A Dark Night in a British Pub

By Roger Kent

Published on Sep 3, 2023


Authoritarian - A dark night in a British pub ( part 1 )

Greetings from Great Britain . I appreciate any comments you have on this story to rogerkent7@hotmail.com

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A dark night in a British pub part 1

The night was going well. My good mate Dave and I had headed off out for our usual Saturday nighter away from our wives. After a few drinks elsewhere we had ended up in a pub a few miles away from our regular haunts. It was very busy in there and not many seats available but we luckily saw two people just leave their seats in a corner so we grabbed our drinks and plonked ourselves in them. Next to us were three guys, probably in their forties, who all looked pretty big and tough.

We exchanged a few pleasantries with them and they asked us where we had been. We told them we had been in a few pubs and this was probably our last stop. They invited us to join them and we were relieved that they were friendlier than they looked. We shuffled along the seats and the conversation flowed. We were all laughing and joking and they seemed like nice guys.

Dave's phone rang and it was his wife asking where he was. His face looked glum and finished his call and said "sorry guys I gotta go , my missus is moaning again, I had better head home"

Of course we all started laughing and generally taking the piss out of him for being under his wife's thumb etc. I stood up to leave as well but he insisted I stay and finish my drink. I reminded him that I had come in his car and I wouldn't be able to get back. One of the men at the table said they could give me a lift later which I graciously accepted . I thought the least I could do was walk him to the door and at the same time I offered to buy the guys a drink. I arranged to meet him next week for our usual night out.

I returned with their drinks and another one for myself. I finished my existing drink which I had left on their table. We chatted for a bit talking sport and other stuff. However, my head started to feel strange and the room felt a bit unreal. I thought it was odd as I had not had much to drink. One of the guys asked me if I was okay and I was slurring telling them I felt a bit funny.

They changed the conversation almost immediately to sex and I told them I was married. They kept asking about my sexual experiences and fantasies. They were amazingly frank and open themselves. Two of them were saying they had had gay fantasies. I was feeling totally light headed and like it was all unreal. My guard was down and all my inhibitions were gone and they wanted to know my fantasies. I had never told anyone, even my mate Dave but I admitted to these strangers that I too had had gay thoughts. They were all smirking and looking at each other and I sensed a change in the atmosphere even through my bleary eyes.

I vaguely recall one of the guys asking for my mobile phone number in case we ever wanted to meet up again. They weren't locals and said they sometimes visited this area. Of course I gave it to him.

Suddenly they all drank up their beers and they said they would drop me home. I hadn't even started on my new drink but I was so out of it I probably couldn't have drunk it anyway. I couldn't understand what was happening to me as I hadn't had as much as I usually drank.

It was very dark as we left the pub and I tried to focus on the pub clock to see what time it was but my eyes just couldn't focus. I was really glad they were dropping me home.

As we left I sort of stumbled towards the car park but they said their van was around the back of the pub. I was sort of shuffling along in a drunken way . Two of the guys were either side of me and I thought they were supporting me but as we went round the back I realised they were actually leading me into a very dark corner. I was confused trying to work out what was happening.They had seemed nice guys and now there was a menace about them as I was pulled along. Once we reached dark corner they surrounded me. They were all bigger than me and I was sure i was going to be mugged.

"Hey guys I haven't got any money !" I slurred.

One of them laughed and said " we don't want your money you mug !"

Another voice said " you said you had a fantasy about gay sex now you going to get some cock"

I felt my hands being taken and placed on the two groins of the guys in front of me and I could feel their bulge in their trousers. the other guy was behind me and I could feel his bulge pushing against my bum. I was surrounded and they were pushing into me.

One of them whispered in my ear " we are going to use you , you stupid bitch so get used to the idea . Get on your fucking knees!"

Nervously I knelt down and I heard zips being undone. A cock was pushed in my face and I was told to suck it. I could feel another cock against my cheek and another by my ear. " suck all of them and suck them good ! because if you don't we are going to beat the fucking shit out of you "

I had never sucked a cock before although I had often wondered what it would be like. Never in my imagination had I thought it would happen like this.

