A Different Life

By Brian

Published on Jul 15, 2023


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

A Different Life


Well I will tell you. That was a night to remember. Stan really was like me after I got used to Evan screwing me. He took to it a lot faster than I did. The only thing he wouldn't do was lick a boys butt after he screwed him. I pointed out to him that he already sucked cocks that just screwed him. After that he was like a kid in a candy store. It was almost midnight when everyone left Jerry and I alone.

Getting up the next morning was the hardest it had ever been.

Jerry went with Geo to start his education and I was with Hank. I spent the rest of the summer and the next summer too learning all the ins and outs of managing and operating both the Ranch and Farm. I also learned everything there was to know about the boy toy operation.

My biggest problem was my workload at University increased almost daily I thought sometimes. I started to spend more time in town studying than I did at the Ranch. There was nothing I could do. Hank said not to worry, as I was still getting good marks, but it meant I had less and less time for Jerry.

He took it in stride. He was always near when I needed him and our love making was always real good. Learning from Hank and Geo how everything worked at the Ranch and Farm made things real easy the last year in University.

It wasn't a surprise to anyone that I got very high marks on my finals and received my Degree in Business Management. It was another great party that weekend.

Hank started to let me take on more and more of the operation of the Ranch and Farm. Jerry for all practical purposes was my Foreman, even though Gio still looked over his shoulder on occasion.

My first major decision came up when Jerry's Dad, Jerald Siemens wanted to retire. To me it was easy I thought. His oldest Son Nathan had been assistant manager of the Farm, so I'd just promote him. Hank stopped me in my tracks.

"Jake, Jerald and I have had an arrangement. Some of the local boys hired by the Farm have ended up here and became part of my other operation. Nathan doesn't know about that arrangement. We need to decide if he is acceptable and weather he will agree to continue the arrangement. Otherwise we need to find someone else."

"Why can't we just stop getting guys from the Farm?"

"Jake more than 80 percent of the boys we get come from the Farm. We still get boys from orphanages and Child services, but those are long term investments, like Chuck and Stanley. Most are picked when they are young and slowly brought along. The boys from the Farm are checked out by Jerald. If he thinks a boy might swing our way he informs me and either Gio or I check him out. Nine times out of ten he ends up here."

"Maybe we should talk to Jerry too. He might give us an idea how Nathan swings."

"Well we have a couple of months to make a decision. I have a more immediate problem. There are two boys in Texas I want to bring here. You and I will fly to Texas tomorrow and pick them up."

"So what's the problem?"

"Both are illegal's. One is from Jamaica and the other is from Honduras. They were caught with their pants down after crossing into Texas from Mexico. I mean both were caught sucking each other by the Border Patrol. Texas takes a dim view of what they were doing and a judge gave both a year in a Youth Offenders Center. A friend of mine will release both boys to me and bury their records. The problem is I'm not sure either will want to come here and learn to be boy toys."

"Well at least we know both are Gay." I chuckled.

"That's all we know. Both will need complete medicals and blood tests before we even start anything."

Hank had a real hard on for STD's. It was why he insisted everyone wear a condom when they did tricks and why we never bothered with them on the Ranch. Everybody including the hands had to have a complete physical once a year. He paid for them, but god help anyone who caught something away from the Ranch or in any of his Condos.

Jerry and I went riding in the afternoon. We almost always ended up down by the lake and spent at least an hour in uninhibited sex. We were stretched out after washing the sweat off.

"Jerry did you and your older brother Nathan ever do stuff?"

"WE used to suck sometimes when I was younger. I think he's bi. He's got a girl friend in town and I think he wants to marry her. Why are you asking?"

"Well your Dad wants to retire and I wanted to make Nathan the new Manager of the Farm, but Hank says he doesn't know that a lot of boys from the farm end up here as boy toys."

"Well he may not know, but I bet he suspects something. I also figure he does some of those boys. Almost all are not virgins when they come from the Farm. He's probably doing them."

