A Different Life

By Brian

Published on Jul 23, 2023


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

A Different Life


"That was Anna, Nathan's wife. She just caught him with his pants down screwing a boy in the hay barn."

"FUCK! That stupid son of a Bitch. I'll kill him." Hank exclaimed.

"After me you first. I hired the cocksucker."

"Anna wants to see us."

I could be in a lot of shit here. I was the one that made that deal with Nathan. Geo knew it too. Now the problem was what do we do with him. I was pretty sure Anna would want both a divorce and want him charged. Nathan knew too much about the Farm and Ranch. He'd use it against us to prevent his arrest.

WE headed out and climbed into my new Suburban 4x4. It was a shit load more comfortable than the old pickup. I had bought it and two others for the Ranch and four new crew cab 4x4's for the Farm.

I think I was doing 70 before I hit the gate to the Ranch.

The five miles went by damned quick. We pulled into the farm and up to the house. When I looked around there were a lot of hands just standing around. I wondered why no one was working.

We went into the house to see Anna. After crying a lot on Hanks shoulder we were able to get her settled down.

She explained what had transpired.

"Nathan was supposed to take me to town to see my Doctor. My Appointment was for 10. When he didn't show up to pick me up I called his office. Sometimes it's real busy and he forgets some things. I got no answer in his office and even called him on the Radio. After no answers I went to see if anyone knew where he was. One of the boys said he was stacking hay in the barn."

When I got to the barn I couldn't see him, but thought I heard crying. When I walked around the end of the bales, I saw Nathan ramming his thing into a young boy. The boy was the one crying. I screamed and ran out of there. Then I called you."

"What do you want us to do Anna?"

"Well I hope I never see him again ever. Could you take me to my Mothers home in Cheyenne?"

"WE can sure do that Anna. We will also arrange to have all your things moved. Geo, Get a hold of my Helicopter and get it to the farm. Arrange for a car in Cheyenne to get Anna to her mothers."

"Jake will you go see if you can find both the boy and Nathan."

I really wished I had a gun. I'd kill that Son of a bitch. I headed out into the yard. First thing find out who he had up in the barn. I walked to where a few boys were standing around. "Any of you know who Nathan had up in the hay barn?"

"His name was Matthew, Everyone just called him Matty."

The young man when we found him was pretty much out of his head. He was bleeding badly from his butt, so I knew Nathan had really fucked the boy up. I sent one boy to grab the big first aid kit and other to drive my suburban up here to the barn.

There was no way around it now. Nathan would be charged with Rape. I called Hank on the farm phone and told him what I was going to do. He said he'd have the Sherriff meet me at the town limits and escort me to the Hospital.

Nathan was in real big trouble. Wyoming had some of the stiffest Rape and sodomy laws in the whole fucking country.

By the time I returned to the Ranch, a State wide Arrest warrant was out for Nathan. His wife had been moved to Cheyenne. Big Mike, one of the more reliable hands was running the Farm. Matthew would be in hospital a few days. Now we were in Damage control.

Once the Emergency Room doctor figured out that Matthew had been raped it was out of our hands. Nathan could actually sink the Farm, Ranch and especially the boy toy operation. He would be caught. One of the big white farm crew cabs was missing. It wouldn't be hard to spot especially with the Ranch logo on the side.

"He's looking at twenty years to life in this State. He's bound to cop a plea." I said.

"Suggestions anyone?" Hank said.

"Well it would be nice if we got to him first, but I doubt that's going to happen. Packing might be an idea." Gio said. "There is no way I am going to give up this Ranch and farm. It has been in my Family for Fifty years. If nothing else I will go down. Jake, you and the rest can deny you knew anything."

"No fucking way Uncle. I'm apart of this Farm as much as you or anyone. Not one person on this farm will testify. Nathan has nothing but here say evidence. He'd have to admit to screwing a lot of boys to take us down."

"All he's going to prove is that he is a cocksucker and rapist. Some plea bargain."

"We are going to play it that way. No one talks. We can come out of this smelling like a rose."

Nathan had no where to run, not with his picture plastered on every News Channel and the front of every news paper in the State. When the State police finally cornered him, he put the barrel of a shotgun in his mouth and pulled the trigger. I guess he didn't want to go to prison as the Rapist of a sixteen year old boy.

That incident cooled everything down at the Ranch and Farm.

