A Different Life

By Brian

Published on Jul 11, 2023


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

A Different Life


We spent about 3 hours fishing and caught seven good sized Lake Trout. WE returned to the boat dock.

"Jerry you can clean out the boat and hoist it back into the boat house. I'm going to show Jake here how to prepare the fish."

"Okay Geo."

Geo showed me how to gut and prepare the fish. It took us better part of an hour. After everything was done Gio drove back to the Ranch. We dropped the hamper with the fish with the cook. Jerry and I went to shower and change.

We talked to Evan and Chuck. We told them about fishing. They said they saw us on the lake from the hot springs.

We didn't say anything about sucking off Geo.

When we got down for dinner there were three new boys at the table. Hank introduced them. Two were twins, Aaron and Randy. They were going to train as house boys to replace Gary and Jerry. Jerry was coming with me to Washington and Gary had got an assignment as a house boy to a married couple in California. The couple were males and married.

The other boy was Nelson and Evan and Chuck would be training him.

Hank told us for the next week I would be with him learning all about the Ranch. We would go down to the farming operation, but only for a day. Jerry would be in charge of training the house boys.

Hank took Evan and me into his office after dinner.

He got us a beer and sat down.

"Evan, Nelson is Gay, but hasn't ever had anyone in his butt. Now he says he wants it but is real scared. You might let Chuck do him first as he is smaller than you. However I also want him trained on everything he has to do here on the Ranch besides being on his knees or back for the hands. He like Jake has never been on or near horses in his life."

"Okay Hank, I'll be careful with him."

"Now Jake, if Jerry isn't already sucking one or the other of the twins, you might inform him that both boys were abused by their parents starting when they were twelve. Both have told me that they do stuff with each other and have done everything with boys in the group home.

"I got both boys from Child Services in Vermont. I've got boys from there before and all have worked out fine, but just go easy on them."

"I'll talk to Jerry Hank."

"Good. You boys are doing real well here and are probably some of the best I have ever had here. I hope you both want to stay for a long time."

"Uncle, I already told you I'd be here for as long as you want me."

"Thanks Jake. Now you two better go look after your charges. Jake I will see you after breakfast in the morning."

When I got up to our room Jerry had not sucked off either boy. All were sitting Indian fashion on the bed just talking. I sat on the edge of the bed, leaned over and gave Jerry a deep kiss. Both boys eyes were real wide when I sat back.

"Didn't Jerry tell you that him and me are lovers and we want to be together for ever?"

"That's so cool. I never knew any boys that were lovers. All the guys in the group home were only interested in getting sucked off or fucking."

"Were you guys forced to do it?" Jerry asked.

"Not really. We pretty much had to or they said they'd just gang up on us. I don't mind doing either and Aaron doesn't either, except he can't screw guys. He can't get hard enough."

Jerry laughed when Randy said that.

"Bet I can show you how to do it. I showed Jake and now he loves to do me."

"Will you show me now?" Aaron asked.

"Not tonight guys. It's been a long day and here on the Ranch you have to get up real early. Jerry will be with you guys all week. I'm sure he will show you how Aaron."

I knew both boys were sixteen and so legal in a sex wise sense. Like most States sixteen was the age of consent. Some of course were as low as thirteen and some higher. I think Utah was eighteen but wasn't sure. The US was real weird that way. As a kid as young as twelve or thirteen you could be tried in Adult court and sentenced as an adult, but if a guy older than you had sex with you he could be charged with rape or worse. At sixteen in most States were considered an adult, but couldn't vote. That you had to wait until you were eighteen, nineteen or even twenty one in some states. Real weird I always thought.

Both boys did sleep with us and both loved to suck. We did each other and then slept in a group on the big bed.

For the next week I spent all my time with Hank. He talked, I listened.

I learned there was a lot more to Ranching than I thought possible. I was sure I could never learn it all. When I told Hank my thoughts, he said he still didn't know it all and he had lived on the Ranch all his life.

"You mean you and my Dad grew up on the Ranch?"

"Sure did Jake. Your Dad hated Ranching and couldn't wait to get away. When Dad died he got half the Ranch. I bought it off him and he left."

"Was your Dad as mean as mine?"

