A Different Life

By Brian

Published on Aug 7, 2023


Disclaimer: This story is fiction. It deals with interaction between males including oral and anal. Any person under 18, or anyone living in a state or province where reading these stories is illegal should leave this site now. Adult gay content.

A Different Life


"I don't hate you Jake. I love you." He said as he snuggled as close as he could get to.

I'm very glad it was pitch black. Timothy couldn't see the tears streaming down my face.

He must have felt something.

"Don't cry Jake. It was all my fault. I'm so sorry Jake. I'm so sorry."

Dreaming? I didn't think so, but I felt his even breathing that told me Timothy was sound asleep in my arms. I pulled the light covering over us both and dropped off.

"Jake. Jake, can you put some more salve on my butt." Timothy said as I opened my eyes.

"Sure babe." I rolled to a sitting position. Timothy was standing right in front of me. His hard 6 inch spike standing straight out. It didn't help my cock, but mine was more a piss hard on.

Still Timothy was one very nice looking boy. Not boy, in reality. A very good looking young man. I stood up, put my arm over his shoulder and led him to the bedroom. He just lay on the bed. I gave his red cheeks another liberal coating of salve.

"You just lay there Son and give it a chance to work."

I went and drained my swollen bladder. I'd wait a while before I showered. Give that salve a chance to work and then a cool shower would help Timothy as well. I dried off and walked back to the bedroom. Timothy hadn't moved. I sat down on the edge of the bed.

"How are you doing Babe?"

"I'm okay Jake. It still hurts a bit. I'm sorry I made you do that last night."

What did he mean by that statement? I had whipped him because of my own perverted reasoning.

"What do mean Timothy? I whipped you because I figured you needed a real lesson."

"When me and Janus were talking I asked him how come he got his butt whipped. He told me he bit your dick. He said he did it on purpose coz he liked his butt whipped. So last night I did the same thing. I could have sucked your dick no problem, you are smaller than my brother. I got used to his real fast coz he'd beat me up if I got my teeth on his dick."

"So when I sucked your dick I did it a couple of times. I wanted to see what that cane was like. Maybe I'd like it like Janus."

"Well do you Timothy? Like to be caned?"

"No way. I hope it never happens again. I don't know why he could like something like that." He giggled.

"Timothy I would have rather just made love to you last night." "You could love me now."

"I think we should wait until your butt cools off."

"Okay. Can you lay with me Jake?"

"Sure babe." I lay beside him. He rolled on his side and then sunuggled up close, his head on my chest.

"This is where I want to be Jake. Just with you and nobody else. I really do love you Jake." He said softly.

"I love you too Timothy."

That just made him snuggle closer.

I guess we dozed again. When I opened my eyes I was looking into the greenest eyes I think I had ever seen.

"How are you feeling baby?"

He ran one hand down over his ass.

"Well it doesn't hurt so I guess I'm okay."

"Do you think you can get up. We'll have a cool shower and I'll put some more salve on."


He never even flinched when I coated his red ass after the shower. We both dressed and headed over for breakfast. Most of the crew were already done and getting ready to hit the fields. The sun was barely over the horizon.

Janus was sitting and talking with Pierre. I guess I was glad Janus had found someone else, but wasn't sure what was up.

Janus got up, kissed Pierre and then walked over to me.

"Jake can I talk to you."

"Sure Janus." I grabbed a cup of coffee and followed him over by my suburban.

"What's up Janus?"

"Could I go with Pierre again to day. He said he would teach me more stuff."

WE didn't need to talk privately for you to ask me that. Of course you can Janus. I'm just going to be going over yields today with Mike."

"Well there's something else. Every time I get close to Pierre I feel all weird inside. It kind of scares me coz I don't know what's going on."

"How was your night with him?"

"Oh it was great. We did everything. He likes all kinds of stuff like I do."

"Janus I think it is your heart talking to you. I think you might be in love with Pierre."

"But I can't be coz I'm your slave. I got to have permission to do stuff with Pierre."

"Janus, listen closely to what I am going to say."

