A Day at the Pool

By RyAnne1975

Published on Feb 10, 2012



I have been enjoying the nifty achieve for quite some time now and thought I'd try my hand at writing.

This is my first story and I have enjoyed writing it for sure and hope that others might enjoy reading it. Please give me a little leeway being my first but I'd love to hear any comments from those that read it.

There is no truth to any of this, have fun.

RyAnne1975 at Gmail dot com

A Day at the Pool (a TG Story)

One of my buddies and I were at his dads house doing what most unemployed graduates do, laying around being lazy smoking pot. We had just bought a bag and a six foot bong and were smoking it for the first time.

We had no idea what to expect from the bong and my buddy, Ted, jokingly said to me 'Ryan if you can't take the whole bong you're a pussy and have to wear a bikini around the pool all day'.

I laughed and responded 'okay, but if you can't you're a bigger pussy and have to wear a dress to the gas station to get us smokes '.

So with our little bet we packed the bong and he went first. I actually was surprised as the bong filled up that we even thought that we could finish it. Then ted cleared the whole thing and I was even trying to make him laugh to fail the whole time.

It was my turn and I figured he did it with no problem that I shouldn't have one either. I started and about half way though I just couldn't go any further. I tried my best but was coughing and had to stop and as soon as I stopped Ted was laughing and said 'I'll find you a bikini'

I didn't think he was serious and finished the rest of the bong without much thought.

Now I was way high and he looked at me and asked 'Do you care what bikini I should grab you?'

I laughed and said "the hell I'm going to wear a bikini and you don't have one anyway. '

He looked me in the eye and said 'You made the bet that I was to wear a fucking dress you sure as hell going to wear the bikini and my dad has a bunch of shit from when his last girlfriend walked out on him.'

I guess I was pretty stoned and didn't put up any more fight and followed him into his Dad's room. His dad was a pretty cool guy and that is why we hung out at his house. He usually didn't care if we smoked or drank and he had a pool. Plus the house was in the middle of the woods and pretty secluded from any neighbors. It made for some fun parties in high school.

Ted showed me the dresser in his dad's room and told me his Dad's last live in girlfriend, Janet, just up and left. They must have had on hell of a falling out since she never came back for any of her stuff. He open the bottom drawer and told me I could choose the suit myself while he laughed.

I looked at the drawer and there was a mess of color. I pulled out the top and it was a little purple bikini top. There must have been five suits in there and I dug around until I found the only one piece.

Ted looked at me and said 'that's not a bikini, you have to wear a bikini'

While he sat on the bed I found the only one that had some moderate coverage and a full size bottom. I guess it wasn't too bad since it was like a Speedo but it was hot pink and there was a triangle top that matched.

Ted was laughing and said 'Why don't you grab a joint and go get dressed. I'll meet you by the pool.'

I did as he said and grabbed a joint from his room and headed to the bathroom to change. I sat on the toilet and smoked the whole joint myself and by the time I was done I really thought it was a great idea to put on the suit and strut my stuff. If I had to do it I might as well have some fun. I stripped and put the bottoms on which weren't anything different but the top felt a bit silly. I looked at myself in the full length mirror and thought the bulge in the bottoms looked a bit off so I reached in and tucked my cock between my legs. The suit was snug enough that it held me back in that position very well. I felt almost ready to go and peeked out the door.

I knew Ted was going to see me eventually but I still felt a bit odd to be in a bikini. So I snuck back to Ted's room and had another hit of pot. After that I thought maybe I could have some fun and went to his dad's room to accessorize a bit. I looked around and found a robe and some heels that actually fit me. I figured I was ready finally and headed out to the pool.

Ted was lying back in the sun when I walked out and he turned around and gave me a wolf whistle. I blushed a bit but walked over to him and asked him 'You like what you see?'

Now that brought a big laugh out of him but he did say 'you really don't look too bad in a bikini.'

'Here have a drink' and he offered me a drink that looked like ice tea and told me 'Take off the robe and enjoy the sun'.

So I took off the robe and sat down and tried the drink. I guess it was no surprise that it was a long island tea and I felt I deserved it. We sat there for a bit in the sun with the cocktail and had a smoke.

The sun felt great and the mixture of pot and booze had me feeling great.

After awhile Ted got up and dove in the pool, I was hot also so I followed him in. It actually felt good and the bikini top really didn't make any difference. We swam for awhile and then returned to the chairs to relax more.

We'd been out there for about two hours and were swimming in the pool again when we heard Ted's Dad, Frank, on the pool deck. He was laughing when he asked us 'Is this how you boys usually spend your time when I'm out?'

I must have turned bright red and Ted said right away 'Nah, Ryan lost a bet and this is my punishment for him'

Frank smiled and said 'Hell you look better than Janet did in that suit. Mind if I join you boys by the pool, it's such a nice day'.

Seeing it was his house there wasn't anything we really could say, we invited him to join us.

He looked at me and said 'keep that suit on and I'll be right out.'

About five minutes later Ted and I were laughing about the whole situation when Frank came out. He had a towel and a drink himself. What I didn't notice was he also brought a camera. After he set his stuff down he came over and took some pictures of us saying 'I have to get this for my scrapbook '

That sort of sobered me up but he must have seen the fear in my eyes since he laughed and told me 'relax Ryan, and enjoy yourself. Why don't you two come out of the pool and have a drink with me'.

We both got out but he took the camera again and kept getting pics of me. I told him to stop but he laughed again and told me 'come and sit down and be more ladylike. '

Finally I figured 'what the hell' and did some poses for him and said 'you might as well get my good side'.

