A Coachs Tale

By Scott Coffin

Published on Nov 9, 2017


From: scoffinator69

Disclaimer: This story is complete and utter fantasy, and should in no way be believed to say anything definitive about the characters involved, their sexual orientation, or their personal desires. It is 100% about the author thinking that this scenario would be fucking HOT. You should also realize by now that in a fantasy world, everyone is always safe from disease and disfigurement. We do not live in a fantasy world, so do with that knowledge what you will.

If you are underage according to your jurisdictions applicable laws (18 or 21 in most cases), please do not read or disseminate this story in anyway.

This story is copyrighted by the author as of 11-05-2017

Constructive input and/or encouragement is welcome at scoffin.2814@gmail.com. Flames will be ignored. I do hope you enjoy this story.

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(This is chapter 2 of 3 for this particular team story, this part takes place simultaneous to chapter 1. Special thanks to Ryan S for the nudge toward the Eagles.)

A Coach's Tale 5: Where Eagles Soar (chapter 2)


Defensive Backs Coach, Cory Undlin, spotted his quarry across the weight room near the end of supplemental training, and moved quickly toward the two men. He knew the task he was about to assign them would be met willingly, even eagerly, by safety Malcolm Jennings, but was less sure of the response he would get from corner back Rasul Douglas. The 46 year old coach just hoped that the 26 year old vet would be able to take the lead in bringing the 22 year old rookie up to speed on the nature of his request.

"Hey, coach. Finally getting here to check up on us at the end of the day, huh?" The cocky young corner back queried.

"Yeah, Douglas, figured Jenkins was man enough to keep you out of trouble while I worked with the squeaky wheels." the position coach answered. "Need a favor from you two, if you have time after this. A few plays from last week we need to go over in the film room, need to make sure we are all up to speed for this weekend. You guys OK to come watch so we can get this straightened out?"

"Sure thing, coach...anyone else you need me to corral?" asked the stud safety.

"Nope, thanks though. The three of us can bang this out better amongst ourselves, I think." came the coach's reply, "come on over once you're done here."

As their position coach walked away, Douglas looked at his teammate, his face screwed up in a frown. He was trying to figure out when he had fucked up last weekend bad enough to require extra film review time. His team mate's smirk, in light of the situation, didn't seem either appropriate or helpful.

"Focus, kid...one more rep and we're done here and can go meet up with him." Jenkins told Douglas. "And if you think about it while you pumpin' those last 10 out, you gonna like the conclusion you reach."

The 22 year old stud rookie started in on his last rep less sure of himself than ever. Mind still racing, the only things he knew for sure was that he didn't want to look like an idiot to his older team mate if he couldn't figure this out, and that the only other thing he was certain of was that he absolutely did not want to disappoint his coach. The tempest in his mind, though, kept repeating the fact that he was about to do the former, and had obviously already done the latter.

Part 1

As Jenkins and Douglas finished their workouts, and trailed most of their team mates as the weight room emptied, the older man could see the wheels turning in the rookies head. Still trying to suss out the meaning of, and need for the impending meeting with Coach Undlin. The stud corner back was on the verge of asking his team mate, begging him even, to let him in on what was gonna happen, and how much trouble they were in. The question was swallowed and replaced with a new one when he realized the older safety had not been leading them over toward their lockers.

"Shouldn't we shower up first, Malcolm?"

"Nah, man...Better this way. Quicker we face him, quicker it's done, ya know."

"Yeah, I guess man. Just can't figure out what ether of us did wrong last weekend, kinda nervous about missing something, ya know?"

"It's cool, kid...Undlin ain't the kind to to be unfair."

Rasul Douglas steeled himself as his buddy opened the door to the half lit film room, and followed him in. The rookie stopped short three paces in as he caught sight of the screen, image frozen to show himself in a leap, legs and arms spread at the moment his finger tips caught just enough of the ball to deny the opponent a big first down early in the 4th quarter. On the big screen, he could see the sweat glistening on his arms, and could just about make out the tint of his flesh under the sweat soaked football pants, the waist band of his compression shorts just visible above them, and under a sliver of flesh exposed along his side under the raised jersey. Undlin stayed standing in front of the screen, facing away from his players as they took their seats just behind him.