"Did you and your brother ever have sex?"

"Jake, Nathan took my cherry." He giggled.

Damn, I didn't know that. I always remembered the first time we met. He never mentioned before when he had first got screwed.

WE necked for a while before sucking each other off. We headed home for dinner.

I told Hank what Jerry had said about Nathan. He said he'd have Geo check him out.

Right after breakfast the next morning we boarded the Helicopter for our trip to Casper. A sleek white turbo prop was waiting for us at Casper Airport.

I knew my Uncle was rich, but not so rich he could afford his own aircraft.

"Is this yours Hank?"

"Well I suppose. I own the company that owns both aircraft and the helicopter, but in reality they are leased. There's this one and two others. I usually end up with this one because it is cheapest to operate."

Boy was it nice inside, with deep leather seats and couches. A small bar and galley, even a washroom. It was also quiet. The trip from Casper Wyoming to Marysville Texas took almost 5 hours.

When we landed the plane taxied right into a hanger. After getting off, I saw a plane black van waiting.

"Be right back Jake. Have quick phone call to make. Eddy did you get the stickers?"

"Yeah Hank."

"Well put them on and we can get out of here."

I watched as Eddy put magnetic decals on both doors. The Decals were a Star with US Marshalls on them. Fuck we were going impersonate US Marshalls. If we got caught we were in big trouble.

Hank jumped in the front with Eddy. I sat in one of the back seats. Thirty minutes later we pulled up to the Marysville Youth Detention Center. After showing ID, Eddy drove in and stopped by a door. Two boys in bright orange coveralls were escorted out and into the Van. Both were cuffed and had leg irons on. They sort of waddled when they walked.

Very quickly we were back at the Hanger.

Eddy removed the cuffs. Then took them into a bathroom and had both boys shower. They both came out in only boxer briefs. Damn I thought I wanted to see what they had, but I guess I would eventually anyway. Both were given Jeans and t-shirts. They kept the runners they had on their feet. We climbed on board the aircraft and were on our way back to Casper. Neither boy had said a single word. They looked scared.

"You two are I suppose wondering what's going on. I'll give you a quick run down." Hank said.

"First off there is no record of you ever crossing the border between Mexico and the US. There are no court records or evidence you were caught sucking each other off. In other words you no longer exist anywhere in the US. I could do absolutely anything to you and no one would know."

Now, I presume you are both Gay. You were caught sucking each others cock. Are you virgins? You might as well tell me, I'll find out as soon as you have a physical."

"Yes Sir, I mean no Sir, we are not virgins. Manny and I have been doing each other for a few months now."

"Did you do it for anyone else besides Manny?"

"Well we sucked some guys for money, but we didn't let them screw us."

"Good, would you like to suck cocks for money for me?"

"How much money?" Manny asked.

"I'll get to that in a minute. Do you boys know what would have happened if you had remained in that Detention Center?"

Neither said a word.

"Well you were due to join the general population in there. Probably everyone would have known why you were in there and more than likely you would have ended up getting fucked and sucking for your entire year in there."

"Now I will tell you that will still be sucking cocks and getting fucked, but I pay much better than they would have. You agree to work for me for four years and I guarantee in writing you both will have passports and a good chuck of money in your own account at the end of four years." "What if we say no?"

I'll open the door and toss you out." Hank said matter of factly.

I wasn't sure if he was serious. He sounded serious.

Both boys mouths fell open and I thought both were going to start crying. Hank burst into laughter.

"Relax boys, I was only kidding. I'm going to give you time to decide. If you decide that you don't want to work for me, I'll still get you Identification and give you some money to keep you going until you find something."

"I've never hurt anyone in my life and I'm not going to start now."

I really loved to do everything with that Negro boy in Washington and had loved to suck Geo's cock. They were smooth like silk in my mouth. Now if they agreed to work for Hank, I could get him to fuck me and I could suck him off too.

"Jake grab some beer. Relax boys it's a long way to Wyoming."

