A Different Life

By Brian

Published on Jul 8, 2023


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

A Different Life


The Double H Ranch was a cover. A very good cover for what Hank was doing. He brought boys, either ones he bought outright or invited and turned them into well paid call boys. He paid for their education and set them up in high class condos just so he could get high end clients for them to use.

Once any boy arrived at the Ranch, he never left Hanks employ and didn't leave the Ranch until he was satisfied.

I had been easy for him and knew that I was with him forever. Jerry did too, but he also told of other boys who never worked out. Most he said were sent overseas.

I wasn't sure if Jerry was telling the truth.

WE arrived back at the Ranch one night about a week later. After putting the horses to bed we were walking back to the house. The Foremen came out of the house with a boy limp over his shoulder. He was tied and gagged. All he had on was boxer briefs. The foreman put him in the back of a dark van. The van just drove away.

Uncle was standing on the veranda.

"Where is he going Hank?" I asked.

"Saudi Arabia. He didn't want to be a high classed boy toy. Well now all the cocks he will be sucking or getting screwed by are Arab cocks. Come into the den Jake. You too Jerry."

"I am presuming Jerry opened his big mouth and told you a few things he shouldn't have. That will cost him fifty across his bare butt."

"You would have found out eventually anyway, that's why it is only fifty."

"What Jerry does is my responsibility. You can punish me, not him."

"Very well. If that's what you want. Come along both of you."

He led us to the barn.

"Get undressed Jake." I did as he said.

Very quickly after that he had me hung up between two posts. He even pulled my legs apart and hooked them to the posts.

He shoved a ball gag in my mouth. I knew that would prevent me from biting my tongue off. Why did I open my mouth. I was very scared.

"I believe in punishment shared. Get your clothes off Jerry."

Very quickly Jerry was hung up like I was. I can tell you that that belt across my ass was worse pain than getting raped by Evan or even taking Hank or Josh's cock. I screamed myself hoarse even through the gag. I then had to watch as Jerry took twenty five lashes too. I think that hurt worse.

He just let us go after he was done. His only comment was he expected us both to be back to work tomorrow. WE picked up our clothes and went back to the house, coming in the back door. Once in our room we checked each other. My butt was almost purple and burned like it was on fire. How I was expected to ride tomorrow was beyond me.

Jerry went to a cabinet and brought a big tube of Salve.

"Lay down Jake and I'll cover your butt. It will kill the pain and fix you up."

"You first love."

He lay over the edge of the bed. I just kneeled. He cried as I covered his very purple butt. After he did me, I did feel better. We slept on our stomachs that night.

Not a chance in the world would I ever piss off Hank. Evan had said he got a hundred one night and couldn't ride for two weeks. Well twenty five was too much for me.

Although still almost purple, my butt didn't hurt in the morning. I wasn't sure that would last once we got on horseback. Jerry brought the salve with us just in case.

Hank told us there were no hands at the Ranch so to clean out the horse barn. He also told us when we were done we were free to do anything. I grabbed two apples from the fruit bowl before we headed for the barn.

I always took apples for Paint. He also expected one and would be very uncooperative until I gave it to him. After giving him the apple Jerry and I cleaned out stalls, put in new straw and made sure the hay boxes were full. Both of us were sweating by the time it was all done.

We were sitting drinking a bottle of water.

"How come you got a horse for yourself Jake? All I got is one that is available each day."

"Well the day I arrived, Evan took me to the corral to pick out a horse I could ride. Paint just walked up to me. I think he decided I was his rider."

"Wish I had my own horse?"

"Well let's go talk to Evan. Maybe we can find you a horse."

We found Evan sitting on a fence watching a guy ride around inside a small arena. We climbed up onto the fence beside.

"New boy?" I asked.

"Yeah, Hank got him from an orphanage in Texas. He rides pretty good. I'll be taking him to the lake later. You guys want to come along its cool."

"Is he Gay?"

"He says no, but I saw some of his looks at my dick and I know he's a fair size so we will see. Hank doesn't bring straight boys so it's a good bet he is even if he doesn't admit it."

"Can I take Jerry and pick out a horse for him?"

"Sure. You know what to do."

Jerry and I headed for the corral with the broken in horses. We climbed through the fence and just looked. None of horses gave us a second look.

As we walked around the corral Jerry looked in the next corral. A huge black horse was prancing around a smaller corral.

"I like him. He's so beautiful. That's the one I want." Jerry said. "Okay, grab a halter. Take this with you." I handed him the other apple.