"Can you tell me what's wrong with this picture, Douglas?"

The rookie stared harder, studying the image of himself desperately to try to find what must be obvious, but was stubbornly invisible to him. A sidelong glance to his team mate, searching for any kind of help at all yielded nothing...his team mate was staring at the screen as intently as their coach. The flash of blue light caught the rookie by surprise, drawing his eyes back to the picture with a jerking whip of his strong neck, the expanded circle of light from the laser pointer was right over his the image of his packed to nearly overflowing basket, his coronal ridge neatly outlined under the skin tight fabric of his white football pants. Douglas shook his head slightly, half convinced he would see what the real issue was when he refocused, only to notice then the outline of his full, heavy nuts.

"My package?!? This is about my fuckin' JUNK!?!"

Cory Undlin turned around to face his rookie corner back slowly.

"This is not a joke, son! Do you have any idea how lucky it was that I was wearing black last weekend? If it had been a fucking gray day it would've looked like I fuckin' pissed myself you had me leakin' so fuckin bad!"

The anger, the edging threat of violence in his coach's voice took Douglas by surprise. The words themselves to fucking ridiculous to register.

It was the deep laugh from his team mate that brought it all into focus, slowly, like he was coming down from a strange hallucinogenic trip. Looking to his right, seeing the grin still spreading across Jenkins' face splitting his beard, the last tumbler fell into place and the vault opened with a clarity the young man began internally beating himself up for not having seen before.

In front of him, lit bright by the glowing picture covering the wall, his coach stood. Rasul Douglas had never seen Undlin dressed quite like this before, even during the hottest training sessions over the summer. Fitted style Eagles t-shirt, dark green mesh shorts, flip-flops. How had he not noticed this when he came into the room? How had he not noticed the 46 year old studs pale skin glowing under the shorts?

And especially, how could he not have noticed the tent in those shorts as the older man's swelling cock pushed out and up behind them?

The rookie half caught the slow spreading grin crossing his coach's face as he stood and lunged at the man. Landing against the man full force, pressing his coach against the wall with another swift, strong stride, as his lips crashed against Undlin's face, his jock tongue driving into chis coach's mouth. Douglas caught the mans wrists in his hands, and raised the man's arms up and out, pressing them into the wall as he ground his needy body against the older stud's. Desperate for his coach to feel the package that had so distracted him on Sunday pressing full and hard against him. Eleven hard inches of rookie jock cock pressing against the still swelling package of the veteran coach.

Undlin let himself sink into the kid's kiss, allowed his being to be claimed by the 6'2" 22 year old stud. His only claims to manhood expressed by his tongue wrestling against the one invading his throat, and his cock grinding back against the pressure applied by his corner back Frotting against the jock stud's trunk of an appendage.

Douglas felt the whisper in his ear almost more than he heard it. Jenkins now pressed full behind him, the safety's strong, nimble hands sliding up under the loose tank the rookie was wearing, pulling it up.

"Thought for sure it was gonna take another couple minutes before you got it, son."

It wasn't an insult, or even teasing...sounded more like gratitude at being wrong. The tongue sliding along the nape of his neck and the ridge of his shoulder brought the rookie's head back, his lips and tongue breaking contact with his coach, his cheek rubbing lightly along Jenkins' bearded face. The safety continued in pulling the corner back's shirt up and off, fingers tangling with the younger man's he led Douglas away from the coach, and back over to the table, turning together the two defensive backs rested themselves along the edge of the table, their coach watching them as Jenkins leaned in for a kiss. His tongue pressing insistently into the rookies mouth, forcing the bigger man's lips apart, fingers sliding up from the younger man's waistband to flick over a now exposed and diamond hard nipple.

"Breathe, son...relax a little." Jenkins exhaled into Douglas' right ear, "This is gonna be way better for all of us if we take it slow and let it build."