They both moved away from us to talk by themselves. Hank and I just ignored them.

I fell asleep for part of the trip. It was pretty boring. It was starting to get dark when we arrived in Casper. We unloaded from the aircraft and onto the helicopter. Inside the helicopter were two small suitcases.

There's clothes in those cases for you boys. I hope we got the sizes right, but if not we can take a trip to town to fix that up." Hank told them.

By the time we got back to the Ranch it was dark out. There were a few scattered lights around the Ranch, but the only sea of lights was the big house. I think Hank times it just so they didn't know exactly where they were. We unloaded and went into the house.

"Jake take these young men down and show them their bedroom and then come and see me."

I took both to their room and showed them everything, including the adjoining bathroom. I explained that they shared that bathroom with Chuck.

"All you need do is lock the adjoining door and no one will bother you."

"Is what he said right? Does he really want us to do tricks for money?"

"In the long term yes, but before that you are going to learn a lot more. I'll come back later if you like and explain everything."

"Okay." Manny said. I still didn't know the Negro boys name.

"What's your name? I don't think I've heard it yet."

"Eric. I'm Eric."

"Cool, I'm Jake. You'll meet the other boys tomorrow. I'll be back in a while." I left them.

"Well what do you think of them Jake?" My Uncle asked.

"Well they don't act scared. I'm not sure if they will like some of the things they are going to have to do, but if we keep them together it might make it easier for them."

"Well we can plan for that. I talked to Geo and he wants you to go down and talk to Nathan. Nathan said he wants to talk to you if you are going to be the new Manager here." "I'll drive down tomorrow."

"Now, you once said you wanted to sleep with Geo and myself. Is that forgotten now Jake?"

Yeah I had said that but with everything going on it had not slipped my mind, but I was just so busy all the time.

"I'll make a point of it Uncle." I laughed.

"Remember all work and no play isn't good for you Jake. You have to make room for things you want to do. Delegate some of the things you do now to Jerry. That is his primary job, doing things for you."

"Okay Uncle."

See you in the morning."

I headed for my bedroom to get out of my clothes and into something comfortable. I chose board shorts, a t-shirt and runners. Jerry wasn't in the room. I figured he was someplace getting fucked or sucked. Like me, he could spend all day on his knees or back.

I headed for Eric and Manny's room. I knocked and got a 'Come in'. Both were sitting on the bed in boxer briefs. Both looked surprised I was in just board shorts and a t-shirt.

"When you are not working you can wear as little or anything you want."

In this light I had a good look at both. Manny was brown, but a darker brown than Native Americans. He had pitch black hair and brown eyes. I thick nose too more prominent that Natives too.

Eric was Negro, but a much lighter skinned Negro than I had met before. Almost a chocolate brown but shinny too. The Negro boy in Washington had been real black. I could hardly wait to see what they were equipped with down below.

"So do you have any questions?"

"Well you said we had lots to learn. Can you tell us what you mean?"

"Well if you don't know, this is a working Ranch, so both of you will have to learn to ride horses. Hank owns both a Ranch and Farming Operation. You will be working for the Ranch to start with."

I didn't tell them that Hank owned them too now.

"You said in the long term we would be together. What do we have to learn until we are together? Neither us mind that we will have to do sex for money. It's almost all we have been doing to live."

Do I tell them the truth right off or wait?

Fuck it, I thought.

"Well simple you will be servicing all the hands and anyone else that you are told to do while you guys are on the Ranch. Simple you will learn to handle any sized dick at anytime. In effect you will be boy toys here on the Ranch until we decide you are ready to move someplace to start making real money."

"You mean we are going to have get fucked and suck anyone?"

"Exactly. Look, you are both Gay. You both obviously like to suck, you were caught doing just that. What's the difference who it is as long as you are enjoying it and no one will care or worry they could be in trouble. Hell I've had almost every hand here including Hank. To be honest I love to suck cocks and I love to get fucked. I also love having my cock sucked and even screwing, although I am more of a bottom. I'll let both of you fuck me right now. Only thing is until we get your medicals done, you have to use condoms."

