A Dare Made Me See the Truth

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jul 10, 2002



They had already eaten and were now all together in the movie theater room at Lucy's house. It was a very large place, with lots of comfortable chairs, but the guys were all lying on the floor on top of a great deal of pillows.

The movie they were all watching was a scary one, and within one hour they were completely hooked on the big screen.

Although the movie was really a good one, Nick couldn't even tell what it was all about. He had completely spaced off since it had begun. Nick was very close to Joey, Rachel and Howie, and way far from Brian. Just that. He couldn't be close to him now. He didn't even want their eyes to meet.

Everytime Nick thought about the kiss they had shared a few hours ago his head would turn into a mess. Why did it have to happen? He didn't like guys. Hell, there was no way he could be gay, neither bissexual. He loooved girls. Actually, he was so into Joey... a wonderful and lovely girl. But then why did he feel like that during the kiss? And why couldn't he just let it go?

He had seen how it affected Brian when they asked about him liking it or not. Brian did like it. But right now he didn't seem to be wasting time thinking about it. From what Nick could see from across the room Brian was totally concentrate on the movie and in the girl lying beside him, Lucy.

'Ok', Nick tried to clear things up on his mind. 'I did like the kiss, what so? Brian is my best friend, nothing is gonna change...'

Nick looked around. Everbody staring at the screen and the movie, nobody looking at him. Thank God no one could read his mind.

'Lemme think... If I had kissed Kevin, or Howie, or even AJ, I wouldn't be like that! That would have been definitely GROSS! Yuck! Ew!' - a smiled appeared on Nick's face. 'But Brian... it wasn't disgusting. Not at all! It was... OH, geez, look what I'm about to think... It was good. Who are you lying to, Nick Carter? It was a-m-a-z-i-n-g! God! How can he kiss like that?' - Nick glanced the TV. Some crazy phyco was murdering an innocent girl.

'It wasn't about the kiss.' - something said inside Nick. 'What? What the fuck are you thinking, Carter?' - Nick's mind answered. 'C'mon, Nick, face it... it wasn't about the kiss, it was about WHO you kissed!' 'Hell, no! Shut up me! I didn't like the kiss coz of Brian, of course I didn't like it coz of Br...'

Nick's mouth dropped open when he saw Brian looking at him through everyone else. They hadn't faced each other since they left Lucy's room from the Truth or Dare game.

Brian smiled. Nick smiled too and Brian turned around to the TV again.

A hundred questions rushed through his mind then.

'Was I staring at Brian? Oh, fuck! Was I staring at him?? Is that why he smiled at me? Did I smile at him without noticing? Did I say something out loud? How long was he looking at me? Did he really smile at me? Did I just imagine that? Am I seeing things? Am I getting crazy?!?'

Nick told himself to calm down. He thought about it again. It was a friendly smile. Nothing but friendship, which proved Brian was totally ok with what they had done. Maybe some day they'd talk about it. Maybe some day they'd laugh about it too. But for now it was ok, so Nick finally managed to pay attention to the rest of the movie. Or at least he tried to...

"Oh, you guys goin'?" - Lucy asked frowning.

"Yeah, we have to." - Samy answered. "Me and Julie work tomorrow."

"Oh, its ok then. Are you going to stay, Rachel?"

"Yes, I mean, if its ok then I'll sleep over."

"Of course it is ok! Joey is also gonna be here, and so are the boys, right?" - Lucy glanced a questioning look at Kevin.

"Hm, dunno, Lucy..."

"C'mon, guys, you are on vacations!" - Joey pleaded.

"Yeah, Kev, don't be such a jackass, if the girls want us to stay, then thats what we are gonna do!" - AJ said.

"Are you ok with that, boys?" - Rachel asked Nick, Brian and Howie.

"Sure." - Howie said.

"I'd love to stay!" - Nick smiled.

"Same here, spending a night over will be really great!"

"Ok, then. Guess we catch you later girls..." - Lucy said saying goodbye to Julie and Samy.

It was fifteen minutes passed midnight. Except for Kevin and Rachel still talking in the living room, the other fellows had said their good nights and were off to bed now.

It was a very huge house Lucy shared with her parents, and once they were on vacations right now she just loved inviting friends over to hang around. That house was way too big to be by herself all the time.

