A Coachs Tale

By Scott Coffin

Published on Nov 11, 2017


From: scoffinator69

Disclaimer: This story is complete and utter fantasy, and should in no way be believed to say anything definitive about the characters involved, their sexual orientation, or their personal desires. It is 100% about the author thinking that this scenario would be fucking HOT. You should also realize by now that in a fantasy world, everyone is always safe from disease and disfigurement. We do not live in a fantasy world, so do with that knowledge what you will.

If you are underage according to your jurisdictions applicable laws (18 or 21 in most cases), please do not read or disseminate this story in anyway.

This story is copyrighted by the author as of 11-09-2017

Constructive input and/or encouragement is welcome at scoffin.2814@gmail.com. Flames will be ignored. I do hope you enjoy this story.

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(This is chapter 3 of 3 for this particular team story, this part takes place immediately after chapters 1 & 2 . Special thanks to Ryan S for the nudge toward the Eagles.)

A Coach's Tale 5: Where Eagles Soar (chapter 3)

From late in chapter 1:

Ertz began to pull back and away slowly, releasing Burton's tongue from his stud hole, and extracting his leaking cock from Celek's swallowing throat. As he moved away, swinging his leg back over the bench to allow his team mate's to lock eyes again, he caught something in the corner of his eye.

Focusing now on the man not 10 feet away from the lusty foursome Zach caught the gaze of his daddy stud head coach, Doug Pederson. Blocked as he was by a piece of exercise equipment, the tight end could only see the big man's upper body, could only allow himself to be held by the older man's steady, controlling gaze. As sure as he was that the coach had been there for a while, and was probably stroking his own daddy cock, Ertz knew that the coach's view wasn't blocked in the least, and that the stud had a clear view of his assistant and three tight ends rutting, sweaty orgy. The heart that Zach had felt was being sucked out through his cock just seconds ago was now lodged in his throat as he stood in the appraisingly penetrative gaze of this studly man.

This man that Ertz was desperately, childishly eager to please.

And that eager desperation terrified the 26 year old jock stud.

And the smiling, nodding look that was cast his way told him that terror was registered, and would be assuaged the minute that Zach was willing to let it happen.

Zach Ertz watched his coach turn and walk away, just catching sight of the stud walking through a side door and down the passageway...


The gasping, labored breathing of the three men he had just left behind still echoed in Zach Ertz's unsettled brain. The 6'5" Eagles tight end was desperately trying to center his addled mind, and wasn't having much luck. Even the knowledge that he felt this disoriented not because of what he had just left behind, but rather what he was moving toward was little comfort. A part of him was screaming internally that he did not have to do this, that he could simply turn around, go to his locker, get dressed and leave.

It would then not ever be brought up again. Every echoing slap of his bare feet on the cement floor of the corridor, every beat of his heart, every slap of his still hard cock against his sweaty body as he moved told him otherwise.

Not only did he need this, he FUCKING wanted it! This had never been in doubt, and yet he had pushed it away, had all but run from it from the very beginning. He respected the man he was on his way to meet above almost all other men. He was inexorably drawn to the integrity, fairness and strength of him like a magnetic pull.

He knew, beyond the shadow of a doubt, where his apprehension in this moment came from. When he had first met the man properly back in 2016 he was struck in a confusing dream like way how much this man reminded him in attitude, stature, knowledge and even looks, of his first real coach. Zach had already been an Eagle for three full seasons when Doug Pederson came to the team as their new head coach.

And that first official meeting between the two men took the younger man right back to middle school, and the whirling, stormy tumble of thoughts and feelings toward his coach that he didn't understand until much, much later. An incoherent list of barely formed ideas, of colliding and merging fantasies that were always pinging in the back of his mind. A collection of dreamscapes that only came into focus once the by then highschooler had realized how fucking awesome it felt to have a buddy going down on him or riding his young cock in a bone crunching rut of jock sex.

For a while he told himself he was lucky he didn't understand those thoughts earlier...if he had, he would probably be the bitch to his jock buddies instead of having his own little harem of jock studs eager to please him.

But only for a while. And, he knew now, not any more.

Part 1

The corridor Ertz had walked down was only half lit, and when he approached the steam room, it looked at first completely unlit and empty. For a second, the 26 year old jock thought he must have been mistaken about what his coach wanted, the man must have just been taking...what, a shortcut? The naked, sweaty tight end stood for several minutes at the door, hand on the handle, eyes cast down staring at the bare floor.

