A Different Life

By Brian

Published on Aug 7, 2023


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

A Different Life


"Come over here Timothy."

He walked over with is head down. I put my finger under his chin and lifted him up so I could look in his eyes. They were glassy, like he was almost ready to cry.

"How old are you Timothy?"

"I'll be sixteen in a couple of weeks Sir."

"Timothy, Janus sucked you off. Don't you think you should return the favor?"

Timothy looked at me and then licked his lips. He looked at Janus. Just as he looked a bead of precumm oozed from Janus' cock and seemed to fall in a long drawn out string to the floor.

"I guess Sir, but you can't tell my Brother. He'd kick me out of his house."

"I thought you said you lived with your Mom?"

"I lied Sir. My Mom kicked me out when she found out I liked to suck boys. She said she didn't want no dirty faggots in her life. So I moved to my Brothers."

"Has he been using you Timothy?"

He didn't answer, but the look in his eyes told me his brother had probably fucked him too.

"Janus, get dressed."

He looked disappointed but quickly complied.

"I thought you said I should suck him Sir."

"Later Timothy and only if you want to."

After Janus was dressed, I took both boys over to the Farm Office. I knew with harvest in full swing Mike would be out the fields some where.

"You boys grab yourselves something to drink." I said as I sat down.

"Can we have anything Jake?" Janus asked.

"Sure. Help yourselves." When I looked up both had a can of beer in their hands.

"You boys get drunk and I'll tan both your butts."

"WE won't Jake. I promise." Janus quickly said.

"Okay boys, I'll be gone for a few hours. You two can do as you wish until I get back. Timothy we'll talk some more later. Janus don't you be teaching Timothy the things you like. If you boys get hungry, I'm sure Timothy knows where the cook shack is. I left them and headed out to the fields.

The farm was laid out like a checker board. There were very few fences, the divisions between fields just a row of scrub grass or trees. I found Mike pretty easy; with no obstructions I spotted him by one of the big John Deere Tractors that was disking one of the fields. I also saw a John Deere service truck. Another breakdown I figured.

I drove up to them and stopped beside the service truck. Mike and Sergio, one of the Russian boys were talking at the back of the Service truck. I could just see the legs of the Service Tech under the tractor.

"Hi Mike. What's the problem?"

"Transmission cooler pump shot."

"Shit. I hope the transmission is okay."

"No problem there. When Sergio saw the spike in the transmission temperature, he shut it down. Back to normal now."

"How are things going with you Sergio?"


His voice told me all was not well. Mike had bent down to talk to the Service Tech. I took Sergio's hand and led him around the side of my truck.

"What's the problem Sergio? Don't tell me nothing either."

"Well everything is good except for one of the older hands. He's always hitting on us, but won't suck us or let us fuck him. It's all one way with him. He even threatened a couple of guys, but they just told him to fuck off. He tried to get Olof to do him, but Olof beat the crap out of him." "What's this guys name?"

"Tom or Thomas. His little brother is with him too. That was why Mike hired him, coz he said he was supporting his little brother."

"I'll take care of it Sergio. I'll be at the farm for a week, so we will talk again."

"Just talk? He grinned.

"We'll see. Now looks like things are fixed."

Mike told me where I could find Pierre Cardinal and I headed to him.

I found out Pierre Cardinal was half Native Canadian/American. He was born on a reserve that straddled the US Canadian Borders. He lived on the American side but took all his schooling in Canada. That was where he learned French. After high school he had enrolled in an Agricultural College in Alberta Canada. He had come to Wyoming because it was said there was lots of farming here and needed lots of workers.

He had spotted Mike along with four combines in a field and had asked him for a job. Mike had hired him on the spot. Later he asked him to be assistant Manager.

I knew then Hank's worries about him were unfounded.

"Are you Gay?"

"Well I guess I'm bi. I have had a few girls, but not found one I liked. It's kind of hard to stay straight growing up on a reserve. Always more guys than girls and most of the girls would put out for anyone. Not really good wife material."

"I have been told you have either been sucked by or fucked almost every hand on the Farm."

