A Different Life

By Brian

Published on Jul 29, 2023


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

A Different Life


Having two very willing boys do anything I asked was kind of hard to take. Showering they were both there to help. I practically didn't have to lift a finger.

They had a continental breakfast ready for me when I came out. The coffee was great with the biscuits and jam.

I was sitting on one of the couches. Janus was on one side and Henri was sitting the other side. Neither were hard. I reached between Henri's legs and gripped his balls. He just smiled at me, but didn't get hard. I squeezed his balls in his sack. His eyes got real big and he moaned. When I crunched them together he started to get hard. I twisted them a little and he moaned louder. I let go.

"Why did you stop Master Jake?"

"Because I didn't want to hurt you Henri."

"Master, I don't mind. Janus does it to me sometimes. It feels good to have my balls squeezed. Janus has even bit them hard enough to draw blood. He chews my cock too."

"Do you do the same to him?" "Of course Master. We both like it."

"Well if Yuri finds out he will send you out on tricks for guys who like to inflict pain on boys. It won't be just squeezing your balls of biting your cock. You both can be sure you will be screaming your hearts out."

"Are you going to tell him Master?" Janus sounded scared.

"Of course not. If you wanted him to know, I'm sure you would tell him. We'll keep this our little secret."

I found out that both boys had been trained in all mild aspects of Gay sex. Scat, Water sports, piss, mild BDSM, sucking, fucking, and rimming. They only sucked, fucked and rimmed for me both ways. In the two weeks I was there I became very fond of both boys.

All the boys I picked to go back to the USA were eighteen. All would make fine boy toys in the US and all had at least some knowledge of Farming.

Yuri was working on passports for all 19 boys I was taking with me. I had talked to Hank and he had arranged a much larger executive jet to bring us all home to the US. It really was a 35 passenger Airliner. It would meet us in Frankfurt in Germany.

Jerry had loved the whole time he was over in Russia. He even jokingly asked Yuri for a job. Jerry and I had been together for almost five years, but the real thing we loved about each other was we enjoyed the same things. It wasn't exactly physical love. More like a love of sex together.

"If you want to stay longer Jerry, I don't mind. Maybe you'll learn something new. You can always keep a good lookout for boys who want to come to the US. That is of course if Yuri has something for you. I doubt it will be a holiday."

"I'll think on it Jerry." Yuri said. Jerry giggled and left. Probably back to bed with one or more boys. I'm sure he had gone through half the boys in training. I had only wanted Henri and Janus.

"Yuri, I'd like to take two other boys back with me as well."

"They are?"

"Henri and Janus."

He got a sort of smile on his face as he just looked at me.

"I'm not sure I can let you have them."

"What do you mean? I'll pay almost any price for them."

"Don't misunderstand me Jake. I'd love to let you have them, but I'm not sure I can get either out of Russia."

"Let me explain. Henri is French by birth. His parents worked for Greenpeace. Now Russia for all its proclamations is still closer to the old Soviet Union in how it handles dissidents. Henri's parents were arrested and imprisoned. Some time while both were in the hands of the State Police they died in custody. The enquiry said it was accidental, but even I'm not sure of that. Henri was placed in State care and declared a non citizen of Russia. I got him out of that care."

"Janus is different. He is or was a Russian citizen. All criminals in Russia lose their citizenship if they are convicted of a crime. Basically that means they can never get a passport or exit visa. Janus robbed a store and was arrested. He was convicted and sent to the same place as Henri. I pulled him out of there at the same time as I got Henri. They have been with me ever since."

"So as much as I would like to let you have Henri and Janus, I'm not sure I can get them out of Russia."

"So I hope you have deep pockets, because it is going to take some very hard cash to pull this off. Secondly, Janus is only fifteen. Getting a green card for him will be very hard."

"I don't care what it costs Yuri. I think both boys would be better off out of this country."

"I have a confession to make Jake. I placed those two in your suite, hoping you feel the same as I. I think you are in love with those two."

