A Dare Made Me See the Truth

By Lady Misterious

Published on Jul 4, 2002


So, hey... I'm Luciana de Jesus... or Luciana Littrell, I like both! LOL And I've written stories like We Went Crazy, Dude and I Am Here For You. If you read any of these you will know that my stories are always about Frick and Frack! This is also another slash Brian and Nick. Don't be fooled by its start, it has lots of girls characters, but its a slash m/m!


Legal Disclaimer: I don't know the boys! This story is pure fiction!!!! If this kind of story is ilegal where you live don't go ahead! It has m/m graphic scenes, if you don't like it don't read! You've been warned!


It'd be a really interesting afternoon. They just loved these days off when the Backstreet Boys were allowed to spend sometime with their friends. They had just finished the tour for Backstreet's Back and were back in Orlando to a few months off.

"So, what we doing today?" - AJ asked.

"What? Don't you know?" - Nick asked.

"Know what?" - Howie entered the conversation.

"We are going over to the girls... Lucy just called inviting us." - Nick said.

"Oh, cool!" - AJ and Howie said in union.

"Yeah, we are gonna stay there all day." - Kevin added.

"So, who else is gonna be there?" - Howie asked.

"Lucy, Joey, Samy,... hm... lemme think... OH! And Julie and Rachel." - Brian said.

"Great! Five girls to five boys!"

"Very good, Howie. So, you CAN count, huh?" - AJ grinned.

"Duh, shut up, J..."

"You guys stop messing around, lets get ready coz I can't wait to be there." - Nick said.

"Ok, see ya'll in fifteen minutes then." - Kevin said heading towards his bedroom.

They left and as soon as they were alone Nick turned to Brian.

"Hey, do you think we are gonna play Truth or Dare?"

"Hm... maybe, why?"

"Ok, just in case I wanna let this said. If we do play it, I want you to dare me to french kissing Joey, ok?"

"Oh...." - Brian giggled. "Ok, Frack. I get it!" - Brian winked. "And by the way, if as you said we do play Truth or Dare I was wondering..."

"Who do you want me to hook you up with?" - Nick cut him off with a large smile.

Brian smiled too.

"Well, ya know how I think Lucy is pretty..."

"Ooooh... I get your point!" - Nick winked too.

They stood up and shared a small laughter before changing to go out.

"Oh, Joey, I can't wait to have the boys here!"

Joey looked at the brunette in front of her.

"Me neither, Lucy!" - she laughed and sighed before talking again. "Do you think our plan is gonna work out?"

"Of course it will! Listen, we all know Nick has a crush on you and Brian's got the hots for me, right?"

"Yeah." - Joey smiled.

"So that its obviously gonna happen! All we have to do is play truth or dare with them..." - Lucy grinned and her eyes shone.

"Well, guess you are right. Besides, we got nothing to lose, right?"

"Sure! So, will you help me with the cameras? We gotta do it before Rachel, Samy and Julie arrive."

"Yeah, I'm going gurl..." once again they grinned at each other.

"I'm so glad we are finally being able to hang out together again!" - Lucy said as she gave each boy a hug and invited them in.

"You girls have no idea how much we missed these afteroons!" - Kevin said hugging his friend Rachel.

"So, you guys can go ahead and tell us everything about the tour! We wanna hear it all!" - Samy said.

"Sure we have a lot of funny stories..." - Howie began.

Joey glanced at Lucy and she gave her a sign to calm down. They had time to do a little talking. The game could wait a bit longer.

"Julie! How has my favorite dancer been doing?"

"Oh, I'm wonderful, AJ!" - the girl said kissing him in the cheek.

"Yo, Nick... so quiet."

Nick turned around to face Joey and a smile appeared across his face.

"I'm just so happy to see you all again. Thats it." - Joey smiled and they headed to the living room.

After a couple of hours talking about all the news and stories and crazy things that had happen to all of the friends during this past six months they were finally in the mood to move on.

Lucy didn't waste time. When everybody was quiet she just said it.

"Hey! What about playing Truth or Dare? Don't you guys miss that too?" - she smiled widely at her friends, especially Joey.

"Hell, yeah!" - Nick said a little too fast.

"Geez, lets play it then!" - Rachel said.

"Ok, cool. Where are we going to play it?" - Kevin asked, always pratical.

"What about my bedrroom? You all know how large is my bed, and its very cool there. I can't stand this hot sun shining through all day. I do love summer, but..." - Lucy was saying.

"Oh, I definitely agree with ya. We should play it up there." - Brian said feeling his heart speed up.

Everyone headed up stairs to Lucy's large bedroom, and before they follow the others Nick lightly squized Brian's hand.

"This will be fun..." - he whispered to him.