The rookie felt himself relaxing even as the new hands running along the waist band of his shorts set goosebumps to erupting across his entire body. Opening his drooping eyelids, his gaze met the bright blue eyes of his stud coach as the older man leaned in closer. Douglas let Undlin set the pace, allowing him to sink into the deep, needful intensity of the kiss as their lips met, the feeling magnified by the teasing sweep of his team mate's tongue on his neck, and the gentle tweaking of his left nipple between the safety's thumb and forefinger.

The sweep of his coach's thumbs now moved slowly and inexorably under the waist band of his shorts, then sliding around to his sides. The slight change in pressure registered in the rookies mind as a need to raise his hips off the edge of the table, and then melted into the felling of the loose nylon being lowered along his strong legs. Douglas kicked them off his ankles without even really realizing it. His coach's thumbs slid now between his strong sweaty thighs, as the man's fingers began tracing along the very edges of the jock pouch, sliding in under the gaps steadily.

"Been waiting for this since I saw you at the combine, kid. Gonna fuckin' LOVE having you on my team!"

Part 2

Cory Undlin gazed up at Rasul Douglas, the rookie unsure how or when the coach slipped between his thighs and lowered himself to his knees. The strong fingers pulling at the jock still encasing the 22 year old's cock. The corner back refused to blink, staring down at his coach, desperate to imprint this memory as deeply in his brain as possible. He wanted to remember the slight widening of the older man's eyes, the gasping sigh and the whispered 'fuck' as his coach first laid eyes on his hard shank, and he was not disappointed. As the jock was pulled off, and freed from around his ankles by his stud coach, Douglas continued to watch, eager and waiting for their first full contact. As Undlin leaned forward, tongue slipping between barely parted lips, the rookie was quivering. Between the teasing pleasure of his team mates fingers tracing along his spine, and the safety's soft full lips mapping the side of his neck, and up behind his ear, and then steady breathing of their coach on his now exposed shaft, the 22 year old corner back was in a state of constant and eager agitation.

Rasul Douglas watched, and more importantly felt, as the experienced, steamy wetness of the tip of Cory Undlin's tongue made first contact. The rookie sank into the feeling of the agile muscle slipped heatedly around the crown of his proud aching cock, and slipped more firmly still just under the coronal ridge. He watched, rapt, as his coach's lips parted further, slipping assuredly over the very tip of the player's crown, than sank slowly downward, inhaling the massive cock with practiced, deliberate action.

The coach broke the visual connection as he refocused his stare at the glistening, dark caramel tinted skin of the rookie's pelvic bone. Douglas let his head fall back, eyes fluttering closed as his stud coach swallowed him in to the hilt. The rookie felt his sensitive cock head scrape along the ridges at the back of the older man's throat at the same time he felt the pressure of chin against ball sack.

"He's fuckin' good at that, ain't he?"

The whisper of his team mate, the feel of the 29 year old safety's fingertips tracing along the valley where the small of his muscular back gave itself over to the deep cleft of ass crack, brought the rookie back from the brink. Turning his head, he gazed at his studly bearded mentor, unsure of how his next move might be greeted, but knowing he had to do it anyway.

Malcolm Jenkins leaned in just an inch, but it was enough to keep his team mate moving forward on his own, the veteran defensive back let his rookie team mate take the lead in the kiss, parting his lips slightly to allow the younger man's tongue entry and responding encouragingly before bringing his left hand into motion, tracing along the stud rookie's side as he made his way up toward hard, pointed jock nipple. The 6' safety broke the kiss and made his way tongue first across Douglas' muscled chest, taking the erect protrusion capping the man's right pec between his teeth and lips, and pinching the left between thumb and forefinger.

"I can get my nut at least twice with you studs. Don't feel you have to hold me back any."

The older men both smiled to themselves, neither doubting the 22 year old's words, and maybe even both a bit jealous of their truth. Undlin felt the need to knock the cocky rookie down a bit, and responded, pulling himself off the big man's fiery jock shaft.

"Like you would have a choice!" just before he vacuumed the rookie's massive nuts into the humid cavern of his mouth.

Jenkins chuckled against his team mates nipple, biting down half involuntarily, just a bit hard, and for good measure dug his right thumb deeper into the crevice of the rookie ass.