"No Jake. Dad was a real good Dad. He didn't just give us everything, but made us work for it. We still had everything we ever wanted. I loved him very much."

"I wish I had met him Uncle."

That got a real tight hug from Hank.

The two boys worked out great especially after Jerry showed Aaron how to stay up inside a guy. Nelson on the other hand I didn't think would. He liked to suck and fuck, but hated having have the hands just use him when ever they liked. He also flatly refused to let Hank screw him.

It really wasn't a surprise that we came down for dinner one night and a young Native boy was sitting at the dinner table.

I found out from Evan that he had run away from the reservation after getting raped by his Dad and several others. He came to the Ranch by himself. His Father had worked here at one time, but had been fired for drinking on the job.

That was another rule at the Ranch that was set in stone. Beer was allowed in the bunk houses, but hard liquor was not. Any one caught drunk on the job or drinking hard liquor was fired on the spot.

I very much doubt there was another Ranch in the country that not only paid its hands very well, but also supplied a tight boy pussy they could fuck anytime or have that same boy suck them off. For the hands it was a win win situation.

Ninety nine percent of the hands were Native and most if not all were used to fucking guys or getting sucked. Hank hired most right off the reservation. They knew their lively hood depended on them doing their jobs and keeping their mouths shut.

The last day of the week I spent at the Farm with Hank. I met Jerry's Dad, but he never even mentioned him. I wondered what he would think when Jerry became his boss, but didn't care.

After a great weekend, Jerry and I were in Hank's office.

He explained how his boy toy operation worked.

It was really quite simple. No money ever changed hands. The doorman at the exclusive condo we lived in was on Hank's payroll. A customer would arrive, be allowed in and sent to our condo. He'd handed either Jerry or me an envelope. That we dropped into a lock box. No names were used. Jerry and I were just boy to all customers. After we did what ever they wanted, they just dressed and left. Sometimes we got tips, but not often.

Jerry would do one customer during the day and sometimes one at night. I was at University all day and would have one or two to do each night. Usually just one coz of my studies. On weekends it was as many as we wanted really and sometimes we'd go out to a party as entertainment.

Once a week we would empty the lock box, put everything in a big envelope and it would be picked up by a courier. Every two weeks Hank would deposit money in our private off shore account. WE had bank cards to draw from that bank.

Jerry was in charge of making sure the condo was spotless clean and changing the beds, doing the washing or shopping for food. He used cabs to get around Washington. I had a late model car I could use to get back and forth to school.

The only difference between doing customers and Jerry and I doing each other, was with customers we used condoms. Either when they screwed us or we screwed them. Only sucking we did without a condom.

The customers came in all shapes, sizes and national origins, including several Negro guys. Some were big, some small, really all sizes. Some tasted as bitter as salt brine and some as sweet as honey. To me and Jerry they were just tricks.

I liked the course I was on at Georgetown. It was also pretty easy. Gave me lots of time to do what I loved more. Fucking, getting fucked or sucking and getting paid very well for our services.

WE didn't have to work holidays and took two weeks at Christmas and Spring Break. We were also not required to work the summer. Hank had another condo in the same building that worked year round.

Those first four months we worked I kept a very good record of the number of tricks I did and jerry did. WE averaged 14 a week. Some times it was more if either of us were especially horny, which happened quite often. I think Jerry and I would be on our backs 24/7 if our bodies would have let us.

WE flew back to Wyoming and the same helicopter that had picked us up in August took us back to the Ranch. Boy was it different all covered in snow. I thought I would freeze my nuts off just getting from the chopper to the house. Once inside it was toasty warm. Hank hugged us both and told us our room was ready. We went and with Aaron and Randy's help showered and changed into something warmer than our slacks and shirts.

Now dressed better for the cold we headed out. I stopped and grabbed a couple of apples. First thing I wanted was to see Paint. Jerry wanted to see Spirit.

Well both horses acted kind of stand offish. Neither came near us when we walked up to their stalls. I pulled out the apple and showed it to Paint. That got him he came right to me. When I looked Jerry was just standing inside Spirits stall. Spirit was over in a corner just looking at Jerry.

