A Day In My Life

By Rob Noname

Published on Aug 26, 2014



The following is a work of fiction. None of the events depicted here have taken place anywhere other than in my mind (unfortunately).

The characters in this story do not exist, and any similarity to any actual individuals on Earth, Venus or Mars is purely coincidental.

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A Day In My Life As My Master's Servant (Part 1) By Rob Wilson

My alarm usually goes off at 5:45 AM. I keep it under my pillow while I sleep so it won't wake my kind Master when it goes off. I usually sleep on the floor at the foot of my Master's bed. I use no blanket, just a pillow. However, on some occasions, Master allows me to sleep in the bed with him and we cuddle. But only when he instructs me to stay in his bed. Otherwise, I sleep on the floor.

When my alarm goes off, I sneak out of the bedroom and go to the kitchen to start my Master's coffee and breakfast. Even though I would like to pee when I wake, my Master wishes me to hold it until he arises. This is difficult as my bladder is quite full, and my little boi dick is quite stiff from the need to pee. The pressure in my bladder is not a wholly unpleasant sensation. In some ways, I rather like the feeling and will try to replicate it later in the day.

As I put on the coffee and start on breakfast, I am completely naked. Master allows me to be naked at all times. I am grateful for this, as I prefer to be naked. As his servant, my body should be available for him to use in any way he wishes at any time without making him wait for me to remove clothes that serve no purpose.

When the coffee is ready, I prepare a cup for my Master and return to the bedroom to wake him from his sleep. My little servant dick is still as hard as a rock, either from the need to pee or, more likely, in anticipation of the wonderful ways I am about to serve my Master. Or perhaps both. I can't wait to bring him pleasure in any and every way I can.

I place the coffee cup on the nightstand next to his bed with a linen napkin underneath it and cover it with a saucer to keep the coffee hot.

I look lovingly at his face, relishing in my good fortune to have such a handsome, kind and wonderful Master to serve. Then, I begin to pull back the covers on his bed, as gently and quietly as possible so as not to disturb his necessary sleep. The bedroom door is left open so slight traces of light come in from the hallway and I can see his magnificent body as I slowly reveal it to my hungry eyes. First his muscular and tanned chest, rippled slightly with muscles, but completely smooth, save for two glorious nipples.

As I pull the covers further, his toned abs are revealed to me, along with his cute innie belly button. Again, not a hair to be found.

Then, the primary object of my desire: his gorgeous cock. Could it be stiff, begging for attention? I'll gladly provide that attention. Or will it be soft, resting along his sturdy thigh? No matter its state, no sight brings more thrill to me than my Master's amazing cock. My lips tremble; my breathing becomes ragged and more difficult.

Further down, his powerful legs come into view, legs that power those pounding thrusts I love so much. Just the thought of those legs providing the leverage to drive his magnificent cock into me is enough to make me gasp. Oh, how I want to feel him penetrate me and ride me until he screams in pleasure. Fill me with your potent seed, again and again!

When most of his beautiful body is exposed, except maybe for his feet, I carefully arrange the covers at the foot of the bed and enjoy the magnificent sight of my Master's naked body as he sleeps. It is a sight of which I will never grow tired.

I examine him carefully from head to toe, enjoying his beauty and also looking for any imperfections I may need to attend to later. Perhaps a slight scratch or a bruise resulting from the previous evening's activities. I must make mental notes so I can attend to them promptly this morning.

Once I'm sure all is in order, it is time to rouse him from his sleep. I do this by gently taking his cock into my mouth, which is already watering as I anticipate the day's first exciting chore. The purpose here is not to make him cum, although on most days he will cum at least once before leaving home for work. No, my job here is to help him wake from his slumber in the most gratifying way possible, slowly, gradually, gently, lovingly, avoiding any sudden starts.

On some days, his gorgeous cock is already erect, or at least close to it. If I'm very lucky, though, it is soft when I take it into my hungry mouth. Then, I can experience the joy of feeling it grow to its full, stiff magnificence in my mouth.

