A Day at the Beach

By Slick

Published on Jul 4, 1997



Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories.gay



I was hitching a ride up to the lake and I'd had my thumb out for 45 minutes. What the tuck was the matter? Its not as if I look like an ax murderer. I usually get picked up within 5 minutes. There was plenty of traffic too. The sweat was dripping off me in sheets, standing on the baking asphalt out in the full sun. I was glad I'd put on the sunblock before leaving the house or I'd be burnt red by now. I only had some cutoffs and a tank top on. Some great idea this turned out to be, I muttered to myself as the 50th car whizzed by me. No classes for me today at the community college, it was 90 degrees and humid as hell, what better thing to do than go up to the lake and swim all afternoon? I figured on a week day it would be quiet and I'd have my favorite diving rock and swimming hole all to myself. No screaming little kids and their parents to get on my nerves.

Finally! I heard the gears downshift on the VW Bug that had just gone by and looked over my shoulder. Yep, they were stopping. About tucking time. I grabbed my knapsack and ran up the roadside. There were three guys inside and the one in the front passenger seat stepped out so I could get in the back.

"Hey, how's it going?" he said, flashing me a big smile. He looked about the same age as me, early twenties.

"Pretty good, now that you guys stopped. I thought I was never going to get a ride." I plopped myself into the cramped back seat, the back of the front seat flopped back and whacked my knees. I spread my legs as best I could.

"Hi, I'm Peter," the guy next to me said, offering his hand.

"Dan." We shook hands as the VW pulled back out into traffic. I felt Peter's leg against my leg. We were practically on top of each other in the small space.

"You guys Ok back there?" the driver asked. "That back seat wasn't made for people over 5 feet tall, you know. I'm Russ, by the way, and this is Andy." I mumbled hi and my name again and Andy swiveled around to face the back.

"You look like you're going to the same place we are, up to the lake?" Andy asked. I nodded. Peter was lighting up a joint. "Yeah, its too fucking hot to do much of anything else today." The joint was passed to me and I took a hit, then passed it to Andy. He spoke while exhaling the herb smoke, "How long you been waiting there for a ride?"

"About an hour, I guess. No one would even look at me as they went by. Thanks again for stopping."

"No problem," Andy said, passing the joint on to Russ after taking another hit off it. "I told Russ to stop for you, you looked so miserable standing there. I said, 'We can't leave that poor boy standing there by himself on the side of the road on a day like today'. You have a particular spot you go to at the lake?" Andy was definitely the spokesman in this group.

"Yeah, there's a great diving rock way up on the north side, just off the old quarry road. Its where I usually go." I could already feel a buzz starting from the pot as I took another drag off it. it was good stuff.

"I don't think we've ever been on that side before. We usually go to the south side beaches in between the two marinas, but we can swing you by where you're going. Damn, this is good pot. Peter came up last night from the city and brought it with him. Peter, you can stay with us anytime you want." Andy giggled and then greedily sucked at the last of the smoke until his finger got too hot and he dropped it. "Oh, well, there's more where that came from," and Andy slumped back down in his seat.

Peter grinned and shook his head. "You from here in town? You look like one of the college boys," he asked, turning more towards me.

"Yeah, its my second year. Next year I go to the big bad city to the university. Do you go there?" I could feel the heat from his furry leg against mine.

"No, I finished a while back. Now I have a degree in History and I'm working the door at a club in the city. Not exactly the glamorous, high paying job I'd expected, but I get by for now." He was stoned like me and had a mindless smile on his face. He ran his hand down my leg as he shifted around trying to get comfortable. He probably didn't mean anything by it, but I felt my dick pulse. He was very sexy, dark hair, brown puppy eyes, but I still had no clue what the story was on these guys other than a vague intuition. They weren't overt, one way or the other.

"You come up here a lot?"