"I don't think he likes me anymore." Jerry said almost in tears.

"Take a bite of the apple."

When Jerry did that spirit came and took the rest. I watched as jerry hugged the big horse. Both horses had a kind of blanket covering them. It wasn't that cold in the big barn, maybe around freezing. After a bit Jerry and I went into the heated tack storage. There was big wood pot bellied stove that kept the room warm.

I had wanted to talk to Jerry, coz I had a plan I wanted to try on Hank, but wanted to make sure Jerry was okay with it. After a while we went back out, said our good byes to the two horses and went back up to the house.

After getting rid of our heavy coats went to talk to Hank.

"Come in boys, close the door and grab a beer."

That was different. Hank never closed the door to his den/office.

"This list you gave me Jake is of all the tricks you did?"

"Yeah Hank. Including the three weekend parties."

"Did either of you open or remove anything from the envelopes?"

"No sir. We had to seal a few that we got open. But we just licked the flaps and closed them before we dropped them in the box."

"Where were the weekend parties at?"

"Two were at the same house in Georgetown and one at an Embassy downtown Washington."

"I see. Well thank you both. You did a fine job so far in Washington and I understand you are doing real well on your course Jake."

"I am doing good and that's what I want to talk to you about."

He just sat and looked at me.

"Hank the course structure I am taking is offered at almost all universities. I want to transfer out here to Wyoming State U. My tuition is paid on a yearly basis and I checked with my Dad's lawyer. He doesn't care which University I go to." "If I was closer to the Ranch I could learn more. I know I need to learn about how it runs in winter as well as summer. If I lived in the State then I would learn more stuff."

"Now I know that would mean you wouldn't make as much money, but Jerry has agreed to stay in Washington until I am finished University. After all he will be out at Christmas and spring break and all summer, so we can survive apart for that long."

"Uncle you have given me everything I have ever dreamed of. A nice place to live, real friends, you are a better Dad than my real Dad. I figure I should do more to learn everything."

"I'll think about Jake."

"Thanks Hank."

"You okay with what he wants Jerry?"

"Oh sure, coz then I could do more tricks." He giggled.

I gave him a punch on the shoulder. He just laughed more.

"You mean not having Jake in your bed every night you would have more time?"

"Yup." He smiled from ear to ear.

"Well that's not going to happen. Neither of you will ever be split up for any reason. Together you make too much money for me while you are working." Hank said.

Jerry opened his mouth to reply, but Hank held up his hand.

"Let me finish Jerry." "Neither of you two knew, but Evan and Eddy, that Native boy that just showed up here are pretty much a pair now. Chuck on the other hand is probably better at breaking in boys than Even ever was. He has the ability to charm a boys pants off weather they are Gay or Straight."

"Evan and Eddy came to me and asked if they could start working for money. Now you come to me Jake and say you want to move back here to the State to finish your degree. To me that's good. I can put Evan and Eddy in Washington."

"You two can finish out your first year in Washington and move back here for the summer. I'll arrange for you to have an apartment close to the University so you and Jerry can live together. I'll buy you a vehicle to get you back and forth to the Ranch on weekends."

That was the best Christmas present I had ever received. The rest was just icing on the cake. Christmas was great. Although cold, even out riding was great. All of us, all the boys that is spent a lot of time at the hot springs.

After Christmas we flew back to Washington. I was surprised when Hank came with us. We finally met the two other boys that were in the same building as Jerry and I. One was a tall Negro boy names Ned. The other a white guy named Brian. They weren't lovers like Jerry and I, but got along real good. Both were two years older than Jerry and I and had been in Washington for two years.

Back to classes and back to our routine. During one of the many one day holidays, I finally got to fuck a Negro. Ned and Brian came down on that day and we enjoyed each other all day.

Getting Ned to fuck me, just made me want Geo all the more. I very much doubted it would happen. I figured Hank and Geo were partners, just from the way they acted around each other. I definitely wouldn't do anything to break that union, if that was what it was. Evan and Eddy showed up as month before I was finished. It sure didn't take them long to get into the routine and they were very popular. Sometimes all three bedrooms would be in use at the same time as I studied for my first year finals, Eddy, Jerry and Evan did tricks.