By this time, my lust for my Master as reached the point where it is quite difficult to resist plunging his entire cock into my mouth and sucking on it earnestly, trying to extract a mouthful or more of his heavenly cum. But I am a well-trained servant, and can put aside my own selfish desires to the benefit of my Master's pleasure and comfort.

I start as softly as possible, using just one finger to lift his cock if necessary. I open my mouth as wide as possible and cover my teeth with my lips. Then, I descend over it, not allowing my lips to touch his wonderful cock. I keep just his crown centered between my open lips and allow my breath to cascade around his manly organ. As I inhale through my nose and gently exhale through my mouth, there is a response as his cock twitches and starts to stiffen. When I observe that desired response, I lean down further and close my lips around his cock ever so gently. Just the touch of butterfly wings at first, only enough that he'll barely notice it.

I draw my head back very slowly, allowing my lips to slide up toward the wonderful tip, the source of the man juice I love so much. I relish in the silky smooth texture of his shaft, softer perhaps than my own lips. Beneath the heavenly softness of the skin, I can sense that something akin to steel is developing within. Then, going as slowly as I can, given how terribly horny I am and how much I desperately want to suck my Master's magnificent cock, I begin moving up and down his shaft, very gradually tightening my lips on each stroke. More of that delicate, smooth texture on the outside, with the turgid stiffness inside. On about the third outward stroke, I begin massaging his cock with my tongue, carefully sliding it along the underside of his cock and swirling around the ridge just below the crown. I know every tiny detail of his tool, every vein, and my tongue nearly knows its own way around this gorgeous cock.

By this time, my Master is usually beginning to stir from his sleep. But unless he instructs me otherwise, either verbally or by directing me with his hands or his body, I continue as though I hadn't noticed him waking up. So engrossed am I in the pleasures of his cock, I may not notice that he has begun to awaken.

After a few more long, slow strokes, each with a bit more vigor than the previous, I will use my tongue to stroke all around the crown. The glorious texture and fantastic sensations I am feeling make me remind myself that I must not cum, simply from the joy of servicing my Master's wonderful cock. I sample his pee hole, hoping to find something there to taste, whether it be precum or a drop of pee. I have been lucky enough to be rewarded with both, but not often. I savor whatever magnificent taste sensation I find, and let the fluid rest on my tongue.

After a few more strokes, my Master is usually awake enough to speak. "Good morning, boi," he says, and my heart races just from hearing his voice. "You're doing a good job. Keep it up." Nothing lifts my spirits more thank knowing I am bringing pleasure to my Master. And while he is my Master and I his lowly servant, he is a kind and generous master, encouraging me when I do well.

But the reward of man juice is rarely in the cards for me first thing in the morning. On most days, my Master needs to pee promptly upon waking. When this is not the case, he usually says nothing more and I continue to service his cock until he blasts a wonderful fountain into my mouth.

But usually he simply says, "Let's go, boi." I know what that means and reluctantly draw one more slow, loving stroke on his cock, savoring one more time the luxurious feel of his now-throbbing member. As my lips leave his cock, for the moment, I place a long and loving kiss on the tip, lingering as long as I dare. I get off the bed and offer my Master a helping hand getting out of bed, which he usually refuses. Being strong and healthy, he doesn't need help from me on most days, but there have been times when he may have overexerted himself the previous evening so I'm gladly there to help.

Once up, we go to the bathroom, which is adjacent to the bedroom. In the bathroom, I go directly to the separate walk-in shower and sit against the wall with my legs extended in front of me. The shower is large enough for me to sit with my legs straight out toward the door, where he now stands above me. Situated, I look up and get my first glimpse of my Master's body in full light. What a sight it is, strong, athletic, tanned, but not the look of a body builder. Just a handsome man that eats right and takes care of himself. And in the middle, that magnificent cock pointed out in front, straight at me.