"No, actually its my first time. I met Russ and Andy last weekend in the city and they invited me up. They're quite the dynamic duo." At this, Russ gave a snort from the front and Andy giggled some more. Feeling I'd missed an inside joke, I smiled and looked out the window.

"Are we getting close to your spot, Dan?" Russ asked. "Tell me where to turn off." Then to Andy, "I like it over here. Maybe we should give the north side a try today."

"You guys are welcome to join me here if you want. At least check it out." Now that I'd gotten used to their company I wasn't in any hurry to spend the day by myself anymore.

"Sure, why not," Andy answered back. "We're already here. I don't feel like riding around all day in this tin machine. That Ok with you, Peter?"

"No problem back here, guys." I felt Peter's arm too slowly brush against me again and my balls tingled. Definitely, I was not imagining this, I was getting sex vibes from this guy next to me.

"Park up here in the turnout. The spot is just down through the trees over there." The VW pulled over off the shoulder of the road creating a cloud of dust behind us. Russ had parked too close to a tree and we couldn't open the passenger door. Russ had already hopped out and was pulling things out of the trunk in front, so we three climbed out on that side. I got a faceful of Peter's denim clad butt as he was getting out. He then turned around and grabbed me by the hand, giving me a yank to help me out. I was feeling really good. I had a nice buzz and my dick was semi-hard. This was turning out to be one nice day after all.

They gathered up their beach blanket, towels, and cooler and followed me down the incline to the water's edge. They were duly impressed with the location and we set out the blanket and took off our T-s and tank tops. "Do other people come here or is it always this quiet?" Andy asked.

"I'm usually the only one here. Sometimes on the weekends I have to share it, but I doubt anyone else will be here today." He was standing with his toes in the water flicking drops at Russ with his wet foot.

"Well then, I guess we don't need these, huh?" Andy dropped his shorts and tossed them at Russ.

"Real subtle, Andy," I heard Russ say under his breath.

"Well, come on guys, take 'em off. No need for modesty in this crowd," Andy said, tugging at Russ' shorts. Peter looked at me and shrugged, pulling his cutoffs down as I did, both of us checking each other out from the corners of our eyes. He was very well hung, nice and thick, and it looked like it was already on its way to growing bigger. Russ' shorts were now off and Andy was trying to push him in the water, the two of them laughing and yelling. Peter and I kicked back on the blanket and watched.

"You want a beer or a soda?" Peter asked, rummaging around in the cooler.

"A soda. Thanks." I fished a cigarette out of my knapsack and lit it, hoping to distract my mind a little bit from Peter. He had turned toward me on his side, supporting himself on one elbow, that cock of his splayed across his thigh.

"Mind if I bum one off of you?" he said indicating the cigarette. "I left mine in the car." I handed him the pack. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. I watched him as he exhaled the smoke. He was my type, no doubts about it. My dick was swelling just looking at his body. We smiled at each other in silence. As we finished our smokes, Russ and Andy were crashing out of the water and were soon dripping all over us.

"The water's great. Aren't you two going in? Its too fucking hot not to," Andy panted as he toweled off.

"What ya say, sexy? Want to?" Peter asked, tousling my hair as he stood up.

I jumped up and we ran headlong into the lake. The water felt cool and refreshing, washing off the sticky sweat and dust from my body. My mind sharpened up too, the pot-high fuzziness evaporating. I swam over to the diving rock and climbed up, careful not to jab my feet on the pointy stone outcropping as I made my way up. It was a good 30 foot dive off the top. I dove off, loving the sensation of the fall and feeling my body pierce through the water. As my head came up above water I looked up in time to see Peter hurtling down and do a cannonball. Damn, I bet that made his ass smart, I thought.

I was startled when he surfaced right in front of me, laughing and sputtering. "That was fun. What a rush! I've never jumped off from anywhere that high before. Your dive was perfect, too." He then leaned in and planted his lips on mine. A great kisser. Our tongues were diving in, swapping saliva back and forth as we treaded water. Even in that cool water we both had a hard-on.