We all laughed and had some more to drink together. We all went for a swim for awhile and Frank bumped into me often, probably more that necessary. He actually was wrestling with both of us but I felt as if his hands were on me most of the time. I really didn't mind and didn't try to avoid it either.

Frank got out and said he'd make us some lunch.

Ted and I continued to swim while he went into the house. Frank was back with a plate of food and told us to come and eat.

He really was a good Dad making us lunch and all. When I got out he handed me my towel. After I dried I was about to wrap the towel around myself when Frank came over and held my robe open for me. I figured he had seen it and I should put it on as offered.

He told me as I put it on the robe that my shoes were right over by the table and I didn't need any more of a hint that he expected me to put those on too. I figured it wasn't a big deal anymore and put the heels on and walked to my spot at the table. We all had lunch together and a little small talk. We were all done eating and Frank came back with another round of drinks and sat down with us again.

When I had my first drink he asked Ted 'what time are you supposed to be at your Moms place for your weekend getaway?'

I didn't know anything about this so I didn't think much of the question. But I guess Ted did since he got right up and headed to the house mumbling the words 'shit, I'm late'.

Frank looked at me 'Ted was supposed to be at his Moms place at least an hour ago for a little trip out of town.'

I didn't know what to think but Ted was back dressed in no time and he told me he had to run since he already was in huge trouble. He said bye to his dad and he was off.

Now this was not the situation I had ever thought I'd be in, sitting by the pool with my best friends Dad wearing a bikini. Not just a bikini but a silk robe and heels. Frank must have seen my apprehension.

I stood up and told Frank 'I should be going too'

Frank immediately replied 'you have a full drink and it's a beautiful day, you couldn't leave yet'.

I felt awkward but sat back down and we sort of chatted and enjoyed the sun with our drinks.

Frank said he had to run inside and would be right back so I sort of relaxed and had a smoke while I waited. I was feeling a little more relaxed since I actually felt like we had a real conversation and it wasn't me just talking to my friend's dad. I never thought I'd almost feel like an equal instead of a kid but I guess that is what happens as you grow up and graduate high school. I must have been really absorbed in thought because Frank appeared and snapped me back.

He had two more drinks for us that I tried to nicely decline but again he said we were having a nice time and he really enjoyed my company by the pool. I was enjoying myself too by this time so I stopped putting up a fuss.

He did point out that I was getting a little bit of sun and he produced a bottle of suntan lotion that he said I should put on. I agreed that was probably a smart idea especially since I didn't need to get a bikini tan line.

He chuckled saying 'it probably would look pretty hot if you did' and he squirted some lotion in his hand.

I had thought he was going to give me the lotion but he told me 'come over and sit down in front of me so he could lotion you up'.

I didn't know what to say but I guess I hadn't thought about him ever putting lotion on me. But I also didn't have too much apprehension so I went and sat down in front of him and he started to put the lotion on my shoulders.

Man did the lotion feel nice as he put it on for me. His hands were sort of massaging it into my shoulder and then he moved to my back. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the massage. As he finished up my back he made sure to not miss any spots which made his fingers slip a little into my swimsuit which sort of caught me by surprise.

I still was enjoying the feeling of his big hands on my back when he said "okay young lady your backs all done now let me get your arms."

I didn't protest at all but thought I could take care of those myself but as he worked the lotion on my arms I sort of lost my mind because I really was enjoying his attention. This must be what it is like to have a real massage I guessed. He finished up my arms and had me sit back and he started on my feet and worked up my legs.

Now I was getting a bit nervous since on my back he didn't miss a spot and my legs went all the way up to where I never thought a guy would ever touch. But it felt so good I didn't even flinch as he kept going. And when he got to the top he gently slipped his fingers just barely into my swimsuit and I couldn't help myself but enjoy his touch down there.

God I must be crazy because it felt so good to be touched by him this way. It must be just what a massage feels like;' I'm going to have to get a massage' I thought.

Frank said 'stand up so I can could get your stomach'

So I stood and he sat down in front of me. I know he was talking but my mind was elsewhere as he smoothed on the lotion on my belly working around my bikini top. I almost told him he could reach in my top to coat my breasts since my nipple were tingling and I wanted them to be touched but I resisted that urge since that would be really weird and this was a just him being nice.

Well he finishes and I didn't really want his hands to leave but I knew I had to be polite and I said 'thanks for putting the lotion on me. '

He said' it was my pleasure and you can return the favor'

So I got up and told him to have a seat as I grabbed the lotion.

I wasn't sure what I was doing touching another man but he had just put it on me it was only fair to pay him back. I squirted the lotion on his back and started to rub it in. I had never really looked at his body before but he was pretty fit and had a very nice build.

I was massaging it in getting to feel how developed his back muscles were and enjoying touching him a bit. I knew it was just admiration. I moved on to his arms after I felt like I had gone over every inch of his back. I worked it into his fingers and all the way up his arms. I didn't have him move around like he had me but I moved myself around to reach each area. As I worked each arm he would rest his hand on my butt. I thought that it was an odd area for him to need to rest his hand but I didn't react since it felt nice and I actually moved to maintain his hand in that position. I don't know why but I made it easy for him to keep his hand there.

I finished his arms and asked 'lie down and I'd take care of your legs.'

I really wanted to do his chest since I wanted to feel his muscles after feeling his back but I thought that would be odd again so I figured I'd do the same routine he did for me. Keep it the same just a couple of guys putting lotion on each other. Girls do it all the time to each other and this is no different. So I had him lay down to do his legs.