I wondered what Hank would think about me bringing one underage boy and one sixteen year old out of Russia illegally. In the end Henri and Janus took my last name on their American Passports. The passports had entry stamps from Russia and Visa's. They were now my brothers. How he got their names registered in Homeland Security was beyond me. What I did know it cost me almost 150,000 dollars US to get both on the plane to Germany.

That 150 grand did not include the almost 5,000 dollars I spent on American clothes for them from the underground smugglers in Russia.

At least they looked like American teenagers.

They didn't act like typical teenagers, more like personal slaves to me.

They both cried almost all night the day I told them they would be coming home with me.

Jerry decided to stay over for a year to learn how Yuri did business. He was also going to take some of the classes Yuri used to train boys in the art of pleasuring clients.

I didn't ask how Yuri got things done, but was sure that as a member of State Security he had access to a lot of places normal people would not. I was sure he had once been a member of the KGB in the old Soviet empire.

On the day we left, both boys were dressed in blue Jeans, cowboy boots, plaid shirts and cowboy hats. They looked like American cowboys. We flew to Germany on Yuri's challenger. The boys we were taking back with us flew commercial on an AN-148 Regional Jet to Frankfurt.

In Frankfurt we changed to the Charter laid on by Hank. We also picked up four German exchange students. So we were flying with 23 exchange Students plus me and Henri and Janus.

The test would come when we landed at Newark International Airport.

Well if I thought it might be a test of the documents I was very much mistaken. Homeland Security had a list of all the boys and once I got them quieted down, their entry was pretty smooth with exception of a few hilarious moments. Although all the boys spoke English of a sort, their accents were so thick that a Russian speaking agent was brought. Once he was able to Talk to them things went real smooth.

Both Henri and Janus just got their passports stamped with a welcome home boys. I declared two bottles of Vodka and ended up paying duty on one, not being out of the country long enough to allow two bottles.

As soon as everyone was cleared we climbed back aboard our charter for the flight to Wyoming. WE flew to Casper. Hank had chartered a Greyhound bus to get everyone to the Ranch. Thirty two hours after leaving St. Petersburg we were home.

Hank put all the boys except Henri and Janus up in one of the bunk houses. After feeding everyone they were allowed to sleep. Everyone suffered from Jet lag. I took Henri and Janus to bed to sleep. They insisted they suck me off before sleep, which led to a circle suck. I did sleep real good back in my own bed.

The same morning routine that had happened in Russia, I followed here at home. One of boys drained me as soon as I sat up. The other boy waited until I crapped and then helped me clean myself out inside. After both boys helped me shower and one or the other sucked me off. Sometimes I fucked the other, but not the first day back. We all dressed and went down for breakfast.

Hank was very happy with the boys we had brought back. Six would go to the farm. Six others would immediately begin training to go to a condo. The rest would be teamed with a regular hand to learn to ride and of course service that hand when ever he wanted.

He welcomed Henri and Janus, but never commented on what they would be doing. Well I knew. Those two would be my personal slave boys to do anything I wanted. The first thing they would learn was how to ride a horse.

Spirit was now the premier stud stallion at the ranch. I doubted he even missed Jerry. Paint definitely missed me. After feeding him an apple we went out to set Henri and Janus up with their own horses.

Terry Bearclaw was another native boy Hank had hired as riding instructor. I had not yet been to bed with him, but one of the house boys had told me he was hung almost as big as the horses he trained people to ride. I'd have to find out myself sometime. I left Henri and Janus in his capable hands to pick out a horse each and show them how to bridle and saddle them. I went back to Paint to get ready.

I spent a lot of time with Paint. I cleaned his stall and put fresh straw down for him and made sure the automatic waterer worked as well as making sure He had lots of food.

When I finally picked up a bridle he was beside me instantly. He stood and allowed me to saddle him. He just followed as I walked out to the small training corral.

Terry was sitting on the fence so I joined him. Henri and Janus were walking two horses around inside the corral.

"Hi, I'm Jake and you must be Terry, Hanks new riding instructor."

