A Dare Made Me See the Truth

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jul 23, 2002



Lucy and Joey were both sitting around on the grass of the big backyard of Lucy's house. Actually, it was more of a mansion. Lucy's father had been the producer of the Quit Playing Games (with my heart) video, the first BSB video that was shown by mtv. Back in a time when no one had heard of these five boys brought together by music, pop music, Lucy's father took her and her best friend to the making off of the video. It happened that both girls where curious about the five guys. And once Lucy had always been hooked on her father's job he just decided to take the girls with them.

Now, almost two years later they were really good friends. Lucy, Joey and their girlfriends were the people the Backstreet Boys most got to see besides themselves and producers. They would hang aroung with them even more than with their family.

Now the two girls were sitting on the pool's board, playing with their feet in the water. It was a very hot day in Florida.

"Ya know, Joey, how me and Brian have always had this little flirting going on?"

"Yes. Just as me and Nick."

Lucy smiled.

"Yeah. Just the same. But I've just been thinking... Ya know he broke up with Samantha and that was the only reason we still hadn't got together. I was just wondering if now... Well, maybe we could hook up."

Joey laughed.

"I was thinking the very same thing about me and Nick. I mean, we are both older by now. When I began with this crush I had fourteen! Now I'm sixteen and he is one year old. Not bad, huh?"

"Not at all! It'll be better now, I always thought Brian could think I was too young for him. But ya see, Nick is as old as I am and is Brian's best friend! He doesn't mind their age difference. Brian doesn't judge people."

"You are right. But still, I'm not sure whether or not I should go talk to Nick now. Just the Truth or Dare kiss we shared was awsome. But you and Brian... I think you should approach him, girl."

Lucy thought for a while and then a smile spread across her face.

"I'm definitely gonna talk to him!" - she exclamed. "And about the Truth or Dare kisses..." - they grinned at each other thinking the exact same thing. - "I'll just say this is the best game ever!"

Once again the girls laughed and began to talk about other things while they were waiting for the rest of the folks to come to the pool after having breakfast.

Nick and Brian were the only ones left having breakfast at that large kitchen. Both boys were eaten silently, but all the time they kept eye contact, smiling and saying a thousand things through that new found shine on their looks.

"Nick, we need to talk." - Brian said when they were both finished.

"Ok." - was Nick's answer.

He felt a little apprehensive because Brian's smile had faded. But he couldn't feel less happy. Just the memory of Brian holding him in his arms... Damn, he knew they were best friends, but he also felt something else. Besides, Brian had told him he loved him. So, what was there to fear? Nobody needed to know about them. They were just sharing a so strong friendship that demanded to be taken to a next level. A deeper one.

"Hey, ain't you guys gonna join us at the pool?" - Rachel asked appearing at the door.

"Sure! Nick and I will be there in a second, as soon as we change."

"Oh, cool then. We'll be waiting." - Rachel said leaving them behind.

Both guys headed to their bedrooms in order to change. Just as Nick reached the door to his room they stopped and Nick stared at Brian's blue eyes.

'Oh, God, he is beautiful.' - Brian thought. All he wanted was to pull Nick in an embrace and kiss him till his the end of times. But he didn't do anything. He wanted to talk to Nick first. Even before they could kiss again. He wanted him to know that he had meant every single word of last night. He wanted to tell Nick he couldn't go through life without him, because he was his friend, because he was his soul.

"When will we talk?" - Nick asked with his little boy eyes.

"As soon as possible." - Brian made his voice sound harsh. He just wanted to play a little with Nick. But the truth was that he couldn't wait to put his hands on him again.

"Ok." - Nick's voice sounded more like a whisper and he entered his room.

Brian went to his room and got ready faster than Nick. He was now going to the pool to meet the rest of their friends.

Brian couldn't wait to the time he'd be alone with Nick. His Frack. When Brian woke up he though he'd be feeling guilty. He was so sure he'd regret it all. Regret what he had done and regret what he had said. Brian was sure he would be ashamed. But he wasn't. To his surprise the first feeling to fill his being when he woke up was love. He knew he needed Nick. He couln't, he didn't even want to try to explain how suddently Nick meant the world to him. He wasn't ashamed. He had no clue what it was about, but he'd go for it. He wouldn't give this up because Brian had never felt this happy in his entire life. Not even with his career. Nothing had ever made him feel like he had last night. And if it was wrong, then Brian didn't want to be right.

"Hey, Lucy! Hey girls!"

"Hey there, Brian! Where is Nick?"

"Oh, he's coming, don't worry."

Brian was about to sit next to the his fellows when Lucy stood up and took him by the arm.

"Brian, could you come here with me a second?"

"Oh, sure!"

Lucy took them to the other side of the yard. They both sat on the grass far from the other people's sight.

"So, Bri... I've been thinking about you."

"Really?" - he sounded more surprised than he had intened.

"You and me." - she said softly.