My Master then takes hold of his cock and begins to shower me with the other favorite liquid it produces, the golden nectar of his bladder. My Master eats healthy, drinks a lot of water and doesn't use alcohol, so his fabulous pee has a smell I can only describe as being the intoxicating smell of him.

"Yes, my Master! Please soak me! Cover me with your pee! I am your servant and live only to bring you pleasure! Soak all of me! I need it all!"

He usually starts on my stomach, and I quickly feel the pleasure of his pee running down over my throbbing little boi dick, over my compact balls pulled tightly up against my body, and on to the floor. As his flow increases, he moves his target up to my chest, and I shiver as he scores direct hits on both of my stiff, sensitive nipples.

"Oh yes, Master! Empty yourself over me. Leave no part of me untouched! Please, give me every drop!"

This is when I open my mouth wide, as wide as I can, wordlessly begging him to fill it with his delicious pee. He doesn't keep me waiting and directs the stream to my face. I catch mouthful after mouthful of the yellow treasure and swallow as much as I can. But he pees faster than I can swallow and much of it continues to run down my body and wash over my boi dick. It is a feeling I treasure greatly.

My Master continues to direct his stream over every inch of my body, soaking my hair, my face, my arms and even my legs. Then he moves his aim directly at my boi dick and I'm in heaven as he finishes his morning pee on my boi parts.

I should point out that my Master drinks a lot of water, and when morning comes, he empties a great deal from his bladder onto my willing body. It's never as much as I want, for I could sit there having him pee on me for hours if he could.

When his gift to me finally runs out, I get to my knees and crawl to him, thanking him for sharing his precious liquid with me. I must clean off any drops that might be left on his fabulous cock, so I lick all around the head and make sure I get every single tasty drop.

Once he's clean, he tells me to rinse off. While you might think this means turning on the shower, it actually means my turn to empty my bladder. I move back away from the shower door and lay down on my back, soaking my whole naked body in his pee, still puddled on the floor of the shower. With my knees up so I can lie flat on my back, I make the snow angel move to cover as much of my body with his golden nectar as possible.

But because of the fact that my Master has just peed on me and I've just had his cock in my mouth for the second time already today, I'm still quite hard and can't get the flow to start. This always makes my Master laugh, and I'm happy I can make him laugh.

Shortly, the biological need to empty my bladder wins out over my horniness and I begin to shoot up in the air. I, too, drink a lot of water, so my stream, while not as strong nor as long-lasting as my Master's, is still quite a significant volume. I direct the flow so it will land on my face, but resist letting it go into my mouth. I don't want to taint the flavor of my Master's pee with my lowly boi pee.

I make sure some gets into my hair, then push my boi dick down so my pee goes straight up in the air and comes down on my body. After a few seconds, I sit up so I can direct it to my face, throat and chest and let it run down over my boi dick and my tightly packed balls.

When I finish peeing on myself, with my Master watching and smiling the whole time, it is time for breakfast. My master will have his shower after he eats, so we must get moving.

I take a towel and dry off. No, I don't rinse the pee off my body. I just dry off with a towel enough to make sure I don't drip on the floor and make it slippery where my Master could slip and hurt himself. Much of my body, especially my hair, is still damp with our combined pee. I thrill to the wonderful aroma wafting into my nostrils.

We go to the kitchen and my Master takes a seat. I reach into his lap and make sure his cock and balls are comfortably situated, giving his cock a loving tug in the process.

I pour him another cup of coffee, even though he may not have finished the one I brought him in bed. It might have cooled off too much for his taste, so a fresh cup is in order. I run to the front door and get the morning paper. Master is a little old-fashioned that way and still likes to read the paper. Perhaps the neighbors could see me go out to get the paper naked, but that's just part of the job of being my Master's servant. I am not ashamed of my body, nor of my role in life as my Master's servant. So if I'm seen, I don't mind.

I return to the kitchen and finish preparing his breakfast while he reads the paper and drinks his coffee. Master likes a hearty breakfast, so I prepare something like pancakes with fruit, bacon and eggs, or a similar meal. Cold cereal with milk just wouldn't do, not for a man like my Master.