"What do you say we head back to the towels before we sink to the bottom?" Peter suggested, pulling back and looking over my shoulder.

"What about Russ and Andy?" I turned to see what Peter was staring at. "Oh, I guess its cool then, huh?" The other two were locked together back on the blanket oblivious to us in the water.

"Don't tell me you didn't know the minute you got into the car. I mean, we had you scooped out as soon as we saw you. Don't ask me how, just that radar-like sixth sense we all have, you know?" He gave me another quick kiss and started swimming back.

As we toweled off, Russ and Andy disentangled themselves and looked up. Andy, stroking his dick, said, "we saw you guys were getting along just fine out there so we figured you wouldn't be too shocked."

"Don't let us interrupt," Peter said, pulling me down alongside him. Andy was now pressing his spit slicked pole up against Russ' asshole, missionary style. As they began moaning in earnest, Peter guided my head down to his crotch and slipped his cock between my lips. I began sucking him in time to Andy's thrusts into Russ.

"Um, look at that, Peter," I heard Andy say. I glanced up to see Peter turn his head to accept Andy's cock into his mouth. I also saw that it was coated brown. Peter's lips were soon slimed brown too. I could smell the aroma of shit. "Taste good, Peter? You like that tasty dick a lot, huh?" Andy continued, pumping his cock in and out of Peter's mouth. Andy pulled out and his cock was nice and clean. Peter had sucked all the shit off. He was bucking his hips, a hand on the back of my head, thrusting his cock down my throat. Andy bent over and kissed Peter, the two of them moaning, Andy's tongue licking off the brown from Peter's lips. Peter laid back flat on the blanket and Russ moved over and straddled his butt over Peter's face. Peter shuddered and sighed and I could hear him slurping on Russ' asshole.

Russ was pulling on his hard cock as he squatted over Peter. "Oh yeah, suck that hole, man. Eat it out, Peter. Yeah, dig on up there, baby."

I could feel Andy's cock banging at my back door now. I relaxed my ass muscles and let him in, his cock sliding all the way up inside me. I knew I was dirty back there, I hadn't taken a dump that morning. "Fuck, this boy's got a full butt too. He's getting my cock good and coated, Russ. You ready for a taste?" Andy pulled out of me and offered his cock up to Russ' mouth. It was plastered with my shit. I sat up to watch as Russ took it and began cleaning it off with big licks of his tongue. Russ cut a loud fart then, right in Peter's face and I got down to see what Peter was up to. I was jacking my cock fast and furious. The smell of shit making me heady. These guys were really into it.

As I got in close to Peter's face he turned his eyes to me and then rolled them in delight. He was tongue fucking Russ' butt and as I watched a fat brown turd started easing its way out. Russ laid a nice 6-inch meaty turd right into Peter's open mouth. I'd never seen anyone do this before and I thought it was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. Russ stood up and the three of us could clearly see the shit log sticking out of Peter's mouth.

"That's fucking beautiful," Andy said, he and Russ kissing. I realized they were both tasting my shit in their mouths.

Peter sat up and looked at me quizzically. Then he bent towards me and cupped his hand behind my head, drawing me to him. Before I could think about it, my lips were mashed against his and I felt him passing the turd into my mouth from his. Now I had a turd sticking out of my mouth. Peter bent in again and bit off the part that was protruding from my lips. I watched as he chewed it up and swallowed it, Opening his mouth to show me it was gone. Then Andy knelt and pulled my face to his. As we kissed I started passing the turd to him. When it was about half way into his mouth he bit it off and left the rest in mine. I watched as he too ate the shit up and swallowed.

"Your turn, Dan," Peter said, pinching my tits, nibbling my neck. "Start chewing it up. Come on, baby, do it for me. I want to see you eat that hot piece of shit you got in your mouth."

