A Day Out With Students

By Aussie Teacher

Published on Apr 2, 2007



This story is totally fictitious. All characters and events are pure fantasy. The idea of this story came about after an exercise in 'creative writing' with a class of college students. They were each asked to submit a short story about 'romance' and I was to then take interesting parts from many and they were to try and come up with a compete story idea. As things turned out their stories were rather simplistic, so we had nothing to work with. Last weekend a few of the more 'adventurous' students visited and told me about a few ideas they had, and wanted me to try and write a story along those lines. This story is the result, and I hope you enjoy it.

As a foreigner, trying to get Japanese students to speak English in class, it can be a very hard and aggravating job at times, but one that you have to persevere with if you are to succeed. There are many things we try from telling jokes, to letting them watch a DVD on the pretence of improving their listening skills. But one way that came across without warning was when chatting to one of my students on an Internet chat program.

As she seemed to be quite good with English when she typed, and certainly seemed to understand my comments and she replied fast, I began a conversation with her about what she had done during the last holiday period. I was surprised at first in the way she just 'blurted out' about how she had worked in a massage establishment.

"But I only worked on the door and let people come in and say hello to them, I did not do any massage!" she stated when I quizzed her more about her part-time job.

We talked some more, and as she spoke freely about such things as massages, I also let my guard down and said some things that maybe I should not have said to one of my students, even though she was about 21 or 22 years old. In class the next day nothing seemed out of place and I was not even sure which girl it had been as I was very new there, and with so many students, it was hard to remember one face and which name it belonged to. It was not until the end of the lesson that I discovered that she was actually in my class in the next room.

"Hello Teacher, I'm Tracey!" she spoke as I left my class.

I was in a bit of a hurry to go home, but as she was kind enough to come and talk, I thought it best that I stay, even if it meant missing my bus. We spoke for a time and her two friends just stood and listened. As I was about to leave Tracy asked if I wanted to go with them to a local lake to look around the following Saturday. I had no plans as my wife was still in another part of the country, as she had work commitments to complete, and she would not join me for a few more months.

"Yeah, sure Tracy, it would be nice to go with you and look around!" I replied.

The next day she was online again and she asked if I had meant it when I said I would go, and after telling her I would, I asked who else was going. I was sure that it would be just some of the girls, as most of the time the boys will not go anywhere that they can be seen with the girls, unless they are boy and girlfriends. She surprised me when she said it was just to be her and John, another student from the class, and I then regretted saying yes. Why did I regret it? Because I was sure it would be boring as they would just be talking to each other in their native tongue and I would be along as the 'token' offering for them to show they have a foreign friend. I was wrong.

Tracy met me at the gate to the school I was living at as had been arranged, but there was no other person with her. I was not totally shocked that she was alone because my wife, who was also Japanese, had said sometimes college girls get a crush on their foreign teacher and will do anything to be alone with them and try to see how much they can do or get away with. She had even told me of times when some, not many but a few, would even just pretend to be nice and then later demand money or else they would say they were raped.

I was about to ask where 'John' was, but before I could, she called him on her phone and then explained that he was waiting at the lake. I felt a little better, but still expected the worst, until we walked around the corner and she waved to another girl, and then said it was a friend of hers (Nancy) who would join us for the day. I felt a little better. We caught the bus and when we arrived at the lake we found John waiting for us, and I knew I had been worried over nothing.

We walked around and looked at the sights and when it was time we went to a restaurant and had some lunch. Nancy was very quiet and hardly spoke a word, but when I asked her if she was shy, scared or did not understand me, she explained that she was not feeling well due to i®womeni¯s problemsi¯, and after making her apologies she went home. The three of us then went into town and looked around for a few hours, and when I asked what they were going to do, they said they would just 'hang out' as it was too far to go home, and they had plans of going to a bar that night for a few drinks.

I suggested they could come back to my school where I lived (I work in two places and live at the opposite one to where they study), and we could talk some more or they could watch TV while I surfed the net. They agreed and said it would be better if they could come with me, as they needed to rest. As most young people, they did not want to go to the bar too early, so they asked if I would join them for supper nearby. I asked them to take me to a local restaurant, as I wanted to see what foods they had, and as I did not speak the language, it would be nice if they helped me.

After a nice meal and some small talk, we returned across the street to my place so they could wait until another friend called them and was in town. Half an hour later Tracy had a call from her friend Sofia, and after going to the gate they both returned to say goodbye, and collect John and leave. We chatted for a few minutes and just as they were about to leave the skies opened and the rain came pouring down. As it was an unexpected storm, no one had an umbrella, so they waited for it to cease.

For the next few hours the rain kept raging down, and by the time it did ease, and they were prepared to make a dash for the bus, it was too late as the school gates were already locked and the guards had gone home. They were locked in the school. It was lucky I had a two-bedroom apartment, and there was a double bed in one, and two singles in the other.

They resigned themselves to being stuck with their 'old' teacher for the night, but soon they relaxed and were talking rather freely, although they did revert to their own language a few times when they wanted to talk about me. I made a joke about how one of the girls would have to sleep with me, as I was not going to sleep with a boy, and they laughed.

"But Sofia and I are lesbians, we want to sleep together!" Tracy joked.

"Hey, I am not Gay, I'm not going to sleep with him!" I laughed back at her.

It seemed that the 'ice' had been broken, and the barriers between teacher and students had come tumbling down. From that comment they began to talk about many things and soon even sex was no longer a taboo subject. Well, that is for all but Sofia, who did not seem to understand what we spoke about, and the others had to translate for her. I noticed though that when sex and 'dirty' things were mentioned, she seemed to understand quite well.

The 'teasing and stirring' seemed to become more frequent, and 'normal' talk seemed to wane. Soon they were talking freely about sex, and also asking me about western culture regarding sex amongst young people. I slowly began to open up and speak more, trying to be open and honest about things. Soon we were chatting about all things relating to sex when the boy asked me if I take any pics of girls with their clothes off. He had obviously seen the pic of my wife on my screen when I had turned the computer on earlier, and had finally decided to ask about it.

