A Christmas Event

By JustJames (James Robinson, James Jones, JacanaKid, The Fisherman)

Published on Dec 24, 2004



This story is fiction and contains sex between an adult male, a teenager and a younger boy, if this upsets you please leave now, if it is illegal for you to read this please leave now.

Your comments are eagerly sought please send to juzjamie17@yahoo.com, all emails answered but flames extinguished on arrival. My hotmail address is not operating at the moment so please note the new address.

A Christmas Event...........................................justjames17

It was nearly Christmas only seven more sleeps till that jolly old gent came slipping down the chimney to leave the presents for all the good boys and girls. My Mum asked me to take my little brother, Joe to the Department store to visit Santa, he is 5 years old I'm Clinton 16 years old, so I get to baby sit him often and get put on to take him places when my folks are too busy. I love him but it gets to be boring having to take him to places like Santa's Kingdom, I'd much rather be off with my mates messing up and such.

We caught the train into the city and got off at Flinders Street station joining the thronging crowd squeezing through the ticket gates to leave the station and get out onto Swanston Street. We stood on the steps under the clocks and watched the people wandering about the footpaths, Joe stood there clutching my hand as if I might vanish and leave him lost and alone in the big city. As if! My folks would kill me if anything happened to Joe, I too would be broken hearted if he got lost or anything like that, I was always being told to watch out for nasty people trying to get hold of my sweet little brother. I was warned that some people would love to get him and do sexy things with his little body, I dreamed about that happening sometimes to me and I'd wake up with a monster hard on. Of course I'd have to wank off till I blew my load, this was one of the best things I'd learnt from the guys at school three years ago, I had been having a piss in the bog at school when four older kids, about 15, walked in on me.

They all pulled out their dicks as they surrounded me and started to wank, I was awed at the sight of their big dicks and the hair they had in neat patches above their fat cocks. One guy Todd even took my hand and held it on his cock as he wanked it, the feeling of his huge cock, huge to me at that age, was awesome. It was warm, silky smooth but hard under the velvety skin, I could feel it throbbing as he slipped our hands up and down the shaft and rubbed his big knob, which was oozing stuff out as we stroked him. He started to wank really fast and he sort of moaned as he began to shake and shiver, then suddenly this hot milky stuff flew out landing on my face and lips. His friends all shot off as well and their juice flew all over the place but mostly on my face and shirt, I was covered in the stuff and I licked my lips tasting the sweet salty stuff, it was really nice. They all laughed at me saying, " Oh he loves our cum look at him licking it up."

I did enjoy it and soon they were scraping it off me putting their fingers in my mouth so I could suck it off their hands, then Todd pushed my head down to his still rigid cock and pushed it into my mouth saying, " Go boy clean me all up nicely but don't let your teeth touch my cock."

I did what I was told and I licked his cock till it was wet and shining with my saliva, then he pulled his cock out and the other guys let me lick theirs clean too it was fun. Todd knelt on the floor and he sucked my little dick into his wet warm mouth and the feelings of his mouth and tongue made me go hard and stiff, he licked and sucked me till I had this unreal feeling which started in my little balls and grew spreading through my groin then out all over my body. I was shaking and humping my dick into his mouth as my eyes rolled up in my head and Todd had a firm grip on my arse steadying me as I nearly fainted. He held me tight gently licking my throbbing dick till I calmed down. It was unreal then he told me I'd just had an orgasm and asked if it was my first time, I couldn't talk but I nodded my dizzy head, as he squeezed my arse cheeks tightly in his hands. That was my first sexual adventure but I began to wank my dick every day after that experience, I'd pull on it till I got the special feeling and then would lie there puffing and shaking till it went away again. Enough about my introduction to sex, let's get back to the happenings in the city.