"Yeah, watch this too," Andy said. He had his hand under his butt and was pushing out a big turd. He took the turd he dumped in his hand and started feeding Russ so I could watch. Andy just kept slowly inching his turd into Russ' mouth as Russ chewed and gulped, soon consuming the entire log. "Pretty fucking hot, huh, man? Look at him chowing down on my shit."

"Come on, Dan," Peter coaxed. "Eat that up so you can have some of mine. I want to feed you, baby. I want to feel you sucking shit out of my ass." I managed to start swallowing and found it wasn't bad, I was actually enjoying eating shit and having Peter watch and encourage me to do it. "Good boy, you got it all down? Ready for more?" He laid me out on the blanket and squatted over me. I had my mouth locked around his hole in a flash and he began to reward me with his dump. "Don't try to eat it, Dan, just let me fill your mouth up." Which he did. There was so much it backed up and started piling up on my face. It was a huge load. "Yeah, baby, that's my shit. All for you. I'm giving you my whole fucking load." He dumped the rest on my chest. Andy and Russ got down over me and started eating Peter's shit off of me. Even Peter picked up a turd off my chest and crammed it in his mouth. I was looking up at three hot guys, their mouths covered with shit, beating their dicks. First Andy, then Russ, blew their cum in my face. As Peter got close he got down and pushed his cock in my mouth, forcing shit down my throat along with his hot cum. My cock erupted then too, sending ribbons of pearly cum up onto Peter's back.

We all collapsed in a heap, spent. After a short time of recuperation, we jumped in the water and cleaned off, rinsing away the caked on shit from out bodies, gargling the brown out from between our teeth. Russ and Andy swam out to the diving rock and Peter and I headed back in to shore, flopping down on the warm blanket in the sun.

I lit a cigarette and stretched out on my back, enjoying the feel of the sun over my naked skin. I felt Peter's tongue lick at my right nipple, teasing it into hard stiffness. Then his teeth lightly nipping at my tit, biting, sucking, lapping all around it. My cock grew hard under the erotic stimulation and Peter's hand closed around it, gently stroking, rubbing the precum into the head with his thumb. I sighed and took another drag off my smoke. I was feeling real fucking good. I had Peter's nose and lips nuzzling in my ear now.

"How about you come back to Russ and Andy's with us and spend the night?" Peter breathed out with lust in his voice, soft and hot in my ear.

"Oh, yeah..." I panted back. My cock straining in Peter's grip. I wasn't ready for this to be over by a long shot.

"I want to sleep with you, hold you tight, knowing my shit's inside that belly of your's, boy. Have you right there to take some more turds from me first thing in the morning. Empty my guts into you for breakfast. You like that, baby? Want to learn to eat shit with me?" Peter murmured this to me as he gently turned me on my side, sliding his hard on between my ass cheeks, effortlessly entering my hole in one slow, fluid thrust.

"Christ, man, that feels so fucking good. Nice and slow, in and then all the way out, just like that, yeah." I was near cumming again with the ass action Peter was giving me. I love it when a guy pulls his cock out after each thrust, reinserting again and again so I can really feel the penetration each time.

"I want to piss up your ass, is that cool with you?" That hot breath against my ear again, lips brushing my lobe. "Just let my hot urine flow inside you. Its already squirting out the end of my hard cock, man. Feel it up there? Hot piss bubbling around my cock, filling your ass up with it."

I could feel the heaviness of it inside me. "Damn, your shit in my stomach, your piss in my ass. Give me your lips, man, I fucking need to feel your lips on mine." Peter twisted my head around and planted his mouth on mine. He tasted musky and earthy. I stuck my tongue inside his mouth to get more of his flavor onto my taste buds. "Oh, yeah," I moaned between slurps, "kissing you is like sucking on your asshole! Just like eating out a hot shit hole."

"That's right, baby. You like the smell and taste of shit. You fucking love it the way I do, huh? Like Russ and Andy do. You're a fucking shit freak like we are. Yeah, that's right, kiss me, kiss this shit smelling mouth of mine." Peter was pumping me again in the ass as he said this. I could feel his piss trickle down my leg each time he pushed in and out.