When I place his plate on the table in front of him, I drop to my knees beside him and wait to see if he has any objections to the meal I've prepared. If he does, I will correct the problem immediately. However, morning is not the time for punishment. If the meal isn't to his liking, I won't have to suffer the consequences until later in the day. But, there will be consequences.

Once he is satisfied with the meal I have prepared, I assume my position under the table facing my Master. I am on my knees, sitting back on my heels with my body bent forward under the table. My eyes are directly in front of his cock, staring at this most beautiful part of his body. I am in this position to take care of any needs his cock might have while eating. My Master does not use a napkin, so if any bits of food fall into his lap while he is eating, I quickly clean them up with my tongue and lips. Secretly I sometimes hope for this so I can minister to him with my mouth and tongue. Of course, if he were to ask for a blow job while he ate, I would gladly oblige. Likewise, if he were to need to relieve his bladder again, he would do it into my mouth rather than having to return to the bathroom.

When I hear him place his utensils on the plate and slide the plate away across the table indicating he has finished the meal, I quickly lean forward to give his cock a little kiss, showing my love and respect for him. A quick swirl of my tongue across the crown of his cock usually causes a bit of a twitch in his organ as it grows slightly under my gaze.

Then I quickly move out from under the table and begin to clear the dishes. Having just stared at the object of my greatest desires throughout the meal, my boi dick is stiff again and my master usually notices with a grin. On rare occasions, when he is in a particularly playful mood, he will reach out and toy with my boi dick before he gets up from the table. I must be careful, though, because I mustn't cum and sometimes I'm so worked up it would take little more than a brief touch to cause me to loose my boi juice.

I place the dishes in the sink to be washed later in the day and accompany my Master back to the bathroom for his morning shower. I go first to turn on the water and make sure the temperature is perfect. When all is proper, I turn to the door and invite him in as I hold his hand to make sure he doesn't slip.

My Master stands under the water flow and wets his body. Meanwhile, I get the soap and work up a nice lather in my hands. Master does not like for me to use a washcloth, so I lather my hands and keep the soap handy. I prefer to use my bare hands anyway, as I can better enjoy the feel of his magnificent body better that way than with a washcloth.

I begin by standing behind him and washing his shoulders. My Master is a good bit taller than I am so I have to stand on my toes to get the proper leverage to thoroughly massage his shoulders as I wash them and his upper back.

When I first became servant to my Master, I was always very careful while washing his back not to let my boi dick touch him. I always have a boner when I'm washing him and I just assumed that he didn't want to feel some pathetic little boi dick touching him while he was being bathed. But once I accidentally touched his leg with my boner and apologized profusely, hoping I wouldn't be punished too harshly. To my surprise, he said it was perfectly OK, and he kind of liked it when I touched him; the fact that I had a boner showed him how much I was excited by his naked body.

So now, when I wash his back, I don't try to keep my boi dick away from his body and, in fact, often try to let it brush against him. When I'm up on my toes washing his shoulders, my boi dick rests against his gorgeous butt and I let it stay there, as long as it doesn't interfere with my job. It rests against the crack of his ass, and slides slightly up and down as I move.

When I have finished with his shoulders, I work my way down his back, washing and massaging carefully, including his sides. I am always taken by the perfect muscle tone of his back, so strong and fit.

Then, I move to his side take one arm and thoroughly wash it, making sure to clean his arm pit and his hand very well. Then I go behind him to his other side and repeat the process with the other arm.

When both arms are clean, I get on my knees behind him and wash his muscular legs, starting at the ankles. I'll wash his feet later when I move around front and he can lift them off the floor for me.

I work my way up his calves and his knees, reaching around to do the whole leg from my position on my knees behind him. My master spreads his feet a little so I can proceed to his thighs and get them clean. As I reach between his legs to get to the front of his thighs, I often brush against his scrotum, but only fleetingly. I'll wash there later. As I kneel behind him washing his thighs, his large ball sac is clearly visible to me between his legs and it takes every bit of strength I have to keep from fondling it and caressing it. It is so beautiful and the two treasures inside so full of his priceless sperm.