He opted to sit in the recliner by telling me 'you can do a good job if I sit this way for you' and kept his legs sort of bent up which made it easier for me, maybe I should have sat that way for him but I hadn't thought about that when he asked me to lay down. After he got comfortable I picked up his foot and started to rub the lotion in. I tried to do just the same he did to me as he worked up my legs. He was very gentle but it felt soothing so I tried to mimic his work. I figured it would be easier for me since He had loose shorts on and I wouldn't feel weird about reaching into his swimsuit like he did mine.

He never touched me where he shouldn't but he didn't miss a spot either. As I was working up his leg he lifted his foot and I was looking where I was going next and I realized I could see right up his shorts. Uhh, I wasn't expecting that and there is something else, He wasn't wearing swimwear but just loose short with no underwear. I could follow his toned hairy legs all the way up his short and I could see his balls.

Man they looked big and I couldn't take my eyes off of them. I know I shouldn't be looking up his shorts but I couldn't stop and I didn't know how far I needed to go with the lotion.

Well I did the best I could but when I got up to his shorts I sort of chickened out and stopped right at the hem of them. I didn't say a thing but moved on to his next leg and I couldn't help but to look at his shorts again. But I couldn't see anything and I was happy about that as I worked on his foot.

He then lifted his leg so it would be easier for me but that just opened his shorts and this time I couldn't see his balls but I could see his schlong! My god what am I doing I had to ask myself. I didn't stop since I didn't want him to know I could see up his shorts.

I tried not to look but found myself intrigued. He was so big compared to me and he looked like he wasn't circumcised. It looked so nice and smooth. I worked my way up his legs and actually didn't stop at the hem this time. I had an urge to just touch it to see if it felt as smooth as it looked. But I chickened out again or got my senses back and stopped just after the hem.

And as I took one last look at it I could swear that it had grown bigger, I wondered 'how big does it get and was this turning him on'.

I had to admit I felt turned on even with another man. I guess he towered over me so I told myself it was normal admiration.

I told him he had to 'stand up so I can do your chest'

But he said 'you can just straddle the chair and sit on my lap to get my chest'.

Now after looking up his short for so long I knew what was in there but I figured that was the easiest way for me to get his chest anyway. I got up and straddled his body and the chair, I figured I'd just hover in a squat and do his chest quick but as I hovered initially I started to lose my balance and Frank caught me and said 'it's ok if you sit'

Well not only told me but used his hands to guide me to sit right in his lap. I knew exactly what I was sitting on and found it strangely interesting. I could feel his length and the direction it was pointing. Well maybe I couldn't actually feel it that much but from looking at it I knew where it was. I just sat there and started to work the lotion into his chest.

As I was admiring his muscles I was rubbing him all over his chest which made me sort of squirm in his lap. I was enjoying it as I moved around feeling where his manhood moved as I moved. I admit it was pretty gay but it was fun and he didn't say anything. But as I worked my way to his stomach I had to really move and bend I noticed that something had changed.

I could feel he was getting hard. Oh my god I didn't know what I should do. I was almost reaching into his shorts to put lotion on and I could tell he was getting hard. I actually didn't know what I was doing because I didn't stop anything either, I kept on moving my hips around which kept rubbing his growing bulge and I was sliding my fingers into the top of his trunks.

I looked up to see his face and he had his eyes closed but a smile on his face and my hands were following his shorts to the center. I sort of reached a little further and I could feel the top of his pubic hair.

I slowly finished that spot and took my hands out to announce 'done'.

He reached up and grabbed my hips because I stopped moving and he sort of kept me moving with his hands and told me' that felt beautiful'.

Finally he opened his eyes and smiled more as I decided that I should get off of him before something weird happens. I don't know what would be weirder that what we had just done but he let me off and told me 'lay back and I'll get us some new drinks.'

I quickly agreed since I was a bit flushed from what I had just done but I watched as he got up and walked away, and there was no denying it, he had one massive hard on. I actually couldn't say much since I was tucked between my legs which prevented mine from showing but I was outrageously aroused. I knew that him getting me another drink meant I wouldn't be leaving until we finished but I promised myself that would be the last drink and I'd get out of there and be out of this silly bikini that I was wearing.

Frank came back with our drinks and we both laid back to enjoy the day. We didn't say much for awhile as I think we both needed to cool down.

When we finally talked, Frank was offering to light me another cigarette, how gentlemanly of him. We chatted more and he made the comment of how lucky we were to have a day like this together.

I agreed that the weather was too nice to waste but I'm not sure if that is what he was talking about.

Over the years we had known each other by him being Ted's Dad but now we were having a real conversation. He asked me about my likes and dislikes and told me about his. It was as if we were equals or friends, I really liked the feeling of being friends with Frank.

It had been over an hour since we laid down and it was getting hot. Frank suggested we go for a swim but I declined. He got up and dropped the lotion by accident next to me. As he reached down to pick it up he reached under me and picked me up and headed for the pool.

I put up a little fight but he said we both needed a swim and jumped in with both of us. Well that was a shock when I hit the water but I squirmed out of his hold and turned to try and dunk him. Frank swam away and it turned into a fun game with a lot of body contact.

After tiring out we were sort of leaning into each other and I noticed that Frank's hands were sort of massaging my ass. I know I enjoyed our last massage but I knew I should make it stop but all I did was gaze up into his eyes, which I had never noticed before that they were a light shade of green. I thought they were pretty sexy eyes and as I gazed our faces kept getting closer.

His hands on my bum and I was feeling his chest. I didn't want any of this to stop but I didn't want any of this to happen so I quickly moved away from what almost felt like a start of a kiss and got behind him.