We walked down the steps and joined the moving river of people as they surged across the busy intersection with the traffic lights, we passed the famous Young and Jackson's Hotel on the corner and walked on up the street till we reached Bourke Street there we turned into the mall and made our way down to the Myer's department store. We joined the crowd looking at the animated window displays; Joe was entranced as we slowly walked along poising at each new window. His face lit up as brightly as the lights in the windows, his green eyes sparkling with joy and excitement, he was lost in the wonder of the display as we slowly walked along. We covered the full array of windows and then Joe looked up at me tugging on my hand saying, " Can we go see Father Christmas now Clinton? I'm so excited I just can't wait."

I looked down and noticed his feet were almost dancing with his impatience as I grinned at him and ruffled his honey blonde hair. I led him away and we walked into the store making our way to the lifts and riding to the roof area where Santa's Kingdom was set up. There was quite a queue of adults with their kids waiting for their interview with the jolly guy in the red suit, we joined the line and waited shuffling along slowly towards the big fake snow covered house where Santa hung out. There were a number of Santa's elves standing around supervising the queue and ensuring nobody pushed in to gain a closer place in the line. The elves were generally older guys and their outfits were very revealing long green tights with little green jackets and red caps with white pompoms on the tip, they had red shoes with long pointy toes. The green tights exposed their genitals clearly and I could see their cocks easily, there was one young guy about 19 in the group and he was cute.

Tall very well built, looked like he was a swimmer, his bulge was fantastic; I could discern his penis easily as I stood there watching him. I was wearing a red polo shirt and beige cargo shorts, they were well cut, fitted my body closely and the shorts showed off my bubble butt and the swelling bulge of my cock and balls in front. I was watching the young elf as we slowly wandered along and when we were nearer he looked at me, noticing me for the first time, his eyes crawled all over my body like a couple of spiders as he took in every piece of my body. His eyes dwelt on my crotch, as he stared at me my cock stirred and started to erect, he looked back up at me and smiled exposing his white teeth contrasting with his bronze tan. I was now standing right next to him as the line moved forward, I felt his hand lightly slip across my ass cheek as I gasped and quivered at his touch. Joe looked up at me feeling me shiver, he saw my red face as I blushed and asked innocently, " Are you ok Clinton you are very red in the face?"

I coughed and nodded telling him I was fine it was just excitement, the elf felt me again then moved away passing into Santa's house as he looked back at me and grinned. The line shortened and soon we were next in line at the door leading into Santa's Residence, Joe was bouncing excitedly and I said, " I hope you don't wet your pants with excitement little brother."

He glared at me and said, " I'm a big boy now I don't wet my pants anymore, you know that Clinton."

The elf on the entrance said, " Ok little fellow in you go and you sir can go through that curtain and meet him at the other end where he'll exit Santa's house."

I was nonplussed at being separated from Joe but thought it was fine nothing could happen while he met Santa so I went through the heavy black curtain. I found myself in a dark passageway and began to feel my way along the wall, I felt something warm and human and realized it was a guy, a voice whispered, " Hi don't be afraid it is the elf you saw outside, can I fondle and feel your cock?"

I stood there transfixed as he began to undo my shorts and his warm hand felt it's way down my flat smooth belly till he cupped my semi hard cock in his fingers, I moaned saying, " Oh gees that feels awesome."

My own hand felt down to his bulging tights and I slipped my hand inside till I reached his taught briefs filled with a massive cock, well to me it was massive. I had 5 inches of cock when I was hard, his felt twice as big as mine and way fatter. I said, " I haven't got long Joe will be outside wondering where I am."

He laughed and said, " Don't worry about your little brother he will be looked after by my fellow elves, they know what we are up to in here. Normally the kid's escort goes through into Santa with him, you were sent to me especially to give you a really hot Christmas present."