Knowing there could be no turning back once he opened the door, he finally pulled. The billows of steam hitting his flesh cleared his mind, steeled his determination. Inflamed his desire. Stepping into the humid, misty space and letting the door close silently behind him, he took three steps forward before realizing the room was actually lit, but only by the emergency fixtures on two of it's tiled walls. The one to his left cast a soft, steam clouded glow on the man sitting below it.

Sprawled on the low, wide shelf of tile, nude and sweating sat Zach Ertz's Head Coach, Doug Pederson. Small streams of sweat lazily rolled down the man's beefy body. His head was laid back against the wall behind him. His left leg bent at the hip and knee, foot resting on the bench, left hand dangling over the raised knee. His right leg splayed casually across the tile at an angle away from his trunk. His right arm curled up and over his head, furry pit exposed to Zach's gaze. His eyes were closed, as if he was asleep.

Zach Ertz took another step and a half closer, not intending to stop there, but shocked still at the further exposure this new angle afforded. Eyes drawn the the flesh laying casually across the thick right thigh, and dangling loosely between the beefy spread legs. His coach's cock was magnificent even in it's mostly soft state. Thick, long, uncut. The dangling scrotum was huge even hanging loosely down to the tiled surface it was resting on. Full, virile, lightly furred. The graying pubic bush and treasure trail above accentuated the curve of the man's beefy solid looking gut. The sight of this man was breathtaking to Zach. It hit the 26 year old jock god that at 49, his stud daddy coach was the same age as his middle school coach had been back when these fantasies and desires had started to make themselves known. A small, but easily noticeable pulse in the thick cock of his coach, coupled with this new realization, brought an involuntary moan to Ertz's lips. A moan that turned to a gasp the second he noticed that his coach was now gazing at him with just as much aching need as he, himself was feeling.

"Hey, Zach. Good session today, you worked hard just like always."

For such an ordinary statement, it rang in the tight end's mind like pure seduction.

And it made Ertz realize that he had no idea what to say to this man in this moment.

"Thank y...I just. Thanks..." he stammered, feeling stupider by the second. "It's good, here..." (what the fuck was that, Ertz! JESUS you fucking idiot!)..."I'm sorry...I don't...it's just...fuuuuuuck, I am an ass." this last coming in at barely above a whisper, not even meant to be said aloud.

"No you're not, son."

Zach Ertz tried desperately to look at the floor. Forcing his eyes down from his coach's intense gaze, only to rest on the man's genitals, fuller now than they were just seconds ago.

"I've never been...I've never done, before, what I really want, coach. I was never strong enough to let myself."

"What is it you want, Zach?"

"To give myself up to a man." the jock took two more steps closer, "To you, sir."

He raised his eyes to look directly into his coach's.


"However you want, coach."

"Are you sure, son?"

"Yes, sir. Very."

Doug Pederson smiled. Half triumphant, half gentle. As huge as this moment was for him, as much as this was the culmination of a year and a half of lusty dreams and plans, he knew from Zach's words and demeanor that it was magnified for the player by at least a factor of ten. The 49 year old coach spread his legs a little wider. Brought his right arm off his head and rested the hand, palm spread out, on his thigh, thumb lazily tracing along the head of his rapidly swelling cock.

In spite of his height advantage, Zach Ertz felt small standing naked and hard before his coach. That feeling only increased as he knelt before the man, palms coming to rest on the strong, beefy legs. The tight end leaned forward, lips parted, and planted a slow, sensual kiss on his coach's eraser hard left nipple, worrying his tongue across the sensitive point of flesh. His right hand trailing up the hairy thigh, over the hand there, and around the fleshy hardening stalk of coach cock. The kneeling stud slid his tongue across the man's broad chest, capturing the right nipple between nibbling teeth and under dancing tongue. Grip tightening on now fully reared daddy meat, twisting his brig ball carrying hand around and up the long, thick appendage. Left hand moving in, releasing the ankle to heft the full nut sack in it's palm.

Doug Pederson watched as his star tight end began to kiss his way down from his chest, across his firm, stocky gut and nuzzle his tongue and nose into the graying, sweaty pubes. He listened, horny as fuck, while his boy inhaled and tasted of his musk.

"You smell so fuckin' good, coach." Zach breathed into the moist V of Doug's crotch.