I thought it would be funny to pull down his shorts and I quickly pulled them to his ankles. As I swam away I felt his big hands grab me and we had a fun little struggle.

He didn't pants me like I did him but got me in a bear hug and worked his hands into the top of my suit.

I know it shouldn't matter since I'm a guy but when someone feels you up in a bikini it is just different. As soon as he found my nipples and pinched them both between his fingers a lightning bolt shot through my body. I just leaned back onto him as he caressed my breasts.

I reached back to pull him into me even closer, but as I reached I didn't grab him but found out he never bothered to pull his shorts up and my hand grabbed the first thing sticking out. And you that was his cock. My breast felt so good and I didn't think what I had in my hand but just grabbed it and sort of moved my hand to figure out what I had. Even when I realized that it was his cock I didn't let go but kept a hold of it.

At that same time I felt him kissing at my neck. What a combination of feelings, my breast being gently caressed while getting sensual kisses on the neck and having a great big handful of man sized cock. I just enjoyed it as he worked up towards my ears which made me turn my head towards him. As soon I moved towards him he moved his kiss to my lips.

What was I to do? I melted into him and slowly accepted his kiss.

I guess with the drinks I had I had lost all of my inhibitions because when he stuck his tongue into my mouth I did nothing to stop him. It had also been a long time since I had a girlfriend and it just felt great.

I turned towards him to straighten my neck out and my hand never left his crotch. I was so excited I was stroking him as if it was my own and it felt so wonderful.

We made out for ever it felt like and when Frank finally let up he said to me 'I've been wanting to do that since the second he saw your cute little ass in this bikini'. Then He asked 'is everything okay?'

I told him 'I have no idea what 'I'm doing but I don't want to stop'.

With that comment he continued to kiss me and I kept stroking him. His hands moved all over my body both on top of my suit and inside of it. When he rubbed my crotch with my cock restrained I thought I was going to cum right then but he moved on and just had me at the edge. I couldn't believe how hot I was and when he turned us around so his back was to the wall I didn't know what was going on

But he broke our kiss and told me 'I'm so hard I'm ready to explode but I don't think I can by just being jerked off.'

I must have looked like a deer in headlights because I had no clue what he meant until he pulled himself up onto the edge of the pool and I was staring straight at his cock. I know I had already seen it but that was by accident and this time it was inches from my face. I was still holding it and I let my hands both explore freely. I cupped his balls and looked at his uncircumcised cock as I moved the skin around. I had never seen one this close or this big actually. I was mesmerized and I played with it like a new toy, which I guess in a way it was.

Frank had laid back and spread his legs so I had free access to him. After awhile I had the distinct urge to taste him cock. I suddenly thought it was gay to be touching another man but then again I had been playing with him this long so I guess I had stepped over that line a while ago. Once I made that decision in my mind it didn't much for me to decide I wanted to taste him.

I looked up to his face which was laid back eyes closed and a huge smile on his face. I reached my tongue out and just touched the tip. Now I didn't know what to expect but I got a low moan from Frank and he let me know how good that felt. I got a little braver and explored him with more of my tongue. I tasted his balls, licked the shaft and even stuck my tongue into his pee hole and wrapped his extra skin up my tongue to see how that felt.

I was really enjoying my exploration and the encouragement from Frank made me try new things. It didn't take too long before I had the head in my mouth and wondering how much of his cock I'd be able to get into my mouth.

Not that it was a challenge that I needed to do but I tried to get as much into my mouth as possible. I kept hearing Frank saying things like 'oh god yes' which made me try to get more.

After I'd gotten almost all of it in my mouth I felt his hands on my head and he started to control my speed of sucking. He was really moving my head suddenly. I didn't know what to do but I let him take control and suddenly he pulled my head in tight which made his cock go even further than I had before.

I started to choke when suddenly I felt his cock pulse in my mouth. I knew he must be cumming and I was trying to pull away to get air. After the first pulse he let me pull back a little but his cum streamed into my mouth. I let it shoot in and actually started to jerk him off more to help it come out. I think he must have gone for months without cumming because he filled my mouth with three squirts and had more that leaked out of my mouth.

I tried to swallow as I felt it leak out but he came too fast. When he stopped I still had the head of his cock in my mouth and I moved my tongue around feeling his cum.

I didn't want to spit it into the pool so I just swallowed everything that was in my mouth as I let his softening cock fall out. I looked up to Frank and he was like a little kid at Christmas with the smile on his face.

He told me 'That's the best blow job I've ever gotten in his life'.

I don't know if I believed him but as I held his dick and felt cum dripping off my chin who was I to disagree. As I sat there in the pool I started to worry about what I'd just done and I think Frank noticed.

He snapped me out of it by telling me again 'You don't know how hot you look in that bikini.'

I smiled and thanked him for the compliment and he suggested that we go catch our breath and have a drink.

Seeing his shorts were still floating in the pool and my suit was slid over to show my breast I thought I should gain some modesty. I fixed my suit and retrieved his shorts before I got out of the pool. Frank didn't seem to care and he had already sat down in one of the chairs naked.

I set his suit by him and I'd say I was a bit more ladylike when I sat down next to him. He reached over to me and brought my head to his for what felt like an extremely passionate kiss. Again I melted into his embrace and decided that what we had done was the right thing since it felt so good as I kissed him back. After our kiss Frank excused himself and told me not to go anywhere. Really, where was I going to go? I relaxed and lit a cigarette to think about what I just did. Not just what I did but the fact that I did it with my best friends Dad. I know I shouldn't have ever done any of this but it sort of just happened and I didn't have any regret. I mean I know I shouldn't have enjoyed what I did but you didn't see the look on Franks face and that satisfaction I got out of it. I know I didn't cum but I still feel elated and actually a little horned up. Maybe I should go inside and relieve myself, if you know what I mean. But the sun just felt so great and as I smoked my cigarette I could still feel my mouth was just a little slipperier than normal. I wonder if it is Frank's cum or my imagination, either way it was fun. Frank snapped me out of my daze as he brought me another drink even though I hadn't finished the one in front of me.