I stood there quivering excitedly, my hard little 5incher throbbing and leaking in his hand. The guy pulled down my shorts and hooked my polo over my head baring my torso, he knelt down in the darkness and I felt his warm breath on my genitals as he moved closer. I shivered expectantly as his wet warm lips touched my slippery knob, then I felt his mouth swallow me to my tight pubic bush. I groaned with pleasure and tried to drive my spike as far into his orifice as I could, he swallowed my dick without any effort as his tongue danced about on my engorged penis. I'd never felt anything like this in my whole life it left wanking way behind, his wet slippery tongue licked and slipped all over my dick.

My body was writhing, thrusting and shaking in ecstasy as the guy pleasured my dick; after he felt I was in a sexual frenzy he slipped a wet finger into my tight ring and began to move it in and out. I was on fire my internals were churning in time to his thrusting finger, my hips gyrating my cock about in his mouth as I gasped and panted excitedly. His intruding finger pushed deeper and faster till his knuckles were ramming into my arse crack, he pulled it right back and then sent two digits into my anal opening. I squealed a little, my ring felt as though it was burning, the muscle stretching wider to accept his dual penetration. The elf began to twist his fingers about hooking them to pull on my anal ring, I was groaning and panting with both pain and excitement as he worked to loosen my constricting muscle.

The guy started scissoring his digits as he worked them back and forth; my poor virginal arse lips were stretching and contracting as he manipulated my body. The sensation was incredibly sexy even though I was in pain; the fingertips were touching something deep in my guts and sending electric charges through my body. I felt like I was going to cum at every stroke he did, my moans sounded in the blackness of the dark passageway, my steel hard cock was pulsing and dribbling at his touch. The elf pulled off my jumping prick and he began to kiss my lips and push his wet tongue in trying to get into my mouth, I shook my head grunting, " No please no."

This gave him the opening he desired and his spittle covered tongue slid into my mouth, I tried to drive it out with my own tongue but he just started playing with mine until I started to respond, as I began to enjoy the action. We were soon lip locked and pashing on hotly, swapping spittle as our tongues waltzed together. My cock was bouncing, jerking as we kissed and he continued finger fucking my tight arse, our moans sounding a duet in the darkness. The elf whispered in my ear, " I want to fuck your sweet bum, I promise you it will be great I won't hurt you, I'll be very gentle please let my fuck you."

I shuddered at the thought of his big penis penetrating my small hole, but I realized his fingers were opening my orifice wider to enable him to push into my guts. I whispered back, " Ok but promise you will stop if I ask you to."

I felt him nodding agreement as he kissed me again passionately, his fingers opened up and I felt the forth one slide into my ring, he twisted them around and I felt my muscle relax and give in to the spreading action. I was feeling really horny now, my heart was pounding excitedly and I was sweating heavily, he placed his hand on my shoulder turning me around but was still fingering my hot hole. He kissed my shoulders then began to kiss and lick down my spine as I moaned and wriggled, he reached the top of my arse cheeks and there he poised kissing and licking my firm muscled bum. He then started to lick my crack as he pulled one cheek out, sliding the wet warm member down my hidden flesh. I was groaning loudly and pushing back onto his tongue and those teasing manipulating fingers in my hole.

I felt him dribbling saliva down my crack and working it into my hole with his fingers, my ring was now excited and my inner self was wishing for his cock to press into my hot tunnel. The rubbery ring muscle was now coated with his slippery spit and his four fingers were sliding about easily, he stopped licking me and straightened up poking his fat knob into the four fingers holding me open. I felt him beginning to push inside me as I groaned and tried to clench my ring but the spread fingers held my loose muscle open for his entry. His swollen helmet was pushing into my silky chute lining as he pulled his fingers from my aching ring, I whimpered as my muscle snapped tightly around his fat shaft locking our bodies together.

The man hugged me to him as he stayed perfectly still, I could feel his cock pulsing in the grip of my stretched muscle, he sighed softly saying, " Oh you are so sweet, your arse is like a velvet glove surrounding my prick. Do you like the feeling of my manhood pressed into your hot young bottom?"

I whimpered and said, " No it hurts, and my bum feels like it's on fire."