When Matthew was released from Hospital he came back to the Ranch and joined Peter and Sam as house boys. Peter and Sam were not much bigger than Matthew. All three I doubted were over 5 foot 3 inches and weighed no more than a hundred pounds each. That didn't stop them from loving to suck and fuck, but they were much more careful who was in their bed.

It was almost 6 weeks since Yuri called and I reminded Hank of his call.

Hank sat down at the desk to make the call. I took off to see how Matt was doing. I found him and the two house boys talking. As soon as he saw me he almost jumped into my arms.

He started to cry, so I just held him.

I walked to one of the stuffed chairs and sat down with him on my lap. He settled down and looked at me.

"What's going to happen to me now?"

"Well that Matty is pretty much up to you. You have been through a lot and I put you in here for these boys to look after you. They know what happened and will protect you from any problems."

"I never want to see Nathan again."

"You need not worry about Nathan. He's gone for good. Can you talk about what happened? I want to understand so I prevent it happening to another boy."

The psychologist we talked to said if he could talk about it, it might make him easier to adjust back to a normal life.

"Well Nathan was always making me do stuff that way too hard, like stacking bales. I could hardly lift one. He kept calling me useless. He asked me one day if I was even good at anything. Some of the other boys said they had sucked his dick to get him off their backs, so I said I could suck cock good."

"Are you Gay Matty?"

"Oh sure. I kind of like to suck cocks. I just never had a dick in my butt. I'm or I was real small and knew it would hurt lots, so never let anyone do it."

"Matty you are probably still real tight and it would still hurt a lot."

"Well the doctor said that I wouldn't be as tight as I was before coz of the damage that done."

"Well tell me what happened at the Farm."

"When I told Nathan I could suck cocks good, he said he would meet me in the machinery shed after 9 and I could blow him."

About 9 he picked me up and we went to the big hay barn. We walked in back and he told me to undress coz he liked to see all of guys as they sucked. He had a real big dick, bigger than I had ever sucked before. I chocked and gagged on it and he call me a terrible cocksucker. He then said maybe my ass would be better. When I said I had never had a dick in my ass, he said that was even better.

"He forced me down over a bale of hay and just rammed it into me. I guess I passed out for a while. When I woke up he was inside me and grunting as he fucked me. All I could do was cry. All of a sudden I heard someone scream. Nathan pulled out and disappeared. Then you came."

"How do you feel now Matt?"

"Better I guess. Will I be doing stuff for you Sir?"

"Matty, I'm just Jake and no you never have to do stuff for anyone unless you want to."

"Well the other guys said that once I got used to having a guy in your butt, it feels real good. Well the first time didn't, but I want to know what they liked."

"Well Matt why don't you start with these boys. They are closer to your size."

Matthew looked over at the two boys. Both had ear to ear grins. "Matt, I'm going to leave you for now. I'll check back later."

"Okay Jake. Thank you." He gave me a kiss on the cheek.

I checked the other staff outside before heading back to the office.

"Your passport still good Jake?" Hank asked as soon as I walked in.

"Sure. Why?"

"Does Jerry have one?"

Yes, again why? Am I going someplace?"

That got a chuckle from both Hank and Geo.

"How would you like to make a trip to St. Petersburg?"

"In Florida. You don't need a passport for that."

"No, St. Petersburg Russia."

"Sit down Jake and I'll explain."

The first thing Hank explained was that not all Gay boys loved to just fuck and suck. Some were into more bizarre things. I already knew that much. There had been a few go through the Ranch. What I didn't know was that those who had an interest in these more bizarre aspects of Gay sex were sent to Yuri in Russia.

"Yuri operated one of the largest prostitution rings in Russia, catering to both sexes and all types of Gay or Straight sex. Yuri was connected, meaning he had the covert permission of one of the larger Russian Mafia Organizations.

Hank had sent him several boys who had the same interests. In return Yuri would send boys here that only had an interest in fucking and or sucking.

"He invited me over to inspect and pick out a few boys to join my boy toys. I suggested I send you, as you are going to take over for me. He agreed and will be showing you everything he does. You will spend a couple of weeks there and then go to Germany. There is another Gentleman there that will give you a couple of boys to send back. You and Jerry can check out all the boys and make your decision. All the young men selected will have the correct papers supplied."

"Jake every single boy working in Russia would love to come to America. That's their ultimate dream, so every boy over there is going to be trying to entice you to pick them. They will do anything to be the ones picked. You will have your choice of several I am sure. You and Jerry I'm sure will be hog heaven."