Nuzzling his way through the dense forest of hair, he slipped his tongue from between his full lips again, sliding it along where the proud cock merged into full, virile nut sack. Working over the surface of the gonads, breathing and tasting deeply of his stud coach, Ertz slid in under the weighty sack, and lifted the flesh and its contents, pressing the musky treat closer into his lips, tongue and nose. The jock stud, snaked around and under the orange sized scrotum before nearly unhinging his jaw and drawing it into his wet, hungry mouth., as his upper lip nearly kissed the base of his coach's cock, the man's big hand came into contact with his nearly shaved skull. Waves of goosebumps erupted across his neck and shoulders, trailing down in a V across his sternum and down his spine as the rough, strong fingers caressed the top of his head.

"That's it, boy...That's so fuckin' good."

Tight end gripped coach cock as he laved over the balls filling his mouth nearly beyond capacity. Long loose strokes along the hard column of flesh wrapped in his hand told Zach that his coach was maybe half an inch longer than himself, but also that the stud 49 year old was half again as thick. The knowledge that the first man to fuck his beefy jock ass was this big should have been cause for concern. As it was, however, Zach Ertz's sphincter began quivering, his internal muscles clenching, in eagerness at their impending doom. The feel of the firm balls shifting around under the soft furry flesh inside Zach's mouth; the strong, encouraging hand running over his buzz cut scalp; the low, gasping moans of the man he was servicing; conspired to jolt the tight end's own genitals to let their pre-cum flow. The stud jock felt his crown getting slicker, reveled in the feeling of thin web like streams trailing down along his over heated shaft. Dizziness clouded his mind as this man's scent washed over his tongue, as this man's taste slid down his throat.

"Fuck, coach...you taste so fucking amazing!" he breathed, releasing the potent ball sack from his mouth, kissing his way up the powerful appendage rising above it.

Stroking his hand up, his tongue and lips moving in it's wake, Zach sheathed the flaring crown in it's foreskin, running his pinky finger in between, swirling it around the sensitive leaking head. As his hand came up and off the shaft, only the digging digit still in contact with the hard, pulsing flesh, Ertz raised his left hand up to the broad, beefy chest, capturing the hard left nipple between thumb and forefinger, pinching down, drawing a shivering, quaking gasp from between his man's full lips.

The stud tight end cast his eyes up, catching his coach's lusty gaze as he continued tracing the very tip of his tongue teasingly along the pronounced tube running the length of the thick powerful cock. Breaking contact just near the top, Zach pulled back slightly.

"May I suck your cock, coach? Please, sir?"

"You fucking better, son!"

Zach Ertz pulled his big jock hand the rest of the way off Doug Pederson's fat stud cock, and rested it on the powerful thigh that moments ago had been cradling the cock now standing, full and proud, before him. His lips parted. His tongue darted along his twitching lower lip. His jaw relaxed. The stud tight end leaned forward and let desire and instinct take care of the rest. Making contact with the massive column of flesh, tongue first, tickling the coach's piss slit, pushing at the nearly enveloping foreskin, lips closing around the very tip of the crown, and then descending along the smooth column of flesh, tongue whirling like a dervish, eager to imprint every millimeter of the cock on it's suckers memory banks. Even before he was halfway down the thick nine inch shaft, the 26 year old man was hit with a disturbing thought.

"What if I'm not able enough?" Jaw already stretched wider than he thought possible, he was uncharacteristically unsure of himself, doubting that he would be able to serve this man, this godly coach, the way he deserved to be served. "I don't think I'm going to be able to take it all."

It was the banana curve and the flaring mid-shaft that caused this doubt. The stud tight end knew instinctively that these features would take him to nirvana and beyond when his coach finally claimed his anal cherry, but right now, they provided a challenge he wasn't sure he was up to.

Until his stud coach increased the pressure of his hand on his player's head. Pushing just slightly harder, moaning encouragements.

"You got it, boy...You can do this, son...suck your coach's cock like you've wanted to your whole fucking life."

Zach felt pubes tickling at the tip of his nose. Then at his lips. His chin made contact with the heavy hang of stud ball sack and he inhaled the virile scent of his coach's sweat and spit slick crotch.

Every achievement in his life, on or off the field, faded in importance as he impaled himself fully on his coach's massive cock. He held the man there. Balls deep inside his sucking, humid mouth. Luxuriating in the feel of this man's iron hard flesh flattening his tongue and pushing into his throat. His chest swelled with pride at his coach's words.

"That's so fuckin good, Zachy." slipped from Pederson's lips in gasping praise.