"You mean we could both fuck you right now?"

"Sure. That was what I was when I first got here. I even lost my cherry here at the Ranch."

Talking about sucking and fucking had the desired effect on their own equipment. I walked close to the bed and reached out and gripped Eric's cock. Hot Damn! He had a good eight inches and nice and thick. When I grabbed his cock he moaned. I did the same for Manny. His cock was about 6 and half inches but really thick.

"Yup; I'd like both of these down my throat or up my ass."

"Can we wait until tomorrow?" Eric asked.

"Sure. I'll leave you guys now. Wake up is 6 am around here so get some sleep. I'll see you at breakfast."

Damn, I wanted one to fuck me and I'd have sucked the other. Oh well Jerry should be back. He can fuck my brains out.

Well Jerry wasn't back and when I looked neither were the twins or Chuck in their bedrooms. I wondered where everyone was. Shit I was horney. Then I thought about my Uncle and Geo. Why not? I headed for the other wing of the house.

I checked Geo's bedroom. As I figured he was with my Uncle. I knocked on their door.

I couldn't find anyone else in the house." I said.

Geo laughed. "Some of the young bucks we hired this summer built a sweat lodge down by the lake. I suspect they are all down there." Hank said.

It didn't take long before I was being face fucked by Geo's monster. It had been quite a while since Hank had fucked me and I was glad I had Geo's cock buried in my throat when Hank rammed his cock into my ass.

They tag teamed my mouth and ass for almost three hours. I also got to screw Geo. Hank was mostly a top, but it didn't stop him from sucking and rimming me. A fell asleep between the two, with a promise I would definitely be doing this again.

I was no worse for wear in the morning. The ass is a wonderful thing. It always goes back to normal even after getting ten inch thick cocks shoved up inside.

Jerry was very sorry he wasn't home last night. I just laughed and told him we had our whole life ahead so one night meant nothing.

"Jerry, take one of the better hands and head up to the upper pasture. Check the grass. Also take a couple of rifles. Make sure that hand is a good shot too."

"Okay Jake." He was surprised. Me and Hank or Geo used to do that.

The twins had house cleaning and Chuck would start teaching Eric and Manny to ride. I doubted that was all they would learn.

Hank still took care of most of the boy toy operation. Geo and I would run down to the Farm for the day.

I took the same old truck Hank had brought me to the Ranch in. It was a rattle trap, but ran good. I vowed to buy some new vehicles.

Even though I had been at the Farm on several occasions I had never met Nathan, Jerald's older Son. He was four years older than Jerry. I knew Jerald also had an older daughter, but she was long gone from the Farm. She was married and living someplace in California.

Geo took off to find and talk to Jerald, while I went to look for Nathan. I found him inside an equipment barn going over one of the big discs. He was a younger version of Jerald, but so much better looking.

He was well muscled from hard work, but you couldn't see much else. He had a loose pair of coveralls on and heavy boots.

"Hi, I'm Jake. I decided I needed to meet with and talk."

We shook hands and then he just leaned back against a big tractor wheel.

"So what do you want to talk about?"

"Well you know your father is retiring. You have been running the Farm almost completely. I'd like you to take over for him but."

Nathan laughed.

"You are wondering if I'm okay with the Farm being a recruiter for Hanks boy toys."

"Yes essentially. I take it you know all about it. Jerry's my boyfriend and he told me you took his cherry. How many others that come here have you done likewise?"

"Only about 50 percent. Most come here are all gay to begin with. I can usually spot them a mile away." He laughed again.

"I'll be honest. I'm bi and like to screw a tight butt once in a while. I have a girl friend in town I think I am going to marry. She'll never know of my other side."

"That's cool. I don't care about that. You just a top?"

"You're asking me if I'm a virgin."

That got a laugh from me.

"Maybe I'll let you know sometime. Come on lets go for a walk."