"He looks a little skittish, so go slow out to the center of the corral. Let him come to you Jerry."

Well the horse stopped prancing when he saw Jerry. Jerry did as I said. Just stood waiting. The horse pranced back and forth. It would stop and look at Jerry, then do it all again. I didn't even notice Evan come up.

"What the fuck is he doing? No one can get near that horse."

"Well let's let him try." I looked at my other side and I saw the new boy.

"Hi, I'm Jake."

"Charlie, uh Chuck, everyone calls me." He had a firm shake.

"You ride pretty good."

"Well I used to do it a long time ago, but haven't been on a horse for about ten years."


I noticed he was a red head and did have a pretty good bulge in his worn jeans. I looked back at Jerry. The horse was slowly walking up to Jerry.

He took the offered apple and just stood. Jerry rubbed his nose and then stepped closer. The horse never moved. After rubbing its flanks, Jerry slipped the halter on. He then turned gave us a mile wide grin.

"Walk him around the corral, to get him used to the halter." Evan said.

"You guys stay put. Hanks got to see this."

A few minutes later Hank and Josh climbed up beside us.

"Well I'll be damned. No one has been able to get near him." Hank said.

"How did that little faggot cocksucker manage to do it?" Josh said.

What Josh said was true. Jerry was a faggot cocksucker, but it was the way he said it that made me mad.

"His name is Jerry and don't you ever forget it." I said vehemently.

Hank burst our laughing.

"Guess you got told Josh." He said.

The look in Josh's eyes told me he didn't like to be talked to like that, but with Hank sitting beside him, he was gracious enough to accept it.

"You are right Jake. Just keep him out of my way."

By now Jerry was standing below me inside the corral. I just couldn't keep my mouth shut.

"That's good Josh. Now you won't be taking him into your room and abusing him all night with your whips and belts."

"WHAT!" Hank said.

"You didn't know Uncle? Josh has been fucking, abusing, and torturing your young hands from the first day they get here."

"Fuck you I have." Josh yelled.

Hank looked at Evan and then Jerry. I knew from the looks he got from both he knew it was true. "Pack your shit Josh. You are finished here. I had thought something was going on but no one would say anything. Thanks for bringing it up Jake."

If Josh at that point could have got a hold of me I would have been dead for sure. He never got a chance coz Hank belted him so hard he flipped off the fence onto the ground.

I never saw or heard from Josh after that day. I don't honestly know what happened to him, but was sure Hank did not just let him go.

Jerry took his new horse Spirit into the barn to clean up and groom.

"He's been saddle broke Jake, but the last owner said he's very high strung, so make sure Jerry is very careful. It's his if he can ride him."

"Thanks Hank."

"No Son thank you. I'll see you later after dinner tonight."

When I climbed down off the fence Evan hugged me.

"God I have wanted to say what you did for years but was so scared Josh would kill me."

"Well I'm glad he is gone. Jerry told me what he used to do to him."

"Hank told me I wasn't going to Washington with you. You and Jerry make a good pair."

"You mean besides the fact that I love him." I giggled.

Evan laughed and took Chuck as he headed back to the other corral.

When I walked in the barn Jerry was combing out his tail.

"Man is he really hung Jake." Jerry laughed.

That brought an earlier thought into my mind.

"You ever tasted horse cumm Jerry."

"Once." He giggled.

"Really, what's it taste like?"

"Well real sweet, but I didn't get much. Most ended up on my face and body. They come real fast."

When did this happen?"

"Well when I first got here Evan and I were at the lake and I asked him. He thought I was crazy for wanting to try it. It is real kinky to think about it, but he showed me how to do it. Like I said when he came I got more on my body than I did in my mouth."

"I know if Hank found out I did I wouldn't be here anymore. He hates guys doing it to his horses and I know he's fired a few Natives coz they did it."

Guess if I wanted to try it, I'd have to alone and never talk about it. Jerry I'm sure wouldn't say anything. He practically worshipped the ground I walked on."

After cleaning Spirit up and grooming him, I helped Jerry saddle him. He was a little skittish as we got the saddle on. I helped Jerry up. Spirit just stood as I adjusted the stirrups.

I led them out to the big arena and let them go.

"Walk him around until he gets used to you Jerry." I left him and went and saddled Paint.

I walked out with Paint and over to the gate. When I opened it Jerry on Spirit just walked through. After closing the gate I climbed on Paint and we headed out across the pasture. I kept my distance from Jerry for a while. Evan had told me some horses just don't get along.

