A Day as Boy Story

By Bastian Miller

Published on May 8, 2015



A Day as a Boy

I was always looking forward to our chats since his message first popped up on my screen.

Somewhat there was a connection, we started chatting about every day things and deep sexual desires all at the same time with the same intensity. Sadly our schedules forced us to continue the virtual part for some weeks until we finally found a day that would work for the both of us. We lived surprisingly close, only a couple of miles apart which made it easier. We picked a Thursday evening; I would meet him right after work. I was so excited! He told me not to pleasure myself for one week, one entire week!

That's a lot for me, since I am normally doing it multiple times a day... But he had a certain spell I was under, so I had no other choice than obeying. He always called me his boy.

Time on that particular Thursday seemed to stand still and my balls started to demand a long overdue release but I did not want to disappoint. I was hard and excited most of the day and could barely concentrate on work, his text messages including close-ups of naughty things did not help at all.

I had to sneak out earlier from work; I could not take it any longer and rushed to our meeting point.

He picked a park and a certain park bench; I followed his instruction very closely and send him a picture of me sitting there. I was 15min too early.... An arriving message disturbed my already crazy mind I opened it up, it was is reply "Good Boy, I will be there in 5 minutes"

Another 5 minutes of eternity until I saw him walking towards me dressed with a tshirt, cargo shorts sexy sneakers and white socks, my knees started trembling, all I could mention to say was a shy "Hi Sir". He sat down next to me and we were talking a bit, he must have felt how nervous I was. Feeling his hand on my leg gave me electric shocks throughout my body. I was amazed that I was able to keep up a conversation since I all my blood was downstairs. He moved from my leg to the front of my shorts, gave it a little rub than moved his hand ruffled my hair and I heard another "Good Boy".

He stood up, gave me a folded piece of paper and walked away. I was stunned. Was he just playing me?

I unfolded the paper and started reading his note:

"Hi Boy,

Read this note carefully. Meet me at this address in 10 minutes, the garage-door will be open, walk in and close it, after it is fully closed strip naked, put all your clothes into a box except your socks. Bring those with you when you enter the house. Go into the first door on the right. It's a bathroom.

Clean yourself up and put the things on I left there for you.

After you're done, walk out and you will find a red towel on the floor, sit down there like a dog and bark three times, this will be my signal."

I kept staring at my watch, how long did it take me to read it? Let's say two minutes, so eight minutes left. The address was only one block away. Following his instructions closely I did everything, while undressing I noticed my stained underwear and leaking dick (I normally don't leak a lot). I walked in the bathroom and took a shower; I shaved in the morning so I would be nice and smooth. After drying me I open a little duffle-bag that he had left for me. I saw some strange rubber pants, they seemed to be greased up and felt a bit slippery, at first I had trouble figuring out which would be the front but I realized that the big hole goes on the back and the smaller opening with a cover is for the front.

My hard dick and full balls did not want to fit through the hole in the front and the cover was rather tight applying a steady pressure on my junk. As soon as I pulled them up, the pants started to stretch my butt-cheeks apart. I put the collar on as well as the wrist and ankle restraints, nothing left in the bag, I am ready! After a deep breath I walked out, sat down on the marked spot and barked as loud as I could.

The supplied bowl of cold water was really appreciated.

He came down the stairs with a leash, clicked in on my collar and with a quick yank I know I had to follow him. We went to a room in the back of the house, dark carpeting, black walls, dim lights, it looked amazing. He closed and locked the door behind me. Only having the chance to look around quickly, the attached mirrors on every wall made the room appear huge. Through another door into another bathroom, there was a rubber-matt on the floor with a pillow, he told me lay there and put my knees to my chest, he shoved a rolled towel under my butt and clicked the restraints together. He showed me the enema bag and applied some lube to a nozzle at the end of a hose and some to my hole. A little moan earned me another hair ruffle, he pushed the nozzle in, I was moaning, the inflated part of the nozzle felt strange inside of me, he made a gag out of my worn socks that he firmly attached to me. He gave me a little slap on my exposed soles and told me to behave! After he is done, he removed the clamp on the bag and I could feel the liquid flowing into me, it was uncomfortable but he already left the room and my silenced whining stayed unnoticed. I was trying to move, to do something, I felt so full, the liquid was warm but it seemed like it was getting warmer inside of me, raising my head I saw that my dick was un-loyal and messing up my vinyl pants. After another eternity he came back with a big smile and a riding crop in his hand. He moved it all over my shivering body and gave my soles one smack. "Boy, when I remove that nozzle you will get a smack for every drop that gets spilled, so you better hold it tight." I nodded in agreement as he removed the intruder. I was clinching my butt like never before, the cramps in my stomach mixed with a strange sensation left my mind blank. Like a robot I followed his command "Go to the pot, let it all out, clean up and come outside". Every step hurt with the liquid bouncing in me bowels. He has left me again, I hear some music through the door.

Finally being able to release the load in me felt so good but all of the sudden I felt empty. Not wanting to cause any delays I cleaned up and stepped out of the bathroom. He was now naked except a cock-ring, his socks and sneakers. He ordered me to sit, removed my soaked gag and pulled me towards his hard member. I was immediately trying to get it into my mouth, he laughed and teased me with it before pushing me over, lieing on my back he put one foot on top of my aching hard dick and applied some pressure. I started whining which made him laugh even more. He took his sneaks off and rubbed his socked feet on my face, I sniffed and licked them. They had a slight smell, just right. He pulled back, removed his socks and I was licking his feet, they were very taken care of, soft skin, I was in boy-heaven.