It was also almost musical beds between the four of us and some nights I never knew who I'd end up sleeping with. Eddy was a wild man in bed and would do anything.

The last week before Jerry and I headed back to Wyoming, there were so many envelopes we had to use two packets to send with the courier.

Evan drove us to the airport and I let him have the car. Back home, my new home and a very different life than I ever envisioned.

Hank put Geo in charge of my Education in running and operating the Ranch and Farm.

Geo had a real nice office in one of the big barns. We spent most of the time in that office. I got to know Geo real good. He was a good teacher and I learned more about the Ranch and Farm in that two months of summer than I ever did at any other time.

I'd always thought a Ranch was just a place where you raised cattle for market. Boy did I get my eyes opened. Breeding, fowling, vet stuff, like making sure the cattle were healthy. Everything had to be almost perfect. The Government Department of Agriculture could come anytime and inspect the herds.

In winter a large number that were going to be sold were sent to the feed lot to fatten. The rest had to fed and watered. Plus add in the horses and their breeding and caring for it was a full time job for the ten hands that worked the winter months.

Proper scheduling of everything was Geo's job and he did it well. He taught me how to do it too.

It wasn't all work and no play. We went fishing at the lake. Riding out on the horses. We also spent lots of time at the hot springs. Of course my nights I had Jerry. He was helping out Chuck and any new boy keep the hands happy in the bunk house.

I pretty much confirmed my suspicions about Hank and Geo one day when I saw them kissing in Hank's office. That particular day it was raining cats and dogs. Jerry was busy with Chuck. So I was sort of at loose ends.

I was soaked right to the skin and headed up to shower and change.

In one wing of the big house Hank and Geo had their bedrooms. I doubted Geo used his much if I was right about them being lovers. In the other wing were four bedrooms. I had the one on the end and across from me was Chuck's. The twins had one of the other two, although they very seldom slept in it either, being in Jerry and my bed or Chucks every night. The other bedroom was for the new guy or guys. I knew Stanley had that bedroom. He had been at the Ranch about five days.

I had just finished my shower and was in my bedroom drying my hair when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." I yelled not even looking.

"OH sorry. I'll come back later." Stanley said.

"No it's cool. I just finished my shower. Come in and sit down I'll be right with you."

Without thinking about it I pulled out a clean pair of boxer briefs, dropped my towel and pulled them on. When I turned to Stanley his eyes were glued to my dick. He looked both very scared and very vulnerable.

I walked to the cooler and grabbed two beers. I walked over to him and handed him one.

"Thank you." He said as he popped the top.

I sat down in a chair facing him. Popped my beer and took a drink.

"Well what's on your mind Stan?"

"Well Hank said if I really needed to talk to someone you would be best."

I suspected now that Stanley was like me when I first got out here. A virgin and not sure what he really was.

Okay, so what do you want to talk about?"

"Well I guess I'm scared. I just don't know anything anymore. I sort of know what goes on here. Chuck's been sort of hinting all week. It's real weird, I feel all funny inside when Chuck talks about screwing and sucking."

"Tell me Stan. Have you ever had a blow job? Has someone ever sucked you off?"

"No way man. No body has ever touched me."

"Stan, the next question is; do you want to get your cock sucked?"

"I guess I do, but won't that make me Gay?"

I laughed. "Stan you can't make a guy Gay. It's something you are born with. So no it won't make you Gay."

"Well then I guess I would."

"Stan if I suck you off, will you suck my cock while I'm sucking you?"

He took a big drink from the beer.

"Well I don't want any stuff in my mouth. I guess I could, it would be fare. I just don't think I'm Gay."

"Stan, can I tell you something? You got to keep quiet about it though."

"Kay Jake. I won't say anything."

"Well Hank doesn't bring straight guys to the Ranch. So he must have seen something in you that made him think you are Gay."

"Oh Wow! I guess that's why he took me out of the group home and got me with some real nice folks. He even paid for my schooling and clothes and stuff."

Now that was something else I didn't know about my Uncle. I guess he really did look at the long time picture with his boys. I knew he regarded them all as family.

"Well let's go then." I took his hand and pulled him up. I led him over to my bed.