"First off even if I did pay to get you out of Russia, I don't consider you my slave. All that slave stuff is up here in your mind. As far as I'm concerned you can be anything you want. If you want to be with Pierre now, I'm just fine with it. You want to stay with him, I'll be very happy you have found someone who can really love you as you are."

"So you see if you want to be with Pierre, want to stay with Pierre, then that is entirely up to you Janus. What makes you happy makes me even happier."

Janus wrapped his arms around me and cried his eyes out. I wasn't sure if he was crying because I gave him permission or because he really was in love with Pierre. Either way it was a win win proposition for me.

I gave him a quick kiss and sent him back to Pierre. Now the ball would be in Pierre's court.

I went and sat by Timothy.

"What did Janus want?"

"Well I think Janus has found himself a man. Meaning I think Janus is in love with Pierre. So I guess we will be together all day today."

"Cool. I don't have to share you with him." He giggled.

I rubbed his back and he just moved closer. He definitely was going to be a real clinger type love. Not that I mined, it felt good having Timothy beside me. Maybe he would give us both what we both needed.

The crews all left and the boys assigned to help in the kitchen were cleaning up.

"Come on Timothy. Work to do."

Timothy pulled up a chair as I sat down behind Mike's desk. He watched as I checked the yields from the fields so far this year. It was going to be a good year for the farm. Last year not so good, so this year would go a long way to balancing the books. Barley especially was a great crop and off the fields before any frost. That meant we could see most if not all to brewing companies.

Timothy and I sat and as I worked he asked questions. Some very intelligent questions. About two hours later I called 'Coors Brewing Company'. After getting that contract verbally made which would only be accepted after they had tested our barley I sat back.

I also notified our contract hauling company of my bulk carrier needs in the coming weeks. That and equipment leases were one of our biggest expenses on the Farm. Wages were covered by the Ranch. Primarily because most of these boys would end up at the Ranch and later boy toys for our other operation. It took some slick but legal bookkeeping to keep every thing straight. Thank god Hank had a real good set of auditors to keep everything above board for the treasury department.

Timothy made a pot of coffee while I worked. I knew it was boring for him, but when I asked if he wanted to do anything else. He said no. All he wanted was to be close to me.

Timothy sat down and picked up one of the farming magazines. I was almost done when the County Sherriff walked into the office.

"Well this is a surprise Sherriff. How about a cup of coffee?"

"Thanks I will." He made himself a cup and sat down in one of the chairs.

"Well Sherriff, you didn't drive all the way out here for a cup of coffee."

"No." He chuckled.

"I have a complaint that you are holding a boy here against his will. The Complaint says he is the brother of one Thomas Eddington, named Timothy Eddington is a minor child under his protection. When he left the job here yesterday you refused to let him leave with his brother."

"Can I see that complaint?"

The Sherriff got up and handed it to me.

"I don't see anything here that proves Thomas has legal guardianship over Timothy. Until I do I'm not going to let him live with his brother. Add in the fact that Timothy will be sixteen in less than two weeks means that then he can choose where he wants to live and who he wants to live with."

"Jake I still have to talk to him regardless."

"Well go ahead talk to him. That's Timothy sitting in that chair."

"Well I'll be damned. Now that I look you do fit the description perfectly. Well Son do you want to live with your brother?"

"I never want to see him again. All he wants me for is so he can abuse me more."

"Say What!"

"Go ahead Timothy. Tell the Sherriff what you told me. Don't worry the Sherriff is a good guy."

Timothy told the Sherriff exactly what he told me. The Sherriff and several others in the county knew the farm and Ranch employed several gay young men. No one had a problem with it because in all case those young men grew up to got citizens most with better education and better skills than they ever would have if they had stayed on the street.

The Sherriff wasn't particularly shocked by what Timothy told him, but he was pissed at himself for not looking deeper before he served the warrant. He corrected that error almost as soon as Timothy stopped talking.

"Okay. For now I am going to sit on that warrant until I have done some checking. That is probably going to take a couple of weeks. After that the warrant won't have any standing because you will be sixteen. So you can relax Timothy. Thanks Jake for stopping from making a huge mistake."

