shorts revealing his glistening sweat covered abs. Alex could feel himself getting hard. All that was left was Matt's briefs which he swiftly took off revealing a neatly trimmed bush, two huge low hanging nuts and a thick prick that was as wide as Alex had seen. He tried not to stare as his own balls began to churn.

Matt caught him. "What u looking at Alex?" he said seriously.

"Oh, nothing dude, you need some shampoo and stuff for the shower?" he stammered, trying desperately to change the subject in order not to make an ass out of himself.

"No Alex," he said calmly, staring him straight in the eyes.

"Okay, cool," Alex said trying to look away.

"Look at me dude," Matt ordered firmly. "Come here"

Scared out of his mind, Alex hesitated for a moment, unable to move. He then approached the tall jock slowly. Before he could realize what would happen next, Matt bent his head and leaned in for a kiss. It took Alex completely by surprise. Matt's lips were soft and salty and felt amazing. He quickly darted his tongue into Alex's mouth, searching for Alex's own. The kiss went on for minutes before Matt broke it.

"Don't say anything Alex, I know you want this just as much as I do. The real workout begins now." Alex could feel Matt's hard-on grow, pressing against him.

"Suck me," Matt commanded gently.

Alex slowly got down on his knees and stared at the dripping wet cock in front of him. He playfully licked the piss slit, taking in his first taste of Matt's manhood. He began to lick slowly up and down the shaft, tugging gently on Matt's shaved nuts. And then he dove in, taking the wide prick in his mouth, inch by inch. Alex knew he'd have to push himself to the limit to take in all of Matt's monster cock but he was game. Just like he had pushed himself to keep up with Matt during their run, he wanted to show him his best at this game too.

Alex continued to suck up and down Matt's prick, working his way towards deep throating it. Matt, completely relaxed, encouraged him.

"Suck me baby. Hmmm yah, your pussy mouth feels good. Work my cock,"

Alex loved being talked to like that and gamely swallowed Matt's cock like it was his last meal until the dude's bush was in his nose.

"Fuckin aaaa," "Feels so good babe," Matt cried.

Alex let up and then worked his way back down again, keeping the motion going for several minutes all in service of this amazing jock god.

All of a sudden, Alex found himself being lifted off the floor under his arms by Matt who eagerly grabbed Alex's face for another sloppy yet incredibly sexy kiss.

"Dude, that was fucking hot," he muttered, grabbing Alex close and rubbing and squeezing his ass. He quickly slid his hands into Alex's briefs and began to caress his smooth, firm ass cheeks while both boys playfully tongued each other.

Matt pushed Alex over near Steve's bottom bunk bed and Alex lay down. He removed Alex's briefs and took his stiff, swollen prick in his mouth. It felt amazing. Alex wasn't used to other guys returning the favor and it felt great. Matt continued to suck his boy cock while climbing into the bed alongside him. It took some maneuvering but soon the boys were in a hot 69 with Alex once again being fed Matt's fat tool while having his own cock serviced. As Alex continued deep throated Matt once again, his cock fell out of the stud's mouth.

"Feels so good man, eat that cock, fucking take it Alex" Matt cried.

Alex continued sucking and then took a break to jerk his own cock while getting a taste of Matt's sweaty hairy ass. He loved rimming other guys and couldn't resist getting a taste of Matt's nasty jock hole.

"Hmmm, eat me dude, fuckin' eat my ass," Matt encouraged.

Alex was in heaven, as Matt sat up and quickly planted his ass onto Alex's face, covering Alex with his funky ass scent. Alex continued to tongue Matt's ass, giving it all he had as the jock continued to mash his ass into his face. Alex reached around and grabbed Matt's cock, leaking now with pre cum and began jerking it slowly.

"Yeah boy, marking your face with my ass just like I did with my cock," Matt panted.

After Alex had gone to town on his sweaty, nasty hole, Matt turned around and leaned in for another kiss, lifting Alex's legs slightly. He positioned his fat prick at Alex's eager hole and began lubing it with the pre cum he was spurting like crazy. Alex had never seen a dude pre cum so much before. He wanted to get fucked, really fucked like he had never been before by Matt. To be bred like the pussy boy he knew he was.

Alex awash in a sea of beautiful pleasure looked up at Matt and could sense his hunger. He knew this was going to be the most intense fuck he had ever had in his life.