Jerry finally moved up next to me."

"He's a dream to ride Jake."

"Well Hank said if you can ride him, he's yours baby."

"That's so cool. Where are we going?"

"Well Evan took Chuck to the lake. He invited us if we wanted."

"What's Chuck look like?"

"You mean how is he hung?" I laughed.

"Well duh!!"

"Guess we will have to see." I laughed.

We dismounted before we entered the trees. I didn't want to spook Evan and Chuck if they were doing anything. It was only about a hundred yards from the tree line to the lake.

We came next to Evan and Chuck. It looked like they were in wet boxer briefs.

"Hi guys. Come down to cool off?" Evan said.

"Fuck yeah. It's some hot today." I let Paint go and he headed over to the other horses. Jerry let Spirit go, but he just stood close by.

"Well I'm not getting my boxers wet." Jerry said and began to strip.

I did as he did and stripped naked. We then just ran into the lake. Fuck was it cold. Everything shriveled right up. As before I was only in for about thirty seconds. I walked out and just stood a moment. Evan and Chuck had a perfect view of my cock and balls, not they showed much after the cold water. Jerry came out and stood beside me. Neither of us tried to hide anything.

"When did you get your butts tanned?" Evan asked.

"Last night. I said something I shouldn't have said."

"It was my fault." Jerry said.

WE sat down next to Evan and Chuck.

Neither of us made a move to cover ourselves. That I saw was not lost on Chuck. I could see a bit of a plumping in his dick.

Just maybe I thought.

WE just sat and talked. I found out Chuck was seventeen. His parents had left him on the doorstep of the orphanage. He never knew them and had been raised in the orphanage all his life.

"You ever do stuff with the other boys in the orphanage?" Jerry asked.

Chuck blushed.

"It's kind of hard not to do some stuff, otherwise the older boys just gang up on you." He said. "That's cool, but you don't have to talk about it." I said.

"Well I don't mind. I know why I was brought here. Hank explained it before he bought me. I don't mind most stuff, but won't do some stuff either."

"You guys want to fuck me?" Chuck said.

Evan started to laugh.

"Man I thought I was going to seduce you and now it's the other way around." He laughed.

Chuck just lifted his butt and slid off the boxer briefs. Wow! A nice seven incher, uncut and fire red pubes.

"Fuck you look hot." I leaned over and swallowed his cock.

He lay back and started to pump up into my mouth. Damn nice. Not too big or fat. Fit my mouth perfectly. He must have been real horney coz he sure didn't take long to cumm. Nice and sweet too. Best except Jerry I thought.

"Thanks Jake. I really needed that. You want to fuck me now?"

"Well I think Evan gets first go. But later I will."

Man we fucked, sucked, rimmed all afternoon. I was real tired before we were done. My butt hurt somewhat, but I had mostly forgot it.

Chuck should definitely work out, as long as he took Hanks cock.

After dressing we led our horses back to the pasture before mounting up. It was a slow ride back.

We cleaned and groomed our horses before putting them in their stalls.

WE headed up to the house. After a shower and changing we went down for dinner.

Hank took all of us into the Den after dinner. He got a beer for everyone and sat down.

"Jake I'm very glad you told me about Josh and what he was doing. I knew something was going on, but none of the boys here would tell me."

"Well Jerry told me and he hoped that now that we were together it would end with him. When he called Jerry a faggot cocksucker, I sort of lost it. I wasn't sure if you knew so could have been in big trouble. Jerry is my faggot cocksucker and no one else's."

That got a laugh from everyone, even Jerry. Jerry just snuggled up closer.

"I know now why some of the boys would not stick around. I'm just sorry I didn't know sooner." Hank said.

"Chuck, what do you think of the Ranch? I know it's been only a couple of days, but I'd to here what you have to say."

"Well I guess I am okay. You told me most of what you wanted from me when you bought me from the orphanage. Even told me how big you are and I'm not sure I am ready for that yet. On the other hand you own me so if you say now I guess I don't have a choice."

"I do buy boys, but not in the sense that I own you. I buy you away from your particular situation. Simple to me, when you reached eighteen they would have thrown you out. The only thing you might end up doing is bending over for money. Well here I can give you as better life, an education if you want it and even have you making lots of money. It's not like I want you for the rest of your life. When you reach an age where you want out, I let you go with all the money you have made. Then you can do as you please."

"Jake is different. He's my nephew and will inherit this ranch and most of my money when I retire. I'm gay like all of you boys. I love to fuck and even suck on occasion. Screwing you just makes sure you can handle some of the customers you will run into later in life."

