A Dear Friends' Memory

By deepak salwan

Published on Jan 25, 2005



The following short story is entirely a work of fiction. Wish I had friend like that, (who didn't die)! Thank You for choosing to read my story and please reply how did you like or not like my story at bubbles150285@yahoo.com . Thanks.

I was in the hostel for the entire school life, in India, being just about 12 years, as my parents were settled in Dubai, but wanted me to receive education in India only, at least till my high school level. So, for that purpose, I was admitted in one of the best boarding schools (residential schools) from the very beginning.

This story relates to my school life, though not fully, because it takes place during my last year of secondary school, in India, being the twelfth standard/grade.

In my school, which was an only boys school, the senior students had a choice to choose their roommates, though ragging or bullying of any sort was banned. The final year of my school life began and I got as my room mate, a new student who had joined my prestigious school in eleventh standard, just after high school (In India).

Fortunately, the day he was paying his fees at the counter, I happened to be there, and somehow we got acquainted. I looked like a senior, and he could make out, as, in our school, the uniform showed the class as well due to the badge. Being in a hill station, our uniform was the same year round, and in winters, we got our annual break. The uniform was very hot and handsome, (many of the girls said so, the ones in the surrounding areas.) It was simple, for us guys though (not all actually!); as it consisted of black trousers, white shirt, red and black striped tie, a black blazer, and a black pullover (if someone felt really cold!).

All the guys, looked hot and sensational. Being an all-boys school, there was a lot of liberty as even the teachers were all guys between ages 25 and 45, the oldest being the principal, a retired army colonel, who was from the education dept, being 62. It was real fun.

Coming back to the actual story, I got a junior as my room mate whose name was Rajeshwar Singhania, a very rich boy, very hot to look at, stood tall at 6 ft., the same as me, very fair, brown hair and had a stubble, he liked keeping it, that's what he told me. At first, he was really subdued, being a junior, but we hit off really well and became the best of friends. He was so loving, that everyone in my group treated him as a "buddy" and not as a junior.

I was really attracted to him, but didn't have the guts to even make a pass at him. He, being straight as he was, would be in the room wrapped in a towel before the shower and also come out in his cute undies, not realizing at all what would be on in his room mates' mind. We were great friends and I did a lot to help him academically. He had been a bit late in joining, so I got him the notes from my junior friends, and also gave him the old question papers and my previous years' notes. He was very thankful to me and always respected and loved me.

That year went by, the examinations were over, both of us, surprisingly stood first, in each of our classes, and the time came for me to leave.

We both were very informal, as we used to jack off in the room, without making a big hue and cry about it, mostly all guys would, when you didn't get girls easily. But, we never crossed the limits into a gay relation, barring a hug or maximum a kiss, that too when things were out of control. We both loved it and loved our relationship.

The term got over, and he had to leave, as our school did not have a degree college affiliation. The day he was to leave, I went to the bathroom, before he was packing up, and picked up his cum-stained frenchie brief, as a memoir, and wrapped it up in paper and packed it with my stuff. And to avoid suspicion, kept mine of the same color, and cum stained as well. I took a whiff and it smelt of my dear buddy, which made me hot and hard. I got back to my bed, locked the room door, and had an awesome cum shot into my new brief. It filled me with immense pleasure, but I had to hurry up and make things look as normal, before Rajeshwar came back in.

All my stuff was packed, barring my new suit, which I had bought for the farewell party that night. Both of us got ready, as he was a year junior than me, in India, the junior class gives a farewell party to the senior class, generally after the exam and the result. He looked awesome in his navy-blue suit, and I wore a black suit. Before we left for the party, he complemented me that I looked very hot!! And so did I, he blushed on my saying so.

The party was great. We had lots of fun. All the friends were parting the next day, so we had a big session of photographs and autographs later that night and ended the party with lots of dance and fun.

That night, Rajeshwar thanked me a lot, for which I felt so touched and then, he hugged me and promised to be my best friend, always. We remained in contact for the next three years, but then unfortunately, he was killed in an air-crash of an Air India plane later when he was flying form Zurich to Bombay, (He was in Switzerland, because he had got admission in one of the Hotel Management Schools and was pursuing a five year specialization course)

I was deeply hurt at his death, but luckily, had a few memoirs of his, because of which he would always remain with me & in my heart. ( My autograph diary and his awesome underwear)

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