"You ready bro?" Matt said.

"Fuck me Matt, use my hole babe," Alex sighed.

Matt smiled at him, almost in a wicked way, as he strongly pressed his cock head into Alex's eager hole; tight, tense and wet. The sheer force of Matt's massive thick cock pushing its way inside of him took Alex's breath away. All he could think to do was hold on to this jock god and let the overwhelming sensation of being filled up take over.

"Oh babe, your ass is so fuckin' tight. Mmmm, feels so good," Matt cooed as he began to thrust slowly in and out of Alex's wet boy pussy. "Fuckin' your tight ass with my big cock."

He began thrusting with more intensity, slowly beginning to pummel Alex's younger, weaker bod with a ferociousness and intensity that Alex had never experienced before. All Alex could do was continue holding his own legs in the air, moaning, his breath taken away by the powerful way Matt was ripping his ass apart.

Matt could sense he would cum soon if he kept up his assault on Alex's hole so he ordered the boy to turn around.

"Get on your knees man, I wanna fuck you doggy style," he ordered.

Alex quickly obliged, rolling over quickly and thrusting his ass in the air, overcome with lust and ready to be filled up once again.

Matt smacked his ass hard and it made Alex flinch. It hurt but it felt great. He didn't have time to think twice about it before Matt's cock made a quick pop sound roughly entering his hole again. Matt smacked his ass again.

"You like that dude, like being my little bitch? Hot little fucker."

"Oh yeah Matt," Alex moaned. "Fuck me dude, fuck your little bitch," he cried.

Matt eagerly responded, picking up the pace further, slamming his way in and out of Alex's hole. His sweat dripped in hot droplets onto Alex's back as continued his hard, quick thrusts. Alex, driven insane with lust began to meet the jock's thrust, pushing his ass back to meet Matt's thrusts which became deeper and made Alex cry out in pleasure and pain.

The room reaked of sweat and precum. Alex's muffled cries and moans were drowned out by sounds of the constant pop of Matt driving his cock into Alex's hole. Alex's cock was hard and throbbing and he began to quickly pump it. Every time Matt dove in for a hard deep thrust that made Alex cry out, his own cock oozed a steady thick drop of pre.

Matt couldn't take it any longer. Alex's hole felt so good, so hot and tight. He could feel the cum boil up in his balls.

"Gonna cum dude. Mmmm, all over you."

He pulled out and in a few quick hard thrusts emptied his load all over Alex's sweat slicked back.

"Oh yeah, markin' you babe, dropping my load all over ya."

His hot load covered the boy's back in huge thick streams, even managing to land in Alex's hair. Alex could feel the hot rope of cum that had landed and began pummeling his own cock with abandon. Driven with lust Matt scooped up some of the cum he had just coated Alex with and brought it to his mouth to taste. He then pulled Alex off his hands and knees towards his chest and onto his lap, offering the boy his cum filled hand to eat as well.

Alex eagerly lapped up Matt's hot jizz and began to jerk his cock with abandon. It didn't take long for him to tense up, crying out as hot cum erupted from his tense throbbing cock, splattering his leg and Matt's who held Alex tightly in his arms after their intense fuck.

"Amazing," sighed Matt. "Fucking amazing," he repeated turning Alex's head slightly and leaning in for a hot, deep kiss.

Their tongues met again but this time, caressing slowly and softly, not harshly as before. Alex didn't think it could get much better than the intense muscle fuck he'd just had, but this kiss, deep and long, felt amazing.

Matt continued holding Alex against his chest as he lay down and then began stroking Alex's arms. "So I guess this means you like guys?" Alex giggled.

"Yep. I guess the secret's out now."

"But Steve doesn't know. He says you're a total player."

"Well, I was gonna tell him anyway. The guy's gotta find out sooner or later. I'll just say his roommate tempted me with his cute little ass," he teased, playfully smacking Alex's ass cheeks.

"Very funny Matt," Alex sighed. "Poor Steve, he's a straight boy surrounded by gays,"

"Well, he doesn't know what he's missing dude," Matt responded, leaning in for another kiss.

"So no frat party for you?"

"Nah, I think I've found a much better way to spend the evening," he retorted, grabbing Alex's cock.

"I guess so," Alex smiled, leaning in for another kiss.

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