A Day with Aaron

By chad

Published on Jul 9, 2011


This is totally fiction story written from the eyes of an 18 Year old guy. Sorry, I am not Aaron, but you?ll never know if some of this is true.

My Name is Aaron, I am an 18 year old guy that is bi, but not really out. I have an older brother named Austin, who is also gay. I am an outgoing guy and like to have a good time. So anyways, growing up in a rural town, you really can?t flaunt that you like guys, but once you find some gay ones, you then can have fun.

Still living at home, I wasn?t working and just graduated from High School. It was Saturday morning and I slept in because honestly I had nothing to do that day. I get up around 11 and hear Mom talking to someone out in the living room about painting the house. I walked out shirtless and the guy was older, but he just froze when he saw me. He had lost his thought, but recovered quickly. My mom was like, Aaron, go put some clothes on. Me being seen naked around the house is not new. She is used to seeing my cock as I don?t hide it. So anyways, I walked back to the bathroom and left the door open and took a piss. She screamed at me and said, Damn it, close the door. The poor guy was really lost in his words, but my mom started talking, giving him more time to recover. So I go back to my room and got dressed putting on my sleeveless shirt and go back out there and just sat on the couch listening to them. She was trying to pick out a color with him and it was painfully boring. Finally they get done and he leaves. Mom was like, you are awful. I just laughed and said, he was gay. She goes, yeah probably so because he was interested in what he saw. I just laughed and said, who wouldn?t be? She just rolled her eyes.

I took off to my buddies house to go see what trouble I could find. I get there and they were going fucking fishing. I was like, it?s hot and don?t really want to go. But hey, I went. They had beer and I like to drink it so I went. So we get there and all stripped our shirts off. 3 hot guys, tanned, tone and shirtless. They didn?t know I swung the other way sometimes, but I was about to be discovered. So we are fishing and catching a few catfish in the pond. They weren?t really biting, but it was fun. So after a couple of hours, David jumped into the water and me and Tommy were like, fuck yeah. So we jumped in. The damn water was cold too. It felt great cooling down from the heat. We messed around and horse played with each other for a while and had fun. We finally got out and I was like fuck, now my clothes are all wet. So I started stripping and David was like, what the fuck? I am like, what? So I Stripped and hung my shorts and underwear over the truck to dry. Yes, My dick was semi hard, but who cares. They both said, ok and stripped. I was like, oh yeah. Damn, both had great bodies and nice cocks. I was like, dude, you have it hanging to Tommy. He just laughed and said, quit staring fag. I was like, shut up asshole. So we are sitting the pier naked and laughing. David goes, damn this feels good and laughed. David looked at me and was like, why are u so fucking hard. I just laughed and said, the sun light makes it go up. David goes, stand up Aaron. I was like, hmm why? David goes, do it dude, please. So I stood up and my dick was pointing straight out. Both laughed and David goes, dude, your hung aren?t you? I responded with yeah, now let?s see yours hard. David goes, I ain?t scared and started jerking his cock. Tommy was like, ok dudes, this is gay, what the fuck are you guys doing? David goes, just fucking around. David was looking hot while pumping his cock and getting hard. Tommy goes, damn, your hung too buddy. He goes, sorry guys I can?t get hard with guys.

I was like, ok Let me make you hard. He just looked at me and goes, how? I am like, I will jerk you off and make you cum all over yourself. He goes, huh? You are joking right Aaron? David goes, let him do it, come on dude. Tommy just looks at him and goes, I don?t know dudes. I just moved over to him and said, let me try and touched his cock. He jumped and said, omg fuck, you are touching me. I just laughed and said, relax and lay back. I didn?t think he would do it, but all of sudden he just laid back and said make me cum. I kept jerking Tommy and David was jerking his cock while watching. Tommy?s eyes were closed so I took it to the next step. I bent down and took his cock in my mouth. David saw me going down towards it and he was like oh shit and Tommy about freaked when he felt my mouth on his cock. He was like, Holy FUCK dude. But he didn?t? stop me, he was like oh man, oh man. David was jerking like crazy liking what he saw. I kept on sucking Tommy and he was thrusting his cock into my mouth. I have always wanted to suck him and I was really into it. I reached up and touched one of his nipples and he grabbed my hand and pressed it down on his nipple. He goes, you?re a little slut. After a few more minutes, he goes, ok, ok ok. It?s going to bust. I sucked faster and he was yelling, get off of it. I just kept going and he came so fucking hard. I swallowed every drop of his cum. He was moaned so loud when he came. I came off of his cock and looked at David and he had cum all over himself. He had cum at the same time that Tommy did. Both were like, fuck. I asked, you guys ok? Both nodded their heads. I said, I have to cum now. I jerked off while they watched me. It was totally awesome having an audience. I didn?t last long and busted my nut quickly. We all laughed and jumped back into the water. Tommy goes, dude, I knew you were gay. I just laughed and said, well I ain?t totally gay cause I will fuck any pussy I see.

We get back home and I was freaking tired. I took a shower and went to lay on my bed. As I was laying, there, Austin?s boyfriend comes in.

End of Chapter 1.

chadh4200@yahoo is my email. Let me know if you like it and if you want more.

Next: Chapter 2

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