"Lower, man..Get down in there, buddy." Barely a whisper, more like an exhalation of breath from the corner back

"All in good time, my man." came the reply as the 29 year old vet brought his lips up to claim his team mates gaping mouth in a renewed kiss.

The dizzying intensity of his team mate's lips and tongue running amok over his own, the thumb riding along the sweaty crack of his ass, the humid heat of the stud coach's mouth once again sliding down along his cock had Rasul Douglas in a state of bliss he had not felt in years, if indeed, ever. His left hand came into play, fingers running through and tangling in the shaggy, graying hair of his coach, guiding the 46 year old with pleading encouragement. The thrilling dance of the older man's tongue flitting across the surface of his aching cock, the strong rough hand cupping and rolling his balls in their spit soaked sack, the swallowing gulps rolling with exquisite pressure along his shaft was driving the rookie near to insane as he reveled in the pure pleasure of these two men tasting of him, each in their own way.

The movement of his team mate, shifting himself away from the rookie, brought a shock of cold to the overheated flesh no longer pressed against Jenkins. Opening his eyes, wanting nothing more than for the stud safety to reestablish that contact, Douglas watched his team mate move up and off the edge of the table. The 6 footers smiling gaze piquing his curiosity, Douglas watched the man move around, and crouch behind their coach. The rookie watched as the safety hooked his thumbs under Undlin's shorts and began to pull them off, forcing the older man to rise up in mute assistance. The pale skin of the older man's still muscular ass came into view, the slapping sound of hard cock suddenly freed meeting abdominal flesh brought a craning to the rookie's neck, a renewed desire to see what his coach was packing, and an impressed whistle at the sight of 8 hard, uncut inches with plum sized nuts anchoring at the base.

The rookie expected Jenkins to let the man sink back to his knees now that his disrobing was complete. Instead, he felt his coach's arms circling around behind him, fingers gripping tightly into the flesh of his upper glutes and trailing along the the crack between them. Douglas watched, transfixed, as his team mate steadily began to rise further, arms linked tightly around their coach's waist. The older man's legs were now spread under the veteran safety's arms, the strong black hands, palms splayed, supported the pale skin of the coach's belly as he was held aloft upside down. As Douglas watched Jenkins pointed tongue moving forcefully toward the older man's ass, he felt the angle of the cock sucking throat enveloping him shift slightly, and the last inch of his cock sinking into the coach's gasping throat as the man's hands clung tighter to his clenched glutes.

The first time Cory Undlin had been in anything like this position was part of a bet. His stud safety was the one rimming his aching, clutching ass then as well, the player having bet his coach that he could get the older man off by doing nothing else to him. The 46 year old stud had taken the easy bet only to find himself inverted, arms locked in a V on the floor providing support and protection should the safety's grip falter, and had never been so glad to lose such a seemingly easy bet as he was when a little over a half hour later he dumped his load to his player's virtuoso tonguing. That time though, he was closer to the floor and able to confidently brace himself. This time, he was very anxious at the precariousness of his vulnerable position.

Throat impaled on 11 inches of young stud jock meat, hands desperately grasping at sweaty muscle flesh, ass raised nearly six full feet in the air as he was being expertly rimmed. He felt he was being only just barely held up with his legs clamped between Jenkins' muscular arms and flared torso, supported only by the safety's palms, splayed open on his belly. The movement of his rookie phenom only increased his worry. It was obvious the 22 year old stud needed to start a driving throat fuck, but given the awkward position was barely even able to grind his hips.

As the 6'2" rookie began to stand, Undlin was sure he was going to come out of this maneuver with a broken neck. Douglas' strong right arm brought the corner back's hand to his coach's sternum, splaying palm up against the fiery surface of the skin as he rose to full height. The rookie's left hand trailed dangerously along his coach's trunk, across the back of Jenkins' hands, to wrap loosely around the coach cock, thumb rasping over the older man's oozing slit, as he began to fuck himself in and out of the stretched mouth. Cory Undlin was dizzy with feverish, drunken lust; magnified by anxiety as he was held aloft and skewered between these two jock gods!