Besides the fact that he loved tight boy asses I thought.

Besides the fact that I do love tight boy asses." Fuck could he read minds. I thought.

Hank just sat. I wasn't sure what was next.

"Grab your beer and follow me." Hank said.

He led us into a part of the house I had never been in. Then into a huge bedroom with biggest bed I had every see. I had seen king sized beds, but they were dwarfed along side this one.

"All of you undress. You two can screw Jake while I take Chuck. After Chuck fucks him I'll fuck him. Then after you all have fisted him, I will. Jake said he wished I had fisted him the night Evan did. Well tonight he gets his wish."

Me and my fucking big mouth.

Even knowing what was ahead for me, I never hesitated to undress. I just lay on the bed beside Chuck. Chuck looked a lot calmer than I had been.

Jerry did me first coz he was the smallest. I heard Chuck scream as Hank entered him but afterward he was in heaven as Hanks plowed his ass. I found out later that he had been fucked by a couple of Negro boys almost as big as Hank. After Hank was done Chuck fucked me and then Hank. I can't say I enjoyed Hanks methods but he got the job done.

Jerry fisted me first and I loved it. After Chuck and Evan were done Hank got ready. I don't know if he actually did it. I passed out as he forced his hand inside me. I woke up in my own bed with Jerry beside. My ass hurt real bad and I had Jerry put some slave on my hole.

Hank never said anything at breakfast the next morning. I figured I would ask Jerry later. We found out why there were no hands at the ranch. All were out moving the main herd to a mountain pasture. The herd would stay there until they brought them down in the fall. We would make a supply run to the big shack that was near by. Four days up and four days back plus what ever time we were at the camp satisfying the crew.

We were taking six pack horses and it took two days to get ready.

I spent the two days getting taught to fire a rifle. I was pretty good I thought until Hank told me I'd just back up Evan.

Chuck found out that he would be at the Ranch until his eighteenth birthday. He would be helping Evan break in new boys.

I would be gone by the middle of August back to Washington to prepare for university.

The night before we left, Hank told us he had hired an old boy of his to come out and be foreman. He would be here when we got back.

The daily routine was fixed. Before the sun was up we would be loading the pack animals. After a quick breakfast it was back on the trail. The first day we made it to shack # 4. I was sucking one of the Natives off before I could even unsaddle Paint. Chuck was appalled. He found out later, He got fucked by both natives.

We were gone the next morning before either were even up.

Well sleeping on the ground covered by a thin blanket made it the hardest eight days I had ever had in my life. Getting fucked and sucking up at the main cabin on the pasture was a needed break. Considering the crew was close to twenty men we were busy the whole four days we were there.

The trip back was the same except both line men were gone from shack number four.

Well we met the new Foreman almost as soon as we got back. We had just finished removing the pack frames when a voice boomed in the barn.

"Don't forget to rinse off the pack animals. You don't need to groom them, but make sure they are at least clean."

The biggest black guy I had ever seen walked up.

"My name is George Washington. Hank hired me as his new Foreman. You can call me George or Gio. Don't cotton to Sir at all. Better speed things up, the cook is holding dinner until you are done."

When he said his name I smiled. He didn't look anything like any George Washington I had ever seen in the history books.

"You are Jake right? Well my parents like the first President of the United States. So I got stuck with his name." He turned and walked out.

"Man is he ever big. I wonder if he is as big all over." Jerry said.

"Careful Babe, you just might find out. Black guys all got big dicks."

"Well you are partly right Jake. When I was in the orphanage there were four black guys there. Two that were older than me had smaller dicks than I had. One of the younger guys was about my size and the other young guy was almost as big as Hank. There are a lot of well hung black guys, but I haven't met many."

After putting the horses to bed we headed up to the house to shower and change for dinner.

After our diet of beans and bacon almost the whole trip, dinner was fantastic. The variety of the dinners we got at the Ranch was better I figured than some restaurants. Hank always made sure everyone was well fed. Fattening to the slaughter I had thought earlier.

We went into the den after to talk to Hank about our trip and to get to know our new foreman. We were all pretty tired but Hank always talked about trips we took away from the farm. More I think to know what the hands were doing other than us. After everyone had a beer, Evan told Hank everything we had done and what we had seen.

"You boys must have been busy with a twenty man crew up there." Gio laughed.