"So when am I leaving?"

"In a few days. Yuri is going to send his jet to pick you up. He'll let me know when he is in country."

This guy must be some rich to afford his own jet just to fly here anytime he likes. Hank was reading my thoughts again.

"Jake, like me Yuri has a lot of overseas investments. He actually owns the jet he flies in. He's probably a multi-millionaire. He also does this more of a sideline to his other holdings. He is a very well respected business man over here. He'll treat you real good, I'm sure.

I had to remind Jerry to pack a warm jacket and a couple of sweaters. September in Russia could be a lot cooler than Wyoming.

Four days later, the helicopter took us to meet Yuri in Casper. We went to a good restaurant in Casper and Yuri and Hank caught up on all that they had been doing since the last time they had met a couple of years before.

He didn't have the thick accent I had heard on the phone and I asked him.

He laughed.

"Sometimes Jake when I get excited or something I sort of revert back to my Mother tongue. It also works with officials when I don't want to close an inspection at customs."

Yuri's Jet was a Canadian built Challenger. He said he didn't trust buying a Russian one because they were of poor quality. It was nearly twice as big as Hanks turbo prop and he said after a stop in Montreal Canada to refuel we would fly direct to St. Petersburg. Very long range aircraft.

Almost as soon as we were on board and before we even had a chance to sit down, Yuri introduced a boy already on the aircraft.

"This is Ivan, he's my personal boy. Ivan, this is Jake and Jerry. You will treat them as you would me."

"Yes Master Yuri."

Ivan showed where to sit and helped us buckle up.

"Would you like some refreshment? A beer perhaps. We will be serving dinner after we refuel in Montreal."

"A beer would be fine Ivan."

He headed up front. I saw that Yuri had sat down in an alcove close to the front of the aircraft.

"Boy is he hot looking." Jerry snickered.

"Damn straight. I wonder if he does everything."

Ivan was about 5 foot 7 inches and about 145 lbs. He was a pure blonde, almost white haired beauty. He had on tight stretch jeans that left northing to the imagination. Even his ass cheeks were spread in those jeans.

We watched as Ivan came back down the aisle. He stopped and dropped a bottle and crystal glass to Yuri and then continued to us. He set a beer in a holder close to each of us and then sat in a seat and buckled up.

When he sat down the bulge in the front of his jeans got way bigger. I took a drink of beer to hide my looking.

The beer had a sharp, but nice taste, very different than the stuff I drank on the Ranch. I looked at the bottle, but couldn't understand the name.

"If you would prefer Master Jake, we have American, German and English beer as well."

"No this is fine, really nice actually Ivan."

I felt the aircraft moving and shortly we were in the air. Three hours to Montreal, Ivan said.

WE talked almost the whole trip. I found out Ivan had been with Yuri for almost 6 years. Yuri had found Ivan working the streets of St. Petersburg when he was thirteen and picked him up and taken him home. Yuri had made it very plain right from the start what he wanted by fucking him almost all night. He also trained him to accept any kind of treatment by any customer. He finally took me as his own servant when I was sixteen.

"You mean you were just thirteen when you started working?" "Oh yes, but I wasn't the youngest. I knew boys on the street that were just eleven. Some guys in Russia like real young boys. Yuri doesn't cater much to them unless it is gain favor."

Blackmail material I thought probably. I wondered if Hank ever did that.

Two beers later we landed in Montreal. We had to clear customs because we were on Canadian soil. They were quick and after a quick refueling were back in the air. Ivan served a real good meal, complete with china dishes and solid gold utensils. Fine wine too. All cooked and prepared in a miniscule galley.

After dinner, Yuri excused himself. He said he had to finish up some work. He apologized for being a lousy host, but promised to make it up to us in Russia. He told Ivan to give us anything we wanted.

We moved back to our seats and Ivan brought us another beer. He did his clean up and then came back and pulled out a foldaway bed. For use later if we desired. He also pulled a partition across the aircraft effectively blocking off the front of the aircraft from the back.

I wondered if Yuri's word was as good as it sounded. After making sure we had everything, Ivan just stood waiting.

"Undress Ivan."

He quickly unbuttoned his shirt and removed it. That showed off a very well toned chest and belly. Very prominent tits stood at attention. He had an almost swimmers build, lean and smooth.

His jeans followed. A nice five inch uncut cock protruded from his crotch. Not a single hair anywhere. Damn he looked hot.

