A Defining Moment

By Jase Jason

Published on Dec 20, 2022



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Part Three.

Many of you will not be conversant with the slavery laws as they applied in our state. These principally dealt with matters handled through the judicial system and the enslavement of offenders brought before the courts. Another element of those laws permitted the parent(s) of a minor child to sell that child into slavery if it could be shown that such action would result in the alleviation of hardship for the remaining members of the family unit. Obviously this was a drastic measure and such an order would be granted only in extreme cases. A third type of enslavement order was what was known as a Voluntary Order of Servitude and Enslavement or VOSE. For example, in many cases of debt the procedure would normally be for the creditor to obtain a civil judgment against the debtor and, in the event of non-settlement, the authorities would obtain an order of enslavement from a judge and the debtor would pass through the system and be auctioned off to the highest bidder. To avoid such a fate the debtor had the option, with the creditor's consent, of applying to the courts for a VOSE which would commit the debtor to enslavement, but to the ownership of the creditor. The courts were very circumspect in granting a VOSE.

I had for some time been contemplating the possibility of having Jason become a slave proper. I started to play with his mind by casually mentioning that our relationship was becoming a little humdrum and that I thought it would be so hot for both of us if he really were my slave and I his Master. I told him I felt it would add an edge to our relationship and fully consummate it. At first he made no comment at all but when I persisted I think he began to suspect that, if matters were left as they were, I would terminate the relationship. He clearly did not want that to happen. I left the matter on the backburner for a while but I started to spend more time away from the apartment. Jason, I think, began to feel that we were drifting apart. So it was that one evening he raised the issue himself and asked me how such a thing could be achieved. I told him that it was really a drastic step and that perhaps we should just forget all about it. He persisted, however, and I asked him whether he was really sure that he might be prepared to be properly enslaved to me. He answered in the affirmative so I informed him I would arrange for him to see a lawyer who specialized in slave matters and who could explain the situation to him. I told him that it was entirely his own decision and that I did not want to influence him any way.

It had become clear to me that, while he appeared to be besotted with me, which could of course happen under normal circumstances, Jason had this deep-seated streak of submissiveness, a need which cried out to be satisfied, even if it meant lowering himself to formerly unknown depths of servitude and subordination. It had no longer become enough for him to play out the part of slave as is common in SM relationships. It disturbed me a little at first but, having owned a slave previously, I began once again to feel that urge to force another party to submit to me completely. And so the die was cast.

To satisfy the court, affidavits from two independent lawyers stating that the legal implications had been fully explained to the applicant had to be produced, and the judge had to be satisfied that there was a proper case for the order to be handed down and that the applicant was not being coerced. The obtaining of the affidavits was not a problem; the application, however, might have run into trouble in satisfying the judge regarding the suitability of the case. My lawyer friend, however, had handled similar cases and had the ear of a judge who was compliant in such matters. Jason went ahead with the application and the outcome of a court hearing lasting no more than twenty minutes, was that he became my slave in law. In addition, as his owner, I became the outright possessor of his not inconsiderable estate. That that aspect had been properly been explained to him, I found difficult to believe, but who the fuck was I to complain? I perhaps should explain that, at the time the age at which an offender might be tried as an adult had been reduced to sixteen, and the age of majority for young persons in relation to contractual matters had been reduced to eighteen. Jason, at nineteen, was therefore free to enter into an application for a VOSE. The age at which persons were allowed to buy liquor and enter bars remained ironically at twenty-one. That was the Christian South for you.

I transferred to another college and registered myself as a slave-owning student. By now I had had Jason, renamed Buttons, forcibly as it turned out, attend a full-blown training course for new slaves at the firm Induction and Orientation Enterprises in nearby Ravenswood, the self-same firm which I had used previously for Binky, knowing full well that he would return in a much altered and cowed state. While in their hands I had instructed that he be shaved, pierced, ringed and collared, and I had provided them with a simple slave uniform, which I had picked up at a slaves' supplies store, in which he was to be garbed when returned to college. In his absence I had arranged for him to be bedded in one of the slave dorms, which was obligatory for slaves on campus. Naturally his study courses were not renewed and, when I personally did not require his services, I permitted his use by other students in the dorm for errand-running, etc. For a small fee of course.


About a year later I received a frantic call one evening from my brother Brad who informed me that our parents had been involved in a commuter plane crash while on a visit to the Grand Canyon and had perished. I returned to Sunninghill to attend the funeral and to discuss with my parents' executors the winding up of their affairs. Brad and I had been named joint equal heirs and we thus discussed how we were to go forward. We agreed that we would immediately sell the house, its contents, and the slaves, and Brad intimated that he had no interest in becoming involved in my father's business. I would therefore take over the business as part of my inheritance. Brad wasted little time before he took off in his BMW on what was to be become an extended country-wide road trip. He had apparently made the acquaintance some time before of an attractive eighteen year old boy (who looked like trade to me) who was to become Brad's traveling companion. I returned to college and informed Buttons we would be returning immediately to Sunninghill where we would take up residence. Despite everything that had gone before, I think it was only at that moment that he truly realized what his status had become, a mere chattel in my hands, but I felt no concern as he had not been coerced in any way in applying for the VOSE and the whole matter was a fait accompli. He was now a slave and as far as I was concerned would be treated as such.

I purchased a nice apartment on my return to Sunninghill and, with the guidance of the Managers, assumed control of my father's business. In a very short while I implemented for Buttons a rather severe regimen much along the lines of that I had imposed on Binky, and I am pleased to say that, after some disciplinary measures applied by the local Slave Police, he responded well and ultimately turned out to be an adequate replacement for Binky.


On a Saturday morning some months later I went into town accompanied by Buttons and ran into my old acquaintance Kenny Anderson, the owner of Slaves R Us. We chatted and he wished me well in taking over from my father. That evening I was surprised to receive a call from Kenny who said he had been impressed with Buttons and asked whether he was gay. I confirmed that he was and Kenny informed me he had a client who was interested in purchasing a young blond slave who was gay and fully trained. He made me a very generous offer for Buttons and informed me that, if I was concerned about obtaining a replacement, he could assure me that at the next auction at Slaves R Us there would be a batch of top-rate young stock on offer, and that at the prices that were expected to be obtained, I could turn a tidy profit on the whole deal. He would require an answer by the following Monday.

I mulled over the matter over the weekend. Although I was happy with Buttons, the offer that Kenny had made was more than generous and I rationalized that I could always obtain a replacement, and if that replacement turned out to be unsatisfactory, there was always the opportunity to have it replaced in turn. There was after all no shortage of young desirable slaves available. On the Monday morning I called Kenny and informed him I had decided to accept his offer and arranged to visit Slaves r Us to conclude the deal. He informed me that he would arrange for two of his handlers to visit my apartment early the following morning to take Buttons into their custody.


Next: Chapter 4

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