"You guys can take tomorrow off. Now by Monday some of that crew will be back at the ranch. Evan, you and Chuck will need to handle there needs. Jake, you and Jerry will be going down to the Farm for a week. When you get back we will go over what happens in Washington."

Very soon after that we were back in our rooms. Once nude and on the bed, I think I was out as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up with Jerry sucking my cock. As soon as he knew I was awake he stopped and just looked at me.

"You want to fuck me Jake?"

"How about we just suck Babe." A great way to start a new day. Jerry fucking my mouth, while I fucked his. We both got off almost together. A nice sweet load to start the day.

After a long hot shower we dressed for another day. I saw it was well past 9 am so figured we had missed breakfast. Not so, I found out. Evan and Chuck were still at the table when we arrived and soon after we had bacon and eggs, corn fritters, toast and jam and fresh coffee.

It was almost like a brunch.

"So what are you and Chuck up to today." I asked.

"I thought we might head up to Kalaheo Springs. It's about three miles. A nice ride with hot springs at the end."

"No hands back yet so no one will be there. Hank said he's going to town to pick up two new boys. That's kind of unusual for him. He usually gives a guy like Chuck here a couple of weeks first."

"Guess he must think you are ready to break in boys Chuck."

"Jerry and I might meet you at the spring later."

"Okay cool. We'll see you later maybe." They left.

"Can we just go off someplace ourselves Jake?"

"Sure babe."

We grabbed a couple of apples each and headed for the barn. After feeding both an apple, we just opened their stall doors. They followed us to the tack. Neither needed a halter to lead them.

After saddling them we grabbed a couple of full canteens and headed out of the barn. We met Geo coming in. "Morning boys."

"Morning Geo." We parroted.

"You two got a nice pair of horses. You needn't worry about them when you are away. I'll make sure to keep good care of both."

"Well you better have an apple for them or they might not cooperate."

"I'll remember." Geo laughed.

I helped Jerry up on Spirit and climbed on Paint. Jerry just led off.

"Where are we going?"

It's a surprise. I found it out riding by myself one day a couple of years ago."

WE headed down the entrance road and out the gate. Then turned and followed the rail fence. When we got to the end we turned into the trees and started climbing up a gentle slope. There was absolute silence inside the forest. The only sound was the horse's hoofs on the packed path.

WE switched back and forth up the gentle slope.

"How much further?" I said after about 40 minutes of walking.

"No far. We are almost there."

WE came out of the trees and then up a short rocky path to the top. We were on a 30 by 30 open space of flat rock. Little bits of moss and short grasses grew in and on the rocks.

Looking out below us we could see the entire ranch laid out. What a view I thought. "What do you think?" Jerry asked as he slid off Spirit."

"It is very, very nice Jerry."

After taking a drink of water I fed Paint some in my hat. Jerry did the same. We grabbed our bed rolls to put them down on the rocky but smooth surface. Then just sat cuddling.

"Make love to me Jake." Jerry said softly.

I turned and kissed him. Then we undressed each other. None of the usual fast almost urgent times when all we did was fuck each other.

I wasn't too worried about entering him dry. My cock was almost pissing out the precumm. He always yelped when I entered him, but this time it was long drawn out moan.

"Love me Jake. Love me long time please."

It was a long slow fuck. His insides were always like a caldron and moved and manipulated my cock as I slid in and out of him. He always got me off fast the first time. I also always stayed hard after cumming once inside his smooth hot canal. I was really sweating by the time I came a second time and just collapsed on top of him.

AS we rolled onto our sides I slipped out of him.

"God I always feel so empty after Jake. I love you so much I wish I had you all the time."

"Jerry you will have me all the time. I want you beside me forever."

That brought on another long passionate kiss.

We turned around and sucked each other off before getting dressed. We rolled our blankets and put them back on our horses before mounting. No words were spoken between us. The trip down was just as quiet. Back at the Ranch we groomed both horses before walking hand in hand into the house. WE went into the Rec Room. We very seldom were in there. I grabbed a couple of beers and we just sat cuddling, both lost in our own little world.

Gio walked in, in board shorts, a tank top and flip flops. I was so astounded I did a double take. He just laughed.

"I'm going to the lake to check the pump house. Maybe do a little fishing. You guys want to come along?"

Well seeing this much of him I had more than fishing on my mind. I think Jerry was thinking the same thing. WE both said sure.

"Well you guys change out of those jeans and boots. Wear something comfortable. We'll take the Jeep. I'll meet you guys out from in ten minutes."

"Okay Geo."