I asked him if he was trying to get me drunk. His response I guess wasn't surprising since he said he wanted to take advantage of the hot, beautiful creature in front of him. He also told me that this is his special cocktail that will relax us for the afternoon.

I guess I had no concept of what time it was since Ted left while we ate lunch so I know it is after that but it must not even be 5 by now. I figured.

I asked Frank what was in the drink and he told me it was a little of this and that but I'd enjoy it. I know I should get going home but I was at Ted's house after all and my parents don't worry about me when I'm over here. I guess that Ted's not here they don't need to know.

I tried the drink and it was really tasty so I relaxed and Frank asked me what he should call me? That question really took me by surprise. I mean why he couldn't just call me Ryan like he always has, so that is what I told him. He thought for a moment and said that makes sense, he'll call me Ry-anne.

I chuckled and said what is my nickname going to be now, Annie?

He smiled and said he liked that a lot, Annie.

I guess it must be the way I was dressed that it made some sense to use a female name so I told him he could call me Ann or Annie. We both laughed and said it sounded nice and chatted a bit about life and then I asked him where Ted had to run off to. He told me that Ted would be gone until next week with his mom but he wanted to spend some time with me without Ted.

I guess we couldn't think about doing any of this with Ted around and I know I never wanted him to know that I gave a guy a blow job and especially his dad. I told frank that Ted should never know what we did. Frank smiled and devilishly said that he would never tell Ted as long as we can do it again sometime.

I know I had fun but I didn't want to be a pushover so I told him maybe we could do that again but he still could not tell anyone about what happened.

Frank put his hand on my thigh and said he would never do anything that would hurt me and I had to trust him completely. He asked me if I trusted him? I looked into his eyes and he held my hand and I knew I could trust him so I told him I trusted him completely. He sealed my trust with another nice kiss. I liked kissing him more each time. I felt giddy and a little girlish but I guess that is how I should feel since I was playing the girl role in this situation today.

I took another sip of my drink and told him I needed some sun on my back and lay down on the lounger to sun my back. I think I was trying to get some time to think a bit more about what has happened However it wasn't too long before frank said he should put some more lotion on my back I told him if he wanted to' Honey'. I thought I'd be cute with a pet name for him. Of course he said he'd love to 'Annie'. It did sound nice to be called Annie and be treated so nicely. Frank started to rub the lotion into my back and I blissfully drifted off into space as I enjoyed his attention again. I wondered if I'd be able to lotion him up. The thought actually got me a little excited again. I think it was a good thing that I had tucked myself in between my legs otherwise I'd have had a hard on most of the day it seems.

As Frank worked from my shoulders down I felt some light kisses on my lower back, boy did they feel nice. I smiled and actually purred, which I think it was an animal instinct since I never remember making that sound before in my life. He didn't stop with his kisses on my back though and he slowly wandered down my leg and then up the other leg. As he progressed his hands found my ass and were massaging that while slowly working my swimsuit up revealing more for him to massage until his lips made it up my leg. He worked up to my cheeks and didn't stop. He covered my ass cheeks with light kisses while still working my swimsuit up both cheeks until I felt like they were completely exposed and fully wedged up my ass. I had never worn a thong but I'm sure this is what it felt like but without someone kissing you all over. He still didn't stop giving me attention down there and pulled my suit a little to one side. Now he was actually kissing me on my crack which had me a little nervous.

I actually asked Frank what he was doing and he told me that I had made him feel so good earlier that he was going to return the favor.

I didn't know what to say so I just let him continue. He kept kissing and worked his way in between my cheeks.

I must have jumped because I felt his hand on my lower back and he told me to relax. I tried to relax but he was right in my ass and he kept kissing me down there.

I must have relaxed a little bit but jumped again when he kissed me right on my hole. I had never thought of anyone ever being down there with their mouth but Frank didn't stop. The next thing I felt was a wet sensation that didn't feel bad at all. As he continued I could tell he was working his tongue down there and it was relaxing me more than making me nervous.

I started enjoying the feeling, really enjoying the feeling. So much that I was moaning and purring. He was working his tongue inside of me and I started to push back into his mouth, I wanted his tongue deeper into me. I started crying out things like 'oh my god' and 'please don't stop' which made him work ever harder.

I guess they had the effect I wanted since I really loved the feeling. I didn't think he could make me feel as good as a blow job but I was starting to think this may be better, even though I liked blow jobs I wanted more of this. His tongue was probing in and out of me and I think it was getting further in than just the surface. God I was loving it.

After he worked me for awhile he got up and stood next to my face. I wasn't sure what he was doing but when he started to lower his shorts his dick was like a flagpole. I guess he liked what he was doing too but I guessed I should help him out. He didn't have to ask me since I sort of started salivating when I saw his cock again especially inches from my face.

I got on my hands and knees to be at a better position and tried to take his entire length in at once; well as much as I could. In response I got a long low grown which I took as accepting of my work.

I started trying to return the feeling he had just given me as I sucked his length and started to fondle his balls. They seemed to be looser than the first time and were fun to handle.

