A Deep But Unequal Relationship

By Gavin Mcinnis

Published on Feb 11, 2016



I had been waiting all day for him to come home to celebrate. We had been living together for over a year, and had been together for the past three. It started as purely sexual- he was my neighbor and as I became more aware of sex, I couldn't stop thinking about him. I would jerk off non-stop to him. As I got older we would casually run into each other- saying almost nothing, but me wanting it to spiral into sex and love. I decided to ask neighbors if I could mow their lawns for money- almost entirely as a pretext for talking to him. Going up to his door was so anxiety inducing- me wanting him to pull out his dick, but worrying he would say no or be angry. He seemed amused- which I made sexual in my mind. When I would go mow his lawn, I'd always do push ups before and go through all the possible ways things would turn sexual. The most that ever happened though, was him taking a shower and me looking a bit too much through the window. When he paid me he had a smirk and told me he could take care of his yard from now on.... which felt embarrassing and devastating to lose my best interaction with him. But then he asked how old I was. When I told him 17, he said "cool- 18 is a big year- you can do a lot more then." Then he told me he's around and I shouldn't be a stranger.

I took this a million ways, but mostly that he wanted a relationship with me the minute I turned 18. I went off to college before then, but thought a lot about him. Over Christmas I tried to watch his house, hoping he'd be out and I could run into him, but he seemed to be out of town. Same with Spring Break. I sort of put it all in the back of my mind, but hotly anticipated that things would be different during the summer. They mostly weren't until July fourth. He came to my parent's bbq and I kept trying to not stare. He caught me staring twice though, and I was really embarrassed.

Later he seemed to have left and I was planning how I would see him in a way that I could talk to him, when he suddenly grabbed my arm when I was in the kitchen.

"How are you Mike?" He asked- and a smirk crept across his face as he waited for my answer. "Good, just working and saving the money."

He sat there and stared- his smirk softening like he was turning to more stoic emotions.

"I told you to come see me when you turned 18- why didn't you?"

I was stunned- this was clearly a come on- not far from my fantasies, but I didn't know how to respond to make him happy.

"I wanted to over Christmas, but I never saw you home." He stared at me like this wasn't enough. "Same with Spring Break- I wanted to stop by but didn't look like you were home."

He laughed and smiled "You've been paying attention then? That's good. But you should have come to the door- stop being shy with me." The smile disappeared and his stare was back. Assertive and dominant and not terribly patient- it made me feel I needed to make things better. He seemed to know this and enjoyed that I didn't know what to do.

I just looked at him and said "I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"Well you know now."

He smiled slightly and walked towards the front of the house. At the front door he turned and said curtly "what are you waiting for?"

I was stunned, but looked out the window at my parents in the backyard and then stared at him and started walking. I followed him to his house and as soon as I entered he reached down and grabbed my ass under my underwear- thick middle finger rubbing and pushing as his mouth covered mine. It all happened quickly - him pushing me down to swallow his dick, him turning me around and grabbing me around my stomach while his huge cock head pushed at my hole, him pushing it in past my loudness and him fucking me hard and fast and roughly while his arms alternated between grabbing my shoulders and squeezing my torso.

He came inside me- and then I felt his full weight. He just hung on my with his huge body- the tension released with his cum inside me. I struggled to hold us both up and eventually he lifted slightly. His mouth went on my neck and he playfully ran his teeth over my skin repeatedly.

Then he pushed off of me and his dick plopped out. I felt cum ooze down my leg as he walked off.

I heard him turn on the shower and get in. I decided to join him, but he told me to wait. I just stood there watching him - thick and beautiful - with my dick hard as concrete. I started to stroke and he snapped "hey- that's not yours to touch!" I released and stared at him and he opened the shower door. "If you want to get off, it's using my dick... suck it and I'll put it back in you. May take a while, but it'll happen." I kneeled down and started to blow him and his dick swelled again as he breathed out sighs. "That's right- and you'll always be horny and ready." I kept blowing him. "I'll want to use you at least twice a day. Sometimes a lot more than that. If you're getting yourself off, you won't want my dick in your ass that often- so this is a good thing- we're both going to cum as often as we need to." I was so turned on and was pushing his dick further and further back in my throat- but I didn't get his comment that we'd both cum as often as we need to.