Finally, I lather up my hands and delve into that beautiful butt. He seems to take some significant pleasure in my attention to his butt, especially when I work my soapy hand into the crack. It is usually the first time he makes any sound during his shower, usually a contented moan. I slide my hand from his crotch just behind his balls up through the crack all the way up to his waist. Then I slide back down the crack and focus on his puckered hole. He arches his back to allow me better access to this most intimate of body parts. As I rub just one finger around his hole, he usually sighs again, a real treat for me to know that I'm again giving him pleasure. I work my finger around the puckered eye, then, as gently as possible, work just the tip of one finger inside the hole to make sure every inch of him is clean.

I don't spend a long time on his butt, as he has never instructed me to, although there us usually a slight groan when I remove my finger, somewhat sad sounding that he would like me to keep it there longer. But that may be just wishful thinking on my part.

When I'm confident he is nice and clean back there, I stand and move around in front of my Master. First, I wash his feet, carefully cleaning between his toes. I bend over so he can hold onto my shoulder for balance as he lifts one foot, then the other to be thoroughly washed.

As I release his foot and stand, he wets his hair under the showerhead. As he does so, I take my opportunity to again take in the glory of his beautiful cock. He's partially erect and it points at me while he soaks his hair. My boi cock is pointing up at his much larger man cock, trembling with excitement.

With his hair thoroughly wet, he bends over a little so I can reach his head to wash his hair. I get the shampoo he prefers, put some in my hands, and lather up his hair. His head is down and, if his eyes are open, I'm sure he notices the effect he has on my, clearly evident in my boi dick pointing straight up and stiff.

I use my fingertips only to massage his scalp and get his relatively short hair thoroughly clean. I must be careful that none of the shampoo gets into his eyes, so I'm constantly on the look-out for any drips.

When I have finished his hair, he leans back into the water flow and rinses it, using his own fingers because it is difficult for me to reach him there.

Next I wash his face using another special cleanser that keeps his skin looking so beautiful and healthy. Again, he rinses off in the water.

While washing his face, we're standing in the shower front to front. Because of the height difference between us, his wonderful cock is about at the level of my stomach and pointing out right at me. I make no effort to keep from allowing my stomach to touch his cock, as it seems we both enjoy it.

I move on to his hunky chest, still allowing his cock to touch me if it should happen. I lather his chest, reaching around to his sides a little, just in case I missed something while washing his back. He raises his arms and I lather up his armpits again. Then I reach for the razor I placed in the shower the night before. My Master isn't a hairy man, but he likes to keep himself smooth, so I carefully shave his armpits and his chest. I do this every day, so there isn't much to shave.

As I work lower, to his stomach, my boi dick starts to get harder and harder, throbbing, as I think about where I'm headed. But first things first. I must finish his stomach before I get to the real treasure. Again, after applying a good amount of lather, I shave his stomach with the razor so it, too, will be clean and smooth.

For the finale of the morning ritual, I drop to my knees so that his magnificent cock is directly in front of my face. As much as I desperately want take every inch of it in my mouth and try to draw his man juice out, I know now is not the time for that. I must focus on what I'm supposed to be doing. My needs and desires will wait.

Lathering up my hands once again, I wash his abdomen and hips, keeping away from his cock. As I work in circles around his cock, I notice it start to stiffen some, an indication that I may yet get my reward. My circles get smaller and smaller, closer and closer to his cock, until I reach his balls. And manly balls they are! Big, firm, hanging just the right distance in their protective sac. I gently take them in my hands and spread the lather all around. Again, I notice his cock stiffen just a little more. I wash his balls using a downward stroke, starting close to his body and drawing them toward the floor.