"Yeah, I love it, man. Fucking love your stink. Makes me high just sniffing your breath..." I was feeling like his piss was going to start exploding out of my ass.

"I'm going to pull out now. I want you to dump that piss enema on my crotch. All over my cock and balls. Just let it go."

I hunched over Peter as he laid flat on his back and strained to let it go. I heard a huge, liquid, noisy fart blast out of me and looked down to see the fetid brownish-yellow slop that was coming out of me land all over his stiff cock. It splattered his stomach and legs, oozed over his nuts and coated his pubic hair. He was beating his meat a mile a minute, encouraging me to keep on dumping on him.

"That's it, baby. Blow that mess on me. Take a fucking big old dump all over me. Look at that hot runny slime coming outta you. Fuck yeah! Get me really stinky, man. Then get your face down in it!"

As the slop slowed to a trickle, Peter pulled me down onto him and forced my face into his filthy crotch, smearing me with the waste. I licked his slimy cock clean while he rubbed handfuls of pissy, runny shit into my hair.

"Yeah, baby, I'm gonna turn you into the fucking hottest, shit lovin' faggot anyone's ever seen. Gonna keep you smelling like a shit eater. Want everyone to know you eat my shit. Cover you with my fucking stink." Peter was working the slop into my skin with the palm of his hand while he jammed his cock down my throat.

Peter suddenly grabbed my head and held me down on his cock as it erupted in my throat, coated my insides with his cum.

"Oh, fuck, yeah!!!" Peter's voice was choked and strained as he blew his load, my face locked against his slippery, slimy-brown groin.

I was humping my cock against his leg and shot off too, thick ropes of cum landing on the hair on Peter's calf muscle.

We must have dozed off after that because the next thing I remember Andy was sticking his toe in my side and telling me something.

"Get in the water, guys! Come on, wake up! We heard a car stop up on the road. Get that fucking shit off you and let's get going!"

We stumbled into the water and splashed ourselves awake while Russ and Andy started packing and folding stuff up. Peter and I had just gotten dried off and our shorts back on when a guy and girl came through the trees and said hello as they set out their blanket. The four of us picked up and headed for the car.

"Fuck! Can you imagine the looks on their faces if those two had come by earlier?" Andy said, laughing at his own thoughts.

"Maybe he'd of let you lick her pussy, you never know," Russ shot back. "I sure wouldn't mind getting it on with him while you were..." He glanced back at the guy laying in the sun next to the girl.

"Dream on. You know the only holes I lick are man holes, the dirtier the better," Andy answered, coming up behind me and squeezing my ass. "You hanging out with us tonight, Dan?"

"Yeah, if its Ok with you. Peter said I could spend the night with him."

"Its fine by me. Is that fine with you, Russ? Yeah, I think its ok with us." I saw Andy giving Peter a look while he made the small talk.

"What?" Peter wanted to know, staring back at Andy's raised eyebrows.

"You sure don't waste any time, that's all I have to say."

"What, I'm just going to let you dump this boy back on the expressway where you found him? No way!"

We were back at the car. It was super heated inside as we piled in. On the drive back I nodded off leaning against Peter, my nose catching his scent from his hairy armpit.

Peter mussed my hair with his fingers. "Wake up. We're here."

Andy and Russ were already stepping inside the front door of the house we were parked in front of. I tried to get myself together, but was still half asleep. My mouth felt like it was full of dried dirt. I stumbled through the front door still groggy. I could hear Andy call out from another room to Peter who was ahead of me down the hall.

"Why don't you take puppy boy upstairs and have a shower while we order a pizza. Take your time. Russ wants to lay down and take a nap for a bit anyway."

We went up to a bedroom and Peter started the water running in the bathroom just off to the side. He came back in the find me practically asleep again on the bed. He smiled and yanked my shorts off, then covered me with just the sheet.