He grabbed my neck said "oh that's it" and slid his dick all the way down my throat. I pushed back, but he held me still with his large dense hands. "Don't move... don't move... Relax and you'll make me very happy... Keep it there... Hold on... " I stopped struggling and just stayed still while his hugely thick penis throbbed inside my throat. "Gooooood" he said, slowly releasing his firm grip. I stayed still for a second longer and he pulled my head back and looked down at me. "That makes me feel really good, so you're going to learn to do that more and better." He added "Making my dick happy is your primary goal in life right now." He looked at the wall and grabbed some shampoo and said "speaking of- turn around so I can pound you again."

He poured shampoo all over his hand and coated his cock, then used the excess to poke inside me. "God I love a tight fucking virgin." He laughed as he slid his fingers out and put his slimy cock head at my hole "I love fucking a tight virgin hole." He seemed pleased by his wordplay, but went silent and slammed his thick cock inside me. It went in slickly, and stretched me like crazy. He started pounding me and pushed me up against the shower wall. After a bit I reached down and started to stroke my wildly hard cock and he smacked the top of my head "No! I told you- you'll cum as often as you need to. Don't touch your dick!"

He continued his fucking, but seemed a bit angry with me. His body was all over me a minute ago, but now it was his thick cock inside me, his crotch slamming into my ass, and his hands pulling my hips back and forth. I was thinking about why I wouldn't touch my dick and how I would cum without that. He kept pounding away and then sped up, and held it there and shot inside me. He stayed still for a minute then slid my hips forward as his dick popped out. He went right back to showering and I turned around. "Wait outside until I'm done."

I got out and waited- again large amounts of cum slid down my leg as I waited.

I was a bit uncertain of what to think or how to act, but he looked so comfortable and unconcerned in the shower- and My mostly hard dick went fully erect watching his dick go from hard to soft. It was really thick, and I liked that a lot.

He got out of the shower and put his hand out- I understood he wanted his towel and I gave it to him and got in. "Be quick and then come see me." I washed up while looking at him leave the room and turned off the water. The only towel was a hand one, so I used it to dry off as best I could. My dick was still raging hard, but I didn't dare touch it. I left and looked for him and he was in the kitchen in his towel.

"That was good, but you'll get better. Any questions for me?" He looked at me stoicly "If you have questions- ask- it's the best way to learn how to make me happy."

I looked in his eyes and decided to let him lead me. "Why can't I touch my dick?" I asked calmly. "I thought you said I'd come."

He stared at me and kept eating. "If your body needs to cum- it can cum from me fucking you."

This didn't make sense- "Really?"

"Yes- but not if you're getting off with your dick. And not often. But that's how it needs to be. It keeps you as horny as my- I mean look at your dick!" He laughed at my erection- which made me feel comfortable like we were friends.

"If you got off earlier- you'd be satisfied. If you were- you'd start thinking about how rough I was with your ass- I'm not gentle and I'm not going to be gentle. As it is- you're horny, so you're willing to put your ass through hell- just for the off chance that you'll be able to cum from me fucking you. And that's what we need- I cum two to twenty times a day- your ass is always open when I need it. Your blue balls ensure you'll give me your ass- so they need to stay blue. If it's too much, you'll cum from my slamming into your prostate."

I tried to take this in, but I had no idea what my prostate was or how this would work, or frankly if he was being serious or just conning me into being a total whore for him. He just kept eating and staring at my face and my dick.

"I mean- looks like you're ready to get fucked again now. Get over here and turn around."

I don't know why, but I felt good walking over to him. He turned me around and slid a wet finger in as I leaned forward on the counter. Then came his dick. Unlike when he was distant in for the last part of the shower, his body was heavy all over me again- which made me feel like he was happy with me which I loved. He slowed his fucking down and ground his dick on the bottom deeply.