We shook hands. Terry was definitely native by his looks and coloring. Actually really good looking. I wondered if the stories about him were true.

"How are they doing?"

"Not bad considering neither has ever been on a horse before. They should do okay. They sure are a pair of hot looking boys."

"Well both are real hot in bed too, but Janus is out of bounds. Henri on the other hand might just teach you a few things. Tell you what. Tonight why don't you join us in my room. Then I can see if the rumors are true about you."


"Yeah the two house boys say you are hung like the horses you teach riding on." I laughed.

"Not true."

I wasn't so sure. The bulge in his jeans told me he was hung pretty good.

"So you think they are good enough to take a ride in the west pasture and down to the lake?"

"Well if you do go that way, take a rifle. There have been reports of wolves near the calving paddock."

"Really, wolves never come this close. What would bring them this far east?"

"Hank isn't sure. Something must have forced them down out of the hills."

"Well why don't you join us? Then we will have two rifles and you are probably a hell of lot better shot than I ever will be."

"I could do that."

"Good, I'll grab a couple of Winchesters from the tack room."

I left Paint and walked into the tack room. I unlocked the gun cabinet and took two 3030 lever action Winchesters. I grabbed a box of ammo and two saddle sheaths for the rifles. Relocked the gun case and walked back to the corral.

As soon as I got back to the corral, Terry took one of the rifles and headed for the stable. I stood and talked to Henri and Janus. Both were real excited. Even more so when I said we would go for a longer ride.

Terry came out leading another paint. All he was leading it by was a halter with a single rein. What was more surprising he had changed. Now he had buckskin breaches and soft boots. A leather vest was all he wore.

The paint only had a blanket for a saddle.

Well what ever the rumors said, he definitely was hung and it showed in his buckskin breaches. I thought Henri and Janus were going to faint when they say him.

We rode out into the West Pasture. I knew and Terry knew the horses would let us know if there were any wolves close. After getting used to walking we speeded up to a trot. Then a canter and finally a gallop. Paint was in his element now. My horse really loved to run.

It hardly took anytime at all to cover the two miles to the tree line. Terry led as we entered the sparse tree line. Two hundred yards on we came out into that open area by the Lake.

The lake was smooth as a glass sheet.

"Wow! That looks nice. Is it good for swimming?" Henri asked.

"It's very cold, but you are welcome to try." I said.

We dismounted and let the horses wander over to the small grassy area beside the lake. Both boys started to undress. I guess Terry was going to find out sooner and maybe I would too.

I grabbed a large bottle of water out of one of the saddle bags. Sat down and pulled off my boots and then T-shirt. Sat back on the grass to watch.

By then Henri and Janus were down to just boxer briefs. Terry was down to just a loin cloth. Fuck it I thought and quickly stripped, not stopping at my boxers. I knew I would only be in the water for thirty seconds. By then you need a magnifying glass to find my dick. The cold would shrink it to nothing.

Seeing us all naked, Terry just slid off his loin cloth.

"Last one in is a rotten egg." I laughed.

When I said that, Henri and Janus took a running jump into the lake. They went about four steps into the water then dove. Coming up about 20 feet from the shore. Terry followed them. I walked into the lake last. I went about five feet, ducked under water, came up and got out. That water was just too cold for me.

When I looked the other three were still swimming around. I figured Henri and Janus had both swam in ice cold water before. Terry being a native would have always swam in cold water on the Reserve.

They swam around for a bout ten minutes before they all came out. Janus sat down right beside me.

"That was great Master Jake." Then his face clouded. Calling me Master could be dangerous.

I looked at Terry. He had heard Janus just by his expression.

"It's not exactly the way he said it Terry."

"How so? He seemed pretty sincere."

Well I knew I had to explain at least some of how Henri and Janus ended up at the Ranch.

"It's a bit of a story. Henri grab some water from the saddle bags. You might as well sit down Terry." He did Indian style with his legs crossed in front of him. Gave me a perfect view of his very nice cock.