Not waiting I pushed him into one of the leather seats and was sucking his cock instantly. "Oh Master I should be doing you."

"After he's done I want you to fuck me." Jerry said.

"As you wish Master Jerry."

WE both found out Ivan was a very talented lover. He did everything we enjoyed and even offered things we had never dreamed of. I sat watching as Jerry pounded his butt. Yuri came in his hard eight inch thick cock standing straight out. I motioned him closer and took his cock into my mouth. He stepped right into me, grabbed my head and slammed his cock into my throat. I found out very quickly that Yuri was a very aggressive man. He used both hands to hold my head as he skull fucked me. I was almost faint from lack of air before he blew a massive load into my mouth and throat.

That didn't stop him. He pushed me back onto the bed and mounted me. He again just slammed inside. I yelped art his entrance, but was in heaven as he reamed my hole.

"You have nice pussy Jake. Tight to make me love it." He said as he hammered away.

About thirty minutes later I felt Yuri's hot load fill my butt. It was now awash with three loads. Yuri pulled out of me and shoved his cock into Jerry's mouth.

"Ivan clean out your Master."

Very quickly I was sitting on Ivan's face as he rimmed my hole. I know Ivan got a lot more than just cumm from my butt. Neither Jerry or I had cleaned each other out before we left today. Neither of us expected this kind of treatment when we left. It never bothered Ivan in the least.

Yuri left after screwing me. Ivan cleaned out Jerry and then drained us both before leaving to join Yuri. Jerry and I had a real good sleep.

WE used the very small washroom to clean up in the morning. Yuri said we could shower and change at his house in St. Petersburg. WE were one hour out as we sat drinking thick sweet coffee.

Ivan was now dressed in highly polished shoes, blue pants, white shirt and tie, and a blue jacket to match the pants. After landing he unloaded our baggage onto a cart and with Yuri leading headed into the Terminal.

One thing I noticed right off was all the very well armed men all over the place. Yuri took our passports and walked to one of the passport control stations. He handed over all three to the agent. The Agent sat up straighter, then looked at our passports, looked at us and then stamped all three. He inserted a card into ours and handed them back to Yuri.

Yuri then walked through the gate with us following and Ivan bringing up the rear. We walked out of the terminal to a long black limo. A cop was arguing with the driver, but saluted as soon as he saw Yuri. We climbed inside and the driver with the cops help loaded our luggage. Very quickly we were moving.

WE drove right through two other check points without even slowing down.

"How do you do that?" I asked.

"Because my good American friend, I am also still a member of Russian State Security."

Holy fuck I thought.

St. Petersburg was an old and very beautiful city, not that we saw much as the car sped through the main part of the city. "I'll give you a complete tour before you leave." Yuri said.

WE headed out onto a four lane highway. One thing I knew the driver drove like a bat out of hell. We came to another side road, also paved and turned on to it. About a mile down the road we came to a dark stone wall. I could see barbed wire along its top. It looked more like a prison than some ones home.

Yuri chuckled at my reaction.

"It tends to keep people away. I think you will be pleasantly surprised."

We came to a turreted gate house. Two guards, armed with short machine guns walked to the limo. As soon as they saw who was in the limo, spoke into a microphone. The heavy gate swung open and we drove inside. It was like night and day.

Green grass, trees, statues, adorned the inside. Flower beds dotted the grounds. I could see several white washed buildings spread around inside those walls. The lane we drove slowly along was flagstone.

"Welcome to my training academy Jake. It is run as a very private and very exclusive school for boys. All students here will do anything you wish any time you wish Jake."

From just what I could see that was quite a few. Those boys I could see all had on what looked like a single garment. It was a sleeveless shirt that came down to mid thigh and white running shoes.

"All boys wear the same here. All work both inside the house and the grounds is done by my boys. They also take regular schooling here. All learn English right from the start. As well as math, science, drama and history. Real history, not that once taught by the Communist government.

"Of course their main course is in how to please their partners in every way. As you will see."

We stopped at a huge Mansion, almost more of a castle I thought. Before the car even came to a halt there were four boys waiting. One opened the door and we all climbed out. Grins on their faces told me they were happy to see Yuri.

An older boy stepped forward.

"Welcome home Master Yuri."

"Thank you Stanolof. This is Jake and Jerry. All boys will treat them as they do me."

"Of course Master. Welcome Master Jake and Master Jerry."