Part 2

The feel of cock filling his mouth was something the Zach Ertz had long ago learned that he loved. Since first going down on one of his buddies back in college, he found that he really got off on holding so much power by being on his knees in front of another jock god. He had an innate understanding of the fact that, in this position, the supposedly dominate man was pretty much at the mercy of his cocksucker. It was for sure part of the reason he loved having one of his team mates or coaches down on him. It was one of the few ways that he had, up until now, been willing to let someone else take control of the situation where sex was involved.

Kneeling before his stud coach. Sucking this man's massive cock balls deep. Zach knew, in his heart of hearts, that would be the only way he would ever have anything like the upper hand whenever he and Doug Pederson rutted. The tight end reluctantly began to slide back up toward the tip of the cock he had willingly impaled his face on, not entirely sure he would be able to take the whole of the monster back inside his gaping maw. Flicking his tongue around the crown once again, he began to slide the iron hard column of flesh back into his throat to the point where he once again breathed in deeply of his coach's man scent. Strong, musky, honest sweat.

Zach Ertz brought his left hand off Doug Pederson's beefy left tit, trailing it along the man's body down to where he could cup it under the hefty balls that he knew were full of stud coach babymakers. He began to move his right hand up intending to treat the right nipple to the same tortuous treatment he had just given the left. Still moving his skull up and down a long the fat nine inch monster in the fiery furnace of his mouth, he pinched hard on the pointed nub and then released it, letting the edge of his thumbnail trace along it's tip before pinching again. The ambrosia that was his coach's pre-cum streaming out onto his flattened tongue with each repeated scrape until his hand was covered and moved away.

Doug Pederson brought Zach's massive right hand to his mouth, laying gentle kisses on the palm before taking three long, thick fingers between his lips, sucking the digits deep inside him even as his tight end was servicing his cock in a similar fashion. This move had the added benefit of drawing moans to his stud player's lips. Moans that in turn reverberated around his rock hard cock. The stud coach noted that his kneeling player was vibrating now with the most primal of needs. Extracting the spit soaked fingers from his mouth, he waited for Zach to begin moving them back towards his aching nipple before changing the play.

"Finger yourself."

The command hit Ertz with the force of an earthquake, sending shivers of need through his body in a way he would not have thought possible from such a simple statement just seconds ago. The stud tight end shifted his arm's motion, spreading his knees wider on the tiled floor as he brought his hand closer. Zach pointed his index finger, letting the other two curl under slightly.

"Use all of them."

Zach Ertz's ears went pink, the color running up his scalp and down his neck, spreading over his entire skull as well as his shoulders. Pointing his fingers together, he felt the tips make contact with his winking sphincter, and pushed inward through the tight ring of muscle, moaning bestially as they sank in to the middle knuckle. The vibration of his animal moan was answered with a vibrating pulse of the stud cock in his mouth, and another streaming of the savory pre-cum across his tongue.

"Fuck yourself."

Doug Pederson watched, horny as fuck, while his stud tight end slipped into a smooth motion instinctually. Zach Ertz continued his rising, falling, swallowing action on his coach's cock. Commenced sliding his three long, thick fingers into and out of his muscular ass. Most erotically, to Pederson's eyes, the 6'5" god pushed his hips back toward his thrusting fingers each time he slipped them in toward his own ass. The coach was impressed, not just at the smooth multitasking, but also at the fact that in fingering himself, Zach seemed to ratchet up his already nearly insatiable need to service his coach's cock.

The 49 year old head coach let himself be pulled higher and higher by the cocksucker kneeling before him in grateful service. The 26 year old tight end let himself be pulled lower and lower in the depraved action of diddling his virgin jock ass under his coach's command. The two men were so powerfully turned on to each other, so totally in the moment, that it seemed to both something of a let down as Doug Pederson cupped his left hand under Zach's chin and pulled him slowly off his cock.

The tight end stayed on his knees before the man, knees spread so wide that his balls brushed the floor under him, even as he continued to finger his steamy ass. His jaw was slack, mouth hanging open, eyes pleading silently as his tongue traced along his full lips. He caught and held his coach's steely gaze, accepting and acknowledging his place. He gasped slightly as he continued riding his thick fingers, spreading them apart as much as possible inside his tight ass, his pre-cum pulsing out of his slit and trailing down along his proudly engorged cock.

Part 3

Doug Pederson adjusted himself on the tiled shelf of the steam room, pulling himself forward and planting both feet firmly on the floor he sat up and nodded at his sexy as fuck stud tight end.

"Stand up and turn around."