"Go ahead and doze off for a while. I'm going to take a hot shower. I'll wake you up later."

I mumbled something back to him and fell asleep with his kisses on my face and fingers stroking my hair.

It was dark out. It took me a minute to remember where I was and who's body it was sandwiched up against me holding me tight.

"You awake?"

"Yeah, how long have I been out?"

"A few hours. Hungry?"

"I guess so," I said, reaching around and touching his ass. "I meant for pizza. You can have some more of my shit later," he laughed, pushing me out of bed. "And if you want shit later, we need to eat food now. Why don't you hop in the shower and I'll meet you downstairs."

I rinsed off quickly and wandered down to the kitchen feeling much better and wide awake.

"Where's Andy and Russ?"

"They already ate and went to sleep."

"Did you eat too?"

"No, I waited for you."

We sat at the table and wolfed down the remaining half of reheated pizza and some beer.

"You know, pizza makes great turds. Its the dough."

"No, I didn't know that," I grinned back at him.

"Yeah, its a lot more fun eating pizza after its been reprocessed."

I was getting hard hearing him talk about it, thinking about what I was seeing him put in his mouth coming out his butt in the form of a nice hot stinking turd. I hoped he had some shit in him when we went back upstairs.


Peter cleared up the table and we went back to bed. We cuddled and kissed for a bit and Peter asked if I'd ever seen a scat video. I hadn't so he popped one on the VCR and we watched it and pulled on our hard dicks.

"That beer's worked its way through me, how about you?"

"Sure has, I've needed to piss for about 20 minutes, but I didn't want to miss any of the video."

"You drink my piss, I'll drink your's. That way we don't have to get out of bed and we can keep passing it back and forth."

Peter took the head of my dick lightly between his lips and I immediately felt the flow of my piss start. I tried not to let it blast out so as not to drown him. He sucked it out of me and swallowed it in big noisy gulps. He was looking up at me with pure lust in his eyes as I emptied my bladder into him.

"Fuck that felt good," I said, as Peter pulled off my cock and licked his lips.

"Felt pretty good on this end too. Your turn."

I slid down and teased his cock head with my tongue as the first dribbles of his urine started to flavor my taste buds. I clamped my lips around his cock and could feel the stream of warm pee shooting into my mouth. I loved the sensation. It was like a super long, continuous ejaculation coming out of him. I started gulping faster and faster as the force increased in strength. I was getting off on taking more of him inside my body.

"Oh, did that feel incredible! Keep on sucking me, man. I want to get off. Gonna send some sperm down there too. Yeah, gonna fucking cum, baby. Gonna fucking blow my wad down your throat, here it comes!"

His cock spit like a snake, pulsing and convulsing in my mouth, his hands holding my head as he emptied his load into me. I gratefully took it. He was still talking nasty after cumming as I beat my dick to orgasm.

"You're going to drink my piss all night long, boy. I'll wake you up every time I need to take a leak. Keep you full. Keep on running my piss through you. Then in the morning you're gonna be under my ass. I'm gonna have to take a big huge dump when I wake up. And its all for you, baby. Feeding it all to you. That'll be your damn breakfast in the morning. Hot turds from my ass. Hot brown logs of my shit. Sucking big old turds outta me, baby, your lips sucking big brown logs outta my hole."

I shot. I was in a frenzy. On one hand I couldn't believe this guy was saying all this to me, and on the other I was so turned on I was blowing my load. He rubbed my cum into my skin and gave me a deep kiss. We turned off the TV and lights and were both in dreamland in minutes.

In the morning, we woke up with piss hard ons. I was in that half awake, half dreamy state. Peter was pushing me under the covers, getting my face down to his dick. The silkiness of his cock felt good on my lips and the scent of his crotch was intense under the blankets. I could tell Peter was still groggy too as he laid on his side with that cock snaked down my throat. He was making quiet grunting noises as he slowly fucked in and out of my mouth. After a few minutes he stopped thrusting and held himself in deep, my lips pressed against his pubes. I tasted the first salty spurt of urine and started milking the flow out of him. It was a nice light stream of pee, but really strong in flavor. Peter drained it all into me. I moved lower and started licking under his balls trying to get at his hole.