After much 'beating around the bush' from him, he came out and asked directly. After admitting that I had taken pics of many girls over the years, in all states of dress and undress, he asked who the sexy girl was on my screen he had seen before I changed it.

"Why, do you think she is sexy and you want to fuck her if she is a friend of mine?" I joked with him.

i°Yes, she looked very sexy and I would really like to see more of her if you can let me see please," he replied nervously.

"Well, I do know her very well, and I do have many more pics of her, but can only show you 'artistic' ones like the one you apparently saw before, as it would not be right to show other more 'ruder ones' than those!" I replied.

"Oh, that is nice. I can see naked and sex ones on Internet if I want, but just think that pic very nice. I like how it not show much because it make me feel very hard," he said, before he realised what he had just said.

"So, you think my wife is sexy and seeing her makes your cock get hard do you?" I tried to say back in an angry tone.

"Sorry, not mean that! I, ah, I not mean hard, I mean make me very happy to see such nice pics!" he mumbled as he tried to cover his error.

After telling him I was not really angry, and how I had been joking with him, I explained how I took many pics of my wife to practice my skills with the camera and different settings. The girls joined in and asked could they see the pic we were talking about, and as it was just my wife in a very skimpy Thong bikini, I could not see the harm. As I picked the laptop up and was about to search for the pic, they all came over to watch what I was opening.

"Hey! Sorry, but I have many pics on here of other people as well as my wife, and some are very naughty. You will have to move back and let me find the ones that I can show you!" I said as I stopped my search.

"Ok, but why can't we just see them all?" Tracy asked.

"Because I can't show you pics of other people without first asking them, and there are many very rude ones of my wife, as well as close sex pics of her that I can't show you as that would be very bad if I did!" I told them.

They seemed to accept this and soon moved away until I called them back to look at the ones I found. I explained that there were many like these that were ok to show as my wife had given me permission to show. Even a few of her totally or partially naked she was happy to have people to see, as they were artistically done, and mainly just showed she was naked, but did not expose any of her 'private' parts.

First they saw the ones taken a year ago when I took my wife to Australia and she was able to first wear the thong in public. I explained that back there it was 'normal' and not like the way they were forbidden to show so much skin. Next I showed a few I had taken in our travels, and my wife had stripped and posed in 'almost' revealing poses in remote bush setting like the one where she stood behind a tree that had a large "V". You could see she had nothing on as a little of her hips were showing, but not her pussy, and her tits were almost hidden by the "V' of the trunk.

By the time I thought there were no more I could show after the next one, I was surprised when one of the girls, as well as the boy, asked if they could see more of her as they thought she looked so sexy, and the pictures were not rude, but more like art. This surprised me as well as made me happy that they seemed genuinely interested in the 'artistic' values of my pics. I decided on two or three more pics, even though they showed 'more' of my wife, but even she thought they were very good ones, and not pornographic.

The first was of her naked, laying on a bed face down, but with her hands propping up her chin. After all three said how beautiful it looked, I opened the next which was taken in a similar fashion, but this time she was slightly on her side with one hand propping her head up, and one breast exposed.

"Wow! That is so beautiful!" John stated. "Even if I can see her tit, it does not matter because it is such a nice pic. It looks like some in the photography books I like to look at!" he added to my surprise.

"So you are not just saying that so you can see a woman's tits?" I laughed.

"No! I mean, well, yes I like to look at womani¯s body, but I can see many on Internet. But your pics look like really professional ones and not like dirty ones on Internet. I think you are very artistic," he tried to explain.

After thanking him for his nice words the two girls also said how much they liked the pics and asked to see more. Finally I showed the last one I thought I could legally call art. It was a close up of my wife on the same bed. The pillow had a nice floral arrangement and her hair was tied back and she had her eyes closed as though she were asleep. You could see just her serene face and her right breast. With her large and firm Japanese nipple, it looked really great, but innocent; even I was proud of that one.

They all seemed agog when they saw it, and even I took a long time before I stopped looking, but my reasons were because I was lonely and missing her, and theirs was because they enjoyed the pic. Finally I put the computer aside and we started to talk again, but they kept asking to see more pics, and when I said the rest were naughty; they still persisted and said it did not matter. After much deliberation they seemed to settle and we spoke normally once more.

Things seemed to settle until a short time later when I had gotten up to get a coffee. As I came back out I thought I saw one of the girls move suddenly away from where my computer was, but I was not totally sure. About ten minutes later I made an excuse and said I needed the toilet, but in fact it was a 'ruse'. Once I had pulled the door shut behind me, I quietly opened it again and peeked down the hallway. I had been right! Now the boy and one of the girls were looking at my computer and I could see they were clicking through files. I wanted to rush right out but knew I had to wait a moment. After about one or two minutes I flushed the toilet and made sure they heard me coming before I walked back as though I had not seen anything.

When I arrived back and took my seat I pretended as though nothing had happened, but was curious to see what they had been able to find, if they had actually found anything in my maze of folders and subfolders. Almost five minutes later I heard the 'beep beep' sound, alerting me that someone had sent me a message on the chat program I spoke to students. I picked up my laptop and was surprised when I saw that they had not closed the pic they had been viewing. It was a full frontal pic of my wife and I in the nude that I had taken with the self-timer setting.

Being curious students as they all are, the three of them had jumped up to see if it was a classmate that was chatting, and we all were looking at the pic around the same time. It took a split second before I turned to see their very red faces, as they knew they had been detected in 'peeking' through my files.

"Ah, we, ah, Sorry, we did not mean to do that!" John spoke first. "I just wanted to see if you had any more artistic pics I could see!" he tried to cover his actions.