"Sir, I never forced anyone. I asked and if they weren't interested it ended there. Hell I even had one come onto me. He asked to suck me off. I told him as long as he liked to get sucked too."

I'm not here to admonish you. What you and hands do in your own time is your business as long as it is mutual."

"Now any problems?"

"Yeah. I got one guy working that's a real asshole. As soon as he found out those Russian exchange students were gay he's been hitting on them. Even when they say there not interested, he just keeps pushing. The only reason I haven't fired him is because Mike said he was supporting a little brother."

"Not supporting abusing. He's been screwing his younger brother for a year and half."

"Jesus. Isn't there a law against that? That would make his brother only thirteen or fourteen when he started."

"Yes there is a law. The age of consent in this State is sixteen. It could get him twenty years in the State pen."

Pierre stood fuming.

"Don't worry; I'll take care of the son of a bitch myself."

"He's operating Number 2 Combine."

I drove over close to Number 2. He had just finished unloading into a bulk carrier. I just sat and watched. I'd let him fill up again. The bulk carrier he had used was full and heading to unload. There were no more carriers waiting. When he was full he stopped. I drove over to the combine. I signaled him to shut down and climb down.

"I'm the General Manager of the Double H Ranch and farm. I have been told by the Exchange Students that you have been hitting on them to have sex with you."

He opened his mouth to say something. I held up my hand.

"I'll finish first. I also know you have been abusing your younger brother. In case you didn't know that's illegal in this State. I could have you tossed in prison for the next twenty years."

"That's bull shit. I never laid a hand on any of them pansy boys."

"Bull shit or not, I ever hear of it again I'll fire your ass out here so fast you'll think hell fell on you."

"Fuck you. I quit."

"Fine your pay will be ready tomorrow."

He just stood there.

"What are you waiting for? You quit. Get off my field."

"Will you run me down to my truck?"

"No. Have a nice walk." I climbed back in my suburban.

I called Pierre and told him he needed another operator for Combine 2. He said he would operate it until they could hire someone new.

Then I used the Radio phone to call the Farm office. I told Janus when he answered to go find one of the bulk carrier drivers and for him and Timothy to come out to the field.

That would stop Timothy's brother from grabbing him.

I wasn't sure what I was going to do with Timothy, but I definitely wasn't going to leave him with his brother.

Thomas reminded me of my Father. Not that he ever sexually abused me. More like verbal and physical abuse or even worse the silent treatment from both my Mom and Dad. It was like they resented having to help me grow up.

I did finally get 22,453 dollars out of my parents Estate after taxes. It almost made me laugh. I made more than that my first year of University when I was working for Hank.

I suppose I could get legal guardianship of Timothy, but why bother. He said he turned sixteen in a couple of weeks and then he could do as he pleased. The State, if he was on his own would consider him an adult at least as far as legalities were concerned.

I watched the big bulk carrier tractor trailer unit pull onto the field. He pulled up beside and stopped. The two boys jumped down from the cab. Timothy was the first one in the suburban followed by Janus. Both had ear to ear grins.

"Boy that was fun. You are so high up yah tower over everything." Janus said.

The truck pulled up by the first combine. I drove over closer and explained what was happening. After the bin on the combine was empty the truck headed for the second combine.

"I wish I could drive one of those." Janus said.

"Well let's see." I called Pierre and told him to hold up when he was empty.

The combines used on the farm were the biggest in John Deere's inventory and the Farm had four of them leased. When we walked up beside it the cab was a good ten feet over our heads. The tires we were standing beside measured about eight feet in diameter. The two boys were dwarfed by just the tires.

"What's up Jake?" Pierre asked as he climbed down.

"Think you can teach young Janus here to drive the combine?"

"Sure. A five year old could drive one. Let's go Janus."

I chuckled to myself as Janus climbed the steps. Pierre was going to get a birds eye view of Janus' tight ass that the very sung jeans showed. I bet before the day was out either Pierre would get in Janus' pants or vice versa.

"He might as well stay with you the rest of the day Pierre."