Before the stud tight end had even fully complied, Pederson reached out, grasping the jock's hips and pulling the jock quickly back toward himself. Ertz's upper body shifted forward and over at the suddenness of the move and as he started to right himself his lust took over and his brain commanded his body to shift his muscular ass back farther. Head Coach tongue speared it's way into tight end ass as the two men came together once again. Zach Ertz raised his head and choked out a sound halfway between a scream and a gasp as his coach's experienced, pointed tongue drove it's way inside his moist, musky ass.

Doug Pederson forced his tongue inside his jock stud's ass, tearing past the man's clenching ring of muscle to bury itself, inches deep, in the tangy space. The feel of his tight end's massive, muscular ass grinding back onto his chin, demanding that the tongue drive deeper into him, told the stud coach everything about how hard it had been for this man to fight his deepest needs all these years. The coach knew, he was sure, even better than Zach did at this point how desperate the tight end was for this moment, and how eagerly the 26 year old would take the pain of his first (but definitely not last) fuck.

Still grinding his jock ass back on his coach's ravenous face, reaching behind himself to pull his cheeks even further apart, Zach let his head slump forward to swing at the end of his neck. Looking down across his torso from this vantage point, the stud tight end caught the overwhelming sight of two thick strands of pre-cum stretching to the floor under him. His own impossibly long string nearly to the tile, the coach's already there and still pulsing out new beads to run along it into the pool that was already forming between his feet. After several minutes of deep drilling tongue, of grinding himself back on his coach's face, Zach knew he could take no more.

"Fuuuuck, coach......PLEASE! I need...Need it. SO! FUCKING! BAD!"

Doug Pederson pulled his face away from the gaping, musky hole and sat back, smacking his player's rock solid ass.

"You better mean it, son. You know this doesn't happen without pain."

Zach Ertz rose to his full height and turned to face his coach, he hoped the look of determination on his face was convincing enough, because he was sure his voice would betray his fear if he spoke. Stepping in closer, he lifted one long, muscular leg and brought his foot to the tiled shelf, brushing his coach's left hip as he did so. Shifting his massive 6'5", 250 lb body slightly, he reached behind himself to hold this stud's massive cock upright and began to lower himself towards it's slick crown. His right hand wrapped around his own huge cock and puffed up scrotum as he blindly slid his taint along the missile that was about to claim his virginity, finally feeling the moistness of the sickeningly thick best kiss at his winking entrance. The massive stud tight end looked deep into his god-like coach's eyes and began to press himself down.

Doug Pederson brought his rough hands from the muscular glutes they were cupping, and trailed them up to the top of the big man's thick thighs. Nodding slightly to the tight end still tentatively trying to impale himself, and never breaking eye contact, the 49 year old daddy coach clenched his strong arms and yanked downward, tearing through the virgin ass with a single searing drive. The squelching tightness enveloped his massive cock as the stud tight end let out a single, extended silent scream at being breached so suddenly, so deeply, so perfectly. Doug Pederson ground his hips upward even as he held his boy down, putting an exclamation mark on the tortuous claiming of the no longer cherry jock hole.

Zach Ertz stared slack-jawed into the eyes of his coach, every drop of oxygen seemingly knocked out of his lungs by the impalement. He did not...COULD not...break eye contact as his stud coach continued to grind upward even as his fingers dug painfully into Zach's muscular legs, forcing the massive tight end up and down the couple of inched that he could manage alone. The pain ripped trough Zach's body like a cosmic tear across time itself. He was torn. He was bloody. He was ruined. He fucking had to be after that rocket blast of a drive. His balls felt crushed against the pelvic bone of the man still grinding into him. And still, he wanted more.

Fuck that...He NEEDED more!

Zach Ertz found to his surprise that the muscles in his legs still worked, and as his coach relaxed his own muscles between grinds, the stud tight end used his powerful legs to lift himself, three inches at first, before letting himself fall back onto his coach's hard spike. Repeating this move even as his coach continued his powerful upward grinds to meet the flesh of his stud player. Soon Zach was impaling himself five inches at a time, only to be met with hard thrusts upward as he slid back down. His pre-cum was flowing like a river now, his head reflexively nodding as his bruised ass was impacted by the upward thrusts of his coach's pelvic bone. Doug Pederson's rough hands shifted back under to cup the tenderized flesh of Zach's glutes, helping the jock with his upward slides, and then digging painfully into straining muscle to pull the player back down, HARD, against his beefy body.

"Use me, coach." Zach choked out the words, "Fuck my ass, sir."

"Ain't an ass anymore, boy...it's a fucking CUNT!"

"Uuuhnf...oh fuck...fuck...goddamn! Just use me...please!"