All three had come out of the lake pretty shrunk up, but the hot sun soon had them back to near normal. Henri handed out water to Janus and Terry and then sat beside me. Janus was on my other side. With these two beside me and Terry in front of me, didn't stop me from getting hard, but I ignored it for now.

"Terry, how much do you about what goes on at this Ranch?"

That got a long laugh from him. "Well my Dad has been working for the Ranch for about 20 years. He brought me here when I was thirteen to learn to ride. A few weeks after I was coming here one of the house boys took my cherry in the hay barn. After that I spent a lot of time here. When I was seventeen, my Dad said I spent so much time at the Ranch, I should ask Hank for a job."

"Well I waited until I finished high school. I knew something went on here, but wasn't sure what. I saw all the good looking boys that seemed to come and go from the Ranch. I finally asked Hank for a job.

"He sat me down and explained the few rules on the Ranch. He asked if I was Gay and weather I was a virgin. When I said I was Gay and not a virgin, he said he would start me out as a junior hand until I knew the ropes. He told me in no uncertain terms that went on at the Ranch stayed on the Ranch if I valued my life."

"Still want the job Terry?" He asked.

"Yes Sir." I answered him.

"Good, for the first few weeks you are assigned Bunk House number one. You will sleep there. You will also keep the bunk house spotless. During your stay in Bunk House one, you will service any of the hands that need it. That means you will either suck them off or let them fuck your brains out. No exceptions, you will do exactly as they ask. After a while I will decide what else I might use you for."

"For two weeks I never sucked so many cocks or got fucked so many times as the rest of my life. I guess I kind of got to enjoy it."

"Hank called me in after two weeks. He asked me if I was interested in going someplace and making real money by sucking and getting fucked. I declined. I told him once in a while was cool, but not 24/7 as he wanted."

"That night Hank and Gio took me to bed. I think I screamed my head off for the first part of the night. They tag teamed my ass and mouth all night. The next morning he assigned me to training new guys to ride. I was also told I could take any cherry boys that I trained."

"Now we are here at the lake with two new boys."

I explained how Henri and Janus ended up on the Ranch and with me.

"Janus, why can't you do anything?" Terry asked.

"Coz I'm only fifteen and its illegal for me to do stuff. It's even illegal for Hank to have me here until I'm sixteen. I'll be sixteen in three months, so I just do as my Master, uh? Jake says."

Terry chuckled.

"Well I can wait Janus. You are a real hot looking guy."

What was interesting was that Terry was hard as a rock. His nice nine inch thick cock was standing straight out. I was hard too, but neither Henri or Janus were.

"How come neither of them are hard? I'm almost ready to blow." Terry said.

"Simple, they have spent the last several years being around nude boys. They are used to seeing boys or men hard. Now if you offered to suck him off, he'd get hard pretty quick. Be forewarned, when Henri sucks it's something you will never forget. He likes to use his teeth lots and will almost chew your cock off. He likes to receive the same way."

"Likes a little pain too eh?"

"More than a little. Remember I warned you." It was a real warning. I had asked Henri to suck me off like he did Janus. I told him I would do exactly what he did to me to him. Well I should have thought about it before he started to suck my cock. I really did believe he was going to bite it off he chewed it so hard. I guess there was both sadist and masochist in me coz I chewed his just as hard. Even though we were both in tears before we got off, it did feel sort of good. I could see every place on my cock where his teeth had bit in.

He smothered me in kisses when we were done. Another night I let Janus do it the same way. Now that was how we always sucked each other.

Getting a very pain filled blow job was new to me, but now it never bothered me much. I hadn't done some of the other things both boys had asked me to, except for squeezing and twisting their balls.

"Do you want to suck me off Terry?" Henri asked.

"Well I guess I need to know. So I'll suck you. You want to eat my cock at the same time?"

"You might think I am eating it, but I promise not to bite it off."

"Well first time for everything." Terry laughed.

I didn't think he would be laughing shortly.

