A Different Life

By Brian

Published on Jul 6, 2023


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

A Different Life


When I thought about what he said I got hard. Evan laughed.

"Man you seem to be getting used to it a lot faster than I ever did,"

"Well I have a good teacher."

He pulled me close and we went into a long very passionate kiss.

"Whew! Man that was nice Evan. God I just know I love you."

"Yeah, you are growing on me too Baby."

We talked a lot for those three days. He told me a lot of tricks he had figured out. Best one was after getting fucked first thing in the morning was leave that first load inside. Then when they went in dry, it wasn't so bad.

I figured if Evan screwed me first thing in the morning after our shower I'd be okay.

The time went way too fast for me. We were up before the sun on the fourth day. After dressing, I decided that being nude all the time was great, we put the empty Pack frames on the horses and saddled our own. We buried any junk that wouldn't burn and set off just as the sun came up.

The air was crisp and cool. We made it about half way before stopping for a rest. We were on a high bluff over looking the valley the Ranch house and buildings were in. You could just see the main house.

Sitting side by side, I felt so at peace. I had the man I loved with his arm over my shoulder. Evan hadn't said he loved me and I'm sure part of him just loved my ass and mouth. I didn't care.

I ran my hand down over his chest and abs and then gripped his cock.

"Are you always horny Jake?"

"I guess whenever I get close to you yeah."

He pushed down his buckskins. His hard cock popped out. I just leaned over and let it slide into my mouth and down his throat.

He rolled me over and sank his cock all the way down my throat. Now I couldn't breath even through my nose. I felt him fumbling with my belt and jeans. It took a while for him to get my cock out and by then I was almost out of air.

Finally he rolled on his side and allowed me to take a breath. I thought he wanted to 69, but that was not what he did. He used one of his muscular legs to hold his cock in my mouth and began to face fuck me. He used his big hand to grip my cock and squeeze and twist it viciously. If I could have screamed I would have. Then one hand was on my balls, squeezing and pulling them. It was really painful as he tortured my balls and cock. This was so different, but with his cock continuously ramming in and out of my throat, I could only groan in pain.

I felt his hand sliding up the crack of my ass. I managed a real scream as he shoved three fingers into my hole. He kept pulling and pushing those fingers into me that I had a thought he wanted to fist my hole. All this manipulation although extremely painful kept me rock hard. All of a sudden his hot load shot into my mouth and throat. After empting his balls he just sat up.

"God Evan. I thought you were trying to fist fuck me."

"I was and probably will before the summer is over."

"No way man. You got real big hands. I'd never be able to take your hand up my butt."

"Jake, I probably could get it in after your Uncle fucks you. Especially if he has a few of the other hands do you after he does. Remember around the Ranch, you and I are just toys for everyone else. The foreman fisted me after he fucked me. He was the first, but I know won't be the last."

Thinking about having a guys fist shoved into my butt did two things in my mind. One, it scared the hell out of me and I wondered what I had got myself into by coming to work for my Uncle. The second thing was I was rock hard.

"Looks like part of you is interested." Evan laughed as he gripped my cock.

He then leaned down and swallowed my cock. That was all it took I blew my load. Evan licked me clean and we got dressed. Back on the trail home.

I guess everything that had happened to me so far was a dream come true. Getting fucked, sucking and thinking about getting fist fucked made me hard in my jeans and real rough riding.

By the time we got back both of us were pretty sore and very tired. We took care of the horses and staggered to the main house. Hank was waiting as we walked up.

"So how was the three days away Jake?"

"Real good Hank. Thank you, I really enjoyed it."

"Good. After you shower and clean up, come and see me after dinner."

"Sure thing Hank."

Well I had the blonde boy help me shower and clean up. He was really good and after that long hot shower I felt real good. Most of the pain of the ride was gone.

"You want to fuck me before dinner Jake?" He asked.

"Sorry Jerry. I'm just a bottom. I don't like to fuck."

"No body is just a bottom. I can show you how to fuck me if you want."

"Well maybe later Jerry."

"I think later you will be too sore."

"Well we will see later okay."

I'd made sure I cleaned myself out in the shower. Evan had said my Uncle used lube the first time when he fucked someone. I hoped he was right. Clean boxer briefs and jeans with a clean t-shirt, I felt 100 percent better.

Main course at dinner was lake Trout. Another first for me and it was great. After dinner we all except the two boys retired to Hanks big den office.