"That's your prostate." He said as my body reacted. "Yeah- yours is sensitive- you'll get used to this." He then picked up the pace and his full body was slamming into mine. I focused on my prostate feeling an orgasm coming on. I started to grunt as he picked up the speed. I could feel it building as he slammed hard and stayed there three times. The last time he didn't move and I felt cum shoot inside me. I knew if I could even just touch my dick to the counter I would shoot, but I couldn't reach it. He pulled back and my prostate lost pressure. I was still hard as a rock, but the orgasm stalled and then slowly started to go away.

"Ugh- that was better- you're getting the hang of it."

"I was really close"

"Yeah I'm sure- but I'm glad you didn't. You still need to go home and explain where you went to your family. If you came, you'd be thinking clearly and would decide to not come back. Now - you'll do anything I tell you to. Perfect training mode for me to mold you into someone focused on my dick."

I realized I was in a different mind space and needed to get home and tell my parents I went for a walk or whatever.

"Don't worry about anything- tell your parents you came here and I made you my wife and you'll be happy. Make me breakfast and clean the house and pay me rent and get me off over and over and over. That'll make you happy. If you're too scared, just tell them whatever and come back tonight and let me fuck you some more. All the same to me. My only command is that you not touch your dick at all. If you do, I'll be able to tell and I will reject you. You're here on my terms -and I expect to mold you into what I need to satisfy my dick."

I got dressed and left. The day was a blur- my parents didn't even ask where I went, but I kept thinking about it all. I had an erection that went from half hard to fully hard the entire day. At 7 I went back to his house. He took off my clothes and my erection was ridiculous. "Good boy- let's get to fucking."

From that point on I learned what he liked. Eventually I told my parents that we were dating and they took it terribly, but I was in such a constant state of horniness that nothing else mattered. When I told him he smiled and said "good- now nothing will keep my dick out of your hole." And it made me feel really great. I ended up coming from getting fucked, but it took a long while, and while it was great, it was true that I noticed how rough my ass felt only after coming. Blue balls really did help me always stay ready for him. And his sex drive was absurd. I was fucked at least once every morning (then he'd hop in the shower as I cooked steak and eggs for breakfast), and at least once every night (usually as soon as he got home from work- without a word before he fucked me, and usually at night before he fell asleep, often with his dick still inside me).

So this has been going on for a long time, and I love him so much. And today the supreme court ruled for marriage equality- and I am really excited for him to come home.

I hear the garage open and in he walks- he looks stressed, so I go into making him happy mode- a fuck on the couch and boy is it rough today. Usually we talk after- he'll ask me what I made for dinner, usually a steak- but today he just went to his room. I walk in and he looks up from the bed "dinner ready?"

"Yeah- steak again- which should make you happy!" I wanted to get him talking.

"Steak is great for getting me horny- you must be dying for another good fuck" he says as a smile goes across his face.

I smiled back at him- knowing he loved it when I'm horny. He walked over to me, reached behind me and shoved two fingers inside me roughly. He growled "Dinner will have to wait" and spun me around. He was quick and intense getting in, but kept holding off on cumming- everytime he came close (I knew him well enough to know the signs) he'd pause and slow down. After work sex was usually silent and standard- he needs to let off steam after work, but it became clear he wanted this to last in way like our morning sex on the weekends or bedtime sex. We went at it for about forty minutes before he finished. He started walking to the bathroom and said "Now how about you go and make me a new dinner?"

I went to the kitchen and got things ready. It was rushed and ad hoc, but when he came in there was a good spread. I would always wait for him to invite me to eat, and it took a longer time than usual. He actually finished his steak, and cut half of my smaller steak and ate that. When he finished he stood up and pulled down his pants "before you eat dinner- suck me off."