Henri I knew could be very aggressive and although he didn't look it was quite strong. He moved to Terry and flipped him onto his back . Then pulled him onto his side. He slid the knob of Terry's cock into his mouth and bit down hard. When Terry opened his mouth to scream, Henri rammed his cock into Terry's mouth. Instead of scream, all that came out was a gurgled groan. They became like tow dogs worrying a bone.

"I wish that was me you were doing it to Master." Janus whispered to me.

"Later baby, I'll chew your cock all you want." I slipped my hand down between Janus' legs and squeezed and twisted his balls.

"Harder please Jake."

I did as he asked, totally ignoring the two on the ground. As I twisted and pulled at Janus' balls, he gave little yelps.

"I'm going to come Jake." He said.

I pushed him flat and swallowed his cock. I bit down a bit and he shot three thick wads of his salty cumm into my mouth and throat. I licked him clean and sat up. He just melted into my side.

"I love you Jake."

"I love you both Janus."

As Terry started to blow his stones, Henri stopped chewing and just sucked. He also blew into Terry's mouth. Both just sucked it all up. I doubt a single drop was wasted. Both sat up.

"Fuck was that ever intense." Terry said as he checked his cock. You could see everywhere Henri had bit him, some real deep.

"You could have done it harder Terry. I really like it when someone bites my cock hard."

"Well next time, if there is a next time."

"Like I said you are welcome in our bed tonight Terry."

"Oh I'll be there. Want to see if his butt is as good as his cock."

"It's a date then." It didn't take us long to get dressed. We slowly walked back to the Ranch.

After we got back and groomed our horses we walked to the house. It was then I noticed two black suburban 4x4's parked at the main house.

A cop was the first thing to come to mind.

That was confirmed when we walked inside. I told Henri and Janus to go shower and change. I'd be up in a while. I walked into the den.

When I entered a man in black was standing by the door. Another was over by the big Gun Cabinet. Hank and Geo were sitting in chairs. Two other officers were sitting on the couch. All had ATF across both front and back of their vests. All four were pretty heavily armed. I sat down at the desk.

"Jake, these gentlemen are from the ATF. They are after a Supremacists group that they believe has moved into our camp at Silver Springs."

"How did they get there? There's only one road in and it's not much of a road. It takes almost four days by horse back."

"Never the less the ATF did a fly over and they are definitely there."

"They must have moved in after we moved the herd down here. That would be in the last ten days. They can't be thinking of staying there for the winter. They'll get snowed in pretty bad."

"I told these gentlemen exactly the same thing. That begs the question, what are they going to do next?"

No one said anything and then Hank got up and walked to the big map of the Ranch and Farm. It was quite impressive. A 1-100,000 topographical map, it showed all the Ranch and Farm along with quite a bit of territory beyond the Ranch. "It's obvious that they have someone that knows something about the Ranch or someone who has hunted up here before. I'm inclined to think it is a hunter. Now if he knows about that cabin, then he might also know there is another way out of there."

"What?" The Senior ATF officer said.

"Well it's not called Silver Springs just because it is a nice name. Where that cabin is located once was a Silver Mine. The Silver ran out years ago but the name stuck. Now there is another road of sorts into that mine. However you'd need a bulldozer to get through. It's not been used in over fifty years. My Father built the other track in on a much easier route."

The ATF Officer walked to the map and Hank traced where the old road went. It meandered along a creek bed and then up and down some real high hills. About thirty miles it came out on secondary highway 932.

"It will be washed out and overgrown by now." Hank said.

The real question is. What do you want done Sir? They are trespassing and you don't want them there come spring."

"Well at least we know now why the wolves have moved down here." I said.

"Yeah and that's excuse enough to get them out of there. I guess I want them gone."

"Very well Sir. With your permission I'd like to use the Ranch as a Staging area for the Attack."

"By all means. The sooner they are gone the sooner the wolves will move back into the hills and the fewer calves I will lose."

"Okay Sir. We're done here for now. You'll be hearing from us in a few days."

WE shook hands with the officers and they were gone.

Once we were alone Hank had a few things to say as well.