I was surprised I was so calm as we sat and talked about the trip and he talked about some of the work coming up in the next few days. About nine three of the hands left. That left, Evan, Hank, The Foreman Josh and me in the den.

"You know what's coming Jake so you might as well get them clothes off. You too Evan, you won't be left out."

I was still calm as I undressed. Everyone else did too and I saw both what my Uncle had and the foreman. Both were beer can thick. My Uncle I figured had near 10 inches hard and the foreman near a foot.

My uncle walked around me as I stood in the center of his den.

"Damn, you are one hot looking guy Jake. I really am sorry I didn't have you out here sooner."

If I had been visiting him sooner, I would not have been a virgin. That I was sure.

"Lay on the couch and pull your legs back."

No please lay on the couch. He was going to do it as if that was what I was. Just a hole for him to use. I did as he said; I knew I didn't have a choice in the matter.

He stood close to the couch and lubed up his humongous cock. God I couldn't believe I was about to get that monster shoved up my ass.

He kneeled down on the couch and brought the head to my hole. Then he just started to push it inside. I gritted my teeth, trying not to scream as his monster pushed past the rings. Then I heard another scream and knew Evan was getting the foreman's cock inside him.

The head of his cock popped inside me. If I had thought that was bad enough, I wasn't ready when the barrel of his cock started to enter me. I screamed in abject terror and he slowly pushed that cock inside me.

What had I got myself into? I should never have come out here to Wyoming.

I could feel every fraction of an inch as his cock slowly opened me up.

He stopped.

"Fuck boy. Are you every hot and tight inside. This is going to be fun."

No going slow as Evan had done. He just started to ram his monster in and out of my ass. All I could do was scream bloody murder at this rape by my Uncle.

I felt a jolt of pain that far exceeded what he had done before and I really howled. He stopped a moment.

"Just got it into your upper bowel boy. Should be getting all of me now."

He just continued after he said that. Man did he have staying power. I'm nor sure how long it went on for. Finally I felt the super heated sperm fill my ass. After cumming he slowly pulled out.

"Well no blood, so you'll do boy. Get up here and clean me up."

After sucking him clean, the foreman fucked my brains out. By then my Uncle was ready again and I had his cock ramming my hole. It went on for hours it seemed to me. I was a limp rag on the couch. I could feel the cumm running out of my hole. I thought it was over. "Well what do you think Evan? Want to fist your boyfriend?"


Before I could move or protest, Hank and Josh had my legs pulled back until I was almost double.

"Take your time Evan. Go real slow. We probably opened him almost enough, but it will still be tight."

Evan started real slow. I could feel as his fingers all twisted together started into my hole. It didn't hurt much to start. Then the pain increased until it was more than my mind could handle. I think I passed out for a moment. When I became aware of what was happening I felt something huge inside my hole.

"That did it Evan. He relaxed enough for you get in. Now carefully make a fist."

I was surprised there wasn't more pain knowing he had his hand inside my ass.

I did feel twinges of pain as he made a fist inside me. I figured it was his finger nails on the walls of my ass.

"Okay, now just slowly push inside him. You got to go real slow at first until he gets used to it."

"Don't go any further than the end of his canal. He isn't ready yet for more." My Uncle said.

Well I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy Evan's fist inside me. Would not have mattered. My cock gave it away. I was rock hard as he fisted me.

"Guess he likes it Evan. You can speed up boy." He fisted me hard and fast for about ten minutes.

"That's enough for tonight Evan. Open your hand and pull out."

I screamed once as the widest part of his hand came out of my ass.

The two boys helped me up to the shower. After getting cleaned out I just slumped on the bed. I was out like a light.

Morning and another day. I wondered how guys were going to fuck me today, not that it mattered. After breakfast, Hank took Me and Evan into his office alone.

"Jake, I'm going to tell you what I want from you from now on. You are registered at Georgetown. Have you picked a Major yet?"

"No Hank. I haven't."

"Well then I suggest you take something in Management. You are my only living relative and someday you will inherit all of this. Probably before I die. I plan on retiring and enjoying myself away from here."

"I've bought you a condo in Washington. There are two reasons for that. One you can study alone and not have to worry about rules of the University and two you can make money while you are in University."

If you are wondering how, it's simple. You will be on your knees or on your back servicing high end clients. You will be doing exactly what you are doing here all summer. You will become a very high priced call boy. You won't be alone."