"I didn't stop you Sherriff. Timothy did. I'm sure he was ready to bolt if it had gone another way and I would not have tried to stop him."

The Sherriff walked to Timothy and put out his hand. Timothy shook his hand.

"Good luck son. Thanks again Jake for the coffee." He turned and walked out.

Timothy in three steps I think was in my arms crying his eyes out. I just held him.

Timothy got down to sniffles and sat back.

"Does that mean I don't have to go anywhere?"

"That's right. You are free to choose."

"Then I choose to stay with you forever."

"Then I choose to keep you for ever love." I kissed him.

He took a moment to understand what I said and then we were in a lip lock. Two things were instantly clear. We were both hard vas rock and if Mike had not walked in at that moment we might have been both on the couch making love."

"Oops. Maybe I should come back later." Mike said.

"No its cool Mike. I just found my partner for life is all."

"And I found mine." Timothy said.

"Well I'm very happy for both of you. I just stopped in to say I hired a new man. Wanted to know if you wanted to meet him."

Mike handed me his resume and went out and brought him in. I didn't look at him, I looked over his resume. Mike knew my hiring standards and knew what I wanted so I wasn't worried he might be shocked that Timothy was still on my lap.

He was well educated with both grade twelve and two courses in agriculture from a well know college in Colorado. One course was in operation and maintenance of farm equipment and the other in field management. Perfect I thought. His name, Seo Tukayama told me he was Japanese.

When I looked up I was pleasantly surprised. He was definitely Japanese by ancestry, but was almost six feet tall and very well toned.

"Damn, you are bigger than most Japanese Americans I have met."

"Yes Sir. I don't know where it came from. My Parents and grand parents are real short."

"Why do you want a job on this farm? You are a long way from California or even that college in Colorado.

"Well sir, I heard this farm doesn't care what lifestyle you are and even goes out the way to hire Gays. I'm gay."

"Do you want to be a farm hand all your life?" "No Sir."

"So you would be interested in pursuing other means of employment or other ways to earn a real good living."

"Yes Sir."

"Good. You are hired. Grab a lunch from the cook shack and meet me by that black suburban. I'll run you out and get you to work."

"Thank you sir. You won't be disappointed."

"Boy is he hot looking." Timothy said after Seo had left.

"Thinking with this baby." I gripped his very hard cock in his jeans.

"Get down Son. You did this for me and now I want yours."

I undid his pants and pulled both his jeans and underwear down. I just swallowed his hard cock. He knew exactly how I liked it and put both hands on my head and started to fuck my face. I was surprised he took almost two minutes to blow. Then he started to shudder and blew three short streams of sweet cumm into my mouth. I had to hold him up to keep him from falling.

"Wow love. You taste super good."

"Did I do it right Jake."

"You did it perfect love."

"I can do you now Jake."

"Later love. We have a lifetime to enjoy each other."

"Well I don't want to wait that long." He giggled as he pulled up his clothes.

"You won't baby. Trust me. Now we need to get back to work."

Seo talked easily on the way out to the field. He was very open about what he liked and disliked. I found out he was versatile. He had a seven inch uncut cock. I told him almost everything about the hands and his bosses. I never mentioned what he might be asked to get into later. The only real interesting question he asked was weather the bosses were in to a little sex as well.

"All but Mike. However you will have to stand in line behind this young man. He always has first dibs on me."

That got a huge grin from Timothy and a laugh from Seo.

I dropped him with Pierre and headed for hay fields.

I had a chance to talk to all six Russian boys. All expressed a desire to do more than just talk. It wasn't lost on Timothy either that they all wanted me to fuck them.

"Guess your house is going to be busy." He giggled.

"Especially with you and them there." I laughed.

"Jake I never put my dick in any ones bottom. I think I am only a bottom. Janus was the first person that ever sucked me. My Brother never did any thing."

"Well we will have to see about that love and you will be getting sucked lots love."

I found out that Mike switched guys around almost randomly. It gave every one a chance to do all the jobs on the farm. It made everyone very versatile at farm work. He even sent some to the feed lot to work.