"Okay Boss. I'll bring him back when we're done for the day."

Timothy and I headed back to the suburban.

"What are we going to do now?" Timothy asked.

"Well go check on the other crews."

"Okay." He smiled.

Was thinking about how I was going to break it to him that his brother had quit? I was sure what his reaction would be, but wasn't as yet sure how to handle it.

I checked my map of the farm. Mike had shown me where everyone was working. Nice driving I thought. The fucking farm was huge.

We stopped at a field and watched a bailer working.

"Timothy, you might be wondering why I brought you and Janus out to the fields."

"Well I kind of figured you wanted to stop us from playing around." Timothy giggled.

"No, Timothy you and Janus can play around all you like. The reason is that after I talked to your brother about hitting on the hands, he quit. I didn't want him to take it out on you."

"Oh no. Now all he will be doing is making me do stuff alla the time."

"Not unless you want him to Timothy. You can stay at the farm if you want. I'll make sure you are safe."

"Can I stay with you?"

"If that is what you want."


Not exactly the response I was thinking of. I wondered how much Janus had said to him. I was pretty sure the boys might have already been playing and Janus just might have mentioned about getting canned or even sucking me off or me sucking him.

WE visited all the fields where crews were working and headed back to the farm.

"Mike's truck was parked by the Office along with another truck. I pulled up beside Mike's truck.

"That's my brother's truck. He's waiting for me."

"Don't you worry. I doubt he has legal standing to make you go with him."

We walked into the office. Timothy was staying very close to me.

"There you are you little prick. Come on we are leaving."

"I don't want to go with you. Jake said I could stay here." Timothy said.

"I don't give fuck what you want. I'm your older brother and I'm in charge of you."

"Not so fast Thomas. Do you have legal guardianship of Timothy?"

"I don't need that. His mom kicked him out and he came to live with me."

"Well I'm not letting him leave here unless you can prove you have a legal right to take care of him."

Two things happened at once. Thomas made a lunge for Timothy and Timothy kicked him square in the balls. The look of both shock and pain on Thomas' face almost made me laugh. He sank to his knees holding his nuts. If I had not had a hold on Timothy I'm sure Timothy would have kicked him right in the face.

"That's how I feel about you brother and I never want to see you again."

Thomas slowly got to his feet. He glowered at Timothy.

"I'll get you for that." He said.

"Not here you won't. This is your final pay. You have five minutes to get off farm property or I'll have you charged with trespassing." Mike said.

Thomas looked at us all with hate filled eyes, but took the envelope and staggered out the door.

Timothy turned to me and started to cry.

I guided him to one of the deep chairs and sat down with him on my lap.

"I'll make sure that cocksucker leaves." Mike said as he walked out.

"I guess I got nobody now." He cried,

"You still have me Timothy."

That made him snuggle closer to me.

Fuck, I must be crazy. I had just done it again and I wasn't sure my reasons were strictly honorable. Timothy did the same thing to me that Janus did. Getting close to either young man turned me on and I was sure Timothy could feel it. He never said anything, but I was sure he'd let me know eventually.

He stayed on my lap. He got down to a few sniffles and sat back.

"Did you mean it? I can stay with you Jake."

"For as long as you want Timothy."

His face brightened when I confirmed it for him. "Why don't you go grab us a beer Timothy."

Timothy got us both a beer and sat back on my lap. That was how Janus found us. He walked straight up to Timothy.

"Mike told me what happened. Are you okay Tim?"

"Yeah. Real good. Jake said I could stay with him."

"That's so cool coz we can be real friends now."

The look on Janus' face told me they might already be real good friends, but that was something I'm sure I would find out in time.

"Jake, can I go over to Pierre's. He asked me."

"For sure. Have fun." He had asked for permission and I gave it.

"Well buddy. Let's go get washed up and then have something to eat."

The dinner was great and I didn't envy the chef. He had to work very long hours especially during harvest season. Most of the crews started at sun up and weren't back until after sundown. Plus he had to make lunches for everyone. That meant very long hours.