I only had boxers on so could peel them off after I got Stan undressed. He lifted his arms as I peeled his t-shirt off. He had pretty good definition in his upper body, even a nice four pack abs. His nipples stood out nice too. As I reached for the button on his jeans his hands covered mine.

"Stan, I can't do much through your jeans."

He unbuttoned his jeans and pushed them down. He stood on one foot as he pulled each leg off.

Well he was definitely interested; his dick was pushing out his boxers.

He just stood waiting. I hooked my fingers in my boxers.

"Let's do it together Stan."

He hooked his fingers in his boxers and pulled them off as I did. We both just stood looking at each others dick.

"Wow, you are big Jake."

"You're not bad yourself Stan." I reached out and gripped his cock.

His whole body swayed and he moaned.

"How does that feel Stan?"


Using his cock I guided him up onto my bed. I lay down sort of corner to corner.

"Lay down opposite Stan."

Now close up I looked at Stan's cock. He was about average I thought. Six and a half to seven inches, not real thick. He was cut with a nice heart shaped head. His pubes were trimmed nicely and his balls shaved. He was dripping precum already.

I reached out and gently jacked his cock once. Then moved closer and licked the precumm from the head. His whole body jerked. Now really wanting to suck his cock I just let it slide in my mouth and down my throat. I moved up and down on him a couple of times then stopped.

"How does that feel Stan?"

"Real good."

"Well I like it too when someone sucks me."

He closed his eyes and took my cock into his mouth. He tried to do as I had done, Of course he chocked and gagged.

"Easy Stan. Don't try it all. Put a couple of fingers around the base of my cock and then just go in to them."

He did as I said. Not bad I thought for his first time. I went back and started to really suck his cock. Less than two minutes later he blew a fair sized load into my mouth. When he was finished I lifter off. He had stopped sucking when he came.

"It feels good Stan. Do me some more." I lay a hand on his head.

He went back to sucking. His cock was still hard so I jacked it a couple of times and then started to suck. It took him longer to cumm a second time, but not much longer. He continued to suck me even aftert he came a second time.

I knew I was getting close. He had said he didn't want stuff in his mouth. Well he already had my cock in his mouth, so I decided he was going to get my sperm too.

Stan, take your fingers off my cock. Try to relax your throat. Breath through your nose." He actually got my cock right into his throat a couple of times. He didn't gag as much and only chocked once in a while. As I got close I put both hand on his head.

He stopped to take a deep breath. As soon as he exhaled I mashed his mouth on my cock and came. Well he fought to get off my cock.

"Just swallow Stan. You might as well get used to it. It ain't bad and real good for you too." I sort of lied.

Well with his mouth full he had to swallow to breath. I saw his throat working as he gulped it down. When he lifted off he looked real mad.

"I said I didn't want stuff in my mouth."

"Stan you had my cock in your mouth, that's stuff. You also didn't mind my precumm. I sucked you off twice. I know you liked it. Fair is fair. I did you so you had to do me."

"I guess, but I just wasn't expecting it."

I saw a large glob of my cumm on his chin. I reached out and put it on my finger. When I pushed my finger at his lips he licked my finger clean.

He kind of savored it before he swallowed.

I guess it isn't too bad." He said with a lope sided grin.

He rolled up and then went and got both our beers. He was still hard. He came to the bed and sat on the edge.

"I guess I should have known you were going to come in my mouth. I guess I really am a fag coz I kind of liked sucking your dick. When I was in school all the guys said fags are just sick. Some of them didn't mind if they sucked them off. I sort of knew I was a fag, but it really scared me." "I guess all you have to now is fuck me."

"Whoa Stan. Not so fast. Getting a dick inside a virgin ass can be real painful. I'm way too big for your first guy."

"Besides there's lots of time for that."

"Well I guess I want it now. Please Jake. I trust you more than anyone else."

"Well how about I get one of the twins. They are smaller than me."

"As long as you are here, I guess it would be okay."

"You got to be real sure about this Stan."

To be honest I would have loved to screw his virgin ass. I knew like when Evan had done me the first time I had screamed my head off. He also had to fuck me about six times before I began to really enjoy it.