With half an hour of game Howie and Samy had already dropped it and were just watching now. AJ had been dared to kiss Julie and Kevin had been dared to suck on Rachel's neck. As far as it went on they were getting more and more in the mood.

"Ok, Lucy." - Nick began. Brian was staring at him. - "Truth od Dare?"

"For you Nicky... I say Dare." - she grinned.

"Good girl... lemme think... Ok! I dare you to french kiss Brian!"

"Oh, my!" - she smiled.

Lucy also looked at Joey and saw she was smiling.

Brian had this huge smile across his face when he leaned down to kiss her. They kissed during a whole minute until they pulled apart, both satisfied. For Lucy only one thing could be better than kissing Brian... and she was about to tape it with Joey...

"Ok. I pick Kevin." - she said. - "Truth or Dare, hun?" - Lucy asked but also noticed Brian looking at Nick thankfully. She kept a smile from coming up.



"Here, let me help ya!" - Rachel said and whispered something into her ear.

"Oh, oh! I like it!!" Lucy said. "Yo, Kevin... this is what you have to do. Go to the drugstore across the street and buy a bottle of LUBE!"


"Oh, God!" - AJ exclamed laughing his ass off.

"This is gonna be fun!" - Howie said.

"Geez, I can't miss on this one!" - Nick giggled.

"Sorry to disapoint you people, but I'm out."

"Noooo Kevyyyyy!" - Lucy insisted laughing.

"Yeah, c'mon, just do it, boy!"

"Nope, Joey. I'm out, girl."

"Oh, ok..."

Lucy sighed.

"So, he is out. Truth or Dare, Joey?"

"Oh, me? Dare, definitely!"

"Ok, french kiss Carter."

Brian, Nick, Joey and Lucy smiled.

After the kiss broke the game went one. Only Julie and Rachel had dropped. Now it was only AJ, Nick, Brian, Lucy and Joey. Three boys and the girls.

"Ok, Nick, here it goes: I dare you to call your father and tell him you are gay!"

"What, AJ! Can it be at least my mom instead? My dad will freak!"

They were all laughing, including the friends that had left the game and were sitting around the room.

"Hm, is mister No-one-beats-me-at-dares afraid? - AJ teased.

"No way! Gimme the phone, Lucy!"

With a huge smile she handed him the phone and everyone kept silent to hear the talking.

"Hello, Angel? Is dad home?" 'Please God say he is not!' - Nick thought. "Oh, ok I wait." Nick rolled his eyes when everyone let scape a small laughter.

"Hey, dad, whats up? Yeah, I'm fine too. Hey, listen, I just called coz I needed to tell you something. Yeah... yeah, you better sit down. I just have to spit it out..." Nick took a deep breath not to let his laughter come up.

"Hm, the thing... Ok. Dad, I'm gay. Yes, thats it. No, I'm sure! How long? Well...." - he looked at his friends.

"Since you entered the group!" - Joey whispered.

"Since I entered the group, dad. How do I know? Weeeell..." once again Nick turned for help.

"You are in love with Kevin!" - AJ screamed.

"Hey!" - Kevin laughed.

"Dad, I'm in love with a bandmate. I love Kevin." - Nick put his hand over the phone in order to avoid his father to hear the laughing spread through Lucy's bedroom.

Nick kept the talk a little more when he couldn't take it no longer.

"Oh, oh! Listen, dad. I'm not gay, ok? I'm here at the girls and we are playing Truth or Dare. They dared me to call ya and say I was gay. Yeah... silly game, I agree." Nick said with a forced straight face that made everyone laugh.

"Ok, I'm off now dad. And don't worry about Kevin, I still hate him!"

More laughter when Nick hung up.

"Hey again!" - Kevin joked.

This game was getting fun.

Twenty minutes later they managed to get AJ out of the game. Now its was only Frick and Frack and the girls. The others were tired, but to the four of them still playing the game it was on fire.

"Hm, Lucy. Truth or Dare?" - Nick asked.

She waited a few seconds to answer.


Nick thought a little and a wonderful idea crossed his mind.

"Ok, I dare you to french kiss your best friend Joey!"

"You, what!? Nick Carter, you are a bitch!" - Lucy laughed.

"Whoa, a good bitch!" - AJ said. "Thanks, for that buddy."

Brian smiled. Nick was such a pervert!

Nick waited. A smile crossing his lips.

Lucy also smiled. And Joey did too. Without realizing it now Nick had just given them an oportunite to do what they wanted. But first they had go through this little challange. Oh... Nick would have his payback. And both girls knew that. And this thought wouldn't go away since almost the first day they met.

"Ok." Lucy said turning to face Joey. They had this rule that every french kiss had to last one whole minute. Both girls closed eyes and kissed. Not that bad, but it had made all the boys stare closely at it with dropped chins.

"Wow!" - AJ said when they broke apart. "Just... wow!"

They all laughed.