He felt his ass lips quivering and nipping around the driving tongue of his veteran safety. The muscular wet appendage drilling into and along the walls of his needy ass, sphincter long since speared into submission as his player continued to drive forward as if he might actually be able to work the prostate with it. Precious oxygen was gulped in on each of his stud rookie's withdrawals as the 22 year old raped his throat raw, flaring crown surely bruising the roof of his mouth and the back of his throat as the iron hard shaft rocketed into him only to be torn back almost all the way out.

Undlin felt Douglas' balls pull tighter to the base of the rookie's cock against his chin and under his fingertips, he knew he was powerless to stop this particular throat raping freight train from barreling through, his half formed thought was only whether he would die from drowning or from lack of oxygen when the softball sized scrotum finally let loose. The coach sucked in a last desperate gulp of air as the rookie withdrew, only to be caught off guard as the first 2 blasts of jock cum poured out across his flattened tongue. Still spurting the savory elixir, Douglas drove his massive cock back fully into the scabbard of his coach's throat, two more rocketing blasts pouring down the greedily swallowing throat, Undlin now suddenly, wildly seeking more of the stud's baby-makers.

Jenkins saw the faltering stance of his team mate, the sag of the 22 year old's shoulders, and the slackening of his pumped up arms, shifting his own stance and grip instinctively, he brought Undlin's feet firmly to the ground, extricating his tongue from the man's still clenching hole as he did so, at the same moment the currently shot out rookie slumped back onto the edge of the table.

Cory Undlin let Malcolm Jenkins guide him, the 6' stud running his still splayed hands up the older man's torso, bringing the coach's sweaty back up against sweaty, heaving football jock torso. Coach was grateful for the gentleness of his stud safety's nuzzling along his stretched, sore neck, and the loosely stroking grip on his cock. The slight relaxation rippling through the coach's still horny frame gave Jenkins just the exact opening he needed.

Part 3

Malcolm Jenkins grasped his coach's cock tight with a sudden fierceness, pulling Undlin away from his body as he did so. Swinging the older man around and away from him so fast that the other two men in the room were taken aback. Rasul Douglas watched his coach fall back against, and then upon, the table he was currently resting on. The rookie corner saw the flash of apprehension cross the older man's face as Jenkins lunged forward between the man's thighs. The speed of the moves, and the self assured force they were meted out with were nearly frightening, but really more surprising.

The coach was used to this sort of quick shifts in position when he was with Jenkins, but usually the stud safety would give his coach a little bit more of a breather between bouts. This time though, it was obvious the veteran had a plan in place and was going to keep things moving at a quicker pace to make sure that everything occurred the way he wanted. Cory Undlin smiled lustily as he lay back on the table, allowing the 6' stud built jock to lift his legs over the broad shoulders, getting even more turned on as his player brought one leg up off the ground, and bent it to rest the foot on the table beside the coach's hip. Undlin knew from experience what the extra leverage this position gave his jock stud would mean for his aching ass and pulsing prostate.

Seeing his coach relax and lean back, and the lusty grins crossing both men's faces, the 22 year old rookie relaxed into the moment, eager to watch his stud built team mate fuck their stud built coach. Douglas looked down to the spot where the two men were about to be joined, noting the oozing hardness of his coach's eight inch shaft. Just behind and under the man's ample balls, he caught first sight of his buddy and mentor in a fully aroused state.

Malcolm Jenkins' cock was a work of art. A thick, flaring oval of a stalk, nine pulsing inches, crowned with a deep purplish red head, uncircumcised, and drooling out great belches of pre-cum. The head appearing to become wetter and slicker with each and every heartbeat of the stud safety. Douglas and Undlin both looked down to the tip of the behemoth, gazing in anticipation as the tip of the proud crown kissed at the quivering entry of the spit soaked ass it was about to claim. The rookie noticed his coach gripping the edge of the table harder, and caught the older man's slight nod out of the corner of his eye. Jenkins immediately lifted his shoulders as if bracing himself for a tackle, raising his body a couple of inches higher, and slid solidly forward.