We didn't have far to walk. Just out the back down and down a short path to another big shed. Inside was an office. Nathan closed and locked the door.

"This my Office. No one comes here unless invited. It's sort of my own space away from everything."

"You want me to become your new Farm Manager. Well I want something from you first."

"I'm listening."

"Well I agree to take over operation of the Farm providing I can screw anyone I want here at the farm or at the Ranch."

"With exceptions, I'm agreeable."

"No exceptions."

"No deal Nathan. I'll find someone else." I turned to leave.

"Wait, wait a minute. We can make a deal."

"Yeah we can make a deal, but a deal I dictate. I am now or will be shortly owner outright of the both the Ranch and the Farm. Only I will have total say of what goes on. You can screw anyone you want on the farm. They all eventually end up at the Ranch. You can also fuck anyone on the Ranch that I decide you can fuck. The Farm is a part of my property and you are just like your father, An employee of the Ranch and Farm. You take orders from the Ranch, not the other way around. Simple my Manager controls both the farm and Ranch and you take orders from him. Guess what? Jerry is my Manager and he is your boss. Accept it or I'll find someone else."

Nathan sat down and just looked at me. I was five years younger than him.

"Oh yeah. One other thing. Before I leave this office you are going to suck me off and then I'm going to fuck your brains out. I might let you do the same thing when I'm done."

Nathan's mouth dropped open and then he howled with laughter.

"Fuck you are just like your Uncle. You don't take shit from anyone. You got a deal Jake."

He got up, walked around his desk and went to his knees. After undoing my jeans pushed them down and swallowed my cock. He was a real good cocksucker and didn't take long to get me off.

He then stripped and lay on the couch. I finished undressing and walked over to him. He pulled his legs back.

"There's lube on the desk." HE said.

"I don't use lube so get ready farm boy."

Well he howled when I entered him but was soon in heaven as I reamed his tight ass. He was not a virgin, but was real nice and tight. I got off inside his butt after thirty minutes of rough fucking. He sucked me clean.

"After you take over, I'll come down and return the favor."

Fair deal Jake. Look forward to working with you."

WE both dressed and walked to main farm office.

Geo only raised his eyebrows when I said I had made a deal with Nathan to take over for his Father. Gerald congratulated him, but didn't say anything else. Geo and I soon left.

Geo laughed his head off when I told him how I had made the deal with Nathan.

"Is what you and Hank said last night true?"

"You mean the part about fucking or sucking anytime? Yes Jake it was true."

"Well after screwing Nathan, I'm super horney and need a big cock in either my mouth or ass or both."

"Okay, take a right at that road coming up."

About half a mile down the road was an old homestead with a bunch of crumbling buildings.

"Just stop near the old house Jake."

Geo pulled out a blanket and spread it on the ground.

"Get them clothes off white boy. Uncle Geo's got something big for you." Well three hours later I was totally wiped out after fucking sucking rimming. I even screwed Geo and he sucked me off. WE both almost staggered into the truck.

"Thanks Uncle Geo. I really enjoyed that."

He ruffled my hair and we headed back to the Ranch.

Hank was real happy we had made a deal with Nathan. All he was worried about was Jerry being his boss. I said it would work, Nathan knew now I wouldn't take any crap from him.

Jerry and the big Native he took along said about week the upper pasture would be ready. They brought back a bonus. I nice young deer the cook could cook up.

I knew Jerry probably got fucked too, but didn't say anything.

Eric and Manny took to their new positions with a will. Neither baulked at bending over or kneeling for anyone that asked. Geo and Hank took both to bed one night and neither looked too bad in the morning. Chuck and a young Native boy working at first as one of the hands started to get close together. I knew eventually they would decide they were into making more money. I started to look for a replacement for Chuck.

While Jerry set up the big pack train for the upper house at the summer pasture. Hank and I went on one of his buying trips. Like he said, he didn't actually buy boys, just paid their way out of situations.