I had a pair of basketball shorts and Jerry had board shorts. Neither of us put on underwear. We slipped on t-shirts and runners and headed out side. Geo was putting as big hamper in the back of the old Jeep.

"You're the smallest Jerry, jump in back. Jake you can ride up front with me."

Geo and Hank were the same in that they both drove like a bat out of hell. Geo swung in a big circle and headed down the entrance road. He was doing fifty before we got to the gate. About 100 yards down the road he slowed and was on a single lane path across the field. There were no seat belts in the old jeep so we had to hang on for dear life. He slowed as we entered the trees. The road we were following followed a line of power poles. IT came out at the end of the lake.

"Does Hank own the lake?"

"Nope. In this State you can't own lakes, but everything around it is Hank's property so no one can get to it with first asking Hank. He never allows anyone on the property. Keeps hunters off too."

"Okay, I'll be about 20 minutes servicing the pump. Jerry you have been here before, so check out the boat and open the boat shed."

"Okay Geo."

A lot of firsts had happened at the Ranch. I got my first blow job, lost my virginity, been fist fucked, learned to ride horses and shoot a rifle. I had a wide variety of food that I had never had before, even Lake Trout. Now I was going to ride in a boat and even fish and I might get to suck a black guy. What a first month I had had.

Jerry checked out the boat while I opened up the boat house. We then used a winch to run it into the water. We had it tied to the small wharf before Geo was done.

Geo came down to the boat with the big hamper from the jeep. He set in on the boat.

"Jerry, go grab three poles and the tackle box." Jerry bounded out of the boat.

Geo then pulled off the tank top he had on. I hoped he was going to pull off his board shorts too, but no such luck. He just smiled and climbed on board. I climbed in and sat near the front of the boat. Jerry came back, handed the poles and tackle box to Geo and then undid the boat. He jumped in and sat across from me. Geo started the big motor and idled away from the wharf. Once clear he applied power and we were skimming real fast across the water. I loved it. We made a complete circuit of the lake which was pretty big. All along the shore there were places where the trees didn't come right down to the water, but left little green grassy spots. After one circuit, Geo eased into one of these places and cut the engine.

"We'll have some lunch before we start fishing." He said.

I hoped he was part of the desert.

Geo grabbed the hamper and climbed out. We followed him onto the shady area. He pulled sandwiches and fruit out of the hamper along woith three beers. We sat and munched the lunch.

After finishing our lunch and with another beer just sat.

"I pretty much know what's on both your minds and I am afraid you are going to be mostly disappointed. When Hank hired me to come back here I jumped at the chance. I was making good money as an Engineer in Texas. He told me what Josh had been doing and warned me he'd kill me if he found out I was doing the same thing."

"He also said you two were out of bounds to me. That said, if you want to suck me off, it's cool, but I won't now or anytime in the future fuck either of you."

He stood up and dropped his board shorts. I was instantly hard.

Geo had a real nice looking cock. He was cut and about 6 and half inches long soft. His cock was darker than his skin and the head looked almost purple with a big piss slit.

"Well who wants to go first?" He said.

"Geo, I'd really like to suck your cock, but don't want to get you in trouble with my Uncle."

"You won't Jake. He told me you would ask and told me sucking was okay. Both Evan and Chuck have already blown me."

Well that's all it took for me to move over to him. He stayed on his feet and I kneeled in front of him and slipped his soft cock into my mouth. Man it was like silk in my mouth, so smooth. He got hard pretty fast. I backed off and looked at his now hard cock.

It was pretty thick, but only about eight inches long with the head really big, like a plum almost. I just took it back into my mouth. He put a hand on the back of my head and slowly fucked my face. I gagged a couple of times but took right to the base of my throat each time. I loved how smooth and nice it felt in my mouth. I could have sucked that cock for hours. Too bad he only lasted about 15 minutes. He took a firmer grip on my head. I felt his cock expand in my mouth and shortly I had several thick shots of his bitter sweet cumm pumping into my mouth and throat.

After several shots he backed off. I jacked his cock a couple of times and licked the head.

"Damn Jake. You are a great cocksucker. You'll do real well in Washington."

Geo sat down and pulled out another beer.

"Give me a few minutes to recover Jerry and you can have a go too."

I bet that cock would feel wonderful in my butt.

About ten minutes later Jerry went down on him. He took longer to cumm but Jerry loved every second.

After cleaning up we headed back out to fish. My mind wasn't much on fishing, but how I was going to get Geo to fuck me.


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Next: Chapter 4

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