"Yes John, maybe you did, but you know that is very rude of you to go through my files, especially after I told you all I could not show you any more. Remember, I am your teacher! Even though you are all adults, it is still wrong!" I said angrily.

"We are sorry if we have upset you. We will never do that again, we promise," Tracy said as I noticed her eyes were still glued to the pic on the screen.

"So what other pics did you see when I was in the bathroom" I ordered.

"We just had time to see this one and one of your wife. It was the one of her sitting on the bed and she had just a skirt on and no top. You know the one? Her long hair covers her tits so we not see them, really!" John quickly admitted.

"Yes, maybe, but this one shows my wife and I with each other, and you now have seen all of the both of us! Totally naked!" Do you call that artistic as well John?" I grunted, as I looked at all three of them in turn.

"Maybe it is not what some people say is art, but I think it still looks so beautiful!" Tracy said. "It shows a man and a woman who look like they love each other very much. That is not a bad thing is it?" she asked.

"Well, yes, it does show that and we are very much in love. But that is beside the point. What if you found me looking at pics of all of you in the nude? Would you think that was good? Huh?" I admonished them all.

"We don't have any pics like that of us, but I would really like some if they can be as nice as these ones you have taken," Tracy replied.

"Me too! You take very tasteful pics and it would be nice if you could take some of me one day so I can give to my girlfriend. But not when the girls are here because I could not do that!" John added, as he turned red.

"And what about you Sofia? Do you think it was a good thing to do?" I asked, even though I knew she did not have a clue what I had said.

After a few minutes of Tracy translating what we had been saying, Sofia looked shyly at me and nodded her head. I had no idea why or what she was agreeing too, so I asked John to explain.

"Sofia says she will like to have you take her photos also, and she say then maybe you not feel so bad about seeing you and your wife naked," he explained.

From a simple act of curiosity on the studenti¯s part, I now had them asking me to take pictures of them naked for various reasons, as well as for them to say sorry and they thought it would be fair for me to see them nude now. Now I am a normal guy and the thought of seeing these young girls naked was a turn-on, but I also knew this was heading into dangerous grounds. How was I to know that they were not 'setting me up' for a possible lawsuit later?

After trying to explain to them that I had many concerns with the legalities and such, but not with the actual photography, Tracy said it was easy to fix, and all I had to do was have them all sign a piece of paper saying they asked me to take the picture for them. I could not believe how logical these young people were. I gave in and agreed, and then set about typing up a simple 'contract', stating that it was being done at their requests and as a favour with no charges. I also added that I would never reveal the pictures to anyone for profit or gain, and that they would never reveal who took the pics if someone found their copies. They signed the contract and all was agreed.

"So, who is first?" I asked. "Or do you all want to be together when I take them?" I joked.

After their initial shock and demands of having it done singularly, the girls voted that John should go first. The girls sat back down and said they would watch TV, and John sheepishly followed me to the spare bedroom where the pics would be taken. After talking to him for a few minutes about what he wanted, I slowly gave him directions as to possible tasteful poses. I explained how even tough I would see him naked; the camera would not unless he wanted it to.

He took his shirt off first, and after spraying a little water on his chest, I had him pose in a typical 'muscle-man' position, with his elbows out and one hand grasping his opposite wrist. I took a few variations of this in different positions before he was ready to strip down to his jocks. A few more tasteful shots later he said he was ready for the 'big step', and he turned his back to me as he lowered his jocks.

As he bent forward and he lifted one leg out, I could not help myself and I snapped a fast shot of his 'unposed' position. He was startled at first when the flash went off, but after explaining to him how natural it looked, he settled down and wanted to see the image in the display window. He unashamedly rushed over and stood next to me and glared at the view of his own backside and was amazed. It seemed so strange that he would need to turn away to lower them, but here he was standing naked beside me, our bodies lightly touching, and he seemed as though it were natural to do so.

Once he was happy with the result of that pic he said he was ready to have more done. Pose after pose I snapped away, each time waiting for him to position himself so that his penis was not showing, and after every few he would want to see the results. By the time we had done this a few times he was getting more adventurous and was happily asking if he could show some more of his 'body' off. I told him it was his decision, and soon he was acting as though he had been doing this for years.

It was only after a few more 'open' shots that I actually noticed that he was sporting an erection, as most of the time I had been focused on his chest so as to get his muscle tone clear. I was surprised at how he had become so confident, and did not take any notice of his state of arousal. Soon the girls were calling out and telling us to hurry, as they were getting impatient for their turns.

I left the room and told John to dress and I grabbed my computer to download the pics and check them, but then realised that the girls were still there and would probably try to watch. I took it back to the other bedroom and downloaded the pics and then deleted the ones from the camera so it was ready for the next lot. As the settings were on very fine details and that meant the pics were around 4 Megs, I would need all the space possible, as my memory card was only small. By the time I was ready, Tracy was also ready and waiting in the next room. I took the computer with me so the others could not pry, and we were ready to begin.

Thinking Tracy would be more scared than John, I was ready for a longer time before she actually showed much of herself, but I was mistaken. She seemed to be more in a hurry to get them down, or else maybe eager to show her voluptuous body off to me. I was quickly snapping shot after shot as she seemed to know exactly what poses she wanted, and even told me which way she wanted some shots taken, such as just showing the top of her pubic hairs, or else with her face not showing at all. It did not take long before we were done and instead of dressing, she too came over naked and pressed against me as we both viewed the results.

While she dressed I downloaded her pics into another fold and deleted the camera copies. A few moments later when I was ready I looked up and saw Sofia standing at the doorway, and waiting for me.

"Well Sofia, which ways do you want to pose first?" I asked, but she did not fully understand what I had meant.

I called out to Tracy and asked her to come and explain to her what I meant, and after being embarrassed at first, she said a few words to Tracy and she explained what had been said.