I had never played with my own balls much, but Frank's felt about twice the size of mine and much more fun to me right now.

I know it actually wasn't very long since we had done this earlier but I guess I was ready for more with my enthusiasm. But Frank didn't let me go on too long and he pulled away from me saying it was my turn to feel nice and he returned to my bottom. Now remembering the feeling I didn't stop him but just stuck my ass higher up in the air for him to get to it. Seeing I was on all four it should be easier for him I figured. He got back there and worked his tongue back in. In no time at all I was back up to squealing in joy as his tongue entertained my bottom. I had no idea where any of this was going and I just let Frank take all control. As he worked his tongue I could feel his hands on my hips controlling my movements. Without me even noticing he pulled away for a second and was pulling my bottoms off my rear.

I suddenly got really nervous and tried to stop him since I knew without my bottoms my own cock would spring free and I didn't want Frank to stop since I was a boy. I know that sounds odd but I was really enjoying what he was doing and I think if he does it for a little bit longer I would finally cum. I was so close last time and I think I could without any contact to my cock this time.

Frank didn't let me slow him down and he told me to relax and trust him, which I tried to do.

He pulled my bottoms off and my cock stayed tucked between my legs but I could feel the cool air on the tip. Frank went back to kissing my cheeks and caressing my thighs. He stopped and told me that I have a beautiful little pussy. With that comment I was a little speechless, I really had no idea of what to say but I also know that I didn't want this to stop, not yet anyway. Frank went back to my 'pussy' and started to tease it with the tip of his tongue. Each time I'd feel the touch I wanted more and would push my rear towards him trying to get him in there deeper. I was feeling like a little slut wanting my pussy eaten but it is a feeling you just want more of.

He finally stopped teasing me and really went down there probing his tongue again but this time his hand started to work up my thigh. My head was a bit clouded but I could feel where his hand was going but I went with his request to trust him and let him continue to take charge. This was the right thing to do as his hand found my penis. It just made me shudder. I felt like I could cum right then and I think I did a little but he just slowly caressed my penis with the tips of his fingers which made it feel even better.

His mouth and fingers worked in unison to bring me to a state of ecstasy which I had never felt in my life. His tongue continues to pillage my ass-pussy and slowly expanded its reach. He was working my pussy and also the skin below it that he'd sometimes suck into his lips a little. Every now and then his tongue would just nip the tip of my penis and that sent an extra wave of pleasure into me and makes me moan a deep moan.

I know Frank knew what he was doing to me since it seemed like he would bring me up for a bit and then leave my penis alone. I was at such a state that I know I could cum if I reached down and jerked off for half a second but I liked what frank was doing and just went with the flow.

What really surprised me is when he worked way down on me and actually sucked the head of my penis into his mouth.

Oh my god I loved that tease and he only did it for a second but the sensation was wonderful. He continued teasing and playing and even sucking me some for a few minutes which felt like an eternity of pleasure to me. When he got up and brought his cock towards my mouth I was like a vulture engulfing his cock. What he did to me with his mouth had me so riled up I wanted to make him feel just as good and did my best to suck his cock. Frank didn't let my ass alone since he kept his hand down there and his finger continued where his mouth left off, teasing my little pussy and probing in slightly. He had me so wet and loose that there wasn't very much resistance to keep his finger out of it and it just danced on the edge of going into me. I didn't even try to resist and almost pushed into his finger each time it probed.

He asked me if I was enjoying what he was doing and I tried to respond the best I could with my mouth full of his tool. He took my mumbling I'm sure as affirmative since he said that he was going to make me feel even better. He let me work his tool for a little bit only and he pulled me off and bent down to give me a wonderfully deep kiss. He went behind me again and pulled my hips up to meet his mouth as his tongue probed even deeper than his finger was and I pushed into his advance. His tongue I felt actually was inside of me and was going in and out as we rocked. I had never thought I'd be trying to get him inside of me especially there but I was trying with all my might to help him in. Sadly he only did this a few times before he pulled away and was moving around.

I looked back to see why he stopped and he was up on his knees looking me in the face.

As our eyes met I felt the head of his cock touch me asshole which instinctively clenched.

Frank asked me if I trusted him again and I told him yes. With that he started to put more pressure on my asshole.

I didn't know what to think, he had me feeling so good but I never thought that I was gay and here I was with a cock trying to get into me and I had to make a decision what I was going to do.

I guess I knew my decision since I hadn't done anything so far today to stop what was going on, what did I expect to happen.

As he pushed in I could feel the pressure and with how wet I was he was starting to go in.

I was still a little clenched and I closed my eyes and pushed out just a little.

He started to slide in quicker and I could feel how big he was. At first it was like I was taking a reverse shit but then the head of his dick popped through my anal ring and the burning started. I grunted in pain and I think Frank knew since he stopped pushing and just stayed there.

I felt such a burning sensation that I was pushing out but he just stayed there.

I had lost all of my hard on when he started pushing and really wanted to get up and run away.

I fought the feeling as I sat there with my face buried in my hands whimpering a bit.

A little bit of the pain subsided but I still had a lot of hesitation about what was happening but I sat still, waiting. Frank must have noticed me relax a bit since he started to put a little more pressure and sliding in a little bit more. It must have gone a lot easier for him since I wasn't trying to resist as much. The burning wasn't gone but I had gotten used to it at least. He pushed for a bit then stopped again. This gave me time to relax since I was starting to try and tighten up again. He didn't wait too long though and this time he pulled out some and then pushed back in and it went in easier this time. He stopped again and let me rest and as he waited he told me how good my pussy felt on his cock and how much he has wanted to be inside of me.