AJ and Howie were sharing a two single beds bedroom, while Kevin and Rachel picked separate rooms with a couple's bed, Nick and Brian picked both different rooms with a single bed, Joey was in a two single beds room by herself and Lucy had her own large bedroom.

As soon as she found herself alone inside she locked the door and ran to catch the camera. Did it work? Would they really have the scene from Nick and Brian kissing taped forever?

Lucy couldn't wait to check it out. She rewinded it a little from where it had stopped. Oh, my... There was the game, there was the scene, there was the kiss... She kept a vigorously giggle from turning into a loud laughter.

Suddnetly too excited to sleep she placed the camera hidden again, and in the way to put it back where it was she almost dropped it, having pushed all sorts of buttons to put it there again. 'Damn, gotta be more careful with this thing.' - she made a mental note and rushed to Joey's room.

She left leaving behind a small and imperceptible red light.

Joey had already changed cloths and was about to get into bed when she heard three knocks on her door. She knew it was Lucy.

"Hey, girl! I knew you'd come here!"

"Yeah, Joey... we have to talk! Oh my God! I was just seeing the tape..." - Lucy frowned.

"What? Didn't it tape the kiss?!" - Joey was completely worried.

Lucy sighed and when she saw the expression on her friend's face she smiled widely.

"Of course it did tape, you fool!"

"Oh, great!" - Joey smiled relieved.

"YAY!" - Lucy exclaimed making them laugh.

"Oh, God, we have so much to talk! Just enter here."

Lucy walked into the room and both girls sat on the bed.

They kept quiet. Completely satisfied with what they had done. They couldn't believe it. They had been so lucky... Lucy looked into her friend's eyes.

"I still can't believe it..." - she said.

Lucy was going to sleep in the same bedroom, and all night long the girls would be going on about the sucess of their plan. But maybe they wouldn't be so proud if they had any idea the mess it had caused inside Nick's head...

He was staring at the ceiling. Half an hour he had been on his bed without being able to sleep. Nick was going mad. He felt that if he kept thinking about it for two more minutes his head would definitely blow up.

He knew it. He had to talk to someone about it. And he knew who would that be.


He liked Joey, and maybe that was the reason he just couldn't open up to her. With Lucy it'd be different. She was smart and just loved to help people with their problems. Not that Joey wasn't like that, for heaven's sake, that was the girl he came there for. But he knew Lucy was the one he'd talk about... about what? Oh God, this just hit him. What would he say to Lucy?

'Hey girl, I just came here coz I can't sleep. Ya know, since I kissed Brian I can't stop thinking about it, do you think there are any chances I'm gay?' This was ridiculous. Nick wasn't gay. So then, how could he talk to her and explain how he had been feeling? What would Lucy tell him to do? Wait, wait, what was he thinking? There was nothing he could do! 'Was there?'


Nick kept this lost gaze towards the ceiling.

"Ok, thats enough!" - he said standing up. - "I'll go talk to Lucy, its the healthier thing I can do for own sake!"

Ten minutes later Nick was knocking on her door. Once, twice, three times. No answer. 'Damn!', he thought.

He forced the door and it swang open. Nick entered the room looking for his friend.

"Lucy...?" - he called her name. - "Lucy, you there?"

'Oh, shit! What am I doing? I better just leave before she comes here asking what I want.'

Before Nick turned around to walk away he felt a hand on his shoulder.

He turned expecting to see Lucy. But she wasn't the one facing him.

"Brian?" - Nick felt a hand grab his heart and he pulled away in shock.

"Yeah..., its me dude."

His eyes were different, Nick thought. 'His eyes are different, his eyes are different, his eyes are different...'

"Nick, is Lucy here?" - Brian cut off his thoughts.

"Hm, no. I guess not. I came here to talk to her but I think she might be at Joey's."

"Yeah, probably." - Brian said without any kind of emotion.

He wanted to talk to her. Brian needed Lucy. More than ever now. He needed to ask her if she had feelings for him. And he needed to know it now before his head just blow up with a hundred ideas per second. Lucy had to save him from these ideas.

"Anyway, why you wanted to talk to her, Nick?" - Brian asked suddently interested.

"Oh. Hey, calm down ok, I'm not stealing your girl away!" - Nick said a little defensive.

Brian laughed.

"I wasn't thinking about this Nick. First coz I know you like Joey... and second coz I know you don't have the very little chance with Lucy!"