"You aren't getting anything from there until after you've shaved that prickly face," Peter announced, hooking me under the arm and pulling me back up to the pillows. He leaned over and got a cigarette from the nightstand. I watched him light up and take a deep drag as I licked and sniffed under his arm. He passed me the cig and I inhaled the sweet tobacco smoke.

"Is there a razor and shaving cream I can use?" I was hopping out of bed, heading for the bathroom.

"Use mine. Right there on the sink."

As I was scraping my face smooth I remembered I was supposed to be at home that morning. My parents were away on a trip and my cousin was going to be stopping in and then staying overnight. He had to pick up his folks, who were with mine in Hawaii, and he'd decided to make the drive to our place a day early so we could hang out together. I explained this to Peter as he came in and started his shave next to me.

"You want me to give you a ride over there? We can shower fast and I can take you over on my bike."

While we were under the spray of the shower, I let loose with my piss and hosed Peter down with it. He got down on his knees and I soaked his hair with my warm, yellow pee.

"I can't resist. Turn around and give me a taste of your ass, baby."

I did as instructed and started getting drilled by his tongue. It felt so good I relaxed my hole and by the sounds Peter was making, he was getting a nice mouthful of my shit. Standing up, he spun me around and showed me his brown coated tongue and teeth, a devilish smile on his face.

"How about you? Need a little snack before we take off? I really need to let some of it outta me. Come on, just one big, juicy turd." He was already pushing down on my shoulders as he said this.

I crouched down and glued my lips to his puckered anus, feeling it open to my prodding tongue. I was rewarded with a thick, chunky log of his shit. I chewed and swallowed, consuming the entire fat 5 inches.

I stood up and we turned off the water and dried off. After throwing on our clothes we went downstairs and out to Peter's motorcycle. We didn't see Andy or Russ and I guessed they were still asleep.

"Wow. I didn't see this when we came in yesterday. Cool bike."

"It gets me around. Climb on."

I gave him directions and we took off. I liked sitting behind Peter, holding on to him around the waist, feeling his strong body against mine.

As we pulled up in front of the house I saw my cousin on the front steps. He was smoking a cigarette and had a pissed off expression on his young face.

"How long you been waiting here?"

"About 40 minutes. I was about ready to turn around and drive home again. Where the fuck have you been?"

"Sorry, Eric. I spent the night with Peter. We came over as soon as I remembered you were going to be here." I then made introductions. Eric lightened up a bit after shaking Peter's hand.

"Yeah, well, at least you showed up."

We went inside and Eric headed off for the toilet saying he had to take a leak real bad and how he'd considered doing it on the front porch if I hadn't showed up when I did.

"He's a hot one. Is everyone in your family good looking?" Peter whispered to me as soon as Eric was out of the room.

"I know. He and I have been have sex on and off for years. Maybe we can have a three way."

Peter seemed to like the idea and we were making out on the couch when Eric came back into the livingroom.

"Oh, I get it. You guys spent the night together.. like, together," Eric said, sitting on the other end of the couch and kicking of his shoes. "By the way, I brought a couple of joints with me. You guys want to get high?"


Eric lit up and passed it to Peter. We were all three feeling pretty buzzed in no time. Peter and I took our shoes off too and I went in to get some sodas. My mouth was getting dry and pasty.

"Whew! What have you guys been eating? Your breath stinks like a fucking sewer, man. Eric was wrinkling up his nose as I handed him his soda. "I don't know how you two could be kissing each other."