To my surprise my dick was calming down and the decrease in pressure from being tight in place was a welcome change. I got pulled up after a while and was standing in front of a sling. I have seen those things in many videos but I was a bit puzzled in how to climb on, he helped me with a big smirk on his face and secured my arms and legs. "Are you comfy?" he asked and I just nodded, while his finger gently running over my chest gave me Goosebumps. He removed my pants and started to tie my balls. Not being able to lift my head too high up I could not see everything, but my attempts seemed to amuse him.

He turns around and has a gasmask in his hand with a hose attached, never felt anything that snug on my head before and with my next breath I could smell the light whiff of his sneaks, I just closed my eyes and relaxed. His hands are all over me, first gently like being tickled by a feather than like a hard rub. I am all in the moment as it suddenly feels like spikes are rolling down my chest, my belly and merciless do their rounds on my tied balls, my squirming and squeaking has no effect but turned into howling as he pulled my foreskin back and tortured my head with those spikes, a smack with the crop on my soles calls me to order and I try to control myself. Now teasing my sensitive feet and I can only squirm, my muffled begging just earns me some more smacks and teasing, it seems that the riding crop is his favorite, he is now somewhat gently but continuously aiming at my balls which causes a mix of pain and pleasure, than nothing. He stopped. My air changes, I am breathing in something strange, I am feeling so warm and comfy, slightly dizzy. His voice saying "I am going to sound you boy, be brave" sounds so calming, my mind goes blank, I feel something cold and an intense sensation inside my dick, I can only grunt like animal, still breathing in that strange chemical it all is so intense. I feel my inside being stretched like something rippled being inserted and with a big moan I all of the sudden feel everything contracting in me and releasing an aching load, but the sound is still in me, it seems like a block, I am going crazy and feel his hand on my chest to hold me down while he all of the sudden removes the block and my hot jizz shoots all over me and further decreasing my visibility my hitting the eye pieces of the mask.

I am shaking, sweating still feeling the orgasmic energy, thrusting my hips, I am seeing stars. I feel a warm towel being rubbed over me and him stroking my chest gently brings me back in the here and now." Oh Boy, you loved it, my naughty little brat, you came without asking me..." I am trying to say that I am sorry as soon as he removes the masks but it gets replaced by a gag before I get a change.

"Turn your head Boy" I can see a screen and a picture of my bottom, in the center is my little pink backdoor. "I will be nice and use some numbing lube this time" (I only got my cherry popped two weeks before and the fact that I am tight like crazy hopefully was the reason for his kindness). I feel the lube and it gets all warm inside me, his latex glove covered fingers slide in and out making me moan.

He shows me an inflatable plug and said that the last boy made it to 30. I feel it going in with a tiny sting, more pleasure but as soon as the starts pumping it I feel the stretching, he is counting up, I start whining more and more, he orders me to push it out. I am trying and it starts to hurt, I am losing my faith in the numbing lube...I am trying to tell him that I can't but with the gag, there is no way of communication.

he stops and I see him attaching a rope to my dick and pulling it up, I start to feel the crop again.

"I will stop when the plug is out, Boy" That was motivation! It still took me awhile but finally the monster plops out of me. I am panting like dog. My empty hole gets filled by his fingers massaging my insides, I am hard again and soon he pushes the plug back in and announces happily to go to 25 pumps now. I can see it all on the screen, my backdoor being stretched, suffering and my dick betraying me by being hard and dripping. He holds a small bottle under one of my nostril, holds the other one closes and tells me to inhale, I do that three times, it's that warm fuzzy feeling again, he yells "35, push it out Boy" and beings hitting my cock and balls, it all feels stimulating, I enjoy the crop and push it out, it seems so easy now.

He pats my head proudly and shows me my reward, it's a dildo in shape of a dog's manhood with a big knot in the end, he moves the camera up to my dick, releases the rope and starts to attach electrodes on it. He pats my head and promises me the wildest orgasm ever. He connects the electrodes and I feel the sensation, it's just on the edge, that fine line between discomfort/pain and pleasure but yet no rhythm causes me release. He adjusts the camera so that I can see my gaping hole. The rhythm changes, gets harder, another inhalation and I see him intruding my inside with the dildo, first slowly right to the beginning of the knot, than he pounds me with it, getting closer and closer, the electro-stimulation is driving me insane, I start howling and as he forces the knot it I am releasing another load all over myself.

He kept his promise, I had a big smile on my face and was patiently waiting my release and another pat, but that was not happening, instead he pressed a vibrator against the dildo, cranked up the electro and told me that dogs can stay knotted for 45minutes, he removed the screen and put a clock with a countdown next to me, the vibration and the stimulation I feel like I am cumming again, he moves the camera a presents me my torture like a movie. I am begging, whining, inhalations silence me for a bit, all I want is not to have an orgasm anymore, but I am cumming, all dry now, over and over.... Finally it stops, no more current, no more vibration, powerless he pulls the dildo out, turns the screen off, removes all wires and opens my wrists. I am weak, exhausted but so satisfied, he gently rubs my body until I recover from my session. After being at home, I found a note in my pants:

"You have done great Boy, this was the start, next week same time? I have a big surprise for you Boy"

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