After dinner we walked around the farm. I was just checking that everything was being done right, although I was sure Mike was on top of every thing.

"Are you tired Timothy?"

"Not really."

"Good. I got something you should see."

He smiled at me and figured he was thinking of something else. I grabbed a six pack from the office fridge and headed up to the hay barn. We walked out the back door and up a short rise. I sat down on the grass.

"What do you want to show me?" He said as sat down close to me.

"You'll see in a few minutes." I handed him a beer.

"I have too many of these and I won't be able to control myself." He giggled.

Controlling himself ha. I was almost out of control already.

"So what did you and Janus do this morning before I brought you to the field?"

"We talked lots and I did what you told me to do."

"What did I tell you to do?"

"Well Janus sucked my dick and you said I should do him. So I did. He's real salty, but it was better than my brother."

"What else did you talk about?"

"I asked him how come he got his ass whipped. He told me he bit your dick while he was sucking you. I guess I got to be real careful when I suck you off."

"What makes you think you are going to be sucking my cock Timothy?" I chuckled.

"Oh Jake. I know you want me. You were hard when I was sitting in your lap and I bet you are even now. I don't mind. I really like to suck guys. You can even fuck me if you want." Jesus this kid was forward. He was right though. I was hard as a rock just sitting beside him.

"I want to be just like Janus."

Damn. I'd brought Timothy up here to watch the Harvest Moon rise. Now he wanted to suck me off.

"Timothy, you don't want to be like Janus."

"But I do Jake. You give Janus everything. He says you are real big and I got to be careful, but I want what he has all the time."

"I want to be more than some ones fuck and suck toy like my brother."

"I know they call it incest coz you are doing stuff with your brother, but I still just want it."

I pulled Timothy real close. He snuggled into my body almost like we were glued together.

"Timothy, I want you to listen and not say anything until I am done. Janus is not much more than my fuck and suck toy. All his life he was trained to be just that. Janus is not really my brother. I just got papers for him to make it look that way so I could buy him off a man from Russia. I bought him and another boy. So you see, Janus is really my Slave to do with as I please. You don't want to be like him and I don't want you to be like him either."

"Do you understand now Timothy?"

"I guess, but I still want to suck and I want you to fuck me too."

"Did Janus tell you why I tanned his butt?"

"He said he bit your dick and you didn't like it that way. My brother used to slap me when I got my teeth on his dick. So I guess it's the same."

"Not quite. Janus knows how to suck without getting his teeth in the way. He loves to get his ass whipped and he purposely bit me so I would whip him. Well he got a little more than he bargained for. Now you want to suck my cock. What do you think will happen if I feel your teeth Timothy?"

"I guess I will get my butt tanned." He giggled.

"So do you still want to suck my cock?"

"Well I got to try."

"Fine. You know where my truck is parked. Go to it and in the back seat is my overnight bag and my riding crop. Go get both and bring them here."

He was off my lap and sprinting down the rise instantly.

I just looked at that massive moon than had just risen above the horizon.

Timothy was back very quickly. I stood up and took the bag from him.

"Come along Son."

I led him down the small hill and over to a small house set by itself. Mike had told me I could use the guest house while I here. I went in the back door, through the small kitchen and down the short hall to the only bedroom. I set my bag on the bed and then closed all the blinds before turning on the bed side lamp. When I turned to Timothy he was just standing inside the door.

"Come inside and close the door."

He came in and I took the crop from his hand and set it on the bedside table.

"Get undressed Timothy. Every thing. Strip nude."

I sat down and pulled off my boots and socks. Then pulled off my t-shirt. I stood and took my jeans off. Timothy was down to his bikini briefs.

"Underwear too boy."

"Yes sir." He said in a resigned voice.

Timothy really was a hot looking young man. His red hair and pubes really highlighted his cock. He was uncut with about 4 inches soft. I already knew that would grow to nearly six inches hard. He had a fine dusting of hair on his legs even though his bush was real thick.

He stood with his hands at his side.

"Are you sure this is what you want Timothy? Once we start there is no backing down."