'Oh, God. Just oh, God!' - Brian thought. Why did she have to be so pretty, so lovely and sweet? Brian had always wanted to be with Lucy. But not now. No! Now he was in love... How could he explain that?

"I think I've fallen for you the moment we met..." - Lucy was saying.

Brian knew he had to come up with something soon.

"Lucy... I, I don't even know what to say right now..." - Brian looked at his hands.

"Then don't say a word." - without thinking or giving Brian time to do something Lucy pulled him close and kissed him deeply. As if she'd never let go.

"Lucy, I...!"

"Don't... yo don't need to say a thing, Brian. We can talk later." - she stood up and Brian followed her moves. They were going back to the pool.

'So, that is what you wanted to talk about, huh Littrell?' - Nick thought to himself swallowing hard as he looked through the window on his bedroom's wall.

"I should've known better." - Nick said alone in the house. Tears of anger dropping over his cheeks. "Why didn't I see that coming? You've always loved Lucy. Thats why you went to her bedroom last night, wasn't it? You didn't go there because of me. You didn't know I was there!"

Nick shouted and cleaned desperately the tears from his face. He wouldn't cry. He wouldn't allow himself to.

He had just seen them kissing.

"Why did you fucking say you loved me? Was that funny for you, Brian?" - Nick was fighting with Brian, although he wasn't even there. "But you will see. You want to talk to me? Well, then we no longer need to. I know what you want to tell me. Hey Nick it was really great what we did last night, but know I'm gonna hook up with Lucy, coz she is a girl, and boys have to be with girls, right? Well, FUCK THE RIGHT!" Nick yelled.

He swallowed his tears and put himself together. He was gonna face the others. He was gonna face Brian.

Something was different.

The boys were hanging around at the pool during that wonderful morning.

Nick was talking to him. They were goofing off, laughing, but... he was different. His eyes... there was something on Nick's eyes. What in hell could have happened? Why, when did it change?

Just after they had lunch everybody headed to their rooms to take a nap. Brian held Nick and took him to his own bedroom.

"We need to talk." - Brian said.

"Ok." - Nick smiled. Only God knew how hard he was pushing to play this part. If Brian wanted to hurt him he wouldn't sucess. Nick wouldn't let him hurt him.

"About last night..." - Brian began still a little confused with Nick's expression.

"What about last night?" - Nick asked still smiling. - "We had fun, what so? Nothing is gonna change between us, Brian. It was ok, really. You don't need to worry about me, I didn't take for real the words you told me. No need to take them back. I was... I don't know what I was doing. Guess I was just curious." - Nick finished with a large smile. He had to keept that smile on, but he felt something in his throat. He felt tears begining to form on his eyes. He needed to get out of there. Soon.

Brian was shocked. How could Nick say that? No... this couldn't be true. Brian was falling apart. How did Nick dare to say he didn't mean his words! Brian meant them from the bottom of his heart! For heaven's sake, he was in love with Nick! And know he was telling him it was nothing but a 'one night stand'. Was Nick just having fun? Didn't he love him? Brian wanted to hide in shame for being so silly. Of course Nick didn't love him. He wasn't gay. But Brian wasn't either and even though was in love with Nick!

They kept that cinical gaze.

'Ok, Nick. You hurt me deep. I won't let you hurt me more. I can't say... I can't tell you the truth...' - he thought.

"Oh. I'm glad you didn't missunderstand what he did." - was all Brian could manage to say. Even if he tried nothing more would leave his mouth. Nothing but tears would come up now.

"All right then." - Nick said trying his best to get together and not breaking down in front ot Brian. "Friends?" - he asked. His voice begining to tremble.

Brian forced a smile and nodded.

He had no strenght to speak.

"Is everything ok?" - Lucy asked making Brian turn around to face her. "I just saw Nick leaving your room and he looked weird."

"Huh? No... Its fine." - Brian said. 'Whats fine?' - he thought. 'What the fuck is fine? Nothing is fucking fine, Brian, you just lost Nick!' - his mind was screaming.

"Oh, ok then. I was thinking, once you guys are gonna leave in some hours we could just spend some time together. I mean, me and you..."

'Oh, just great! Not only I lost my friend, my love, my everything and now I don't even get the right to cry my sorrows away!' - he was thinking. 'Go away, Lucy!' - that was what he wanted to say, but Brian saw himself getting carried away with Lucy's gentle touch on his cheeks. Soon he was lying there, his head on her lap.

She knew something was wrong. Had Brian and Nick had a fight? 'Oh, please God, don't let be this!' She loved that guys more than everything. They couldn't fight... They were the best friends ever!


"Yes, dear." - she said running her fingers through his hair.

"About what you were saying... I wanna be with you." - he tried to say I love you, but he couldn't. Not after what had happened between Nick and him. Maybe with time he'd able to say those words to Lucy... But to feel... No, to feel would be impossible. Nick had made him feel the word he had so many times said and for this reason there was no love without Nick.