"You and Evan get along so good I'm sending him back to Washington with you. He can take care of the condo and customers during the day and you can do it at night. With you in an accounting and business course you can keep the books and make sure I get my cut from your proceeds." "Between the two of you, you should make anywhere from 2 grand to 5 grand a week after my 70 percent cut."

"I'll be honest with you Jake. If your Father and I had got along better you would have been coming out here since you were fourteen. You would have lost your virginity the first summer you were here and by now be making a couple of grand a week."

"But what if I wasn't gay?"

"Well I knew you were before you reached your thirteenth birthday."

"Well how? I didn't think I was until I was over thirteen."

"You remember your grade 6 gym teacher. His name was Grady."

"Yeah I guess."

"Well he was once one of my boys and has very good Gaydar. That means he can pick out gay boys real quick. When he told me about you I called your Dad and invited you out for the summer. He turned me down of course."

"Now you are here and have already lost your virginity, sucked cocks, drank piss even and been fisted. All with in a week. I think Grady was right." He laughed.

"Yeah he was."

The only problem I have is that you claim to be only a bottom. Well I want you to let Jerry teach you how to top. We can use pills if necessary, but I would prefer you want to."

"For now and until the end of July, you two are going to be service boys for my hands. That's all you will do. Some days you might need to ride out to them, while most of the time you will be in the bunk house. You will also resupply line shacks."

"Okay Hank." I said.

"Evan, you know what's expected of you both and can teach Jake everything. Now you boys better get to work."

Evan was right about most of the hands. All they wanted was to get their rocks off so Evan I were mostly sucking cocks of all sizes and tastes.

WE still fucked. Evan said he loved my ass and mouth. We didn't talk about love much.

One thing became pretty clear. The hands like to get sucked or fuck you, but never returned the favor. Like Hank said we were just an outlet for his hands. I never did have to do the foreman again, but Evan got screwed by him at least once a week. The foreman preferred Native boys.

One evening after Evan had fucked my brains out and left, I was lying on the bed. Jerry came in.

"You want me to suck you Jake?"

I really did have a set of blue balls and said sure.

I was laying flat on my back. Jerry climbed up on the bed. He licked up the precumm that had dripped onto my stomach. Then he pushed my legs up and rimmed my hole. I almost blew right then.

He started licking my balls and then moved up to my cock. He was very experienced. I figured I would blow as soon as he got my cock in his mouth, but he seemed to be able to control when I came. He kept bringing me almost off and then he'd back off.

"God Jerry. I got to come."

He started to suck in earnest then and very quickly I came like a gun going off. What a relief. I almost fainted it felt so good.

When he was done, he moved up and straddled my lower body. He leaned over and kissed me.

"Boy you taste good and got lots too Jake. I'll suck you anytime." Then he mashed his lips on mine.

He was just as experienced at kissing. For a guy so young he had experience like he had been doing this for years. Of course I got hard again.

"Boy do you get horny fast." He giggled.

He smiled and started to slide my cock up and down his ass crack. Almost jacking me with his butt. He smiled at me and I felt one of his hands on my cock. I wasn't sure what he was doing, but it sure felt nice.

All of a sudden he just sat up. What ever he had done, my cock felt like it had entered a hot smooth furnace. I almost came instantly.

"Guess you are not just a bottom Jake. You got your dick all the way up my butt."

Before I could even think about what he said, he started to bounce up and down. His little yips and continual moaning made me feel unbelievable.

Very quickly I think I blew the biggest load of my life. After coming he stopped and leaned over, careful to keep my cock inside him.

"You feel real good Jake." He kissed me.

Keeping my cock firmly up his butt, he moved his feet around until he was sitting directly on my cock.

"Now roll over Jake."

When I did I ended up with him under me and he put his legs up near my shoulders.

"Now fuck me Jake. Fuck me real good."

I guess for everyone it comes pretty natural. I really did fuck him for a long time. After getting off twice it took some time before I blew inside his butt. I wilted quickly.

"You want to rim me Jake?" He asked.

Now that was a question. I had rimmed Evan lots of times, but it was always after he fucked me. He had even done it to me after he screwed me. Those times I had done him there was nothing in his butt. I had come twice in Jerry's.


He pulled out of me and rolled again so I was now on my back. He switched around. Then lowered his butt to my face. When I spread his cheeks I saw his hole slightly open and my cumm oozing from it. Well I had never baulked at eating my own cumm so I just pulled him closer and licked his hole.