"First off Jake, I'd like you to spend a few days at the Farm. You can take your boy toys with you. Ben hired an assistant. His name is Pierre Cardinal, French Canadian. According to Ben, he has either sucked or fucked every boy at the farm in the last ten days. He also knows farming like the back of his hand."

"Sounds like he will fit right in. so what's the problem?"

"There are a few things that are bothering me. First off this guy doesn't have a Canadian Passport and has a New York driver's license. There is also no record he ever entered the country. Now we have the ATF up here. You can be sure the FBI will also be up here too. I want to know if he is a ringer sent here to scope us out."

"Hank, why didn't you tell the ATF about the other road to the upper meadow?"

"You tell me. He should have known about it. If they actually did a fly over of the cabin at Silver Springs, they should have seen that road. Hell it is marked clearly on that map. Some thing just doesn't ring true about the Group supposedly at Silver Springs."

"You could do your own fly over Hank."

"Geo and I plan to do just that. Mean while have all the hands cool it. Don't want anyone caught with their pants down. Make sure all the crews know they are to just training boys in Ranching and no screwing around."

"Will do at the briefing in the morning."

"I had a long talk with Yuri. He's very glad you got those two boys out of Russia. I just hope they don't come back and bite us on the ass. Jerry by the way probably won't be back."

"I didn't think he would. He was like a kid in a candy store while he's there."

"Okay Jake you check out Pierre and I'll do some checking on our ATF friends. We'll talk in a couple of days."

I turned to head out when Michael the lead hand walked in.

"Boss, we lost another calf. This time I think I found out where they dragged it. If I'm right they are in Gypsy Hollow, by the lake. We should be able to see and take them from the lookout."

"Shit. Okay let's take them if we can. Mike, go saddle my horse and Geo's. Jake if you want to come it's okay too. Another set eyes would be good."

"Okay, I'm just going to check on Henri and Janus. It was their first day riding so I'm sure they are in some pain."

"Meet you in the barn."

Henri and Janus were two pretty sore boys after riding horses for the first time in their lives. I took both out and showed them the hot tub on the back veranda.

"Soak in there for about 20 minutes. Don't over do it or you will end up like wet rags. I have to take care of some Ranch business. I'll be back in a couple of hours. Both of you go grab some dinner and I'll see you when I get back."

I gave both a kiss and left them.

WE headed out the main gate and along the fence line. We then headed up onto that high rocky bluff. The view of the trees and ranch was always spectacular. Now in late fall it was in full bloom of many colors.

Gypsy Hollow was not actually a hollow. It was a low point along side the lake. In the spring it filled water, but now in late fall was dry. A perfect place for the wolves to den up.

Hank got down with his 30.06 with the big scope he used for hunting. I grabbed the big old Navel field glasses. Getting down prone to steady the glasses I could see directly into the hollow. They were there.

"You got them Hank? Looks like they are just on the closer edge of the clearing."

"Yeah I got that big grey. You see any others?"

"Another just to the right of that one. I see some heads bobbing so they must be feeding."

"Mike after we take those two, you and a few boys can head down and pull out the two corpses. Set traps in case they come back to the calf carcass."

"Will do Boss."

The 'CRACK' of the two high powered rifles going off almost together made me jump. The big grey wolf I had in my field glasses was tossed aside like an empty bag. I didn't see what happened to the other. The echo of those two rifles travelled all over the valley.

"Good shot Hank. You too Geo, even though I didn't see it."

We headed back down. By the time we had the horses groomed and back in their stalls, Mike was back with the two wolf carcasses. The big grey wolf was one of the largest wolves I had ever seen. Mike said he butcher and tan the hides of both. We'd get a couple of show pieces from them. The State did have a bounty on wolves that were caught outside the National forest so we were okay in taking them, but didn't need the paper work involved in turning them over for the bounty.

By the time I got back to my room I was some bushed. It had been a long day. Janus and Henri were sound asleep. I grabbed a quick shower and climbed in between the two. They just seemed to cuddle up close. Sleep was easy.


Next: Chapter 8

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