"She said it is up to you, and if she does not understand how you want her to pose, then just move her until she is standing the right way. She just wants you to take pics that you think will be very nice!" she explained to me, and then left the room.

For the first few shots I would demonstrate to her how to stand, and then I would step back and snap away. Then I pretended to be taking my shirt off and asked was she ready to do that. She nodded her head and removed her top, and after 'posing' for her, she would get the idea and take that position and I would take a few more shots. Next she slipped her jeans off and by then she had a pretty good idea of the poses that she wanted so it was easier for me to just snap away.

I intimated a few times for her to turn one way or the other, as well as bend a little and just slightly lower her briefs, and she obliged. Next I tried to tell her to just pull her bra down a little so she was only just showing a little flesh, but she misunderstood and pulled it right down.

"No Sofia, not like that, pull it back up!" I laughed.

"You not like my tits?" she almost sobbed.

"No Sofia, you have very nice tits! I just want you to show a little at first!" I tried to explain, but she did not understand.

I walked over and started to pull her bra back up, and she seemed to be upset that I wanted her to cover herself again, but after a few soothing words, and she saw what I meant, she was happy again. Slowly she twisted and turned, this way and that, as she slowly revealed a little more until her bra was fully removed. It was then time for her panties to come down, but once again, I wanted her to do it in a teasing fashion as I thought she had the right 'stuff' that cameras make look even better.

She seemed to know what to do until I tried to explain that I wanted her to pull the front up just enough so it was almost going between her lips, but she misunderstood and pulled them so high they disappeared between them. I shook my head and told her to pull them back down a little, and again she got it wrong and started to pull them off. Again I told her to stop, but this just confused her.

"You show please, I not understand!" she said.

Up until then everything was done in a 'professional' manner. I may have been seeing their naked bodies, but it was all for art; there had been no intentional touching etc, but now I had to go to her and show her how I wanted her to pose. That meant I would have my face close to her tits, and my hands lightly grazing her skin as I positioned her panties. I felt it best to forget that pose, but when I said to not worry, she insisted I help her to pose right.

I took a gentle grip on the sides of her panties and tried to pull them into the spot I wanted, but as they were almost in place she suddenly jerked and her body lowered a fraction and her panties were once again lodged too deep.

I asked her to pull them down again, and once more she pulled them half-way down, and my face was so close that I could not help but look at her neatly trimmed pussy; I let out a light groan.

"Not know how you want. You do for me please," she said as she looked down and caught me staring at her pussy. "You like?" she asked.

I didn't know what to answer so I pretended to misunderstand her, or at least I had, and I just said, ok, I would like to position them. I gingerly began to pull them back up and again she dropped herself a little, as she said my fingers tickled her. I looked at her to make sure she was ok with me touching her like this, and also to let her know I would have to have my fingers very close to her pussy, so as to get the position right. She nodded and said OK, and I gingerly began my task.

As I got the top into position I looked at the "V" and decided on the right spot and slowly slid my finger under, from the top, and worked them down slowly, but making sure they pulled as far away as possible, so I made no contact with her womanhood. When satisfied that they were placed right, I placed her hands at the tops so it looked as though she had just pulled them to there, and I returned to the camera and snapped a few shots off.

Once finished with these shots I instructed her to remove them and then asked her to cover her pussy with one hand and almost cover her tits with the other. After many attempts to get it right, she gave up and said 'show me please', so I once more had to go to her, and this time it would be harder not to touch her delicate, naked flesh.

After an almost struggle to make her hands move to the right spots, I finally had the shots I thought best, and then moved on to a few more angles before finally telling her I was finished. As I plugged the camera into the laptop she also rushed over to see the pics of herself and to see if she liked what I had taken. One after another she 'oooh'ed' as she saw them.

"Oh, so nice!" she mewed until we got to the ones where she was just covering her 'vitals' with her hands. "Ooooh! Look very sexy!" she screamed, before throwing her arms around my neck and hugging me and saying how good they were.

Tracy called out something to her in her language, as she must have heard her scream. Sofia replied in an excited voice, and before I had time to understand what had been said, Tracy and John came rushing through the door, and raced to the computer screen. I had thought she had screamed out something bad, but it seemed she had been so excited with her pics, that she wanted her friend to see it right away, but I didn't think she meant for John to enter as well, because she was still totally naked.

By the time the initial shock left me from her scream, I looked and saw Tracy and Sofia looking intently at her pics, but also John was staring and smiling at Sofia's naked body, live in front of his eyes. His bottom jaw had dropped and his tongue was almost hitting the floor. As he stood there with his eyes bulging, I looked down and saw that his other 'eye' was also enjoying the view. Quietly I moved closer to John and whispered to him that he should leave before Sofia realised he was there. He did as I said, but very slowly, and he almost walked into the wall as his eyes stayed glued on her body.

"Hmmm, Sofia, don't you think you should get some clothes on?" I asked.

Tracy looked and laughed at her friend and then said something to her, before Sofia turned very red. I asked Tracy what she had said, and she just laughed and said she just told Sofia that John had come in as well, and he had seen her naked. Once Sofia got her self together she screamed out at the door, and soon John was standing there with his head down.

She admonished him for some time, but I had no idea what she was saying until he shook his head and walked further into the room and began to take his clothes off.

"What's going on Tracy?" I asked bewildered.

"Sofia is very unset and embarrassed because John has seen her with no clothes. She told him it is only fair that he now take his clothes of so she can see him. John is very scared, but he knows it is right thing to do," she laughed.

Once his clothing was removed, but his hand was covering his cock, he spoke softly to Sofia as he still looked at the floor. She called something back to him and he slowly raised his head and looked straight into her face. Again she said something, and reluctantly he took his hands away from his now erect cock. I almost felt like laughing at seeing his shame, but it made me feel sad for him as well.