Nine thick inches of jock stud cock sank into the coach cunt under him, stopping only in a bone crashing grind deep inside the bowels of the 46 year old now whimpering like a starving puppy. The deep drives of the powerful safety were long and steady, extracting nearly all of the massive cock on each withdrawal, and then sliding back in with with a gut churning force. At least, Douglas assumed his coach's gut was churning, he sure as fuck knew his was. The stud rookie found himself clenching up his kegels on each driving thrust his team mate made into their coach, milking on a phantom pole digging deep into his own ass. Watching with a studied gaze the 22 year old longed to know what Undlin was feeling in his cunt nearly as much as he dreamed of feeling himself sinking into that daddy hole. By the fifth deep stroke, Jenkins knew he was not going to be able to remain inside his coach for long if he wanted the rest of this scene to play out according to his plan. By the seventh, Douglas realized that he was as hard as he had been in the seconds just before he had fed his coach his first load of the afternoon. By the eleventh, Undlin knew that in his heart of hearts what Jenkins plan was, and as the massive, familiar cock inside him continued to work it's magic on his bruised and swollen prostate, his feelings were a bit mixed. When the two men began to speak in lusty growls, it took Douglas a minute to catch on to the fact they were talking about him, and not the fuck they were currently enjoying.

"You ever take anything as b big as him, coach?"

"No, man...fuck...you're the closest, you got him beat big time on girth, stud."

"Not big time, but yeah...doesn't matter though his extra length more than makes up for my extra thickness."

"He's gonna find virgin territory up in there, that's for sure."

"Yeah, and you gonna fuckin' love it, you bitch ass slut!"

Jenkins was still laughing as he leaned over and let a wad of spit drop along the 11 inch rookie shaft, using his loosely gripping hand to smear the jock saliva over the fiery skin of the jock cock.

"Gonna need more than that I think, son." Jenkins informed the rookie looking into his eyes.

Douglas wasn't quite sure the rutting fucker meant, but leaned over himself anyway, and released his own hot wad of saliva, letting it rain down onto his cock, and his buddy's cradling palm. Something about the way his team mate looked him straight in the eyes as he lubed Douglas' 11 inch monster with their shared spit pulled the rookie onto another higher plane of lust, the pull of the strong arm as Jenkins encouraged his team mate to stand and move closer to him made the younger man even more eager to serve and please these two powerful men however they would let him.

"You want this, son? Wanna fuck this tight coach cunt? The slut will let you, man...all you gotta do is take it from him. You think you can handle that rookie?"

Rasul Douglas lunged in and laid a brief but passionate kiss on his stud team mate. "Fuck yeah buddy...let me hit that cunt!"

Malcolm Jenkins withdrew from the desperately clutching ass, and climbed the rest of the way onto the table over the well fucked coach, slipping over to the splayed out man's side so he could watch the scene unfold. As Douglas broke his way in several inches deep before meeting temporary resistance, the 29 year old stud slapped his cock on his coach's face, eliciting the desired response as the older man's neck twisted, bringing his gaping maw around to instinctively find and inhale the fat, fuck slimed cock. Eleven rock hard inches of rookie cock sank steadily into the moist depths of the coach cunt as Douglas watched his buddy begin a languid but full throated plundering of their coach's lust crazed face. Sliding backward until only his cock head was left inside the man beneath him, the stud rookie slid back in, doing his best to mimic the movement, rhythm and force which had team mentor had just been using. His lusty gaze drifting from where his coach's mouth was stretched impossibly wide over his buddy's cock, and then down to the leaking stalk of the slut bottom himself. Hooking the fingers of one hand around his coach's drooling eight incher, he raised the cock away from the man's body, then used his other hand to pull the ample foreskin up and over the slick head, running his thumb between the enveloping flesh and the firm, dripping head. Swirling around in that humid space, he ran his nail along the overheated, angry red skin of his coach's crown, drawing a prolonged muffled moan from the man's cock stuffed mouth.

"He needs it harder buddy...pound that cunt...only way to get this stud off!"