Although the feed lot was part of the Ranch operations, it was supplied totally from the farm including staff. I knew the lead hand at the feedlot was one of about five Native hands that were gay. However he had the most bitter cumm I had ever swallowed. I don't think that would bother any of the Russian boys assigned there to work.

I did take all six Russian boys and Seo to bed. Timothy contented himself with sucking them all off. I had promised Timothy that the first night we were back at the ranch we would make real love to each other. WE never talked about our first night together.

Seo was just as wild and almost insatiable as the Russian boys. He'd do anything asked and come back for more. I was pretty bushed every morning. I'm glad the Farm almost ran itself.

Near the end of my week at the farm, Pierre told me he was in love with Janus and Janus told me he was in love with Pierre. I gave both of them my blessing. One down, one to go.

Every year Hank held a big celebration when the harvest was done. I promised all the guys I would talk to them again at that celebration. It usually turned into one big orgy near the end.

Losing Henri was even easier. He asked almost as soon as I walked in if he could stay with Terry. Terry asked me almost exactly the same thing. I just laughed and told them to do as they pleased. I had my Timothy to keep me happy.

Hank was the one that surprised me the most. He and Geo were in the den talking by the large map when I walked in holding Timothy's hand.

He looked at us both.

"Well I'll be damned." He said.

He walked over to Timothy and lifted him into his arms.

"I am very happy for you Timothy. Give him all you can forever son."

When he turned to me after setting timothy down, I saw tears on his face. He gabbed me and pulled me into his arms.

"I am so happy you have found what you were looking for all these years. I hope you two are together forever Jake."

"I'm sure we will be Hank. I have never loved anyone like I love Timothy."

I could go on almost forever about what went on at the Ranch and Farm.

Hank and Geo did sort of retire. Henri and Terry flew to Canada one day and got married. I didn't need a license for what Timothy and I had. He became my perfect lover and right hand man.

Mike retired and Pierre and Janus took over operation of the Farm. We also expanded operations, buying a hog Farm. Seo and Sergio now permanent partners took over the Hog Farm as managers.

All the boys that came over from Russia were now American citizens. A huge shake up in Russia almost led to Yuri's arrest. He skipped out and moved permanently to the US. His vast holding in the US meant he didn't need the boy toy operation he left behind in Russia.

As for the boy toy operation in the US, it too slowly ended. Not that there wasn't a call for good looking boys who loved to suck and fuck, it all boiled down to economics. With my Uncle now sort of retired I had more money than I could spend in a life time. I didn't need any more. Where possible we sold our condo to the boys that were in them. Or if they chose to just quit, sold or rented them to legitimate clients.

Renting quite a few of them brought in a substantial income, most of which went to supporting Orphanages and group homes for boys. A large number of those boys came to work at the Ranch or Farms.

As for the ATF operation it didn't go as planned. It was obvious to who ever was at the cabin knew they were under watch and tried to escape down the meadow and out by the southern route. They ran smack dab into the National guard. I very brief fire fight left several wounded and all were arrested. Some charge for outstanding warrants and others under the UA Anti-terrorism laws. A large quantity of explosives were found in their vehicles along with a wide variety of very restricted weapons.

I think their trials are still going on.

AS for Timothy, the first three years we were together he grew like a weed. Topping out about six foot to my five eleven. He also weighed near 190 lbs of pure muscle. His cock also grew to just over eight inches and nice and thick. Perfect to my mind both in my mouth and my ass. His balls grew as well with the increase in his sweet load that I enjoyed almost every night.

Timothy and I were able to travel lots after Olof the short muscular Russian boy took over as my Manager. He never partnered with anyone, but would fuck or suck anyone that was interested including Timothy and myself on occasion.

My Uncle died quietly in his sleep near his 66 birthday. Geo was still at his side. Geo stayed at the Ranch for the rest of his life and some believe he actually took his own life to be with Hank.

That's about all there is to tell.

Not the end, but the beginning of a new life for Timothy and me. Long life and happiness to everyone. May each of you find that special person you are looking for.

Please remember Nifty. They could always use a few bucks. Its donations alone that keep Nifty around for all of us to enjoy. Please give generously.

Brian Suddards suddar40@shaw.ca

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