I finally found out his system worked and exactly how many were actually on his payroll. Only two Child welfare workers worked for him, but he had three orphanages that he actually paid for as a charitable contribution. Most of the other boys he got came to the Farm via the street. After medicals and blood tests were put to work at the Farm; Most if not all ended up on the Ranch. The young man we picked up in Arizona was what most would call a half breed. Words like that and others like nigger, queer, fag or homo were never used on the Ranch unless you were looking to get your ass fired damn quick. The young man had a white mother and a native father. He was caught selling his body to anyone who would pay. He was in a young offenders Detention jail. We paid his fine to get him out.

He hardly said three words. We took him and got him all new clothes. Then paid for his medical and blood tests, having them sent to the ranch.

After a good shower and new clothes on he finally spoke.

"Why are you doing all this for me?"

"Well I see you can talk. Well son, we saw you in trouble and figured we could help. It's not exactly for nothing."

"So you guys just got me cleaned up so you could fuck me?"

"If you want son. But only if you want. We won't force you to lay down for us."

"Lets start with what you might or might not want. If you are not agreeable to what I require from you, I can return you to your last situation. All it would mean is you would have some nice clothes when you got released from the youth center. You would still end up with a record and I'm sure you would be screwed and be sucking cocks most of your time in the Center. You might also come out of there with HIV. They don't give boys blood tests in jail."

"Now I'll tell you what I want. First you come back to my Ranch and go to work. If you don't know, you will be taught to ride and ride good. My Ranch is a working Ranch."

After learning to ride you will assist other boys in keeping my hands happy. If that means sucking them off or getting on your back you will do it. It isn't any different than doing it on the street; except no one is going to arrest you and all will thank you. You'll also get to fuck the other boys if that is what you want."

Everything is on condition you pass a blood test and medical."

"I guess I'll come with you Sir."

"Okay, but it just Hank and this Jake."

He slept in one of the beds and Hank and I slept in the other. We flew back to Wyoming the next day.

I like to think I was the first to get into Kevin Trout's pants first, but it was Randy. I sometimes thought he was better at deflowering boys than Chuck could ever dream of, but with them it half of one and 6 of the other. Kevin was still a virgin when he arrived.

Over the next year boys came and went from the Ranch. Randy and Aaron left together to run a condo in Seattle. Chuck and Eric the Negro boy ended up back in Houston at another condo. The Native boy that had been with Chuck for so long ended up getting married. He was now a regular hand of the Ranch.

Manny, the boy from Honduras liked to be at the ranch and I knew someday he would end up a regular full time hand.

Kevin was now in Chuck's position. Two new house boys were in the house as well. Like all full time staff most only stayed at the Ranch for a few years, and then moved on either into the boy toy operation or out on their own.

Hank and Geo were away for long periods of time and I ran everything. It kept me busy all the time. What my Uncle had built was a very large and very profitable Ranch and Farm. The boy toy operation had first started as just a way to get kids off the street. Now it made five times what the Ranch and Farm did. I didn't know exactly how Hank buried the income from that operation and although we had been audited by the Feds, we always came out clean.

Jerald had retired and Nathan was now my man at the Farm. He married soon after he took over and his first baby was in the oven. I had returned the favor to him the first day he took over as Farm Manager.

I was in the office one afternoon when I got a strange phone call. The accent was very thick. I couldn't place it. The man said his name was Yuri and he was an old friend of Hanks. He wanted Hank to call him as soon as he got back.

Hank was back and sitting on the couch with Geo drinking beer. He was reading the long set of messages he got while he was away. I don't think I had ever seen Hank so happy as he was right then.

Hank's Ranch was a large contributor to charities. Most of those messages were from people or organizations wanting money for this or that. All but a few he just discarded.

"When did Yuri call?"

"About a week ago."

He got up to head for the phone when it rang. I picked up.

All I said the whole conversation was Yes Mame, no Mame, right away Mame. I knew the shit was about to hit the fan.


Next: Chapter 6

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