Jenkins words...COMMANDS...came to him as through a long tunnel, by the time they registered in his lust drunk brain he had already taken too much time in heeding them, and his team mate had pulled away from Undlin and scrambled around behind him to show it should be done. For a second, Douglas thought his team mate was gonna pull him away from the volcanic heat of this miraculous ass and take over. But on his faltering back stroke he rammed suddenly into the immovable object that what his buddy's powerful jock stud body. The contact sent him ricocheting between the two men..shallow sharp thrust 4 inches deep into his coach, painful recoil onto his team mates diamond hard, spit slicked cock. On the third, Jenkins hit the target and drove into his rookie team mate's tight jock ass.

Douglas was rocketed forward with the force of Jenkin'sentry, burying himself once again balls deep in his coach's greedy, clenching ass, and sliding halfway off the stud safety's thrusting cock. Jenkins didn't even allow Douglas time to start an new withdrawal before pounding the rest of the way back in, driving a forceful fuck into his young friend, even as he drove his young friends driving fuck of their coach.

After a dozen or so strokes, the rookie gave up trying to match his mentors pile driving motions, and let Jenkins drive both of them forward and slide both of them back. Douglas was riding on a wave of pure energy being transferred between and among the three rutting, gasping, sweating studs. Letting his massive cock be milked by the talented ass clutching it like a fist, and willing his own ass to milk the massive shaft driving him to nirvana with rocket launch force. His strong shoulders sagged and his head and torso slumped in a forward arch, raining sweat onto his coach's already slick torso with every bone crunching drive of the fat nine inch monster pillaging his jock cunt.

Feeling another pulse of pre-cum wash over his thumb, Douglas' attentions were drawn to the eight inch cock in his grip, suddenly thirsty like he had spent a week in the Sahara, he bent over further, desperate for the free flowing liquid his coach was oozing out. The powerful thrusts into his muscled ass made catching the shaft, let alone tasting of the nectar it was offering, after two desperate, gasping minutes he finally managed, wrapping his lips tight around the ridge under his coach's head, slurping madly of the life giving elixir now pouring onto his tongue.

Cory Undlin descended into an incoherent mess at the capture of his cock head by full powerful lips. Moaning out a continuous string of whimpering syllables containing way to many vowels, the 46 year old stud allowed himself to float along on the jet stream of his lusts, the ache in his balls punctuated by the pulsing punches of eleven inches of rock hard flesh pummeling his prostate, his scream started nearly silent rising to an operatic crescendo that echoed through the facility as he felt his balls seize up, and then release, his daddy coach cum rocketing along the shaft of his cock and into his rookie corner back's mouth.

Rasul Douglas could only stay latched onto his coach's pulsing orgasming cock head for the first two blasts, jerking upright involuntarily with the mounting pressure of his own impending orgasm. The third of his coach's shots caught on his lower lip and chin as he rose, the fourth and fifth sprayed across the bottom sluts belly and chest in great searing globs as the man continued his grateful scream of release. The rookies own scream rising in harmony as he felt himself thicken and pulse deep inside his coach's steamy ass.

As his first blast rocketed from the end of his cock, eleven inches deep inside his coach, his scream rose in pitch and volume as the sharp teeth of his team mate sank into his shoulder. Feeling Jenkins already massively thick cock widen inside him, feeling the already fiery, bulbous crown swell further still he continued dumping blasts of cum inside the still whimpering man he was breeding, and felt himself being bred in unison. The eruption of Malcolm Jenkins' seed deep in his ravaged jock cunt soothed the rookie, even as the teeth digging into his flesh, and the thrashing twisting grinds of the jock god cock spewing inside him caused exquisite agitation to flow through his entire body.

He felt himself falling forward less than half conscious, was half aware of the strong arms snaking up over his back from below, and the pressure of the built jock body slumping across him from above. He didn't care whether he ever recovered form this fuck, only that it would happen again and again as long as these three men were Eagles.


Coach Doug Pederson stared through the windowed door for another minute as the men relaxed, sated, further into each other, his cock achingly hard. The desire to jerk off to the rut he had been watching for the last ten minutes, since just before the rookie impaled his assistant on nearly a foot of cock, had been nearly impossible to overcome.

Turning away from the door, he moved quietly away, ears perked up for any hint of sound to draw him to what he most wanted to find.

Zach Ertz.

Next: Chapter 8

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