He snuggled his face into my neck and said softly, " Just relax and let your body get used to my cock, it will stop hurting and you will start to love the sensation especially when I begin to fuck you."

I nodded and concentrated on relaxing and after a minute or so I began to feel better, the burning pain eased and I felt a tingling in my rear end. He knew I was coping ok so he slowly and softly eased more of his thick meaty pole into my expanding rectum, I whimpered and said, " Gently man, don't try to stuff it up me too fast."

He nodded into my shoulder as his tongue started to lick my throat, I shivered at the wet warm feeling his tongue sent through me, I was tingling with pleasure as he licked up and down my arched taught throat. He found my Adam's apple and mouthed it as his tongue laved on the firm little bulge as I moaned loudly and he thrust more of his long fat penis up my unresisting chute. He now had me skewered fully and I was on tiptoe arched out from his body as his fuck pole pushed firmly into my deepest part. He gasped and said, " Oh young fellow you are so hot and sensuous I could fuck you for ever. Your arse is so tight and the heat of your chute is unreal I've got to douse those internal fires with my juices."

I felt his fingers slipping gently over my taught torso feeling every tensed muscle as he caressed me; I was reeling deliriously with sensuous passion as my young virgin body responded to his gentle lascivious fondling. I was on fire in a blaze of sexual desire as I begged him to fuck my arse completely, he murmured, " Ok if that is what you wish I'll root you hard and deep."

I moaned aloud as he plunged his masculine meat hard up my arse pulling back fast then ramming back again over and over I moaned getting louder and louder until I was sure everyone could hear my hysterical reaction to his thumping tumescence. My head was rolling on his chest, my sweat dripping from me in the hot passageway as I groaned and bellowed for more. I heard a little voice near me and recognized my little brother Joe's voice he said, " Are you alright Clinton, I can hear you but it's too dark to see you in here."

I shuddered to think my little brother was present in the dark passageway and I felt him blunder into me as he felt around trying to find me. His small hands rubbed over my stomach and he said, " Clinton where are your clothes? You are not dressed, your body is bumping about too what is wrong?"

I groaned and said, " Joe go back outside and wait for me I'll be there in a minute."

Joe said, " I can't find my way back it's too dark I want to stay here with you Clinton."

I groaned as his little hands explored my torso gradually descending till he felt my tight pubic bush, he said, " Oh gee you haven't got any clothes on at all what are you doing? You are sweating a lot are you sick?"

I moaned and said, " No Joe I'm ok, please go away and wait outside for me."

The elf said, " No let him stay. He can play with your cock for you so you can cum easier, let him do your dick."

I mumbled, " No let him out he's too young for all this, he's only 5."

Then I shouted, " Joe go wait outside for me now I don't want you in here."

Joe grumbled but left me to fumble his way out of the passage, the elf now fucked me viciously ramming in and out as hard as he could till my arse was aching, I felt him swelling inside my body as he neared his climax then with a loud grunt he started cumming deep in my guts. I arched hard away from him as he thrust into me, I could feel him bathing my insides with his man goo, I felt like he was flooding me he ejaculated over and over again, until I felt his sticky frothy juice oozing slowly from my bruised ring as he thrust back and forth.

He stroked my erection jerking it hard and painfully until I too sent my spoof flying away into the blackness, I shot again and again, the most incredible climax I'd ever had. His fat spurting pole seemed to be forcing my cum out of my body, it was unreal, awesome, incredible. Time and again my swollen cock spurted my sweet cum into the surrounding blackness, I didn't think my body would stop until eventually I collapsed in his arms, his dick still embedded deep in my body oozing the last pearly drops of his juice. I felt completely exhausted, my arse ached, my cock was sore from his rough handling but I felt completely satiated and at peace as I gasped for breath. The hot blackness and the wild sex caused my body to sweat heavily, the elf's hands were caressing me slipping over my wet flesh stirring my desires even more as my tool erected again.