"Ok, Carter, your turn. Truth or Dare?"

"Dare, baby. Go ahead, Lucy... tell me to eat dog's food!" - Nick played.

"Oh, no Nicky..." Lucy began with a childish voice. - "As I'm a very fair person, I'll dare you to french kiss your best friend... Brian!"

Nick froze. Ok, he had asked the girls to do that, but its was normal for them wasn't it? It was ok for girls to kiss other girl friends. Not boys! Definitely not boys. They didn't do that!

"Oh, God... you kidding?" he asked looking at Brian. He was also in shock, but smiling too.

"No, why do you think so?"

"Bitch." - Nick said kidding. And she laughed.

Lucy looked at Joey. She was smiling widely. Oh, God, they needed desperately to see it. Nick and Brian kissing! For some weird reason the girls had this fetish about Nick and Brian together. They just couldn't explain how hot this boys made them feel. And here finally their chance.

Nick looked at Brian. He felt his heart racing. How could he do it? Brian was his best friend!

"So, Nicky... are you in, or are you out?" - she asked pausedly

"Bri, you ok?"

"Hm, sure..." - he tried to sound normal.

Everyone around came close to see that. Oh, this would be something to remember! The day Frick and Frack were more than friends!

Nick reached for Brian. Their mouths were only a few inches away. Brian could feel Nick's breathe on his face. For some crazy reason that made him want to kiss him. Brian wanted to kiss him badly.

Nick swallowed hard and touched Brian's lips with his. They stood like this for some seconds. Lips touching, caresing, brushing against each other's, none being able to do the next move. It was so different but yet so good!

"Hey, guys! I'm not seeing any tongue, you better put some tongue in this kiss if you don't wanna leave the game, Nick!" - Kevin rushed them. They all needed to see that.

Nick smiled against Brian's lips and gave him the finger.

Back his attention to the kiss Nick was still unsure of what to do next when he felt Brian pushing his tongue and forcing his lips to part. A little surprised he obeyed and accepted Brian's tongue. Getting used to this feeling Nick also slid his tongue into Brian's mouth. If this was actually happening then he wanted to enjoy it to the fullest. He slowly began to explore Brian's mouth. Oh, Brian was playing with his tongue, sucking his lips lightly, making Nick go crazy. God, where did he learn to kiss like that? And WHY was he kissing him like that?

The people around had their mouths open. This kiss was lasting for almost three minutes now. None of the boys willing to pull apart. Joey and Lucy in heaven with the sight. 'Oh, God, make this last forever...' they thought. And that was when Lucy and Joey grinned, probably thinking of the camera they had set in the bedroom. Oh, God... They could have this scene forever!

Nick's lips were so soft... His tongue was so innocent, licking, sucking Brian's lips everywhere... When did he thought kissing Nick would be so sweet? That was when he realized they were kissing for a looong time. Slowly and against himself's will Brian broke the kiss. He stared at Nick. Nick blushed.

"Wow" - that was the word everyone was thinking about and Joey said it out loud.

Brian laughed and Nick blushed deeper crimson.

"C'mon, you guys! Let's go back to the game!" - Nick whined. He couldn't look at Brian. He was afraid to. His heart was racing. He had never been kissed like that.

"OK." - Joey said. Already with something in mind.

After Nick's turn Joey asked Brian:

"Truth or Dare, hottie?"

"Oh, definitely truth. This game is getting dangerous!" - they all smiled.

"Ok. Did you like kissing Nick, I mean, is he a good kisser?"

"Oh, no! I don't wanna answer that!" - Brian said blushing his cheeks out and Nick just wanted to dig a whole and hide inside.

"C'mon, last question, Bri!" - Lucy insisted. "After this one we take a break and have something to eat. And maybe we can even watch a movie later!"

"Oh, I'm hungry." - Kevin said.

"Me too!" - Howie said together with everybody else.

"Ok, ok... I'll answer." - Brian avoided Nick's eyes. He didn't want to look into them. "Yes, I liked the kiss. A lot, ok?"

"Great!" - Lucy laughed.

"Would you say he is a good kisser?" - Joey asked again.

"Yes, he is." - Brian answered still not looking at Nick. - "Ok, it was a fucking awsome kiss and I loved it to death, can we go eat now?"

Everybody laughed as Nick and Brian blushed deep.

"Ok, we can go now..." - Lucy said satisfied.

As soon as everybody left Nick looked at Brian and held his arm lightly.

"Thank you." - he whispered shyly and Brian smiled.

"They dared me to say the truth..."

This time Nick smiled at him.


OK, DO YOU LIKE SO FAR? Please tell me what you think! E-mail me either at lucianapopstar@hotmail.com or lionessy@hotmail.com

I'd really rather the latter coz the former's inbox is kinda of flooding. LOL

Next: Chapter 2

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