I didn't get what the deal was tonight- I guessed he was excited about the supreme court also, and wanted our relationship dynamic -him leading and me pleasing- to be amplified. It was really doing it for me, so I was happy to suck him off before eating. Usually I swallow his cum, but he pulled out and shot gobby loads all over my face before shoving his thick dick back in. He smeared it with his stomach and then pulled out and walked to his room (we share it, but it's his house and his kitchen and his room- he's adamant that he is the man of the house).

I ate what was left for me with a raging erection, hoping he's want to fuck me again so I'd have the chance for relief. I cleaned the kitchen and then joined him on the couch where he was watching tv. I sat next to him and put my arm on his torso and my head on his shoulder. It was the news- supreme court decision and celebration. It made me happy, because I wouldn't have to bring it up now that he probably would.

"What do you think of that?"

"I think it's great!" I answered.


We sat and watched it for a while.

"You think I should get married?" He asked.

I thought this was a funny way to ask it- why not ask if "we" should get married?

"I think you'd make a great husband." I answered.

He laughed and looked at me. "You think I'd marry you?" Silence. "You're already totally committed to me and pay me rent and let me fuck you whenever. If I get married it'll be to someone that finished college and has a good job and respect. You can't even see your parents anymore because you're my full time butt boy."

I was stunned. He looked at the TV and then gave me a squeeze around my shoulders. "I mean- glad you're here for me, but you know I'd need more."

So here I was- didn't finish college and humiliated by my parents that lived nine houses away- decent job, but most of it goes to pay him rent and buy groceries I make for him- I spend all day pleasing him, and he doesn't think our relationship is real. Maybe it isn't- how could I have deluded myself that it was?

He could sense something was up- "hey man- I appreciate all you do for me. And I know you love me, and I'm really glad about that. You wouldn't be willing to do all this for me if you didn't love me. But I'm a man that is just using you to get what I want- and let's be honest that this feels good to you too."

He paused then said "and maybe you got the better deal out of it- you're in love so deeply you're giving me everything. That's something special." He squeezed my shoulders again and turned back to the TV. "If I get married though- you'll still be here. Serving me and my husband- good thing you've been trained to not touch your dick from the beginning ha! It may be brutal.... and who knows- maybe after a couple of years we'll want a tighter hole and then you can go and get married also. I'd want you to find something long term also."

This was all sinking in slowly. It all made sense though. And to be honest, it is exactly why he turned me on. Kind, but indifferent. His needs and wants filled both of our lives. His hunger ran everything and I found that so sexy. That he'd want to use me just for him and then leave me when he's done may not be a good relationship, but my dick could have exploded. I could see his was growing as well.

I leaned forward and pulled it out and slid it in my mouth. "There we go- back to what matters." He tilted his head back and I kept a good rhythm. After a bit I moved on top of him and slid my ass around it- it felt so good to me and his face confirmed it did to him also.

As I bobbed up and down, I told him "I love you- all I want is to make you happy- if that means sex and food and housework and letting you marry someone else, then that's what I'll do. I'm here for you. To use however you want." We were both rushing towards a strong orgasm. "I'll be here for you to use as often and however you want- for your husband too- and the only thing I care" it was ramping up "about is getting" orgasm approaching fast "you" he's breathing really heavy and I'm having to clench to stop my orgams "off" Splooge is flooding my ass and my hole clenches as I shoot also. I'm still concentrating on him though, so while I want to stay still I ride my clenched hole up and down his shaft as his cock sprays my insides. He loves when my hole is tight, especially involuntarily, so I am making it as good for him as I can.

Eventually we calm down and he is breathing heavy. I focus my attention on his nipples that are always sensitive after orgasm, though he rarely likes me to touch them without him telling me to. I just scoop up my cum off of them and put it into my mouth and then lick each nipple to clean them off.

Now that he's happy, I'm happy. My life may not be great- working hard to pay him and cook for him (and take him out to eat) and focusing all my sexual energy on his wants and all of my emotional energy on his mood. But it is making his life pretty great, so it makes me happy also.

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