Nick smiled.

"Hey, I could try..." - Nick played.

"Don't even think about it, Nick!" - Brian joked back.

Good, he had taken Brian's attention out of that question. How could he explain the reason why he wanted to talk to Lucy?

Brian took a few steps and sat on the large bed.

"C'mon, Nick. Sit here with me. Enjoying the fact that we are alone I remembered I needed to talk to you, but you seemed to be avoiding me..."

'Oh, no! Oh fucking no!' Nick thought worried. 'Why the hell did I come here again?!?'

Slowly he sat on the bed beside Brian.

"Hm, sure, Frick. We can talk. I haven't been avoiding you. Don't know why are you thinking so..."

Brian didn't say a thing. Nick kept silent waiting. What could he possibly say?

"Actually I wanted to ask you something, Frack."

"Sure, Bri. Go ahead."

"I talked about my impressions over that kiss... I wanted to know what did you make of it."

Nick's voice fled. His eyes staring at a place only visible for him.

"What... what you mean...?" - he managed to mumble.

"Simple. I just wanna know if you..." - there was an hesitation - "..liked it."

"You wanna know if I liked the kiss?" - Nick sounded shocked.

"Yes, Nick, thats what I asked." - Brian said. His eyes looking far away.

Nick didn't know what to say. Maybe somethig like: 'Yeah, Brian. Actually I liked it so much that I couldn't think of anything else since then, is that what you wanna hear? Or maybe I should say it was the best kiss I've ever had, is it good for you? No, wait, what if I said I liked it so much that theres nothing I wouldn't give to do it again?'

"Oh, God..." - Nick whispered. Did he want to do that again?

"What?" - Brian asked looking at Nick, but still not being able to see his eyes.

"Huh... Oh. Yes, I liked the kiss too."

"Only that? Only 'liked'?"

Nick didn't understand.

"What did you want me to say, Brian? It was very weird and all, and I really can't feel comfortable saying I loved it and I want to do it again... Oops!"

Nick closed his mouth and faced Brian with eyes wide open. 'Shit, shit, ten thousand times shit! What did I fucking say? Oh, my God! Any chances he didn't hear that?!'

"You want to do it again?" - Brian's voice came softly.

"Hm, maybe yes. Why? Don't you?" - 'Mental note: I hate you Nickolas Carter, could you be more stupid? You have any idea what you just did? You asked Brian if he didn't want to kiss you again! How fucking sick was that for you, huh? You asking your guy best friend to kiss you, damnit! What is gonna think you smartass? What is Brian gonna say about...'

"Yes. I've been thinking about it all the time since it happened."


"I want to kiss you again, Nick."

No thoughts. No time to think. No time to speak.

Brian's lips were pressing against his and this time Nick made a very quick move by pushing his tongue inside his friend's mouth. They kissed deeply during a couple of minutes till Brian broke the kiss and buried his head on Nick's neck.

"I don't know whats going on with me, Nick..." - Brian's whisper on his ear was almost a whine. Nick trembled all over and wrapped his arms around his friend.

"I don't know either, Brian. And I'm afraid of that." - Nick made his forehead touch Brian's and they kept eye contact during a long time.

Nick's eyes were so blue... His lips were so sweet... Brian wondered how did the rest of his skin feel like. It was a weird night. Moon shinining through the window, silence all over, that fancy bedroom with a large bed. It was... it was... unreal. That was the word. None of this seemed to be actually happening, but at the same time Brian could feel Nick's hair brushing against his neck. And later he could feel wet lips kissing him all over. He held Nick thigt and sighed.


Within seconds they were facing each other again. No words were said when they pulled each other into another deep kiss. Tongues exploring, tasting... Nick's heart was beating so fast. He couldn't believe he was actually kissing Brian! French kissing his best friend! Male friend... This was so wrong... He knew it was. But at the same time... With Brian it felt so right. He got lost with this feelings. He got lost when Brian touched the back of his neck pulling him closer. He got lost with Brian's lips kissing all over his neck, face, and hands... he got lost into Brian's eyes. And looking at them he knew. They were both lost by now.

Hm... what happens when both Frick and Frack get lost into each other's eyes? Alone in a bedroom? :: wonders ::

Wanna know? E-mail me!!!! :o) lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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