I opened my mouth and I felt a hot cock being pushed in. It felt really big and much bigger than mine. As it hit the bad of my throat I gagged a bit , he withdrew it a bit and then pushed it in again. My head was reeling and I wasn't sure if this was happening or why it had happened . I couldn't hold a thought in my head. My mouth was full of his cock and he kept ramming it in and causing me to choke. My eyes were streaming and I could feel snot coming down my nose. They were all chuckling and clearly enjoying hearing me gag.

I could feel the other guys slapping their cocks against my face

" that's a good bitch now give us all a nice blowjob"

One of the men held something under my nose " take a long sniff from this little bottle of Poppers it will make you feel great! I had no choice so I sniffed " take a fucking long sniff you cunt !" he demanded

I did and within a few seconds I had a head rush and felt really horny.

" you want cock don't you ? you slut " i was asked

At that point I really did want cock. I wanted their cocks so badly. I wanted to be really dirty with them.

I slurred " yes i do "

I was high and totally out of it and I eagerly took each cock in my mouth . I couldn't get enough of them. I had never had a cock in my mouth before but I did to them what i would have wanted to be done to me.

They were all saying abusive things to me like "suck it bitch! " choke on it you whore " they were laughing and joking clearly enjoying themselves They were still giving me poppers and after each time it reinforced such a lust within me

One cock was really big and it was being slapped in my face and i heard someone say " yes we are going to make you a total slag and we are going to use you well"

" don't forget our balls ! you filthy bitch " another said

I was in total ecstasy , high on drink and "poppers". Even though my eyes were closed I thought I saw a few flashes and i realised a few pics were being taken on a mobile phone. To be honest I was so high i didn't care. There was nothing I could have done about it anyway.

They were ordering me to suck their cocks right down and I was choking on their cocks but they didn't care. I was gagging and struggling to breathe and they were chuckling to each other. they were holding my head , grabbing my hair and even pulling me onto their cock by my ears. It was degrading but somehow I didn't care.

I don't know how long I was sucking their cocks but suddenly the one I was sucking at that moment got really hard and I heard him say

" keep going you dirty bitch. don't stop ! "

Suddenly he was gripping my head hard and I felt a load of hot cum go into my throat .

" swallow it you filthy bitch !" he demanded

Of course I did. I daren't not obey in case they really hurt me.

one of the men said "well aren't you thankful to us"

I replied " yes thank you Sir !" I didn't know why I said Sir but it seemed appropriate. I thought if I showed them respect they wouldn't hurt me.

" well as we have done you a favour by letting you suck our cocks you ought to do us a favour now eh?"

In my delirious state I didn't really understand what they were saying about favours . I just agreed to whatever they said

" yes sir " I meekly replied

" that's right bitch you need to please us now don't you?

The guy who I had just sucked off was told by one of the others to get the van. He zipped up and left " " you want us to drive you home now don't you? " i was asked

" yes please " I slurred

they made me carry on sucking the other two cocks and their balls and a few minutes later a van was driven to the dark corner. I was hauled up and almost dragged off and I was almost thrown backwards onto the floor of the van and I could feel what was like a thin mattress on the floor.

" there's not enough seats up front so we will get in the back with you"

It was pitch black inside. On either side of me was one of the two men in the back with me. I think the one I had sucked off was driving . He shouted back asking me for my address. Somehow I managed to remember it and say it and I think he was writing it down as I had to keep repeating it. The van started up with three of us in the back. Suddenly I felt a slap across my face and I yelped with pain. "right now shut the fuck up bitch! one of them said . " now its our turn ! "

I was like jelly with no resistance and I felt my trousers being undone and pulled down and I was rolled and pushed onto my stomach. I felt my hands being pulled along the floor so they were above my head and something being put around my wrists. I think it was like two long thin ropes with nooses at the end which went over my wrists. Before I knew it I realised both my hands were tied to the partition between the driver and the back of the van. I was laying there in the middle of the van floor. My hair was grabbed and a voice whispered in my ear " now you have had your fun and you agreed we could have ours didn't you? DIDN'T YOU ? "