I only half heard him since I was concentrating on my feelings. This time he pulled out and pushed back in a little harder and did it about three times. I could feel that he was getting deeper inside of me and I was starting to not feel the burning anymore. He stopped again for a few seconds and then pumped really slowly about ten times and I think he was still getting deeper but I'm not sure.

This time when he stopped he asked 'are you okay Annie?' and I told him I'm doing fine. He told me to tell him if it hurts too much and he'll stop. I think he knew we were far enough along I wasn't going to tell him to stop anymore, maybe if he told me that earlier I would have but it really wasn't hurting anymore. He started again and did a few slow little strokes and then a few longer strokes where I could feel him putting more pressure. He continued this slow small to slow long strokes a few times until he was really pulling me back on my hips; I was actually starting to push back to his thrusts.

The pain had subsided and I was getting into the feeling a bit as he slowly stroked in and out. Frank did one big push and pulled me hard into him. It didn't hurt but he had control of my motions. Frank asked me how I felt again and I told him I feel fine. He then took my hand and brought it up between my legs and told me to feel how deep he was.

I felt between my legs and found his balls. They were right up to my ass. I could not believe he was completely inside of me and it wasn't uncomfortable anymore.

He told me it won't hurt anymore and I should relax and enjoy myself. He promised this would be the best feeling I have ever had.

I wasn't sure about that since it had really hurt to start and I had lost my hard on when we started this. I was still a little horny but you could not tell by my cock anymore.

He started to stroke in and out again and he started to pick up the pace. As he was going I thought of how good he had me feeling earlier and I would give this to him to make him feel good.

The faster he went with the longer strokes they started to feel even better, I couldn't believe that I was thinking that it was actually feeling good, but it was. He was actually fucking me in the ass! I could not believe I was in this position and starting to enjoy it.

It didn't take too long before I know he heard me moan and this time it was a moan of pleasure. It felt like the best shit of my life and I really couldn't describe it any more than that but it felt good. He started really fucking me and I was moaning with pleasure and not holding back at all. I'm not sure but I think he was close to Cumming and he stopped. Frank told me we should get more comfortable and do this right and all I could pant was an okay. He pulled out of me and told me not to go anywhere and ran into the house.

I watched him go running naked to the door and realized that my asshole felt empty and I missed having him in there. I reached back and felt my asshole and it was tender and it actually was gaping open. I put one finger in and it didn't touch on both sides. I felt around and it felt swollen but nice. I worried a bit that it would stay that way and I clenched it around my finger and it did tighten up which made me feel better. Then I slowly started to move my finger and it felt amazing to be fingering myself. Slowly I slid a second finger in and there wasn't much resistance but it built up more sensations of ecstasy. I couldn't believe the feelings I was having and I reached for my cock and as soon as I touched it I almost came and it felt like electricity shooting through me. But it was totally soft. I kept massaging my cock and fingering my hole just enjoying the new sensations.

I probably would have cum but Frank came back because he shocked me out of my little orgasmic world when he asked me if he could help. I looked up to him and I think I turned three shades of pink with embarrassment.

I stammered out that I was just making sure it would close still and he told me that I'd be enjoying it even more soon and not to worry about it closing because everything will be just fine. He then kissed me and told me to follow him. He had a big blanket in his hands and he helped me up and directed me towards the grass next to the pool area.

As I walked with him I again remembered what I was wearing , just the skimpy bikini top now, and how it actually was making me feel overly sexy and I wanted him in me again since I pulled my fingers out I had that empty feeling down there.

I watched as Frank spread the blanket and then he took me in his arms and gave me another kiss. This one had some passion to it and we stayed that way making out for a while. As we were close to each other I could feel his cock on my stomach and it was starting to grow which in turn really made my cock start to grow again, finally.

I was a little worried about being so horned up without a hard-on but it was coming back and it was really hard, just the light brushing against franks legs made it feel outrageous.

We eventually laid down on the blanket with me in Franks arms. He slowly worked his kiss off my mouth and tongue and worked from my neck down. I just arched back to give him easier access since it felt so nice but he only kissed my neck for a little bit before his mouth found my bikini top.

I didn't really know what to expect but when he started to find my nipple I figured it out. His little nips at my nipple made it stand up even through the fabric and he could get his teeth on it to massage it. Now he didn't let my other nipple feel left out since his fingers were working that one. I couldn't help but moan again as he caressed my nipples. It didn't take too long before his hand slipped into the bikini top sliding it over and his mouth replaced the top. What a sensation a tongue has on the nipple, I thought I would cum right now and I reached out to find his cock which I think was even harder than when I was sucking him.

We continued with me stroking his member and he alternated on my nipples. While his mouth was on one, his hands would massage my breast while his fingers tweaked my nipples.

I wanted to stroke my raging hard-on but every time I moved my free hand towards my own cock Franks would catch it and move it away. Talk about a cock block but I couldn't stop him from controlling the situation and I didn't want to.

He had my nipples standing at attention begging for his talented mouth. If I had known the enjoyment that my nipples would produce I would have been playing with them long ago, but I needed an experienced mouth like Frank had to show me.

After playing like this for awhile Franks Cock felt like it needed to explode and his hand stated to venture between my legs. My own cock needed to explode too and his hand just brushed it on its way to my pussy I assumed.

With his mouth still on my nipples I spread my legs and tried to give him as much access as I could to get down there. I think he appreciated it as his hand found its mark. He immediately had one finger buried into me and there was no apparent resistance as he started to finger me.

He let a second and then a third finger joined in and I squealed like a girl with all the attention to my breasts and pussy. I was still trying to stroke his penis but our positions were getting difficult for me.