"Put them in the two suites across form mine Stanolof."

"Yes Master."

"After you have had a chance to freshen up and any other needs taken care of, have one of the boys escort you to the library and I'll give you a tour before we start to discuss business. Take your time Jake."

The suites we were shown to were almost as big as half the floor space of our home in Wyoming. Dominated by a massive fire place the living room area had floor to ceiling windows looking out on to the grounds. A massive bathroom with a shower at least six could shower comfortably. The bedroom had a huge four poster bed with a canopy. Pictures of battles and nudes covered the walls through out. Soft comfortable chairs and couches filled the living area.

"This is yours Master Jake. Master Jerry's is next door."

"See you when you get washed and changed Jerry." He followed the two boys with him to his suite.

The two boys assigned to me quickly took my luggage and unpacked it. I headed into the bedroom and started to undress. One assisted me.

"What are you called?" I asked.

Boy Master. All of us are just boy."

"Very well boy. I need a shower first."

Well having two very good looking boys helping me shower got me hard real fast. One without even thinking about it went down and sucked me off. All these boys looked the same, in that all were shaved every where even their pits. All we uncut and near five inches soft. Hair color varied but they almost acted identical. Obviously all had been trained to the same standard.

After showering they dried me off and I put on a pair of boxer briefs and wandered out into the living room to relax and unwind a bit from the flight.

"Would you like something to drink Master Jake."

"A beer please."

"We have Russian, German, Dutch, British, Canadian or American Master."

"Canadian, I think would be fine."

He brought me an ice cold bottle of Canadian lager. I took a sip. Nice and smooth. I looked at both boys in their one piece garment.

"Boys when ever you are in the suite, you will remove that shirt you wear." Both quickly stripped them off. Now looking at both side by side nude, one did look younger than the other.

"Are you both the same age?"

"No Master. I am sixteen, he is fifteen. We are paired because I act as his mentor to teach him more. I also have a senior boy that teaches me. It is how Master Yuri can teach many boys at the same time."

So it was a fifteen year old boy that had sucked me off. It didn't really bother me. I had sucked off younger back in Wyoming.

I asked both boys to come closer. I wanted a real close up on their equipment. I rolled their balls ands then gripped their cocks. The sixteen year old had about 6.5 inches hard with a shinny red head. The fifteen year old about 6 inches. I was sure both would grow bigger. Nice.

I leaned closer and took one of the those hard cocks into my mouth. The boy's knees almost buckled when I did. I stopped, guided him to a chair. Then went to my knees. I was back sucking that cock instantly. He sat unmoving as I sucked him. I stopped again and looked at him.

"Are you enjoying me sucking your cock?"

"Yes Master."

"If I asked you to fuck me, would you just push it in and sit still?"

"No Master." He giggled.

"Well I want you to use my mouth like you would my ass. Fuck my face boy."

This time when I went on his cock he grabbed my head with both hands and rammed his cock into me. He thrust with his hips too. Much better I thought. He became very aggressive, really hammering my mouth. It didn't take long before he shot three thick streams of salty sperm into my mouth and throat. He slumped almost faint.

"Now that is how I like to suck cocks and how I like to be sucked."

I turned on my knees to the other boy.

"Your turn boy."

He had very quickly learned what I expected. He stepped forward, used one hand to guide his cock and the other on my head. He just rammed his cock into my mouth. He was so quick that 6 inch cock actually made me gag momentarily. Then I was in heaven as he fucked my face. For a fifteen year old he had good staying power and took almost ten minutes before his quite substantial load shot into my throat. He stepped back and sank into one of the stuffed chairs.

"Was that okay Master Jake?' He asked breathlessly.

"That, my young friend was perfect. You both taste real good and I will enjoy you both more later. Now I guess I better dress to see our host."

I had just finished dressing when Jerry came in.

"Boy will these boys do anything." He giggled.

The older boy in my suite quickly put on his singlet.

"I will escort you down to Master Yuri."

When we entered the huge library, Yuri was sitting in one of the leather chairs. A young boy was bouncing on his cock and from the moans of the young boy he was definitely enjoying getting impaled by Yuri's massive cock. Yuri just ignored us as the boy continued. He finally held the boy down and I knew he was coming inside the boy.

"Henri, Get down here and clean him out so he doesn't mess up my floor."

The young boy that had escorted us down was quick to rim the young man.

After he just stood up and wiped him mouth. The young man sucked Yuri clean and quickly left.