The two of them stood motionless as they both looked up and down at each otheri¯s bodies. The only problem was for John, as even though Sofia was naked, and maybe even excited, she did not have anything that showed. On the other hand, John had his cock standing hard and straight in front of him, and she was enjoying the view. I even guessed at that time it maybe was the first 'real' cock she had ever seen. Suddenly it hit me.

"Tracy!" How come you are still here? He did not see you naked!" I laughed as I turned to look at her.

When my eyes saw her I was surprised to see that she had my camera and she was rapidly snapping away at the two naked friends before her.

"Yes Tracy! Now you must take your clothes off because you have seen us both and we have not seen you!" John demanded as my words sunk in.

Reluctantly Tracy agreed. She handed me my camera and then started to remove her clothing so that the others could see here naked as well. Without warning Sofia said something as she pointed to me. Confused I asked John what she said and he told me Sofia wanted pics of Tracy and John standing naked because Tracy had taken pics like that of them. I laughed and nodded to Sofia, as I said Ok. Tracy was mortified, but conceded that she must also do the same.

John moved closer to Tracy and I began clicking away and then through the viewfinder I saw Sofia slowly moving in between, but just behind the pair. I happily took more of the three of them as Tracy looked upset and seemed to be sobbing lightly. Sofia must have sensed she was upset as I saw her hand go down and take Tracy's hand in hers. It looked so natural a thing to do, as well as a very touching, and great pose that I had to take more pics of her kindness.

By now John seemed to have forgotten his embarrassment and he just smiled and posed for the camera. He looked rather proud that he was naked and getting his photo taken with two naked classmates that were both females, and his friends. Tracy seemed to be mumbling something to her friend as she continued to sob, but Sofia seemed to take the initiative and she pulled Tracy's head to her shoulder, as one hand held hers, and the other went around her neck. I was lucky enough to snap the shutter, just as Sofia laid a loving peck on Tracy's brow, before John let out a loud groan and Tracy suddenly screamed and jumped.

I moved the lens back to John and saw the reason. When Sofia tried to sooth Tracy, it was not her full intent. She had tricked Tracy into a false sense of safety, but her hand that held Tracy's had slowly moved it across until she placed it on john's erect cock. Both were shocked, but John seemed to enjoy the shock more then Tracy had. Sofia quickly ducked as Tracy tried to grab her, and before she could get away Tracy lunged again, this time putting them both off balance, as they tumbled to the floor.

John stood and laughed as he watched his two friends hit, with Tracy landing on top of Sofia. Being quick-minded I kept snapping away to record the events so they could all have a good laugh later. What I presumed to be 'foul word of abuse' escaped from Tracy as she tried to pull Sofia's hair out. Sofia kept trying to pull her head away, but was not successful, as Tracy pulled her face up closer to her own, and she was screaming at her friend.

John in the meantime seemed to be enjoying the show more then I thought he realised, as I looked at him and saw his hand slowly rubbing his stiff cock up and down. Meanwhile I resumed snapping away and hoped there was room for more shots.

Finally Tracy seemed to relent with her pursuit of revenge as she stopped tugging at Sofia's hair and she collapsed onto her friend and began laughing. They stayed that way, each with their arms around the others neck, for a few moments before Tracy finally pulled back and spoke.

I did not understand what they were saying, but it certainly seemed like they were both saying sorry to the other. After both seemed to be saying they were the one at fault, I was stunned when at the same time, their faces moved closer, and their lips met. After the first initial 'friendship' kiss, neither seemed to want to stop, and soon their mouths were at each otheri¯s again.

I took a few shots of this erotic scene unfolding before me, before finally needing to see the 'big picture'. I lowered the camera and watched in disbelief as these two 'friends' were hell-bent' on getting their tongues down the others throat. It was only after the initial shock wore off that I thought to see what John was doing, and thinking. His hand was still pumping on his shaft, but his eyes were going back and forth from the girls to me, but not at my eyes, but lower down. I wondered why until it hit me; my cock was bulging at the seams, as my hand was lightly rubbing it from outside my pants.

"You enjoy watching lesbians too?" he laughed. "They are so hot!"

As he said this the girls heard and stopped to see what John was talking about, and they soon saw what was happening, and worse still, what state I was in and what I was doing about it.

"This not fair!" Sofia called out.

"Yes, how come we can't see you naked?" Tracy laughed.

"As you said before, it's only fair!" John added his thoughts.

"Shit! Yes, maybe you are right, but remember, I am only the person taking the pics, and I am your teacher, so it would not be right!" I tried to get out of the situation.

"Yes, but you are now seeing this and no longer taking pics, so I think you must show us what you look like naked!" Tracy demanded.

"Ok, Ok, you're right. As soon as you two are finished there you can look at all my naked pics on the computer," I said, knowing it was fair that I let them see.

"No! You must take off your clothes and show everyone!" John demanded.

"Yes! You have seen us naked, and you have seen our naked pics, but we will only see your naked pics, and that's not right!" she said, and then spoke to Sofia.

I was caught between a 'rock and a hard place' and did not know what to do. On one hand they were totally correct; it would be fair and right, but on the other hand I was their teacher. And that would not be fair. I froze on the spot, trying to make the right decision when I felt a pair of hands on my groin. Looking down suddenly I saw Sofia's face looking up to mine, as her fingers began pulling my belt undone.

It was too late, even if I had decided not to oblige them, as Sofia had already undone my belt and zipper and my jeans were already dropping to the floor as her hands were pulling my jocks down. As they slipped over my rigid cock it bounced out and hit Sofia on the chin, and she jumped back with a fright.

"Oh! So big, so white!" she gasped, as she regained her composure, but her eyes were glued on my throbbing cock, which was a mere centimetre from her face.

It was over and done; their eyes were all glued to my cock and I decided it was too late, so I willingly removed my shirt over my head. I now was also as naked as the day I was born. It was certainly not the first time I had been naked in front of others, but it was the first time I had three sets of eyes all glued to my naked form. I was becoming unsettled with all the attention, when Tracy said she wanted to take some pics of the three of us.