"Yes Jake."

"Very well. Come over here, get on your knees and pull my boxers off."

My cock was already hard and if he had said no, I think I might have done it anyway. I didn't tell him that.

He walked slowly over and went to his knees. He reached up and tugged my underwear down. My cock slapped my stomach when it was free of the boxer briefs.

I watched as his cock started to get hard.

"Wow, you are way bigger than my Brother."

"Timothy, did Janus tell you how I like to be sucked?"

"Yeah, just like my brother. You like to force guys to suck you."

"Look I know you can't get all of me inside your mouth the first time. Use one of your hands and grip my cock at the base. That way you won't be chocking on my cock. However even with that much only, if I feel your teeth I'll whip your butt. Five times for every time I feel those teeth."

"Okay Jake." The resolve in his voice and I his eyes told me he really wanted to do this and do it right.

He reached out and gripped my cock. Then opened his mouth and took my cock into his mouth. I did feel his teeth for a moment and then he just sucked. What ever else his brother had taught him, he sure taught him to suck cock. I only felt his teeth once more. I didn't need to force him at all he aggressively sucked and licked my cock from the head to his hand. I only held onto his head as I blew. He never missed a drop.

He sat back and licked his lips.

"Was that okay Jake?"

"More than okay Timothy. You do that real good."

"I know I got my teeth on you a couple of times, so I guess you got to whip me."

"Is that what you want Timothy?"

"No. no one likes his butt whipped." He giggled.

"But we made a deal and I got to follow through. So you got to whip me." "Timothy. Why are you in such a hurry to get your ass whipped?"

"Coz I want to know what Janus felt. I want to be like him."

He got up off his knees, walked to the night stand and brought me the cane.

"You are totally crazy boy."

I just shrugged.

"Bring me my bag."

The bed in the bedroom was a four poster brass bed. It had a brass head board and foot board. I had Timothy lay on the bed and used duct tape to tie him spread eagle on the bed. Then I put a ball gag that Janus had given me in his mouth. He never said a word as I prepared him.

I sat down on the edge of the bed. I ran my hand over those smooth ass globes. I slid a finger up his crack and when I hit his hole pushed it inside. He moaned as my finger penetrated his butt.

I'd rather just fuck that nice ass.

"Timothy, I said I would give you five strokes for every time I felt your teeth. Well I changed my mind. After tonight you will never again want anyone to whip your ass for anything. You will never forget tonight."

I picked up the cane and gave him ten real hard swats on thar pure white ass.

"That's the ten for your teeth. These are a lesson."

I don't know how many times I hit him but finally stopped. Timothy was a quivering mass on the bed. No longer even able to cry or scream. I flung the cane away and stormed from th4e bedroom. I never drink hard liquor, but I did just then. I filled a tumbler over half full of whiskey and drank it down. My stomach rebelled immediately and I barely made ito to the sink before everything in my stomach came up.

After empting my stomach I rinsed my mouth. I then went in the bathroom and grabbed the tube of salve. When I walked in and sat down Timothy turned his head away from me. I didn't blame him. He probably hated me now.

"This is going to hurt Son while I put it on, but it will make you feel better."

He never moved or said a thing while I coated those almost purple ass cheeks with salve. After I was done I released him from the duct tape and removed the ball gag.

"Just lay still son and let the salve work. I'm very, very sorry I did that Timothy. I'm also sure you hate me now."

I left him on the bed and went out. I grabbed a beer and sat on the couch in the small living room.

What the fuck had I just done. I beat a boy just to prove a point. I wish now I had never met Janus or Henri. The short time I had been with both had changed me so much all I wanted to do was get away. Now I had hurt a boy I really liked and could have even loved. I was sure he was as starved for love as I was. Now I had destroyed any chance either of us could have had.

I leaned back on the couch, the beer forgotten.

I must have dozed off.

I woke with a star as I felt a very warm and very naked body climb onto my lap.

"I don't hate you Jake. I love you." Timothy said as he snuggled as close as he could get to me.


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Next: Chapter 10

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