Yuri zipped up.

"A drink I think." Yuri said and Henri quickly got me a Canadian Beer, Jerry an American and Yuri a scotch. Then just stood waiting.

"You both look more refreshed. I hope everything was satisfactory."

"Very much so. Thank you Yuri." I said.

"Did you learn anything from my American Friends Henri?"

"Yes Master Yuri. Master Jake likes us to be very aggressive when he sucks us. He also likes us to be nude in his suite at all times."

"Very good Henri. You are dismissed boy." Henri bowed and left.

"It's good you are teaching them new things. Russian males are not so aggressive, they prefer a boy just lie still while they suck."

"Now at this moment there are about a hundred boys under instruction here. None of them are part of the group you can pick from. Tonight we will meet a few of them at one of my clubs."

"How many am I allowed to pick?"

"As many as you wish. Hank has sent me 18 boys over the last two years that have more aggressive tendencies. Teaching Henri some newer things might bring that out in him. It is something I watch for so if you can do other things to bring it out it would be a bonus. I have a very big client list of men who love to torture young boys. Of course I have rules in place so the boys can't be permanently injured or any marks left on their bodies, but I can always use more."

"You mean boy actually like to have their nuts or cock tortured?"

"Yes indeed they do. Don't ask me why, but I think some may be a little deranged."

"WE do teach self defense here and I have noticed Henri being a little more aggressive than other boys, so think that might be part of him."

I had never really thought about hurting a boy in his balls or cock on purpose. It was a troubling thought. Especially if that sixteen year old boy might be interested. Well I could ask him and see his reaction.

Yuri had set it up with an attach? at the American Embassy to get green cards for all the boys I wanted to take back with me. They would be called exchange students in agriculture, especially ranching and farming. Exactly what we did. How he arranged it I wasn't sure, but figured he had something on that attach?.

After a very good dinner, Yuri suggested we change into something loose and comfortable. The club we were going to had no limits in what we could do and we would meet some of the candidates.

The club Yuri took us to did not look either on the outside or really just inside like any Gay Club I had ever seen. The outside looked like an old factory, with all the windows blackened. Inside the foyer it was jusy a desk and I guess bouncer. When a patron of the club came in he paid a set sum of money, was given a key to a locker, towel and Mask that covered his eyes.

They went and stripped in the locker room and wrapped the towel around their middle. Yuri led Jerry and I through the locker room into a corridor. The corridor led to a viewing room. Here we looked out into a single huge room, dotted with tables and alcoves. About ? of the tables were filled with a single man and several boys. The boys were dressed in those simple shifts, but these were of different materials and colors. They all looked good.

"The Masks make everyone anonymous. Here they can do anything they wish as long no boy is not harmed. That does not mean a customer can't take one of the boys to a private room and whip or beat him, just that no permanent harm can come to the boy."

"What do you pay these boys?"

"In cash nothing. They are given free room and board as well as having all their medical expenses covered. You see that little pouch they all wear? That holds condoms and lube. It also holds their tips. These boys all make about three to four hundred dollars a night in tips. They can keep all their tips."

"None of the boys are allowed to drink anything but a fruit drink. The guests can drink what they wish and most get too drunk to perform later."

The boys of course need to rest, so after fucking a patron or getting sucked off they can go rest, another boy will come out to replace them. That keeps about 75 boys on the floor at all times."

"If a guest gets too drunk or out of hand one of the bouncers will esacort them out." "If you two wish to partake in any of the boys, you can strip in here, put on a mask and head down."

Jerry was quick to strip and head onto the floor.

"Anxious isn't he." Yuri laughed.

"Jerry would spend 24/7 on his back or sucking."

"Hank tells me you are like that too. I'm just the same when it comes to good looking boys, but then I can call anyone up here to please me."

I wasn't sure I could perform in a room filled with strangers, but it was extremely hard to resist the charms of these exceptionally good looking boys. Very quickly I had one shoving his cock down my throat while another reamed my ass. I'm sure over the next three hours I had been fucked or sucked and screwed over 20 boys. I was exhausted by the time I got back to the viewing room. Yuri was no where to seen. I just sat down with a cold beer and watched.

I got dressed and just relaxed. Jerry came back almost dragging himself. He too just dressed and slumped into a comfortable chair.

We arrived back at the house pretty close to 3 am. I went to sleep with Henri and Janus sleeping beside me.


Next: Chapter 7

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