"Wait here Stan. I'll be right back." I slipped on my boxers and went to look for Randy.

He wasn't hard to find. Both were in their bedroom and Aaron was pounding Randy's butt. They saw me come in, but never missed a beat. I would have loved to jump on the bed behind Aaron and pound his butt as he fucked Randy. They finished up and Aaron rimmed Randy before they sat up and kissed.

"You could have joined in Jake." Aaron said.

"Later maybe. Randy, I got a favor to ask."

"Anything you want Jake."

"I've been talking to Stanley. He wants to get fucked, but is still a virgin. I told him I would get someone smaller than me to do him the first time."

"So you came to me coz I got a small dick." He didn't sound mad.

"Randy you have a small dick, but size doesn't matter. It's what you do with it that counts. I love your dick in me and I know Aaron loves it too. Besides you got a real big load."

So when does he want me to do it?"

"Right now. He's waiting in my bedroom."

"Oh wow. Cool." He had been soft until I said now and then he got hard real fast.

Both Randy and Aaron stood about five four inches and their cocks suited their size. A bigger cock on either would have looked weird.

Both followed me back to my room.

Stan looked scared when all three of us walked in. Randy walked right up to Stan and pulled him up.

"Come on Stan. Let's have a hot shower."

Aaron grabbed two cold beers and came over and sat on my lap.

He gave me a real nice kiss.

"Randy's going to really owe you after this Jake. You want to fuck me?"

"Well maybe later Babe. Why don't we wait until after Randy does Stan?"

Aaron let out a long laugh. "Jake. Randy is going to do Stanley in the shower. That's when he did me the first time. I bet they come out looking like prunes, but Stan will not be a virgin."

"Really just like that. No gags, no cuffs. He'll just screw him in the shower?"

"Just like that Jake. So we got time. You can fuck me."

So I did pound his ass for nearly thirty minutes. I flipped him over and rimmed him as he cleaned my cock. I know I tasted both mine and Randy's cumm from his butt. We then 69'd for almost another thirty minutes before we both got a load from each other. Randy and Stan were still in the bathroom.

Aaron and I were laying on the bed when Jerry walked in.

"Having a party without me eh. Well as soon as I dump all this cumm from my butt and shower I'll join you."

"Bathrooms in use. Go use Aaron and Randy's."

Jerry and Aaron were playing at trying to get me hard when Stan and Randy came out into the bedroom. Stan was glowing in happiness.

"Wow Stan. You look like you swallowed a canary." Jerry said.

"Well I didn't swallow anything, but it sure felt good."

"He fucks good too." Randy beamed.

"I guess I want you next Jake." Stan said.

"Well as much as I would love to do just that Stan. Aaron really tuckered me out. Why don't we all get dressed and go down for some dinner. Tonight we can all come up here for some fun."

"You mean I could get everyone? That would be so cool."

Wow, I thought. Stan could turn out to be just as much a nymphomaniac as I was.

Even Hank commented that Stan looked more happy. When he smiled at me I shook my head and indicated Randy.

"Jake, see me in my office after dinner."

"Okay Hank."

It was still raining so all the guys headed for the Rec Room. I went to Hanks office.

After grabbing a beer I sat down.

"Stan looks a lot happier than he was earlier."

"Well Randy screwed him in the shower without a whimper. Now he wants me and everyone else. He's probably going to be as much a cock hound as me."

That got a big laugh from both Hank and Geo.

"Jake, you are more than I ever dreamed you could be. You are a wize in school. Your marks are all in the high eighties. Geo tells me your mind is like a sponge. I know this Ranch will be in good hands when I retire."

"Anything you want Son and it's yours. All you have to do is ask."

"Well I am pretty sure you and Geo are now partners. So when you retire, he'll probably be going where you go. Jerry is almost as smart as me and he'll be with me forever. I think I want him to be trained as my foreman."

"That's a good plan Jake. You are right Geo and I are partners. Anything else?"

"Well I don't want to step on anyone's toes or break up anything, but could I sleep with you and Geo one night?"

"Yes Son. You are welcome in our bed anytime you want and as many times as you want."


Comments always welcome, good or bad. suddar40@shaw.ca

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Next: Chapter 5

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