Zach leaned forward, locking his arms around behind his coach's thick neck, lips parted, aching to be kissed.

"Use what?"


A bone crunching upward thrust, punctuated by a twisting grind.

"Use what, son?"

"My cunt, sir...Please fuck my jock cunt...Fuck it deep coach, PLEASE!"

Doug Pederson obliged his broken, sweating, gasping tight end.

"You like your coach's fat cock raping your jock cunt boy?"

"Yes, sir."

"You want me to fuck your cunt harder?"

"FUCK! Yes, SIR!"

"What are you, son?'

Zach was taken aback. He knew the answer. He even believed it with every fiber of his being right now. He knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he wanted – fuck, NEEDED – to admit it to the powerful, rutting man beneath him.

"I am a piece of jock cunt, coach." His voice was sure and loud, vibrating with need, "I am YOUR piece of jock cunt, sir."

Doug Pederson shifted into a dangerous roll forward, bring his slut tight end's shoulders to the tiled floor as gently as he could and letting himself be pulled off the shelf by the momentum even as he continued driving into the eager, clenching jock cunt he had created just minutes ago. Bracing his feet on the floor he reared himself back completely out of the gasping, quivering mess of man sprawled beneath him and pounded his way back in fully a second later. Ripping his massive cock in and out of the pleading jock completely on each pile driving thrust of his hips. Palms splayed out flat on his tight end's massive pecs, the 49 year old stud fucked the holy hell out of the 26 year old jock bitch who not a half hour ago had been a cocky ass raping top.

Zach Ertz moaned and gasped beneath the man, his long muscular legs lock behind the power driving glutes of his coach, heels digging deeply behind the older man's knees, desperately encouraging every tearing, powerful drive into his aching, clenching, needy jock cunt. His eyes locked in the man's tractor beam stare, pleading silently to never let this painful, dizzying fuck end, while at the same time pleading for his stud daddy coach to breed his worthless self deep and full.

"Gonna cum for me, cunt?"

The only reply possible a gasping exhalation of breath, a slight nod.

"Yeah, bitch...You are gonna blow the biggest fucking load of your life with your coach's cock diggin' deep into your cunt."

"Yes, sir...please." barely even a whisper in response.

Zach's mouth was dry, his lips burning as hot as those of his brand spanking new jock cunt, as his coach continued to fuck hard into him, then tear himself completely out. The tight end began to rock his twisted body under neath the rutting frame of his coach, using what strength he had left to grind back against the older man's deep, powerful thrusts. Unable to remember any words besides 'please', 'more', and 'sir' he babbled them repeatedly in ever more incoherent order. His jock cunt was quivering, vibrating dangerously like a jet through turbulent skies. His body, aching and bruised; but still eager, was surely breaking apart at the seems as his stud coach continued to bore abusively into his desperate cunt.

It came without warning to the player, but not to the coach.

Doug Pederson timed his next full thrust perfectly, keeping himself just outside the jock's ass for an extra half second before reclaiming the ravenous channel. The fat, long cock forcing Zach's first blast of cum out even as it tore fully inside the ruined stud's ass. One thick, long glob of tight end seed rocketing out and dropping serendipitously across it's former hosts open lips and searching tongue. The realization that he was tasting himself driving Zach's balls to pulse again with another shot, driven out with another deep thrust of coach cock, this time raining down along his adam's apple before sliding along his neck and dripping to the floor under him. The third anointed his chest, leaving a long trail of jock slime between the splayed fingers of his coach. The fourth rocketed across his clenched abdominals as the first blast of his coach flooded inside of him. The fifth joined the fourth, slicking his belly even more as he felt the monster cock inside him continue to belch out it's seed deep inside his now fully claimed jock cunt.

The two men continued to grind themselves together, two more massive pulses of coach seed deposited inside tight end ass even as dribbling dregs were forced from the gulping slit of the used jock cunt. Doug Pederson gripped tightly around the still hard cock of his bottom bitch, dragging his squeezing hand upward along the shaft. Gathering the final dregs of jock cum onto his fingers, he brought his hand to Zach's mouth, tracing the jock's parched lips with the slime covered fingers. Baptizing his boy with his own essence.

The kiss, as he brought his boy's head up with a sure hand along the nape of the neck, was surprisingly gentle after the violent, bruising rut.

"We win the Super Bowl, and I will let you breed Wentz's ass while I breed yours."

Zach Ertz deepened the kiss, moaning against his coach's tongue.

Next: Chapter 9

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