A Defining Moment

By Jase Jason

Published on Dec 22, 2022



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With Buttons's departure there was suddenly quite a void in my daily schedule but Kenny Anderson advised me not to take any hasty decisions in replacing him. I attended the next two auctions at Slaves r Us but did not really see anything that took my fancy. If a new young slave was auctioned that Kenny felt had potential he would advise me of the fact so that I could check him out. After two months I still had not seen anything that would meet my desires and prove to be a suitable replacement.

Kenny and I had become quite friendly and often met up by chance in a bar around the corner from the Courthouse. I don't think Kenny was really "buddy" material (for any one) as he was completely focused on his business. He was devoid of all feeling towards the human stock he peddled and I knew that that really was the only option he had in his line of business. The slaves he handled were nothing more than merchandise to him.

Of course I was aware of the rumors that had circulated of how he had managed to become the owner of Slaves r Us and how he had maneuvered the previous owner, Kirk Hansen, out of the business and then sold him into slavery. I mean it was story book stuff and I would have given anything to know the true circumstances. I knew however that that would never happen. He in turn knew that I had twisted my father's arm in obtaining Adam as my slave, and later in ruthlessly enslaving Jason, and I felt that he had a grudging admiration for me. The bottom line was that we both had this ruthless streak which until then had served us well, as a result respected each other, but wouldn't trust each other further than we could throw the other. At the back of my mind even then I harbored the hope that one day Kenny would take me in as a full partner in his business.

At that time I was still coming to terms with the deaths of my parents and the subsequent upheavals in Brad's and my lives. What I was having difficulty understanding was Brad's weird behavior. He had always been kinda flaky but this was something different. I have outlined for you our teenage years but at no time did I really figure that Brad might be gay. I suppose that the last person to recognize that someone is gay would be a sibling. I had known one or two gay guys in my time, and we won't go into the details of that here, but they had often said "it takes one to know one". Actually I think it was meant to be humorous but somehow there seemed to be a seed of truth in it. Anyway, what was playing on my mind was this friendship that Brad had developed with this young boy Steven and Brad's sudden need to get away. I met Steven on two occasions before his and Brad's departure, and a couple times he caught my eye while simultaneously a little smile played over his lips. Suddenly it hit me, and I had this weird feeling that the expression "it takes one to know one" applied to Masters too. Steven knew about the Jason situation and I wondered whether he wasn't telling me something significant about his relationship with Brad. Wow! It hit me like a ton of bricks, but Brad was his own Master, in a manner of speaking, and there was fuck-all I could do to change anything. If the kid was bossing him, so be it; hadn't I followed the same path?

A month later I bought this 20 year old hard nut named Jesse at one of Kenny's auctions, strictly against his advice, and so began the process of taming him into something resembling a decently behaved slave. I didn't hold back either but this young guy had had such a deprived upbringing that he seemed to thrive on our relationship. I honestly felt that he would do anything for me and woe betide anyone who crossed my path. It was hilarious really and Kenny just shook his head.

About two months later I received this call from Brad one evening. Would I pick him up at the airport on the following day? "Jesus," I said, "what's this all about? Where's your fucking car?" He replied: "I'm in deep shit dude. I'll explain when I get there."

I duly fetched Brad at the airport the next day and he really looked like shit. I said nothing and when we were sitting down in my living room with Jesse hovering suspiciously over us, I said to Brad: "OK, let's have it!"

Brad explained: "Steven was really bad news Mike. It only took a few days after we left for him to start to beat the shit out of me. Despite his pretty boy looks, he's as hard as fucking nails and all muscle. It wasn't long before I was completely under his thumb and he was dictating terms big time. He was spending my money like there was no tomorrow and I could see that this was going to be difficult to escape from. He watched me like a fucking hawk too."

"One night he took the car and came back to the motel late with this like 15 year old street boy needing a bed for the night. Anyway, to cut a long story short, the three us got as high as a kite and Steven had me go over and suck the kid's dick. Meanwhile he was taking pics and I was so out of it I didn't even catch on to it. Two days later he confronted me with the pics. He said that from then on he was callin the shots and I had better do as I was told or he would go to the cops. Jesus, dude, you can imagine what sort of quandary I was in. Anyhow he subsequently made me sign the car over to him and at the first opportunity I made a break for it and here I am. Mike, I'm virtually broke dude."

Now, let's be quite candid here, I don't uphold with behavior like this, and it don't matter who it is. If a guy behaves as stupidly as Brad had done, then he has to pay the price for it. I had no doubt in my mind if the cops were informed Brad would be enslaved. I told him that the best we could hope for was that it would go away. It was not to be, however, and a week later the BMW pulled up outside my apartment and Steven cornered me, showing me the pics, and trying to extort money from me to save my bro's ass. I told him he could take a hike, he wasn't getting a penny from me, and if he felt so inclined he could go to the cops. Frankly, I didn't think he would have the balls to do so, but how wrong I was! The following morning the slave police arrived on my doorstep and took Brad away.

I immediately sought Kenny's advice and he told me in no uncertain terms that Brad would be enslaved for life; no ifs and buts. The only chance Brad had would be to be sold off by private treaty, thus avoiding the auction block. That would involve the greasing of many palms and, if I wanted to proceed that way, I could count on it costing me hundreds of grands. Brad would then MAYBE end up in my hands as a slave. I mean, I ask you, who the fuck would want Brad as a slave anyway? He was a spoilt asshole, no more no less. I decided that he had brought this calamitous state of affairs on himself and that he would have to pay the price.

That was the last I ever saw of Brad. He was warehoused at Slaves r Us pending auction and Kenny never so much as mentioned to me what price he had fetched or who had bought him. It was a strange final outcome of the saga of two best friends Adam Thomas and Bradley Smith.


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