"Yes that is great Tracy, but what about you? Shouldni¯t you be in the pic as well?" John laughed.

The tension, and the staring, had eased, and soon I felt a little better, and I said I could get the tripod and set the camera on 'Timer' so we could all get in the pic at the same time. They were delighted with my words, and as soon as it was set up we all posed. Thinking that would satisfy them; I was wrong.

"Now one of me standing next to him!" Tracy beamed, as she moved closer.

This continued and I had to keep setting the timer, and each time a different one of them was on my right or left side, and snuggling into me; that is, except for John, he was happy to be on the outside so his body was not touching mine. After a few more shots John seemed a little uneasy at being in the group, and I guessed it was a 'homophobic' thing, and it was quite understandable for a young guy to think.

The girls laughed at his shyness, but they said they still wanted pics of just them and me, and soon John was doing the snapping as the girls vied for the spot they wanted, or tried to cuddle into me closer then the other. Snap after snap they kept this up, as they seemed insatiable in their quest to outdo the other, until it happened. Just as John said 'cheese', I felt a hand grip my cock.

The flash didn't go off, and John said there was a problem with the camera. Before I had a chance to think, and look at whose hand had been on my cock, it was gone again. I went over to the camera and right away saw the problem; the memory card was full. I felt relieved that there were no pics with one of the girls holding my cock, but also intrigued, as I knew I would never find out whose it was.

I set to work with the downloading, and once done and the card was deleted, I asked if they wanted to see the pics.

"Not yet, we want some more yet. We can look at them after!" Tracy spoke eagerly.

That clinch it; I knew it had been Tracy's hand I felt on my cock, and she was disappointed that the pic did not work. As we resumed the previous pose I was prepared and watching so I could stop her hand from grabbing me. John called out 'cheese' again and the flash went off a split second after a hand grabbed my cock.

"That's not fair!" Tracy screamed out. "You grabbed him before! It was my turn this time!" she added, but Sofia had not released her grip on my pulsating cock.

"John, take another one, and this time just him and me!" she said, as she told Sofia to move.

I did not know what to do or think as Sofia released her grip, but Tracy's hand replaced hers. Before I could rationalize things the flash had gone again, and Sofia now seemed to argue it was her turn to have one with me on her own. It did not seem to matter as the girls took control; and decided things. Once they had both had their turns in different places, including a surprise to myself when Sofia knelt down so her hand had a hold of me, and her eyes were close to my cock and she opened her mouth and pretended she was about to take me deep into her throat.

"That's enough girls! No more like that, this is getting out of hand!" I declared.

"Why, it's just a bit of fun!" Tracy laughed.

"Well for one thing, if you two are not careful I will have an accident, and one of you just may get a face full of me!" I shyly replied.

"Really? Can we see you shoot your cream please? We've never seen that, not even on the net!" she giggled.

"No! If you want to see that sort of thing, why not get John to help you out?" I growled.

Sofia asked her friend what I had said, and when she understood she started urging Tracy to do it. John seemed in two minds, but no sooner had Sofia spoken to him, he appeared at Tracy's side and grinned from ear to ear. After much protesting she gave in and knelt down, but said she wanted her hair to cover most of her face. I laughed and told her it was too late to hide as she had exposed everything already with me. She gave up and agreed.

I resumed the role of photographer and snapped a few off as they moved positions. Each time Tracy or John said they wanted to try a different way, Tracy held her grip on his tool, and soon this had a dire effect on John; he shot his load just as Tracy pretended she was about to suck his cock and she copped the lot, mostly over her face, but some into her mouth. She coughed and spluttered a few times and seemed to be ready to kill him, but after getting her composure back she leaned closer and closed her mouth over the head of his deflating cock. This in turn just revived John suddenly and his cock sprung to attention again.

My fingers seemed to click away on their own and my eyes focused on her mouth as he arched his back and his cock moved deeper into her. At first she pulled back, and he seemed to push forward more, but after a few moments of this she seemed to forget her worries and began accepting it into her mouth freely. I felt my balls begin to tighten as I watched her lovingly, and eagerly taking more and more of his cock, and I knew I would probably explode with the slightest touch from my hand, but I did not have to even try and touch myself.

I felt a warm, moist mouth engulf my pulsing cock. It was obvious whose mouth it was as John and Tracy were busy in front of my eyes. Slowly and delicately her mouth probed around the opening at first, before taking the head inside. As her tongue began to get a feel of it I felt the first onslaught of my impending explosion. I knew I should warn her at least, if not pull back, but as it had been so long since I had last had sex, my cock took charge and moved further into her mouth, before it decided it was time and it exploded.

Spurt after spurt shot into the back of her throat, and all the time I was expecting to hear her gulp for air, but she just took it deeper, as her lips tightened around my shaft. A few more spurts and I felt myself begin to deflate, but she still had not stopped her sucking motions. Finally the spurts stopped, and after a few brief moments in which I presumed she had taken to catch her breath, I heard her gulp loudly as she swallowed her mouthful of my juices, and she started to suck and pull at my half-hard member.

Not knowing what to do, whether to stop or just stay and enjoy the moment, I stood still and soon my cock was coming back to life. This surprised me as I had never recovered that quickly in the last ten or so years. She had one hand around the base of my shaft, and it was pulling back and forth as her mouth went to work again on the remaining part that was exposed. It felt so warm and nice that I knew I would not have the power to stop her, and relented my position and was happily accepting her ministration. Her free hand was cupping my balls and lightly squeezing and pulling at them until my cock was as rigid as before.

I felt good with her actions, but was also aware of the problems that could arise. I knew that for them this had started out as fun, and now it was at a stage where they were feeling their hormones develop, as their inhibitions subsided. I knew I had to try and get control back, but was not sure how. I also presumed, and hoped, that this was as far as any of them would go, as I was sure they would not want to take the next step and have sex openly in front of each other, but I was wrong again.