As soon as my tongue touched his hole he sat right down on my face. He gave a little grunt and my mouth was filled with everything from his butt. I was both appalled and elated that I was sucking up the stuff from his butt. One taste was all it took and I was working my tongue on his hole.

All of a sudden he rolled off. "Boy you just about got more than your cumm." He giggled.

He then swung around and licked my face clean.

He then just cuddled up close to me. Sleep came very quickly.

As soon as I moved in the morning Jerry came instantly awake. He went to his knees and took my morning load of piss. Then helped me into the shower. Making sure I was clean both inside and out, he helped me dry and then dress. He acted like he was my personal servant.

He answered my unspoken question.

"Hank said I was to be your boy for the summer. I will do everything for you Jake."

"You don't mind Jerry?"

"No silly. You can even fuck me now. I like to do everything."

As I headed down for breakfast he started to tidy up my room. I guess having a boy to tend all my needs wasn't so bad. I wondered where he came from.

Evan and I headed out to one of the line shacks. It would be a quick trip.

Well not that quick. When we got to the shack we were both on our knees. I even got fucked by one of the native hands. Having a cock rammed up your butt at the same time as one fucked your mouth was a different experience for me. WE got back to the ranch house just in time for dinner.

There was also a strange vehicle parked at the house. Evan frowned, but didn't say anything.

After getting cleaned up, Evan came into my room.

"I won't be around tomorrow, so you can do the rounds on your own. You can take Jerry with you."

"Where will you be?"

"One of Hank's special guests is here. I'll be with him tonight and probably all day tomorrow. We'll talk at dinner tomorrow." He then just left.

Jerry had a mile wide grin on his face.

Nothing was said about Evan at dinner. Hank outlined what he expected from me the next day. After dinner I went back to my room. As usual Jerry was waiting.

"Jerry, how did you end up here?"

He never said anything, just helped me undress. I pulled him over to the bed.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Jerry."

"It's not that Jake. I'm not sure Hank would want me too."

"Well I don't want you to get into trouble Jerry."

"I'll be right back." He said as he bounded out the door.

A few minutes later he came back.

"Hank said it was okay, but you can't tell anyone."

He quickly undressed and then came over and sat beside me. "My Dad manages the grains and feedlot division. Gary and I were playing around one day and my Dad caught us as I was sucking Gary. I figured I was in real big trouble, but next day he brought me to Hank. Hank ended up buying me from my Dad. Gary I guess was already one of Hanks boys and he had really set me up I guess.

"What do you mean he bought you?"

"Well when my Dad first brought me here, I was sitting outside Hanks Den. I heard them talking. Hank asked my Dad what he wanted to do after I was broke in. My Dad asked what he was offering for me. Hank said 5,000 dollars. My Dad said I was his for 5 grand."

"My Dad never even looked at me as he left. Hank called me into his office and told me I was now his boy to do anything he wanted. He also said Gary would be fucking me later. He then made me suck his dick. All I could get was the head in my mouth, but he sure blew a big load."

"Gary did fuck me that night, but it was okay. It never even hurt. I had wanted him to do it before, but he always said no. Now that Hank owned me he didn't have a choice. We are all the same here at the Ranch. Hank owns us all. Even you Jake."

"Well he doesn't own me." I said.

"Jake, he really does even if no money changed hands. Evan told me he and you are going to Washington after the Summer. Hank bought you a condo and you will be doing the same as you do here except there you will get paid. He owns you. Make no mistake about that. You ever refuse and you will feel that big belt he keeps in the barn. All Jake cares about is control. Controlling everything. It's not like he needs money, he makes thousands every year on just his Ranch."

"I like you Jake. You are the best that has ever been here. I wish I was going to Washington with you." I wrapped my arms around Jerry and pulled him close. He almost purred in my arms. God I could fall for him so easy. I knew there was no love between Evan and I. What he loved was my ass and mouth. To be honest that was what I loved about Evan. His nice cock in my throat or up my ass.

For some reason, I felt differently about Jerry. I didn't think it was love, at least not yet. He just felt good, even now as we just sat hugging.

"Do you really want to go to Washington with me Jerry?"

"It's all I dream about Jake. I guess I kind of love you."

"I'll be right back." I pulled on a set of shorts and headed out the door.

I found Hank in his Office.

"Can I talk to you Hank?"

"Sure Son. Want a beer?"

I accepted the beer and sat down in one of the stuffed chairs.