" yes sir" I meekly replied

I felt my underpants being ripped off and I could hear them laughing as they slapped my arse and were saying they liked a nice firm hot arse. I was sort of numb and they smacked my arse repeatedly as they laughed. I felt one of them open my arse cheeks and spit on my hole and then the other laughed and spat in my face. " this is what sluts deserve isn't it ? spit in their face and a cock up their arse! Suddenly I felt the weight of one of them on me and my legs were pulled apart . I felt his hard cock pushing against my hole He whispered in my ear " right you stupid bitch now its my turn to have fun isn't it? say yes Sir thank you Sir!" " yes sir thank you Sir " i repeated " in future never leave your drink unattended on our table as you never know what can be put in it . You fucking stupid slag. You deserve a good arse fucking dont you? So say sorry Sir " " yes sir sorry Sir " i obediently answered " thats a good slag"

I knew what was going to happen and I wasn't in a position to object or even think clearly. All I could do was obey and accept it.

I had never been fucked before so I had no idea what to expect. I felt it going in and it hurt . He kept pushing it in slowly getting deeper and deeper and further and further in. I was biting the mattress as it hurt . I was groaning as it went further and further in. I felt his mate moving into position in front of me and he put his legs either side of my head and he pushed his cock up into my mouth. I couldn't resist it and as I was laying face down with my hands tied, my mouth just went straight down taking his whole cock. I was choking and he was laughing . The guy on top of me had started fucking me slowly and was gradually picking up speed. He didn't care about me and all he was interested in was fucking me hard. I knew he was trying to cum and I was scared . I had never even seen a guy cum ( except in porn films) and I was worried what would happen. My eyes were closed but I was aware of the flash of photos being taken by the guy whose cock filled my mouth

The guy fucking my mouth said to me " I am going to cum in your mouth bitch but only when my mate cums up your arse , you stupid whore. Aren't you lucky having two loads of cum in you?"

The guy on top was pounding me hard and slapping my arse and calling me all sorts of names when suddenly he let out a huge groan saying loudly " yes take that you slag ! " I felt him sort of judder as his cum came out. At the same time the guy who I was sucking off exploded in my mouth and shot his load down my throat. He let out a massive groan too. " yesssss that's so good! " I nearly choked and vomited as a massive load of cum was squirted into my mouth. I felt it running out of my mouth onto the mattress. I was totally spent. I just wanted to be home. Both cocks were withdrawn and I was left laying there

I laid there wondering if it was all over and how this was happening. Part of me was wondering if it was real as it was all in total darkness and my head was spinning. Maybe this was a dream?

A few minutes later I heard the van pull up and I thought to myself "great i am home ! its over ! "

The back doors were opened and the driver got in the back.

" Have you got him warmed up for me ? ! he asked

my blood ran cold.

" you think you are finished slut don't you? well you aint! hold his legs guys. you are going to get my second load of cum but this time in your slutty hole "

He got on top on me and I could feel his tongue in my ear and he whispered

" I am going to fucking enjoy shooting up your slutty hole you slag " he pulled my hair at the same time as he was fucking me really hard and shot his cum into me within minutes. he laughed and boasted that he always cums twice.

He said " I always cum twice and in who better than you , a filthy cum dump !" His words added humiliation to me and I felt so used and cheap. I was their cum dump !

My hands were untied and I was told to get dressed. While I did that the driver zipped up and got back out of the van and returned to the drivers seat. The other two guys and myself got out of the back of the van. I almost fell out as one of them pushed me so I fell over . When I stood up I realised I didn't have the faintest idea where I was. they hadn't taken me home at all. I was in some rural area . The van had already started and they were all sitting in the front seat as they drove away they were laughing out the window.

"Thanks you stupid bitch ! I felt totally used and humiliated. I vowed I wouldn't tell anyone, ever. Not even my mate Dave.

( to be continued)

Next: Chapter 2

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