"Its an acquired taste," Peter answered, smiling up at me and then looking over at Eric. Peter started laughing, "I guess you could say your cousin and I like making pigs of ourselves."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Well," I answered, "you know how sometimes when we've fooled around together, we've sucked each other's ass?"

"Yeah, feels great. So what?"

"Well, when Peter and I do it, we, uh, kind of add something to it."

"Like what?"

I was getting red in the face, so Peter answered.


"What? You guys lick each other's dirty butt? That ain't gonna make your mouth stink that bad."

"It will if you eat a whole load of shit out of my ass."

"No way! You ate each other's shit?"

"Yeah. Like I said, its an acquired taste."

"Must be."

Eric was obviously shocked. His mouth hung open in disbelief. He reached into his pocket and fished out a cigarette, lighting up and blowing out a cloud smoke. He narrowed his eyes and looked at me, then at Peter.

"You're telling me my cousin's a shit eater?"

"Yeah, and he's a pretty good one too. What to see?"

"Fuck, man, sure. I'll give anything a try once. Let me see you lay a turd in Dan's mouth."

As we started pulling off our clothes, I noticed Eric's cock was rock hard. He must have liked something he was hearing about shit eating. I took it as a good sign.

Peter sat back on the couch and flipped his legs back over his shoulders, exposing his butt. I got down on my knees and started lapping my tongue back and forth over his crack. Eric got down and watched, his face barely a foot away from mine.

"Work your tongue up in there, Dan. Dig my shit out and show your cousin here what a fucking hot shit eater you are."

I swirled and snaked my long tongue into his chute, feeling the tip of a log way up inside. Peter's ass lips poofed out as he tried to shit, a nasty fart hissing out and up my nose.

"Damn, he just cut a fart in your face, man. You like that, Dan? Having guys blow farts in your face?" Eric said, beating his cock.

"That's not all he likes," Peter answered for me. "Watch this."

Peter's thick brown turd appeared from his hole, slowly peeking out from the distended opening. I pulled back so Eric could see it real good, then put my mouth around it and chewed off a hunk. I looked my cousin in the eye as I ate Peter's shit, swallowing and then going back to the hole for more.

"Fuck! He's fucking eating your turd, man! That's too fucking hot. Yeah, eat it up, Dan. Suck his shit log outta his ass."

Eric had gotten behind me and was humping his cock against my butt. I reached around and spread my ass cheeks, inviting him to fuck me.

"Stick your cock up his ass while he's eating my shit, Eric. Let's stuff him from both ends."

I looked up at Peter as he said this and saw him kicked back, a cig dangling from his mouth, his arms hooked around his legs. He was feeding me breakfast, hot and steady from his oven.

Eric was pumping his short, thick dick up my butt and I could tell he was getting close to popping by the pace of his thrusts. I pulled away from him and moved aside, giving him a clear view of Peter's asshole.

"Why don't you give it a try, Eric," I mumbled around the shit in my mouth. "You said you'd try anything once."

To my amazement, he wasted no time in diving for Peter's hole. He has his mouth locked around it and was moaning loudly, pulling on his cock. Peter cupped his hand behind Eric's head and gave a grunt as he pushed out his shit into my cousin's virgin mouth.

"Yeah, take my shit. Suck it outta me, man. Feeding two cousins. Fill you both up with my hot shit logs today. Turn you both into shit freaks."

I slid under Eric's butt and got him positioned on my face. He got the message and started opening up his hole to me. His crap soon began entering my mouth and working its way into my belly along with Peter's.

"Yeah, a whole fucking family of shit eaters. Eat it up boys. Suck those turds. Get your guts full of shit. Come on Eric, swallow it down. Shit in your cousin's mouth, do it, man!"

Eric's butt muscles clamped shut as he orgasmed. I let my wad fly too and assumed Peter was doing the same. It couldn't get any hotter than it was.

Eric fell to the side and I looked at Peter who was grinning at me.

"And just think, Dan, we've still got all day and night to go!"

My nuts tingled and I nodded back in agreement.

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