"Jerry told me everything about him. Well I don't really care about what he said. I know what you are doing. Simple you want me to become a high classed hooker. That's cool with me coz I love to get fucked and I love to suck cocks. I figured once I was in love with Evan, but all I'm in love with is his cock. He raped me at my insistence. I even got hard when he told me you would be fucking me. Well Uncle, you have trained me pretty good. You know I even wanted you to fist me after Evan did it.

"Everything you have done to me is a dream come true."

"I also know you want me to take over this Ranch, but I know jack shit about ranching. Well you will have me here as long as you want me as long as the cocks are still available."

"I'm not sure of your reasoning for putting Jerry and I together, but I am glad you did. I guess I'm falling in love with him and want him to come to Washington too."

"No, that's not what I wanted to say. When I go to Washington Jerry will be coming with me period."

"Okay. If that's what you want Jake."

"That's it? No argument?"

That brought a long laugh from Hank. He got up and grabbed two more beers and handed me one.

"Jake like I said before, if I had been able I would have had you out here sooner. I like how far you have come and I will be teaching you all about the Ranch. AS for Jerry, well there a few other boys that will start here in the fall. Some I will buy, while others will come willingly."

"Jerry's old enough that he can really do as you are doing in Washington. I wasn't really interested in sending Evan with you. Evan is too good at breaking boys."

"So now instead of him, Jerry will be your partner in Washington."

I got up and went to Hank and hugged him. He hugged me back.

"I really do love you Son. I am very glad you are here."

"I love you too Uncle."

I finished my beer and headed to my bedroom. Jerry was sleeping on my bed.

I quickly undressed and lay beside him. He just rolled into me with his head on my chest. I bent down and kissed the top of his head. He moaned and snuggled closer. Sleep was real easy with Jerry beside me.

After our morning routine, I told Jerry to dress for work.

"You are coming with me today Babe."

That got a big smile from him.

"Jerry looked about 14 or 15, but knew he had to be older. Hank wouldn't take a chance on screwing underage boys. He came up to my shoulder and I doubt weighed more than a hundred and ten pounds. He was in good shape for his size.

We had a pretty easy day. There were only four hands in the bunkhouse and we did them first thing. They were leaving for a few days in town. After I headed for the hot springs. I had been there once before with Evan.

After soaking a while we sat on the grass enjoying the freedom of no clothes. I really was comfortable without and Jerry loved it too.

"So what did you talk to Hank about?"

"This and that. Oh yeah, almost forgot. You are coming to Washington with me instead of Evan."

His eyes got huge and a moment later I was bowled over by him as he jumped on me. Re rained kisses all over my face. When he lifted up tears were streaming down his face. "You okay Babe?"

"You just made me so happy Jake. I know I really love you too."

"Well I love you too Jerry." There I had admitted it to myself.

That got another round of kisses from him.

"Please fuck me Jake."

God fucking him felt so right and so good I came almost at once. I stayed hard which was another first for me so just continued. Jerry wreathed under emploring me to go faster and harder. He was as much a nymphomaniac as I was.

After blowing inside his hot ass a second time I went soft. I pulled out and flipped on his back. I had his cheeks spread and my tongue in his hole faster than he could even think. Boy did I get a lot. Then I remembered he had been fucked by one of the hands too. It was still like a elixir as I sucked and licked his hole. He finally jumped off me and fed his cock into my mouth. He blew almost at once.

"Fuck me love." I said.

Well it sure felt good to have Jerry screw me. Maybe even better than Evan. After getting off twice he rimmed me. After we just lay and necked for a while.

"How old are you Jerry?"

"How old do you think I am?"

"Well you look about 14 or 15, but I'm sure you are older."

He giggled. "I'm just two months younger than you Jake. Hank likes me coz I look younger and some of his friends like me too coz I look so young."

I knew that would work him to in Washington.

After dressing we headed back for dinner. Evan was at the table.

"Evan, there is a new boy arriving in town tomorrow. You can go pick him up. Jake, Jerry will be with you from now on. Jerry, I'm also giving you to Jake. He is now the one that owns you."

I wasn't sure about that, but Jerry was ecstatic.

He proved just how happy he was later.

I had been at my Uncles Ranch for less than two weeks. I had lost my virginity, sucked cocks, been fisted, drank piss and now had a boy I owned. My Uncle also had my entire life planned. This was definitely a different life now.


Next: Chapter 3

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