While his balls and abdomen are still covered with soapy lather, I take the razor and clean up any stray hairs that may have started to grow there. My Master likes to keep his cock and balls completely hair free, along with removing all of the pubic hair above his cock. So each morning, I give him a nice shave there to keep everything neat and smooth. His cock is generally quite stiff by now, so I can gently run the razor along the shaft without risk. He doesn't grow a lot of pubic hair, and virtually none on his shaft, so this part is easy. His balls, however, are a bit more of a challenge. I have to smooth out the skin of his sac to make sure I remove all of the hair, so I'm manipulating his balls quite a bit during this process. I think it may contribute to the stiffness of his hard-on!

Finally, it is time for my favorite part of my Master's morning shower. Once again I lather my hands and, without a whole lot of ceremony, take his gorgeous cock in both hand and begin to get it clean. It just so happens that the motion for cleaning one's cock is virtually identical to the motion for jacking off one's cock. And often the results are the same. I'm on my knees with my face right in front of his cock and often I get my first taste of my favorite liquid: my Master's man juice. When his balls tighten up against his body, moans escape his lips above me, and I see his legs start to twitch a little, I open my mount to receive my desired reward.

"Oh, shit! You do it to me every time," my Master groans. Then, powerful jets of his cum are propelled out of the hole at the end of his cock and go directly into my mouth. I move my left hand to the base of his cock to make sure the aim remains exactly where I want it: in my mouth. With my right hand, I continue to stroke up and down his cock, begging for every drop he can provide. I'm overcome with joy as I receive his sperm. My duty is to please my Master, and when he cums in my mouth, I think I have done my job properly.

Like all good things, this, too, must come to an end. After several powerful shots find their target on my tongue, the jets turn to modest squirts, then to just a dribble. His verbalizations diminish. Because the shower has been running, by now most of the soap is gone from at least the head of his cock. I put my lips to it his crown and draw out whatever remaining man juice I can, licking his very sensitive head to catch every drop. I am in heaven as I run my tongue all around the sensitive head of his cock.

Finally he pulls away from me and we're done. My Master is clean now. And hopefully sexually satisfied. He is if I've done my job correctly. I, on the other hand, am horny as hell with a boner that hurts and little balls about to burst.

After his shower is when my Master usually has his bowel movement. While he does, I rinse quickly in the shower and get out to dry off. When he has finished his business, he allows me to wipe him clean. Then, just to make sure, he bends over the sink and I clean him again with my tongue. This, too, is a wonderfully satisfying part of my duties as my Master's servant. Because I have wiped him, and just bathed him, there is no smell or flavor other than clean man and maybe just a hint of soap. I lick around his puckered anus to make sure everything is clean. If he doesn't rush me, I get it very wet, then make my tongue into a point and poke at his erotic entrance. Usually, he allows me to do this and I think he enjoys it, too. His cock seems to be just a little bigger when I finish.

When his bottom is clean, it is time for my Master to shave his face. He prefers to do this himself, so I pick up the towels, take them to the laundry room and go back to the bedroom to prepare his clothes for the day.

My Master is a professional, so it's always a suit and tie. I choose the shirt and tie color, and keep track of when each of his suits was last worn so he won't make the mistake of wearing the same clothing too frequently.

When he comes to the bedroom, I help him dress, sliding his briefs on, then his undershirt, his dress shirt, slacks and tie. He sits on a bench in the room as I put his socks on, then his shoes and tie them properly. Finally, I put his tie on and tie it for him, although sometimes he ties it himself. I have yet to master the bow tie, so, if he wears one, he will always tie it himself.

Our morning routine is such that once dressed, it is usually time for him to leave for work. I will stay home and do the chores, anxiously awaiting his return in the evening.

Throughout the morning, any oversights or mistakes on my part have been duly noted by my Master, and I am aware that I will be punished for them. But I try really hard, and my mistakes have been minimal. However, my punishments are somewhat gratifying, so on occasion, I will do something wrong so that I will be punished.

End of Part 1 Will there be a part 2? Let me know if you would like this story to continue: 21gahb@gmail.com

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