Sofia released my balls and started pulling on my hand. I looked down and she grinned as she pointed toward where Tracy and John were. I looked across and was shocked when I saw John on top of Tracy, and he was pumping his cock in and out of her pussy. I looked back at Sofia just as she removed her mouth from my cock, and she lay down on the floor and opened her legs, waiting for me to follow suit and fuck her.

It was the most inviting and wonderful thing I could have ever have hoped for, but being almost sure that it was her first time, I did not want to rush her, nor did I want to hurt her. Instead of jumping on top of her and fucking away like a crazed dog, I slipped down between her legs, much to her surprise. I knew that most Japanese, especially younger ones, knew very little about the pleasures I was about to administer to this beautiful young woman, and I looked forward to seeing and hearing her reactions once I began.

My tongue slowly ran circles around the outer edges of her neatly trimmed pussy, as it made its way inwards to the opening, like a boat being pulled inwards into a whirlpool. The closer I got to my target, the more she twisted and squirmed as she felt this new sensation. Her initial moans turned into cat-like purrs as my oral extension began to the entrance to her cave of pleasure.

As her pleasure increased, so too did her movements and sounds. First they were small and just noticeable, then they became more pronounced until she was moaning and gasping uncontrollably as she spread her legs wider and raised her knees to give me even better access to her womanhood. Her hands were grabbing at my ears and she was holding my head firmly in places, as she seemed to try and force it even further inside of her opening.

As I kissed, and sucked on her tasteful offerings she exploded with a scream, and I tasted her delightfully warm nectar, as it flooded out and into my waiting mouth. Her body rose with each squirt and her legs closed tight around my ears until I thought I would be crushed.

When her body eventually went limp I extracted my face from her dripping pussy and came up for air and was pleasantly shocked to see Tracy and John both suckling one their friends nipples, as she held John's hard cock in one hand, and the other was rubbing Tracy's pussy. After watching this beautiful sight for a few seconds I reached up for my camera and snapped a few pics of what seemed an innocent, yet beautiful scene of three young friends giving pleasure to each other.

Her body once more began to writhe about as her heat built towards another peak and my cock was twitching, which told me it was time to take the next step. I grabbed a pillow, and gently lifting her arse, I slipped it beneath her and moved forward until I could go no further as my head was almost touching the two young people who were giving her breasts pleasure. I slowly ran my cock around the outer lips of her moist opening, making sure she was prepared for what was about to happen next, and once it felt ready and slick, she opened her legs wider, and I knew she was ready for me to begin.

Gently pushing forward, my cock entered her warm crevice. At first I only went in until the head had disappeared and I stayed still so she had time to adjust to the new sensation, as well as still have time to tell me to stop. As she did not complain, but instead she seemed to be trying to lift her body to meet mine, I edged in a little deeper and then slowly pulled back out. With each such movement her moans grew as her hips began lifting and lowering, trying to take control of the action.

As I started moving a little faster and deeper each time, it was not long before I felt her 'barrier', and it was then that I knew for sure that she was a virgin. Being ever so careful I came to rest on her hymen and would gently push at it a little so she would get used to the intrusion, then I would pull back until my cock was almost out and then push back in again; repeating this motion for a few times, trying to gauge her reactions, as well as waiting for the rise of her next orgasm from the mouths of her friends.

When the time came I again pulled back, but this time when I pushed back in, I did so harder, as my cock pushed through her barrier and continued until it was buried as far as it could go. As she moaned and her legs tightened I hit bottom and stopped. Waiting for her pain to lessen, and being ready for me to start the real pumping action that was to come.

Her inner muscles were tightening and going loose rapidly as my cock began to boil. I knew if I did not start again soon I would explode from her grip. Her arse began to push up at me and I knew she was over the initial shock and pain, so I began my movements again. The first few strokes were slow and deliberate, but as each came and went my tempo increased as I felt her urgency in getting my cock entering into her body.

By then her two friends had stopped and were sitting beside her, and taking in the sight before them of my cock going in and out of her dripping hole, as I kept myself raised on my straight arms, as she wrapped her legs around my waist and tried to pull me even deeper inside. The flash of the camera alerted me to the fact that John again had the camera and was making sure he got plenty of action shots. Her pussy was clutching and squeezing me tight as my balls began to tighten and my cock began to throb, as I felt the mushroom-like head of my cock begin to grow; I knew I was about to unleash my sperm deep inside of her unless I could loosen her grip.

"Sofia, stop! I'm about to cum! Please release me!" I called.

She did not understand my words and thought I was angry, which had the effect I was after, just not the way I had meant it to be. I quickly pulled back and just as my cock emerged it began spewing its juices up and over her pussy, landing on her stomach, as her friends eyes watched in delight, to see such an event.

As I finished spewing my juice over her body I looked up to see Tracy lean down and kiss her friend, as her friend put her arms around her body and held her tight. Once more the show of innocent affection was on display for John and I, only this time they did not care, as it all seemed right and proper. The longer they kissed, the deeper and passionate it became. Their bodies were joined as one and they were enjoying every moment of it; maybe even more then when John and I had our cocks buried deep inside of our respective partners. Finally Tracy came up for air.

"John, you want to fuck Sofia as well? She wants to feel you inside her as well!" she said, more like a request than an order.

He was very quick to take their offer and he was soon guiding his cock into her well of pleasures. I grabbed the camera again and took a few pics, knowing they would have to be deleted once we had seen then later, but also to show these young people how naturally beautiful sex can be, when done with kindness and passion. As I clicked away Tracy was on her hands and knees as she alternated between kissing Sofia's tits and pushing her tongue back, deep inside of her mouth.

"You can fuck Tracy if you like!" John said, he pointed to her gaping pussy, exposed between her bent legs.