Frank lay down at my side and moved his mouth to my lips and I immediately had my tongue into his mouth. I was so rillied up I couldn't stop myself from kissing him. As we kissed he moved his hand from my bottom to raise one leg and he had his fingers back into me but this time from behind.

I never thought I was flexible but I had my leg in a position I never thought I would try and it gave him easier access to my bottom which is all I wanted.

As we kissed Frank told me this is a beautiful thing we are doing and I moaned my agreement.

He pulled away and removed his fingers for a second. I was not sure what he was doing but he rolled over and grabbed something from behind himself.

When I looked over I saw he had a tube of something and he squirted a good amount into his hand. He told me I'd enjoy this and just smiled.

He spread it onto his tool and then put a little on my ass-pussy. His fingers slid in with no resistance at all and he put all three in at once. I figured out it was lubricant that he had in the tube and closed my eyes as the wonderful feeling came over me again. As he fingered me I reached down to my cock and I was surprised to find it totally soft again.

In my head it felt like a steel pole but with his fingers in me it was totally soft but full of pleasure. I just rubbed it with the palm of my hand to get a little more sensation out of it.

Frank removed his fingers and with him on his side and my leg high up in the air it caused my pussy to be out to the side. This made it so his cock lined up perfectly and with his fingers out he slid right into me. Even though his fingers felt wonderful they were nothing compared to his cock.

I screamed out in pleaser as his balls touched my ass. He started to fuck me this way and he moved his mouth onto mine. We were about to make out while he fucked me and his hands found my nipples again.

It was a slower pace than before but every part seemed more intense. I don't know if it was the lube, the angle, or the multiple stimulation of my nipples and mouth but I seemed to shudder and spasm. I wasn't cumming but I had a wave of something flow through me and he noticed. He stopped his thrusting as I spasmed and waited.

As soon as I regained control of my body I started pushing back onto him and told him not to stop. He followed my directions right away and was back to fully pumping into me. We did this for awhile longer until he stopped and I opened my eye to see his.

He told me he wanted to see me control my own enjoyment and with that he rolled onto his back but his cock being fully inside me took me along with him.

I found myself sitting upright looking away from him but on his lap. It didn't take but a second before I realized I was able to ride his cock.

I raised myself off a few inches and lowered back down. I loved the feeling and I hadn't been able to control what he did to me before so this was new. I did some slow short pumps and then tried longer faster ones. I accidently slipped him out and had to reach back and find his tool but it seemed to slide right back where it was without very much directing.

I was fucking myself on his pole and found I loved to control the pace. As I bounced my soft cock was flying everywhere and I actually had to hold it against me to keep it under control.

Frank stopped me and told me to turn around. I hadn't even thought about that but I sat down on his cock and brought my leg up and over his body. I didn't think I'd spin like I did but I was like a top stuck on a pole as I spun easily keeping him in me the whole time.

He pulled me down to his face and gave me another passionate kiss and his hands grasped my ass to pull me forwards. I felt his fingers grasp my waist and start to control my movements as he pushed me gently back down on his cock. I'm not sure if I had lost control but still felt in control as he guided me up and down.

We fucked slowly like that until Frank pushed me back up and told me he wanted to see me play with my tits. I didn't really think too hard about the request and sat up a little straighter and grabbed my tits.

I really didn't have any tits but the bikini top was pulled aside and I just grabbed at my chest and pushed my nipples together. It felt better than I thought because my fingers just went to my nipples as I did that and started pinching them. This whole time Frank continued to control my movements and kept me fucking his pole.

He had me really bouncing and I was getting a little sore in my thighs. I guess I had never had to be in this position and was not used to it but didn't want to stop.

I don't know if Frank noticed or it was just his choice because he sat up and rolled me onto my back. I couldn't believe his cock stayed in me again as we moved around but he made it work.

I was so horney I brought one hand down to my cock and kept pinching my nipple with the other one. Frank actually picked up his pace. I'm not sure if he was close to cumming but I was on the verge as soon as I touched my own cock.

I couldn't stop myself as I screamed. I had only pulled on my cock two times and I just started to cum all over. My cum shot out so hard it landed on my face. I must have had a line of cum from my nose to my belly button and I had at least three huge spurts. This must have done something to Frank because his speed changed to a jackrabbit speed and he grabbed my ankles.

He had so much control of me as he pushed my ankles up almost to my ears and kept pumping into me. I guessed he was close to cumming too which he verified as he screamed out that he was cumming. He did one hard pump into me that made it feel as if his cock was in my stomach and I think I could feel him cum inside of me. I'm not sure but he stayed there for a second and then pulled out letting go of my ankles and his cock spurted cum out like I've never seen. He must have had one hell of an orgasism because his cum hit my face also and added to my own on my stomach.

Frank laid down on me smearing our cum together as we both panted. Nothing was said for a few moments as I think we both needed to catch our breath.

Finally Frank rolled off of me and looked me in the eye and asked 'did you like that?'

'I think the creamy mess on my stomach should tell you that.' And I leaned over and kissed him.

We lay like that for a while in the sun. Frank had put his arm around me and was holding me into his chest. It felt wonderful to be held that way, but as the cum started to dry on my stomach my mind started to wander.

I asked Frank 'Now what do we do?' wondering about our relationship.

Frank's answer 'I think you're staying for dinner...'

The end of this section. I think I'll continue this relationship in another story but this is where I leave the two new lovers. I hope you enjoyed it and please give me your comment or suggestions for the next part.


Ryanne1075 at Gmail dot com

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