I felt smooth lips slip onto my cummy knob and a tongue licking my oozing piss hole, a hand began to stroke me up and down squeezing my cum tube as the last remnants of my sperm were pushed and sucked out. A dim light blinked on illuminating faintly the dark passageway I looked down with my sex glazed eyes and saw not the elf, he was holding me up and caressing my slick body, I saw my little brother sucking on my cock head with his sweet innocent mouth. I was amazed, as I thought he had left when I told him to but he had stayed listening to my deflowering by the elf and he was now sucking my rock hard cock. I groaned and said, " OOOOH, Joe what are you doing to me you little bastard? I told you to go away but you disobeyed me and now you are doing something you shouldn't be."

Joe's eyes lifted up to me as he sucked my tool, his eyes looking like a puppy, begging me, and pleading to let him continue. I moaned again as I felt the elf's cock thickening again in my arse as he watched Joe sucking me. He whispered seductively in my ear, " You look so sexy with your smooth muscled belly and your little brother sucking on your hot teen cock. I'm going to go for seconds up your terrific tight twot."

He humped into my sore tunnel his scratchy pubes rubbing against my arse cheeks, my body bucked as his fat knob rubbed on my prostate and my cock rammed into little Joe's throat as he swallowed me completely. I was amazed that he was capable of taking all my cock but he seemed to be enjoying my invading tool as he bobbed up and down dribbling saliva from his stretched little lips. His tongue dancing teasingly on my excited helmet as the elf's driving cock forced me in and out of Joe's hungry young mouth. I was swooning with ecstasy as my arse was pummeled and my tool swallowed, my body was a mass of vibrating nerves overloading my brain with stupendous sensations.

I started to climax as the elf drove deeper and swelled in my chute preparing to unload his second load into my flooded bowels, Joe was sucking, swallowing as my cock spurted rope after rope into his mouth. The elf's thick sausage was exploding, erupting, creaming my insides with his hot pearly spoof, I was bucking in unison to his frantic deep thrusts as he howled his delight and hugged me tight to his groin. My whole being was centered in my pelvic area, my erupting cock and my flooded boy hole, cum was all my brain could think of as Joe coughed on my pulsing prick.

Our dual climax petered out slowly and the elf's erection subsided and slowly slid wetly from my puffy red ring, Joe waited till my cock turned flaccid then sucking hard he allowed it to slide from his sweet young mouth. He looked up at me in the dim light, his lips shining in the light reflecting off the saliva and cum mixture, he smiled sweetly up at me then his pink tongue slid sexily out and he licked the slimy mixture off his lips. I bent down and kissed his hair saying, " Oh Joey you did that so well thank you so much."

Joe looked at me and said, " You can repay me tonight at home, you can give my dick a suck if you'd like."

I nodded and began to straighten up my clothing as the elf kissed my neck and said, " Thank you for that you are an incredibly sexy guy, would you like to continue with me in the future?"

I nodded and said, " Yes that was an awesome experience I never ever thought a guy fucking my bum could be such a turn on. I'd love to have more fun with you again."

He handed me a slip of paper with his mobile phone number and said, " Call me whenever you want to get together and I'll be there in a flash I live in this area."

I thanked him and we kissed then he bent down and kissed Joe saying, " I hope you will join in our fun little man you are gorgeous too."

Joe held my hand and reached out his other hand to stroke the prominent bulge in the green tights, the elf groaned and put his hand over Joe's pressing his hand against his tool as he moaned, " Oh Joe you must be a part of our sexy games I can't wait to play with you as well."

I grinned at him and said, " Well we had better get moving or we'll be late getting home for dinner. I'll ring you as soon as I can, bye for now."

We turned away leaving the handsome elf stroking his again hard cock as we found the exit in the curtains.

The End

Wishing all my readers a very Happy Christmas and a Truly Great 2005. Please send your comments to my new address, juzjamie17@yahoo.com.

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