I would never have expected to be offered such a night like this, nor did I think I would be able to get my cock erect again after two times in quick succession, but my cock had other ideas as I gazed at her wonderful pussy. It almost looked like it was 'winking' at me and trying to give me the 'come-on' as it opened and closed ever so slightly. The more I watched, the harder my cock became until I knew it was telling me to go ahead and join the fun.

I crawled behind her on my knees, and after grabbing her arse cheeks and spreading them more, my cock was at her entrance, and soon my brain switched off and my cock took control once more. The deeper it went in, the more Tracy groaned and the more she groaned the more Sofia writhed beneath her.

John, being a much younger guy then me, was also able to shoot his load many more times, and quicker then I was able. As he watched me entering his friend, and he was pumping deep inside of the other, his face contorted and his body arched as he shot his load deep inside of her. I knew I should have had more sense and told him to pull out, but it was too late, the damage had been done, and I just prayed he had not impregnated one or both girls.

As his cock shrank and plopped out, Tracy called him to come closer, where is did not hesitate in taking his cock into her mouth, and she sucked it clean; taking both his and Sofia's sticky juices as well. Her actions took me over the edge unexpectedly and I felt myself ready to explode once more. I tried to pull out but she quickly stopped sucking John's cock, and she told me she wanted to feel me do it inside of her. That was too much for me and my juices erupted inside of her dripping pussy.

By the time I had my cock out of her pussy I had the need to go to the bathroom, so excused myself and left, but as I walked away Sofia said something to Tracy, but I did not understand. I got a warm washer and cleaned my cock and then proceeded to the toilet. Once finished I returned to the room to see John taking pics of the girls.

Sofia was still on her back, but Tracy now had her legs across Sofia's chest, and her pussy was at Sofia's mouth, and her tongue was licking at our mixed juices. I did not know how this had begun, but as john saw me enter he explained that Sofia had said she wanted to do as Tracy had, but since I had left she could not, so Tracy offered her, her pussy to taste the two of us. My cock twitched, even though it did not rise to a full erection, it did rise slightly however.

The girls continued with their actions until Tracy finally said it was her turn, and she slipped off and spread her legs and waited for Sofia to try. They did not seem to care that they were doing what most people in their country would consider very bad; instead they did what their hormones told them to do, as John and I squatted back and watched them. Finally they seemed spent, and as they sat up they whispered to each other and laughed.

"Now it's your turn! You watched us suck each other, now we want to watch you two! It's only fair!" Tracy laughed.

"I'm not Gay!" John cried out in shock. "I'm not sucking a guys cock!"

"What about you teacher? Will you show us how a guy sucks another guys cock?" she asked, as Sofia reached for my cock and began to stroke it into a fuller erection.

"Well, it's not something I had even thought of before all this started, but you are right, if you two girls can do that, then there is no reason why we shouldni¯t do the same for you both!" I answered as I looked at John to gauge his reaction.

"If you like you can suck mine and I will close my eyes and think it is Tracy, but I will not suck yours!" he coyly replied.

Tracy explained to Sofia and the girls both clapped their hands and said that would be fine, as long as they saw one of us suck the others cock. John looked like a frightened little child as I drew nearer to him. I slowly eased him back until he was prostrate on the floor. I moved to his side and lent down until I was close to him and took a gentle hold of his cock.

"Are you ready for this John? Remember, anything that happens between friends and does not hurt anyone, is just fun and pleasure. It is not wrong to enjoy being pleased!" I said and he nodded agreement.

I began slowly and took just the head of his cock into my mouth and softly ran my tongue on the under-side before slowly taking more and more until I had almost the full length of it inside my mouth. Slowly moving back and forth I continued to suck him gently until I felt him relax and his body was eagerly pushing up to meet my mouth. He was obviously enjoying my actions, and maybe because I had more knowledge than the girls on how to suck a guys cock, as I had done this many years ago with my first wife when we had 3-somes and she had insisted I let her see.

He did not take long before I felt him tense up and his cock began to throb inside my mouth. I gave it a few more rapid sucks before taking most of it deep into my mouth, and with my tongue rubbing the underside of his cock, I sucked him tight and felt him release his juice. He did not have as much now as before, and I was thankful for that, as I knew a younger guy had a very large amount of sperm when he blows. Pulling my head away and looking at the girls, Tracy smiled.

"Did he do it in your mouth?" she giggled.

I opened my mouth and let his juices roll out and onto the floor in front of their eyes, as they both clapped and cheered.

"Come on John, that looked so sexy, why don't you try it now?" she laughed.

I did not think they would budge his stance, but was pleasantly surprised when he reached for my cock, without saying a word, and pulled it to his waiting mouth. I looked down and saw that his face was twisted and his eyes closed, but I was happy that he was willing to join in and give his friends the pleasure of seeing him return the favour. He was not very good at it, and that was to be expected, but it still felt nice regardless. But due to my age I knew he would have a hard time in getting me to the finish line, so after five minutes I lied and said my cock was sore and I needed to stop. They accepted my words and John seemed relieved as well.

Explaining that I needed to clean myself and feel fresh, I went to the bathroom and started the shower. As I stepped under the water I was surprised to see the three students follow and join me. We took turns in washing each other's backs and genitals, as each of us guys kissed and fondled the closest girl. By the time we were finished John was again erect and wanting to know if he could have sex again.

"Well, it is fine with me if the girls want, but the best I can offer right now is my tongue!" I laughed as they dried themselves and moved back into the bedroom.

For the rest of the night bodies changed positions as John fucked one then the other, and I sucked and licked at the other one. A few more times during the night I was able to get an erection and I gave each girl one or two more thrills as I showed them varied positions that they really seemed to enjoy. And of course by the end of the night John bacame used to sucking cock after I would help the girls to bring him back to life, and he realised it was all just 'part of the package', and reciprocated many times.

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