"Oh, Bri... I wanna be with you too." - Lucy smiled and they kissed.

She was probably the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. But the very word beauty had no meaning when someone else owned his heart.

At eight o'clock they were all saying their good-byes. The night was coming and they wanted to go home. To rest, to sleep on their own beds.

"I know you guys are on vacations, so I won't take any excuses if you don't show up very soon! You know my parents will be traveling for a whole month and I want my friends here to fool around!"

"Sure, Lucy! You'll be back earlier than you think!" - Kevin was saying.

"Yeah, thanks girls. We had a wonderful time!" - AJ said.

"Hey, can you guys drop me home?"

"Sure, Rach. Do you wanna come in too, Joey?"

"No, thanks, Howie. I'll stay a little more. In less than an hour my father will be here to take me home."

"Oh, ok then."

"See you soon people!" - Nick was struggling with himself to sound cheerfully.

"Yeah. And I wanna see you even sooner..." - Lucy whispered to Brian kissing him softly on the lips.

Nick loved Lucy. But that moment he hated her. He couldn't see this. He turned around and headed to the car.

"Bye!" - Lucy and Joey shouted when they left waving through the car's windows.

"So... what now girl?"

"Dunno. Let's just sit around and wait till my father comes."


"So, I see you and Brian..." - Joey was grinning and giving her the eye.

"Yeah!" - Lucy laughed. "You have no idea how much I love this guy. Honestly, he is the one I can picture myself married with children!"

"Oh, I know that."

"And you also know there's only one person I'd give him up to, right?"

Lucy was giggling causing Joey to do the same.

"Yeah... Nick!"


Both girls began to laugh.

"I don't know... its really a shame they are straight. That kiss was so hot!" - Joey said.

"True that. As much as I love Brian to death I'd love him and Nick to be a couple... They are just so cute!"

"Do you think we are perverts?" - Joey asked smiling.

"Hell, I don't know! All I know is that I'm dead proud of that tape in my bedroom!"

"Haha! Oh God, the tape... Hey, don't forget, I want that borrowed sometime."

"Sure girl. Hey, we could watch it now, couldn't we?"

Joey looked to her father's car arriving.

"Unfortunatly nope. But don't worry, we'll do this very soon! Bye bye, Lucy!"

"Bye girl!"

Joey left and Lucy went back inside. Without any rush she took a long shower and changed cloths in her bedroom. After that and after the talking with Joey she was just crazy to see that tape again.

Lucy put on her nightgown, rewinded the tape till the very begining of their Truth and Dare game, pushed the play button and went back to her large bed.

During the next hour she laughed at every dare they had played during the game. It was so funny! Being able to see all the boys faces again! Including Kevin's when they asked him to buy lube! That was just hilarious!

Oh, and there was that kiss again. God, did that turn her on! She could even see the tongue's wrestle inside Nick and Brian's mouths.

When it ended she still kept a smile on her face. She was so cuddled under the sheets that she waited a little more to stand up and turn off the camera. Oh, there it came images of her bedroom at night.

"Damn, I'm so stupid! How could I not realize I left it taping?"

She was complaining against herself while standing up and walking to where the camera was.

Then she stopped. Nick appeared on the TV.

"Hm, so you payed me a visit during the night, honey?" - Lucy smiled to herself.

Nick was calling for her. Would he go away?

"Oh, Brian! You were here looking for me too? Cool, I'm popular!"

Lucy laughed and slowly got back into the sheets of her bed.

They were talking very low, so that she turned on the volume.

"Hm... Nick said I'm Brian's girl!" - she smiled to herself. "Yo Nick, I've always knew you had the hots for Joey!"

Oh God, she was so happy with that tape.

More minutes passed by.

"Oh, my God! Are you guys gonna talk about that kiss! COOL!" - Lucy was jumping on her bed. "So, you had been thinking about it, huh?"

As they talked Lucy was getting more and more into the screen

'Oh God, make them kiss again!' - she was thinking.

A couple of minutes...

"Oh, my God! They are making out!" - Lucy's smile was so big it hurt her face.

"Oh, God, why is he locking my door?"

More fifteen minutes passed by.

Lucy's mouth dropped open. Her eyes were so wide open she could feel they getting moist. Slowly her mouth turned into a bafflened smile, and she sighed.


The video went on. Frick and Frack were getting it on!

Suddently Lucy began to laugh so loud and hard it brought tears to her eyes. She couldn't control the laughter that was making her shake up and down.

"Oh my f*cking God, Brian and Nick are having sex!" - she screamed still laughing histerically.

"I so have to call Joey!"

Still laughing she found a way to calm down.

Lucy couldn't believe that tape. So many things would change because of that... But she would definitely think about it later. That tape was just everything she could want for all the birthdays she may have ahead.

Eyes still shining she put a finger on her mouth and bit it.

Lucy couldn't believe her luck.

Hm... comments and ideas make me happy and also make me write faster!


Next: Chapter 5

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